tv Tucker Carlson Tonight FOX News December 7, 2020 9:00pm-10:00pm PST
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♪ >> tucker: good evening and welcome to "tucker carlson tonight." today is the anniversary of the surprise attack on pearl harbor. thousands of americans died, that was the day we entered the second world war. it seems a good time to consider the threats we face now. at the top of the list, and he opt he will tell you has, is russia. russia has penetrated our governments, threatens our democracy, works tirelessly to subvert our economy and our way ofof life. since the day donald trump was elected in 2016, they've told us this. they are endlessly complex, serialized collusion hoax
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dominated our public conversation for years. of course it was a lie, were all aware oflu it. russia never had the power or the money to control our government and there's no evidence they even try. but it doesn't mean -- this is the key -- that there was no collusion. in fact, there was collusion. top leaders in american government and business has been compromised by ain foreign power that seeks to undermine our country and our democratic system. it turns out that many of the very people who ranted and hysterically about russia, as they were yelling about vladimir putin, in fact they were doing precisely what they claim to do to crime. they were working on behalf of a foreign power. our chief global arrival, the government of china. the russia hoax effectively was a diversion, hit something that's not a hoax at all but is a real and threatening to all of us. we will spend the foreseeable future reporting on the
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relationship between america's political financial elites and the communist government of china that made many of them very we want to start tonight with the evidence, the remarkable video. this video recorded over a week ago on november 28th. the man you're about to see speak as a professor fromm beijing. the video comes from an appearance he made on a chinese television show about wall street in international trade. he works at a university in beijing. he's like so many in academia, a servant of his country's government. this video was deleted from chinese social media soon after being uploaded. there's a reason for that as you will see. >> [speaking in a foreign language]
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[laughter] >> tucker: there's a lot of garbage floating around, and a lot of fake things. that video is real and those subtitles are accurate. we checked in with two different chinese speakers and they confirmed it. but he just said, when you read on the screen tells the story. this is close to a smoking gun as we've ever seen. "we have people at the top ofme america's core inner circle of power and influence." according to the man you just saw, that's been true for decades. how many people work in media and government? he didn't say precisely. at one point of the video he described a chinese agent
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working as a top wall street financial institute. i can't say more without making political trouble. he did tell his audience that one agent in particular was especially useful. he goes on at some length about her. he describes her as an american who's worked abroad for many years, who is now a chinese d citizen. this seems to baffle him a little bit. the chinese government doesn't allow dual citizenship, what would they? why would anyone? he seems pleased that the u.s. government is foolish enough to allow it. he explains that this american agent who at lives part of the year in beijing helps with the propaganda operation in the city of washington in 2015. he goes on to describe in some detail. the obama administration was easy to manipulate, he suggests, they helped. the chinese had many friends among the obama people. the problem came when donald trump was elected after that he says, everything changed. >> [speaking in a foreign
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american policy. the chinese government he says has enormous influence on wall street. and the arrangement works very well for a long time. then donald trump unexpectedly was elected in 2016. wall street was infuriated. wall street can't fix trump, hee eesaid, but they tried. this solves the mystery. if you're wondering why the political class has stood by and allowed the chinese government to degrade this country and our way of life, why theypo stood by as a chinese government flooded the united states with deadly opioids that killed hundreds of thousands of people, or stood by as the chinese government ripped off billions of intellectual property from the companies. there's your answer. this year, the chairman of harvard's chemistry department was arrested for taking $50,000 a month from the chinese communist party intern for sending secrets and referring top scientists to beijing. it barely rated as a scandal. you might not be aware it happen.
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why? because so many are on the take. donald trump was an impediment to the very lucrative arrangement. for that reason, he explains in the video, america's most powerful elites, he calls them that, got to work on electing a new president. again, read the words at the bottom of your screen as he speaks. >> [speaking in a foreign alanguage] [laughter] [applause] >> tucker: ohl, donald trump you know it's because the chinese do pay close attention, donald trump has complained about hunter biden.
