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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  December 11, 2020 3:00am-6:00am PST

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carley: wow. todd: therein ton brown singing with no microphone or music. as did you go into the weekend and worry about the state of our country, have that clip running through your head. we are not as bad as we seem sometimes. carley: good spending the morning with you. todd: likewise. carley: "fox & friends" starts right now. ♪. ainsley: to a fox news alert this morning president trump is demanding answers as to why the federal investigation into hunter biden was not widely reported until now after the election. griff jenkins is live with more, griff? griff: good morning, ainsley. let's put this into perspective this investigation into hunter began two years ago not publicly known. that was the same time when now president-elect biden was making statements like this during the debates. watch. >> my son has not made money in terms of this thing about what are you talking about, china? i have not had -- the only guy that made money from china is
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this guy. he's the only one. nobody else has made money from china. griff: well know president trump is tweeting his displeasure over the lack of transpaper is i quote why didn't the fake news media the fbi and the doj report the biden matter before the election? well, it's okay, we won the election anyway. this as the "wall street journal" reports attorney general barr will knew about the probe into hunter biden and took pains to keep the information from getting out allegedly even keeping republican members of congress in the dark. senate homeland security chairman ron johnson had this to say. >> so we were just trying to uncover and tig up the information, that was difficult enough within these agencies. and so we issued the report. >> griff: yesterday, dr. jill biden didn't want to talk about this. >> asking you of the news of this investigation of your son hunter? >> let's go. >> hunter is not the only one
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another investigation into the will district of pennsylvania looking into the business dealings of joe's brother james. politico reports federal authorities are now probing the now bankrupt americorps interested in james biden's role in that company. sources tell fox news that president-elect joe biden is not a subject of either of these investigations but he is sprucing more key members of his administration today in wilmington. we will see, guys, if he names his attorney general because that individual will bear the burden of judicial independence considering these investigations are likely extending beyond january 20th. ainsley, steve, brian? ainsley: thank you, griff. brian? brian: well, where do you go from here? how about going back to the "new york post"? because they talked about this story. how about going back to tucker carlson's show when he sat down with tony bobulinski over the course of two days where close to 10 million people watched every night. so he is the guy with impeccable credentials and credibility. brought in to run the biden business because of his background. he talked about sitting down with the then former vice
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president of the united states now according to some the president-elect. so what do we know yesterday? we know that since the spring, that there was an investigation beyond going about hunter. where was the investigation going on? one in delaware, one in manhattan. one in -- the one in delaware was focused on his financial dealings locally, domestically in manhattan looking at some of his international deals. he was implicated but not targeted. so he has come up and he is playing defense now. they also brought up this 2.8 karat diamond given by hunter biden since vanished chinese energy tycoon also said to be part of the ongoing tax fraud. this guy has got a ton of problems, more than you could imagine. guess what? no one talked about it but people knew about it in march. this is how unbelievable it is. it is not the media's fault that the access hollywood tape came out and it affected the election. it is not the media's fault that hillary clinton decided to put everything on her private server
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and use her own blackberry. it was not the media's fault that the story about george w. bush's dwi when he was younger came out and gave al gore quick boost made that almost a flat footed tie for the election. in the end those stories came out. they affected the election. those were issues. it's not up to the media to decide, guys, what's important. and now the media was deciding that this is going to effect the election, including the department of justice, and it is too important to get out, i guess, until now. steve: people had a right to know. brian: yes. steve: that came out. i get why bill barr and the department of justice were following the department of justice guidelines where you don't want to reveal an investigation into the run up of an election that could impact it. because that's what james comey did. that did not work out very well for hillary clinton. and so this attorney general and the fbi as well followed the rules. unlike the obama administration,
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doj and fbi. that did not follow the rules. but when you look at the fact that we had a right to know the stories involved that were public knowledge. and one of the stories that was public knowledge was tony bobulinski who, by the way, is going to be on a special tucker this weekend. i believe at 5:00 on saturday. and then it's going to be repeated sunday at 10:00. he is the guy who told everybody he came out and he said, look, i just want people to know that hunter biden's father joe was involved in his business dealings because there were all these allegations. what happened was the mainstream media shut down the "new york post" story about the laptop that they got a copy of the hard drive from rudy. brian: we talked about it. steve: we did. my point is we talked about it. the "new york post" talked about it. big tech in the form of twitter and facebook shut it down. so, you would not know. ainsley: they want to shut down
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conservatives. if you look on twitter and see anything the president tweets about election fraud. they put a little disclaimer at the bottom. the media outlets. mainstream media outlets are not reporting any of this information. they didn't want to because they wanted you. steve: they said it was russia disinformation completely a farce. ainsley: called voter suppression and media suppression they don't want you will to know the story. media research center took a poll and 17% of voter who went to the polls and voted for joe biden now say they would have changed their mind if they had known all about this. that's one in six of joe biden's support errors. the media knew that the media didn't want to report it. joe biden is not answering questions about are hunter biden. jill biden didn't answer questions. will. steve: what about his brother? he is facing the same investigation. ainsley: that's right. conducting knoll americorps health went bankrupt. steve: he was a partner in it.
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ains. brian: here is mark levin. ainsley: is he fired up. >> he said on the record that joe biden was aware of this deal and deals. that joe biden was going to get a big chunk of the millions of dollars in it that joe biden was aware of his son's dealings in china. that is blockbuster. cnn, we know, thanks to james o'keefe thanks to project veritas jeff zucker from the top said don't pursue this story every news newsroom in america say a few covered up this story. we have mail-in voting. and god forbid if this man becomes president of the united states, this family is crooked. no won be der china wanted this family in office. brian: couple of things. will steve on your point with james comey. i agree with you. he got ahead of his department of justice, the attorney general was compromised after she met with the clintons, bill clinton. i get it. but, still, when you have an investigation on to something that effects an election, it was the behavior of anthony weiner
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in september that allowed all those emails to be exposed. the question was why did wait six weeks to come out but when it actually comes out i think in comey's defense. steve: james comey had already launched and announced the investigation way before that. brian: and it closed and if it was going to restart it was going to restart. steve: initially he was trying to take the department of justice into his own. brian: that was the problem. steve: absolutelial absolutely, that's my point. brian: it's not up to you. steve: i admire the fact that bill barr is running the department of justice and actually following the rules. james comey did not. brian: but, if you are asked is there an ongoing investigation into hunter biden, is the answer no or yes if you are william barr? and the question is many. ainsley: if it's yes. brian: if it's yes we should know about it. ainsley: i agree. brian: it's not my fault that he smokes crack takes pictures and
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drops off his laptop to the local computer guy. that becomes real evidence, not opinion. ainsley: it's bigger than that it's money laundering, question about his foreign ties. principally china his taxes. was the big guy involved the guy running for the president the united states. why didn't the fake news media the fbi and the doj report the biden matter before the election all caps before? well okay we won the election anyway 57 million votes. steve: remember this. we are talking about hunter and as griff reported a moment ago, it is not believed that joe biden is involved, is the target or subject of this investigation; however, the primary investigation in delaware involves hunter biden's business dealings with china, right? whose airplane did hunter biden fly on it to go to china to, you know, drum up some business? oh, yeah. will joe biden when he was the vice president.
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here's the thing. what did joe biden know about his son's business dealings i know he told peter doocy i never talked to him. we know that's not true. what did joe know and when did he know it? because if he has information important to this particular case and we know that apparently a grand jury subpoena has been issued, joe biden should be called. he should be subpoenaed. once you are president, you cannot be subpoenaed because of executive privilege. we are in a gray zone right now, i think. i'm not a lawyer. i have got lawyers in my family we are in a gray zone. could joe biden be called before a grand jury before he is inaugurated president of the united states. brian: does he fire the will many attorney investigating him thought and put a new attorney in. in the words of jonathan turley they could capone him. if there is $40 million floating around someone has it. if you don't have it, where is it, if it's in your account did you pay packs taxes on it.
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did you keep 10 million for the big guy. ainsley: you know the story about joe biden let's talk eric swalwell. steve: let's talk about alleged spies. ainsley: lady worked for him and it sent back to will china when it cass discovered. brian: a volunteer. ainsley: thought she was a chinese spy. he is refusing to answer any questions about the relationship. we do know there is a sexual relationship or being reported with two local midwestern mayors. pelosi rallies behind eric swalwell. she was the one who put him on the intel committee. that's the committee that handles all of the sensitive information for the united states of america. what did this lady know? what was she telling china? was she putting us at risk, our country at risk? many are questioning, including kevin mccarthy what did she know? why did pelosi keep him on the intel committee. and now he is asking for an fbi briefing and he is saying eric swalwell should resign. nancy pelosi is sticking by her man though, listen to what she said. >> i don't have any concern about mr. swalwell. there are those in the congress
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who believe and i am among them, that we should be seeing what influence the chinese -- i have been fighting them as you know for over 30 years in terms of their undue influence at universities in our country and the overtures they try to make to members of congress. the leadership of the house and the committee were informed that overtures from a chinese person was -- were being made to members of congress when that was made known to the members of congress, it was over. but i don't know that it means that we have to do black ground checks for every intern that comes into the capital. ainsley: she says no concerns. absolutely no concerns. if this were president trump what did they put him through over the last four years? brian: you are the worst leader ever if you are not concerned that will rush -- excuse me chinese nationals acting as spies very young age going to our colleges and trying to
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infiltrate democratic campaigns. ainsley: dianne feinstein. brian: dianne feinstein and the driver. you get briefed on it. turns out not only was she a volunteer she was a bundler who put another intern on to that committee. if you care about the country first, and not about your california congress men and women. you say eric, you probably had no idea. you were young and up and coming lawmaker from dublin, california, i have got to pull you back from. this instead thought it was over. you thought it was over? you don't know -- she left and went to china and you decide, nancy pelosi, that it's over. steve: you know, why would nancy pelosi not be concerned? because nancy pelosi just admitted yesterday, yeah, i knew about it. ainsley: i knew about it. steve: i knew about those allegations and i put him on the committee. so it's on her. she says the republicans knew kevin mccarthy says the republicans did not know. so he has a bunch of questions, ainsley, to your point.
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he says that swalwell should be off of that committee. there are members of congress who say he should quit congress. elise stefanik said yesterday he should be hauled in front of the ethics committee. nonetheless, your earlier point, ainsley. ainsley: about russia? steve: perfect. absolutely. he was the target of a chinese influence campaign. ainsley: we didn't know it that was 2015. steve: she knew it and she put him on that committee. so, target of a chinese influence campaign. doesn't it sound familiar? remember when it was all about russia, she was all in. here's a little flashback. >> what do the russians have on donald trump politically, personally or financially. >> what is putin blackmailing president trump with, personally, politically or financially? >> so, again, i ask the question, what do the russians
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have on donald trump politically, personally or financially? steve: let's take the beginning of that soundbite and just replace two words. what do the russians have on donald trump, politically, personally or financially? let's just change two words. so what do the chinese have on eric swalwell politically, permanently or financially? that essentially is not being asked by her. but that question is being asked by kevin mccarthy on this show yesterday. ainsley: so elise stefanik she weighed in on this. she said it is such a double standard after what we watched what happened for the last four years. listen to this. >> what is truly disturbing and very sad irony that eric swalwell was the perpetrator of these baseless accusations and the phoney russia hoax of russia collusion. you it k. take his words and replace the words with will will chinese communist party and replace the name of president trump with eric swalwell and the
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accusations he was lobbin lobbig weren't based in fact are in fact true about his coordination with the chinese communist party asset in the united states. he owes his colleagues answers. he owes his constituents answers. and he should step down from the house intelligence committee. ainsley: we will be talking about this all morning and also talking about what happened with the election. you have all these republican states that have jumped on and want the supreme court to look at the voter fraud. steve: and congressman. ainsley: 106 signed that paper. the president was tweeting he said all we ask is for courage and wisdom for those making one of the most important decisions in our country's history. god bless you talking about the supreme court. brian: ric grenell and john ratcliffe the director of national intelligence. what da did they see in those private papers that they were not privy to in their previous positions that have them saying that this is a five alarm fire when it comes to china and why we are allowing any chips student to come to college and take the place of an american kid knowing that they could actually have an ultimate goal of being spies and we have proof
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that they are, that should stop yesterday. meanwhile carley shimkus has something else to talk about that is important. carley: a stark warning from the cdc the director says over the next 60 to 90 days we could see more covid-19 deaths per day than we had on 9/11. on wednesday the u.s. set a record for the most covid-19 deaths in a day with more than 3,000. that's roughly -- that's more than roughly 2900 people who died on 9/11. hochingss arhospitalizations are rise. several states canceling elective surgeries to make room. meantime six more states are standing behind texas it challenges the election rules. the states attorney general filing suit with the supreme court asking for the electoral vote in four battle ground states to be disqualified which would give trump four more years in office. more than 100 house republicans are also backing that lawsuit.
