tv Outnumbered FOX News December 3, 2020 9:00am-10:00am PST
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>> he is recovering from coronavirus, he's fantastic. just truly inspiring. >> we will have that here on the fox news channel in a moment. thanks for joining us, "outnumbered" starts now. >> harris: and this is where we begin, hours from now the trump campaign is set to officially contest the election results in nevada. at a court hearing today, we are expecting to hear from about 15 witnesses on alleged voting irregularity. ththe trump and biden teams both inspected about counting station in carson city yesterday. kayleigh mcenany signals this will be a new level in the election fight. >> you will hear from experts who say i've dug into this, expert witnesses who have been
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deposed by these leftists attack dogs, survived those depositions and are going to say, we've found 103,709 ballots down to the number that we believe were illegal ballots. >> harris: a pennsylvania poll watcher and data scientist told sean hannity that he witnessed irregularities and the canvassing of ballots near philadelphia. >> the voting machine warehouse, supervisor i witnessed him 24 plus times, uploading votes from usb sticks. i pressed the alarm, we brought the clerk of elections over and said you are an observer. and the difference was 50,000 votes for president, vice president biden. >> harris: this as president trump is stepping up to the claim that the election
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was rigged. in 46 minute speech online, the presidents of the remarks were perhaps "the most important species ever made." >> if we are right about the fraud, joe biden can't be president. we are talking about of thousands of votes, talking about numbers like nobody has ever seen before. >> harris: you are watching "outnumbered." i'm harris faulkner, here today, fox business and kurt dagen mcdowell, katie pavlich, executive director of serve america pac and fox news contributor marie harf. and joining us on the virtual couch in the center seat, one day soon it will be a real couch again, former house oversight committee chairman and fox news contributor trey gowdy, good to see you on this fine friday evening. i'm going to start with you, voting irregularities. you and i have been talking for weeks now about what you look for, what kinds of cases make it
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to court, what gets taken seriously and what can win. >> trey: to call me and points, harris, we should strive for error-free elections, whether it's fraud or innocent miscalculation or simply negligence, we should strive to have perfect elections. that said, where i look for perfection in our culture is the courtroom. you just mentioned it, witnesses have to testify with a legal obligation to tell the truth and the most powerful tool we have on our culture, the most powerful tool we have his cross-examination. anybody can have a press conference, anybody can make a statement. can you answer the tough questions and cross examination. so i'm delighted it's in court because that's about the only place we have left to find the truth in our culture. >> harris: katie, what are you watching for today? we've seen rudy giuliani this week appear in hearings
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virtually. arizona, michigan and going forth now with an eye on nevada, what are you watching for? >> katie: harris, i think it's important to see these things play out in court. we've seen a number of witnesses in hearings. there where this won't make a difference is in the courtroom. the state legislatures, even if these proceedings are not successful for whatever reason, there are regular everyday people who volunteered to do this canvassing and be poll watchers who are putting their names and reputations on the line under federal penalty of perjury to explain some of the iggy irregularities they saw. local legislators and local officials have an obligation to look into those whether they play in court or not to change the law to make sure that we do not have these irregularities going forward. and the idea that it's okay to have some fraud because it over doesn't overturn any kind of result is absurd, there are
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millions of banking tracks transactions that occur every single day without error and our voting system should be the same way. >> harris: yeah, growing up, i had a pastor who used to always say, if somebody handed you a plate of brownies and they said there was just little in poop it and it, which slice would you w? and that was just a metaphor for life. >> dagen: i'm glad you shared that with me personally. >> harris: we are both girls from the south, we appreciate that sort of thing. >> dagen: one thing i don't understand and i feel like every voter and every american would want to get to the bottom of, even if it is sloppiness in an election, be it a presidential one or a congressional election. i've been following the issue in upstate new york when congressman anthony bernice who is running against former