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his ties to the chinese government. those are real, he just confirmed.neid so, now you know why you weren't allowed to talk about hunter biden's laptop. why big business aligned as one, the tech companies and the rest, to suppress that story. because they were implicated in it. back in october we interviewed a man called tony bob linsky, interviewed him because nobody else would. tony was a business partner of the bidens. here's was when he told us about china. >> in the document you guys had and i think has been provided the world, the chinese reference that because of their trust in the biden family, the chairman and director were excited about moving forward in this. in the documents, they reference loaning $5 million to the family.. the bd family is the biden
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family. >> what are the implications of this going forward if joe biden is elected president which could very well happen? >> tucker: how does this constrained his abilities to deal with china? >> i think joe biden and the bidem family are compromised. >> tucker: "i think joe biden and the biden family are compromised," with china. i think he's right about that and the bidens are far from the only ones being compromised. gordan chang, author of the great u.s. china tech war, he vetted the video and confirmed it was real. we're happy about that. gordon chang joins us tonight. thank you so much for coming on. to those of that don't follow us full-time i don't speak mandarin, this is a shocking admission of what's happening here. tell us what you make of this.
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>> there is incredible arrogance among the chinese elites and that's when i take away from this video. you know, there's a number of instances that they a a talk abt and i don't know if they're actually true or not, but the point is, this is what chinese leaders think and because they think that way, they're going to push president biden around. we have to push back. under president trump, the chinese didn't try this because they were afraid of him. when i'm concerned about is the state of mind of china and we see it from the chinese ruler all the way down to this guy. this is dangerous. >> tucker: he's out there, less than a month after the presidential election saying essentially we had minutes, we are in control. our friends in the business community and the united states wall street specifically our on our side over and against the u.s. government itself, the current presidential administration.
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if we pull the strings. do you think it's breaking? to what extent is that true? >> that part of the video is true. when i was referring to as the politics incident, which is very interesting. but in terms of the most important points that he makes, that's absolutely true, that china does have that relationship into what he calls the core circle of americans real power. they use that during the obama administration and prior administrations they could not do it during the trump administration. not much we know. we know that there anticipation licking their chops about what's going to happen from january 20th on. >> tucker: it's amazing thing. were you surprised that he said this on camera? in front of a live audience? >> that took me by surprise because when he was making where those admissions which really gi to the core of the china-u.s. relationship. i think what president trump can do, whether he has 40 days or four years is to break some of those connections.e
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he can do it with the international emergency economic powers act of 1977, and even maybe use the trading with the enemy act of 1917. we've got to break those connections because if we do not do that, we're not going into a point where we may not be able to deter china because they are so arrogant, so belligerent that they think they can buy any american politician includingco the president of the united states. therefore, as i mentioned, they're going to be tempted to do something that cannot be unwound. >> tucker: nicely put. gordon chang, appreciate you coming on. thank you. >> thank you, tucker. >> tucker: it was a kind of remarkable author ed staining as clearly as anybody has ever stated the nature of the threat that we face from china. all been written by someone you would know, the director of national intelligence. he called the calmest party of china "the greatest threat to
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democracy and freedom worldwide since world war ii." it's an amazing piece. worth your time if you haven't read it. we will have director radcliffe on to discuss it. he wrote this. "the intelligence is clear, beijing intends to dominate the united states and the rest of the plan economically,y,cu technologically. i call its approach of economic espionage rob, replicate, replace. china robs u.s. companies of their intellectual property and replicates the technology, then replaces the u.s. firms in the global marketplace. those aren't simply legal disputes, they have actual consequences for millions of american workers. on our standards of living come up with your kids will do for a living. radcliff noted into money 18, on wind turbinens manufacturer ripd off secrets from a infrastructure company. as a direct result of that theft, american semiconductor lost over $1 billion in value and had to cut 700 jobs.
