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tv   Tucker Carlson Tonight  FOX News  December 3, 2020 5:00pm-6:00pm PST

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year friendship. >> martha: i'm grateful for your time tonight. the book is called "it's never too late." thank you very much, kathie lee. >> bless you. happy holidays. >> martha: bless you, too. that is "the story" for tonight. we will see tomorrow night. ♪ >> tucker: good evening, welcome to "tucker carlson tonight." christmas is almost here, the best week on the american calendar, the happiest time that we have. this year, of all years, christmas has a deeper way to be closer to its original meaning. in a time of crisis, you think of the things you might otherwise ignore if you are busier and more content, things like, what is the purpose of all of this? what matters most in my life? and what happens when it ends? in general, people tend to become more spiritual, more openly religious, when they are suffering. that is not an accident. in fact, it may be the upside,
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to think beyond the next amazon delivery for a minute. of course, not everyone is in favor of that. all of the focus on the big, and doing things, focus on the family, focus on what is true and what is not true, the focus on eternity itself, all of that tends to diminish the power of the people in charge of our temporal world. for obvious reasons. we take our leaders less seriously when we are reminded that they are just people. slightly ludicrous, just like we are. when we are reminded that they too will pass, all of us will. if death is inevitable -- that may be the one thing you are not allowed to stay in this country, but it is still true -- then maybe we should pause before we destroy the living and the name of trying to eliminate it. politicians understand this threat. they've figured out that christmas is bigger than they are, and therefore, it is a threat to them. better cancel it. in fact, they are trying hard. >> minimizing travel to the extent possible.
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sometimes, it's absolutely necessary, but to the extent possible, don't travel, don't congregate together. i know how difficult that is, right now, they just should not be done. to the best of our capabilities, we should avoid travel and avoid congregate. >> tucker: avoid congregate settings. say what you will about tony fauci, he has mastered, after many decades, the weird euphemisms of washington, d.c. what fauci is saying here in english is you need to avoid going to church, you need to avoid your own family. those are the congregate settings he just mentioned. you need to spend christmas alone. it is important. all the experts agree with that. the centers for disease control said that very message this week. the cdc's incident manager, a man called dr. henry walkie, declared that "the best thing for americans to do in the upcoming holiday season is to stay at home and not travel." so, skipping christmas is the best thing, says dr. walkie.
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you should know that he is a product of the johns hopkins bloomberg school of public health, and those, you may remember, the people who just this summer were publicly encouraging blm to riot in our cities, on medical grounds, needless to say. one senior scholar at the bloomberg school of health, identified as dr. jennifer knew so, does not appear to be an actual decision but boasts she is a climate activist, tweeted this memorable piece of epidemiological guidance back in early june. here it is, "in this moment, the public health risk of not protesting to demand an end to systemic racism greatly exceed the harms of the virus. in other words, in her studied expert medical opinion, not including macy's, failing to burn down businesses you don't own, is actually more dangerous than getting the coronavirus. now, you are a civilian, that might sound crazy to you, but again, you are not an epidemiologepidemiologist.