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republican congresswoman claudia tanning it was leading by a rage razor-thin margin of 12 votes and then there were 55 votes, ballots that were cast that were found that were early in-person voting and they just found them and there were at least a thousand ballots being disputed by one candidate. so i am perplexed by the irretrievable, incurious democrats who don't want to hear from these individuals who are willing to step up and show their faces and get in front of a camera or swear under oath about what they saw, i think we should, to trey gowdy's point, welcome all of it. >> harris: marie harf, when you hear democrats, some of them being described as irretrievable by dagen mcdowell, what is your response? >> marie: look, democrats are sitting there in court as part
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of the process and the reality is, the trump campaign loses every single day more court cases because they don't have evidence to back up their claims. trey gowdy is right, anyone can say something on cable television or in a press conference. when you are under oath in court it's very different and the reality is the trump campaign is losing every single day. so when bill barr, the republican trump-appointed attorney general comes out and says he has not seen evidence of any widespread fraud or irregularity, when you have republican election officials in places like georgia bagging the president that they support to stop casting doubt on the integrity of this election, this isn't about making sure there is no sloppiness. this is the president of the united states using his office and the backdrop of the white house to say that joe biden is not the rightful winner of this election, those are very different things, we can litigate this in court. the democrats are happy to do that because they keep winning everything the day but when
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donald trump stands there and says the things he did yesterday it is i an assault on our democracy and it is very dangerous, you hear republicans in georgia saying people are threatening to kill us because of what the president is saying, please stop, they are begging him, harris, and he won't. >> harris: trey, i am going to come to you for a response to what marie is saying. >> trey: me i mean, i think she is right, we had to be very mindful of the words that we use. we also have to be mindful of the fact that republicans won a lot of races in november, kevin mccarthy vastly over performed in the house, i think we are going to hold onto the senate but my point is this, there are some mistakes that, i think that the president is arguing is that the mistakes would change the outcome. i don't even get there, i don't want mistakes that are just consequential, i don't want mistakes at all. you mention, harris, my
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background is in the courtroom. one is an acceptabl what is a ae error rate for convicting innocent people, for putting people on death row? zero. >> harris: also, that the rest of the panel just allows me to dig deeper with tray for a second, i want to talk timetable here, i remember how long hillary clinton fought, we don't talk a lot about that but she had legal cases, too, she did concede but her words of, you know, whether or not she really felt like she lost fairly were still being written in a book two years later. it was called "what happened." this is certainly, what is the timetable now we are inching toward? i ask this over and over because it is now december. >> i mean i think the practical deadline is when the electoral college meets, the deadline we as a culture are better off
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having is there is no statute of limitations on the truth. as long as we are a democracy there is always going to be another election so if we didn't get this one right we need to get the next one right so there is no statute of limitations, for me, on the truth and accuracy. >> harris: yeah, well, the next one is january 5th. it's not presidential but it will decide those runoff races, in georgia and will decide who controls the senate and whether or not there's a balance of power along with a democrat, although shrinking majority in the house, that's two pillars of the three pillars in d.c. so we will watch all of it. we've got a little bit of breaking news, as we head to the commercial i want to make everybody aware. we know on fox that the presidential medal of freedom was being given out today to the fabulous and motivational and winning coach lou holtz. and now that is underway, the
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president now also taking questions inside the white house there in the oval office, he was asked about whether or not he would support a covid relief bill. he said "i will and i think we are getting close." as soon as we can we will show you that, let's take a quick commercial break. we are coming back on "outnumbered." to give you the protein you need with less of the sugar you don't. [grunting noise] i'll take that. woohoo! 30 grams of protein and 1 gram of sugar. ensure max protein. with nutrients to support immune health.