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it didn't happen because the company was careless, it happened because they were the victim of theft. that's happening everywhere, including in the pentagon. according to radcliffe, "china theals sensitive defense technology to fuel the president's aggressive plans to make china the world's foremost military power. u.s. intelligence shows that china conducted human testing on members of the people's t liberation army in the hopes of developing soldiers with a biologically enhanced capability. there are no ethical boundaries to beijing's pursuit of power." remarkable. we know where this is leading. "beijing is preparing for an open-ended period of confrontation with united states. washington should also be prepared. leaders must work a cross partisan and understand the threat, and speak about it openly, and take action to
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address it." john radcliffe is the director of national intelligence and more intelligence than anybody on the go besides the president. thank you so much for coming on. you spell this out so clearly that it made me wonder why the rest of us, so many in our public life, hasn't been saying this for quite some time. you make sound obvious. >> i think you did a good job of encapsulating one, tucker. there's a lot of people who are economic reasons do not want china to be our greatest threat to. there's a lot of people for political reasons don't want china to be our greatest threat inre america. but the intelligence doesn't lie. china is our greatest threat and it's not even close, no other country has the capability of essentially taking away the american dream and the specific plan to do so. the intelligence is clear. tucker, and wanted to use the unique vantage point i have to make sure as the director of
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national intelligence my job is to warn the american people of threats and there is no greater threat than china to america. >> tucker: the most jarring part of the piece i thought was your description of the massivea ramp-up of the chinese military. from your telling, not necessarily for defensive purposes, what do you think their aimes is? >> well, again, dominate. on the military front they achieved having the largest navy of any country in the world. from the military force standpoint, the people's republic of china have a military of 2 million. they want them to be the largest and they want them to be the strongest, which is why they are engaged in what you referenced which is called gene editing, literally trying to alter the dna experimenting with dna to make soldiers, sailors, airmen stronger and more powerful.
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>> tucker: that's horrifying. do you think beijing anticipates some kind of physical confrontation with united states in the next several years? >> here's the funny thing, tucker, china knows that at this point the united states is still the world's superpower. they're catching us in all the respects. they are banking on the fact that we are not going to do anything until their superior and all the respects. they say it's better to fight downhill, now the united states can fight downhill against china. we don't want to be in a position where we are up at china and all of the plans that they have, the initiatives made in china, the digital silk road. those are all thin veneers and facades for which china is going around the world and essentially gaining the influence, power to become the world superpower andp
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supplant the united states in that role. >> tucker: we heard a lot over the past four years aboutut russia's ability to break in to his gmail account.he it to the extent you can, it's not classified, give us the sense of chinese penetration into our networks, governmentai networks. >> it significant and growing every day.ra tucker, you made a great point in your opening about russia. they are a dangerous adversary. i don't mean to minimize them, but you made the point correctly upon t economically, russia cant compute the way china can. it largest economy in the world is the united states. and second largest is china. russia is not in the top ten. italy, brazil, state of texas have a larger economy than russia. they can't compete with us the way china is in china hasex a vy specific plan to do that. one of the ways china has made their way to the top is they understand that information is the key to their dominance. they're going to get there any
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way they possibly can. that's what subsidizing vt and wally is all about. these are chinese companies that are run by the chinese atgovernment. they know they can steal more information if they run the telecommunications networks over which our information travels. that's one of the ways that china has gotten so good in terms of getting into our networks and into our information society. >> tucker: we've been asleep. thank you for waking people up. john ratcliffe, thank you. >> great to be with you, tucker, thanks. >> tucker: next time you hear so many describe turkey, russia, iran as the biggest threat, laugh in their face. they deserve it. there's a thing that happens in washington where people go to serve in congress and they make 200 grand a year or something but they seem to get rich at the same time. how do they do that?y how does ilhan omar make all the money, she seems rich, how did
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the party of science by the way, the governor of the biggest state, demanded we distributed the coronavirus vaccine on the basis of skin d color. that's not science, of course, and something beneath sciencece but they are saying. one professor, called global health law, explained this way. "having a racial preference for a covid-19 vaccine is not only ethically permissible but i think it's an ethical imperative." okay, one problem with the plan. all americansnlnl of all skin cs don't want to the vaccine regardless of what democrats in california or washington, d.c., tell them they should want. >> the covid vaccine can't come soon enough but they're coming and then there is the hurdle of convincing americans they'll be safe to take. many are expressing hesitancy and some black and latino communities. >> not just a small town problem, is nationwide. a study conductedla in september
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exploring the issue of the communities found just 14% of black people and other 34% of latinos trust vaccine will be safe. >> tucker: the media makes everything about race always come up but it's not just those "communities" that have concerns about the vaccine. why are we having a conversation about race as it relates to a vaccine? what do the two have to do with each other? candace owens is the author of "black out" and she joins us with their reaction to the story. candace, great to see you tonight. if there is some some scientific evidence that this is a race specific disease and there are some that are are, it's one thing, but africans were untouched and we know it's not. what the hell is this? >> that's a good question and i want to talk about the apprehension among black americans regarding the vaccine because it's not imagined when
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it comes to historical data that we have and americans watching this right now can look up on the cdc website the experiment. i talked to my grandfather with it.. it was a vaccine with black americans and it was selected about 600 black americans they were giving them a placebo pill rather than actually treating it's because they wanted to see syphilis to its natural end. it went on for 40 years, and bill clinton apologized for it in 1997 and said it was the immorality of the government. not at all suggesting it's a vaccine for coronavirus and not suggesting their seeking to experiment on black americans but if you're looking to transform the pain of the individuals and relieve them of the apprehension's, maybe take the opposite approach. rather than single because of their race that they're going to give it to you first, maybe look at it from the equal standpoint and see if were trying o to hel, we should never be racial medicine.