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pennsylvania attorney general josh shapiro one of the election officials on the defense writing of the justices, quote: will texas now turns to this court to overturn the election results with more than 10% of the country, texas literally seeks the disseminate the electorate of the united states. it's unclear if or when the supreme court will decide to take up this case. group linked to the city's chop zone. the post millennial reporting the socialist it will overseeing loophole rules aren't bidding process. the contract will fund a project done by king county equity now. includes the group researching the quote needs and priorities of communities in this city. a north carolina family fighting back after their neighborhood homeowner's association said they can't use a cross in their christmas display. >> we believe that the cross is symbolic of hope, salvation and
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deliverance. and it's so important that we have this cross up for christmas time. >> the family says they received a letter from their raleigh hoa claiming their 6-foot cross was not a christmas decoration. and if it wasn't removed they would be fined $100. after sending scripture that connects the cross to the holiday, they were told it could stay up. but the case is still under review. can you believe that, guys? steve: under review. ainsley: what has happened in our country, are you kidding me? that's in north carolina. ainsley: there is a reason for the holiday. ainsley: absolutely. it's jesus christ. brian brian former president obama speaks out about losing support from middle america. >> i ended up getting enormous support in these pretty conservative rural largely white communities by my second year in office. i'm not sure if i could make that same connection. brian: so, who is he blaming for those missed connections? stick around. you will be surprised.
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>> charges so heinous i'm not even going to say them. >> talking about the biden's personal corruption, a little bit about hunter biden. most of those charges unverified. >> whole smear. >> and the question the media asked him what kind of ice cream what flavor of ice cream do you have and he is the midst of a scandal. >> he is not. >> of course he is. >> oh, come on. brian: yeah, set. after months of ignoring and down playing hunter biden scandal the mainstream media now forced to cover the story after he announced he is under federal investigation. i'm talking about hunter biden
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confirming. here with more senior strategy adviser for the trump campaign steve cortes steve, this was not confirmed in the fall, if you brought it up, you were a horrible person. what changed? >> what changed is we had an election and they believe that their candidate has won. corporate media is now suddenly interested in covering what has always been and what we knew in october was the biggest most exfloive story of the entire campaign. will favorite word of the corporate media over recent years has been collusion, brian. collusion was used in a made up fantasy. in a narrative that there was cooperation between the trump campaign and russia. there never was as verified by the muller report. now we have actual real collusion and there are three groups of really powerful people who did collude, in fact, to interfere in the 2020 election and hide from the american people this blockbuster story. those groups as you mentioned the corporate media and you played some of the tapes of them there trying to hide and
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obfuscate and pretend this story didn't exist. the second group of people is big tech. the oligarchs of silicon valley who literally decided to suppress and censure this story. and the third group and this is key as well, brian, the third group are the alumni of the united states intelligence services at the highest levels, including three former heads of the cia. hayden, panetta, and brennan. all of them went on the record saying that this story about the laptop from hell was quote russian disinformation. they said that without any basis at all. it was a completely ludicrous opinion of theirs. but that gave enough of an excuse to folks in the corporate media to, again, completely ignore this story. if the american people had been properly informed of this story, i believe donald trump would have won by even more. i believe donald trump won the legal vote as it is. but he would have won by even more if the american people knew that joe biden and his family
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were selling out our country to the most dangerous adversary of the united states in the entire world the chinese communest party. brian: people should understand this isn't roger clinton have will and billie carter doing embarrassing stuff with beer. this is how he governor governse him other countries might be involved if you believe tony bobulinski and the big guy. this is all fact. isn't one person who want to remain anonymous. people are on the record. the other big story is that what happened yesterday from texas suing other states asking the supreme court to get involved with the election. now we have a total of 19 states including texas and 106 republican lawmakers filing amicus brief to support the texas appeal on the election that can only be heard by the supreme court. what is the president's reaction to this sudden momentum? >> right, brian. just quickly to your first point regarding china. this is not your sort of standard grip that the biden cartel was involved in. these are the existential enemies of the united states. we are sending millions and
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millions of dollars to the bidens both russia and china. this is next level. this gets into the zone of actual treason and the national security of america being compromised. another thing that compromises our republic is an election that the american people can't have faith in and don't have faith in large numbers. we know cnbc did a sampling of trump voters. only 3% of trump voters belief the president should concede to joe biden. so tens and tens of millions of americans have grave doubts about this election as do more than a third of the states now. officially on the record in support of this texas lawsuit. there are serious constitutional issues here. these states that are being sued, michigan, wisconsin, pennsylvania, and georgia, they they usurped the united states constitution in some their own state constitutions this needs to be adjudicated quickly before the supreme court. we believe the 14th amendment was violated equal protection was violated here and we need to know that the vote was valid. if we count every legal vote i
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vote strongly the statistical case tells us that donald trump in fact won the presidency again of the united states. brian: one thing is unimpeachable that is that he got more votes than any sitting president of the country and 11 million more than he got last time. steve cortes, thanks so much. >> thank you, brian. breen brian meanwhile straight ahead a michigan state rep under investigation for making threats like though to trump supporters. >> this is just a warning to you trumpers: be careful, walk lightly. brian: david webb said there is nothing new from the left.
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trumpers. be careful. walk lightly we ain't playing with you. and for those of you who are soldiers, you know how to do it. make them pay. steve: after that she was stripped of her committee assignments. michigan representative cynthia johnson now under investigation by the state's house speaker who called the video unamerican and unacceptable. here with reaction is fox news contributor and radio talk show host david webb. david, give us the back story. why did representative cynthia johnson, why did she say to the trumperss those things and to make them pay of her soldiers? >> well, first of all, steve, good morning and nobody should be surprised by this because we have seen this time and time again, especially at the local levels. it doesn't get a lot of national coverage but there are plenty of stories out there at those state
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levels where democrats who have been elected by radical supporters go out and threaten daily. so no surprise. the attempts to, you know, whether they remove her from committee seats, do some form of further censure or whatever are not enough. what really needs to happen and this goes back to her supporters and back to her district is they need to go in and get her out of office. this is a woman who doesn't belong in american politics. she doesn't reflect a reasoned debate in any way. she is a disgrace. and for those out there who want to support her, if you think that's going to get you more and more support in america, it's not. steve: i will tell you what, she says that she has doubled down and she said this on facebook yesterday. all i can say is shame on michigan's house leadership on both sides who stripped her of her committees. get ready yourself to apologize to me publicly. of so apparently she knows
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something that we don't know that is going to change everything. >> look, she could know something. she is probably just more bluster and big mouth and hot air than anything else. but, let's pay attention to something very dangerous. there are those who consider themselves the soldiers out there, are willing to enact violence and you see this in the rioting and looting that's going on whether it's within the black lives matter movement or within the antifa movement. sometimes it's hard to tell them apart. steve: let's switch gears for just a second. in the run-up to the election, republicans were talking about how there number of people on the political left who wanted to defund the police. afterwards we heard from a number of prominent democrats that that was not good for them at the blot box. we heard from joe biden this week via zoom he said exactly the same thing. listen to this. >> i also don't think we should get too far ahead of ourselves
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on dealing with police reform and that because they have already labeled us as being defund the police. that's how they beat the living hell out of us across the country saying that we're talking about defunding the police. we're not. we're talking about holding them accountable. steve: and he went on during that particular conversation with civil rights leaders to say essentially whatever you do, don't make public comments about defunding the police until after the georgia election. look, steve, joe biden is doing what a disrup corruptocrat. they knew it would get out it wasn't a secret or on the record call. notice he didn't say we won't go forward with defund the police. he said look, not a good idea
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right now if you look at the rest of what was in that call on that topic, just as joe biden the hip kit while they were looting rioting and burning buildings and livelihoods to the ground around america, campaign staffers from biden and harris were donating money to bail out reuters, and by the way, the fact that they chose biden and harris as "time" person of the year. i was "time" protester of the year representing a protester in 2011. we weren't burning, looting, we weren't destroying lives and neighborhoods. but their campaign was silent and their campaign staffers reuters who destroyed american communities. steve: all right. david webb not only talking about the news of the day but revealing hot new "time" magazine man and woman of the year are. good job. thank you, david. >> thank you, steve. steve: all right. it is 22 minutes before the top of the hour. ainsley: all right. house speaker nancy pelosi finally addressing the concerns
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surrounding congressman eric swalwell's ties to a suspected chinese spy. but, it turns out she doesn't have any. listen. >> i don't have any concern about mr. swalwell. the leadership of the house and the committee were informed that overtemperatures from a chinese person were being made to members of congress when that was made known to the members of congress, it was it was over. brian: the chinese spy, not a person. here to react here to react sean duffy and host of "moms" on fox nation as well as everything else she does rachel campos-duffy. welcome to both of you. >> good morning. >> good morning. brian: can you bring us inside the congressional process when something like that could compromise the topic on when which the committee you are on. don't you think it's a logical reaction to say hey, you were compromised, i have got to pull you off this committee. she says it's not and that kevin mccarthy knew about it. what do you know about it. >> so common sense would dictate
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that a guy who is compromised by the chinese and the chinese spy should not sit on the most sensitive committee in the house, which is the intel committee. which that's where all our secrets are, brian. it's interesting that nancy pelosi would actually, you know, minimize what's happened. he wasn't -- swalwell wasn't just approached he had a relationship he had an intern in his office. this comes from nancy pelosi a couple months ago the democrats passed a resolution on the floor condemning americans who called the virus the chinese flu or the wuhan flew. it was nancy pelosi who refused to join kevin mccarthy and join the china task force to talk about the economic and military threats that come from china. this is the party that has joe biden and hunter biden taking money from china. i think all roads in china lead through the democrat party. as long as democrats can get rich from china, i mean talk about greed and greed is bad. if china pays democrats. democrats are all in on china.
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steve: rachel? >> you know, i agree. it's not that just in the case of hunter biden i get so mad because they are not just trying to make money, they are selling out our country. >> yeah. >> they are selling our children's future. this is our greatest enemy. one of the things really intriguing will the swalwell story is that he got a defensive briefing, eric swalwell did. and then suddenly she escaped the country. i think i deserve as a citizen all of us deserve to know how she found out and was able to get out of the country. if eric swalwell tipped this woman off, this spy, his lover off, that's treason. another reason why he shouldn't sit on that. and i think we deserve to know that. ainsley: that is a great question. we will figure that out hopefully down the road sooner rather than later. let's talk about what's happening in virginia ralph northam the governor who is very controversial saying they need more coronavirus restrictions. he made a comment that has a lot of christians upset because he says, you know, as far as church is concerned, you don't have to
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sit in a church pew to pray to god. listen to this. >> this year we need to think about what is truly the most important thing is it the worship or the building? for me, god is wherever you are. you don't have to sit in the church pew for god to hear your prayers. worship outside or worship online is still worship. ainsley: you can worship outside of a church, sean and rachel. sean, i will start with you since we just heard from rachel. ainsley: you are inside that building amongst people that have like minded views for the values, for the teaching, for the music to be fed by god? >> listen, absolutely, ainsley. and this is coming from ralph northam who, if you recall a year ago, he was talking about when there is a botched abortion and the baby is born alive, that the doctor and the mother should sit down and keep the baby
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comfortable and decide the future of a live born baby. and he is talking to us about faith and morals and that we would take advice from ralph northam in regard to christmas and whether we should go to church? give me a break. >> yeah. i would just add, i'm not going to be joining the church of governor northam. i'm not interested in his theological advice giving his really appalling statements on life. and complete disregard for the unborn. i have will tell you what. i'm so concerned, ainsley, about the notions of liberty, religious liberty in particular that our children are getting in this pandemic. i just think about over the last nine months how much intrusion government has had over our personal, economic, and religious life. and i never experienced that in my childhood. i worry, what is this impact on our kids?