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>> harris: let's celebrate something very positive that's happening inside the white house right now. the president of the united states has awarded the highest civilian honor in our great nation. the presidential medal of freedom has gone to a great football coach, lou holtz, america recognizes him as one of the greatest of all time,
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unmatched accomplishments on the gridiron but also just from being a great individual, philanthropy and leading in so many different areas of this nation, particularly with the young people, inspiring so, so many. inside the oval office, as soon as i wrapped up, questions and answers between the press and the president, let's watch together. >> covid relief may be in sight, do you support this bill? >> they are getting very close, i wanted to happen and i believe they are getting very close. >> you will support it? >> i will, absolutely. >> mr. president, can i ask you to respond to the comments by your integrity general who has indicated he has not seen evidence of fraud to overturn the election results. given that, why is now not the time to concede? >> president trump: when he looks he will see the kind of evidence you are seeing in the georgia senate, they are going through hearings right now in
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georgia and finding tremendous volumes. they haven't looked very hard which is a disappointment, to be honest with you. it's massive fraud whether you go to wisconsin where we just filed a case or michigan or if you look at what's happening in georgia, pennsylvania. if you look at nevada which is moving along very rapidly, for arizona, you saw those numbers come out yesterday, we found massive fraud and in other states also this is probably the most fraudulent election anyone's ever seen. >> reporter: do you still have confidence in bill barr? >> president trump: asked me that in a number of weeks from now. they should be looking at all of this fraud. this is not civil, this is criminal stuff. this is very bad criminal stuff so i'll just say this. we went through an election, at 10:00 everybody said there was an easy victory for trump. all of a sudden the votes
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started disappearing, miraculously disappearing, we found much of it but we found far more votes than we need. in all o almost all of these das and at the guy can say in all of these dates far more votes than we need to win and everyone of them and i just want to thank my team because my team is doing an unbelievable job and more importantly i want to thank the 74 million plus people that voted which was the largest amount of people that a sitting president has ever had, 74 million plus. and because the level of loyalty i have never seen anything like it, all over the country, they know it was a fixed election. it was a rigged election. they know it and i appreciate their support. >> reporter: mr. president -- >> harris: the president just moments ago inside the oval office after presenting that presidential medal of freedom to fantastic and iconic
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football coach lou holtz, then took una, questions and answers from the press. i want to start with, let's go today again first. the president they are being asked for election integrity and fraud, where we started our conversation a few minutes ago the top of the hour. >> dagen: he is continuing to push ahead with investigating what he described as fraud. clearly not happy with what bill barr said and just to reiterate that the attorney general said to date we have not seen fraud on a scale that could have affected a different outcome in the election. most claims of fraud are very particular, to a particular set of circumstances and those of been run down and they are being run down. they have been broad and potentially cover a few thousand votes, they have been followed up on and remember, the department of justice pushed back and said that that was not bill barr saying that the fraud probes are over so that being
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said, i just want to highlight really quickly, president trump noted that he would support, looks like they are coming to a compromise on the stimulus. even if it is small, less than $900 billion, there is more than a half a trillion dollars in unspent money from the cares act earlier this year so that's where a lot of the money could come from but unemployment benefits for maybe 13 million americans expire at the end of this year that were part of the rescue package earlier this year. where people who are freelance workers and contract workers lose unemployment benefits. the extended benefits people got, the extra 13 weeks, those disappear. people's lives and livelihoods are on the line with that and every politician needs to get on the stick and get something do done. >> harris: especially when you look at those small businesses that hire north of 60% of
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americans in our country, how much they continue to suffer with the lockdowns and restrictions in some areas that are necessary to kind of quell their numbers that are just off the boards. in some areas they are not necessary, everything is so individualized, not one-size-fits-all, let's hope the lawmakers can get that right. there was a point in the conversation, where the president was asked about his current attorney general, bill barr and whether he still had confidence in him. his answer was ask him in a couple weeks. what's going on there. >> trey: i focus on what bill barr said, he said to date which means it could change tomorrow but to date i have not seen evidence, that's a really important word. evidence of widespread fraud. think back to what we talked about a few minutes ago, whether it's a mistake or negligence or a miscalculation error, it's the same result but bill barr is not an election auditor.
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the attorney general does not audit elections, he looks for criminality so today it he has not seen evidence of criminality that would be dispositive. it doesn't mean it's not consequential. it doesn't mean we don't need to route it out no matter how big or small it is, he just is saying it would not be consequential. that said, i don't know what bill barr has looked at, i don't know what bill barr, how he's weighed and balanced it. i know this, he's the same guy that conservatives loved about 12 months ago, i don't think he's changed one iota since th then. >> harris: he's also the same guy that conservatives are saying that they liked and appreciated his decision to make a special counsel, i interviewed a couple people who said that yesterday on my program, that that was the right thing to do, if you want the origins of the russia investigation that where the cloud above the administration for so many weeks and months in the beginning, if you want to know how that whole thing started, you need to keep
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john durham in place and republicans, many of them are saying that they are liking that. we want to be able to show everybody the medal of freedom coming from the president of the united states. lou holtz has played such a huge, positive influence in so many young lives as coach and as a patriot in this country and so one of my favorite quotes from him, "no one has ever drowned and sweat," one of the hardest people that america has ever known and he's inspired so many young men and women to be hardworking as well so we have a few minutes of that on tape and it will be great to be able to see the president award that to lou holtz on let's watch it together. >> nice to see you. thank you, nice to see you, mr. president, thank you very much.
