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tv   The Five  FOX News  December 8, 2020 2:00pm-3:00pm PST

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the first shot has protection from what we're hearing. that is a huge deal. that is great. >> governor edwards? >> assuming that we're 0 n track with the emergency use authorization and so forth, we expect 39,000 doses the first week. >> dana: the white house hosting a summit on the coronavirus vaccine and we will continue to monitor for any big developments. in the meantime, hello, everyone, i am dana perino with jesse watters, geraldo rivera, dagen mcdowell and greg gutfeld. it's 5:00 in new york city and this is "the five." president trump says america is just days away from the first covid vaccine, also signing an executive order making sure americans will have first priority on any vaccine made inside the country. take a look. >> we are just days away from authorization from the fda and we are pushing them hard.
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at which point we will immediately begin mass distribution, sign an executive order to ensure that the united states government prioritizes that getting out of the vaccine to american citizens before sending it to other nations. the work that's been done is incredible and it will be incredible for the next administration and hopefully the next administration will be the trump administration. >> dana: and the media being criticized for not focusing on vaccine progress but instead asking the president questions like these. >> i'm wondering what your messages to the american people given all the increase in cases right now. >> across the street, holiday parties of hundreds of people, many not wearing masks. why are you following different behavior to the american people? >> why not include members of the biden transition team as a part of the summit?
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>> dana: and while some americans are pushing back against new covid restrictions, president-elect joe biden touting his own plan for the pandemic by calling on americans to do this. >> my first 100 days will end of the covid-19 virus. i can't promise that but, but, we did not get in this quickly, we are not going to get out of this quickly. my first 100 days is going to require, i am going to ask for a masking plan. it will start with my signed order on day one to require masks where i can under the law, like federal buildings, interstate travel on planes, trains, and buses. >> dana: geraldo, i thought i would start with you today and maybe take a look at the bigger picture as vaccine development and how, this incredible progress has been. when the mumps vaccine was
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rushed it took four years. there's been a lot of advancement and this is quite an achievement that america can talk about today. >> geraldo: it's a spectacular achievement, dana, and i am really torn. i have a feeling of elation on the one hand that they have done this operation warp speed and we now have two vaccines ready to go. by the end of this week americans will begin getting their inoculation. on the other hand i feel a profound sense of regret and melancholy. my elation is that the vaccine is there, my regret and melancholy as a fact that donald trump is not going to get credit for it. if this thing had been six weeks ago we would've had an entirely different presidential election. he drove this engine. he pushed these people. he was relentless. maybe he was doing it in part for his own political fortunes but he was the engine of this remarkable breakthrough and now all of us, if we are just
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patients, the vaccines are coming. i saw the president-elect joe biden talk about his three-point program, dana, and one of the points as he wants to deliver 100 vaccines in the first three months. guess what, the trump administration, their team just announced 20 million in december, 30 million in january, 50 million in february, adding up to 100 million. i wonder where joe biden got that figure from. i don't mean to be petty or partisan. i just want you to know that as his friend even if he may not be speaking to me right now because of my position on the election being over, i think, i insist that we have to recognize the role he played, the 45th president in defeating a pandemic that has been so devastating to america in the world, dana. the one absolutely and in fact i, while the summit was going on today, greg, i heard about joe biden saying he wanted to do 100 million doses in the first 100 days and i thought, how does
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that match up against what's currently planned and it turns out i can do that simple math, you could do it more quickly than i could. you are pretty amazing at arithmetic but it was the same dose. we've been saying for a while that even if joe biden and kamala harris were to win they are going to be the recipients of this program and they are going to be able to carry it o out. >> greg: biden is just a slogan in a suit and i think geraldo is bringing up really important point, why would trump uniquely qualified for this particular achievement? nice guys don't do this. nice guys make a request, not nice guys demanded and expected. biden could never have marshaled this effort. he lacks the interest, he lacks the imagination and lacks the will. but let's face it, he's a lot of fun, he's a barrel of laughs, he looks good in aviators.
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the media to show their selfishness prefers the nice guy who cannot solve the big problem over an abrasive brawler who could but here's the question. to geraldo's point, will history care who is naughty or nice to don lemon? history will remember the deed but the personality traits will fade and history will have a lot of deeds to look at. when you think about it, once you remove the emotional hysteria of the media and you are 30 years down the road and you see middle east peace plans, a crushed isis, the invention of the space for us which is going to be bigger than you think and know you have operation warp speed. any one of those achievements would be the apex of an eight year run. trump did all of that in under four. you don't want to get greedy with the phenomenon.
