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tv   Tucker Carlson Tonight  FOX News  December 2, 2020 9:00pm-10:00pm PST

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and what did you get, mike? i got a bike. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ good night, everybody. ♪ >> tucker: we've got news from . gathering outside this moment outside of a bar called mac's public house. one of the owners strike away in handcuffs to find the states locked down rules. we spoke to him on monday, wat mowatch. >> it brought us to a point where they were shutting us down again, they weren't allowing inside dining. and i was put against a wall. it's either i took a stance and end upnd opening my establish on helping people come to spend money so i can pay bills and end
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up provided for my family. i'm so behind on bills that i really felt i had no other choice. >> tucker: he spoke out in public and then the police came and arrestedhe him. he will take you live to the scene, that moment is unfolding. we will speak to the restaurant owner and what he plans to do next. but first, good evening and welcome to "tucker carlson tonight." a lot going on in the news today. voter fraud in the last election. we will bring you the very latest on that in just a moment. but first, a more profound one. news about a global fraud that began long before election day here and has since ruined millions of lives, killed hundreds of thousands, and by the wayd without question -- deeply affected the outcome of our presidential election. the coronavirus pandemic. it's not what we thought it was. we have been lied to. the latest evidence comes from
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samples at blood drives last year and now analyzed by the centers for disease control. rsoron a study monday, they tesd 39 blood samples from the states of california, washington, and oregon. that blood was collected between december 13th and december 16th 2019. at the time, no one in the united states had heard of covid-19. the chinese government didn't even acknowledge its existence until december 31st. every one of those samples to tested has come back positive for the coronavirus antibodies. they don't develop for at least a week after exposure to the virus. that means the wuhan coronavirus was being transmitted throughout the american population far earlier, possibly months earlier than we were told. what does that mean it's ugly? and howex did it happen? we don't know yet how it happened, but we know for certain that it did.
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they found them and many other parts of the country come across the country. michigan, iowa, massachusetts. analysis of tests and others countries have shown even earlier spread of the virus. scientists now know it spread to italy as little early as last september. and two months earlier in november. clearly, what we have been told for almost a year about the origins of the coronavirus is nots true. are we just learning this p now a month after a presidential election? we federal aisle and t -- no one thought until now? why weren't officials mending a coherent account of where this virus, the spires that has changed americans history forever -- where it came from? how it got to the united states until it spread through our population?
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why don't we know that yet? because nobody seemed to care. our elected officials were too busyoy enjoying their newfound power. smiling small businesses, arresting people for kayaking without masks. back in january, 11 months ago, the department of homeland security warned that american airports could be ground zero for a new pandemic. but congress yawned. they were occupied that day. on january 24th, a day when these blood samples now approved the virus had already spread across the continent, the trump administration held a classified briefing on the coronavirus for the entire u.s. senate pen. but only 14 u.s. senators showed up for it. why was that? that briefing was held on the very same day asas the deadline for senators to submit their questions for impeachment. so the people in charge of protecting the country were not worried about coronavirus, instead they were standing in front of their mirrors rehearsing their star turn, the moment when they could finally
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confront about the dreaded phone call. now they are claiming the pandemic called completel out ty surprise. they get away with it because our public health establishment gives them cover and has all year. two days before that classified senate briefing and only 14 senators showed up. dr. tony fauci went on television to reassure americans they could relax. calm down, america. you can trust the chinese government. if the chinese are telling us that this virus jumped from a pangolin in a went market and no one even knew existed and we are doing our very best to contain it then that's what happened. >> china has been known to fiddle with their stats before. do you trust but they are telling us about this illness? what i can see right now, they really are being much, much more transparent then what happened with sars. it was embarrassing to them.