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>> you all set? thank you very much, it's my privilege to present to our nation's highest civilian honor, the presidential medal of freedom to one of the greatest coaches in american history. the legendary lou holtz, a friend of mine, great gentlemen, great man. we are delighted to be joined this afternoon by members of lou's wonderful family along with director of national intelligence john ratcliffe, senator lindsey graham. i who i think most people know, they know you for the most part. and patch, a big fan of notre dame, thank you for being here. lou was born during the great depression in west virginia. we love west virginia, he grew up in poverty in a two room cellar but as lou says, i knew god and my family loved me and their wealth was all i needed, it's everything i needed, all i
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wanted. his uncle and grandfather's lap and listen to notre dame football games on the radio, big fans of notre dame. that wasn't too long ago, was it? they were big fans and he learned at an early age about notre dame. took the field in his first game and played throughout high school, lou went on to attend penn state where he did really well, and rotc scholarship after graduation and pursued his dream of coaching. he wanted to be a coach right from the beginning. he knew he was a leader. in 1961 lou made what he described as the smartest decision of my life. and i knew your wife and i will tell you that was the smartest decision, right? got to know her well, she was strong and good. he married his wife of 59 years,
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beth passed away just a short while ago and it was a very tough time. i will tell you, it was a very tough time for the family but we know she is looking down from heaven right now with incredible pride, she is so proud of this man. i got to know her over the last few years and she was a great woman but she's looking down right now. she's very proud of you, lou. in 1969 lou became head coach of william and mary and over three seasons he won in the southern conference and i have to tell you, when we were researching this, i knew he was supposed to be a good coach but i didn't know how good he was because these stats are very amazing, you'll see. i was really very impressed, john. lou then became head coach of north carolina state which had won only nine games over the
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previous three years. not too good. he took it over and under coach holtz, they won the acc title and achieved the highest national ranking in nc state's history. i guess you are making a lot of money by this time because they were trying to get him go to all these different schools, he was a hot coach. nothing like being hot, right? he had his choice to go to a lot of different places. lou went on to coach at the university of arkansas, he built the razorbacks up from a 5-5 record into a top-five team in the nation. they won everything, lou left arkansas with the best win/loss record and a very fat bank account. he then coached at the university -- you are making a lot of money. i know how that works. he then coached at the university of minnesota which was ranked dead last in the big ten. before he signed his contract
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and then he did something that was unprecedented, he inserted a clause with great negotiation talent, which he has, that they call today the notre dame clause. it stipulated that if lou did really well and went to a ball game he would be free to go to notre dame should they ask him to go. so he had something going, right? a great football player, you are some player, i'll tell you, you are something, you weigh about 30 pounds less then you wait when you played in the nfl, right? i'm very impressed. in just two years he secured a top 20 ranking and propelled the golden gophers to victory at the independence bowl. so he was on his way to notre dame. he knew it, nobody else did because the notre dame officials knew, he was offered a coaching job at notre dame immediately and he also took it immediately.
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as much as he loved the team that he just laughed. when he became the head coach a year later, the fighting irish were a losing team, they were doing very poorly. lou got to work and quickly returned notre dame to the status of a football powerhouse and the legend that they were paid at the end of lou's first season, the team faced off against their archrivals, the university of southern california trojans. the fighting irish were down 17 points in the fourth quarter but they soon pulled off, notre dame, will sum one of the greatest comebacks in college football history, they scored two touchdowns and kicked the field goal in the last few seconds of the game. at that moment h he said he felt the spirit of notre dame, he love notre dame and do you still remember that game? [laughter] you weren't too happy about that. >> come no.
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>> [inaudible] >> for the next decade, the fighting irish won 80% of their games, went to nine consecutive new year's day bowls. and in 1988, the cover of "sports illustrated" said "notre dame is back." he was on the cover of "sports illustrated" and many other covers ray notre dame remained number one in the country for the longest stretch in the school's history. i didn't know all the stuff. i knew you were a great coach, i didn't know you are this good, to be honest with you. this is beyond a great coach. so you had the longest streak in the history of notre dame at number one, what do you think that? sounds like you on the senate. an easy race. the problem was his opponent have $140 million, that was a record, i guess, wasn't it? guess what, here's lindsay.
