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tv   Outnumbered  FOX News  December 8, 2020 9:00am-10:00am PST

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he recently said he would of stayed as a plain mechanic but the pilots didn't have dirt on their hands, they had pretty girls on their arms. today his wife says he had an incredible life well-lived. chuck yeager was 97 years old. that does it for us. "outnumbered" starts right now. >> harris: and we begin here, president-elect joe biden facing growing controversy over two of his cabinet choices, some senate republicans are sounding the alarm over health human services secretary choice javier becerra, saying the california attorney general lacks health care experience and accusing him of pushing a far left agenda. >> let's just get through their problems with this nomination. first, he supports medicare for all, second, he is a true radical. third, look at what's happened in california during this pandemic. he has been on the forefront of
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locking down that entire state. he will be joe biden's nationwide lockdown enforcer. >> harris: biden's defense secretary pick is also facing growing heat over his role in the united states failed effort to train and arm some 5,000 syrian rebels. here is austin back in 2015, watch for yourself. >> before this committee, in july he testified that there were only about 60 syrian fighters that had been trained in our train and equip program, can you tell us what the total number of trained fighters remains? >> it's a small number and, the ones that are in the fight, is, we are talking four or five.
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>> harris: austin is also facing criticism over his record when according to the atlantic he called isis a flash in the pan in conversations with white house officials. that was denied by an austin spokesperson, the analysis led barack obama to describe the islamic state and other terror groups as a "jv team." you are watching "outnumbered," i'm harris faulkner. here today, host of "kennedy" on fox business, kennedy. senior editor at the federalist and fox news contributor mollie hemingway. syndicated radio host and fox news contributor leslie marshall and joining us on the virtual couch center seat today, cohost of "fox & friends" weekend, pete hegseth. author of the new book, best seller, i might add, "real stories from real heroes."
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pete, when you trend on my own phone i know something is hot. >> something is wrong is what it is, harris. thank you very much. >> harris: you needed a babysitter for that large family. look. when you look at general austin, there seems to be some pretty, i don't know, good evidence for why they might be questions about him. i remember that hearing where he said, we've spent all this money in the country and he said, maybe four or five trained fighters on the battlefield. >> pete: four or five, you're waiting for him to say four or 500 or four or 5,000 and he means four or five. he was part and parcel of the willfully deceived pentagon and obama administration as they retreated from iraq, whether that was the right call or not, they left a vacuum and he was a part of effectively downplaying
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this extremely radical group which meant you had to ignore the real evidence emanating out of iraq and syria which was showing the brutality of this group, the capabilities of this group and the aspirations of this group which eventually led to the establishment of the caliphate. in some states in our country. but that is part and parcel with how the obama-biden administration viewed that part of the world, turns out what you need to do is unleashed american war fighters, modern warriors and in that book they talked about how a change minute one when donald trump took over as the president because of the unleashing of these war fighte fighters, in no way they were never allowed to do so. does this mean we go back to a politically correct pentagon that fights wars in a nice way that washington likes but doesn't let war fighters do their jobs? these are the types of questions that come up and confirmation
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hearings. there is reluctance, understandably, to put someone in uniform back of the top of the defense department when you normally need a waiver for that because you want the civilian control of the military. there will be questions but it would be the prerogative if it was a biden administration, it's their prerogative to choose people and it's going to reflect their priorities. >> harris: you have the most military experience on the bench today so everybody wait for one second because i want to follow up with what you said in terms of waivers. democrats are very much against this when the current president was picking generals for his team so talk to me about the waiver. when is it okay and when is it not, is that a political thing? >> pete: it's a political thing, yeah. a lot of it is met with, you already have some senators coming out, saying we've done this too often, we need to stop doing it, that the democrats saying that. it does come from a sense that the pentagon has enough of its own power, generals are a part
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of that system and it would be deferential to that as opposed to a commander in chief, who is a commander in the military who should be one layer detached from that and have the ability to speak truth and advance things may be the pentagon bureaucracy because it is a massive bureaucracy wouldn't necessarily be supportive. or the pentagon is not giving you the menu of options that you would want and you want that level of detachment to make a difficult decision that maybe the pentagon will be risk averse from begin with. >> harris: mollie hemingway, the other choice we are talking about today because it is growing in criticism against it is that hhs secretary choice of xavier becerra. why do you think that is? >> mollie: when joe biden was campaigning, throughout november and december we've been told he wants to be the unifier, the moderate and this pick shows that that is not the case at
