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tv   FOX Friends First  FOX News  December 3, 2020 1:00am-2:00am PST

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>> it is thursday december 3rd. new overnight, los angeles lockdown. businesses told to shut their doors. across the country a staten island pub holds strong. >> usa! usa! usa! >> the co-owner telling hundreds of supporters it is time we take our country back. >> more lockdown hypocrisy from another democrat, a mayor delivering covid-19 restrictions from mexico, jet sitting vacation sparking outrage.
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>> colossal expansion of mail in voting, opened the floodgates to massive fraud. if we are right about the fraud joe biden can't be president. >> donald trump takes his fight over alleged voter fraud into his own hands with a fiery white house address. "fox and friends first" starts right now. ♪ >> phil collins to wake you up. >> got the drum in it. we were joking there was a song playing, this is another one putting me back to sleep. >> you are watching "fox and friends first" wednesday morning. >> not her fault. >> the music, right through it.
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carley: let's get to it. in a fiery white house address donald trump says he and his legal team are opening the floodgates for massive voter fraud. jillian: whistleblowers in michigan testify about the election. griff jenkins breaks it all down. good thursday morning. hope you are awake. >> not only is it thursday but it is 11 days to go before the electoral votes are certified nationwide and barely a day after william barr found no evidence of fraud that would change the election results but the white house releasing 46 minute video the president repeating allegations of widespread voter fraud suggesting the election was stolen. watch. >> this colossal expansion of mail-in voting opened the floodgates to massive fraud. it is a widely known fact the
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voting rolls are packed with people who are not lawfully eligible to vote. this is not disputed. it has never been disputed. >> the video was made without any members of the press present and as lawsuit after lawsuit are rejected across the country the president is hoping the supreme court will intervene. >> what a disaster this election was. a total catastrophe. but we are going to show it and hopefully the courts in particular, the supreme court of the united states will see it and respectfully, hopefully they will do what is right for our country. >> in michigan the president's legal team led by rudy giuliani presented witnesses with more allegations of voter fraud. >> standing by the tabulator machines and i could tell by the way most of the people did not know what to do when a ballot gets jammed.
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>> double counting the jams, i saw that several times, they would take the ballots that were just scanned and just rescan them again. >> as president-elect biden continues building a new administration some democrats are growing impatient with the continuing legal battles. >> republican local leaders and clerks stood up and certified there election, stood by their work and they are still having folks come in over their heads trying to pressure them. if you have a credible allegation put a portion up. >> if you thought that was the last you will hear from the president get ready because he heads down to georgia saturday for a rally, we will definitely hear more about the election. >> thank you. the washington free beacon says the way the president delivered this message is significant but warned his continued push claiming voter fraud could backfire.
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>> the political implications of the speech are more significant than the legal ones. it is interesting to note the medium in which the speech was released. it is not a televised address. it went out over trump's social media account. direct feed to his most loyal supporters. the president also has a very political tightlipped to walk. he made one reference in the speech to the georgia runoff election in january. a real risk that as he continues to challenge the election he will delegitimize the electoral process in the eyes of many republican voters and possibly hand the senate to joe biden and kamala harris. >> all eyes are on georgia's senate runoff. kelly left the debater challenger rafael warknock. i will preview the debate sunday and be live from 4:00 to 6 am with the latest information
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monday morning. >> hundreds rally in staten island to support the bar owner arrested for keeping his business open. >> in every city, in every town in america. >> open up! open up! >> look at that. backlash mounts against coronavirus restrictions. >> a massive crowd was outside defend the co-owner just 24 hours after his arrest. the crowd saying this is how we take back our country while sensitivities line the building wall, locking anyone from getting inside. a lawyer for the owner, slapped with massive fines. >> we were peaceful, quiet,
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respectful, they gave us 50,$000 of fines throughout the building and wind up arresting danny, putting him in handcuffs and charging him with disorderly conduct when he never raised his voice. >> this as eric garcetti announces a new lockdown overnight, all residents ordered to stay in their homes. martha maccallum pushed back after doctors how to claim backlash is due to misunderstanding. >> i think there's a misunderstanding of people thinking when you ask people to do some simple public health measures. >> don't think these businesses are misunderstanding what is going on, then allowed to open, the schools, many of them are close, college kids literally prisoners in their dorm rooms, they can't leave, little kids whose mothers had to quit their jobs, tell them there is no lockdown. >> what is the latest on hospitalizations. we had a major milestone. >> 100,000 people in the