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it makes everybody uncomfortable. the governments trying to put a racial identity behind us and making too many people uncomfortable and the ultimate goal is to help. we should be looking att it in the manner. >>y tucker: d racial *lysing, >> tucker: deracializing medicine, exactly. i want to ask you about the story out of washington. some democrats in congress have it turns out found a way a not very big salaries to make their family rich. she paid her husband's consulting coupling more than $2 million this year. on top of the firm that received in bailout money.s maxine waters managed to funnel $240,000 from her campaign to her daughter to get out to vote service. maxine waters lives in a mansion worth more than $4 million, kind of weird for some of you who spent 40 years in government. i got to ask you, by the way, they're far from the only ones in washington were doing this that's for sure.
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but how do people who work in congress look the look a straight in the face and say that i've got rich but it's fine. >> it's frustrating when you're looking at democrats because they love playing the poor card, they will help impoverished communities and we have to go to the rich white menen there stealing money from us and nobody questions them and their finances. it's especially egregious coming from somebody who is so awfully socialist like ilhan omar and her squad on the platform especially during the covid-19 when the government was giving the money to companies they put1 out and said, look, the rich companies are taking the money and they should returnth the funds. ilhan omar, isn't going to return the funds that they received from the covid-19 relief fund. this is ridiculous stuff. nobody ever calls them out. they should guarantee that they're not elected ever again.
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what it shows you, tucker, democrats looking to figure out why they lost so many house seats inin the election, is because america is awake to their lives. they understand the democrats themselves are corrupt despite their calling everybody by those names. >> tucker: i don't know, maxine waters we have the clip here, just told us that she has no tolerance of any kind for financial misdeeds. watch this. >> do you believe that money laundering has been a significant part of president trump's business? >> i know that there's a lot of rumors. more about the finances of the president of united states and he's hiding that from us. we need to get deeper into that, and figure out if money laundering has been involved if there is connections to oligarchs of russia. >> tucker: the buffoon on cnbc, takes her very seriously. how seriously do you take this?
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>> accuse the other side of what you're doing,, right? they do this over and over again. it's ridiculous, just a mansion in the case of ilhan omar as he brought up earlier, donald j. trump incorporated for president was paying millions of dollars in consultancy fees to don trump jr. they lose their minds but nobody's calling them out and asking if she is finally cash to her husband. somebody should be made to answer for it. >> tucker: it's gonna for a long time too. candace owens, great to see you tonight. thank you. it turns out corona law it really is the law. government at a lot of places are starting to fine you if you don't complying with corona law. you're not a politician, you have to follow the rules. but one man in government has
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>> tucker: well, coronavirus lockdowns have been enforced across the country, but they've not been enforced fairly or evenly. the effects of course have not e been evenly distributed and some people got much richer and happier under criminal law, than any other while others have been destroyed. one finally had enough. he tried to freeze and close the health departments banking accounts immediately. why? watch him explain. >> i've also established a reasonable payment plan for businesses as well. they are hurting and i'm trying to help them get through this crisis. the scale, they're hit with $1,000 fine or less they have 20 years to pay it back. anyone with a $15,000 covid related finer more, they have 100 years to payye it back. >> tucker: beef got millions of people out of the workforce, millions more who are semiemployed and barely hanging on.