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all. it's hard to find someone more radical than the guy who tried to force pro-life pregnancy centers to push for abortions, he lost that case at the supreme court, he tried to jail pro-life journalist who exposed fetal body part trafficking on the part of planned parenthood and others, he is someone who is really radical positions, joe biden was part of the obam obama-biden administration that tried to force nuns to pay for abortions and nuns had to sue to be able to continue to do their work serving the poor and rather than these crippling fines. so this is a signal that it's not just moderate but full on culture war from the biden administration and it is deeply alarming to a lot of people. elections have consequences and should biden be inaugurated he has the right to put together the cabinet he wants but republican senators need to push hard for what is going to happen
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to the american people not just with this but also with austin and i think it is true we want civilian control of the military but we have a military-industrial complex that controls the pentagon and so joe biden in 2012 said we would be out of afghanistan by 2014, we've seen i how hard it has ben for trump to get us out of afghanistan. i think the senator should focus on, are we going to be able to continue in america-first foreign policy or be trapped back in the middle east, a lot of people made mistakes in the past, a lot of people failed with their mideast policy but i'm more concerned about what's going to be the case going forward. >> harris: leslie, as a democrat do you have a problem with either of these choices and what would you six suggest going forward? >> leslie: first of all, abortion is not the reason, whether you are for or against it that becerra has been chosen pay he led as attorney general
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in the state here in california, inviting back against the trump administration with regard to obamacare, the affordable care act which is something buried near and dear to the president president-elect who will be inaugurated's heart. joe biden is talked about not having private insurance, if you have obamacare keeping and expanding on that, even though joe biden is not a proponent of medicare for all. right now the person in the position if becerra is confirmed will be in charge of distributional or seeing the distributional vaccine. in addition to that, with both of these nominations being put forth, the g.o.p. has to be very careful because joe biden is trying to assemble a very diverse cabinet and you have the congressional caucus pushing him over latinos, the congressional black caucus pushing him for african-americans and the g.o.p. will be sitting there vetting the first hispanic for this position and the first african-american for this position and it can be perceived
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very negatively if they just say no, no, no. >> harris: hold on, leslie. are you saying that criticism shouldn't come in a fair fight over what you think is right or wrong shouldn't come because the person's color of skin? >> leslie: absolutely not. what i am saying is, if republicans shoot down every single minority that is put forth for these high-level positions when there's never been a minority put forth, it will be perceived very badly among those minority communities. >> harris: you can diversify without stopping the fight over what is best for the nation. you can do both. >> leslie: you can but the perception in the latino community and perception in the african-american community can come back to her at the g.o.p. which in 2022 has a much more difficult road map to the sena senate. >> harris: kennedy? >> kennedy: i'm actually worried about general austin
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because of his gross incompetence and his willful ignorance of good intelligence. which led to some really bad decisions. when you combine that with the president-elect's pick for secretary of state who also has a history as a warmonger, they will use what is appropriately called the military-industrial complex, deadly expansion and i don't think you have people who have the proper rationality and restraint and that does scare me because they know how to concentrate power in the bureaucracy. in terms of becerra, all he's done is file lawsuits. you are talking about getting over 300 million more people vaccinated and that means he has to have a working knowledge of health and insurance infrastructure and he doesn't have any of that. and i think that because he checks the box, that's not
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enough qualification for him to administer something as critical as a life-saving vaccine when we are in the middle of a crippling pandemic. >> harris: if it were the box about what the job are going to be that will be the correct one. >> kennedy: it is not that box. >> harris: i seem to be stuck on this square. anyway, fox news alert, we are awaiting president trump set to sign an executive order on the long-awaited covid vaccine, putting americans first. how today's action will help all americans overcome the virus, plus, small businesses under siege. a new report shows the devastating effects of lockdowns on restaurant owners on the nation's economy. congresswoman ilhan omar of minnesota is under fire today as well. her husband got a massive payout in covid-19 relief funds. how much did his company get and
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>> harris: news that we are watching at this hour, president trump do to assign an executive order at the white house this afternoon aimed at helping ensure americans get access to the coronavirus vaccines before other nations. this is in keeping with his promise to put america first. he will be joined by pharmaceutical ceos as well as the heads of top drug distributors and we expect the president to highlight the massive coordinated effort between the federal government state and private sector in rolling out this vaccine nationwide, operation warp spe speed. pete, i come to you first on