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hospital being treated for the virus but help is on the way. in new york governor andrew cuomo said by mid-december there should be enough of the pfizer vaccine to treat 170,000 new yorkers. >> we need the federal funding, we need a real aggressive outreach effort, we need social acceptance and confidence to take the vaccine. this is going to be the largest governmental operation. >> this is the cdc director issued a dire warning for the winter months. >> december and january and february are going to be rough times. i believe they are going to be the most difficult time in the public health history of this nation. >> the cdc recently changed its quarantine guidelines at of the holidays, 10 days or 7 if you get a test and for anyone giving the vaccine, vaccination cards to keep track of everything. still ahead, dr. janette
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nesheiwat will weigh in on the new cdc guidelines. >> thank you. the mayor of austin, texas coming under fire for telling people to stay home in a video he recorded while on vacation in mexico. >> you to stay home if you can, do what you can to keep the numbers down. this is not the time to relax. we may have to close things down if we are not careful. >> in a facebook video from november 9th, mayor steve abbott threatened further lockdowns if people do not follow his guidance. the democrat posted the video from his timeshare in cabo after reportedly flying down in a private jet, this happening the day after he threw is waiting for his daughter was 20 guests. at the time the city of boston recommended people not gathering larger than ten. micro sounds off on this hypocrisy of democrat leaders, said people are fighting back.
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>> something amazing is going on. i think what is happening in staten island is indicative of the old expression you can forgive people for being wrong or even for being stupid but hypocrisy is a hard thing to get over. people are leaving and not just leaving because of the unintended consequences of policies that don't suit them from a business or economic standpoint they are leaving because something feels fundamentally wrong, the level of hypocrisy is rank and stinks to high heaven. >> remember just this week in la county supervisor was called out for eating at a restaurant hours after she voted to ban outdoor dining, she notices dining out is a nonstory and won't do any more interviews on it. urgent evacuations underway
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after california brushfire explodes overnight, life pictures near san diego. deputies are going door to door as fast moving flames are torching several homes. the flames reportedly started from a house fire. travel to brush. power has been cut to 30,000 customers amid a red flag warning with another 73,000 in the crosshairs. >> it is officially christmas on capitol hill, watch. ♪ >> members of congress gathering for the lighting of the capitol hill christmas tree, the 55 foot tall spruce traveled cross-country from colorado, the people's tree as it is called is decorated with thousands of handmade ornaments, very beautiful. 11 minutes after the hour,
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former president obama takes issue with the defund the police movement and progressives firing back. >> giano caldwell says this spells trouble for the biden administration, he joined us next. history also destroyed the lives of thousands of jewish survivors still suffering today. god calls on people who believe in him to act on his word. "comfort ye, comfort my people." especially during this holiday season of hanukkah.
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when i come here and i sit with lilia i realize what she needs right now is food. these elderly jews are weak and they're sick. they're living on $2 a day this now, is how god's children are living. take this time to send a survival food box to these forgotten jews. the international fellowship of christians and jews urgently need your gift of $25 now to help provide one survival food box with all of the essentials they critically need for their diet for one month. your special holiday gift will provide everything they need to celebrate the miracle of hanukkah. this is the first time in over 70 years that she has anything to do with faith. the communists came and wiped it out. and now we're coming to her and saying, "it's okay to have faith." it's okay to light the hanukkah candles.
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for just $25, you can help supply the essential foods they desperately need for one month. i just want to encourage all of you to join with yael eckstein and the wonderful work of the international fellowship of christians and jews. god tells us to take care of them, to feed the hungry. and i pray holocaust survivors will be given the basic needs that they so desperately pray for to survive. robinwithout the commission fees. so, you can start investing today wherever you are - even hanging with your dog. so, what are you waiting for? download now and get your first stock on us. robinhood.