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you know, who are so formative? and what are we doing to not normalize this for them. this is america. it was founded by people who came here to practice their religion freely. and if you feel like you have a co-morbidity. if you feel in any way that this is dangerous for you, there is lots of information out there, you should not go to church and you can attend church virtually. but for everybody else, we should not allow government to shut down our churches or in any way to weigh in on what the churches do. >> we're going to church, ainsley. ainsley: you are going? brian: china is consolidating keeping power thi governor. >> got on a phone with a tracer where have you gone need their phone numbers. i never thought this would have happened in america. >> absolutely, of course. ainsley: have a good weekend. >> merry christmas. brian: go to carley for news.
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carley: fda panel gives green light to covid-19's vaccine. hospitals preparing to roll out the vaccine as they await the final stamp of approval which could come as soon as today. meanwhile shipping companies telling washington they are ready to deliver the vaccine. fedex and u.p.s. say they spent weeks coming up with supply routes and tracking devices to monitor deliveries. a live look at capitol hill where the senate could vote on a defense bill today senator rand paul delays the vote until today he opposes privileges that limits the president's ability to draw down troops from germany and afghanistan. his objections threaten a must pass bill to keep the government funded through next week. if that doesn't go through, it will shut down at midnight. president trump celebrating another historic break through for peace in the middle east. the president brokering a deal between israel and morocco to normalize relations that agreement coming just in time for the first day of hanukkah.
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if it's the trump administration first israeli agreement in four months. listen to this. boston college opting out of bowl season so players can spend the holidays with their families. the program's athletic director saying the decision was made as a team because many players haven't seen their family since june. despite praying all 11 regular season games without a major covid-19 outbreak. boston college becomes the very first school to pass on the post season. how about that? guys. steve: that is something. all right. ainsley: thank you, carley. okay. janice has the forecast. janice, i heard you earlier mention something about some snow? janice: i think the northeast is going to get its first big winter storm next week so stay tuned, my friends. yes. but, first, let's talk about the winter storm that's going to impact the midwest and the great lakes this weekend. so we have got the cold air in place. that's the end of the mild temperatures for the central u.s. for now. and then this storm that's
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developing across the rockies is going to push into the plain states. this is round 1. round 2 come later on this weekend. so we have got measurable snow, a pretty good snow storm for parts of the midwest and the great lakes. and then we are going to see the potential for some thunderstorms along this cold front. so that's the first storm system. we have another one moving in from the west later this weekend. and then let's take a look at the potential for snow storm wednesday and thursday of next week. i mean, there is some measurable snow and measurable snow for the i-95 corridor. stay tuned. we will fine tune this forecast. but, it's beginning to look a lot like christmas. back to you. steve: we know who is dreaming of a white christmas. all right. j.d., thank you very much. ainsley: good job. steve: we replaced the temperatures with just no supreme lawsuit underneath brian just like that is a qr code. what you get out your phone, open up the camera and put it
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right under that little design. because it will take you directly to the fox news app. so you can download it that way you never miss a moment of our top stories. take fox news wherever you go. just open your camera, scan the qr code on your screen. if you are about to miss it because we are going to move on just back it up about 10 seconds, boom. ainsley: when you get the fox news alert on your phone and big story. i will get out my fox news app. and watch it live. fox live so i can learn more. brian: just go to the app. store like the old times when we were were growing up. ainsley: do that, too. brian: meanwhile what's coming up state straight ahead president trump is calling the big women. zero chance the attorney general from indiana and south carolina share why they are joining the latest lawsuit with texas challenging the election results. and what happens next. don't move. world of pain relief: new advil dual action.
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ainsley: president trump met with attorneys general at the white house ye yesterday as he d 18 states throw their support behind a texas lawsuit challenging the election results claiming fraud. the supreme court suit argues that 62 electoral college votes from georgia, michigan, pennsylvania and wisconsin should be invalidated because
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the states made unconstitutional changes to their laws before the 2020 election. our next guest attended that meeting with the president, indiana attorney general elect todd rokita and south carolina attorney general allen wilson and they both join us now. good morning, men, gentlemen. >> good morning. >> good morning. ainsley: alan, we go way back your dad is a congressman in south carolina and he married a local anchor at my competition station nbc who is a friend of mine and she is precious. they have a cute little family. and then congratulations, todd, on your win, i know you are a congressman, i'm sure you are friends with joe wilson his dad. just to give you background. alan, i will start with you, what happened yesterday at the white house. >> this is a meeting that had been on my calendar for several weeks. i knew i was going to the white house before i knew i was going to be on this lawsuit. we were planning to be up here in washington for a number of meeting with government officials including the president and others. we were going to be here for the white house christmas party. yesterday was just us conducting business we had planned to do
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from several weeks ago. the lawsuit came up. no ask of us. just a discussion. we talked about many other issues that affect our states. ainsley: i'm sure he thanked you all for the support. i know on twitter was thanking for the 19 states that were supporting him including himself. this is what the suit said. ken paxton said this the constitution matters and must be followed or it's just a piece of parchment paper that's on display at the national archives. we ask the court to choose the former. so, todd, these states are saying you can't throw out these mail-in ballots. they are the ones that changed the laws in the middle of the game though. they changed the deadline. they are the ones to blame, right? >> absolutely. speaking not just as indiana's next attorney general but as the former chief election officer for the state, these laws are very important. they go to the foundation of our republic and a free society. there is a reason that our founding fathers had the wisdom in the founding document to say, you know what? only legislatures can set local election laws. and that's because the
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legislatures of each state are the body that's closest to the people. right? so you want that accountability ultimate power is truly in the people, you want those that are directly elected by the people and those closest to the people touching those laws. not judges. not unelected bureaucrats. not even elected officials who aren't the legislature. in indiana, you cannot, if you are the chief election officer, you cannot unilaterally change the law. so indiana's voters who overwhelmingly supported our president are being negatively impacted. ainsley: alan, is he talking about article two of the constitution where legislators have to decide if we change election laws. las vegas the equal protection law and that was violated they are claiming in michigan because some of the people who were the poll watchers the partisan observers they were watching in some counties 6 feet. other counties 10 feet. others were able to watch right there. it was unequal. what do you think the supreme court will do about this, allen? >> ainsley, i don't want to presume to tell you what the judges and the court are going
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to do. i would like to use an analogy, i think surmis sur summarize thr people at home football team final seconds one team runs the ball into the end zone and look up on jumbotron and you see there is a chance that someone might have stepped out of bounds right before they cross the plain into the end zone the first thing the losing team or anybody would do is challenge and to see if the person had played by the rules by stepping out of bounds. ainsley: you know television we are out of time. you can't change the rules, the rules are the rules. and we need election integrity. thank you so much both of you. we have two big hours straight ahead. geraldo, senator marsha blackburn and general jack keane.
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or if you've had an organ transplant or lung, breathing, or liver problems. here's to a chance for more together time. a chance to live longer. ask your doctor about opdivo plus yervoy. thank you to all involved in our clinical trials. >> president donald trump deserves his day in court, the supreme court. [cheers and applause] >> the american people deserve to be heard. the affidavits are real. >> president trump is demanding answers as to why the federal investigation into hunter biden was not widely reported. >> the american people had been properly informed of this story, i believe donald trump would have won by even more. i believe donald trump won the legal vote as it is. >> fda panel given the green light to pfizer's covid-19 vaccine. >> it's going to be a game changer. >> we can really see the end of the pandemic. it's really in our sight. >> i don't have any concern about mr. swalwell. >> he is a national security threat. brian: former president obama
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speaks out about losing support from middle america. who is he blaming. >> those same people are filtering me through fox news and rush limbaugh. brian: really. wwe are not filtering you just playing what you are saying. sorry, barack obama you can't hear me. i will try to answer you a little bit later on in the show. we have a fox news alert. plump demanding answers as to why the federal investigation into hunter biden was not widely reported until now. griff jenkins is live with mort including uncle jimmy is also in this; is that correct? >> that's right. brian, ainsley and steve. good morning to you. if you want to understand why president trump is so angry in the building behind me consider this: for two years hunter biden has been under investigation. it wasn't publicly known yet his opponent on the campaign trail was making statements like these. >> there is absolutely zero basis to the accusation that i acted in any way inappropriately
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or my son did. >> you know there is not one single bit of evidence, not one little tiny bit anything done was wrong. >> now, the president tweeting his displeasure over the lack of transparency writing, quote: why didn't the fake news media the fbi and the doj report the biden matter before the election? ohwell, it's okay, we won the election anyway. attorney general barr knew about the probe into hunter biden and took pains to keep the information from getting out. allegedly even keeping republican members of congress in the dark. yesterday, dr. jill biden didn't want to talk about it. watch. >> dr. biden -- your reaction to the news of the investigation of your son, hunter? >> no. let's go. >> and, brian, as you mentioned, another investigation out of the western district of pennsylvania looks under the business dealings of joe biden's brother james. they are according to politico, federal authorities are probing the now bankrupt company of
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americorps interested in james' role in the company. it's important to note in our reporting that president-elect joe biden is not the subject of any of these investigations as far as we know at this point. it will be interesting to sees a he continues to build out his cabinet who he will pick for attorney general because that individual will bear the burden of judicial independence and that's something that joe biden pledged on the campaign trail. brian, ainsley, steve? steve: i have got a feeling, griff, people are going to start asking the hard questions now after the election of mr. biden. thank you very much for reporting down the street from the white house. you know, a couple of days ago, hunter biden's attorney said that he was being investigated on tax affairs. and that's the way they are framing it. we don't know exactly what he is being investigated for. going back to the story about bill barr and the attorney general. the doj guidelines advise investigators against taking actions in the run up to
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election so as not to be seen affecting the election. so they don't really send out subpoenas until after the election. because when you get a subpoena suddenly people know you are being investigated and people start talking. that's what happened a couple of days ago. you know, a couple of weeks after the election. so, we know that there are two investigations of that guy screen left, hunter biden, the u.s. attorney in delaware served a subpoena on hunter biden. wanting detailed financial information in connection with a criminal tax investigation. and ainsley, yesterday, we were talking about the red flag. apparently there were reports of suspicious activity filed by a bank that handled his foreign transactions. also, joe's brother, james, implicated in an investigation of americorps, apparently, according to politico, he transferred money from americorps to himself and a couple of memorial hospitals operated by them were raided by fbi agents. you have got that going on but
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then you have got a second investigation. the feds in new york city apparently are looking into a broader criminal investigation over the past year they have been conducting it. and so, you know, we know why the doj doesn't come out and, you know, lay all the cards on the table before an election, but now we know and even though we had a lot of these cards told to us by the "new york post" and tony bobulinski, we didn't know about it except on fox news. ainsley: media research center saying they did a poll and 17% of the people who voted for joe biden are saying that they didn't know this story. and, if they had, they would not have voted for him. one in six voters said that to media research center. we didn't know this. we should have gotten to the bottom of it. one of the founders of the federalist we always have mollie hemingway on with the federalist. he says they were selling the biden family name t biggest bidder.