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this for your topline thought. >> pete: topline thought is china got us into this and president trump is getting us out in a record speed that no one would've anticipated. what we did, what he did, what the administration did and what these companies did and american innovation and health care did to provide this is something we've never seen before, not even close so we shouldn't hold back in the level of praise for what the trump administration has done thus far and their laser focus on getting it out as quickly as possible to the people that need it first from a frontline health care workers and the most vulnerable but also americans first, that is the view that donald trump has emphasized from the beginning up against a town in d.c. which has mostly gone globalist and international institutions and history is over so it's great to see this, it's expected but to do it this fast is truly historic. >> harris: leslie? >> leslie: so much here. first of all it's great that we are getting the first batch out
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there to health care workers and those who are in long-term residential facilities, nursing homes, that is recommended by the cdc. here are a couple problems i have with us. one is, what do we do going forward when pfizer's additional dosing was turned away, they are going to go to the international community. we become behind the international community in line, that doesn't put americans first. secondly, we look at the number of doses coming out, one of the concerns i have quite frankly is that all of these are being put out in places like cbs, for example, no offense to cvs but i would like to see more vaccines available to doctors during this pandemic where those are a couple things i see is problematic going forward. >> harris: al all right, mollie >> mollie: this is absolutely incredible that we've been able to develop this vaccine so quickly. that is gone very well, throwing money at pharmaceutical
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companies and having them, decreasing the regulatory burden so we can get everything out. i saw in the u.k. today they were broadcasting that they had begun vaccinating in the first person was this 90 plus-year-old woman and we are still here waiting for the fda, they have another couple days. maybe the wrong time to take a vacation here. we do have bureaucratic problems here that are delaying and i hope that, you know, the part that's been done thus far is truly amazing, i completely agree. we have so many governors and mayors and other people trying to do things like ban children's from school or lockdown economies are all these things that we found out didn't really work, the vaccine is the one thing we did that seems to be going very well. i just hope that the bureaucrats take it seriously here in the days to come. >> harris: kennedy, quick one? >> kennedy: remember when we were all out of toilet paper and
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everyone was terrified and no one could find clorox wipes and hand sanitizer? that's what's going to happen with the vaccines, plural. we've got one very close that's going to probably get emergency approval this week, another next week and to call more right around the corner including johnson & johnson which will be that single shot so i'm confident. we will have to mask up for a few more months but remember how everyone felt when they u.k. was getting the vaccine for us in every room was like, why are they getting it first? what about the billions of dollars the federal government promised pfizer to get those vaccines out. they were going to provide $2 billion worth of vaccine so it's like, slow down. everyone is going to get a wonderful vaccine and toilet paper. [laughter] >> harris: hopefully not at the same time. okay, we will move on. >> kennedy: cvs. >> harris: the devastating impact of the coronavirus lockdowns are having,
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particularly on eating establishments. millions of jobs lost. some of those businesses are not coming back. why it could get worse. that's next. and officials in one state now sending out a mask squad to enforce covid-19 rules. we will debate that. democratic congresswoman alexandria ocasio-cortez call to boycott backfires. what the company ceo revealed ahead. ♪
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also report reports nearly 3 million workers are still without jobs, 36% of restaurant say it's unlikely they will be in business six months from now without government relief as new york governor andrew cuomo warned new york city could ban indoor dining as early as next week if the hospitalization rate does not stabilize. meanwhile, we've seen firsthand what these closures mean for restaurant owners like that woman in los angeles whose emotional plea to officials went viral. >> i'm losing everything. everything i own is being taken away from me. >> kennedy: pete, she speaks for so many people. her heartbreak and exasperation, at what officials are doing and the rules they are imposing have consequences that will bear rotten fruit for years to come. so what can be done right now to keep people safe and to keep
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people working? >> pete: they can open up and they can open up responsibly just like so many businesses have. they resisted draconian lockdown orders and presented evidence like any other business, they can do it safely. in new jersey, 70,000 people go through their gym and no cases. this is what drives people nuts. show me the study, show me one piece of data that we can pack walmart and target and lowes and go to the airport and do any number of other things but these small businesses can't open and sell the same items or provide basic services. it's not there, it's just the last piece of control that these governors and mayors can squeeze out of the edicts they've taken hold of and it makes no sense to people so you're going to get resistance from people and they are going to say enough is enough, it's either my home and my livelihood and my family or i've got no other option. we are at that point.
