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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  December 2, 2020 6:00am-9:00am PST

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>> sandra: the pfizer coronavirus vaccine getting the seal of approval for emergency use in the u.k. clearing the way now for the first doses to be rolled out next week. a good news note to start off on this morning, trace. good to see you. i'm sandra smith. >> trace: it is a big deal. good morning, i'm trace gallagher. the world's first approved vaccine and a major step forward in the fight against covid-19. the u.k. authorizing pfizer's vaccine for widespread use just as the country emerges from its second lockdown while here at home the cdc has decided who is in line for the first shots in
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the united states. >> when a covid-19 vaccine is authorized by fda and recommended, vaccination and the initial phase of the program should be offered to both healthcare personnel and residents of long-term care facilities. >> sandra: in just moments the white house vaccine czar, dr. moncef slaoui will be joining us live. we go to laura ingle. how are they deciding who is first in line for this vaccine? good morning. >> good morning, sandra. the cdc advisory committee's vote last night marks a significant moment in getting the panel's recommendations into the agency's director's hands. if approved it would put the two groups we've been talking about to the front of the line when the vaccine is ready.
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a huge moment last night. the panel of outside scientific experts who make up the committee voted 13-1 to recommend front line healthcare workers as well as residents of long-term care facilities to get that priority in the first days of any coming vaccination program. that is about 24 million people in those two categories alone who would get the shot first. recommendations aren't binding, we need to note. traditionally this type of move sets the table for formal recommendations made to states which have most always been followed. also in just a few hours the director of the cdc is expected to decide whether to accept the vote as the agency's formal guidelines as states get ready to start giving people shots in as little as two weeks. the panel's chairman, part of yesterday's virtual meeting, said this of his yes vote. >> i believe that my vote reflects maximum benefit, minimum harm promoting justice
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and mitigating the health inequalities that exist with regard to distribution of this vaccine. it is because of that that i voted in favor of this motion. >> the cdc is expected to release revised guidance on quarantine time today for those who may have been exposed to the coronavirus and tested negative they'll move it from 14 days to seven days and 10 days for those who have not been tested. we're expecting that announcement later today. once the fda does approve the energy use authorization of these vaccines, that will then roll into that first phase 1a we've been hearing about. meaning the vaccines will be shipped to areas where the distribution sites will start. >> sandra: a lot more on that coming up in moments. laura ingle, thank you. >> trace: new claims of voter fraud in the 2020 election after several whistleblowers from the u.s. post office say
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thousands of mail-in ballots were either tampered with or thrown out entirely in key swing states after the attorney general said that justice department has found no evidence of widespread voting fraud in the presidential election. >> i had no ballots to take on election day, the day after the election the postal service supervisor asked me if i had forgotten ballots the night before and i didn't have any, 100,000 ballots were supposedly missing. >> trace: griff jenkins live in washington with more. who are these postal workers exactly? >> these are three whistleblowers from the thomas moore society with serious allegations coming forward claiming they witnessed election fraud firsthand. one of them is a pennsylvania postal truck driver jesse morgan who says he shipped well more than 100,000 ballots across three state lines in
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october. watch. >> i know i saw ballots with a return addresses filled out. loaded onto my trailer in new york and headed for pennsylvania. and wondered why i was driving complete ballots from new york to pennsylvania. >> it's unclear, trace, what legal actions the group intends to take next as they call on the f.b.i. to investigate. now, this as attorney general bill barr made news in that interview with the a.p. yesterday which he made clear the department of justice will continue to receive and pursue all specific and credible allegations of fraud. but he also knocked down the president's claim that the election was stolen saying quote, to date we have not seen fraud on a scale that could have affected a different outcome in the election. now, that drew a swift response from the president's legal team who said with the greatest respect to the attorney general, his opinion appears to be without any knowledge or
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investigation of the substantial irregularities and evidence of systemic fraud. now later today rudy giuliani will testify in michigan over allegations of election fraud separate from the from the whistleblowers we just showed you. i spoke with the trump legal team earlier this morning they aren't filing anything new in michigan but keeping their options open. so far their work has not been successful. >> trace: we'll bring news out of that giuliani testifying when it happens. griff, thank you. >> sandra: the senate gop's campaign arm raking in $75 million over the past month and much of it will be spent in georgia's two senate runoff elections to determine whether republicans maintain control of the senate. katie pavlich joining us now. editor for town and fox news contributor. first lay out the stakes in the
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two georgia runoffs. >> well, as republicans have been arguing this is going to determine whether chuck schumer who is now the minority leader in the senate will become the majority leader and full control of all three branches of government with nancy pelosi as the house speaker. mitch mcconnell has argued throughout this election season it's time to hold the line. these republican senators weren't able to reach 50% of voters -- vote totals during the election on november 3 and therefore we're now in runoff races. for the left they believe the it's important to take the senate back as chuck schumer said to change america and to push through joe biden's agenda without a lot of pushback or resistance in terms of the cabinet or big projects like the green new deal and far left progressive ideas they feel will be stopped if republicans do keep the senate. there is a lot at stake here. judges are something that majority leader mitch mcconnell
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has been able to put through on behalf of president trump. a president biden would be nominating judges to fill federal bench seats. if there were to be a supreme court nomination. the stakes are high and margins are razor thin and the rnc is putting all hands on deck in georgia. they're raising a lot of money and far left groups doing the same. >> sandra: put the money on the screen. you mentioned the nrsc fundraising october 15th to november 23. over just that month-long period $75 million, katie, in the rnc saying it plans on spending $20 million of it in these georgia runoffs, 500 staffers. will this result in the wanted outcome for the republican party, katie? >> well, that is to be seen but republican chairwoman ronna mcdaniel is confident their efforts on the ground there, the grassroots efforts will
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result in a victory. have a number of outside conservative groups as well. you have groups like the susan b. anthony, tea party patriots on the ground trying to turn out the vote for these runoffs. on the other side you have stacey abrams who has been building this grassroots movement in georgia over the past couple of years to try and turn it blue. and so both sides are doing their best to target voters with data. rnc is confident their data get out the vote effort will be successful. we'll have to wait until january to see what the final results are of all these efforts from both sides. >> sandra: fascinating comments from louisiana senator john kennedy on fox news last night saying what we're about to see in georgia is really a second presidential election. here is the senator. >> if the democrats win in georgia, the republican senate will lose its majority.
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in charge will be senator schumer, senator bernie sanders, speaker pelosi, congresswoman ocasio-cortez and their ideas, in my opinion, are three gallons of crazy. >> sandra: he is laying out the stakes for the republican party, katie. he said in that interview i'm not going to bubble wrap it. the election in georgia is really a second presidential election. that's how important it is if the democrats win in georgia, if the republicans don't maintain control of the senate. final thoughts, katie. >> yeah, sandra. the majority of voters want a republican senate to put a check on democrats that have more of a balance in washington, d.c. now, whether georgia voters will make that happen is another question. it is interesting to look how the left is approaching this. you have a number of left wing groups descending on the state
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but also some in democratic leadership reminding them that georgia is not new york. you can't go into georgia with a far left message and expect to win. the stakes are high here not just for the republican party but for the country and the next four years will look very different in terms of who wins the senate and who has the majority. democrats in charge socialist programs moving forward or republicans who want to hold the line on taxes, big government programs and working with democrats on a number of issues moving forward. >> sandra: great to kick things off with you this morning. katie pavlich. thank you. and one of those senate runoffs is headed for a debate. that's happening this sunday our own martha maccallum will host special coverage between kelly loeffler and raphael warnock happening sunday at 6:45 p.m. eastern time followed by the actual debate at 7:00 p.m. it will happen here on the fox
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news channel. >> trace: former trump campaign manager brad parscale telling martha maccallum in an interview he thinks president trump would have won in a landslide if he han handled the pandemic response differently. >> the decision on covid to go for opening the economy versus public empathy. we had a difference on that. i think people were scared. i walked around people and watched people walk around me. not like two years ago because i have a mask on now and they don't want to get covid. i could see waitresses stand farther from the table. people were scared. i think if he would have been publicly empathetic he would have won by a landslide. he could have leaned into it instead of run away from it. >> trace: he said the president's approach likely hurt him the most with suburban families in key battleground states. >> sandra: another apparent
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hypocrisy. the mayor of san francisco, what she is accused of doing and warns of tougher covid restrictions to come. people saying they saw actual election fraud and they can back it up. why isn't the mainstream media even covering it? newt gingrich will join us next on that. >> these are fact driven. real people. you just heard from them. where is the media asking these questions? did you know you can go to to customizes your car insurance so you only pay for what you need? really? i didn't-- aah! ok. i'm on vibrate. aaah! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ balanced nutrition for strength and energy. whoo-hoo! great tasting ensure with 9 grams of protein, 27 vitamins and minerals, and nutrients to support immune health.
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>> sandra: the list of california public officials flouting guidelines is growing longer. san francisco mayor reportedly attended a dinner party at the upscale french laundry restaurant the day after california governor newsom was there for a party. breed did not violate napa county's rules at the time it was days later when the mayor banned all indoor dining in san francisco and san jose mayor apologized for spending thanksgiving with his family in apparent violation of state coronavirus rules. >> you have kept asking where is the evidence? you're not going to hear any of these serious claims from
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american citizens one after another on any of the other networks in the media mob, new york toilet paper times, the washington compost. the mob is ignoring what witnesses or maybe you want to call them whistleblowers are saying. >> >> trace: sean hannity saying the mainstream media is ignoring voter problems. whistleblowers talk about what they allege to have seen with particular mail-in ballots. let's bring in newt gingrich. always great to have you. you heard sean hannity at the top of the segment. kayleigh mcenany was on his show and said this last night. >> we have affidavits like this where they actually list out all of the circles, different ballot numbers, they've written the specific ballot number down that was dated january 1, 1900
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for someone who didn't have a birthday. these are fact driven, real people. their voices matter and president trump will fight for the 74 million plus individuals like that who showed up to vote for him. >> trace: what do you make of the whistleblower complaints, one, wouldn't you think the mainstream media would want to dig into these complaints because if nothing else to maybe knock them down? >> look, as a historian, i am totally confused by what is going on. you have a serious case in nevada where 600,000 ballots have never been seen by the republicans. you have a very serious case in wisconsin where 200,000 votes could be thrown out according to reince priebus the former republican national committee chair from wisconsin and a lawyer. a serious case in michigan. chaos in pennsylvania where a pennsylvania judge said she doesn't see how biden could possibly have carried the state.