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the county of erie is threatening, in some cases, actuallyg finding people. stefan mahal who decided enough. you just saw him, and thank you so much for coming on. >> thank you, i really appreciate it. >> tucker: am i mischaracterizing this, people were already hurting and you saw the fines and you decided to step in and alleviate basically the fines? what happened? after you did that? >> that's correct, come to control, i controlled all the accounts for the county of erie it. the people are fed up. i'm the son of polish and ukrainian immigrants who came to america the right way. a lot of people on the radical left turning our country into the same communist regime that my family fled. i'm hearing from businesses every day, what happened to come out there is a gym owner robbie de niro, he wasn't open in his gym is closed. he had a private meeting with
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other business owners talking about how they can fight it back and in the health inspector barging in with police and the next day they find him $15,000. i'm fed up, i'm angry and i said enough. we froze the health department's ability to make deposits f on covid fines and, yes, i came up with the authority to come up with a 100 year payment plan for the businesses find because they are hurting over coronavirus rule that people on the extreme left are making up for other people for small businesses who are hurting. they don't follow the rules themselves. i'm angry, i'm fed up, and i put my foot down. >> tucker: what i love about the stories every day we hear about elected officials saying they're helping people come up andem you're helping in immeasurable ways. what's the reaction from the other state of new york officials? >> the radical left attacked me which is out of their playbook.
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if you don't stand on the issues you attack thehe person and thas fine. i wear it like a badge of honor, our local newspaper rose editorial that basically accused me of killing people for helping businesses when it comes to their fines. new york state and makes no sense that everything has to ngclose at 10:00. coronavirus is so smart thatpi they want to attack you in a restaurant at nine: 959 but watch out for 10:01, you'll be stricken with it. if children are least susceptible but their closing schools and then governor cuomo is putting 16 stricken withst covid into nursing homes. i wear it like a badge p of honr and i fight for the businesses that are losing their livelihood and were also losing our freedom in our country.he at>> tucker: amen. you, almost alone among elected officials in them including a lot of people who should know better but have done nothing to help, you did something to help. i appreciate that. >> we had to set up a gofundme for the gym owner and if people
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go to they can donate to help him with the $15,000 fine. i mean outs or rages that you can go to a big box store and you won't correct coronavirus but you can't go to a church or you can't go to your barbershop or you can go to a restaurant. having that hammer in my office, i'm willing to flex it.rb what's the point of the authority if you're not going to use it to help businesses. governor cuomo put in the restrictions, the executive ordering people to wear masks when he's caught at the local golf coursee drinking beer, eating food, not wearing a mask. >> tucker: god bless you, thank you. >> thank you. >> tucker: just in case you imagine that this is a free country, not under the control of mark zuckerberg in the google firm, go ahead and try to share conservative memes on your personal facebook page and see what happens. we are about to speak to a school principal who was fired
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♪ >> tucker: until the summer, amy sachs was the principal of the elementary school in pennsylvania and then she was fired. she says the school district superintendent told her that conservative memes she uploaded to her private facebook page said "offended up here and who complained to the district. in case you're wondering what the memes were, you're seeing it on the screen right now. if she t was doing with very few people have done, she's suing in this case, the montgomery public school. amy sachs joins us along with her attorney francis beloff happy to have them both. thank you very much for joining us. so, amy, to you first, we put one of the memes on the screen and in the stories, the details are what tell us what the memes said. were they extremist material would you say?wo >> absolutely not. they were literally, you know, a political post that really
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showcased the absurdity that was going on at the time in the news. >> tucker: yes. so basically you said you were against joe biden. you did not prefer to vote for joe biden. that seems to be the gist of the memes where putting on the screen here. that was too far for the superintendent? >> apparently. you know, the one memes specifically had biden's name in it. that was definitely apparently sensitive and offensive to somebody. >> tucker: as a lawyer, are you allowed to fire someone because they are voting for a candidate you don't like? >> you're not allowed to fire someone and take a political viewpoint in a school. in schools, in the united states, we have a great rite which is the first amendment. that allows us to share opinions, thoughts, speech without persecution or