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>> kennedy: that's a great point, pete. because people also, if they have the means and they have the ability they might move to a state where there are fewer restrictions, where they can open a business there because leslie, we are going to be left with chipotle and all of garden. i love chipotle, i am a regular customer, however it's those mom-and-pop, smaller diners and restaurants are the ones that are closing first, that will open last if they open at all. that is heartbreaking. >> leslie: it is. what's further heartbreaking is here in california you have less than 8% of the icu beds, in los angeles county less than 12% of the icu beds into other three hospitals. my husband works at, they are building tens in the parking lot, health care workers cannot get control of the amount of people coming in with this surge and they fear what's coming with christmas and hanukkah and new year's and the cold weather. governors have to do a very
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delicate dance and this is not political. it doesn't matter if you are a democrat or republican, here in california there are three areas that they traced to the majority of the infections too. hair and nail salons, indoor dining and indoor gathering in homes. so governors have no choice. health care workers and hospitals are overburdened and we have to relieve that burden which is why we have a lockdown tied to t icu capacity recently here in california. i hate being locked down, i miss sitting on the couch with all of you guys, it drives me crazy that my kids aren't going to school and i feel terrible that business owners are losing business, restaurant owners or otherwise mechanicall kennedy yd something very important, this is temporary, we will get through this and the vaccine is coming. we need to work together but we have to be safe. >> kennedy: is permanent if your restaurant is never going to open again.
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if you can make money and keep people -- no, leslie, that's why a judge has shown l.a. county officials, you better prove scientifically that outdoor dining is a threat. they cannot do that. we have to move on. new york state health department missed an urgent call for staffers to go out to two companies, north of new york city. and what "the new york post" calls a massive fraud to do covid-19 outreach. counties have large, ultra-orthodox jewish communities where some have ignored safety protocols pay they also have some of the highest coronavirus infection rates in the state. harris, what you think of mask squad's? >> harris: the mask situation is what i have a comment about, it has been messed up since the very beginning. we have to look back at the beginning of this when dr. fauci and others who are a tremendous epidemiologist and specialists
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were telling us at the time, masks were not necessary, leave them for the medical professionals. we have some of those in my family. masks work in both directions. that's why doctors and surgeons and nurses wear them. they are protecting the people they are doing surgery on and they are protecting themselves. they do work but we weren't given a straight shot at all that information from the beginning. didn't they trust us? we are adults and now you've got a point where they've got to try to sell something again and they are selling it against the window. why didn't you just tell us the deal the first time? the medical professionals around us tell us, if they didn't work why do you think doctors didn't kick them to the curb? mollie, i will give the rest to you. >> kennedy: they have a hard time trusting officials because they see them without masks. >> mollie: right. in new york in particular i think they have had some of the worst governmental leaders in the entire country, whether it
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was at the beginning telling everybody to go to chinese new year parades are sending people with coronavirus back into nursing homes which caused loss of life in long-term care facilities but there is some really big problems that they have been anti-semitic and how they have pushed their science-free agenda. there is no science in banning children from school and a lot of things that have been done but they have actually redrawn districts, they lost a supreme court case about how they were handling their discriminatory treatment toward jews and catholics. at any time you see the anti-semitism in particular, they are going to jewish communities. the jewish communities have done a good job of self policing and a general that's what we need more of, self policing and i think people need to start being more willing to disobey these unconstitutional and ridiculous coronavirus measures and we know that those people like the leaders of california don't
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believe in them because gavin newsom is dining and the austin mayor was vacationing in cabo and nancy is getting her hair done. it's time for people to disregard some of these ridiculous science-free measures. >> kennedy: the people making the rules are not losing their businesses. questions for a squad member as a firm coowned by democratic congresswoman ilhan omar's husband got coronavirus bailout funds and wise goya foods ceo is calling alexandria ocasio-cortez the employee of the month. that's coming up. ♪ we live in a world of fees.
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airlines, hotels, food delivery, and especially car dealers all charge excessive, last-minute fees. when you want something badly enough, it feels like your only choice is to pay up. but what if you had a choice to take a stand instead? at carvana, we believe in treating you better. with zero hidden fees, you can drive off without feeling ripped off. that's what it means to live feelessly.