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told russian agent. we had steve cortes on the show interviewing him earlier. brian trump campaign steinier strategy adviser and he says the same thing. he said that's the real collusion story. it's hunter biden. watch this. >> we have an election and we believe that their candidate has won. corporate media is now suddenly interested in covering what has always been and what we knew in october was the biggest most explosive story of the entire campaign. the favored word of the corporate media over recent years has been collusion. now we have actual real collusion. if the american people had been properly informed of this story, i believe donald trump would have won by even more. i believe donald trump won the legal vote as it is. but he would have won by even more if the american people knew that joe biden and his family were selling out our country to the most dangerous adversary of the united states in the entire world that chinese communist party. brian: if you remember watching our show, leading up to the election, i have never seen in my life anything like this where you are not the "wall street journal" refusing to run this or
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the "new york times" deciding to do it. not only is that happening, if you decide to retweet that story, the "new york post" ran with quotes, with sources with emails. if you decide to retweet the column that commented on the story, you got your account frozen and the "new york post" had it frozen. later to be apologized when the tech heads were brought in and said yeah in let fro specht we shouldn't have con that. they are directly affecting the election. my stands george w. bush had this dwi story emerge before the election. is that fair? i don't know. came out. someone got the story, published it. balanced everything out. the president's four point lead disappeared. was it great that anthony weiner's horrible behavior revealed the fact that his wife's laptop had emails from hillary clinton that exposed that scandal again right before the election, i don't know, but it was hillary clinton's terrible behavior that led up to it. and then when you have hunter biden making the stupid decision to not only smoke crack on a
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regular basis but use a laptop, a local repair shop, to drop off a laptop with explosive information that was so huge they had to give it to the fbi and then it got exposed to rudy giuliani, was it anybody's fault? no. that's in a news cycle. let the voters decide. meanwhile, tony bobulinski said as much specifically and explosively as anybody. believe it or not, having these new allegations out there has tucker carlson working weekends. it's a rarity but it's important. let's see if another 15 million will watch. 5:00 and probably be repeated on sunday. in fact, it will at 10:00. steve: another explosive story we did not find out about brian and ainsley until after the election was eric swalwell. who knew that five years ago he had somebody knock on his door. it was the fbi and they said hey, you know that person from china by the name of christine fang who has been a volunteer
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for you? she has been raising funds for you. well, you know what? we suspect that she is a spy from china. and you are the target of a chinese influence campaign. he refuses to detail the nature of their relationship. he says it's classified. so i guess we know what that means it means it's classified. nonetheless, people are going how did he as a sophomore in congress get on one of the most powerful committees in congress? the house intel committee where all the secrets are? well, i will tell you how, the woman screen right, nancy pelosi put him there, even though she says she heard from the fbi that he had been exposed to this chinese influence campaign. you know what? she was asked about it yesterday. only one reporter had the guts to ask her about it. they were from fox news. and she ha is not concerned abot him being on the committee at
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all. listen. >> i don't have any concern about mr. swalwell. there are those in the congress who believe and i'm among them, that we should be seeing what influence chinese -- i have been fighting them for as you know for over 30 years in terms of their undue influence at universities in our country and the overtures they try to make to members of congress. the leadership of the house and the committee were informed that overtures from a chinese person was -- were being made to members of congress when that was made known to the members of congress, it was over, but i don't know that it means that we have to do background checks for every intern that comes into the capitol. steve: she is not concerned because she put him on the committee even though she says she heard about it. she heard from the fbi. she also said the republicans knew about it, the leadership in 2015, so that would mean who, paul ryan or john bainer who
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were speaker during that year. we heard a story no republicans knew about it otherwise it would have been a bigger deal then and he never would have wound up on that committee. ainsley: kevin mccarthy said that all the republicans on the intel committee, that's the committee that is supposed to learn about any kind of secrets. they are the ones that get the most secretive information. they know about it. and that's the concern here. steve: stuff about china. ainsley: exactly what did eric swalwell know. what was their relationship? how close were they? can he share any of this information with her? information that could put our country at risk? pretty scary and important stuff, right? why doesn't nancy have any concerns? nancy put him on that committee. she'll doesn't want to admit that he is doing something wrong or that he might have compromised. steve: or she made a mistake. ainsley: that's why kevin mccarthy is saying all right take him off the committee then i want him to resign. he says he is asking for fbi briefing. listen to this. >> speaker pelosi was notified.
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i was not. i'm asking for an fbi briefing now. but if she knew and maintained swalwell on intel, wrong. is he a national security threat. those who serve on intel get information that members do not. to spend the last four years in intel worried about foreign intrusion. why did she allow him to stay on that committee? and let's hope she does not in the next congress either. ainsley: how are these people getting these jobs? how do we not know they are spies? dianne feinstein had a driver for years that was a chinese spy. this lady working for swalwell getting so close i don't understand how they get in our country why we are not vetting them. what influence does she have? raising money for. i will raise money for you and have a party for you. then you come to my party. i give you the money. you can use it for your campaign. you have to listen to me when i have a problem. your influence. brian: ric grenell indicated this is the tip of the iceberg
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about what they have done and he has done how might be liable and compromised if you look at the track record. we used to lance goodal block from coming to capitol hill. until they come to this country until they decide they are not going to target us every way to sunday whether somebody in the nypd we found out are about or something in texas. ainsley: our country's biggest threat. brian: the 50 cited with substance but not enough to pass. not enough to actually be labeled as successful. but this is by far and got the most hope. it was filed originally by the state of texas listing four separate states and saying they compromised the election process on november 3rd since they aren't constitutional state acts and hurt their voters in texas. since been joined by 18 others. giving a total of 19. yesterday in a bit of a surprise. 106 house republicans backed those challenges of the election
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results to the supreme court. and now they signed this thing called an amicus brief for it. the vice president is speaking about it yesterday. saying the president deserves his day in court. and the president tweeting about it hopefully that they will have enough momentum, the supreme court will turn around and say i want to hear this. at which time ted cruz will get the call. kayleigh mcenany outlined it last night who, by the way, is a lawyer. >> you have an in a rasmussen poll 47% of the country saying something was not right about this election. half of the country, 30% of democrats, one in three democrats saying something was not right. and they all see the statistical anomalies that you have laid out. the fact that joe biden trailed hillary in every metro except four. the four he needed in the key swing states. the american people deserve to be heard. these affidavits are real. the folks that you put on your program are real. as this lawsuit very clearly says. either the constitution matters or it is a mere piece of parchment in the national archives. let's stand for the constitution. allow these people to be heard. that is all that we are asking for is a day in court.
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brian: that is absolutely true. rudy giuliani also says he has got video now showing the dominion system allowing election officials to change votes. again, got to show it. it's got to be obvious and unimpeachable. dominion executives said never happens, doesn't happen. steve: meanwhile, let's talk a little bit about covid. we are closer to the vaccine. and it could not come at a more opportune time. you look at the death toll, we have eclipsed 3,000 deaths of americans, more than were killed on 9/11 for the last couple of days and they are suggesting that that could run for months with a death toll like that. it's terrible. that's one of the reasons there are so many restrictions and governors are doing all sorts of things. last week, we told you about how gavin newsom was shutting down in the special hot zones. he carved up california into five regions. southern california pretty much you can't do anything except to leave your house and not be
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within 100 feet of anybody. i'm being hyperbolic, nonetheless, he closed down indoor and outdoor dining only open for takeout. the restaurants are. we showed you this video of a woman by the name of angela marsden runs the pineapple hill grill she was so incensed that she was shut down and then yet an nbc comedy show, which has been deemed by the state of california to be an essential employer, they were allowed to operate. listen to this. >> obviously, mayor garcetti has approved. mayor garcetti and gavin newsom is responsible for every single person that doesn't have unemployment. that does not have a job and all the businesses that are going under. this is being set up for -- for a movie company. everything i own is being taken away from me. and they set up a movie company right next to my outdoor patio.
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tell me that this is dangerous but right next to me i as a slap in my face, that's safe. this is safe? steve: because the state of california has deemed that that comedy show is an essential -- it's composed of an essential business and they are essential workers. the quote is they include those supporting the entertainment industries as long as they follow public health protocols. wait a minute, that's what she was doing in her outdoor restaurant. that she spent $80,000 to build. she put the seats 7 feet apart. and, yet, her business was closed but the comedy show was still open. ainsley: she is saying who are you to tell me that my job is not essential? she said we are going under. you don't think it's essential? i think it's essential to give this lady a paycheck. if you are not going to give her a paycheck then give her money, congress, allow her to pay her
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he employees. you have the money. you are stalling in washington and people are fed up. she sees her governor, gavin newsom. we have always heard a real leader a sign of a real leader is someone you are not going to ask your employees you are not willing to do, too. he is asking his constituents be to stay at home yet he is inside a restaurant indoors without a mask on and i have heard it was more than the limit of people, $12,000 wine bill. and that's fine if you are going to tell your people they can go do it but you are shutting her down and what was interesting, hollywood in that tenths was serving food in that tent. that was their catering tent. doing the same thing she is doing next door and very frustrating. hollywood, sam gupta the vice president of original production netflix we are not a bar where everybody sits around with their masks off. nobody is blaming hollywood we want you all to work and produce these films because we are watching at home and we are sitting at home. steve: be safe. ainsley: we want the restaurant next door to her point. she is not blaming hollywood.
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she is blaming the leaders this is not my bar. the bar is indoors. i'm fine with closing down indoors but i want to be able to serve my commerce outside safely. brian: that gavin newsom put his company in a blind trust has a $4 million ppp series of loans that helping prop that up. tell me how inappropriate that is. keep in mind, i love the fact that they have. steve: he is like it a comedy show. brian: wouldn't it be great though for that production company saying we are different from you as a bar to go to bat for the bar and say i'm so glad i would able to work i would love for you to work responsibly. instead have you got to separate yourself because of the entertainment lobby, perhaps. that is why mayor garcetti, mr. cancel everything last week except for, of course, that series because it's coming to a network near you. all right, we will talk about all of that a little bit later. meanwhile, straight ahead. the minneapolis city council slashing millions from its police budget despite a surge in crime. next guest lost her livelihood
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steve: well, another controversial move in minneapolis. the city council there stripped $8 million from the police budget despite record crime rates since the death of george floyd. our next guest knows all too well the effects, the increase in violence has had on that community. after her salon was burned down during the riots in may. the owner of flora's hair designs, flora wester brooks joins us now from the twin cities. floor remarks good morning to you.