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you kind of wanted four more years, you got 12 years out of trump, right? he gave you 12 years and you know this because the media is so relieved that he's not the president-elect because he showed he was greater than them and they couldn't control him. you can judge the impact of a figure, a historical figure by the frustration he causes in the media and i think, maybe you saw it with thatcher but you will see it here. we went over to you, jessie? >> jesse: well, i can't believe we are just not talking about what geraldo just said and that it is that geraldo and the president are no longer speaking anymore. that seems like pretty juicy gossip to me. >> geraldo: he didn't answer my call the last two times i tried. >> jesse: i do want to say that i think all of america should get vaccinated. i just looked at the potential side effects, they are trivial. listen to the side effects.
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fatigue? i'm tired. muscle pain? check. joint pain all over my body already, chills, throw a sweater on. a headache, it can't be worse than a hangover. that is small in terms of side effects is something that is 95% effective against coronavirus and the democratic politicians seem downright giddy about the lockdown. they are like, reveling in the show of force to ascend moves to arrest pub owners and salon owners and things like that so i mean, how many industries are you going to let the democrats destroy? they have already destroyed the coal industry, the car plant, the steel plant, you're letting them go after restaurants now? 20% of restaurants have closed in this country for good. where are we going to go out to each? going out to dinner is like the greatest thing about being an
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american. how did that go during the pandemic? not well. you go to a restaurant, you get apps, the bread is free. drinks, another round of drinks, you got dessert and it is one of the greatest pleasures of the american experience. and if they start closing restaurants down i just don't know how much longer people are going to be able to take this and biden has no plan to help these restaurants recover. >> dana: dagen, let me give you the last word. >> dagen: i don't even know where to go with that but i do know the democrats are in a huge pickle because they hate the drug companies, they hate the very companies that have developed these vaccines and then also it happened under president trump. this is what, you know trump voters were mocked over and over again about saying i voted for him because he's a businessman. i voted for him because he's not a career politician, he came from the private sector. this is what happens when you
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have somebody who is not spent his whole life in government. he reached out, the administration did and worked with these companies. if you watch today and i am the nerdiest dork and a dorky astute nerd, i was cheering up watching a demonstration of boxes that these vaccines are going to be delivered in. i was just blown away by it and i am usually a glass half empty, you know, sunny day is a bad thing but i want to point this out really quickly, we found out today that with the pfizer vaccine, after the first dose the vaccine is already 50/50 2% effective. we are coming out of this, we are saving lives and livelihoo livelihoods. and that is president trump. >> dana: dagen, you are my very favorite cynic. many americans aren't going to be happy with nancy pelosi over why she says the congress still has not passed new coronavirus
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aid. that's next. ♪ liberty mutual customizes your home insurance, here's something you shouldn't try at home... look, liberty mutual customizes home insurance so we only pay for what we need. it's pretty cool. that is cool! grandma! very cool. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
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(magic twinkling) (audience gasps) this is kate. she always wanted her smile to shine. - now, she uses a capful of therabreath (gargles) to give her the healthy, sparkly smile, (sighs contentedly) she always wanted. (crowd cheers) - therabreath, it's a better mouthwash. - [narrator] at walmart, target and other fine stores. ♪ >> it will help the country to help us, we are always overlooked anyway and even more so. we need help right now. >> we have no federal money coming in, our servers and staff have very little unemployment that's available to them. there will not be a restaurant industry to reopen paid >> we cannot survive, my staff cannot survive and we need your help. we need somebody to do something about this. >> jesse: democrats now admitting they screwed over average americans like those business owners. nancy pelosi says she held up coronavirus aid simply because
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trump's president and she doesn't regret it. >> that's okay now, because we have a new president. that was not a mistake, it was a decision and it's taken us to a place where we can do the right thing without other, shall we say, considerations in the legislation that we don't want. >> jesse: now bernie sanders is calling out democratic leaders for stalling entire process. >> the democrats walked away from that bill because they wanted 2.2 trillion and they walked away from 1.8 trillion. >> that's what i'm saying. that's exactly what i'm saying. here was the proposal much, much larger, democrats said no, that's not good enough. >> jesse: greg, the democrats have always fought for the little guy, the mom-and-pop shops over the big industry, they've always fought for waitresses and dishwashers, to
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hear them talk about the minimum wage and health insurance and now when they really need it they are m.i.a. >> greg: especially when going to restaurants, jesse. it's the most american thing you can do. here's what you need. i think people do go to restaurants in italy and spain. here's what you need to know. before the election they walked away from almost a $2 trillion deal. after the election they are getting a $1 trillion deal around there and we are getting the liability immunity. what was bad before the election suddenly became okay. how is this not a story worthy of investigation for our great investigative reporters at every network. your party leaders confessing to a pretty devastating crime which is withholding relief from suffering people to gain political advantage.