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they are really transparent now, they put the sequence of the virus up on the public database right away. so in that respect, they have been transparent. the one they are really transparent now says dr. anthony fauci. in a well-functioning country, a line like that would make sure you would never work in public policy y again. transparent, transparently dishonest. we know that forsp certain. officials are now claiming the virus came to their country from somewhere else, it arrived in frozen food possibly as a bio weapon staged by the u.s. military. they are not saying that in secret, they are saying it on social media. but so far, twitter hasn't bothered to fact-check that claim. to silicon valley trusts china, trust china for more than they you. ron klain is joe biden's pick for white house chief of staff. on january 27th of this year, he
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told axios that china has been more transparent and more candid than it has been during past outbreaks. why did ron klain think that? possibly because the world healthat organization told him o think so. on january 8th, the w.h.o. funded of course by the chinese government, released a similar message. here it is. preliminary i did a vision of the novel virus and a short period time is eigh a notable achievement. it was like a press release. in other words, the rest of us ought to be thanking the government of china. for the blessing of covid-19 pretty much appreciated. a week later, the w.h.o. was back with more demonstrably untrue propaganda straight from their overloads in beijing. preliminary investigations conducted by chinese authorities haveco found n no no clear evid. that was yet another dangerous lie that without question cost
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american lives. but twitter didn't fact-check that either. instead, the american media as a group dutifully amplified the message. china did nothing wrong, they told us. anyone to suggest otherwise, to suggest this thoroughly chinese virus came c from china, is by definition a racist. whose fault is it that americans are dying from the virus? as americans fall. it's your stop asking questions. so pharaoh was the news blackout on the origins of this virus, the chinese origin, that you had to go to australian television to find out what was actually happening. >> we now know it was spreading human to human. but the official line of the chinese government was that this was all related to an animal market and once they close the market it would all go away. >> did they know differently at that time? >> absolutely.
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because they were seeing cases coming into the hospitals that had nothing whatsoever to do with that animal market. >> it had nothing whatsoever to do with that animal market. viewers of australian television knew that, viewers of american television had no idea. american tv serving little packages -- it had nothing to do with the pangolin or bats or the wet market. we interviewed dr. lehman jan on the show as she fled her country with a messaged for us. this virus, she said, came from a government lab in china. she said she knew that. in her own country, she would've been punished or possibly killed for doing so. so she came here to the land of the free, what did you find? she found here words censored by american tech companies. once again, you had to go to 60 minutes australia to learn what was happening to people
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like dr. lehman jan. >>ri is china tries to rewrite history and claim it was transparent all along, a final nail in the coffin a of their l. just two weeks ago, the head of emergency at wuhan central hospital, dr., also went publict saying authorities had stopped her and her colleagues from world. the she has now disappeared. whereabouts unknown. >> tucker: internal documents no proof that chinese officials knew they were facing a coronavirus pandemic, something they'd never seen before. but they had that information from the world and they arrested those who try to report it. more critically, millions of people continue to travel through the city of wuhan in central china. the epicenter of the pandemic. more than 1 million chinese citizens he flew here the united states.
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it wasn't until january that the president of p china, zhejiang pain, finally admitted the virus could be contagious. spread from person-to-person. at best, it is criminal negligence. at its worst, it's a bit like mass murder. but no, said the worl world heah organization. the american media heartily agreed. watch this amazing clip from late march. >> right now, there's very, very few countries that have actually beenre able to reverse this epidemic to bring their cases down. in fact, the only country that hasn't on that is china. it was the passion and diligence, the sense of responsibility, the seriousness of the average chinese. i want too use that term very carefully because they weren't average, they were extraordinary people. but they were driven by a sense of collective responsibility.
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>> tucker: that's right, ladies and gentlemen. passion and diligence and sense of responsibility and seriousness of the chinese. they are askedth ordinary peopl, it's in the blood. they are driven, and we want to quote this verbatim because it's important for the rest of us to' learn from our mistakes. the chinese are driven by "a sense of collective responsibility."y contract that with us. fat, lazy, trump voting americans. so selfish and shortsighted we demand to go to church on sundays or go out to dinner with our families once in a while. and then, deservedly, we get sick and die. not the obedient communist nation of china. they found a better way. that is the message from our media, it's the message from mark healtha establishment, it's the message from our elective officials. it's not the whole story, we know that now. we are still not even close to knowing what really happened. we should find out.