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and now with q4 wrapping up, the north pole has to be feeling the heat. it's okay santa, let's workflow it. workflow it...? -uh-huh. just picture it... with the now platform, we'll have the company you always imagined. efficient, productive, seamless. ok, i'm in. whatever your business is facing... let's workflow it. servicenow. >> harris: democratic congresswoman into so-called squad member ilhan omar facing some new questions today after public records revealed a dc-based consulting firm coowned
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by her husband got more than a half billion dollars in covid-19 bailout money on top of the millions from omar's 2020 campaign. the payments included $110,000 for additional advertising. omar said last month she was cutting ties with her husband's firm in the payments were made before that and she has denied any wrongdoing. mollie, your response? >> mollie: i actually don't have a problem with anyone getting ppp funds, this was done in response to the government unnaturally shutting down the economy so i don't think they should pick winners or losers in terms of who gets the funding and who doesn't. but there is this larger issue of how ilhan omar has used her congressional seat as a get-rich-quick scheme for her husband's firm so it is important that you move away from that. >> harris: leslie? >> leslie: i am in shock, mollie, you and i just agreed on
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two points. it's not the end of the year yet. a couple things, first of all, you mentioned surprise at my take on this. although it is legal for family members to work on an individual's campaign, there was no ban, and i think maybe they should look at that going forward because it starts to just make voters very uncomfortable. like she said, she did nothing wrong, there was a complaint put forward and the ftc took no action because she did nothing wrong. we've seen many politicians, democrats and republicans hire family members to work on their campaigns and obviously those organizations benefit financially but it doesn't smell very good or look very good to voters to voters. >> harris: kennedy? >> kennedy: money smells great and clearly ilhan omar trusts her husband. in fact, she loves him like a
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brother. >> harris: kennedy. >> leslie: no, you did not. >> pete: she did. >> kennedy: i didn't. she did. >> harris: pete hegseth, please. >> pete: i can't top that. what we do know is that ilhan omar doesn't feel accountable to the electorate in minneapolis because she has mastered the art of ballot harvesting. she knows she will have the votes no matter what so what she does after that doesn't matter to her. i disagree, listen, about ppp loans and whether he should be getting some. this year of 2020, tough for other people but not tough for political consultants making hand over fists, beneficiary access and now we fund ppp loans it so he can keep his junior political consultant on the payroll to get more money from his wife to pay for the campaign that she has already won because she's got the votes in the bag?
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it all smells, maybe some of it is technically legal as people are pointing out, relationships between husband and wife but tell that to the businesses that couldn't get a ppp loan, tell that to the people who still haven't gotten additional relief while the government has told them to shut down, yet he rakes in millions on her behest. it's exactly who ilhan omar is, she will exploit whatever loophole she needs to benefit herself as we seen time and time again. >> harris: all right, let's move on. thank you. being named employee of the month sounds like an honor most people would love to receive. but new york congresswoman alexandria ocasio-cortez is not likely welcoming the recogniti recognition. why goya gave her the title, next. plus, why did santa claus say no? you've got to see it to believe it. >> no. not even a nerf gun.
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>> harris: let's play "remember when." remember when new york congresswoman alexandria ocasio-cortez called for a boycott of goya foods after that
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company's ceo says the united states is blessed to have a leader like president trump who is a builder, that's a quote. now that ceo has named the quad member goya's employee of the month. he says her boycott backfired big-time. >> when she boycotted us, our sales increased 1000% so we gave her an honorary, we never were able to hand it to her but she got employee of the month for bringing attention to goya. with the boycott so many new people and at the same time we maintained our base. >> harris: you can't pay for that kind of boost. 1000%, pete? >> pete: it's beautiful, one of the rarest things we see in our culture today which is corporate courage, ceos standing up to the mob instead
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of bending. in this case, do we live in america? whereas a ceo you can support the president of the united states, maybe even donald trump. he's proving you can and you benefit from it. then he went the next step by saying you will, are employee of the month and in for employee of the year if you keep it up. it's a beautiful thing and i'm glad to see a corporation step up because most just wither away under any criticism at all, it's beautiful. >> harris: leslie? >> leslie: i have to say, somebody once told me, and he presses good press, just make sure they spell your name right. this is exactly the example, it works to their benefit. i had to cancel culture try to cancel me and boycott my radio show and it worked for my benefit. it can help people, left or right, if you are going to put somebody's name out there and boycott, you are giving them free advertising and i've got to