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right or left you've got to admit admit this is awful. how is this not a thousand times worse than watergate? we know nancy pelosi is a political goal but the media has blindly accepted it because they, too, hated trump so they refused to investigate what is clearly a blockbuster of a story. this is like, think about all the lives the democrats in the media had to use to delay this bill. they kept saying the bill wasn't good enough. every day they were lying while people were dying. there's a rhyme there they could've used but they used on trump instead. how do you know that the bill was fine? that they are doing it now and it's not as good of a bill as before. this is a pretty huge deal, it almost feels like a criminal a act. >> jesse: do we need a special counsel now to investigate a worse than watergate scandal has greg laid out? >> dagen: absolutely. and i hope it lasts four years because that's her mind -- actually it only needs to last two years because that's how
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long nancy pelosi is going to last in that job. let's remind the voters over and over again that she did at a very bare minimum put her own politics and greed for power above, the well-being of the american people. her calculation was that it would hurt donald trump that she withheld that money. the suffering of the american people be. do you know mr. creosote, medium life, monty python? i would rather watch mr. creosote on a loop than ever look at that woman again. >> jesse: do you think this cripples nancy pelosi? >> geraldo: i think nancy pelosi is a colossal failure and this is one of the worst political moves ever but i have to regret to announce the springboard has done as i expected, they have denied the last minute attempt by trump's allies to overturn the election results in pennsylvania so there will be other lawsuits but
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remember today's safe harbor day. i think this is essentially it, the supreme court, this is the first case to get to the high court and they have denied the last-minute attempt by president trump's allies to overturn the election in pennsylvania. back to you. >> jesse: we are hearing the texas lawsuit is still on the docket, though. dana perino, nancy pelosi, not good but i don't know that she will ever be held accountable by the media. i guess you did see a little bit of that on cnn but i don't think most of the american people even realize what was done to them. >> dana: i don't think it matters if she's held accountable in the media as much as it matters if she's held accountable by voters and i think that people who basically break their backs in order to run businesses, who have establishments where you can go to the most american thing and go eat at a restaurant, they are not going to forget this.
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they, i really do think that there is a whole new generation of people who, maybe they are not going to call themselves republicans what they will remember this and they will remember that government -- and i took to heart what geraldo said yesterday about the complexities for what people and elected leadership positions in the responsibilities they have to keep the hospitals from being overwhelmed. but i think that we should have a basic principle. if the government is going to take away your job, that is a taking and therefore if you are not going to have a job you are going to have money. that seems like a pretty simple thing for us to be able to do. my last point on this is that mitch mcconnell who the democrats cannot stand climbed down from two things today. he said he would accept some direct payments to people. he also said that he would be willing to give up on liability protection in this round if the democrats come down from the state and local government money that they want to put in this bill. tonight, just breaking news
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here, the democrats have rejected that as well. i don't know what they want at this point. >> jesse: that's pretty big because that was kind of the linchpin for the republican position to keep those restaurants out of the hands of the trial lawyers. >> dana: i still think something is going to happen but you know... >> jesse: all right, thank you guys. coming up, joe biden's cabinet picks causing major controversy like his choice to run health and human services who has no experience at all in health care. so how did even get the job. ♪ an air force veteran made of doing what's right, not what's easy. so when a hailstorm hit, usaa reached out before he could even inspect the damage. that's how you do it right. usaa insurance is made just the way martin's family needs it with hassle-free claims,
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eliquis may increase your bleeding risk if you take certain medicines. tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures. what's around the corner could be worth waiting for. ask your doctor about eliquis.
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what's around the corner could be worth waiting for. since you're heading off to dad... i just got a zerowater. but we've always used brita. it's two stage-filter... doesn't compare to zerowater's 5-stage. this meter shows how much stuff, or dissolved solids, gets left behind. our tap water is 220. brita? 110...