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alex berenson has been one of the very few people in the media to cover this pandemic honestly. no matter where his reporting is from day one. he is the author of "unreported truths aboutk covid-19" which is about masks and worth reading. alex, this seems like significant information and it seems like the cbc study proves that this was circulating among a population long before we were told it was. what do you ofol this? >> let me correct you on just one point. yes, you said in your monologue, it's that the cdc study showed that they actually sampled about 1900 blood samples in that time. in the december time period. they found that 2% of the 1900 or 39 people were positive. so it wasn't that all 39 were positive, it was 39 out of 1900 which actually makes more sense bread what it suggests is that
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this virus was possibly circulating at a relatively low level. as we know, this virus is so not dangerous to younger, healthy people who are likely to be in that blood donor cohort. it's quite possible none of them even knew they had it or they thought they had the flu. but what you said more broadly is totally correct. there is evidence now from all over the world, from waste water in to wastewater in italy. from this cdc survey and also from wastewater -- this was fall of 2019. the we don't know exactly what that means, tucker. there are going to be neurologists out there who are t going to say it's not proven yet, perhaps this is due to some kind of cross activity with other kinds of coronavirus' that are out there. but it certainly is very, very strong evidence that this was out there and the world should be asking. because this resets the timeline, it raises the question of how dangerous this is if it
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was circulating for months before anybody knew. and you're bigger point is even more important which is the tech companies and the conventional meetings including places like the times where i used to work are just not asking the right questions. they are so s focused, even now, on punishing trump and telling americans who want to spend time with their families or go out and work thatil they are evil, d people. that they are not asking her questions about whetherti lockdowns work, where this came from, about whether or not it might have escaped from a chinese lab and about masks. i can't believe that amazon censored me again about masks, okay? it is shocking to me that we can't have a discussion about whether or not masks work. when everybody -- not everybody -- but many scientists before it march ofwh this year agreed that masks don't work. our media -- i don't want to say it's w dishonesty. sbut it is really not willing to ask questions that are ideologicallyy difficult. you went about three other
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people are the only other people who were willinger that. >> tucker: that seems like a synonym for dishonesty. i just wondering how you think this is happening? life the people in charge decided that there is no deviation from the official story line allowed? towhat is that about? what are they protecting? what are they afraid of? >> clearly, beforeor the electin anything that might have taken blame away from donald trump was not something they wanted to discuss. i figure we can actually -- that's quite clear now. now that joe biden is going to take office in january, i don't know why it is that we are not allowed to challenge china. to be honest, there are now some eminent biologists and researchers, people -- there's a guy at fred hutchins seattle,, there is a guy named david roman at stanford. these are people who have labs named afterna them. they are saying we need to investigate where this came from.
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even with these people who are in no way republican trump supporters or anything like that -- they are biologists. their voices cannot be heard right now. and i don't know why.t and i don't know why we can't have a conversation about masks either. at least talk to people about whether or not they should be wearing them outside, whether or not children need to wear them. there is so much that is off limits right now. >> tucker: yeah, we have replaced religion with some weird kind of witchcraft. and it's worrisome. thank you as always. >> thanks, tucker. >> tucker: on monday we talked to one of the co-owners of a bar called mac's public house in staten island, new york. he told us his restaurant was in the nest hahneman to and autono. last night, authorities hauled to the co-owner, a man called
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danny presti come away in handcuffs. tonight, right now, a large group of supporters has gathered outside that restaurant. danny presti joins us tonight with his attorney. danny and luke, thanks so much for coming on. first,fi tell us, danny, you are arrested because your business partner said publicly that he was defying the orders. what happened? >> we had a little meeting inside yesterday. i did have some guests in there. the sheriff came in, seemed like a whole lot of them. we were really good with them. really cordial. after a while, just wanted to take me out. it seemed like a whole big ordeal.ou >> tucker: so danny was
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arrested and he a city where people pushpu human beings in front of subway trains and get away with it. why do you think your client was singled out? out of all the criminals, for jail? >> tucker, thinks for having us. i have to tell you, my mother law is battling cancer and she is your absolute because fan. as far as myfa client goes, 15 sheriff came in yesterday. were peaceful, quiet, respectful, and cordial the shore until your tim to tell mil entire time. everybody acted that way. and at the end of the day, after giving out $50,000 in fines and giving me trouble for just representing my client in a polite, respectful manner, they gave us $50,000 in fines throughout the building and wind it up arresting danny, putting him in handcuffs when he never