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>> good morning. steve: we have been talking to you once a month over the last six months. who do you think the police who everyone needs have $8 million taken from their budget? that wouldn't seem that that would be a good idea when you have got crime going through the roof, which you do. >> oh, gosh, that's terrible. i don't think they should cut that 8 million from the department, no. we need police. we need them. steve: of course you do. when you look at the crime rates sings last year, arson and you know this all too well because you were burned out, arson is up 77%. assaults up 24% homicides 78%. and robberies up 48%. carjackings are up 331% in minneapolis over the last year. flora, why is that? is that because there are carjackers who just think either there aren't enough police to
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catch me or if i get caught i'm going to get a slap on the wrist, i will be back on the street in two minutes? >> probably sayings that not enough to catch me. catch me if you can. steve: yeah. do the people in your community feel safe? do you feel less safe than you did before this all started? >> i do. i feel less safe. a lot of my friends that i talk to they are not feeling safe right now. cutting the budget down to 8 million. they are not with that either. neither am i would need protection here especially in my community where i live. steve: yeah. we talked to you a few weeks ago because the city council there, because so many police officers are on leave right now, with ptsd because, you know, they are suffering in a variety of
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ailments, so many police are out, the county -- rather, the city actually is peaking half a million dollars to come in and hepa control. did that help at all. >> no, it has not, no. carjacking is still going on. murder rates are still going up higher. no. it has not. >> ever since the killing of george floyd, i know there has been interest in defunding the police and we heard that in the run-up to the election. how many people, i'm going to ask you to be an amateur statistician. how many people -- what percentage of people in minneapolis support the idea of defunding the police? >> i really can't tell you because, like i said, everyone that i talk to, they are afraid right now, you know, because we don't have the protection. so i couldn't really, you know, give you a number on that at
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all, no. i know for me, i am afraid, yes. steve: yeah. and, you know, we talked to you shortly after you were burned out and all the politicians showed up and they said flora, we are going to take care of you. don't worry we are going to help you out. that's what they said when the tv cameras were there. the tv cameras are long gone. nobody has helped you, have they? >> no, no. no politicians here have given me anything, no. steve: i know that a go fund me page has been started. and we have a lot of kind viewers. if you would like to help with her go fund me, go to our website, and we will link to yours. good luck to you, floor remarks and we hope you have a merry christmas out there. >> thank you. same to you. thanks for everything. steve: thank you. all right. it is 7:2 will in new york city. now to a fox news alert. just within the last five minutes, hhs secretary alex azar
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announced the fda will approve emergency use for the pfizer vaccine. that means it could roll out as early as tomorrow. white house coronavirus task force member and testing czar admiral bret giroir joins us next. service at the ready.
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brian: wow. that is breaking news. in fact, i heard that for the first time with you. moments ago health and human services secretary alex azar announcing the fda will move forward with the emergency approval of pfizer's covid-19 vaccine with vaccinations coming as soon as monday or tuesday. joining us now with more is coronavirus testing czar and assistant hhs secretary admiral brett giroir. you fantasized about this day what does it mean to you. >> it means we can see the end of the pandemic. it's really in our sight with 20 million people being able to be vaccinated in december. 30 million in january and another 50 million in february. just with the two vaccines we know about now. pfizer and moderna. we know the end of the pandemic is in sight. we still have a lot of work to do until most people can get vaccinated and the pandemic goes away. brian: absolutely. things we do know about phase one. healthcare workers are going to get it and i think that's great. about 21 million there. long-term facility residents, i
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guess that could be nursing homes estimated at 3 million there. i watched a lot of your town hall, florida says they could do it all in a week. get all the nursing homes done in a week. how much is up to the states and how much are you directly overseeing? >> so, we are in the process of truly what we call microplanning with the states. the specific vaccine allocation is up to the governors. we provide a prorated dosages to you will a the states based on their population over 18 years of age. they are very specific rrmses that i think almost universally the governors will follow in this first tranche and that is long-term care facility residents because of their high mortality and high infectivity rate. of course our healthcare workers. it's violation to america to keep our doctors, nurses, the people who work in hospitals and healthcare clinics to keep them on the job to take care of the rest of us. that's the first tranche. the next tranche will be coming very soon after that. brian: we understand moderna is
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ready too. will people have a decision and a choice of what they want, which vaccine? >> at least with this first tranche, i don't believe people will really have a choice. these are very similar technologies. we expect the safety and efficacy profiles to be almost identical. what you are going to see is the firestonpfizer vaccine cold refe departments be primarily given in healthcare kinds of institutions and then the moderna vaccine be able to be distributed a little bit more widely because you don't have the strin genesee of cold storage. very, very similar vaccines. almost the same technology and great results for efficacy and safety. brian: if someone was listening right now wants to know where they are in terms of the phases, where do they go? who do they ask? >> well, the -- the advisory committee on immunization practices which you can see on cdc, kind of goes through the
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different thought processes. but, let me say this: we are very confident by the may-june time period that any american who wants a vaccine will be a vaccine available. this will be extremely rapid. the next group after the first group will probably be other vulnerable individuals like those who are not in a long-term care facility but elderly. maybe individuals who have a lot of chronic conditions and probably some critical first line responders. but then it will rapidly roll out to the rest of the american people. brian: admiral we had 860,000 jobless claims. we are watching maybe 500,000 businesses go out. restaurants have taken a body blow like i have never seen in my lifetime. all they want especially in warmer clients is the opportunity to eat outdoors. what is your message to the governors about outdoor dining? >> my message to the governors have been pretty consistent as well as the cdcs and everyone else's and that is outdoor dining appropriately spaced is
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safe. there is no evidence that that is a transmission risk. i checked with the cdc. has there been any outbreaks linked to outdoor dining or outdoor bars with appropriate spacing and they said they haven't seen any. we need to restrict what we absolutely have to restrict to get through the pandemic. overrestriction will cause frustration with the american people. it will cause them not to obey even the good rules and if will kill jobs. killing jobs means killing the economy and mental illness, substance use. all the kinds of things. outdoor dining to the best of our knowledge and we have a lot of it now, appropriately spaced is safe and i would encourage everyone to allow that practice to happen. brian: and the whole mayor of l.a. saying cancel everything. what does the admiral say? >> so, i don't know specifically what the mayor said, but we are very clearly that just as europe is doing, schools and universities can stay hope. the great part of the economy can stay open. have you got to wear a mask.
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right? you have got to physically distance. and you have to avoid indoor crowded spaces. bars and restaurants but a house people with 200 people is really the same equivalent. if you do those things, we can flatten the curve, slow the spread and save lives until we get the vaccination out. but, closing down the economy is horrible for public health. how many heart attacks go unknown? we have seen that the overdose rate. the overdose cpr rate. people coming into the emergency room went up 100 percent during the pandemic. mental illness, suicides. all these things are real consequences. if you shut everything down, especially unnecessary when there is no medical evidence you can cause more harm than good. brian: my hope is all these restaurant owners keep this clip on iphone when the cops come to try to shut them down they play this back and act like human beings and walk away. admiral, thanks so much. it's a great moment. you deserve so much credit. don't let politics get you down. you did great work. and i hope you continue to
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communicate with us. >> thank you so much. brian: all right. now, ainsley, you have something special. ainsley: we are going to bring in our special crew from the weekend. will cain and pete hegseth are with us this morning. good morning, guys. >> good morning. ainsley: i know brian is going to be on the show this he could would. we will definitely be watching and steve. look forward to that let's talk about some of the news of the day. susan rice is joe biden's pick for domestic policy council and democrats are fawning over. this if you look at their tweets. israeli g-8 outstanding choice. john kerry leading the policy counsel. eric holder this will be seen as one of joe biden's best appointments. no senate confirmation required. so she will definitely get this job. but we are wondering what about that benghazi attack. republicans have been over that. disheartened by the way she handled that and lied to the american people and now, excuse me, she is going to be in charge of domestic policy council. pete, i will ask you to weigh in on this first and dennis mcdonough for veterans affair he is not a veteran and be in
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charged of 380,000 workers. pete: it's like opposite day in these potential biden administration. so have you susan rice who has no domestic experience. now, up for the domestic policy council because she could never get senate confirmation in light of saying benghazi, what you referred to and bowe bergdahl talking about you who he served with honor and distinction even though he deserted his unit other things like the iran deal. shoe she has no dose doe mess stick policy experience and be in the white house doing that pete buttigieg who has no foreign policy experience yet we might send him to china to be the ambassador against the single greatest threat we face on the globe. and then you have got dennis mcdonough who might be the v.a. secretary who literally has no healthcare experience, is not a verb, and no v.a. experience. but because the v.a. was such a political scandal for barack obama, he is meant to be there to make sure that there is a political reaction when necessary, certainly not advance reform. so a lot of reasons to look around and wonder what in the world joe biden is up to other
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than ushering in a 2.0 of the obama administration. brian: will, normally supposed to they a question to you but talk to pete. i want you to hear on the barack obama book tour that never ends. also taken it upon himself to point fingers at the people to blame that didn't vote for him. listen. >> i ended up getting enormous support in these pretty conservative rural largely white communities by my second year in office i'm not sure if i could make that same connection because now those same people are filtering me through fox news and rush limbaugh and an entire conservative media infrastructure that was characterizing me in a way that suggests that i look down on those folks or i had nothing in common with them. brian: how do you explain that? >> you know, you are the president of the united states of america. you have unfettered access to the american people at any moment. you can call a press conference.
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you can go on television. you can go on oh, i don't know, every single media outlet that's not just biased but in the tank for your ideology at any moment that you want. the fact that there might be one or two outlets who are given to finding the truth and not just repeating your talking points really sits under obama's saddle. it's a burr under his saddle and bothers him to this day. i heard you talking about it in a block at the top of this hour. worth underlining once again. this hunter biden story shows everything. the fact that they called that story russian disinformation. the fact that they called that story fake news, brian, you said the fact that they suppressed that story, kicked you off social media if you shared that story, shows what those journalistic norms are that obama talked about that he is used to that every single media outlet would give his part partd ideology. the fact that there might be one or two, including this channel, that don't offer him that same friendly atmosphere that same not along to your talking point atmosphere really still bothers
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him to this day. i find it a mark of accomplishment. if you are on his list of people that he does not consider part of his journalistic norms. put it on your resume. fly a banner, fly a flag. you are not part of the mainstream norms. steve: since will weighed in on one of our top stories. the other story, pete, eric swalwell was the target of a chinese influence campaign and nancy pelosi knew that and still put him on the committee, none of the republicans knew apparently. but now it's hit the fan and he says he is not going anywhere. [laughter] will. pete: there is no limit to the depth of depravity of the american left and what they will cover up to advance their own power. eric swalwell was one of nancy pelosi's favorites. one that she hoped to use to inculcate her own power and as a result, of course she would sweep that under the rug. just like the affinity that too many democrats and too many on the left have had for the
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communist chinese for decades. they don't live in history where these threats are actually real. yet, they are happy to take their money or accolades on the world stage. so, listen, we have seen exactly who eric swalwell is. he is a fraud. he's ultimately an absolute partisan. and in this particular case, nancy pelosi is willing to cover up for that because she is a partisan, too. and wanted to surround herself with people who could insulate her power not advance the power of the united states. that's a sad thing. ainsley: y'all are going to have a great show this weekend. rudy giuliani is going to be on fighting hard for the president. larry elder he is amazing going to bring it tomorrow and sunday. steve doocy is going to be on and brian sits down with the president -- wait, steve is making. steve: i'm making marcus luttrell's mom's prime rib going to be delicious. ainsley: look at this. brian, explain what you are doing with the president. brian: i'm going to go first time since 1943 the army-navy game will be at west point. i will hop in my car and kind
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enough the white house is kind enough to give me just a few minutes with the president of the united states. stand up and do it whether it's before the game, half of time of the game or after the game. that's one of the highlights i know for the president to go watch that army-navy game he will hasn't missed it. ainsley: so special right there on the hudson river. gorgeous. steve: we will be watching you guys this weekend. will: you will will be with us. pete: see you got it. brian: make sure download fox news app. don't miss a moment of the top stories if your cable is out. take fox news wherever you go. just open up your camera and a scan the qr code on your screen right now. if not, can you do the old fashioned way the way your grandparents did go to the app. store. steve: back then app. meant appetizers. a little different. ainsley: as i was saying earlier it's great if you are in the grocery store and get something big news click on fox news app. watch it live and learn a little bit more. brian: watch ainsley's segments back from earlier in the week.