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seriously? but zerowater- let me guess. zero? yup, that's how i know it is the purest-tasting water. i need to find the receipt for that. oh yeah, you do. usable musical >> geraldo: joe biden taking new heat over
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two new cabinet picks, choosingr becerra to lead health and human services, critics say he has no health care experience. "the wall street journal" panning the move, saying "joe biden checked two democratic boxes, hispanic and lefty. on monday by tapping california attorney general xavier becerra to run health and human services. progressives are ecstatic but his views and black of health care experience are subject to scrutiny. also drying scrutiny for reportedly calling isis "a flash in the pan" in conversations with obama white house officia officials. reportedly led then-president obama to call the terror group a jv team. you know, dana, one of the big beats is that this is identity politics, that general lawson is a black man and becerra is
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latino and it's somehow inappropriate because of their racial background. half of this country as people of color, what's wrong with that? >> dana: i think that presidents should be able to have the team around them that they want and the senate has the opportunity to do a check on that, advise and consent, should we confirm these people, do we think they are a strong character, can they carry out the job? they are playing what i call democratic coalition bingo so you know, okay, i've got this group taken care of, that group taking care of, all i care about are the qualifications and i think that's what the majority of americans care about but he made some promises to a lot of these different groups within the coalition and i sort of feel like the lloyd austin one is
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pretty interesting because the idea with the founders is that you had civilian control over the military, there was a waiver provided because he had not been retired more than seven years. he came in from of the first he did was get to doing what president trump wanted which was to destroy isis. i know he has a great reputation, but i do think that the democrats who objected to secretary mattis getting that waiver are going to have some questions as to why are we doing this again? they had a very qualified nominee but apparently her bingo card did not come up. >> geraldo: meaning she wasn't a black woman or a latina. >> dana: whatever it might be. >> geraldo: since general austin did a pretty
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good job, he did a pretty good job supervising the awful war in afghanistan and he has the mountain division, too. he is a pretty good soldier about dana's point is he's not civilian enough. george c marshall didn't have that division from the military either, it's been done, you know, we are big enough and mature enough, aren't we, to allow in general to be secretary of state? or defense secretary? >> jesse: certainly i am big enough and mature enough, i don't know about the rest of you insecure people out there. i don't like to attack people that are much braver and stronger than i am and i will say it would be a huge achievement for a black american to become secretary of defense. i do know two things about him. he did oversee those really
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lawyerly rules of engagement and he did oversee that half a billion dollar theory and resistance training program, remember how many soldiers they strained? six. we will see how that plays out. havxavier they say is the hispac joe biden. he looks like the hispanic bernie sanders. he is pro-lockdown, pro-gun gr grab, the guy suited nuns to force them into covering contraception, tried to throw pro-life activists in prison for exposing that planned parenthood was trafficking baby body parts. he was the chair of that caucus when the mysterious pakistani american i.t. guy hacked the server and he was really silent about that so i don't really know about xavier.
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[distant sirens] >> greg: they are coming to get you, jesse. >> geraldo>> geraldo: isn't thef about him, specifically ideological. it's not competence, saying he doesn't have medical experience as if that agency performs operations in the emergency room for goodness sake, it's an ideological objection if the democrats turn the liberals of course they're going to pick a pro-choice person. >> dagen: it's not ideology, it's the walk that becerra has walked, "the wall street journal" editorial said his claim to fame is suing the trump administration, he's repeatedly tried to confiscate the patents of drugs that were developed by pharmaceutical companies. so he's going to bully drug companies so we don't get access
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to medicine at a time on a day that we are celebrating the innovations of these drugmakers, how does that make sense in this world? it does make sense to a joe biden who opposed the reagan arms buildup, turned around when the tide turned and was against getting rid of osama bin laden, that's a man who makes a decision about becerra heading hhs. >> geraldo: are you worried that jim clyburn played a big role in picking a defense secretary? >> greg: that's a first time i ever thought about that. i will say this, saying that isis is a flash in the pan is on par with saying boston isn't much of a college town. i think that what we should be looking at is you got to get
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used to how the media is going to report these things. gone are the deep dives into people's paths or their personal paths. instead you're going to get this catch and release kind of news bulletin where they report this something that joe does and then take a nap because their work is done. he got this nominee and the news coverage will become actual, believe it or not, this is a good thing. the news coverage becomes actual news coverage. the hyperbole suddenly disappears and you just have so-and-so, it would simply be that. it won't be anything about his ex-wives or ex-husbands or those stupid things he said on twitter. it would have to be there reporting, the reporters will turn to the basics of their jobs minus the emotionalism.