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raised his voice and he was in his own building that he is the leaseholder on. >> tucker: it's shocking. i should tell her audience, i'm not sure what we are looking at. this is happening live. what is going on around you?y who are the people outside your bar and what are they saying? >> we have over 1500 staten islanders protesting tonight. probably 1,000 left, and we are peacefully protesting. no rioting, no leading, we have about 25 sheriff deputies out front of the place that were kind of aggressive at times. but we have 1500 staten island or is in a peaceful protest protesting and supporting business owners, local business owners, and danny and keith and the actions they took to take up themselves. >> tucker: i don't think we have seen a protest like this so far. i expect we are going to see more in the coming days. you are saying these are people
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protesting the governor and the mayor's corona lockdowns? >> tucker, you've been on it from the beginning. they are protesting the fact that thest governor in all his wisdom split staten island in half and considered orange stone and the north shore a yellow zone. just a block and a half away from ma mac's public house, youn go in and have a beer, but at mac's public house you can't. and these people of staten island did not vote for cuomo or mayor de blasio. >> tucker: is there a scientific basis for this? but you know of. >> i don't know, tucker. we'll all use some common sense. we are going to assume -- i'm not a scientist, i'm an
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attorney. we can assume the coronavirus doesn't stop at the railroad tracks where you can go eat a block away. i'm assuming the coronavirus doesn't stop there. and governor cuomo's wisdom -- i have no idea what signs they used. >> tucker: what are the police doing right now? >> the sheriff is on the scene. they have created a blockade in front. they won't let anybody end. they said they are not going to leave anytime soon. we do want to make clear that they are not the nypd. these are the new york city sheriff. so nypd has worked with us, really good guys. we support them fully. this is a new york city sheriff department and they have created a blockade and will not let anybody in the place except for myself, keith, and lou. >> tucker: danny, is your bar open now?
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>> he won't -- even if we wanted to try to get in there, they have literally created a blockade of about 25 sheriff's standing in front with barriers. there is no way anybody can get in right now. >> there's a blockade, a literal blockade. >> tucker: i got to ask you this question on the wayy out. how many confirmed cases of transmission of the coronavirus have come from mac's public house that you know of? >> zero. >> absolutely zero, tucker. and i think there is zero about aa block and a half away. >> tucker: i just wanted to establish that. danny, lou, i appreciate you coming on tonight. good luck. >> they could, tucker. thanks for all the work you do. we really appreciate it. >> tucker: night after night, we have brought you seems like that from around the country. the state cracking down on everyone without any pretext
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whatsoever of scientific basis. there is no study that shows, they do it anyway. one state stands apart from all this. probably not surprising. it'sot the state from which thousands of people are moving every week, it's florida. the governor of florida says that more lockdowns are not needed in his state. he joins us now to explain why. governor, thanks a lot for coming on. you took a lot of heat earlier in the year for going a little lighter on the restrictions in liflorida than other states did. are you happy with that decision? what's your posture right now? >> in florida, all businesses are open. we've had things like theme parks, beaches, schools open, k-12 school districts, private schools, charter schools, we have sporting events. i think for me, as you alluded to it, a lot of these lockdowns of very ineffective. they have huge negative consequent this.
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my view is that everybody is essential. who is government to say that your job is not essential? i think it is essential. i think some of the stuff in march and april didn't work. i think you have to let people earn a living. it's really not even governments role as a who can pick and choose. so we want everyone to gainful employment. we want businesses to be able tp operate. in terms of understanding that the virus is a problem. we need to deal with but we also have to deal with all of society, so we have done things like focus on our long-term care facilities, our elderly population. we are working hard to deliver the vaccine. but we are also keeping people working, keeping kids in school. i think that people are happier here and that's part of the reason why have so many people coming here. >> tucker: just because government doesn't requirere people to take certain precautions doesn't mean they don't. presumably, some adults in florida decided that they don't
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want to leave their homes or they are at risk. they can still make those choices themselves, can they n not? absolutely. for example, we have the villages retirement community. a lot of your viewers are probably watching. very early on, they made certain adjustments, they stopped having large indoor events.ed they dialed back some other functions. but they were out playing golf every day. they were doing things thatng we low risk. they were taking adequate precautions, and they've been able to tackle this far better than everybody was predicting. so i think empowering people with the information about the risk and trusting them to make good decisions. and also, some of the industry that -- these restaurants that are being targeted. you look at some of the restaurants in florida --ts they are working hard to have a great environment for their customers. they want to have that more than anybody. and i think they've done a great job in the state of florida. >> tucker: i have to ask you, because i can't resist, i'm sure you've noticed throughout the past six months you've seen flareups ofas the virus.