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prosecution from our government. when you're in a public school and a public school setting, administrators or directors or superintendents, school boards or not they are to dictate political policy.en in fact, what's unique in this case is that principle sachs is fighting for her job, fighting for her families livelihood and from welfare, but this is not a war that's happening only in certain counties. it's happening across the country in public schools. it's also what's happening in the minds of the children taught in the public schools. as an attorney, i'm proud to champion this cause and do everything i can to reinstate c principal sachs to her position, but the issue is we have the first amendment and it allows us to express our thoughts, feelings, emotions without retribution from government. when she did something not in the public school system but privately, for private political facebook post where used to
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terminate her from her position as principal. the shocking thing is, this is not a underperforming principal. she had one of the top elementary schools in pennsylvania. it was a top ten elementary school, no mentions of discipline, 20 year veteran, seven-year principal, andas to think that a superintendent, barbara russell, with the help of her attorney sent her down and showed her the 15th cherry picked post that basically were right of center conservative post and then fired her without cause or without just notice if shocking.nd it shockingus because -- >> tucker: you defined what extremism looks like. amy sachs, i'm grateful you because you didn't go along with
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this, so many people have. you're fighting back and were certainly rooting for you. thank you for coming out tonight. francis, thank you representing her. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> tucker: you heard a lot about voter fraud in the last month election.s, tonight, a specific example. top republicans in the state of georgia filed a suit that they identified enough examples of a different kind of fraud, low tax irregularities. it might change the outcome of the race. he joins us to explain what he's found. next. ♪ hope you got dental. and that's why i love healthmarkets, your insurance marketplace. they guarantee you won't find a lower price anywhere for the plans they offer, so you're not just picking by chance. no copay?... sweet. with health insurance plans constantly changing,
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in georgia, the state secretary of state released a affidavit from the chief investigator who looked into election fraud. it rejects the claim that ballots were retrieved from suitcases on election night. the affidavit does contradict reports on election night, the ones who probably read to, that a reversed vote count. "our investigation revealed the initial report was actually a journal that overflowed early in the morning of november the third and did not affect the count of the votes and later in the evening." okay, that's thet opposite of what we heard in the oppositehef of one official said. local news reports claim that 40,000 absentee ballots could not be counted on election night due to a "water main break." interesting. why the discrepancy. we should find out. the chairman of the state of georgia's republican party saw the lawsuit saying there's thousands of examples of low tech fraud on election night.
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david is the chairman of the republican o party and happy to have him on. thank you so much for joining us. can you give us an example of what the low tech fraud you believe took place? >> well, president trump is behind vice president biden by 11,770 votes after the last recount and in order to file a suit contestant in the election we've got to show the number of irregular votes exceeds the margin. o we have done that, we shown that people voted without being on the voter registration role. people voted with having registered after the deadline. people voted more than once. people moved from the state to register it in another state, then voted by him absentee state. those errors and irregularities were such a scale that it exceeds the margin andhe casts e outcome of the election.
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>> tucker: those are traditional ways to throw the electionia >> nothing at all the counting took place in violation of georgia law. it requires it be done in public, and in the open and we have serious problems with the verification of the absentee ballots.ot >> tucker: a lot of places we no we did not have been, 60
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absentee. and of course matters. we appreciate you coming on tonight and we hope our viewers will lookve up what you said in this house for themselves thank you. sean hannity will take over at 9:00 p.m. eastern. >> sean: by the way, it was a urinal, earlier in the day, it was fixed. >> tucker: there was no leak! >> sean: reporting is all. welcome to "hannity," where they are election.of n kayleigh mcenany will join us and watching all of this and then pennsylvania, very closely. an update out of arizona as well, senator ted cruz, he's offered to argue that the pennsylvania case should get to the supreme court. in some developments where waiting for on that tonight. also, senator lindsey graham former speaker newt gingrich here but breaking tonight with senator cruz tremendous linstitutional knowledge and
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