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steve: then you can share with the guy in the produce department. brian: put down the lettuce and watch this. ainsley: i will say steve is making prime rib, look. steve: i'm going to get a prime rib. brian: our download his book. steve: coming up on this friday the media covering hunter biden stormy months after the "new york post" revelations of a man named tony bobulinski. miranda divine says the bidens and the media are putting our national security at risk. why? you will hear from her next. ♪ ♪ did you know you can go to to customizes your car insurance so you only pay for what you need? really? i didn't-- aah! ok. i'm on vibrate. aaah! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
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ainsley: back in october hunter biden's former business associate tony bobulinski claimed the biden family shrugged off concerns that tony's alleged ties to hunt's business dealings could put a presidential campaign at risk. watch this. >> i remember looking at jim biden and saying how are you guys getting away with this like aren't you concerned and he looked at me and he laughed a little bit and said plausible
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didn't. ainsley: wow. remember that? but the media largely ignored those claims back then until now. here with more new york columnist miranda devine. hey, miranda. >> hi, ainsley, how are you? ainsley: i'm doing well. thank you. when you look at the media's coverage of that, is he talking about details of joe biden knowing about his son's business dealings and joe biden's influence and involvement in this. and the media barely covered it. look at that msnbc, a little more than a minute. cnn zero. abc zero. nbc 130 about. and cbs zero minutes. fox covered it. but this was extremely important. especially before an election. >> well, exactly. the "new york post" story broke on october 14 which is more than two weeks before the election. it should have been covered. instead it was actively suppressed, ignored. we heard project veritas had these cnn morning news
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conference meetings that were leaked and in there we said look, we are not going to cover this. they were proud of it because they said there is nothing new in the "new york post" information. there was a lot of new stuff in when we published from hunter biden's laptop and that included for the very first time evidence that the vice president then vice president joe biden knew about what was going on with his family's influence peddling schemes around the world and was actively involved. now, we published an email to that effect and later on tony bobulinski backed that up with further evidence of his own. all of that was a story. and, yet, you had not just active suppression. but you had big tech locking our twitter account, throttling the story on facebook. and then you had 50 intelligence operatives signing a letter saying that this looked, even though they had no idea they hadn't seen the laptop.
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they hadn't even read our stories, said this looks very much like a russian disinformation operation. and that of course, wars the green light to all those media outlightoutlets like cnn and nwn to pretend that our story was russian disinformation that we effectively at the was acting as russian agents. it was a roux to get their man over the line in the election. to get their man joe biden across the line with zero scrutiny fishy story and now, of course, they are reporting it because they think that they have won. ainsley: you know, it's frustrating for conservatives because they saw what happened with hillary clinton with the dossier. they went after president trump for four years. they did every negative story on president trump. barely any positive stories on him if you look at the stats. they did all these praise pieces on biden. biden stays in his basement. doesn't come out. doesn't go -- he doesn't answer questions. president trump answers every quell and then they criticize
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everything that he says. and then when voters go to the polls, 74 million of them to vote, they are worried that their votes didn't count or that something fishy happened. the president said it was rigged. gallup poll 8 the% of republicans say there are serious doubts about this election process. quinnipiac poll 77% of republicans believe there was widespread voter fraud. what's your message to conservatives who feel they just feel betrayed? they feel like they are forgotten? >> not just conservatives i have shown polls 33% of democrats and almost half the country think there was something untoward about the election. and, look, it's a serious problem. and the the reason for it is because the democrats decided under the cover of covid that they would change the rules at the last minute. that has just added with all this mail-in ballots which is so susceptible to fraud, industrial strength mail in balloting terrible sense that something didn't go right with the
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election. and i don't know how you fix that because people have a feeling already before inauguration day that if joe biden is in there he is not a legitimate president. that's something held by almost half the did yo country. that's very damaging. ainsley: yeah. republicans worry that democratic leaders are going to say from now on they are mail-in ballots and republican also never have high ranking positions. and all these democrats are moving down south to these southern states and turning them purple. thanks very much, miranda for joining us. >> thanks, ainsley. have a nice holiday. ainsley: you too. coming up geraldo, general jack keane and marsha blackburn ♪ rocking around the christmas tree ♪ have a happy holiday ♪ everyone's dancing merrily ♪ in the good old fashioned way ♪
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♪ we're going to find the perfect tree. we're going skating.
4:57 am
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it across the country saying that we're talking about defunding the police. >> notice he didn't say we won't go forward with defund the police. he base i -- basically said, lo, not a good idea right now. >> eric swalwell tipped this woman off, this spy, his lover, that's treason. >> the fda will approve emergency use for the pfizer vaccine. >> it means we can see the end of the pandemic. it's really in our sights. ♪ steve: good morning. it's friday, december 11th, and we start the third hour of "fox & friends" with a fox news alert. six more states overnight backing the texas lawsuit challenging the results for the election. ainsley: the statements' attorney generals filing suit asking for the electoral votes in those four battleground statements be discuss qualified. brian: more than 100 republicans are backing the lawsuit in the house. it's unclear if or when the supreme court will decide to
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take the case, so now we have overall 19 states, overall 106 lawmakers, they are all supporting the president saying that these four astronauts screwed up the -- states screwed up the election, and and each of them have a different problem whether it's the mail-in vote, the lack of signatures, the verification with observers. the president said i'd love just one big case. legal experts say it's impossible. this is labeled as a hail mary pass. it is a long shot for the supreme court to talk it and, of course, them to win. indiana's attorney general is one of the 19 attorney generals -- the 18 attorney generals to join texas in this suit. listen to what he said on "fox & friends" earlier. >> these laws are very important. they go to the foundation of our republic and a free society. and there's a reason that our founding fathers had the wisdom in the founding document to i saw, you know what? only legislatures can set local election laws x. that's because
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the legislatures of each state are the body that's closest to the people. right? so you want that accountability. the ultimate power's truly in the people, you want those directly elected by the people, those closest to the people, touching the laws. not judges, not unelected bureaucrats. so indiana's voters who overwhelmingly supported our president are being negatively impacted. brian: not everybody's onboard, senator cornyn, senator mitt romney, obviously, never sees the president's side, and also no leadership, i don't see kevin mccarthy's name on this yet. probably the second question i ask the question when army/navy plays, i'm not sure who's going to be in the stands, but i know the president will be there, and is we'll have a chance to talk to him, about his case. judges by his -- judging by his tweets, steve, he's optimistic. steve: he's fired up and frustrated. that would be the perfect game, perfect place to be, at the
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game, to ask him about this hail mary pass -- brian: absolutely. steve: now, here's the thing, as brian said, we don't know if the supreme court is going to take it up, but we do know there is a 3:00 this afternoon deadline for the states of michigan with, wisconsin, georgia and pennsylvania to respond. keep in mind the electoral college meets on monday, so time is of the essence. but at the same time, while we're talking aboutmy, wisconsin, georgia -- michigan, wisconsin, georgia and pennsylvania, how they screwed up their election and that is the basis of the texas lawsuit, according to "the new york times" the attorney generals of pennsylvania, michigan, wisconsin and georgia have all asked the supreme court to reject the texas lawsuit. ainsley: you know what's interesting, they have a good cause in the fact that under article iii of the constitution, they have to go to the supreme court if there are disputes between states. it says they have to go to the supreme court. also it says in article ii that
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if they violate it -- if they didn't go to the state legislature to change the election laws, we keep hearing they changed the rules in the middle of the game, you're not supposed to do that, you're supposed to go to the legislature, and this can vote however they want to change things. the problem is there were so many changes needed because of covid. people did not want to go to the polls, so i wonder if they'll take that into effect. but the legislators still should have been asked to change the rules with covid in mind in these four states. steve: the larger issue, this probably in addition to voting during the pandemic, is a question of essentially what they're asking for are are millions of ballots to be thrown out. you know, there are a lot of mail-in ballots from people who followed all the rules, and then there are other mail-in ballots where the state changed the rules at the last time through the legislature or through the executive branch, not necessarily by passing a law, but doing it as quickly as they could. ainsley: right. well, it would be difficult,
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yeah. do you throw out all the mail-in ballots? do you just throw them all out? the people who changed the rules in each of these states are to blame. whoever maybe -- they should have gone to the legislature, and we would have had more confidence in our vote. brian: there were some challenges, and they weren't successful, and they did not do a good job of -- ainsley: look what happened in georgia. in georgia the democrats sued. they said if you mail-in, you can't show up and show your id, so they changed it to where the signature on the ballot matched the signature when they applied for it. many are wondering dud they apply? did they forge names? we need to be able to trust the system. brian: we just want the right verdict. president trump demanding answers on why the federal investigation into hunter biden and jim biden was not widely reported until now. griff jenkins, what do you think? >> reporter: hey, brian, ainsley and steve, good morning. i think if you want to understand why the president is so upset, consider this: the
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justice department for two years now, since 2018, has been investigating the overseas business dealings and financial history of hunter biden, and at the same time, well, president trump's opponent in the election was making statements like this in the debates. watch. >> my son has not made money in terms of this thing about what are you talking about, china. i have not had -- the only guy that made money from china is this guy, the only one. nobody else has made money from china. >> reporter: the president tweeting over the lack of transparency, quote: why didn't the fake news media, the fbi and the doj report the biden matter before the election? oh, well, it's okay, we won the election anyway. this as "the wall street journal" reports attorney general barr knew about the investigation into hunter biden, allegedly even keeping republican members of congress in the dark. homeland security chairman ron
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johnson had this to say -- >> we were first trying to just uncover and dig up the information. that was difficult enough within these agencies. and so we issued the report. >> reporter: we reached out to the doj. they declined to comment. someone who also did not want to comment, dr. jill biden yesterday. watch. [inaudible conversations] >> let's go. >> reporter: then as we now know, brian, as you mentioned, another biden under investigation out of the western district of pennsylvania, politico reporting federal authorities are probing the now-bankrupt amore -- americorps health. sources tell us that the at this point president-elect joe biden is not a target or subject of either of these investigations, but it certainly is interesting as we look at who may be
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president-elect biden's pick for attorney general because that individual will have to maintain some level of independence, judicial independence, because these investigations are likely to go past january 20th. brian, ainsley, steve? steve: griff, thank you. very much. this story and the everything swalwell -- eric swalwell story coming out after the election, isn't that convenient, even though remember in the runup to the election fox news gave you -- tucker had the one hour special with tony bobulinski who detailed for an hour exactly joe biden's relationship and business dealings with his son hunter. wood heard that hunter was involved -- we'd heard that hunter was involved in burisma, so we told you about that. and "the new york post" which is also in this building co-owned by news corp. and fox, they had the story about the laptop and how hunter biden reportedly took three laptops to the fix-it shop in delaware. the guy said hunter biden never
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came back to pick up the one laptop, he looked at it and there was disturbing stuff. they've had that for one whole year. so they told you, "the new york post" told you about that story. but that story was labeled as russian discuss information by the mainstream do -- discuss information by the mainstream media. and then you've got twitter and facebook, they were censoring everybody who was trying to talk about that story. so why were the mainstream media censoring that? and what about the most prominent newspaper in america, "the new york times"? why weren't they covering that story? trey gowdy was on the story last night and said this -- >> all the things we read and saw in the weeks leading up to the election, with saw donald trump's tax returns in "the new york timesing we saw that eric trump was being deposed by the attorney general. ivanka trump's business dealings, jared kushner's business dealings, all of that is fair game.