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and then you have georgia which is a total mess because of the secretary of state who i have think has clearly broken the law over and over again. i look at that as a historian and never seen anything like this in my life. you have to understand, the propaganda media doesn't cover the news. the propaganda media spent five years trying to destroy trump. they aren't about to turn around in any way help him so they're not going to cover anything which would in any way threaten joe biden. that's just a fact. it's where we are as a country. the question is whether the judicial system and the general public override the news media bias. the constitution is very clear, the state legislatures, not the governor, not the secretary of state, not the judges, the state legislatures have control of all these elect tors. in every one of the states i
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mentioned the state legislature could insist on a complete and thorough investigation and complete and thorough count before agreeing to send anybody as an elector. i'm puzzled by how you could have this many different allegations and not realize that there is something profoundly wrong. these aren't coming from the trump team. these are coming from people all over the country. >> trace: i think it's important to note that one thing the media did cover thoroughly was this quote by the attorney general bill barr. he said quoting to date we have not seen fraud on a scale that could have affected a different outcome in the election. the key phrase there being to date. the d.o.j. came out this morning and said they are still investigating all this stuff. this was just kind of a midstream thing the attorney general was saying. there was a lot of play see, even the attorney general has knocked all this stuff down, which he has not. >> yeah. the desperation by the left wing media from day one to
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pretend there is nothing here to challenge, there is no procedure, the electors are automatic, trump is being a spoiled person. it's totally wrong. forget trump for a minute. every american deserves to know it's an honest election and their vote counted and wasn't either stolen or submerged by stolen votes and so from the standpoint of the american people, we ought to insist on getting to the bottom of this. i think it's very troubling how widespread the corruption is, how deep the commitment is to cover it up, and yet day-by-day more people show up. we learn every single day new things about how bad it is. georgia is just as bad as the rest of them. i just learned this morning these various ballot boxes that the secretary of state has been distributing have no record of when the ballots were taken
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out, who took them out, how they were handled. this stuff is an invitation to theft. it's appalling to me that the republican secretary of state, who is clearly so thoroughly intimidated by stacey abrams that the things he is doing guarantee the easyness of stealing an election. >> trace: you make a good point there. you would think everybody would be curious just to get to the bottom of this. i want to get your thoughts on joe biden, his pick for the white house budget director neera tanden. she has alienated both sides. it doesn't appear -- she has gone after gop senators and then some liberals on the other side. not exactly a unifying pick for the president who wants unity. >> well look, i mean biden is about to discover how much harder it is to be president than vice president.
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in an ideal world, because he wants to be an insider and a unifier. he is not like trump coming from the outside. he is coming from having been in washington since 1972. you would have thought that would have run the traps and called a bunch of people and found out whether or not neera tanden was acceptable. i think it's a pretty dangerous sign if this is the future of the biden administration that they can't do the basic blocking and tackling that you've got to do. but so far what he has done is basically brought back like watching the blues brothers, bringing back the obama band. insiders, lobbyists, all the people that the country rebelled against in 2016 are becoming part of the biden administration. >> trace: we'll talk more about this later. former speaker, good of you, sir, thank you for coming on. >> thanks. >> sandra: the cdc voting on who should get the covid vaccine first. so when will it be approved and who will get it?
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the doctor behind operation warp speed will join us live. plus a big move by attorney general bill barr. why the investigation into the origins of the f.b.i. russia probe won't go away any time soon. >> because there will be political pressure for him to be able to finish his investigation and they will be able to say look, we let mueller do it, so now you will have to let durham. at t-mobile, we have a plan built just for customers 55 and up. saving 50% vs. other carriers with 2 unlimited lines for less than $30 each. call 1-800-t-mobile or go to some things are good to know. like where to find the cheapest
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>> trace: the investigation into the origins of the russia probe set to tonight after attorney general bill barr apointed john durham as special counsel to the investigation. kristin fisher with more. what does the appointment mean for the investigation going forward? >> what the attorney general has done is essentially given john durham an extra layer of protection to make sure he will be able to continue his investigation into the origins of russia probe well into a biden administration. so the attorney general is essentially making it much more difficult to fire someone like john durham. it's something that bill barr alluded to when he made this announcement yesterday. the attorney general told the associated press that quote, i decided the best thing to do would be appoint them under the same regulation that covered bob mueller to provide durham and his team assurance that they would be able to complete their work regardless of the outcome of the election.
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the investigation is focused on crossfire hurricane. that was the investigation within the f.b.i. way back in the summer of 2016. senate majority leader mitch mcconnell says the attorney general was right to appoint durham as special counsel. the nation deserves to know the truth about the abuses of power that took place in 2016 and deserves that justice be done to anyone who broke the law. but democrats say something a little bit different, of course. they're not happy with this appointment and you have jerry nadler saying this just yesterday. he says quote, this order is one more desperate attempt to feed president trump's fixation of events investigated over and over. distraction to divert attention for the president's failure in the presidential election and pannedling of the pandemic. the attorney general said the department of justice hasn't found evidence of widespread voter fraud enough to change
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the outcome of the presidential election but trace, the attorney general also notes that the department of justice is still looking. trace. >> trace: on it goes. kristin fisher at the white house, thank you. >> sandra: cdc voting to recommend that long-term care residents and front line workers should be first in line to get the covid-19 vaccine once approved. the director is expected to decide whether to accept that recommendation. let's bring in dr. when will we, like the flu vaccine, be able to call our doctor or head to our local pharmacy to get a covid-19 vaccine? when does that happen? >> so we will have approval of the first vaccine during this
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month of december, i hope in the first half or shortly around the 18th. we'll have two vaccines approved. early on i would say during the month of january and mid-february the number of doses that we have will be somewhat limited. probably overall we'll have up to 35 to 40 million people or 50 million people get immunizeed. up to then i don't think you'll have a lot of vaccine in cvs stores to where various state health departments will send it. after that we will have vaccine doses in cvs and wal-mart or walgreens and people will be able to have the vaccine. up to the month of june that's the period of time we need to manufacture about 600 million doses of vaccines overall enough to immunize the total population of the united states.
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>> sandra: you are experienced and familiar with the fda approval process. a doctor from johns hopkins was on air this morning saying the fda is dragging its feet on this lifesaving vaccine. is that the case? do you see delays happening that shouldn't be? >> the operation warp speed made sure we are completely separated from the fda particularly in regard to the process where they use judgment and make decisions around approval for instance. so frankly we're not involved in the process. i cannot judge from facts. i know from my interactions with the fda on other matters that they are giving this the number one priority and are looking into the data very quickly. it is really great that the u.k. has approved today the pfizer vaccine. i think it's a demonstration that an independent body that has nothing to do with the politics in the united states
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has looked into the data and says it's good. that the vaccine is effective and safe for the u.k. population and i look forward next week for the fda to reach the same decision. >> sandra: it is important for people to hear you say that. there was an extensive article done in usa today on you, sir, just in the past couple of days and it said and noted there were two conditions by which you signed on board for operation warp speed. you hate politics and you make that clear in the article. you said there can be no political interference in your work and no bureaucracy to slow you down. were both conditions met during this process for you? >> yes, i have to say they were 100% met. i have had no interference, bureaucracy was out the door. we were able to -- and empowered to make all the right calls and decisions. we have a board that oversees the operation.
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the board was extremely supportive and focused on making sure nothing stands in the way of the decisions we needed to make. that's one of the reasons why we've been able to deliver maybe even slightly faster than the very aggressive plan we had in the beginning. >> sandra: i want to put on the screen some of the pfizer vaccine candidates including fierz. the efficacy rate on that vaccine 95% is astounding. moderna listing 94.1 efficacy rate. astrazeneca 70.4 but reached 90% effective. cdc is trying to decide who should be front -- in front of the line to receive the vaccines once the fda approval happens. who should that be in your view? >> well, first we have a remarkably effective vaccine and set of them. it's remarkable the data are so close together with two completely independent companies designing and
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manufacturing these vaccines. these vaccines should impact -- should be available to people most impacted. cdc and its advisory committee practices this morning -- last night made some recommendations, preliminary recommendations. final recommendation only happens once the vaccine is approved. of course, when hss secretary approves of those. i do think that healthcare workers and long-term facility -- care facility residents, very old, frail people, should definitely be in the front of the line. the very specifics of who would be first i would leave that to the process that's ongoing to make the recommendation. also remember, these are recommendations. each state is empowered then to using those recommendations, having them in mind make their own decisions how to distribute those allocated to them. >> sandra: fascinating the talk to you. do you believe the vaccine
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returns the world to normal? >> i do believe so. i think by the month of june, i hope most americans will have accepted to receive this vaccine. if that happens, that will be the end of the tunnel. life can go back to normal. >> sandra: thank you for your work. wonderful to have you here this morning. >> thank you for having me. >> trace: so much for unity. joe biden's most controversial cabinet pick criticized for pushing election conspiracy theories raising eyebrows for what she once said about michelle obama and grandma to the rescue. one customer finds out she picked the wrong place to pick a fight.