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during the tenure at notre dame lou coached a record number of games, secured 100 victories and deliver notre dame's most recent national championship. so he did some job at notre da notre dame. then lou became the head coach at the university of south carolina which he loves, he loves south carolina, which had won only one ball game and 108 years. he was going to take it easy and then he gets another offer. man oh, man, watching the money just pile up. he was going to go and just relax now he, he did this thing at notre dame notre dame, won the national championship, then he goes to the university of south carolina and i can imagine why, you do like money a little bit, though, he was offered a big deal. lou tripled that number and security top 20 ranking immediately. over the course of his career, won nearly 250 games, one of the highest ever, by the way. and is the only coach in ncaa
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history to take six different teams to a bowl game. think of that. wherever lou went, he was inducted into the college football hall of fame in 2008 and i will say this, everybody loves lou, everybody respects him and yet they all respect lou, they just, it's amazing, they love them and they respect them. sometimes it's a combination that doesn't come together, they respect him but you are something. i never coached football. i coach life, he said. it's true and he's turned his inspirational story and motivational message into three best-selling books. he's also been an exceptional philanthropist, is open to education opportunities for students, provided insulin pumps to diabetic children and we've just brought down the price and
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the cost of insulin, you're shaking your head, it's amazing what we've done with insulin, you put in buy it, he was destroying families, people were going without it and now it's $35, right? you can't believe it. i see you are an insulin pro. that's great. we've done a great job with costs but insulin may be as one of the best, $35. they were paying ten times that amount, you couldn't get it, we change that around. and supporting cancer research and has traveled to 13 countries to visit the american troops. lou's leadership and his faith and guidance have inspired and uplifted millions of fellow citizens, one of the greatest titans in american football history and his towering reputation will endure forever in the chronicles of athletics but more importantly, in the chronicles of life because he is really a life teacher. that's what he is, he teaches
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people how to live and how to live properly and how to live with dignity so i'd like to now ask, the military aide to come forward and prepare to give our highest medal, the congressional medal of honor in the presidential medal of freedom and i will say i give away a lot of congressional medal of honors and that's a tough one to get, you know, that's a tough one to get because they come in with, when they come in, a lot of times mostly they can't come in for obvious reasons but they come in with, they are unbelievably brave people. and they have more bullet holes and bullets shot at them and in them, that's a congressional medal of honor. your honor is a much easier one, i have to say, as tough as it may have been it's a much easier one. >> i will remember that. is mack it's much easier, the
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presidential medal of freedom. i'd like to ask, first, lou to say a few words. thank you very much. [applause] >> thank you, mr. president. the opportunity to receive this award. i want to show you how proud i am. i'm even prouder to receive it from president trump who i think is the greatest president during my lifetime, the things you've done for this country, giving me the opportunity. [applause] one thing, mr. president, you talked about making money. when i went to notre dame, the head football coach was not allowed to make more than the president of notre dame and the president of notre dame was a priest.
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i made 95,000. i accept this award humbly and you don't go in life saying i want to win this award, you just wake up one day and it happens. but this award, as great as it is does not define who lou holtz is. my beautiful family, my precious wife, my friends, you have determine who i am and i just try to be a solid person. the two most important days of your life, one is the day you are born and the other is the day you discover why you are born. all the problems that are going to come our way and i just not team i could not be prouder to be a part of this, could not be prouder to receive this award. thank you. speak what i was so nice, thank you.