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i guess i'm happy for it but it's also kind of gross. >> geraldo: up next, seriously, a surge in violent crime not stopping one d.a. in one of america's biggest cities from outlining sweeping criminal justice reform. cops there warning it could have deadly consequences. ♪ ♪ [ engines revving ] ♪ it's amazing to see them in the wild like th-- shhh. [ engine revs ] for those who were born to ride, there's progressive. see yourself. welcome back to the mirror. and know you're not alone because this. come on
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♪ >> dagen: growing fears that far left policies in los angeles county could unleash a new crime wave. the new district attorney promising a series of radical criminal justice changes like ending cash bail for minor offenses. they also won't prosecute trespassing, disturbing the peace, driving without a license, and resisting arrest but l.a. police union saying
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this move is dangerous. greg, they're going ahead with this despite the fact that we've seen what happens when you implement these policies, nearly doubling in shootings in new york in just 11 months. >> greg: i think right now he is doing this as there is a 20% increase in homicides in los angeles. the problem with the whole thing is the list, specifically bearing them all which is resisting arrest, resisting arrest is the key that unlocks the door, it's not a crime to resist, there is no point not to resist. and likely will result in escaping and reoffending. so basically you are telling criminals that crime is just a game of tag and you will never be it. that's the scary part. the thing, i'm fine with it. drug possession, fine with it.
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this thing is huge in resisting arrest. >> geraldo: i think we have to remember america has more people in prison than any other nation. but we've got to do something and we have to support cops, they have the hardest job to minimize them and go after them and i think that's where society falls apart, when the thin blue line is attacked by people who are allegedly law-abiding. the president has, to his credit, taken a giant step in that direction. >> dagen: this actually hurts people who are attacked, what's happened in new york has undone several decades in crime fighting because they turned their back on the police officers and the citizens. >> jesse: they had a guy in new york robbing four banks, got arrested, let out on bail, and
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then got two more banks and the nypd had to ask the feds because her hands were tied. you know the biggest owner is? george soros and this guy is going to run rampant over there, l.a. county population bigger than the whole state of michigan. geographically it's bigger than delaware and rhode island combine so we are going to witness a massive spike in crime. i like the idea of letting people hit rock bottom. rock bottom for me would be getting arrested for public intoxication or trespassing were going to jail, if you don't prosecute that then rock bottom goes from here to there. you don't even want to know what you have to do to get that part down.
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that's my rock bottom at least. >> dana: i'm just going to find a way to bring this back to the georgia runoff election. governor newsom of california and los angeles county democrats yesterday were tweeting about how important it is to get mitch mcconnell a job or elect democrats in georgia. think about what senator schumer said. first we take georgia, then we change america. i don't think that georgians want to import this idea from los angeles, resisting arrest thing, it's a terrible thing for cops, for citizens, for safety, it absolutely should not happen. >> dagen: it's the dogma of liberal zealots who never have to experience the consequences of these decisions and they don't care about the outcome. ahead, santa claus gets politically correct. find out what happens after old saint nick shot down a little
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boy's request for christmas. ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ >> greg: so boys and girls,
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here's a little secret to getting more presents for christmas then you can ever imagine. ask for one from a politically correct shopping mall and film the response. >> no guns. >> a nerf gun? >> not even a nerf gun. if your dad wants to get it for you that's fine but i can't bring it to you. what else, what do you think? >> greg: to be clear to the kids watching at home, that was not the real santa, the real santa got a cold and didn't want to spread it to the kid so santa trusted the shopping mall to find a reasonable substitute. the problem was it was on short notice and they ended up with this fella who spreads christmas cheer the way i spread sobriety.
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not well. sorry, dude, the little boy didn't ask for an ak-47, he asked for a toy nerf gun and if you can't tell the difference you deserve to get stuck in a chimney behind joy behar. thank god he didn't ask for a g.i. joe or a gas guzzling hot wheels or may be an elf a shelf. here's the good news. millions of people have likely seen this pc santa that reduce the boy to tears which means given that this is america the greatest, most generous country on earth you can bet that little tyke got more nerf guns that the portland police department has who are only allowed nerf guns. maybe the real santa will pay him a visit. >> we are so sorry about that.
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>> greg: as for social justice antivenom of the video went around the world faster than donor a blitz in which means he's getting for christmas is cole also delivered by the real santa. you will know it's him because of the huge carbon footprint. all right, day again. i'm going to say one thing in defense of the shopping mall santa, it might've been a policy. it could have been a policy at the mall. who knows. >> dagen: it wouldn't have been a policy at the mall and that mother had an infant, she had to put the infant down. if i had been a bystander i would've taken a dive across that desk and broken hi that glasses. we've been talking about nerf product since we were like four.