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>> i guess you can use a snappy slogan like defund the police but you've lost a big audience the minute you say which makes it less likely you will get the changes you want done. >> former president barack obama joins the course of moderate democrats criticizing the defund the police movement the progressive democrats firing back. can president-elect joe biden stand up to the pressure? political analyst giano caldwell, good morning. we have every member of the progressive squad criticizing president obama, alexandria
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ocasio cortez saying it wasn't until they said defund the comfortable people started paying attention to brutality. ilhan omar, it is not a slogan but a policy demand, they are still very clearly energized behind this movement. what does that tell you about their future relationship with joe biden? >> reporter: they were clear, bernie sanders had an entire skype call, we are going to push joe biden as far to the left as possible. they are not giving up. people have been saying especially around the defund the police motto is it really defund the police or reimagine police or transfer funds for the police, they really want the police defunded which scares a lot of people in the suburbs. former president obama was correct and that is part of the reason you saw the gop pick up so many seats in the house of representatives and so many gop women when this past election cycle. if they continue with this
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shenanigan you will see republicans take back the house of representatives in two years. >> you let me to my next question like you are reading my mind. the majority of democrats got smaller. do you see a direct correlation between that and this messaging we have seen in the last few months? >> absolutely. if you look at polls the majority of americans do not want to see the police defunded. we saw destruction of property, in particular areas black-white matter activists were shouting you got to leave, black people use to live here. these tactics turn people off from those legitimately concerned about police brutality and wants to see people of all races and creeds treated fairly, it turns them off and that is why black lives matter lost support over the summer after the rioting and looting and all these things that some activists especially in chicago say these high end stores was reparation,
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you folks, you democrats supposedly leaving your movement speak out about these things, joe biden and the democratic party did not speak out on these things until they saw their poll numbers fall. >> representatives from 7 leading civil rights groups are pressing to meet with joe biden and calling for him to choose more black people in high profile cabinet positions, the president of the naacp saying we've had no communication with the president-elect, no concept of what to expect next. do you think he needs to appoint more african-american people to cabinet positions? >> representation always matters but you have kamala harris who is supposed to be an african-american woman leading the charge on a number of issues but i also think you need to
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appoint the right people. shouldn't be prioritization of this person is african-american, this should be the best person to serve in a particular spot because we are talking about serving our country, there's no trophies for being a particular color but representation does matter especially around issues of civil rights and a number of other issues as well so that -- you have a diverse cabinet, the diversity of america but this needs to be the next -- the best person not just the person who fits a particular color. >> always appreciate your insight and you can check out his podcast out loud and his book taken for granted how conservatism can win back the americans that liberalism failed. >> thank you. i have laura trump coming on tomorrow for a special episode. she will be discussing what is
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going on with the trump campaign and how donald trump is doing. >> thanks. still ahead, covid-19 restrictions versus houses abortion. a panel of california faith leaders join us next.
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[ whispering ]
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what's this? oh, are we kicking karly out? we live with at&t. it was a lapse in judgment. at&t, we called this house meeting because you advertise gig-speed internet, but we can't sign up for that here. yeah, but i'm just like warming up to those speeds. you've lived here two years. the personal attacks aren't helping, karly. don't you have like a hot pilates class to get to or something? [ muffled scream ] stop living with at&t. xfinity can deliver gig to the most homes.
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the change good morning. and covid-19 cases spiking california gavin newsom double down and worship restrictions. the supreme court struck down worship rules last month and religious leaders say that is the president they will follow to stay open. they are being sued by their
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counties for holding services for advocate and faith in freedom general counsel robert tyler is representing them. they all join me now. good morning gentlemen. you are being sued by the county for holding religious services, why are you holding the services? >> we are not being sued yet though we've been holding services regularly. in terms of why we do it is our responsibility and we have holiday services in a safe environment, we do our services indoors, plenty of social distancing but the simple reason is we didn't close our doors, the nazis, the spanish flu or anyone else.
