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tv   Outnumbered  FOX News  December 11, 2020 9:00am-10:01am PST

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trace. >> trace: done. finished. >> it's beautiful, mid-town manhattan christmastime. but it's bizarre how empty the streets are. >> trace: beautiful. have a great weekend. everybody else do the same. >> sandra: we'll see you here monday morning. "outnumbered" starts right now. >> harris: we begin with a fox news alert. a stunning new report that attorney general bill barr knew about two federal investigations in to hunter biden's business dealings and had known since last the spring. however, work to keep that information from the public as the election loomed. that is according to the "wall street journal." president trump tweeted this -- "now it turns out that my phone call to the president of ukraine, which many including me, called perfect is even better than that. predicted biden corruption said to call the attorney general who perhaps knew of the corruption during the impeachment hoax?"
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republicans have been pressing barr now for months to investigate joe biden's dealings. and any potential involvement of his father joe biden as he now prepares to take office. house oversight committee ranking republican warning "the u.s. attorney for the district of delaware's investigation must continue unimpeded. joe biden must not replace the current u.s. attorney for the district of delaware now that his son is under federal investigation. any interference would be meddling in the department of justice affairs." meanwhile, the feds also reportedly investigating joe biden's brother james over his role in a now bankrupt hospital business. a ton to get to. on this friday. you're watching "outnumbered." i'm harris faulkner. here today host of "kennedy" on fox business, kennedy. host of "no interruption" on "fox nation," tomi lahren.
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attorney and fox news contributor emily campagno. and joining us today brian kilmeade. co-host of "fox & friends." host of the "brian kilmeade radio show." if we had 15 more minutes the rest of this busy man's star-filled resume. good to see you, everybody. emily, because of your legal background i'll lean on you hard for the first one. what does all of this mean in the big picture for attorney general bill barr and for president-elect joe biden? >> emily: i will start with the attorney general. so first of all, if he had announced this investigation or in fact taken visible steps in the runup leading to the election it would have gone against the d.o.j. guidelines. there is a lot of crowing about well, look if we had known about this, the vote would have been different. but to me the larger point here is it's clear they are taking pain-staking steps to preserve the integrity of the investigations. and these investigations, the overbreadth or the breadth
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cannot be overstated. they span multiple states, multiple issues, multiple jurisdictions. and as we are going in depth later multiple family members. no one knows more than the g.o.p. what an allegation of bias or actual bias can mean to the integrity of the election -- sorry, integrity of the investigation. so i think here this is a really a major thing they are doing and it should be applauded at this point. i know we are also going into this later but i think it begs the cruciality of the selection that biden would make. attorney general barr vilified as being trump's bulldog so why take further questions to call it in question? from the little we know thus far, they have done a phenomenal job of maintaining that insular quality. so to me right now they are crossing "t"s, dotting "i"s. as more is revealed moving forward, we will know more.
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>> harris: brian kilmeade, talk to me about attorney general bill barr, what he knew, what he think he knew and what we are learning that he knew and the timing of it. >> brian: we saw the "wall street journal." the prosecutor is looking at hunter biden international. we know the delaware district attorney is looking at his domestic issues and the tax problems. we know about jim biden. i just had a chance to talk to trey gowdy and senator kennedy on the radio show. essentially, they think bill barr was 100% right like emily said. if he came out and said i got this investigation, he is now james comey. if it came to fruition naturally during that time, people still would have had suspected it. but william barr i think has proved himself i hope to the president that he is loyal. but he also has a job to do. i think it's very frustrating. i'm like a president without a legal background to say wait a second. everything i said he was doing, you were investigating and you didn't say. but the way it's supposed to go, the way the protocol is
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the investigations are to be kept quiet. unless there is a so-called leak to the "new york times" which seems to happen all the time on different things. >> harris: you had to get your shot. all right. president trump on "fox & friends" in october said a.g. barr needed to look in to the biden family just as brian was saying. take this friday flashback. >> president trump: we have to get the attorney general to act. he has got to act. he has to act fast. he has to appoint somebody. this is major corruption and this has to be known about before the election. this has to be done early. so the attorney general has to act. >> harris: tomi, great to have you on the program. your top line thought and reaction to that? >> tomi: well, i appreciate the legal analysis of both brian and emily. i understand exactly what they are saying but as the average trump supporter sitting here representing, you know, a lot of the trump supporters and a lot of folks out there wondering how deep is the