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[applause] >> attention to order, lou holtz, american sports legend is awarded the medal of freedom. a member of the college football hall of fame, 249 wins, 12 bowl game victories and a national championship. is the only football coach to lead two programs at notre dame. in the 1988 national championship, he is a staple of sports television, a powerful motivational speaker, a devout catholic. the united states is proud to honor lou holtz for his contribution to our nation. signed donald j. trump, president of the united states
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high school class, i feel fortunate to be able to be here and also to be a part of this great country, and next to an individual that i respect as much as him. i say it, you looked at all the people, tiger woods and jack nicklaus, they recognize or what they did. i'm recognized for what other people did. i never made a block or a tackle but i did try to teach people to make good choices. that's all i've ever tried to do, thank you. >> president trump: such a great statement. >> reporter: mr. president, mitch mcconnell says covid relief may be in sight. >> harris: we showed you the q&a before and we really wanted you to see just how beautiful that ceremony was. it was close to showing it to you live so we had to wait until it was made to available to all of us journalist from the pool in the oval office. that's a lot of detail but out of respect i want you to know how these things play out. that was absolutely breathtaki
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breathtaking. trey gowdy, you are with us today and you know, when you hear somebody like lou holtz say there are two most important days in a person's life, the day you are born and the day you learn what you are born for, it's so hard moving. i don't know if it's as hard moving as the golf you have played recently with lou holtz, tell us about it. >> well, you know, johnny radcliffe and colt holtz are such good friends, called holtz invited johnny and i to come to a course where he is a member in georgia and we spent the night we played golf for two days, the entire time was just what you just heard, it was one piece of life advice after another and lindsey graham is a pretty funny guy and radcliffe has his moments, too, i've never laughed more than i have at lou holtz, he is a walking comedian but there is this nugget of in everything he says. and he mentioned one person, harris, he won the national
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championship, he turned south carolina around, the thing he is proudest of is life is his wife beth. and i like the dickens that she was not there to watch him honored in this way, i have never met a man that talks as lovingly about his wife as lou holtz did about his. >> harris: you heard president trump mentioned beth as well and is leading remarks before the presidential medal of freedom was awarded to lou holtz. i know you are a part of the letter writing campaign to get this done, trey. >> trey: look, my letter doesn't carry a lot of weight, lindsey graham's word, but radcliffe knows that i am a big fan and we had a marvelous time, those are 48 hours i will never forget and i would just appreciate that johnny, you know, would let me write a letter.
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i promise you that letter had absolutely no impact whatsoever but i was honored. >> harris: i don't know about that. >> dagen: >> trey: i do. to be when you got the gift of the power of persuasion. your book, i've read it more than once. don't undersell it, you got that gift, my friend. all right, we all got to see that, i am a little steamy-eyed. >> dagen: me, too, i was crying like a baby. god bless that man. >> harris: god bless the effort that he continues to show to the lead with humor and yet also remind us of what matters in life. we need a generation to remind us of that. >> dagen: harris, can i just say, folks, go look on a map at
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where lou holtz came from. where he came from in his achievements, also from west virginia, we might have been wrought and uneducated but we knew right from wrong, before he even said his first words. >> harris: they are going to run this bi big fox news alert thing and we are going to move on now. so this is happening. major news today, in los angeles' democrat mayor eric garcetti has issued a new stay-at-home order amid a surge in covid cases and he is telling people, stay at home unless it's an emergency or completely essential. meanwhile, some other major cities are moving ahead with new lockdowns as well, new york city, there is a growing backlash over covid restrictions there, watch. >> open up!
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open up! open up! >> harris: wow. staten island, new york, fighting back outside a bar on staten island, protesting its closure after repeatedly defying lockdown rules, the protest comes after the bar's owner was arrested and accused of disorderly conduct, i interviewed him yesterday and the fight israel to save his business. here's what he told me on "outnumbered overtime." >> we followed everything that, their science, everything, the governor, the mayor's order since march and just kept going, kept going, we were literally stripped down to nothing. by the time that happened to be said, someone has to do something. we spoke with keith and we decided to take our stance. >> harris: that is his attorney sitting at his right shoulder. katie, people have reached that point and trey brought it up,
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you know, where we are in the desperate need for more coronavirus relief for people. but people have reached the end in many cases. danny told me, you know, he still doesn't know if that will save the business but its latch ditch efforts now and they can do it safely. >> katie: danny being arrested in his own private establishment for trespassing is terrifying on one hand and the other thing is, what i found the most interesting is a lot of these business owners now after months and months of obeying the rules and being law-abiding citizens are now demanding that these local officials give them evidence that their establishment or establishment like there is are responsible for the spread of covid-19 and a lot of times they don't have any of the data to show them where the percentages vary low so they turn around and say, you have no right to shut down my business when it comes to your explanations for this especially