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we have an obligation to worship the way we have for thousands of years and we are going to. in a safe and joyous way. we will not let anyone dictate the we can't practice our religion. we are currently about to start the holiday hanukkah and hanukkah is about a revolution, for the spiritual well-being, the jews at the time when other and physically by the greeks, the greeks wanted to destroy the religious past. we need to keep worshiping, we need to be available for people, prayer for the dead, funeral service. >> you are right and i'm sure you agree with him. to be clear the restrictions on religious gatherings are
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extremely strict in california which covers the strictest rules covering 95% of the population, in the religious gatherings are totally for bitten. do you believe you can hold these religious services in a safe way? >> absolutely. rabbi barkley is a friend and we are being sued, $1,500 every sunday we meet. we've been wide open since may 30 first and haven't had anyone contract covid-19. folks about covid-19 but not from us. we have been declared on a scale of 1 to 10 by a judge the most dangerous and i find that hard to believe. we have been meeting shoulder to shoulder, no masks, our church has been wide open and one thing california doesn't do is give us the suicide data, they don't deal with the emotional or
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psychological issues our state is facing and death rate in our county is one one hundredth of one% yet 65% of our businesses are shuttered and will never reopen, abuse are quarantined with abuses, our schools are shuttered, it is criminal what they are doing to our county, they want to prosecute churches, give me a break and finally the governor, dinner with 22 of his cronies and 15,$000, shoulder to shoulder, no masks and he will tell us we can't do thanksgiving or christmas or holy week, it is supercritical, he knows it is a joke, we are tired of it. >> that is coming in loud and clear, more elected officials are unable to follow the run coronavirus restrictions. on the legal element of this,
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the supreme court told andrew, that limiting religious gatherings is unconstitutional. here's a portion of that ruling, restrictions at issue by effectively barring many from attending religious services strike at the heart of the first amendment's guarantee of religious liberty even in a pandemic the constitution cannot be put away and forgotten. that happened in new york, do you think the same ruling could come down in california? >> we fully expect it. the governor is supposed to be entering some sort of grand plan to do another lockdown in california and that lockdown is supposed to be announced tomorrow or the following day and right now as it is 99% of california is prevented or told you cannot go to a worship service and worship indoors and we are coming upon winter, it is cold, we've been to the fire season, so many reasons it is ridiculous to force people outdoors was from a legal
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perspective absolutely, the constitutional, the case that came from the us supreme court really establishes the constitutional basis for my clients who are saying we are not going to bow down to pharaoh in this situation, we are going to continue worshiping, thanks to the supreme court we have the wonderful president behind us and we are battling for rabbi barkley, so many others for churches we have the hearing coming up with a pastor who will be potentially -- in santa clara county doing indoor worship, they want to potentially put him in jail over this so that will be coming up next weekend you will be hearing about it. >> the sake of fairness we want to read what the california attorney general's office says, california is experiencing an unprecedented surgeon covid-19
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cases creating even greater public health need for restrictions on prolonged communal gatherings in indoor places, scientific evidence demonstrates why those activities pose a particularly gave threat for virus transmission during the current pandemic. that is the government side booster, you were able to tell your side of the story loud and clear and thank you for it, thanks for coming on today, appreciate it, best of luck. jillian: 30 after your, hewlett-packard packing up and leaving california for texas. california assembly when left the golden state for the lone star state. uses california is and side jobs and high taxes and expects the exodus to continue. he is next. d again. no way. more exercise. more water. and more fiber is the only way to manage it. is it? maybe you think... it's occasional constipation. maybe it's not. it could be a chronic medical condition called ibs-c, and time to say yesss! to linzess.
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jillian: welcome back. the us is withdrawing staffers from the embassy in baghdad. carley: it comes in retaliation concerns on the anniversary of iran's time military general gets closer.
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>> reporter: good morning. the us embassy in baghdad will withdraw some personnel and rising tensions in the middle east. this is going to be a temporary move to ensure that americans in the region remains safe. the embassy has been targeted with rockets multiple times in the past year. iran is expected to launch a counterattack american or israeli targets after one of the country's top nuclear scientist was assassinated last week. one month from today will mark the 1-year anniversary of the restaurant strike in a wreck that killed general soleimani. these events are coupled with iran continuing to produce and store uranium. well beyond the limits of the 2015 nuclear deal. in an interview with the new
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york times president what biden cities committed to rejoining the agreement donald trump pulled out of in 2018. biden saying, quote, looks like there's a lot of talk about precision missiles and all range of other things that are destabilizing the region. the president-elect setting the best way to achieve getting some stability in the region is to deal with the nuclear program. the iranian survey patient when it comes to responding to things militarily so there's a chance they don't respond directly to the assassination of the top nuclear scientist. they may be looking to get sanctions relief under a new administration. >> thank you. hewlett-packard the latest company to move from california to texas. former california assemblyman moved to texas and in his latest op-ed he says if the state's anti-job policies can chase out that company that launched silicon valley is any business immune from the pressure to leave. chuck joined me now, thank you for being here. >> great to be with you. >> with hp being one of silicon valley's original success stories how symbolic is this
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move? >> i think it is a pretty big deal. hp was founded in a garage in 1939 in silicon valley and really kicked it off and here you have it moving to houston from silicon valley. this is a big deal and i figure goes to the heart of california's contempt for business, their high taxes, regulations, lawsuits, all of the flip-flopping back-and-forth over covid-19. if you are business leader in california why would you stay. >> a lot of people asking that question. listen to what the mayor of san jose has to say about this? >> it is a wake-up call for all of us. we know there's a lot else going on, taxes and regulation, a lot of issues, we just need to be very cognizant in california, taking it for granted for too long. jillian: is it business owners, politicians, residents, what will be done? >> it is all 3.