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but when they happen in florida, there is a kind of gleeful reporting by the media. see, florida is suffering for it sends! why do you think members of the american media would feel joy when fellow americans get the coronavirus? >> it's all political. obviously they have an agenda. very partisan. it was an election year. and the fact that florida was considered a key swing state had a lot to do with it. at the end of the day, even when we have had the sun belt surge, we are -- our hospitals work, they would try to say that the hospitals were s overcrowded. it just wasn't factuallye true. so we focus a lot o making suree have that capacity. you would never know it if ally. you followed was the corporate american media. >> tucker: yeah,di well, look at
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where people are moving. that's one statistic that doesn't lie. watch what they do. congratulations on the success of your state. governor, thanks a lot for coming up. >> thank you. >> tucker: there are still -- looks like over 1,000 people outside of that bar on staten island. we haven't seen anything like that, so we will continue to monitor that and bring you back if news emerges, and it may. also developing, information -- new information on some of the voter fraud that occurred in last month's election. in nevada for example, photo evidence now appears to show that cash was exchanged for mail and votes. victor davis hanson joins us after the break to assess all of it in detail. a we will be right back. ♪ we'll be right back.
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>> tucker: so you're hearing a lot about voter fraud. hard to keep track of all the different threads. some of this is entirely real. we want to bring it to you.
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a month aft >> tucker: a month e after election day, dozens of ballots mysteriously turned up. this is one of the most shocking examples. lisa boothe is on it, she's a fox news contributor. she's got the full story for us tonight. hey, lisa. >> hi, tucker. they found 55,000 votes, 44,000 of which are valid. this is also the same county that faced the cyber attack which w they think the origins traced to hong kong. but it's not just this county and new york's 22nd congressional district that has a raised question. there is also a different county -- however, among those ballots were objective ballots. there are supposed to be sticky notes indicating if those ballots had been counted or not. however, the sticky notes weren't there. nobody knows if those ballots were included in the counter not. in the account last week and
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there were two counties that had errors, admitted errors, tabulation errors as well. i think part of the u challenge this congressional district as in the state of new york they made last-minute changes to the election including extending the deadline for absentee ballots including allowing for registering to vote up until the election, closer than you could in previous elections. also, they are used to getting just a few thousand election votes. iti really thihink it's a microm for what is going on in the rest ofgo this country where you have election officials that just aren't prepared for this influx of absentee ballots and obviously we are seeing with some of these other counties i indicated not being able to handle the sheer volume of absentee ballots. >> in this specific district, it sounds like it will change the outcome of the election. >> well, certainly.
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right now, claudia tenney who is the republican in the race who is challenging the incumbent democrat, the differences the votes.12 obviously, especially the 55 votes, but any votes could count. and right now, the supreme court -- they are looking at a couple thousands of try to figurere out if they should counter not. it got both sides that are contesting certain ballots. so this is really coming down to the wire. throughout the timeline -- claudia tenney was up about 25,000 votes on00 election day including early voting. obviously that dwindled down as absentee ballots were included as welll as these affidavit ballots as well. it just brings questions where we are looking not at the election where you have a lot of conservatives with questions, simply based off of the chaos and things like this where you find 55 ballots that were suddenly discovered a month after the election.
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i mean, of course people have questions right now but i honestly think it's crazy to not bees asking questions when we essentially did a science experiment and these election officials in new york 22nd election -- we are prepared for it. >> tucker: maybe they were prepared. republicans think about why people vote, democrats spent time thinking about how they vote. 55 uncounted ballots. >> good point. >> tucker: that's the kind of story you would expect to see out of a developing country. as of today, nearly a month after the election, thousands of votes remain uncounted. a month later in new york, only about 80% of floats have been tabulated as of tonight. in westchester county just outside new york, the number is even lower than that. 56%. today the president pointed out the obvious. democracy can't function like this.