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>> trace: joe biden's pick to head the white house budget office caught up in a
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controversy. neera tanden tweeted one important lesson is that when they go low, going high doesn't blank work. that's just one of more than 1,000 tweets she has deleted since november 1. brad blakeman aviedors to the bush/cheney campaign. leslie marshall is fox news contributor. brad, you have neera tanden accused of punching a liberal journalist because he asked hillary clinton a rough question. she is accused of going after senators on the right who she needs by the way to get confirmation. and now accused of going after michelle obama's catch phrase. not really a unifying pick, brad. >> she is dead on arrival. she won't get through the senate budget committee nor -- if you don't get past the committee you don't get to the senate floor for a vote. a sacrificial lamb of the left. biden said what do you want to the progressives? they said we want to be
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controlling the money. we want neera tanden. biden said okay nothing she isn't getting anywhere. so they sacrificed neera and it will be bloody if she does have a hearing. she is not an economist, a political animal. ceo of center for american progress which was founded and funded by george soros. she is not steeped in the budget history or mechanics like a rob portman or josh bollton or leon panetta. this will be a real show to watch. she is such a political person and not somebody to control a 4.8 trillion dollar budget. >> trace: brad says it won't happen. the caveat is if the republicans maintain control of the senate. i want to play a sound bite and get your response. the former speaker newt gingrich on. >> you would have thought they would have run the traps, called a bunch of people and
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found out whether or not tanden was acceptable. i think it's a dangerous sign if this is the future of the biden administration that they can't do the basic blocking and tackling that you've got to do. >> trace: basic blocking and tackling means wouldn't you have run this up the flagpole before you said this thing out loud? >> quite frankly, trace, i guess we're in a time when you have to do that. i'm old enough to remember when presidents picked their own cabinet, their own staff, and it's a very different time. the bottom line here is although i'm hearing this from brad i'm not hearing from most of the republicans about policy or qualifications. i'm hearing she tweeted this, said something mean about this individual. which is extremely critical when you look at our president. the kind of tweets he puts out. the rhetoric he had in 2016 when michelle obama said that not about this election and quite frankly the american people said let's go low. after four years they said we're sick of going low, let's
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go high and they elected former vice president joe biden president elect. the president talked about sending rapists and murderers to mexico. the tweets over four years. it is hypocritical to say we don't want to confirm this person because of the negative tweets that they have said about republicans, about the president himself. what i want to hear is more policy. that's what we heard from democrats when they didn't want mulvaney confirmed for the same position they were talking about budget or lack of experience. i heard brad touch upon that. that's not what i hear from the senators out of the republican camp. >> trace: even mazie hirano said it would be an uphill battle. >> sandra: the new battleground forming in congress pits the freedom force against the squad. the new republican lawmakers ready to take on the far left. we'll ask one of them how he
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plans to deal with progressives like alexandria ocasio-cortez. and just hours after he spoke to us, a new york bar owner is arrested for trying to keep his business open under tough covid rules. we'll have his story just ahead. >> we're trying to be safe but we are asking our officials and our governments to help us. ♪ ♪
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>> sandra: the squad and alexandria ocasio-cortez gengt some new competition if congress. a group of incoming republicans are forming the freedom force and they say they're ready to take on the far left. congressman elect byron donald one of the members of the freedom force joining us now.
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welcome. so what is the freedom force. how would you describe it? >> we're a group of members coming into the 117th congress who want the stand for the constitution, stand for free markets, stand for economic freedom. we want americans to literally have a nation where they are free from government control to thrive, to choose what they want to do, to live and build great families, to make our nation even greater in the years to come. so the thing that we're going to oppose. we'll never stand for radical socialist policies like the green new deal, medicare for all. the things that take -- rip the ownership of their individual decisions from them and puts it in the hands of people here in this capitol. people in washington, d.c. should not be making decisions for the rest of the country. >> sandra: how specifically does the freedom force plan to take on the aoc's and those on the far left. >> our goal is to push a message of freedom and individual liberty. in those times where we clash on policy ideas we'll be there front and center to make sure
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the way we view public policy will be heard by all americans. the green new deal. that will cost trillions of dollars and be the poor people in our society, in our urban corridors paying much more in electricity prices. when they push that idea we'll come with no, we need to open the energy complex like we have over the last four years. that's some of the contrast you'll see from the freedom force. >> sandra: some of the names on the screen here of those that we are hearing make up the freedom force of them burgess owens who talked with laura, inc. grim and business ownership and the foundation of freedom like you. also on there is congresswoman elect nicole malliotakis of new york. here is her message over the weekend on the force. >> i think what you are going to see is a group of individuals who are going to serve as a counter balance to the values of the socialist squad.
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we don't believe we should be dismantling the economy. we don't believe we should be destroying free market principles. we don't believe in green new deal. we don't believe in packing the courts. >> i'm curious what the goal is with the economy. just like the congresswoman elect burgess owens last night talking about our middle class saying that the middle class got its power from the small businesses. there was a big focus from him on that while the left got its power from misery. can you explain? >> what he is saying is correct. listen, if you have top down draconian socialist policies that come out of washington, d.c., the very rich will be fine. it is going to be middle class families, poor families and small business owners, microbusiness owners, people who have five, 10, 20 employees are the ones who suffer under the weight of government regulation and government bureaucracy. even if you look at covid-19 right now, one of the big struggles has been small
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businesses getting access to capital. real small businesses. why does that happen? because of policies like dodd-frank which kills community banks in our country. small business owners don't have banking relationship. we need to stop the people like the squad and other people on the left from pushing those terrible policies that are hurtful to the american people. >> sandra: byron donalds from the freedom force. thank you for being here this morning. >> thanks for having me. >> trace: more california lawmakers accused of hypocrisy for flouting coronavirus guidelines. what san francisco's mayor did to join that list next. if these beautiful idaho potato recipes are just side dishes, then i'm not a real idaho potato farmer. genuine idaho potatoes not just a side dish anymore.
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always look for the grown in idaho seal. you can crush ice, make nismoothies, and do even more. chop salsas, spoon thick smoothie bowls,
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even power through dough, and never stall. the ninja foodi power pitcher. rethink what a blender can do.
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>> trace: the secretary of state of georgia, a republican just held a news conference saying after the second round of recounts in the presidential race there is no substantial change. listen to him. >> even after this office request that president trump try and queel the violent rhetoric being born out of his continuing claims of winning the states where he obviously lost, he tweeted out exposed the massive voter fraud in georgia. this is exactly the kind of language that is at the base of growing threat environment for election workers who are simply doing their jobs. >> trace: he also noted what the attorney general yesterday said they have found no fraud. the attorney general said yet. they are still investigating that. the secretary of state in
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georgia said it appears that joe biden will be -- will win the state of georgia going forward. >> sandra: more on that in a moment. fox news alert in the fight against covid-19. a panel is now advising the cdc on who exactly should get those first doses of the vaccine when it is ready. it is recommending this by first vaccinating our front line healthcare personnel and residents of long-term care fast against covid-19 we'll help insure patients continue to receive vital care during the pandemic and safeguard those most at risk for severe illness and death associated with covid-19. the u.k. has approved the vaccine developed by pfizer and biontech making it the first western country to give the shot a green light. britain will begin vaccinations next week. more on that in just a moment. first another democrat is accused of hypocrisy over covid restrictions. this time the mayor of san
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francisco. critics are saying london breed is applying a double standard to california's rules. welcome to a new hour of "america's newsroom," i'm sandra smith. hello, trace. >> trace: good morning everyone. i'm trace gallagher. the mayor went to dinner at the same high-end restaurant in napa valley that governor newsom did a few weeks ago and now she is taking the same flak that he did. let's get to christina coleman live in the west coast newsroom as we learn more about the mayor. she may impose more restrictions. what else do we know? >> when it comes to fighting covid and following health guidelines, president-elect joe biden says we're all in this together. well, many say it sure doesn't feel that way when some politicians are breaking the rules they want us all to follow. a day after california governor newsom went to the birthday party at the french laundry with people from more than three households san francisco's mayor kind at the
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same place. she reportedly celebrated the birthday of a socialite. she said confident might roll out more restrictions. further limiting indoor and outdoor gatherings because of the surge in covid cases. san jose mayor was also taking some heat. he urged people not to have big thanksgiving gagterings but he went to his parents' holiday dinner with people from five households. he said they were socially distanced at the gathering. democratic supervisor voted to ban outdoor dining and called it dangerous but was spotted eating out in san monica hours before the ban went into effect. people protested outside her home. others taking their frustration to court. the california restaurant association is going before a judge again this morning with new evidence showing how the outdoor dining ban could financially devastate restaurants. meantime the governor warned we're on the brink of even more
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covid lockdowns across california as health officials worry about another surge in cases following the thanksgiving break. >> trace: you would think if you would break the rules you'd to go a restaurant where the average bill was less than $350 per person. christina coleman, live in l.a. thank you. >> sandra: a judge meanwhile has delayed a hearing set for friday on a lawsuit concerning voter machine data in georgia. they have filed an emergency motion in order to inspect those machines. the company behind them is saying such an inspection poses security risks. jonathan serrie live in atlanta for us. what is the next step with this lawsuit? >> good morning, sandra. sometime today state officials and dominion, the company that makes those voting machines, are expected to file a brief explaining why allowing these republican electors to conduct forensic investigations of the voting machines would
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potentially jeopardize security safeguards. allegations without evidence of wide scale voter fraud have led to threats against state and local election workers and top officials. the republican in charge of georgia's voting system criticized president trump and the two republican senators perdue and loeffler for failing to discourage these threats. >> mr. president, you have not condemned these actions or this language. senators, you have not condemned this language or these actions. this has to stop. >> all three campaigns responded with statements against threats. the loeffler communications director like many officials as someone who has been the subject of threats of course senator loeffler condemns violence of any kind. how ridiculous to even suggest otherwise. the georgia secretary of state
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announced his office is conducting an investigation into outside groups that are trying to register ineligible or deceased voters in the state of georgia to vote in these january 5th senate runoffs. that investigation is ongoing. sandra, back to you. >> sandra: thank you. for more on this let's bring in bill mcgurn former chief speech writer for george w. bush and fox news contributor. where does this go next, bill? >> yeah, i think we're not sure. we have to see what is going to come down. i don't think anyone knows where it is going next. >> sandra: bill, i want to get to tom cotton, the senator was on earlier this morning and he was talking about the impact that president trump can have on these elections in georgia that mean so much for the country. watch. >> i think the president will have a very positive impact in georgia. look across the country.