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they know better. the former head of the cdc himself, dr. tom friedman, endorse that guidance. there is a consensus, all of the experts agree. the things that they like are perfectly safe, indeed encouraged, but the things they don't like are deadly. catastrophic, in fact. listen to joe biden explain how many americans will die if we don't cancel christmas. >> we are likely to lose another 250,000 people, dead, between now and january. you hear me? because people aren't paying attention. >> tucker: you hear me? 250,000 americans dead. you hear me? a quarter million people. that is a lot of people. in fact, that's more than the total number of combat deaths over the entire american civil war. which, by the way, lasted for years, condensed into a single month. imagine a gettysburg every day of the week. you can't imagine that, it is too horrible. in the first 30 days, we would
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lose the equivalent of reno. the next month, scottsdale, then love it, then buffalo. pretty soon, there would be nobody left in america. do you hear me? come on, men! do what you are told! cancel christmas! or at least stop walking. walking is now an unpatriotic act, so is bicycling and any contact with wheeled vehicles, that is the word from los angeles. los angeles, our second largest city, has just issued a new corolla law. it bans "all travel," including "travel on foot, bicycle, scooter, automobile, public transit." all of it. in los angeles, movement itself is now illegal. sorry, kids, public health emergency. internal passports are on the way. in the meantime, you have netflix, so stop complaining. in case you are confused by this guidance, eric he would like to make it simple for you. eric garcetti is the mayor of los angeles, that is his title, but over his years in office, his role has grown, and he
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wields power we wan -- eric garcetti may seem like a garden-variety elected official, oily, incompetent, not yet 50 years old, but that is an illusion. in fact, eric garcetti is omnipotent. watch. >> my message couldn't be simpler. it is time to hunker down. it is time to cancel everything. and if it isn't essential, don't do it. don't meet up with others outside your household. don't host that gathering. don't attend a gathering. >> tucker: it's time to cancel everything, commands lord garcetti. when he says everything, he means everything. up to and including your most sacred holiday, time with your family, the illusion of free will in itself. you were a citizen, now you are a supplicant. all it took was a single
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sentence from eric michael garcetti. london breed understood that very early, the mayor of san francisco, elected on the strength of her fascinating name, she has no other obvious qualification. on october 30th this year, london breed declare the holidays are super spreader events, deliver the sad news that we can't celebrate anything. >> what we have seen during holidays, sadly, is an uptick in the number of cases because people are choosing to come together, and sometimes, these parties and these events and these gatherings, they can become super-spreader's. it just takes one person who is infected to infect, you know, all of the people who attended a party. even though this year will be a sacrifice, the sacrifice is worth it. >> tucker: the sacrifice is worth it, says london breed. now, your sacrifice, to be your more specific, not her sacrifice. just eight days after making the declaration you just saw, london breed was traveling down some of
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the world's most expensive food at the french restaurant in napa, governor gavin newsom mode breed is terrified of the dire pandemic we are living through, sacrificing for, but not so concerned she is willing to endure any personal inconvenience, no matter how small it might be. no christmas for you, but london breed has got to eat. right now, london breed is in the root for celery root, followed by the stake river farm. b sacrifice is worth it. steve adler understand sacrifice, he is the mayor of austin, texas. a great place, a lot of people are moving there, one of the most charming cities that we have. if you have been to austin recently, you may notice huge numbers of mentally ill drug addicts crapping on the sidewalk and stealing things on mugging people. steve either did that. steve adler wants to make austin, texas, most welcoming to the people welcomed least.
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he is also concerned about the coronavirus. so worried that steve adler has commanded his constituents to stay home for the duration. he informed them this from a time-share in a mexican beach resorts. he had flown there secretly on a private plane with people he is not related to. sounds fun, but don't try it yourself, steve adler might punish you. here he is. >> we need to, you know, stay home, if you can, do everything you can to try to keep the numbers down. this is not the time to relax. >> tucker: yeah. unless you happen to have a private plane headed to cabo. otherwise, stay home! that was mayor steve adler's message to his people delivered from the mexican beach resort. so, what do we take from all of this? well, it is hypocrisy, of course. we point that out a lot. but it is deeper than that. the people giving us these high leases orders don't believe the orders. they don't believe what they are
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saying, obviously, they don't really think covid-19 is very dangerous. if they thought it was very dangerous, they would be following their own orders. of course. but they are not following their own orders. nancy pelosi and dianne feinstein, for example, are both over 80 years old, they are the target demo, they are at risk. and yet we know because it is on video that neither one is so worried about covid-19 that she wears masks in private. so, what does that tell you? it tells you everything. even slow people like us are starting to figure it out. last night, there was a demonstration outside of a bar in new york called max public house. no cases of coronavirus have been traced to max public house. it is not a proven vector of transmission from as epidemiologists say. the owner of the bar refused to shut down. he wanted to live like gavin newsom and london breed and nancy pelosi. he wanted to live like an adult in america. unfortunately for him, he expressed these views out loud on television, in fact, and that
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is definitely not allowed, so they arrested him immediately, and when they did, a crowd of people decided they had had enough. [indistinct chanting] >> tucker: you should know that no one from the cdc or the johns hopkins bloomberg school of public health endorsed the protest you just saw. it was the wrong variety of politics, and therefore, it was a serious health risk to the nation. not enough vandalism come apparently. but we can expect more protest like it purely yesterday, a small business owner in the state of michigan interrupted a live shot on local television tt increasingly obvious observation about what we are seeing. it's this. the effects of these lockdowns, the sacrifices we are being asked to make, are not evenly distributed across the country. certain people, a small group of people, seem happier than ever.