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>> we used to have what was called election day. nowe we have election days, weeks, and months. and a lot of bad things happened during this ridiculous period of time. especially when you have to prove almost nothing to exercise our greatest privilege, the right to vote. >> tucker: of the justice department said yesterday -- and this got a lot of attention -- they haven't collected enough evidence of fraud to change the outcome of last month's election. it doesn't mean there wasn't fraud, doesn't mean they won't.m in response, the trump campaign says the doj hasn't seen all the evidence. the republican party held an interest integrity. the voter is set on tape they had no idea why they received a ballot. that's an obvious risk of fraud. how exactly did that happen? o i think we know. but how widespread was it
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russia? out gift cards and electronics to people that handed in an absentee ballot. that's illegal as far as we know. on facebook, one of the groups bragged about the arrangement and included pictures in exchange for money. the caption >> tucker: all right. just to be clear, if that is real it is a crime. it seems like there were some crimes in the selection. >> i look at what the american people think. 6 out of 10 think something went wrong with the election. it wasn't because donald trump
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complain. it's because of the things he listed and more. you can also remember that if we were talking four years ago on this date, jill stein was in the process of suing wisconsin and michigan and pennsylvania and claims that were not proven there was a wrongful. if we go back 20 years, we still had another 11 days of al gore demanding recounts until he was stopped by the supreme court. it's a very intricate thing because there is a judicial problem, a legal problem, and does trump as shown, a lot of these state legislature laws were overturned by officials that didn't have a right to do that. that has to be pursued. there is glitches, but the key question is in the next 11 days -- excuse me, 12 days before the e electoral's meet on the 14th, and there is evidence not that things were wrong -- we all know it went wrong. but it changed the outcome of the states election count that
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would change the electoral college. we don't know that answer yet. he is perfectly legitimate to continue to do this. on the other hand, he's got other people who won by 70%. you have 400 electoral votes. it's the greatest scandal in american history. that were true, we needed a bigger amount of evidence that we haven't seen. then there is a time issue. once you get passed the states, then you are saying you want to go back to an 1876 or an 1888 scandal basically where you go in and challenge the electors and you fight over who has the right to choose them on what basis. then you are on some pretty scary territory. finally, there's a political question. that is trump i space will not stick with them if they think he rolled over in the fetal position and o didn't protect te sanctity of their votes. the independent and swing voters won't stick with it if there was not evidence that change the vote, yet he keeps pressing it.
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he has to spread tha to fred tht needle. he needs constituents to come out and save the senate, save the filibuster, save the electoral college. and then he can go on as an agreed and or jackson if he wishes and 2,022 and win the house backer in 2024. time is of the essence, because after december 14th, even these legitimate complaints that are probably valid in many cases -- if they are not adjudicated and not proven in public opinion, the court's, then we are going to get in a situation where we have been about two or three times. 1824, 76, little bit in 1988. that is not where we want to be. >> tucker: time is of the essence. that's exactly right. thank you for that overview, one of the people we trust. so this is what we have been warned about for a long time. democrats in congress have the
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identified and do far right extremist -- member of the alt-right. he was last seen developing a comedy series for thede streamig service netflix. can youca guess his name? mark steyn has it. he will join us after the break. ♪
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this is where leah learned to dribble. where james first picked up a brush. where bella made meal kits for neighbors in need. this school year, many ymca's are transforming some of their spaces for virtual learning, dedicating staff and even providing meals. so now, this is also where they will master long division. study photosynthesis.
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and learn when they need support, the y is there for them. the y. forever learning. for a better us. >> tucker: a fox news alert. a huge demonstration outside >> tucker: fox news alert. a huge demonstration outside of a bar in staten island, new york. the owner of the bar was arrested for publicly defined the lockdowns put in place by the governor of that state. the bar owner spoke to us a few moments ago, nearly 2,000 people showed up outside his bar to protest his arrest. as we said, many are still gathered there at this hour. we will keep an eye on it. haven't seen anything like it k before. it's no secret, of course we are told every day by "the new york times," that danger is far right militants have been emboldened since day.ion businesses and right-wing strongholds like washington, d.c., and portland, oregon, have been boarded up, terrorized at what might come. our worst fears came to pass on
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thursday, former president of the united states came out as a proud member of the alt-right. he did it on the internet. on a political show. no hesitation britt watch this. >> you could use a snappy slogan like "defund the police." that makes it a lot less likely that you are actually going to get the changes done. the key is deciding, do you actually want to get some they done or do you want to feel good among the people you arty agree with? >> tucker: yeah, you'd like to defund the police. but just don't tell anyone. just don't see it outdo loud. people were very offended though. people in obama's base, member of converse was shocked. lives are at stake daily, so i'm out of patience with the critiques of the language of- activists. ilhan omar, resident genius in the house of representatives, wroteiu this. defund the police is not a slogan, but a policy demand.