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say it was very funny and clever marketing that goya named her employee of the month. i have a good sense of humor and i hope she does, too paid >> harris: you have a lot of talent on your radio show, it's a little bit different. this is more about virtue signaling. if you don't go along with others, you must have the wrong set of virtues and that's what backfired. mollie? >> mollie: i noticed yesterday, actually, even with the news that alexandria ocasio-cortez had been named employee of the month, congratulations to her, a democratic person in georgia was calling for a continued boycott of goya even seeing how poorly it had gone. in georgia where there's a special runoff election, does have large hispanic community and donald trump and republicans got unprecedented support from hispanics, black people, other minorities, immigrant groups in the 2020 election. i think part of that is what we are talking about here, a lot of people do not think america is a place where you should be
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canceled, where there is so much hatred for different viewpoints and a lot of prominent people on the left and it's not just alexandria ocasio-cortez, a lot of people are pushing and intolerance and hatred that reminds people of what they fled from in terms of totalitarian systems and just not what they think america should be so i think this will be a divide that continues to grow and courageous ceos and companies can show people, they're sort of weaker brother and that if you do have some courage you can face down mobs even if they are led by congresspeople. >> harris: kennedy? >> kennedy: i am sick of boycotts, canceling, outrage, everyone loses track of what they are supposed to be mad at so just consume what you like and support the businesses that make you feel good and everyone else, shut it. >> harris: my husband right now really wishes i would boycott shopping. too bad. >> kennedy: you are keeping
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america afloat. >> harris: in helping, i'm doing my part. it turns out not even santa claus is immune to politics. next, the woke saint nick who told a little boy he cannot have what he wants for christmas. ♪ veterans, record low mortgage rates
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have just dropped even lower. using their va benefits, veterans who refi at newday can now save $3000 dollars a year with the va streamline refi. at newday there's no income verification, no appraisal, and not a single dollar out of pocket. one call can save you $3000 a year.
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>> wake up, stupid! wake up. >> ♪ >> ♪ . >> i want a rifle. >> you will shoot your eye out, kid. merry christmas.
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ho-ho-ho. >> harris: everyone remembers that scene from a christmas story when all ralphie wanted was a b-b gun for the holidays. now not even a toy nerf gun is acceptable according to this woke santa in chicago. >> nope. not even a nerf gun. if your dad wants to get it for you, that's fine. i can't get it to you. what else would you like? legos, bicycles, cars and strucks, what do you think? >> [crying]. >> oh. >> kennedy: real jerk. not cool. i hope you are getting your boys nerf guns this year. >> we have a full arsenal
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already, kennedy. i would if they came out with a new automatic version, we may get there. listen, you mentioned it. it's a woke mall santa, a social justice santa and also a sexist santa. saying your dad with buy you that. mom is right there. mom could buy that for you too. kudos to this kid. he didn't bend. he never cracked. sure, he cried because santa is diss'ing him right there. he never gave in and said i want leg legos. >> kennedy: the mean santa will force an easy bake oven on him, molly. >> we talked about how frustrating the boy cots from the left trying to cancel people can be. this shows now political things
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can be even with santa. it's awful to watch this boy be told he can't get this. the video continues on and the boy is inconsolable. i hope he gets not just a nevrf gun but a b-b-gun as well. it's important that we teach people tree safety. it's important for adults and also that we model good behavior hear children. i hope this santa learns his lesson. >> kennedy: i thought you were going to say you hope he gives him a 9 millimeter. >> kennedy: you have 2 boys. >> no, i have a boy and a girl. >> kennedy: forgive me. leslie, your 2 children, have you raised them to be completely
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weapon averse? >> this is not about the second amendment. i am a mamma bear and santa would have been hurt if that were my kid. nobody makes my kid cry. i am sorry. bottom line here, when i first adopted my son and had my daughter, i didn't want any guns. until they got invited to birthday parties and got nerf guns as gifts. i gave up. i don't want to contribute to violence with children, but like many kids, my kids are spoiled. my son has had nerf guns and that santa needs to be fired. he is a jerk. i agree with you, kennedy. >> kennedy: he was so mean. he was not going to stop until he made the kid cry. it's a miserable year and you have to ruin someone's
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christmas. >> get a copy of the constitution up to the north pole. santa is not an american and maybe not aware. >> kennedy: [laughing]. beautiful show. here's harris. >> harris: did he say santa is not an american. fox news alert. we are awaiting remarks from the president of the united states as our nation has reached a major milestone in the fight against covid-19. you are watching "outnumbered overtime" and i am harris faulkner. president trump is expected to sign an executive order prioritizing american's access to the coronavirus vaccine. it will happen over people in other countries. that's set to happen during an operation warp speed summit this afternoon at the white house just two days before the fda is


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