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you notice a certain self-satisfied jaunty nest behind their masks, as they bark orders at you. but everyone else is dying a slow death. dave morris joins us in a minute to elaborate on this point, but until then, one more question about all of us. and again, it is an obvious one because that is what we do. obvious questions. if lockdowns work, why haven't they worked so far? we've been following increasingly specific orders all year. don't travel, wear masks, some people haven't obeyed, but an awful lot of people have. most people, because it is america, and people want to do the right thing. and yet, after almost a year of this, the numbers keep rising. so is the lesson really that we need a whole lot more of what hasn't been working so far? how does that work, exactly? dr. jay botta charlie has thought a lot about this question, and he is one of the authors of the great barrington declaration that argued months ago the universal lockdowns were not the answer to this. he joins us now. doctor, thanks so much for
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coming on. >> thank you for having me. >> tucker: sincerely, as a nonmedical person, i am mystified by this. the numbers are going up, that's real, 3,000 people died yesterday. we are doing, for the most part, what they tell us to do. not everyone, but most people, and they keep going up, does not not suggest that the lockdowns don't work? what i'm i missing? >> the lockdowns, at best what they do is move cases off into the future. so, in a sense, the fact we have so many restrictions in the spring and summer, cases are not going up, it's kind of a consequence of those lockdowns, they never would prevent a case from happening, just change when it happens. the virus seems like it is a seasonal pattern to it, the winter time, and we are seeing an increase in cases. >> tucker: interesting. what you are saying, i know you have data behind it, but it also seems like self-evident, so why aren't more public health officials saying what you are saying? >> i don't know.
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i think one of the problems in public health has been a blindness to the harms of the lockdowns, as you were just talking about before i came on. but these harms are not just, you know, economics. obviously, it has devastated the middle-class and the poor in many ways. but also to help. people are skipping, you know, when you tell people, don't do anything, stay home, they skip cancer treatments, they'll skip diabetes management treatments, they'll skip cancer screening programs, skip all kind of essential medical care. you have to look at both the harms and the benefits of the policy, but for some reason, the public health officials seems to focus only on the benefits of the lockdown, which is theoretical, just moving things in the future, cases in the future, while ignoring the self-evident, enormous harm that it imposes. >> tucker: i got to ask you one quick specific question of the end. no, we know people who are overweight and out of shape face greater risk of being harmed by the virus. los angeles has just banned
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walking and riding a bike. i don't know of anyone who has ever gotten infected while riding a bike. why would they discourage physical activity? >> yeah, i think a lot of these orders don't make sense. for instance, closing outdoor playgrounds. outdoor playgrounds are not super-spreader areas. children go play in them. it is good for children to have those socialization opportunities, like normal children. these lockdown orders are not actually based in science, in the sense, where we know where a fact they will spread the disease. they are a panic reaction to a rise in cases, when in fact, there are better policies available that could protect people from covid, and also mitigate some of the harms from the lockdown itself. >> tucker: yeah, history will smile on you, i think, and not others. doctor, thank you so much for coming on tonight. appreciate it. >> thank you. >> tucker: last night, we talked to a bar owner in staten island, new york, is protests were outside. in a moment, we'll take you five to michigan and speak to the owner of the
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>> our government leaders have abandoned me. >> to have abandoned me and they have put me in a position where i've had to fight back. stand up. this is america. be free. >> tucker: that man's name, dave morris and we will talk to him momentarily. well, here's news we want to tell you about. they legally discriminated against american workers in favor of immigrant labor. this is not surprising. we have known for a long time. they don't care what effect it has on most america. what is surprising is that in a time of mass unemployment, the republican party of all people is helping them do it. that's happening. yesterday, the republican controlled senate unanimously passed a law called the