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swamp? time after time, it seems like this president has people around him that stab him in the back. i agree he has to fulfill his duty as the attorney general and he had to do it quietly. he was following the protocol. i understand that. i think it's important for the american people to know and to understand. and for trump supporters to know and understand. but again, it always seems like everybody involving a democrat, everything involving a liberal always takes a lot longer. it's kept pretty hush-hush. it seems like everything involved a republican whether there is merit to it or not, especially considering donald trump, always seems to happen. it's headline news and everyone is talking about it. we must root out corruption and secure the election. we must talk about russia. then it comes to joe biden and the biden family or really any democrat we discuss and then all of a sudden it a eswhat we have to keep it quiet and be professional. it's frustrating all of the legal notes aside. it's frustrating as the trump supporters to feel like the swamp gets deeper and deeper
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every day. does the president have any loyal allies to protect him or serve him or there to do their job without sabotaging him? it's frustrating. >> harris: kennedy? >> kennedy: well, i'm curious to know what bill barr knows because obviously this is a pretty broad investigation. as emily pointed out. in multiple jurisdictions with a lot of different elements. so, the idea is that we better keep this quiet because hunter biden is not running for president. and the going wisdom is no one is going to change their vote based on hunter biden's bad decisions. the issue we are learning more and more from honest outlets that are willing to report it, it spans multiple family members. so if there is any connection to joe biden and william barr knew that, it's a massive miscarriage of justice if the facts were not made public. that actually would influence
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people's votes. if, you know, joe biden as we have seen has vociferously denied any knowledge of his son's foreign business dealings, and if there is just one piece of information, whether it's tony bobelinsky or the god forsaken laptop that hold a kernel of truth to that and william barr knew that, why stay silent? that is my question. still, it doesn't matter if it's surveillance or justice being meted out, we still don't have the uniform standards. you can't complain about the country being overly politicized if you are going to have two set of standards based on different parties. >> harris: quickly, brian, you piped up and we don't have a lot of time. >> brian: tony bobulinski links the whole thing. he sat down and said where he would be on the money payout. therer 10 million next to the big guy. where is the $10 million?
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whose account is it in? according to the report you have to pay tacts when you get -- pay taxes over the $10 million. the word is they could capone him. if you want to know huh he gets the huge compounds making $200,000 a year, the former senator from delaware, maybe that is the answer. maybe there is a pathway that way. >> harris: wow! yeah, the threshold is a lot lower than $10 million. >> brian: i hope so. >> harris: okay. we have a lot to get to this hour. let's move. this is an example of how most of the main stream media covered the hunter biden story when it first broke. watch. >> the "new york post" front page announcing biden secret e-mail. more shadiness involving hunter biden. >> harris: now there are serious new questions being raised about whether the media covered up the hunter biden story until after the election. some going as far to say the media coverup is a scandal in
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itself. more ahead. and tucker carrill carlson wille an exclusive sit-down interview this weekend with the former hunter biden associate tony bobulinski. you heard brian talk about him. you don't want to miss it. >> the former vice president said he had no knowledge whatsoever of his son's business dealings and was not involved in them at all. but if this sounds like direct involvement. >> that is a blatant lie. when he states that, that is a blatant lie. ok everyone, our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy. whoo-hoo! great tasting ensure with 9 grams of protein, 27 vitamins and minerals, and nutrients to support immune health.
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the we have to find just nosomething good luck! what does that mean? we are doomed. [laughter] that's it. i figured it out! we're going to give togetherness. that sounds dumb. we're going to take all those family moments and package them.
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hmm. [laughing] that works. >> harris: so this is breaking knew from new york city. the governor of the state of new york has reinstated indoor dining ban in new york city. the positivity rate is about 5.35 in the city.