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he got 10 million more votes in 2016. remarkable turnout. that helped republicans win the senate seats we did and helped us gain house seats against all the expectations of the democrats and the media. we had a huge election in the senate and house and state legislatures not in spite of the president but because of the president. >> sandra: do you see it is same. the president will have a positive impact on the state with the elections coming up? >> yeah. i agree with senator cotton. when i said we don't know. a lot of this depends on what choice donald trump makes. there is a split in the republican party in georgia. some people say that the governor and secretary of state aren't doing enough to help donald trump in his recount and that republicans should take their revenge by not voting for senators loveler and perdue. if donald trump chooses to make that an issue. in other words, to go down there and say as he said in his
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tweets that we need these two senators, i think it will make a big difference. the trump voters are waiting to get the signal from the president to go down. i don't think that they will boycott if the president tells them not to. and it is crucial for the president for his own legacy. look, joe biden campaigned on basically the idea he is the anti-trump and when he gets in he will undo everything donald trump has done. if donald trump can keep the republican senate, he keeps a major obstacle to that. >> sandra: really important you are pointing out something you're writing about. there is more at stake here than just what happens with the senate elections in georgia. but the legacy of the president is what you are writing about. trump's march to atlanta in the "wall street journal." no one has a bigger stake in keeping the senate republican than the president. biden and the democrats campaigned on a clear theme. the anti-trump party. and when we get power, our goal will be to undo everything we
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did as you just mentioned, bill. right now mitch mcconnell is their most formidable obstacle. keeping him senate majority leader is president trump's best bet for preserving his own legacy. >> i think he has the greatest interest. a lot of people are talking about the party's interest. but he got his tax cuts through, revived the economy, deregulation. three seats on the supreme court. many, many excellent judges on the federal bench. the democrats have made clear if they can't get this through normal procedures, they'll try to stack the court, which would erase his victories on the supreme court. perhaps bring in new democratic states to get more democratic senators. all this becomes much more difficult if there is a republican senate because they are in a position to block them. so i do think that donald trump's own achievements are on the chopping block because that's what joe biden and the democrats want to go after.
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everything he has done. >> sandra: i want to finish up with how you end the piece. as mr. trump admitted to reporters on thanksgiving it will be a hard thing for him to concede but georgia senate runoffs offer him a two-fer. final thoughts on that. >> the two-fer is one, he could go out on a winning note if he goes down there and really barn storms like he did in the last three weeks of the campaign and gets these two republicans in congress. so he would go out on a winning note and help preserve a lot of his achievements. make it a lot harder for the democrats to undo everything he did. >> sandra: bill mcgurn from the "wall street journal." thank you. tune in to fox news this sunday for special coverage of the georgia runoff debate. loeffler will square off with reverend warnock. martha maccallum will host special coverage starting at
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6:45 eastern time on the fox news channel. >> trace: one democratic governor suspending indoor youth sports because of covid. will that end up hurting kids in the long run? brian kilmeade will join us with his reaction. and defying coronavirus restrictions. a bar owner pays a high price for trying to keep his business alive. >> our message in the autonomous zone was in a way to get attention and to raise awareness for what's going on with all the businesses. attention veterans with va loans. record low mortgage rates have just dropped to new all time lows. veterans can refinance their loans with no income verification, no appraisal, and no out of pocket costs. one call to newday usa can save you $3,000 every year. you could start saving, beginning with your next mortgage payment. refi now at these historic low rates.
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>> trace: a bar owner in new york city arrested for defying the city's coronavirus owners, the owner of mac's public house on staten island declared his establishment an autonomous zone and continued serving indoor customers. he was on this show yesterday defending his position. watch. >> we didn't go completely rogue and say no rules whatsoever. we are trying to be safe. but we are asking our officials and our governments to help us. we're sitting back, we were shut erd once before. we went through every regulation and jumped through every hoop just to have agencies come in and threaten to fine us and shut us down
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again. >> trace: his supporters gathered at the bar last night chanting as the officers busted the owner. he reportedly faces charges including obstruction of government administration and they find the bar thousands of dollars and yanked the state liquor license. >> youth and adult sports including practices and competitions inclusive of all risk levels set forth by the department of health are being placed on a full and complete pause. we do not take this step lightly. as folks probably know i'm a huge sports fan and all of our kids play sports. i hope and intend to see the winter sports season in january. >> sandra: that's new jersey governor phil murphy announcing a statewide suspension of indoor high school and youth sports along with a new limit on outdoor gatherings. the updated rules are helped to
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stop the spread of the virus. brian kilmeade is here. we've seen you talking about this on your show in the mornings a lot. i'm sure you are talking about it on the radio. what impact will this have on kids? >> a couple of things, sandra. you are an athlete that take sports and fitness serious. i don't care if you are the best kid on your team. i don't care if you are -- if your team is under .500 or 2-14. you have an opportunity now to bring some normalcy to kids' lives in the middle of a pandemic who are less likely according to the data than anybody else to get and spread this virus. they had normalcy as they go to practice and in the case of indoor sports probably getting through the preseason and then you put it on the shelf. the numbers in hockey are high so they make everybody sit down. we watch the proper pros do it in orlando. tell the parents not to watch. you let the kids go into the
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locker room 5 to 7 at a time and restrict them. you don't sit them. now these kids will be going home after school if they can go to school and doing nothing. you stop swimming. swimming has almost no cases. you hop in the water according to reports and you swim alone with goggles and you stop those kids in a one size fits all in -- the governor's heart goes out to the young athletes will not experience -- you can't make this up. i just watched sports shut down in the new york, new jersey, connecticut area for the most part connecticut. the entire fall. guess who played? the catholic schools. they had a championship. no incidents. played without masks. how did that happen, sandra? >> sandra: we preface these conversations with our guests every day. we want everybody to stay safe. we want all these kids to use proper safety measures, wear the masks, social distance, don't get into crowded places, of course. but when you've got studies that are clearly showing in the
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case of swimming, the new jersey swim safety alliance looked into all of this. they claim to have found no reported instances of coronavirus spread at indoor pool facilities within the state. still you cannot swim. and cdc guidance has backed science that chlorine stops the spread of the coronavirus. so it has to be pressed and challenged. why tell these kids they can't swim? you had two swimmers on your show yesterday. not only were they doing everything they were asked to do to keep safety measures they wore their masks up to the moment they dove into the pool, brian. >> they go home and watch football on television, adults who could spread the disease. we know under 50 the fatality numbers are so low, i get it. there is always a risk and imleery of it. governor christie on this radio show saying he was having lunch with his high school buddies from baseball two weeks ago. memories these kids will never
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get back. it is called lazy. too lazy to find out why the hockey numbers are up. i'll make a statement and sit people back in their basements. we have to live through this. the vaccine is on the horizon. why destroy these kids' lives and memories when you could prevent that from happening? the kids have displayed the discipline and coaches put it in them. we have to teach kids to overcome hurdles not give in to them. how can i get this done society? now it's how can't we get this done society. i'm embarrassed for them. >> sandra: the two swimmers brought up the point they understand the seriousness of the pandemic. one of them talked about their future and they are worried about it. they said we're looking forward to swimming in college and we're trying to get the times and post the times that we would need for crucial recruiting process. if other kids around the country are able to swim and post those times and they're not it greatly affects what happens to them in their future
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and the recruiting process for college. >> my final point is even those kids who want to go to division iii school or start at ohio state it stopped. you have to show an 11th grade video. a lot of kids won't get into the schools because of that. why as a governor do you do something that is an easy way out instead of drilling down and meeting with the associations and putting down parameters to get it done safely? >> sandra: it is great to see you. sorry to interrupt your radio program there. >> our audience enjoyed your audience. >> sandra: thank you, brian. weekdays 9:00 to noon. thanks, brian. >> trace: the brian kilmeade show. religious school goes to the supreme court to stay open after the democratic governor shuts down schools because of covid. do they have a case? plus we now know who will get the covid vaccine first in the
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u.s., but how long will it take to get them? >> these are recommendations. each state is empowered then to using those recommendations having them in mind make their own decisions how to distribute those that are allocated to them. liberty mutual customizes your home insurance, here's one that'll really take you back. wow! what'd you get, ryan? it's customized home insurance from liberty mutual! what does it do bud? it customizes our home insurance so we only pay for what we need! and what did you get, mike? i got a bike. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
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>> trace: bottom of the hour. time for top stories.