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immigrants act. no concern about the fairness for americans. the whole process took a matter of moments. it was led by utah senator and without any objection. >> i ask unanimous consent that the bill is amended. >> is there objection? >> i know of no further debate on the bill. >> is there a further debate? the question is on passage as a mandate. all those in favor, say "aye." > this bill is amended. it is passed. >> tucker: just another moment on c-span not a big deal but it was a big deal. the immigration nationality act
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will eliminate caps on how many immigrants will come from a certain country. that's not the point. it will give them the bulk of all employment-based green cards up to 90%. what will that do to you and your kid? let's say you would like your kids to graduate from college getting a high paying job in technology, and its more likely that job is going to go to someone from another country. it will tell you we don't have enough well-educated people in this country to fac take those . really? they are putting your kids through school on zuma. republicans aren't even disputing that. last year, kevin is a republican from north dakota. he is a u.s. senator. explained registratiowatch this. >> we also of course have a very large microsoft campus in fargo. we are in high demand for
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engineers and software developers. for us, it's aimed at particularly eliminating caps for green cards. >> tucker: again, this is all unfolding at a time where we have the highest on appointment rate in your life, mine, and the highest on appointment rate since you've lived in this country. your kids, your grandkids are not going to be able to get jobs in a lot of cases. and yet, the united states senate led by the republicans decided to make it easier for foreigners to take, and these are not low-paying jobs. high paying jobs. sorry. so this bill, now goes on to the house. it's got broad support there. if silicon valley gets its way, it will be the first and last immigration bill this administration signs off on. you should remember who did it. mike lee of utah.
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well, the trump campaign has an amazing video on a hearing on voter fraud in georgia. they say that surveillance footage is pulling ballots from suitcases. if this is real, and it seems like it will be, this is a blockbuster news and it's shocking it could happen here. ♪ plus, people around the country not just targeting working-class rural people, they are targeting their attention to kids on a new hbo series. it's really over the top. we hesitate to even show it to you but you need to see it. ♪ we believe at newday usa we have a noble purpose.
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we want to be known as america's mortgage company for veterans and active-duty service people. some of them are giving their lives right now, today, for the freedoms that we have here in this country. so for us, at newday
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to help those people at this point in time. it's a labor of love, it's a noble service, and that's what we're all about.
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[what's this?] oh, are we kicking karly out? we live with at&t. it was a lapse in judgment. at&t, we called this house meeting because you advertise gig-speed internet, but we can't sign up for that here. yeah, but i'm just like warming up to those speeds. you've lived here two years. the personal attacks aren't helping, karly. don't you have like a hot pilates class to get to or something? [ muffled scream ] stop living with at&t. xfinity can deliver gig to the most homes.
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♪ >> tucker: so, just a minute ago, we told you that we have the highest unemployment rate of our lifetimes. what i should have said, there's a larger percentage of the population not working van any time in our lifetimes. different and more accurate way. what we are about to show you right now is so disturbing, it qualified as a crime not so long ago. it comes from an hbo documentary called "transhood."
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phoenix now identifies as a girl. >> today, we choose to recognize, honor, love, and celebrate anyone here w who woud claim their identity probably as,, bisexual, transgender,, questioning, {flush and a category that i have left out. >> i'm a girl. >> okay, you can sit there. [laughter] >> okay, phoenix would like you to know that she's a girl and she prefers she and her pronouns. >> tucker: if you are a parent and you actually have raised children, you know what you are seeing.