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outdoor dining, takeout will continue. but as of monday, this coming monday, indoor dining is now shuttered in new york city. i want to ask everybody on the panel about this. a couple of you actually live in new york city. the mayor of new york city, de blasio, said he saw this coming, he would support 100% whatever the governor would decide. kennedy? >> kennedy: there are stunning numbers from not only businesses that are now going to close forever, but also commercial real estate. it's just decimated in the city. the mayor has no idea what to do about it. there are counties outside of new york city that have much higher positivity rate and hospitalization rates. and they continue to have the indoor dining and all sort of other services that are available. restaurants have it figured out. if there is one sector that is the most flexible, it's the
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restaurants. i'm talking about partitions, hand sanitizer, distancing. digital menus. they have it covered. if you trust yourself and you trust where you are going, you should have the interaction safely. >> harris: brian, governor cuomo, the book about how he handled -- i'll say that. "cuomo, the boom" how he handled the pandemic. if you look at the award committees that he did a great job. talk to one person, our own janice dean or others who i interviewed about his decisions, dozens of science needs to come with the announcement. maybe it will. we are early on. the news is breaking. >> brian: around the country, the numbers are better in long island. than in manhattan. what they found out, when they stated the indoor dining ban
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in midtown like where we are, they found it didn't matter. there is nobody working. there is nobody working. in the chelsea or eastside, westside, feels like a neighborhood, opening makes sense. to kennedy's point, they vested restaurateurs separating the tables, in plexiglass, in their kitchens. to keep everybody safe. when they started to make money, now the numbers went up. because they are going up around the country. you don't deserve credit in you ban everybody and send them home. you deserve credit if you keep the economy going and do your best to keep people safe. all he is good at is shutting things down and saying no. taking no responsibility for looting and shooting. what he loves to do is show no empathy, as he tells the small businessman and woman who just invested in the food and drinks. all that stuff will go bad and
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go to soup kitchen because you're out of business. these people are going out tonight. if you ban them from indoor dining, i guess it starts on monday. they are going out tonight and monday night. they are going in their apartments on the rooftops, they will have the parties away from you and the local businesses won't make money. you are not stopping it. you are just moving it. >> good point. >> harris: tomi? >> tomi: well, i honestly think that governor newsom and california and governor cuomo in new york have a constant daily battle who can be more atrocious. as brian said, the business owners have the rug pulled out from under them at every turn. they make a little money. nothing like what they should be making around the holiday season but making a little bit of money. the rug pulled out underneath them again. not just the business owners but the employees. these people have to rely on the government for anying in whatsoever. which i'm sure is what the
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democrats love to hear. but for most of us want to make a living and live our lives that is devastating. as brian said, it seems to be the goal around the liberal states is ban first, and then give the science later. where is the evidence that indoor dining is what is spreading the coronavirus? where is the evidence that this is the problem that these, this action taken, moving people outside. that this is going to solve the problem. lessen the cases? i know in california, they weren't really able to provide that information. this is all based on the hear savehearsay, anyway. what we know is small businesses in the restaurant industry will be damaged irreparably if not shut down entirely. enough of this. time for americans to say we are done with this and we will live our lives. enough with the new normal. states are responsible. we are done living to worry about the shadow in the corner.
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time to get back to normal. >> harris: emily, do you think the decisions that some of the lawmakers are making and the reaction from the panel so far in the last few minutes spelling out what it's like to live on the ground and our hearts are breaking every day because we can't seem to stop the spread. on the west coast they closed down outdoor dining. there is certainly no scientific basis for that. do you think that there are long-term repercussions legally? >> there long-term reparations a host of arena. the whole host of the lawsuits from the shutdown. a lot of the focus on the right infringement, the right to wor shim, et cetera. that is a strict scrutiny standard by the court. it's a high bar to cross. if you choose to trample on someone's constitutional right, you have to have an ent reason to do so.