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[laughs] this is unbelievable. but as usual, no one was more shocked than the cost of the view. they trashed all of their barack obama memorabilia, the memoirs, the many memoirs, the newspaper clippings, even the "yes we can" coloring books. and then consumed by fury they went on the air. >> i'm always low to criticize president obama because i am a fan,hi but i do think he's wrong here. defund the police is not a term that was crowd sourced or tested and focus group, that is a term that was born as a rallying cry. it was born over the policing of black and brown communities. i b think president obama was a community organizer and i really think he knows better. the outcome of the rich ladies are mad. rich ladies are always mad, especially the ones on tv. in this case they make a fair point. a community organizer should've known better. have our standards for community
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organizers fallen too far? mark steyn is a resident expert. it's a small group, but he knows it well. he joins us tonight to assess paid what you make of this? >> first, i don't want to live in any community organized by community organizers, so include me out on that front. to be honest, i think this is part of a kind of good cop at defund art, bad defund her routine. he does this bloodless thing and the radical ladies get all mad at him. and this is what he was doing ten years ago when he was officially opposed as you may recall to same-sex marriage. everybody and his own party pretended to believe him. instead of understanding it for what it was, a political thing. we are going to see a lot more of this. i don't buy this whole idea that
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the democrat party -- joe biden hast to juggle the moderate wing of his party and all of these radicals like ilhan omar. they are laughing at us with this good cop defund her, bad cop defund her routine. that is strictly for public consumption. they are serious about power and whether or not they agree on any particular policy, which is why they arech still busy -- what ws that county lease they were talking about? shenanigan county in new york. i've never even heard of that. they are still seriously driving boxes of uncounted ballots around. this sort of fake tension between the elements of the party is actually the opposite of what's going on. they are fairly united. ilhan omar is serious about power, and that's what binds them. >> s>> tucker: so smart.
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bill clinton lied, it was transparent. there is something terrifying about the coldness with which obama tells lies. it is harder to perceive, therefore more effective. i find it scary. >> yah, it does. that whole detached, bloodless, i missed a spot, i just landed from planet song go routine. i can understand why that is not thed kind of guy the ladies on the via t warm up to. but they don't have to worry about anything, they are all in inlocklockstep. >> tucker: meyer the most privileged in our society the angriest? have you ever wondered that? >> well, i think it is a revolt against the masses. it's a problem if you like meritocracy -- it's not like you are simply the son of the duke so you are born to rule. these people think they should be ruling because they are the best. and i think that gives them an
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arrogance about how they think of the people who ask them. >> tucker: yeah, it is very hard to have a democracy with people like that in charge because they just don't believe in it. i think that's pretty clear. mark steyn, thank you. >> thanks a lot, tucker. >> tucker: we areuc monitoring the protest outside the bar in staten island. protests against the governor and the mayor's new corona laws. lots of news tonight. we have more straight ahead. ♪ plen there. lots of news tonight. more ahead.
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>> tucker: live pictures from outside max public house in staten island, shutting down by the state of >> tucker: mac's public house shut down by the state of new york. the dispatched law enforcement to keepch from people define the lockdown orders. they were told to stand down
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when blm protesters broke into macy's, but when someone goes on fox to complain about the lockdown's, show up in force. we'll be back tomorrow in the meantime, from new york, sean hannity right now. >> sean: all right, tucker, by the way, need a place for you and your family on christmas. i have a hideaway bunker, the government g will never find us. you are welcome to join me. >> tucker:r: man, that sounds like fun. christmas in the bunker. hai'm there. >> sean: it' what we do have the government didn't tell us what to do? everyone has assessed the risk. of course, we have to protect p the sick and the elderly. we are doing that, and people hopefully will listen. whatly you have a place at our christmas table, the whole family. speak to you thank you, sean. >> sean: tucker, thank you. welcome to "hannity." this weekend, the president is going to hit the campaign trail.


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