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4-year-olds don't make decisions like that. they can't. and yet come across the country, many small children are being given puberty blockers, damaging their body. it's grotesque. if you say that out loud, you are punished. have trouble getting a job. this isn't just one parent abusing a child on tv. this is a nation-wide, we are going to use the word, epidemic. and everyone is too embarrassed. joe biden has announced that biological men should be allowed access to public bathrooms throughout the country. >> joe biden said that on the first day of office he will give transgender students access to sports, bathrooms, and locker rooms according to their gender identity in all schools. do you agree with this decision customer >> i agree with the decision and i know he will check things out thoroughly
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legally. >> tucker: by the way, if you have specific questions and you showed about what precisely this means, what is the definition of what is the process? you are not even allowed to know what they are talking about. he is the host of the matt walsh show. he's been on top of the story for a while now. we are happy to have him on tonight. so just tell us what you make of this and how widespread you think it is and where is it going? >> well, we know it's increasingly wide-spread, especially among children and this is what people need to understand. most people are not far left crazy wackos realized that like you said, a far left child boy is a boy. whatever declaration he makes about what he thinks he is, it's just a child that is confused or is in fantasyland. i have a 5-year-old boy. he thinks he's a stegosaurus. what most people understand, but
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the problem is that a lot of people think it's an isolated thing, it's a sideshow. it's not the most important thing going on in the country right now. but it's not isolated. it's not a sideshow. this documentary shows, it's hbo putting this documentary out to promote gender confusion. they want your child, especially if you are sending your kid to public school, they want your child to be confused about their gender and to think that gender is fluid and they can do whatever they want. this is the agenda and it is widespread. it's becoming even more widespread. >> tucker: so, this is an attack on nature, but an attack on the most fundamental building blocks of any society, which is personal identity, sex, biology itself. so why doesn't anyone say anything about that? what is this? >> well, it's the same story we see with everything else in the country. people are afraid. this is one thing the left is very good at. they make normalcy seem
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abnormal. they make you feel crazy for just being normal. so they could do something like bring drag queens to the library to read to a bunch of 5-year-old. it's a crazy weird perverse thing to do but if you object to that, they are screaming at you like you are the degenerate. why would you have a problem with this at all? and then people just throw up their hands and they say, well, never mind. never mind. i'm sorry for intruding. that's the agenda they make normalcy abnormal. they are very good at doing it. >> tucker: only the cowardice makes that possible. not asking the honest questions here. matt walsh, i appreciate you coming on tonight. thank you. >> thank you. >> tucker: you have heard the phrase -- i don't know if that's a good thing. people believe he is senile, a racist, than someone who actually assaults women. we will show you what joe biden's staff really think about him, next.
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>> tucker: so, joe biden tells us he is hiring a woman to be his press secretary. last year, interestingly, she was not on team biden at all. she was watching a scene in the town hall like the rest of us and here's what she saw. >> back 15-20 years ago, we talked about this in san francisco. it was all about, well, gay bath houses. it's all about round-the-clock sex. come on, man. >> tucker: round-the-clock. come on, man! >> there have been a number of moments were even those of of us who have affection for him think what on earth is happening right now? part of his appeal is that he says things that your uncle says and people feel comfortable with him and it's a return to normalcy to normalcy.
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>> tucker: yeah, totally normal. come on, man. she is not the only person who thinks he might be unfit to serve in the white house or any house. several women accused joe biden of grabbing them violently. kamala harris immediately announced that all of those women were telling the truth. >> i believe them and i respect them being able to tell their story and having the courage to do it. >> tucker: meanwhile, kamala harris' new chief spokesperson, simone sanders raised a slightly different objection to joe biden. sure, joe biden may be demented and grab women, but the real problem is he's the wrong color. >> in my opinion, we don't need white people leading the democratic party right now. the democratic party is the birth and it should be reflected as so in our leadership. >> tucker: that's george wallace stuff. people say that on tv now, really? and then the what's going on?