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>> jesse: i asked my parents for a nerf gun for christmas and they said no because they are far left. and look how i turned out. i'm a fox host, mom. that backfired, didn't it? i heard your monologue, when i heard this today the first thing i did was look up how much mall santa's make, obviously and they make between $30.100 an hour so in december they can clear 5-10 grand. if i'm getting paid 5-10 grand to sit there that kid can ask for anthrax. whatever you want, kiddo. >> greg: i think that was a rejected reindeer name. what do you make of this? any sympathy for the santa? >> geraldo: ever since the billy bob thorton movie "bad santa" where he played drunk and reprobate santa i can't get into santa anymore. i wouldn't let any small child
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related to me, who knows what's in those. >> greg: i was a shopping mall santa. you've heard this, day again. i was reprimanded for drinking wine at lunchtime. dana, you are more like a smurf than a nerf. >> dana: i think the shocking news here is that you are a santa, not an elf? is that right? >> greg: how dare you. it's true. you know it? forget it. "one more thing" is up next. ♪ u ♪ and doug. and if we win, we get to tell you how liberty mutual customizes car insurance so you only pay for what you need. isn't that what you just did? service! ♪ stand back, i'm gonna show ya ♪ ♪ how doug and limu roll, ya ♪ ♪ you know you got to live it ♪
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♪ if you wanna wi... [ music stops ] time out! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ . .
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♪ ♪ >> dana: time now for one more thing. greg? >> greg: it's time for -- greg's
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christmas sweater news. it's the only thing i really like about christmas. check out this awesome sweater. it combines two things i love. sweaters and the melvinss. the greatest metal band ever. you you have deadly ticks on the side. you have like a killer demon beast on the front. and then you have it goes all the way to the back. it's like all the way -- there is it feet. it's absolutely beautiful. you can find it at melvin' a new album coming thought a while. this is the best holiday sweater ever. >> dana: i don't know about you today when i did one of those peloton holiday rides. all that christmas music is so fun. >> greg: that sounds like the opposite of fun. >> dana: jesse, you next. >> jesse: one of the things i learned from being a television producer is the way to hold an audience, explosions. let's go to russia where new year's eve came three weeks
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early. that's right. a fireworks warehouse caught on fire and that's all she wrote. but the favorite part about this video for me, the video was released by the russian ministry of emergency situation. what a great ministry. i wish we had a ministry like that here. the american ministry of emergency situations. they would probably have to be senate-approved though. and that could be fun during those hearings. >> dana: emergency situation. broadly defined, indeed. geraldo? >> geraldo: melancholy day for me millions of music lovers exactly 40 years ago today john lennon was shot dead in new york city. he touched my "fox news live" unforgettable ways. performed last full concert for my charity to benefit the disabled. a couple years later i was proud to testify on his behalf fighting a grotesque to throw
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him out of the country because he opposed the war in vietnam. >> john lennon was a once in a lifetime friend a wonderful, wonderful person. our friendship was really solidified when i became one of their expert witnesses. i was very proud to be one of their four witnesses in the immigration trial. but that's really what solidified the true bond. so happy that new album. >> geraldo: john was just 40 years old when he was killed. his son was just 5. >> dana: interesting. great story, too. day began? >> dagen: i will be brave. what happens when you test positive on wedding day get married anyway wearing full head to tow ppe that's what this couple did in india. right after that they went into isolation. good luck to them. >> dana: good luck to them indeed. >> jesse: what about the honeymoon? >> dagen: can you make that work. >> dana: we were not granted
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access with our cameras to the honeymoon, jesse. couldn't get in there. >> jesse: too bad. >> dana: my one more thing tomorrow. it had to do with a bear. right now that's it for us "special report" is up next with our own bret baier. hey, bret. >> bret: very nicely done. that bride had something blue already. so there was that all right, dana, thank you. good evening, welcome to washington. i'm bret baier. breaking tonight, we're following several major stories. president trump again today made his case for winning the election this time at the white house vaccine sum mid. >summit.>> we were rewarded wita victory. let's see whether somebody has the courage whether it's a legislator or legislatures or whether it's a justice of the supreme court or a number of justices of the supreme court. let's see if they have the courage to do what everybody in this country knows is right. >> bret: late this afternoon though the u.s. supreme court denied a r


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