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when you continue to see democrats across the country breaking the very rules that they imposed on everybody else, that are destroying people's livelihoods for generations to come, not just right now but for long term impact on their own families and their futures in this country. >> harris: marie? >> marie: yeah, in our country today, every 25 hours we are losing the number of people we lost on 9/11. almost every day now. and all the governors and mayors are not perfect, they are not putting in place perfect regulations. they are doing the best they can to try to get a handle, to try to get a handle on the fact that there people are dying and we see the vaccine, we see the end, it is coming. we have to be so careful for these next few months so i think the bigger debate isn't whether government should regulate this, it's whether people in positions of power should be telling other people, should say, please listen to the doctors, please stay home, please limit your
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activities. i agree, there should be no hypocrisy at all here but i think what is a bigger point is that governors and mayors are trying to keep their people alive for the next few months until we get a vaccine and whether or not government should force you to stay home, we should be telling people based on medical advice to stay home. >> harris: all right, quickly. katie, i heard you chime in. can you do it in 20 seconds? >> katie: these democratic leaders don't believe the very things they are telling people to do while they continue to pull taxpayer-funded paychecks to go to dinner at the very establishments they then shut down. how are americans supposed believe what these officials are telling them when they continually don't believe it themselves. they haven't provided evidence to show these establishments that they are the source of it and we seen for months a lot of the things they put in place aren't working to stop the spread of this disease. >> harris: all right, speaking of all of that, another democrat forced to say "i'm sorry after being busted for not following his own covid-19 guidelines and
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keep the numbers now. this is not the time to relax. >> harris: that was the mayor of austin, texas, last month, just a few weeks ago, telling people to stay home to reduce the risk of catching and spreading the coronavirus, especially with the holiday season upon us. trouble is, mayor steve adler was vacationing in cabo san lucas, mexico. that was where he was when he reported those restriction remarks. he flew a private jet to get there, the mayor is the latest democratic official caught stretching or in some cases ignoring completely their own guidelines and now he says he's sorry. watch. >> i want you to know that i regret that travel. i wouldn't travel now, i did not overthink giving it i won't over christmas. and no one should. everyone should be avoiding
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nonessential travel now. i'm sorry i took that trip. it was a lapse in judgment. >> harris: so trey, i don't know, is it the fact that he traveled at a time that the thoe guidelines were being put in the place, people have the right to do that outside of what is happening but he actually was recording restrictions for other people from cabo. he was putting stuff in place while he was, you know, put a little more suntan lotion on it. >> it's the hypocrisy and i still am not sure he's in first place, i think the governor of oregon who encourage people to call the cops on their neighbors at thanksgiving but couldn't bother to call the cops when the courthouse was being surrounded in her state. it's the hypocrisy. i don't begrudge him for going on a trip, just don't tell me to do some thing different from what you are doing, that's all i'm asking. >> harris: dagen?
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>> dagen: this is a problem in a number of levels, number one, the rules, are they too restrictive that these mayors and governors can't even follow their own rules, or that these politicians are just such entitled pant stains that they can't stay out of fancy restaurants or stay away from mexico. this mailer rivaled only by governor cuomo here in new york who killed thousands of our elderly and blamed everybody from mother nature to the fox news channel and then turn around and wrote a book about it. i just am disgusted and i certainly hope that he loses his job because he deserves to lose it. >> harris: katie? >> katie: it's just despicable and tyrannical, elite is him as i've been saying for weeks now. i think i made myself clear in the last segment how i feel about these democrats telling
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people who are losing everything what they should be doing with their lives while they continue to put their elitism on everybody else and do what they want to do. >> harris: all right, marie, we don't have much time. how much depression we have? we already heard from you and you don't agree with this but is it even surprising that this is happening? >> marie: i think we have a leadership problem in this country. we have a handful of democratic leaders who aren't following their own restrictions which is a big problem. we also have a handful of republican leaders who are refusing to even put restrictions in place and basically just saying, you know, you can take care of yourself. so like i said, we see the end of this coming, i think that we all need to listen to the doctors. not politicians but doctors saying, stay at home when you can, protect your families, keep yourselves safe because we know that the end is coming and we got to get there. >> harris: are good and, by the way. sometimes the end is coming and it's not celebratory but we are
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hopefully with a vaccine about to be majorly blessed. great to see everybody today. i will be right back after the commercial break with "outnumbered overtime." and a lot happening next hour, see you then. year.$3000 a veterans can shortcut the process with newday's va streamline refi. there's no appraisal, no income verification, and not a single dollar out of pocket. rates are at the lowest they've been in our lifetimes. one call can save you $3000 a year.
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♪ >> harris: we begin with more election whistle-blowers who were speaking out on the legal showdown now over the results of the key battleground states. you are watching "outnumbered overtime," i am harris faulkner. a pennsylvania poll watcher's come forward to dr. sean hannity saying he claims the vote went missing along with other irregularities. watch. speak with a u.s.-based 6 used in voting machines come on the scanners and they use to upload into computers at the center pier that
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