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but that's where we are. turns out joe biden isn't simply assembling a team of rivals, this is simply -- how is this going to play out exact the? they hate him but they are working for him? jesse watters is from "the five." they seem to have no respect for him at all. what does this tell you? >> the call joe biden buffoon and he says, you know what, you get me. can you start monday? [laughter] kamala harris basically called him a rapist and he goes, you know what? i think you have good judgment. i'm going to make you my number to go. and then simone sanders basically called him whitey. at this point, you are not going to have to bribe him. if this trend keeps continuing,
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what, are they going to make tara reade defense secretary? i mean, is he on the short list for cia? you have said some pretty not so nice things about joe biden. you could be may be in the running, but the point is this. joe biden has been in politics for so long and everyone says something mean about him at some point. he was the lacking stock until they dragged him across to the finish line. but it shows you just how power-hungry the political world is. you can have people, they worked for mayor pete. he loses. bernie loses. then they jump to joe. and, do they really even like the politicians or do they like the power? >> tucker: that is both amusing and very deep. i agree with you completely. their contempt for biden, though, does seem pronounced. they are just going to eat him. they are going to control him. he is clearly getting something
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out of it. will he get any chance to run anything or is it going to all be simone sanders and kamala harris telling him what to do? >> yeah, i think he's a junior member of every committee that's going to be at the white house. but their new strategy is this, tucker. the team is boring and they are boring for a reason. because the less news you make, the less specific you are whenever you say anything, no one's going to pay attention to what they are doing behind the scenes. so they's not going to talk about policy. they're not even talking about restoring alliances and fairness. they are just going to get rich. their friends are going to get rich, their donors are going to rich don might get rich and we are not going to know anything they're doing at least until the bombs go off. sarah sanders or pompeo or kelly
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on. there were too transparent but at least you knew what they were doing. this in administration, we are not going to know anything. >> tucker: so smart. i think that's exactly right. jesse watters, team on "the five." great to see you. i hope you come back. >> thank you. >> tucker: while, in michigan, one cafe owner is definin defyie locked on restrictions and he's perfectly capable of explain w why. straight ahead. ♪
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♪ >> our government leaders have abandoned me. they have abandoned me and they have put me in a position where i have to fight back. wake up. stand up. this is america. be free. i've got patriots coming out supporting me. >> tucker: that that was a man called dave disrupting a local newscast that was not scripted. everything he said made sense. he was able to do it because he meant it. he is the owner of dnr and he is making a point that our political class is corrupt and
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lockdowns are killing everyone below them. dave morris joins us tonight. we are happy to have him. dave morris, thanks so much for coming on. it was kind of an amazing mome moment. >> hi, tucker. >> tucker: thanks for coming on. what pushed you to do that? >> several months of frustration. i think i'm speaking for a whole lot, millions and millions of americans i'm speaking for here, our so-called leaders that are using our tax money to pay themselves while they are instilling policy on us to ruin our businesses and our lives. it's not making much sense to me and after months and months of launching this, they put me in a position, we got to come out fighting here a little bit. and i'm really frustrated with the way things are handled, particularly between the state legislators and my governor. >> tucker: yeah, well you have every reason to be frustrated.
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what effect have the lockdowns had on you, your family, and your business customer >> it's had a huge effect on me, my family, and my business. this started out as a two week flatten the curve. they asked us to cooperate with that. it went from that to shutting us right down for months. and then when june rolled around, they said we could do half capacity and do takeouts. and then things picked up a little bit. from june to september, things were going pretty good. it seemed like when they sent the kids back to school and back to the campuses and people went out and started maybe go into the night life and partying and dancing with the liquor and dancing cheek to cheek, i'm labeled as a bar -- restaurant. that's one category. and so, they come down on a whole of those. you know, my business has been going through this for 9 months and we haven't had any cases. i haven't had it. my wife hasn't. my kids work with me. and we haven't seen this massive
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explosion of this virus locally around me. and i just feel like they are taking it out on me a very unfairly along with thousands and thousands of others. they have destroyed, i don't know, maybe 3,000 businesses in the state are close right now permanently. there's more to come. >> tucker: every small business owner that we have had on the show to talk about the effects of the lockdown on their business has been harassed and in some cases. are you worried that governor whitmore will punish you for talking about it? >> no, i'm not worried about that. you know, it's time we start talking here a little bit because i had some hope and they were talking about $2 trillion stimulus package to help the american people. when i look at maybe 120 million people do my families in this country, i think i can get anybody -- that's a lot of money. we could have shut this thing down. people could have gone home and stayed home. instead that money went in all
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different directions. it went to campaign donors, special interest groups, maybe a couple museums. and it didn't get where it was supposed to go. i never got any of it. and the small business owners like me never got any of it. that's our money and i want to know what they did with it. and now they got another stimulus they are talking about here we are not going to get that either, folks. >> tucker: know. it will go to harvard. good luck. i hope you are not harassed. >> thank you for saying that. another thing i want to say this is that my customers go over the border. it's a short distance away. and they are going down there and dining. and then they tell me sorry, i can't come in, dave. we are going over the state line to eat. it just doesn't make sense to me. >> tucker: yeah, i've heard that story many times. >> yeah, and the segregation of the small businesses while you watch huge businesses breaking and record profits right now, the suffering of the little people has got to be told. >> tucker: yep. godspeed. good to see you, dave.