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cdc setting a new set of covid-19. the agency now recommending a 7 to 10 day isolation period following a negative test result. that's down from two weeks at the start of the pandemic. >> sandra: backlash building over president-elect joe biden's pick to head the office of management and budget. the "new york post" reporting neera tanden deleted 1,000 emails since november. attacks on lawmakers on both sides of the aisles as well as first lady michelle obama. >> trace: mitch mcconnell says he is working on a targeted coronavirus relief bill president trump will sign into law costing half a trillion dollars. much smaller than house democrats' version. lawmakers are facing mounting pressure to come up with a package to prop up struggling businesses before congress goes on recess. >> sandra: a cdc panel voted on who gets the vaccine first. it is up to individual states to then allocate resources. the big decision falling to the
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governors and could turn controversial of course if supplies run short. we have fox team coverage. dr. nicole saphier running through some of the potential side effects of the vaccine. first we go to casey stiegel live in dallas. what do we know about how governors plan to distribute this vaccine? >> good morning. just like this cdc assembled that special advisory committee to make those recommendations, many states took the exact same steps also required then to submit their plans to the federal government on the allocation at the beginning of november in preparation for this time right now. here in texas it's the evap, the expert vaccine allocation panel. they decided healthcare workers especially those providing direct care for covid patients and other vulnerable residents will be the first groups to receive the vaccine across the lone star state including hospital staff, those working
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at long-term care facilities, emts, paramedics and home health workers. all very similar to what other communities are doing. in colorado as you know the governor now disputing reports that prison inmates would be among those to receive the first doses before other at-risk groups although according to the state's own distribution plan it does show prisoners would be ahead of the general public for the inoculations. >> there is no way it will go to prisoners before it goes to people who haven't committed any crime. that's obvious. >> the cdc estimates nationwide there are more than 21 million u.s. healthcare workers that would be eligible for these first vaccines once they are approved. >> sandra: casey stiegel live from dallas. thank you. >> trace: meantime the vaccine is said to have significantly notable side effects in 10 to 15% of recipients. let's bring in dr. nicole
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saphier, fox news medical contributor. always good to see you. the cdc panel voted 13-1 to give it first to healthcare workers and second to long-term care residents, nursing home residents. the lone person who dissented said it is not a great idea to give this first to those in nursing homes saying quote i think we'll have a very striking backlash of my grandmother got the vaccine and she passed away and they aren't likely to be related but it will become remembered and break some of the confidence of the vaccine. what do you think of that argument? it is a fair assessment, doctor? >> i understand why they are saying that but i am with the majority on the advisory committee. absolutely nursing home residents as well as staff should be in the front of the line to get the vaccine as we know that the virus spreads like wildfire throughout these long-term care facilities with over 40% of the covid deaths being in patients who got the
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infections from those facilities. here is the thing. we have a lot of people being skeptical when it comes to the vaccine. before we start getting crazy talking about this, we have to remember every time that we get vaccines there is always some level of side effects. we know when we get our children's vaccines we're warned they may get a fever and may be irritable and sore. we see this with the flu. the being tired. so the fl there is always going to be some level of side effects when it comes to vaccinations. the great things about the moderna and pfizer vaccines there have been no big safety concerns. 10 to 15% of the people who received the vaccine have reported some side effects. most common being that feeling of malaise, feeling tired. less than 2% reported a fever. so i guess you can expect maybe to be tired, maybe some soreness and redness at the injection sight far -- the
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benefit far out weighs the risk when it comes to reaching the level of herd immunity. >> trace: i was talking to the health and human services secretary this week and he said the fda has an advisory hearing on the 10th for pfizer, another one on the 17th for moderna. what is wrong with now? i want to get your opinion on top. this. >> scientists should convene immediately within 24 hours. why do they schedule a meeting for december 10th and december 17th? they got the pfizer application on november 22nd. they should move quickly. this is a disgrace. >> trace: it seems like operation warp speed is warp one coming to the fda. what about now? >> marti is a great friend. i agree i would love to see it get the eua as soon as possible
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i'm a huge supporter of the public comment period what's going on right now when they post documents from the research and allowing the public to comment on that to see if anyone outside of the fda advisory board finds anything that may be considered dangerous when it comes to the vaccine. i feel the more experts looking at this the better. december 10th we have to remember we're still rapid speed compared to what it usually takes for vaccine production and we say we don't want to rush the process. i think right now when they are reviewing all that data, it is crucial to give them the time they need and time for public commentary. >> trace: not sure two weeks is needed but i hear what you are saying. moderna has 20 million doses, pfizer 50 million doses. each person needs two doses we talk about 35 million people could be vaccinated by new year's eve. will that in itself, dr. saphier, the final question, make a big difference? >> well, the fact that we'll
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have that many million americans have the first dose of the vaccine by the end of 2020 is incredible. we have to remember to get the level of immunity we need they need a second dose. the second dose comes several weeks to a month later. it doesn't seem that you actually have the immunity until at least a month after that first dose. we're getting the ball rolling in 2020. that immunity with start rolling in in 2021. wonderful. light at the end of the tunnel we've been looking for so much. >> trace: and we are very excited about that. dr. saphier, always great to see you. thank you. >> sandra: meanwhile nurses at two new york hospitals on strike during contract negotiations over coronavirus protections. they are saying staff and patients are not being adequately shielded from covid calling working conditions there quote abyss mall. >> we would prefer to be inside with our patients today rather than out here facing this dilemma that we're facing.
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but we can't do that. we have to fight for our community. we have to fight for our patients. that's what we're here for. >> sandra: hospital administrators are denying those claims saying hospitals are well equipped with protective equipment and accusing the nurses union of using the virus as a power grab. >> trace: authorities find a prominent social media influencer dead. now investigators are talking about the case and saying why their work may have just begun and newly-released recordings of cnn conference calls showing what appears to be a coordinated effort against president trump. is this evidence of media bias? joe concha joins us on that next. ♪ attention veteran homeowners: record low mortgage rates have dropped even lower.
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>> trace: waiting for autopsy results who could tell us how an instagram influencers died. she disappeared friday. a city public works employee found her body early saturday morning. we don't yet know how she died but her mother has said she believes it was not an accident. investigators say they aren't ruling out foul play. memorial for her is set for tomorrow. >> we cannot mobilize what has happened here in the last week. for those in trouble, is sick, maybe is -- [inaudible] but he is acting neurotic and desperately and we need to --
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we need to not normalize that. >> sandra: so that is the president of cnn jeff zucker on an october 9 conference call with senior members of his staff. one of several calls secretly reported by project veritas for two months and may shed light on coverage of president trump in the weeks leading up to the election as well as after. joe concha, a fox news contributor and columnist for the hill. what should be made of what we just heard? >> sandra, i've been covering cnn. i used to go on cnn a couple years ago before the trump era. i followed it since my high school days quite frankly and the gulf war. one of the reasons i got into journalism because of their coverage and i'm talking about the first one in 1991. look, i don't think you need these tapes to tell you that cnn has been overwhelmingly biased against president trump. you look at for instance a harvard study.
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harvard university, not a lot of conservative sentiment. in president trump's first 100 days alone the coverage was 93% negative. you could say it has only gotten worse and gone in one direction. the network continues to insist that they are a facts-first network and don't present opinion as news, which they do often particularly if prime time from the hosts labeled as anchors and they say they're down the middle but any objective person that watches that network on a daily basis knows that just ain't the case. >> sandra: here is more of what he said on senator lindsey graham, listen. >> if we make any mistake it's our banners have been too polite and we need to go well after lindsey graham. >> sandra: joe, what did that mean for what we saw as far as coverage? >> well, i think bob woodward once said warned journalists at the beginning of the trump
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administration saying we can't do editorial on everything because viewers and readers will see the smugness. in cnn chyrons they are mostly editorial and filled with snark. not headlines that give you facts first. i remember during the rnc and dnc specifically cnn introduced a fact checking chyron. joe biden wasn't fact checked but president trump was and i saw that as a microcosm in terms of teaching students about bias, that's exactly an example you would give one for one side, not one for another. >> sandra: they are rushing to defend the newly named press secretary for joe biden. it is a photo that has surfaced as she has been criticized and scrutinized for this showing her wearing a hammer and sickle hat and meeting with a russian group. the russian foreign minister is
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pictured in there. she is facing fresh scrutiny on this. the fact check headline is psaki was gifted it at a diplomatic meeting. how is this being covered? >> it is being covered as you would expect. in other words, it's jen psaki is getting a pass in this situation. but i think it overall speaks to another theme here, sandra. as far as this resolving door between journalists and going to work for presidential administrations. we saw it during the obama administration, more than 30 journalists, media members going from that industry over to work for the obama administration just in the first four years alone. it continued with president trump not exactly to that extent but still it was pretty prevalent. now we're seeing it again with the biden administration, with the press secretary coming from cnn and deputy press secretary coming from msnbc and what it leads to ultimately, i'll leave
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it here. it is the mistrust where people see are you reporting on one end and now you are going to work for the guy or girl that is in government. it is this line that has been eviscerated that was supposed to be separated. media is supposed to hold the powerful to account. now they are just going to work for them instead and why 86% of the american people according to gallup found the media is biased or they believe that. >> sandra: january 2014. working for the u.s. state department at the time. usa today statement on that reflects that at the meeting the delegations exchanged unusual gifts like the two sizeable idaho potatoes and return there was a gift for psaki. the photo that has circulated on the internet. thank you. >> trace: trump lawyer rudy giuliani is heading to michigan today as the president's legal team challenges election results in several states
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around the country. the claims, the evidence, and the latest testimony. plus comedian sarah silverman revealing why she can get away with crossing the line in her act. can liberals really say anything?
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>> trace: comedian sarah silverman says she has been able to get away with offensive jokes because she is a liberal and she is able to say things other than people with other views. carley shimkus joins us now. carley, good to see you. here is what she said on that podcast and i get your thoughts on the back side. >> we are liberal so we can say anything. so we can say the words that
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are unsayable. you know i don't mean it so i can say it. it's a weird balance. >> trace: there was one word in there we thought was unsayable and took it out. is it true that liberals are getting a free pass on what they can and cannot say? >> yeah, you can't knock her for telling the truth. if you are a conservative in hollywood, one of the rare few, when you say something offensive your career is toast and are you done. look at what happened to roseanne barr. if you're a liberal and say something offensive you'll get a pass, although you have to suffer through some serious twitter criticism. the example i would give there would be kevin hart decided to step down from hosting the oscars after some controversial tweets surfaced but has a rock solid career today. now, sarah silverman was on the podcast talking about how her career has been able to survive despite telling some really controversial jokes and she wore black face on her tv show
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in 2007 and she said that as you heard people know that i'm just joking because i'm a liberal. so whether you like that or not, that appears to be the truth. >> trace: she later went on and said when she wore the black face she got a little pushback because she thinks there was a role in a movie she did not get but not sure about that. why is the reason? people are wondering why you give a free pass to liberal comedians? because their fan base is mostly the politically correct crowd or what is the reasoning here, carley? >> i wish i knew the answer to that. i think that everybody on social media especially is just so sensitive and willing to attack. like i said, the twitter mob will attack both political parties but tends to go after conservatives much more. >> trace: what i found will arnott on the podcast, he said
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this on the podcast about the same subject. >> everybody who is not liberal is so serious and so dark and so real about their negativity or hate or racism or whatever it is that it has taken all of that away. >> trace: and the liberals on the other hand are so -- they're so funny about the hate and the racism and stuff like that. that didn't quite get what he was getting at there, did you? >> that's all very interesting take. i guess he just sort of -- he sort of blames conservatives for ruining comedy but last i checked it is not conservatives who are calling for safe spaces and cutting the microphones of stand-up comedians if their jokes are offensive. that's the other party. if he wants to blame the party he is not a part of for making his job a little bit more difficult. but that certainly a take i've never heard before. >> trace: point the finger at the other guy. carley, great to see you. thank you.