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the situation in california from top to bottom it is controlled by left-wing democrats and they talk to each other, get ideas from each other, give ideas to the rest of the country who in some cases follow them. we have a problem in austin, texas for example. fortunately so far business leaders have options. in the case of moving california to texas businesses save 32% of their operating costs by making the move. the immediate purpose they can put on the table once they make the move from california to texas. jillian: let's talk about the mayor, another his story of hypocrisy when the mayor told the community to stay home while flying in a private jet. >> we need to stay home, tried to keep the numbers down. this is not the time to relax.
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we may have to close things down if we are not careful. jillian: what do you think of this? a growing list of democratic leaders who continue to sell their people what to do and then don't do it. >> i think it shows spectacular contempt for the voters. my understanding is mayor rather's broadcast was actually broadcast from mexico where he was partying, he is saying you got to stay home but nevermind the margarita being served to me here at the resort. are you kidding me? where do we get these people? you sign in los angeles sheila who i served within the legislature was a state senator at the time has been in politics for 24 years as a county supervisor, she voted to ban outdoor dining and then
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literally hours after making that -- what did she do? she went to dine outdoors at a restaurant that her proclamation shutdown hours before. jillian: now she doesn't want to talk about it anymore so here we are. we will continue to follow these developments. appreciate your time. >> the west virginia police officer shot in the line of duty will not survive. a candlelight vigil held overnight from charlton officer kathy johnson, she was shot in the face responding to a parking complained earlier this week after undergoing surgery. the difficult was made to pull her from life support. the chief says johnson will continue to save lives after her passing. >> has one final parting gift to continue to help others she is an organ donor and the doctors
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are working with family to determine eligibility and workout ownership. >> the charleston police academy alumni association has set up ago fund me page to help johnson's family with medical expenses. ice arrests two illegal immigrants released by maryland county despite having immigration detailers was one of them is a member of the ms 13 game. ice releasing this poster for josé luis gomez after he was set free by prince george county authorities for the fifth time. gomez will be deported back to el salvador. still to come the head of the cdc urging americans to stay home this holiday season. dr. janette nesheiwat joins us on the agency warning next.
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is the cdc urging americans not to travel for christmas as the nation braces for winter virus
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bike and anxiously await covid-19 vaccine. >> the reality is december, january and february are going to be rough times. i believe they are going to be the most difficult time in the public health history of this nation, largely because of the stress it is going to put on the healthcare system. >> dr. janette nesheiwat joins us, good morning. we are in for a rough feel and said with hospitalizations at a record high right now the medical community is worried about what the next few months will look like. >> it is troubling. i'm seeing massive amounts of patients, yesterday i diagnosed several cases of covid-19 and it is disheartening because we and the cold number months and numbers are going higher and higher and higher and you would think by now we know what to do
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to tackle this virus and prevent the transmission but the numbers are still going higher that comes down to compliance with we have to keep reminding everyone please wear your masks, social distance and the cdc recommends please avoid unnecessary travel during the holidays because when you travel you increase your risk of picking up the virus and spreading it and that is why we are seeing this influx and we had a grim record with 3000 deaths in this country, 100,000 hospitalizations and that is not sustainable. we've got to to buckle down and tackle that. >> we just put it up on the screen but explain quickly the cdc has new guidelines for isolation restrictions. what do people need to know on that front? >> the cdc still recommends the best way to prevent transmission is the 14 day quarantines but that can be hard for some people especially if they need to get back to work. after ten days of no symptoms you can go back to work or if
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you have no symptoms after 7 days and have a negative covid-19 test you are clear to go back to work and the reason for doing this is economically hard. a lot of americans have financial hardship. it will help in that sense and the data we have so far shows 90% of people who come into contact with covid-19 if they are going to have symptoms or test positive they usually have it by the 10 day mark so it is good for the patient, good for the community and good for the economy overall. jillian: the chief operating officer of operation world speed says by the end of february, 100 million people will be vaccinated which is the size of the at risk population in this country, we are looking at the end of february. >> we will have 40 million doses by the end of this year and 60 million in january, 50 million in february and this is great. we need to do this. it will take some time.