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now, think about how many leaks the new times has gotten about ongoing -- "the new york times" has gotten about ongoing investigations and not a word about hunter biden or any member of the biden family, and for those who did write about it, the social media platforms punished you if you tried to disseminate that information. steve: but now some media outlets are talking about those stories because the election's over. joe biden won that election as you have heard. tucker's going to sit down once again with tony bob lin are sky saturday -- bobulinski saturday at 5:00, sunday at 10:00. keep in mind, he's the guy who turned over his devices to the fbi, and he essentially detailed how joe biden fit into hunter biden's business dealings. so the big question is what did joe biden know and when did he know it. and i know that once he becomes president, you can't subpoena him. but in this gray zone between
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now and the inauguration, could he be subpoenaed and tell his story before a grand jury? i don't know. i'm not a lawyer, just asking. ainsley: they're probably saying, whoo, that story didn't come out until after the election. if the media doesn't report it, the average american doesn't know about it. especially the democrats, if their watching mainstream media, they're not going to know about it. they're going to vote for joe biden because they made him look like a peach. media research center says 17% of biden voters would not have voted for him had they known this story. that is 1 in 6 voters. they're calling this media suppression. if we don't report on it, you i don't know it -- steve: if a tree falls in the forest and there's nobody there to hear it -- iowans that's right. wasn't sure i was exactly right. brian: there just is so much carnage along the way. you don't make a lot of money if you fix computers, but he's got
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his own shop in delaware, hunter biden picks out that shop, he doesn't answer call calls, so this guy turns it over to the fbi, he's called a hacker and a russian agent. he said my whole family's been in the military from the cold war to world war ii, he would have been if he didn't have bad eye sight, and he said i'm not a hacker. of he says the process is no different than i was asked to do and that was drag and drop the information to a usb drive. so there's no villain at a delaware computer store. meanwhile, the president-elect in some circles is joe biden. joe biden had a zoom call with people getting concerned that he's not progressive enough. wanted everyone on that zoom call to know that defunding the police is not a phrase that america embraces. listen. >> already labeled us as being defund the police. anything we put forward in terms of the organizational structure
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to change policing, which i promise you will occur, promise you, just think to yourself and give me advice whether we should do that before january 5th. because that's how they beat the loving hell out of us -- living hell out of us across the country, saying that we're talking about defunding the police. we're not. we're talking about holding them accountable. brian: they are. there's internal affairs, there's body cams, there's video cams, iphones. you want to address that thing you do with police, but my sense is it wasn't necessarily defund the police. the concept was one he disagreed with, it was the words and phrase and how it was taken. that's what david webb was saying. >> joe biden's doing what a corrupt politician from washington, d.c. does. he's playing both sides, and he's covering everything. notice he didn't say we won't go forward with defund the police. he basically said, look, not a good idea right now. and, you know, just as joe biden
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the hypocrite, because while they were looting, rioting and burning buildings and the livelihoods to the ground around america, campaign staff ors for biden and harris were donating money to bail out rioters. brian: he's 100% right about that, they are defunding the police in minneapolis, they did defund the police in new york, they are doing it in seattle, they're continuing to do it in portland. colin kaepernick tweeted out his whole campaign, he's got ben and jerry's all with the phrase defund the police. so anyone who thinks that was a misportrayed, inaccurately said or it doesn't reflect how they feel, you could easily stop all of this. believe me when they say it. steve: well, in minneapolis they passed the budget, and they cut $8 million from the police. here's the problem, and, you know, it was in minneapolis where george floyd was killed, and look at the increase in
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crime year-over-year. brian: look at carjackings. steve: arson, up 77%. we were just talking with laura westbrook, her place was burned down. here's a bad one, homicide, 73% up. robberies about 50. and, brian, absolutely right, carjackings up 331% year-over-year, ainsley. and part of it has got to be that people who are carjacking think, okay, you know, i'm not going to get caught. or if i do get caught, you know how things work these days, i'll be out on the street in 15 minutes. ames e -- ainsley: it makes me so sad because we look at this many as heroes. when we need them, we call them -- brian: they're quitting. ainsley: there aren't enough of them to come to our aid. i hear in new york there's so many that want to retire, now, no, you have to wait until next year because they can't process all the a paperwork, and they are moving so many of this many.
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i love the law enforcement officers, we have so many of them out here who protect us, and they are wonderful people. it's so disheartening, these cities that we love are seeing crime go up, police officers are not supported. it's such a different world than it was after 9/11. it really is. they were revered. they were thanked, they were loved and, yeah, there's some bad apples, but the majority of this many aren't. all right, let's hand it over to carly with the headlines. >> reporter: good morning. we're going to start with a fox news alert. just this morning hhs secretary alex awe czar announcing the fda will grant emergency use for pfizer's coronavirus vaccine. >> just a little bit ago the fda informed pfizer that they do intend to proceed towards an authorization for their vaccine. we could be seeing people getting vaccinated monday, tuesday of next week. >> reporter: pfizer says it should have 25 million doses ready for the u.s. by the end of this month. meantime, the u.s. carries out a rare execution overnight.
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brandon bernard died by lethal injection at an indiana prison. he was convicted of robbing and killing two youth ministers in 1999. four other federal inmates are scheduled to be executed, one of them today. the executions are the first during a presidential transition period in more than a century. the victims of bernie madoff will get another payout. the justice department announcing nearly 37,000 people will receive $488 million in recovered funds. it's the sixth madoff victim fund payout bringing the total to more than $3 billion. he was sentenced to 150 years in prison for running the largest ponzi scheme in history. check this out, an ohio dad steps up and sings the national anthem at his son's basketball game after the sound system failed. watch.
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♪ o, say does that star-spangled bannerrer yet wave -- ♪ o'er the land of the free and the home of the brave. ♪ [cheers and applause] >> reporter: wow. brendan brown singing with no microphone or music. he comes from a military family and decided -- [laughter] some encouragement from his wife -- ainsley: and he goes back to eating pop corn. brian: a cappella. ainsley: no big deal. steve: you know, carly, at the end of that, he probably would have had a mic drop, but there was no mic. >> reporter: all he needed was his voice, and what a great voice that is. brian: and the bigger story is they're actually playing sports in high school. that's great. all right. thanks, carly. yeah, i know. straight ahead, the state department now warning about the growing threat of chinese
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influence on college campuses. retoured four-star -- retired four-star general jack keane here with analysis on that and more. ♪ you're still the one ♪ that i love to touch ♪ still the one ♪ and i can't get enough ♪ we're still having fun, ♪ and you're still the one applebee's 2 for $20. now that's eating good in the neighborhood. did you know that your clothes can actually attract pet hair? with new bounce pet hair & lint guard, your clothes can repel pet hair. one bounce mega sheet has 3x the hair fighting ingredients of the leading dryer sheet. simply toss into the dryer to bounce out hair & lint. look how the shirt on the left attracts pet hair like a magnet! pet hair is no match for bounce.
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♪ >> but we see too often on american campuses that there's silence and censorship. it's being driven by the chinese communist party. usually boils down to something far less idealistic. so many of our colleges are brought by beijing. brian: secretary of state mike pompeo highlighting the threat china poses to college campuses, even accusing some universities of being bought by bay young. let's bring in retired four-star general jack keane. general, people are caught up in the south china see sea and
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think -- south china sea and thinking that's the threat, but the threat is everywhere. do you see it that way? >> oh, yeah. we've never dealt with a country that has such a comprehensive strategy to undermine their adversaries and also promote themselves. that's what's going on on z these college campuses. russia, iran, north korea, they try to undermine our democracy. what china tries to do is purge anything negative about the chinese communist party or china itself on a college campus. and they do the same thing with content out in hollywood in movies. how do they do that? with money. they pour millions and millions of dollars into these campuses to influence the department heads who are controlling the content that's going out to our students. that's what this is about. brian: general, there's 65 active, they used to be called confucius institutes on u.s. campuses. i think columbia's bulking up their school. what's wrong with learning about
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the chinese culture? >> well, or there's nothing wrong with learning about the chinese culture, one, if it was accurate and it's not; and, two, these confucius centers, they all have mentors. these chinese students, they don't assimilate into the full breadth and social experience of the college. they stay in their own cocoon, so to speak. and the mentors oversee what they're doing. there's two things the students are doing and two things the i chew news are doing on a campus. one is what we just talked about, influence operations in terms of self-promoting china and its glory, so to speak. the second thing is they steal research information and technology. so you've got to think of what is happening on college campuses is twofold. one is there's spying going on and spy being also going on with our professors and some of them are bought and paid for, and the other thing is the influence operation itself. brian: and john ratcliffe sees
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it, he's shifted $85 billion from the intelligence budget to focus on this. weighing in, robert o'brien, he wrote an editorial saying this, militarily how to stare down this threat. the plan will provide a battle force of 355 vessels including over ten years, nearly 400 within 20. beijing's building islands in the south china sea, menacing allies, the u.s. dominance is necessary to meet this challenge. i know robert o'brien thinks that, the president agrees with that, but if there is another administration next, do they understand that? >> i don't know for sure how this incoming administration actually feels about all of these issues because there's been no discussion of it. but i think this much we do know, there's cop census -- consensus among the american people, brian, that china is a real threat. there's consensus in the congress, bipartisan consensus, that china is a real threat.
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i don't see this administration doing what the obama administration did which is hollow out the military. the reason why we're in such a challenging situation is 20 years of 9/11 wars, but also the eight years of the obama administration in cutting the defense budgets. now we're digging ourselves out of this hole, and the navy here clearly we have to, we have to get back to where we were. we're at 275 ships. china has 355 ships right now. brian: absolutely. >> we have a much higher quality navy though. we have 11 carriers, they have 2. we have better trained sailors, and we have better trained leaders than they have. but there has been -- and we've talked about it many times, brian -- an absolute defined erosion of the united states military dominance. and that is what we're trying to correct. brian: and as we come out of this pandemic, the defense department can't be gutted. be more efficient. finally, something that's not getting enough play, the abraham
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accords have another country recognizing israel, and it is no morocco. they join bahrain, uae and sudan recognizing israel's right to exist. what does this mean? >> this is a real sea change. it's a geo political paradime shift in the middle east -- paradigm shift. the catalyst is iran. the fact that the arab nations are coming together with israel is something we've talked about for years. we always would say what we need in the mulled east is an arab -- middle east is an arab nato, and it's happening right before our eyes. a political, military and economic alliance is coming together, and i just hope that the biden administration, if they come in to power, that they recognize the sea change that has taken place here and build on it, use with it as leverage, brian, in deals with the iranians. just don't knee jerk yourself back into the old deal. create a much better deal with
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tough conditions because you have the leverage now. brian: yes. and this president moved the embassy. they said, well, middle east peace is over. they don't want to deal with the palestinians, but he desaied all conventional -- defied all conventional wisdom and jared kushner deserves a lot of credit, but overall the president's fresh approach is one of his greatest accomplishments. general jack keane, thank you so much. >> yeah. great talking to you, brian. have a great weekend. brian: i'll see you at west point. meanwhile, geraldo rivera and senator marsha blackburn will be here, and we'll try to squeeze them both in. introducing voltaren arthritis pain gel.
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closed. some of them just across the street, some just down the road about a mile. ainsley? ainsley: christina parse nebraskaless with fox business joins us live in upstate from an orange zone. kristina? >> reporter: yeah, that's exactly it. you have businesses in this area, this is an orange zone in new york that is closed. the governor of new york deemed this area and businesses that are high risk telling them they have to close like the hair salon behind me. it's been closed for over a month. but you have businesses literally just about less than a mile away in connecticut or that are able to stay open. i spoke to the owner about the situation, and he's frustrated because of the arbitrary rules, and and he's worried customers are just going to go elsewhere. listen in. >> new york behind us here in ryebrook, they are operating as usual. so indicating that it is safe to get a hour cut here but --
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haircut there but not here. >> reporter: it's a similar situation all across the country, you have lawmakers scrambling to close town businesses for a second time, and it's very frustrating because the lawmakers decide who stays open, who stays closed. and that means small businesses could face a bleak winter with restrictions and dwindling customers, and that leaves nothing but the fight for survival. back to you guys. brian: all right, thank you so much, kristine and a half. geraldo rivera, let's be honest, it's ohio. what about9 what's going on with these small businesses? you were a small business owner, you know what it's like with your family and a diner. how do you deal with this frustration? >> terrible. how do you deal with it, i'm not a shrink, but i can -- brian: you stay open anyway. you would stay the open anyway. >> well, i don't know about that. it is arbitrary, and it is capricious apparently, particularly when you have a
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situation as the reporter just described where you have one town ending where it has one rule or one state and across the street it's totally different and totally arbitrary. but the problem is we're trying desperately to stem the flow of a horrific epidemic, a plague, a once in a lifetime kind of situation, and now with the fda, alex azar saying that the vaccine will probably be approved finally today, be in people's arms starting on monday, i just beg people to be patient. it's almost -- the long national nightmare is are almost over. brian: you have unnecessary pain that's talking place. unnecessary. >> i -- brian: we just had the guy in charge of the task force on. you can have outdoor dining in california. >> the food lines, i think the concern that i have poor people going hungry because congress, under nancy pelosi, can't get their act together -- brian: absolutely.