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>> sandra: a religious school goes to the supreme court to fight to stay en after the democratic governor shuts down schools because of the virus. so do they have a case? plus a classic christmas commercial gets a makeover and fans are not happy about it. ♪ the medicare enrollment deadline is monday,
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>> trace: hershey has changed its christmas commercial used to show hershey kisses playing we wish you a merry christmas. the new version included a little girl who snatches away one of the kisses to use in a holiday cookie recipe. viewers have flooded social media with criticism. they responded saying after 30 years we decided to honor holiday baking traditions with a new bells commercial that included a nod to the original. thought it was kind of cute. i'm not sure what the dust-up was all about. >> sandra: did you know how many flavors of hershey kisses they are? milk chocolate, dark chocolate and sugar cookie hershey kisses now. >> i love them. >> sandra: a supreme court showdown over coronavirus restrictions. kentucky attorney general and private christian school have filed an emergency request asking the justices to stop the
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democratic governor's executive order shutting down schools. mike tobin on that. mike. >> kentucky's attorney general is on board with this fight of the lockdowns in bluegrass state and using a first amendment argument. kentucky attorney general daniel cameron republican joined the lawsuit from danville christian academy. the suit seeks to blook the statewide instruction at religious schools. he argues there is a right to a religious education and other businesses and organizations are allowed to operate. cameron argues the supreme court has already ruled that religious institutions cannot be treated differently than secular activities. here is what he said about suing the governor on "fox & friends." >> i respect his responsibility to keep people safe but we have to safeguard our religious freedoms here in kentucky. so when you tell folks who send their kids to religious affiliated schools, which is an
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act of worship within itself, that they cannot go to school it infringes upon the first amendment rights. >> the governor has countered that kentucky is facing a catastrophic surge of coronavirus and religious and secular organizations are being treated the same because everyone is being asked to feel the pain. >> the schools we're treating everybody the same. asking everybody to share this sacrifice. the same folks have sued us every time we've tried to do something to stop covid-19. and right now we can either all work towards a solution or some of us can try to knock down the steps that we take. >> federal district court agreed with cameron. the court of appeals disagreed. the next potential stop is the u.s. supreme court. justice bret kavanaugh has asked the governor to file his response before friday. >> sandra: we'll watch for that.
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as we approach the top of the hour it is a fox news alert. the president's election fight hitting another key battleground state as his lead lawyer rudy giuliani gets ready to testify in michigan about voter fraud. welcome back to "america's newsroom," i'm sandra smith. hello, trace. >> trace: hello again. good day, i'm trace gallagher. giuliani's testimony comes a week after the state certified its electionn winning that state. the president's legal team says they now have evidence of wrongdoing and the chair of the committee now hoping to get some definitive answers about those claims. >> sandra: mark meredith is live in lansing, michigan for us as we await more. >> sandra and trace, good morning. as you mentioned michigan certified its election results more than a week ago indicating that biden won the state by 154,000 votes. still the president's legal team focused on how the state ran its election nearly a month ago on tuesday the state senate
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oversight committee invited people to testify about some suspicious or inappropriate behavior they witnessed around the tcf convention center in detroit. one of many polling places used about a month ago. >> if we had voter fraud in one out of 83 counties, if that county is wayne county you have an issue because over 800,000 votes were cast in that county. that's much more than the margin of difference we're talking about for the election for the president. >> today the republican chairman of michigan's house oversight committee invited rudy giuliani, the president's lawyer to testify. they present viewed what we can expect and writes this is an opportunity for us to get definitive answers in person about mr. giuliani's claims and evidence while we work to provide clarity and transparency to the people who have taken issue with our state's election system. giuliani himself -- 2:30 writes i want you all to know i have a
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team fighting every day to expose the blatant theft of the presidency of our great country. president tweeted an hour ago indicating he is paying attention to what's going on on the ground in michigan. democrats in the state say lawmakers should be more focused on the state's covid response, not the election from a month ago. democrats not eager to see this continue to be dragged out here in the michigan state house. we are waiting to see whether or not we see any anti-trump or pro-trump demonstrations. we'll see what the day brings. >> sandra: mark meredith, thank you. >> trace: now to developing news about a coronavirus vaccine. the united kingdom becoming the first country to approve pfizer's vaccine with first vaccinations set to happen in days >> while we have at least a week to go before we hear what the fda will do about the pfizer candidate here in the
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united states, we heard from the health and human services secretary alex azar saying that this is actually great news what is happening in the u.k. for us here in america. here is what he told fox business last hour. >> the british approval is just great news in the sense for the american people this should be very reassuring. independent regulatory authority in another country has found this vaccine to be safe and effective for use. >> the cdc's advisory committed voted to recommend front line healthcare workers and residents of long-term care facilities to get top priority in the first days of any approved vaccination program. the panel of outside experts voted 13-1 to put those two groups at the front of the line when the shots are ready to go. here is what one of the committee members said of the importance of his vote. >> one of my favorite people gandee said a nation's
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greatness is measured by how it treats its weakest members. i think this represents the right decision at this time. >> now we're talking about these two groups that's 24 million people in those two categories. the recommendations which are not binding have been handed off to the cdc director for approval. that's expected to happen today. cdc is expected to released revised guidance on quarantine time for those exposed to the coronavirus and have tested negative. they are looking at moving that from 14 days to seven days and then 10 days for those who haven't been tested. again, the cdc director is expected to have a meeting this hour. we'll pass along any information as we get it. >> trace: all key stuff. thank you. turns out coronavirus may have arrived in the u.s. earlier than anybody had realized. the "wall street journal" reports that scientists at the cdc studying blood donations
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believe the virus was here by mid-december 2019. that's just about one year ago. it's weeks earlier than the first confirmed u.s. case and long before the government restricted travel from china on january 31st. more than a month after the virus was spreading on u.s. soil. >> sandra: well, as we all know there is a lot at stake in the georgia senate runoff. the january elections will determine which party controls the senate but it goes beyond that. in an op-ed in the federalist it says president trump's agenda hangs on georgia. the man who wrote that piece chris bedford joins us now. senior editor at the federalist. good morning to you. what's your point -- what's the point you're making? >> the amount that joe biden can accomplish as president with or without the senate is massive. executive powers accelerated a great deal but his most ambitious parts of his agenda. some of the things he laid out like the green new deal and some of his senate --
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colleagues in the senate laid out such as stacking the courts, these can't be accomplished without control of the u.s. senate. that would allow him to have essentially the most ambitious agenda the democratic party has had since fdr if he controls it and makes a big difference to the republicans and also makes a big difference to trump supporters and the republican party because all politicians are very good at being in the minority and shaking their fists and getting their point across without having to made hard decisions. if republicans hold the senate they have to make the hard calls. >> sandra: you lay out clearly what you say could be on the biden agenda, chris. ending border wall construction. reinstating and likely expanding amnesty. rejoining the paris agreement. jacking up car prices with heightened fuel standards among other things. at the end of your piece, chris you write anything short of a senate majority this january will deal the conservative populist movement a terrible blow.
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explain. >> the reason for that is that there is a lot of republicans in capitol hill, 60 percenters of them this january who aren't necessarily trump republicans. they wouldn't mind a return back to the old ways. they aren't popist heroes and don't like the big fights on immigration. they prefer to fight on regulation and taxes in more traditional ground and military spending. they get to go back to how things were in the minority. they can hold up signs and give speeches but don't have to make hard votes. if republicans win the majority and trump is still the most powerful republican in the country with the biggest bully pulpit and turning against candidates they'll have to hold that line that trump set in the change in the gop we've seen in the last four years. >> sandra: tom cotton firmly saying what he sees at stake with these races. watch. >> if you want to preserve everything that we hold dear about this country we cannot empower the democrats and let chuck schumer be in charge of
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the senate. it's a huge military state. you look at people like warnock and ossoff want to cut the military. it is how radical the democrats are. >> sandra: do you agree? >> warnock is a charismatic person and molded his life after martin luther king junior. he has theories that would be considered radical in the state of georgia when he was a pastor -- when he was a junior pastor in new york they hosted fidel castro, a man who banned christmas. not your typical kind of christian and chanting his name. associated with those groups. big defender of reverend wright, the pastor barack obama had to distance himself from when he blamed america for 9/11. >> sandra: john ossoff said this yesterday in georgia. >> we have the opportunity to write the next chapter in
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american history. but only if we win these two senate races. getting out of this crisis, passing civil rights and voting rights legislation, passing an ambitious infrastructure jobs, clean energy program to rebuild our economy and tackle climate change. it all depends on victory here. >> sandra: a lot of money flowing into these races. he is working very hard to flip the senate blue. you have big dollars flowing into these races. you've got the president traveling there. you have the debate coming up sunday night. chris, what happens? >> there is a huge amount of money and traditionally in georgia a huge amount of money hasn't gone quite as far as you would expect. ossoff ran the most expensive house race in history at the time and still lost in georgia and now he is back. this is unprecedented how much money coming in. the total spent by both sides will be around $700 million. possibly more. that's incredible for a senate race. we haven't seen money making as
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much of an impact. hillary clinton far outspent donald trump and he won in 2016. that much money is untested grounds. >> sandra: chris bedford from the federalist. thank you for being here this morning. appreciate it. >> trace: well, a lot of outrage after a story we brought yesterday. killers and rapists set to get covid vaccines before granny but at high risk of dying from the disease. after the story aired the state governor said they would revise the plan to give prison inmates priority over senior citizens. breaking right now there is backlash to the backlash. some groups now demanding vaccines for convicted felons first. a lot of developments to tell you about. also hypocrisy the sequel. the story started to get a bit old as another leader who tells others what they can and cannot do is caught red-handed breaking her own rules.