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we got to hit the population at highest exposure, healthcare workers in the highest risk of complications but by march, april and june we are expected to have all americans who want to be vaccinated will have access to the vaccine. it's very reassuring, that is why i tell my patients, hang in there we are at the home stretch, just a few moments to go, where your mass, keep yourself safe, keep your loved one safe because the vaccine will save lives >> we are in for a tough winter but it is so good to know there is a ending insight and that is comforting to a lot of people. thank you for joining us. >> great information. a sentimental sign off. a police sergeant and ends his career with his dispatcher donna. they join us live to relive that special moment next.
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>> service for the last time. >> thank you for your 20 years of service you're my hero. ♪
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♪ ocean spray works with nature every day to keep you healthy >> welcome back. a kentucky police sergeant ends his 20 year career with a sentimental sign up from his dispatcher daughter taking the call as he logged off for the last time. >> for the last time, i want to thank my brothers and sisters for always having my back and joining hands with you on the other side of the mic. >> thank you for your 20 years of service, you're my hero.
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>> i think we are all tearing. police sergeant mike rose and his daughter joined me now. thank you for being here. i will start with you. that moment was quite emotional. what did it mean to you? >> hard to put in words. i get emotional just hearing it. i played it i don't know how many times. if you can imagine someone who has been with you your whole career like she has and when she was little, something you can't put into words. very special. jillian: let's pull up this
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picture, side-by-side, the two of you, in front of your patrol car, you were a little kid and all the years between these photos tell me what your dad has taught you. >> he has always taught me it is important to care for others and no matter what, how anybody treats you to continue to care for them and help them no matter what. it is a special lesson i carry with me. jillian: was emotional for you too. >> i was fighting back tears at the end. >> tell me why he is your hero. >> he always taught me it is important to treat everyone the same. he has always been a prime example of a great officer. of course i am biased but he
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really is a great person and has always taught me how to treat other people. >> sometimes we feel when we are in a moment time can go by so quickly throughout the course of our lives. i'm curious how many times you thought about this moment. >> i never imagined this moment honestly. 's the picture of my blonde curly headed 2-year-old, never imagined being part of such a special moment and all of us think of retiring, a nice day to say you are retired from law enforcement and you made it and to have a sendoff like the one she gave me, the best retirement gift i could ask for. >> one of the highlights of your
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career. >> the best highlight of my career. a lot of people ask, she told me what she was going to say and she did not. we knew she was going to be doing my sign off because that makes sense. i had no idea what she had written and what she was going to say. she is such a good dispatcher. >> we certainly love having the two of you on. the job itself has changed over the years, over the course of this year what advice would you give see her daughter and others going into this field? >> get out in your cruisers, behind the headset and talk to the community, but people you are serving and protecting.
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our agency has always been that way and we have a very forward thinking chief who does a great job with community outreach so it is knowing the people you are serving and protecting is where we need to bridge the gap today in law enforcement and i may get into that. i love getting out and talking to the communities that i serve. i would hope anyone you ask in any of the counties i worked in would tell you sergeant grace was always out talking to the kids, we had grill outs, because the people know you, god for bid anything happens awful those
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people are going to know who you are, they are going to know that officer, he has a good heart. jillian: we can so you have a great heart and there's a special bond between the two of you. enjoy retirement, thank you for joining us and sharing your story, really appreciate it. we will be right back. robinhood believes now is the time to do money.
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