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>> -- to help people who are desperately needy. we support the cleveland food bank, but it is an awesome, an awesome demand. there are so many people who are hungry who are usually high functioning people able to take care of themselves. that's no longer the case. in terms of the rules though, i think it's very easy to agitate people about doesn't this seem illogical and isn't this a pain in the butt, and isn't this guy a hypocrite, he goes to matters and to forth. i just think all this will soon be a distant memory. we've got to soldier through the last minutes of this, of this horrible thing that has plagued us, taken almost 300,000 american lives. we've got to take it seriously, do the best we possibly can. someone's dying every 30 seconds. let's understand whew public officials grasping for solutions are doing things that seem, that seem, as i said -- [inaudible conversations] ainsley: you know what that restaurant owner's saying, geraldo? i have been patient. i can't until the bank to be
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patient when i can't pay my mortgage. >> i'm not -- [inaudible conversations] brian: i just want to work. >> but isn't that a function of the fact that we've closed these businesses. these businesses should receive somen kind of compensation for that -- ainsley: yes, yes. >> we're taking away their ability to make money. so whewn't can't nancy pelosi, how dare she trying to get the sweetest deal she possibly could to bail out the pension plans in bankrupt cities like new york and states like new york, how can she not understand that what she has done is a horrible, horrible misdeed? she's -- this is malfeasance of the worst sort. she could have had a $1.8 trillion deal back in october, you know? she they would out for a $2.3 trillion, now she's getting less than half if she's lucky, and people have suffered as a result. i think that is really, really scandalous, and anyone who says that she's like an historic, you
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know, speaker of the house has to understand that this was obstruction -- i'm sure -- that this was a structural failure, that she and her democratic colleagues let the ball drop because they wanted to hurt donald trump in the election. there's absolutely no justification, no excuse for it. it was terrible, and people have suffered as a result. nowhere to direct your anger -- know where to direct your anger. it's not at the localedderman, it's at washington, particularly at the democrats in washington. steve: we are getting so much closer, and 3,000 people died today, and they're projecting 3,000 told, that's more than we lost on 9/11. so, geraldo, speaking of nancy pelosi, nancy pelosi, let's see, in 2015 decided eric swalwell, i just heard about him from the fbi that apparently he was the target of a chinese influence campaign. but nonetheless, i'm going to put him on the intel committee where they splay out all the secrets.
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>> that's a great idea. steve: yeah. i'm sure they talk about china all the time and, apparently, he had cozied up to this woman from china who is being depicted as a spy. are you surprised that her response is i'm not concerned about him, and the republicans knew too even though the republicans say what's she talking about? they didn't tell us. >> well, it is a 5-year-old story. however, taking what general keane said in the priest segment, were at -- previous segment, we are at war with china in every way except militarily. they are trying everything they possibly can. they're building those islands, those artificial islands, they're building up their fleet, they are seducing our tech companies. if you want to do business in china, you've got to surrender your secrets, and they are flooding american universities and our other institutions with
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students, quote-unquote, you know? one of 370,000, every year 370,000 chinese students come here. brian: it's gotta stop. >> it is an absolute, it's an open, open door for spies to come in. in her case she used her sexual charms. i don't know what her relationship was with swalwell. she did e she seuss two western -- seduce two western mayors. he had charms that went beyond the diplomatic, let's put it that way. steve: that's very diplomatic. ainsley: have a great weekend. >> thank you, iowansly. ainsley: let's bring in tennessee senator marsha blackburn. good morning to you, senator. >> good morning. ainsley: let's talk about hunter biden and now his uncle, who is joe biden's brother, they're investigating him as well. the president tweeting out: i why didn't the fake news media, the fbi and doj report the biden matter before the election?
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a lot of people are frustrated. people are saying we didn't know about this story. if we would have, we would not have voted for joe biden, 17% of biden voters said that according to media research center. what do you say? >> well, and what we're beginning to see is a lot of buyer's remorse for people who voted for joe biden are actually -- they felt like they were voting against donald trump, and they're saying if we had that -- known there was tangled web with hunter biden, that he was federal investigation, it is for money laundering, for tax evasion. that new york post story was actually accurate. this computer shop owner, if if what they were saying was actually true. , but ainsley, you had the mainstream media begin to say, oh, there's nothing to this, it is just xenophobia by republicans. but look at this.
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with the swalwell story, with the things pelosi is dealing with, with hunter biden, with jon ossoff who is running against david perdue down in georgia. it is all relationships with china. and in the case of the georgia race, you've got this jon ossoff who worked for a company producing videos, and it was a chinese commune government-owned company, and now he admitted he hid these details during the democratic primary. he didn't want to get too close to china. so then he amended his senate ethics filing after the primary and said, well, you know, i did this work for this company in china producing these documentaries. i don't know if they were propaganda or if they're documentaries because he will not say. he's been lying about this. and now they're saying, well, you know, it was below -- his payment was below the $5,000
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threshold. is this another relationship that china is trying to cultivate? is this somebody that is also, you know, he's also worked for al-jazeera, but then he says he's not making money. so is his company a nonprofit, a profit? the list goes on and on. the sordid relationships that democratic party candidates and elected officials that are far too cozy with china. and as general keane said, we are at war with china on every single front except the u.s. military. they do not wish us us well. we're in this pandemic mess because of china. brian: yeah. and we should not be shy about saying that. they still have not told us how it started, and the w.h.o. has not told us how it started because they don't know. senator blackburn, thanks so much. i'm looking at the polls, and i know you've got to take it with a grain of salt, but it looks
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like two flat-footed ties, so this is going to be decided in georgia leading up to january 5th, it's going to be decided over the next few weeks who's going to hustle, who's going to get the vote out. senator, thanks so much. also we invited senator jon ossoff on, and the answer is no, not yet. we didn't get a response. thank you, senator black burn. steve: all right, meanwhile, rascal flatts teaming up with two-time grammy award winner jason crabb as they join us with a special live performance of their new christmas single. you're going to hear it exclusively right here next. but first, also exclusively, sandra smith tells us about her show coming up. sandra: hey, feeling festoff around here, for sure. the latest in the hunter biden investigation, and the media's covering of that story that a new york post had hadline this morning, hunter cover-up, bill mcgurn will be here to react.
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plus, marc thiessen weighs in on nancy pelosi saying she's not concerned about eric swalwell's ability to serve in congress after the spy scandal. and food banks across america serving more people than ever. feeding america ceo kate fitzgerald is our guest, and she is and her team are struggling to keep up with soaring demand amid the pandemic. how you can help. join us live from "america's newsroom" top of the hour. , ♪
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brian: tax relief for discuss tillliess about to run dry, and come january taxes could increase by 400 percent. grady trimble from fox business with that story. grady. >> reporter: hey, brian. taxes went way down for craft distilleries back in 2017 with the tax cuts, but now on january 1st they could skyrocket. like you said, by 400%. and that would be very troubling for this industry. we're with paul, he is the owner and founder of few spirits. long-term customers move to pay more, but what about short term? >> certainly short term it's going to hurt us because we're not going to be able to hire as many people, we're going to have to change the way we purchase instead of using american
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products, i'm going to have to buy foreign. right now we get to hire or and use american-made products. >> reporter: you need congress to act on this really quickly. if they're watching right now, what would your message to them be? >> we need your help. we need this to pass now and permanently. >> reporter: and this is one of the many distilleries, brian, that stopped up and started making hand sanitizer at the start of the pandemic. now they're asking for a little help, and they hope congress can step up and help them. brian: i think it's the least they could do. grady, appreciate it. ainsley, steve? ainsley: you know him from rascal flatts, but did you know that j.d. also has his own christian music label? steve: and he tamed up with jason crabb earlier this year, and they are releasing a brand new christmas single. guys, good morning, merry christmas.
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>> good morning. >> merry christmas. steve: listen, jay, i know this has been a rough couple of months for you. you lost your dad at the end of october. and as you get ready to perform this song, i'm sure you're reminded of him from that piano right there in nashville. >> absolutely. i feel him every time i sit down at this piano. this is the piano that he taught me on. so i'm so happy to have it in my house, and it's so precious now to see my son playing on it. it's definitely passed down generations, and i think about him every time i sit at it. steve: yeah. ainsley: jason, your music is phenomenal as well. i know you're a christian singer, and i'd rather have jesus, he won't leave you there, some of my favorites among others, a lot of my christian circle are so proud of both of y'all, and we all feel like we're just leaning on god to talk us through this tough time. tell us your story. how'd you become christian and
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christian singers? >> well, i grew up in the church. first of all, i want to say thank y'all for having us on. we absolutely love you, love you, love your show. steve: thank you. >> you know, i grew up in the church. my dad was a pastor. and so i had to, you know, i had to learn how to play and sing, and the next the thing you know, it tugged at my heart, and i wanted to surrender my life to jesus. i did just that, and the crabb family, 14 years of that i came off thed road, started a solo career, and jay and i have been working if music together, and he started red street records. i said, man, i want to be there. we work good together. steve: jay, what is it about this time of year where it seems like more people kind of slow down a little bit and they wind up singing? they sing songs, you know, you
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start to hear a christmas carol, and it puts you in the mood for the season. you know, you've got this song, strange way to save the world, what is it about singing and christmas time for you? >> i think it's a message of hope. i think it's the time where everybody reflects on what's really important and why we celebrate, you know? that's the thing about christmas, it's not all about santa and presents. we certainly love santa -- [laughter] but it's about our savior and the hop of all mankind. as -- hope of all man kind. he came to earth to give his life as a sacrifice for all of us x. that's why i love this song so much, strange way to save the world, because it talks about the christmas story from a different perspective. a lot of people think about the wise men and the shepherds and the manger, but this talks about it from joseph's perspective and what a wonderful imposition it was on his life to be the step daddy to savior of the universe. i think it's a really wonderful
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take on the christmas story. ainsley: you've got to start the song, tell us what it's about. i know we heard from jay's perspective, but what does it mean to you? >> well, i love it because it is a different perspective, and i love it because it, you know, think about really what it could have been if jesus would have come, that's one of the lines in the song, he came in a manger. i think that's the thing that relates -- steve toof yeah. indeed. all right. we've been talking about it. ladies and gentlemen, jay demarcus at the piano, his dad's piano, and jason crabb with "a strange way to save the world." ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ -- at a manger -- ♪ message from the angels come to life. ♪ and joseph thought, i'm just a simple man -- ♪ -- inside this stable --
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♪ -- what angels had to say. ♪ this is such a strange way to save the world. ♪ just think of -- ♪ -- lowly shepherd -- ♪ and as he held the savior in
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his arms -- ♪ he must have thought why me? ♪ i'm just a simple man of -- ♪ -- inside this stable filled with -- ♪ i'm not one to second guess what angels have to say. ♪ this is such a strange way to save the world.
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♪ i'm not one to second guess what angels have to say. ♪ but this is such a strange way to save the world ♪ steve: that was beautiful. jay demarcus and jason crabb, thank you for joining us from nashville. merry christmas, guys. >> more true christmas. thank you guys so much. [applause] brian: that's going to last forever. ainsley: make sure you download the fox news app. don't miss a moment of the top stories, take fox news wherever you go. you can get a fox news alert,
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you can go on the app and watch live. just scan that qr code on the bottom. brian the psalm way you get a minute knew you with. i'll e hopefully have an interview with the president on sunday. stay within yourself.


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