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>> as we do 65 and up i would think that would include prisoners in that category. the vast majority of people 65 and up are free. there is no way it will go to prisoners before it goes to people who haven't committed any crime. that's obvious. those are just false. clearly the actual proposal and how we'll do it will be amended. >> trace: that's colorado's governor backing away from the state vaccination plan over backlash over the story we brought you yesterday that prison inmates in the state would be vaccinated before senior citizens. but now some civil liberties groups are upset saying prisoners should be at the head of the line. the state's controversial plan first came to light in a denver post op-ed written by the district attorney for the 18th judicial district. you heard the governor at the top there. he was responding in part to
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your op-ed which reads in part quoting here, the decision to prioritize the vaccination of inmates above super at-risk adults is not only contrary to math and decency but contrary to the guidance. u.s. centers for disease control and prevention and the world health organization as the son of a 78-year-old father i ask this, what in the hell is the governor doing? he is walking it back. what do you make of that? >> it's music to my ears. i think the policy from its inception was crack smoke crazy to suggest that people who are in prison and earned their way to prison will be vaccinated before the most vulnerable at-risk group we have. the over 65 group. in colorado of the 2500 deaths we've had related to covid 90% are people 60 and older. in the prison system we've had seven tragic deaths. seven compared to 90%. >> trace: this was in black and white. i want to put this on the
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screen. this is the phased vac nition distribution plan and says right there you are talking about healthcare workers, first responders and phase 2 is prisons, group homes and college dorms. but now you have people like the aclu who says quoting here the governor of colorado repealed the death penalty in colorado last year. you were there. we do not sentence our neighbors to death. be they may have committed a crime. your statements are inconsistent with colorado values. do better, please. they're saying it is better to have inmates at the top of the line. >> absolutely disagree with that. i spent a career trying to protect the public from the people in prison right now. in no way am i saying they shouldn't be vaccinated. if we have to choose, i choose the 65 and older community before i choose convicted rapists, murderers, child molesters. the science doesn't support it. the other thing that's interesting the center for disease control and wickedly
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conservative world health organization also agree with me and now the governor. >> trace: it is amazing to me. you have this other group covid vaccines for convicts quoting because of the high risk of infection of people incarcerated and correctional and detention center workers the ama is advocating for increased infection control measures, priority access to vaccines to prevent the spread of covid-19. so what they're saying is you have these people who are kind of grouped together and just like this college dorms they shouldn't be prioritized on what they have done in the past, they should be prioritized on where they happen to be at the present. >> fair point. i think we ought to vaccinate all of the guards and prison workers for sure. they will leave those prisons and go out into the community and possibly infect family members in the community. those prisoners are already in quarantine. they aren't going anywhere and
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won't infect anybody else. we're worried about death. we've been told over and over again the 65 and older community with die if this happens. the governor had said before thanksgiving and said if you have an extended family thanksgiving it is like putting a loaded gun to grandma's head. his health department's plan would give the vaccine to the guy who gives the loaded gun to his grandma's head before grandma. >> trace: it is right here in the guidelines. how do you change that and make sure that prison inmates are not going to be at the top of the line? >> i'm pretty certain that right now there are calls, emails and texts going back and forth between the governor and his health department saying how did we get here? we know the governor was briefed on this plan before it was rolled out to is center for disease control. i have a thought this plan will change away from the prisoners
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and go back to basic math. >> trace: thank you, sir. >> sandra: former president obama sparking outrage from within his own party. what he is now saying about the defund the police movement. also the durham report, that investigation into how the russia probe started didn't come out in time for the election. will we see it before president trump leaves office or could it not come out at all? this morning we'll have an answer. >> i think there will be some pressure with a new attorney general coming in but it is a lot more difficult now that he has been designated as a special counsel because there is going to be political pressure for him to be able to finish his investigation. not what's easy. so when a hailstorm hit, usaa reached out before he could even inspect the damage. that's how you do it right. usaa insurance is made just the way martin's family needs it
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>> sandra: the investigation into the origins of the russia probe will continue under a biden administration after attorney general bill barr appointed john durham as special counsel. the move gives him more space to explore any foul play in the early days of that probe. barr gave durham special counsel status in october before election day only announced the move yesterday. >> trace: joe biden's choice to head up the white house budget office is catching more flak this time for trying to tax people who drink soda. the liberal group she leads, center for american progress, endorsed a plan to tax sugary drinks by 70%. even progressive bernie sanders
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rejected the idea because it would overwhelmingly impact low income families. on top of that two studies suggest the soda tax in philadelphia has done little to get folks to kick the can. hillary vaughn live in d.c. with more on president-elect biden's cabinet choices. hillary. >> president-elect joe biden has focused on making history when selecting his choices for his cabinet but the latest pick to make history as the head of omb is also one who has a history of antagonizing those boat on the left and on the right. neera tanden would be the first woman of color to lead the office of budget and management but may be the first to get rejected by senators in her own party. she has a twitter problem. she has tweeted 30,000 more times than president trump and some of those tweets are hostile to sitting senators she needs to win over including some in her own party. senator bernie sanders who said
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this about tanden in 2019. she repeatedly calls for unity while may lining my staff and supporters and progressive ideas. republicans are brushing off tweets but not her politics. >> this is a woman who wants congress to hold up coronavirus relief for the american people so we can give checks to illegal immigrants. there is no chance she will be confirmed. she might as well step aside or joe biden should withdraw her and go back to the drawing board. >> sandra: president-elect biden is considering rahm emanuel for transportation secretary but after reports sparked blowback from progressives like alexandria ocasio-cortez, biden team reportedly is now weighing a less visible role for emmanuel as u.s. trade representative. that really is not satisfying the far left factions of the democratic party. alexandria ocasio-cortez tweeted this about that.
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what is so hard to understand about this? rahm emanuel helped cover up the murder of mcdonald. that's disqualifying for public leadership. it's not about the visibility of a post. it is shameful and concerning that he is even being considered. trace, even though biden's pick for the office of budgeed and management neera tanden has admitted she has had a combative relationships with progressive she admits she pushed bernie sanders 2020 campaign manager back in 2008. the biden team is still not worried about keeping democrat support behind her nomination. i got off the phone with a biden transition official who points me to an outpouring of support among the democratic party including progressives like senator elizabeth warren. >> trace: a lot of resistance on the other side. hillary vaughn live in d.c. thank you. >> i guess you can use a snappy slogan like defund the police
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but you know you've lost a big audience the minute you say it. which makes it less likely that you will get the changes you want done. >> sandra: former president barack obama taking on calls to defund the police from members of his own party putting himself in hot water with some on the far left elan omar is not happy about this. we lose people in the hands of police she tweeted. it is not a slogan but policy demand and centering the demand for equitable investments and communities across the country gets us progress and safety. so perhaps you can make the case the squad is not happy with the former president's words. >> yeah, look, ilhan omar has firsthand experience with what happens when you do defund the police and take on the police. crime is up significantly in minneapolis, her home district. violent crime is surging in the
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last year. she should have some first-hand experience. ilhan omar actually ran 15 points behind joe biden because a lot of even democratic voters were really turned off by her left wing positions on policing and her sloganing about defunding the police which became a reality in minneapolis. ilhan omar is a poster child for how politically toxic this type of rhetoric is to democrats and to people who want to get elected in the democratic party. >> sandra: corey bush takes on the former president's words from the state of missouri. she tweeted this. with all due respect, mr. president, let's talk about losing people. we lost michael brown junior, breonna taylor, we're losing our loved ones to police violence. not a slogan but a mandate for people our people alive. defund the police says incoming congressman corey bush. more from that same obama interview. listen.
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>> the key is deciding do you want to actually get something done or do you want to feel good among the people you already agree with? if you want to get something done in a democracy, in a country as big and diverse as ours, you have to be able to meet people where they are and play a game of addition, not subtraction. >> sandra: very interesting, josh, to see where it goes next? >> the key word that president obama said was democracy. he knows the polling and seen the data. very few americans support the type of policies the type of rhetoric that folks like omar and corey bush are talking about. if you can't persuade a majority of voters to your position and more of a backlash i would argue in recent months you are not going to get anything you want passed through congress or accomplished in local governments. so not only is it politically toxic or democrats but these types of arguments and the reality on the ground in the cities they represent is
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turning people away from their argument. they are persuading people against their cause. so obama understands it, a two-term presidents and understands how to win elections. he may be sympathetic to the cause of social justice and racial justice but he knows that it's only going to hurt that cause with the type of policies and rhetoric that these left wing congressmen are talking about. >> sandra: reminding what we heard from president trump throughout his campaign. we'll never, ever defund our police, he said multiple times. we aren't defunding the police. many do believe it is a very serious problem, racism and policing in this country. those respondents in this particular survey fox news very serious, 44% somewhat serious 28%. you look at those numbers and you wonder, josh, what we'll see under a biden administration to address this problem. >> the questions are the policies.