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thank you. >> thank you, tucker. i appreciate you having me. >> tucker: we are going to show you a video you may have already seen today. it seems real. it's pretty unbelievable. it's surveillance footage. we will play it for you after the break. ♪
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>> tucker: a lot about voter fraud recently. the trump campaign presented surveillance footage in georgia. it appears to show poll workers pulling ballots out of suitcases after they told people to go home. it was narrated by a member of the texas public policy foundation. as you watch, pay attention to the top right-hand box. >> we are going to roll this back and show it to you. there you go. so now they are going to start pulling of these ballots from under the table. this table, the black one, was
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placed there by the lady with the blonde braid at about eight: 22 in the morning. she put that there. so the same person who stayed behind, the same person under the pretense that we are going to stop counting. what are these ballots do when they're separate from all the other ballots and why are they only counting them when the place is cleared out with no witnesses? >> tucker: i mean, what the -- we spent all day. we reached out to officials in georgia. they didn't answer any of our specific questions about this footage. we are going to keep pressing. because again, that's on tape and it's unbelievable. ballots have showed up in various places. we told you about claudia. she is a candidate in the congressional race. she let her opponent by a dozen votes until this week when suddenly dozens more votes appeared. they join us tonight. claudia, thank you so much for coming on tonight.
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do you think, i'll just get right to it, do you think fraud is involved in your race? >> i'm not sure i would call it direct fraud. i just want to say that i'm grateful to everyone who has been supporting me at home and across the nation in this very difficult race. my race actually has a little bit of everything you're saying in the presidential race. one of the biggest problems we have, i was leading by 28,000 votes on election night and the avalanche of democratic ballots came in because governor cuomo issued an executive order mirror reading the signature legislative, for the people, for the democratic people act, which actually overhauled all the rules in new york, which has created this huge problem. it has been an administrative nightmare for the elections. they received no resources to make up for that. and now you are seen this over-stressed system where mistakes are being made and i think it's hard to say specifically if there was deliberate fraud.
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but there is definitely fraud that could happen because of this just untenable situation. >> tucker: this is a longer conversation, but how could a bunch of new ballots show up weeks after the election? what is that? >> well, everything has happened. these boards have been overstressed. remember, we have all these time deadlines, court deadlines. there's been a lot of pressure put on the boards of elections. and yeah, all the sudden it was something like 55 provisional ballots. those are ballots where people actually show up to vote in person. they are denied access and they fill out an affidavit. there are so many issues in this. this county was actually hacked and had their entire computer system shutdown from october 15th through election day. so this is another issue. there are so many problems that occur and this is what you get when you have a bureaucratic situation where the for the people act actually banned voter i.d., allowed unsecure
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provisional ballots and absentee ballots to be ordered online. >> tucker: not surprising. former member of congress, probably the most conservative in new york. good luck. >> thank you. thanks so much. >> tucker: sean hannity right now. >> sean: claudia is right. she won by 12 votes. this week, they magically find 55 ballots more to count. 55. wow. do you have faith in that system? i don't. >> tucker: know, no. >> sean: thank you. welcome to "hannity tonight." we are tracking multiple stories. serious allegations all across the country tonight. a lot of news tonight. in georgia, look at this new surveillance footage we will be showing you. mysterious suitcases potentially filled, we believe with ballots rolled out from under a table after partisan election observers are asked to leave the room. we watch more depositions today. if they have now


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