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it has to be tied to what you are prohibiting or allowing. this is a lower standard for the government officials to make. it makes it harder. we saw a victory with the california restaurant association who said to tommy and brian's point there is not the science that differentiate between indoor and the outdoor tining transmission rate. the courts ruled in their favor. the ripple effect in the morgan industry and more things i don't have to go into now. the effects are astronomical for the years to come. >> harris: there are serious new questions raised. whether the media covered up the hunter biden story until after the election. some saying that the media coverup is the scandal. that is next. plus growing support today for the texas lawsuit asking the
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u.s. supreme court to overturn joe biden's victory in the several key battleground states. more than 100 house republicans back president trump in the election fight. what it mean information the big picture. ♪ you must go and i must bide ♪ but come ye back when su-- mo. why's jamie here? it's sunday. sunday sing along. and he helped us get a home and auto bundle. he's been our insurance guy for five years now. he makes us feel like we're worth protecting. [ gasps ] why didn't you tell us about these savings, flo? i've literally told you a thousand times. ♪ oh, danny boy, the pipes, the pipes are calling ♪ i'm just gonna... ♪ from glen to glen to syour body needs routine. system, centrum helps your immune defenses every day, with vitamin c, d and zinc.
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>> harris: much of the media has given this minimal if any coverage. earlier this year, when the "new york post" reported on the e-mails from a laptop reportedly owned by hunter biden, twitter and facebook limited users' ability to share the story. several outlets dismissed or down played the post
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reporting. >> why don't you want to report this? this is one of the most power families in washington. the biden family. you are okay with our interest being sold out to profit of biden and his family when we are suffering in a pandemic from come mist china? a lot of -- communist china? a lot of you should start verification. >> we are not doing your job for you. >> it's a journalist's job to find out if this is everified. >> if it's false, it is better for twitter to let the people read the "new york post" article and sit there and laugh at the hokey story of a computer repairman going this looks suspicious to me! i'm going to call rudy giuliani. let that out. >> the front page with the biden secret e-mails and more shadiness involving hunter biden.
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they may be made up or some are real and others are fake. we don't know. but we know this is a classic example of the right wing media machine. >> harris: they didn't know. but they didn't ask. president trump weighed in yesterday tweeting, "why didn't the fake news media, the f.b.i. and the d.o.j. report that biden matter before the election? oh well, it's okay. we won the election anyway. 75 million votes!" tomi, you first for your thoughts. >> tomi: well, again, this is another example of the media coddling democrats, working in cahoots with democrats being the henchman for democrats. we knew it would happen. four-year vacation for the media. they will investigate how many scoops president trump has of ice cream they won't investigate a real story. you have twitter and facebook censoring the conservatives on a daily basis and even banning the "new york post." making sure that the story doesn't get out there. calling it disinformation. putting disclaimers on it.
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where is the apology now? where is jack dorsey, or mark zuckerberg? where is the apology to the american people and the rest of the main stream media whose headlines pre-election, post election are night and day. the american people deserve an answer. many americans look to the mainstream media for all of their information. they will laugh off a "new york post" story as the russia disinformation and make their choice on election day because they think that the biden family is perfect. they think this is just the right wing media machine. it's not. we are owed an apology be every person out there that scoffed at the "new york post" story that is now somewhat reporting on it. though not to extent it deserves. >> harris: brian? >> brian: couple of things. number one, i love the way that joe scarborough mocked somebody because they are small business owner, computer repair store. they didn't do it be lucrative. they did it because they like to do it.
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it was that computer store owner's problem that hunter dropped it off to be fixed and did not go to the apple store. it's not his fault he left it there and didn't return the calls. it's not his point that hunter had meth addiction and put it on camera on pictures. but he did the right thing and he called the f.b.i. instead he shutters the shop and has to go out of business. he is called an russian agent. he is called a russian agent who is a right wing nut job. instead he said let me explain to you my family serving in the military since before world war ii. he said he is not a hacker. all he did is click and drop on to a usb drive to save the hard drive. he saw what was on it, he did the right thing. don't mock nobody because they didn't get to msnbc show. maybe it just so happens that the people in small businesses are not morons and they did the right thing. >> harris: i want to go to
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something that "wall street journal" editorial board wrote on hunter biden's business dealings. and then i will come to you, kennedy. "when the younger mr. biden business relationships first surfaced, for example, his highly paid physician on the burisma board, december -- position on the burisma board, despite no background, it should have ignited reporting. but instead, they ignored the stronger evidence than the younger mr. biden had been getting rich on his father's name." kennedy? that >> kennedy: that seems like a big story. when brian stelther making a claim we don't know which e-mails are fake or which ones are real. why don't you follow up? contact some of the people who are the subject of those e-mails? and ask them for yourself. that is what, that is what news and journalism is supposed to produce. it's supposed to produce answers but instead we have
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more questions. why is this able to happen? it doesn't matter if it's a famous kid from a republican or a democrat. hunter biden is ham-hand and incompetent, this goes beyond the content of the lab top. if the laptop never existed or we didn't know about the content, the investigation, it's not just the f.b.i. you are also dealing with the u.s. attorney in delaware. this is not just my tax affairs. we are talking about money laundering and god knows what else. so why haven't there been people asking why? why? >> harris: why? in fact. tomi mentioned, emily, where is zuckerberg, facebook having suppressed the story? i imagine on the different matters zuckerberg might be lawyering up. but that is just a question i have. it doesn't need to be answered for now. your thoughts?