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everyone agrees issues need to be addressed with policing and republicans and some democrats came together with some proposals over the summer and there could have been a possibility of a bipartisan deal that didn't get done. look, the results speak for themselves. every member of the squad ran behind joe biden. in many cases by significant margins. ultimately you can't just force your ideas onto the public. you have to work with people who don't agree with you. you have to moderate your position. that will be a big test for nancy pelosi in this new congress. you have these members of the squad, the newly elected left wing members who don't seem to appreciate the notion of compromise. whether they can work with other democrats that have more pragmatic ways of doing things will be a big test for democrats in the coming year. >> sandra: always great to have you. thank you. >> trace: san francisco mayor london breed being accused of hypocrisy over coronavirus
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restrictions. she warns of new restrictions in the city as a new report say she attended a birthday party at a napa valley restaurant in november. the same french laundry restaurant, $350 per person where governor newsom attended a birthday party one day earlier. >> sandra: we're just past the bottom of the hour. here are the headlines. britain approving the first coronavirus vaccine from pfizer making it available to people in high-risk categories as soon as next week. >> trace: the captain of a diving tour boat that caught on fire and sank is now charged with manslaughter. 34 people died when they could not escape. >> sandra: wal-mart is targeting amazon. it plans to offer a service like amazon prime about $100 for membership gets you free shipping on anything for a year. >> trace: affirmative action goes from the classroom to the boardroom. why critics at nasdaq's new
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rules unfairly dictate who other firms must fire. police answering a 911 call arriving at a chaotic scene after three robbers break into a florida home and hold the residents hostage at gun point. the heart stopping rescue is next. you should come to newday usa first. there's no money down, it's the best vehicle that a person who served in the military or is serving today has today to have a new home. if we can possibly get that veteran in a home we're going to do it at newday usa. why would you rent today when you can buy your own home and participate in the american dream?
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♪ - [announcer] meet the make family-sized meals fast. and because it's a ninja foodi, it can do things no other oven can, like flip away. the ninja foodi air fry oven, the oven that crisps and flips away. >> sandra: a dramatic police rescue caught on police body cams. [shouting] >> sandra: it happened during a home invasion robbery in florida. three armed men broke into a house forcing three people into the garage and tying them up. a 19-year-old girl was able to call for help before she was captured.
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after rescuing the adults, police also found a 7-year-old girl hiding in a closet. >> you're okay, sweetie, you're okay. you're okay, baby. >> we wanted to give you a present for being a strong girl tonight, okay? we have a purple my little pony for you, all right? that was for being a really strong girl today. >> sandra: police don't believe it was a random crime and are still investigating. >> trace: the nasdaq trying to diversify requiring companies trading on the exchange to have more minorities in key positions. the "wall street journal" says the rule would require listed companies to have at least one woman on their boards in addition to a director who is a racial minority or one who self-identifies as lesbians,
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gay, bisexual or queer. we have an associated tore from reason. i want your opinion of this. >> the diversity measures they are proposing won't make anything more diverse, just the opposite. these proposals are a way for the people in charge to hire more of their friends. how many people lecturing you about diversity come from exactly the same elite background. >> is that a fair assessment? >> tucker is exactly correct. there is this idea among the kind of very progressive, the woke that racial diversity and gender diversity and sexual diversity are the cardinal virtues. the things we're pushing the most. would that result in anything being different if it's the
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same people from the same background and samie let well-off liberal people? what if you had a mandate to require someone on the board to have studied business ethics or something if you were trying to promote a progressive goal. that would be the better way to do it. if you do it in a token way i think it is paternalistic as well. >> trace: talking about skill sets instead of different ethnicities. like much of corporate america today the nasdaq is virtue signaling imposing its own identity politics on 3,300 listed companies, meddles in corporate management and harm economic growth and job creation. the free society looks at the skill and talent of individuals, not their physical appearances, right? >> yeah, that's the view of the american people as well. every time these kinds of racial preference selection schemes are put to a vote they
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usually fail. they failed most recently in the recent election. in california in blue california voters had the opportunity to weigh in on affirmative action again they had banned it many years ago and they did so again by a larger margin saying we don't want selection of people for positions based on an identity characteristic. we want it on merit. they are right. and the societal elites should practice the same. >> trace: you make a good point. a lot of people say it is just the elitists on the coast pushing this stuff. as you point out in california they voted this down. they did not want racial preferences and moreover what they are saying is what the "wall street journal" and others are saying is you have a third party here that is now calling the shots for various companies. your final thoughts, robby. >> i just have to say what would be the enforcement
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mechanism here? it's the progressive left who believes your gender right is something you can -- whatever you identify as. so what kind of checks will we do? there are by the way all sorts of professors, white professors who claimed to have racial minorities to continue to be unmasked. i would say we would see more of that if we were going to enforce this for corporate boards. >> sandra: thank you, trace. six u.s. oil executives were convicted of corruption and sentenced in venezuela. a family member of one of them will join us next. it's down to the wire,
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the team's been working around the clock. we've had to rethink our whole approach.
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we're going to give togetherness. logistically, it's been a nightmare. i'm not sure it's going to work. it'll work. i didn't know you were listening. [what's this?] oh, are we kicking karly out? we live with at&t. it was a lapse in judgment. at&t, we called this house meeting
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because you advertise gig-speed internet, but we can't sign up for that here. yeah, but i'm just like warming up to those speeds. you've lived here two years. the personal attacks aren't helping, karly. don't you have like a hot pilates class to get to or something? [ muffled scream ] stop living with at&t. xfinity can deliver gig to the most homes. >> sandra: the family of u.s.
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oil executives known as the citgo six after being convicted in venezuela on thanksgiving day and sentenced to long prison terms. they all maintain their innocence. our next guest is the daughter of one of the six. welcome to the program this morning. first off, how is your family doing? what communication have you had with them? >> hello. thank you, sandra for having me on the show for helping shed light on this injustice. as you can imagine, let's be clear, my father was kidnapped over three years ago on thanksgiving. now on the fourth thanksgiving that he is separated from us this closed-door trial comes to an end and with the sham verdict. we miss our dad and we really just want him home. >> sandra: so sorry to hear all this. mike pompeo has put out a
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statement after this sentencing saying this after canceling their initial preponderance answer in front of a judge the legal system in venezuela sentenced these oil executives without any evidence having spent three years wrongfully detained in venezuela. the majority of the time in horrific prison conditions. the six individuals should be immediately returned to the united states. what sort of coordinated effort is there right now with your family and the state department to effort your father's return as well as the others? >> well, this has been a long journey. the results speak for themselves. it is not over. if there is anything that president trump can do now to resolve this, now is the time, right? the clock is ticking and we would love to see our father home by christmas. >> sandra: your father put out this statement jailed in venezuela i'm now reaching an intersection where if justice
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is on i can rebuild my life and compensate my family for all lost moments. it's more important the light of hope illuminate us and may a light of hope help my family. those words are difficult for you to hear. could you just take us back to the moment where your dad got the phone call to head down to the major venezuelan energy company. what happened? >> well, so my father went to work and never came home essentially. he has been held as a hostage for over three years and you can imagine this has just been a grueling experience. not just for us but for him and those men. and he is 61 years old with pre-existing conditions and i worry about his health and safety. this has to end. >> sandra: the secretary of state writes about the horrible conditions in which they're being kept. what more do you know about the
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conditions your dad is facing right now? >> right now my father is in a room with no windows, no a.c., no natural ventilation, and there is no running water. so it's below the international standards of holding people prisoner. >> sandra: he has been sentenced to 8 to 13 years. you will continue this fight. have you had any direct communication with him? >> we have been able to speak with him a little bit and just like the letter says he maintains hope and he is so strong. i wish for him to stay strong until we can get him home. because nobody should be held as a hostage. >> sandra: your family needs so much hope and strength. our best to you in this effort and please keep in touch. we'll pray for you. thank you. >> thank you so much. >> trace: breaking right now into "america's newsroom," the feds tightening the rules on
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what qualifies as a service animal when you fly. so you can apparently forget about peacocks on a plane. the new rule takes effect in 30 days. only dogs formally trained to assist with a disability can qualify as service animals that can fly for free with their owners. all other animals, even those used for emotional support, will no longer be allowed in the cabin and must be checked into the cargo hold likely for a fee. and we'll be right back. rs!! that's how much veteran homeowners can save every year by using their va benefits to refinance at newday. record low rates have dropped to new all time lows. with the va streamline refi there's no appraisal, no income verification, and no money out of pocket. one call can save you $3000 a year.
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♪ >> sandra: a group of people showing up at mansions in seattle aerial claiming to be the owners. they claim they own all the land from argentina to alaska but over the past decade some members have been caught squatting and large homes. dan springer is in edmonton, washington with that story, hey, dan. >> hi, followers of the movement have tried to claim five houses in this area in the last month. each time they do the same thing they present a bogus document the land your house sits on is actually their land. all of these million-dollar houses have been in the suburbs of edmon and woodway, several gated and some walked up to the homes and told the owners they had to leave because they were reclaiming their land. in each case they told the people to get off of the
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property and called the police. but in one case the house was on the market to be sold and vacant. they placed one of their red flags out front but never did go inside. had they gotten in the home they would have been squatters making it a little bit more challenging to get them out. >> higher end homes on the waterfront where people would be attracted to those types of properties. woodway is tucked out of the way. so it might take a while to determine someone was in an on occupied home there. >> the moors have been around since the 1990s and southern poverty law's calling it an extremist group with interpretation of sovereign doctrine that african-americans constitute an elite class within american society with special rights and privileges. some followers had put away for violent acts. in 2017, shot a police officer a year earlier cabin with six cops
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in columbus, ohio, killing three of them and 2013, gentry squatted with two kids in a $3 million home in maryland for a week. she assaulted cops and sentenced to 14 years in prison. the moors have no established leadership and it is believed based on social media posting that they have between 3,004,000 followers around the nation, sandra. >> sandra: dan springer live in washington and, dan, thank you. >> repeating pandemics past, the last hot item for people to keep their booze. manufacturers could not keep up with demand. now a century later not too much has changed. once store owner saying sales jumped 500% since the virus. and now, here is what we are watching this afternoon, secretary kayleigh mcenany with white house briefing about an hour from now when p.m. east coast. >> sandra: an update on operation warp speed and fox news will bring you more from that as we get it.
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>> and the story martha will have with kelly loeffler currently locked in a race to to determine control of the senate. and that is on "the story" with martha maccallum. great to see you today. >> i will see you on "the five." >> harris: we begin with a fox news alert with a white house press briefing from press secretary kayleigh mcenany. news being made a conservative while group said several whistle-blowers from the u.s. postal service have come forward. they are alleging thousands of ballots in some states are backdated, tampered with or thrown out before the election. the claim says that it was all ultimately to the detriment of president trump. the amistad project has pushed


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