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>> tomi: right. to another zucker he said we are not going to capitulate to uunsubstantiated smears. so everything we hear behind closed doors echo what is the huff p.o. did saying they would only put the donald trump campaign in entertainment section because they called this a side show. but the losers are all of us because we deserve the transparency. to everyone's point this behooves all of to us find out what kid regardless of the party is benefiting or exchanging foreign access on his father's name. now to kennedy's point in the earlier block, the more we learn and the more revealed from the subpoenas to finance throughout the multiple investigations, when we find out what exactly joe biden knew, clearly it's too late at this point. but that will be an effective spear that the g.o.p. can use in the 2022 midterms and the
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2024 elections. >> harris: yeah. that is an interesting question. "time" magazine names joe biden and kamala harris its person of the year. in a profile fiercely critical of president trump. imagine that. is this an example of the media coverage for next four years? by the way, aren't they two people? yes. the minneapolis city council follows through on the threat to defund the police. the new backlash from the police. and we have a newly leaked reporting of president-elect joe biden admitting the defund the police movement is hurting democrats. ♪ sofi made it so easy to pay off my student loan debt. (chime) choosing sofi was literally one of the best decisions i could have ever made because it gave me peace of mind. ♪ ...little things...
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supreme court. those states are missouri, utah, louisiana, mississippi, south carolina and arkansas. all this is more than 100 house republicans are also now backing up president trump's legal action to toss out the results in pennsylvania, michigan, wisconsin, and georgia. the crux of the case, the charge of those states acted unlawfully changing the election laws. however? a fiery legal firing, the a.g. of pennsylvania calls the lawsuit meritless and a suspicious abuse of the legal process. brian kilmeade, it feels like this election just isn't quite settled yet. what do you see happening here? >> brian: they say it's a hail mary pass, legal experts. 3:00 today the four states called out will respond officially. shannon breem said they expect the supreme court to talk about it today and decide how to go forward. i say this. everyone is ticked off they couldn't get the elections right. all we want is the right total
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when it comes to the vote. not leslie th necessarily republican/democrat. there are problems with the states singled out. does it rise to that level? i never thought how ticked off other states would because they did it right. florida believe it for the first time in a long time is the example of making adjustments. the other guys and the other leaders went ahead to make changes and they didn't do it the right way. they are frustrated. they back the president. i'm surprised about the number of states and the number of lawmakers. >> kennedy: you are talking to the president tomorrow at the army-navy game. are you asking him about this? >> brian: i think this is one of my first questions. this is the last major legal challenge. then we see what is going to be next. how is he going to handle it? and of course the pomp and the circumstances at west point. this is the number one story, this will give him judging by the tweets, people say around him the greatest hope.
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>> kennedy: the greatest hope for the attorney general paxton, harris, you are going to talk to him next hour. about what he hopes to achieve with the various states signing on. >> harris: it's interesting he started with the four he was going to showcase the lawsuit. and as of yesterday there were 18 states that joined in the fight. i'll ask him about what it feels like to have that kind of support and 100 republicans, too. it wasn't anticipated necessarily but it has arrived. the other thing i want to know is how the u.s. supreme court rejection of the suit in pennsylvania, part of it, what looks like for the battle ahead. i want to know if he sees those things as connected. there is a lot to get to. go army and navy? i grew up military. >> america wins either way. >> harris: i love them all. >> kennedy: absolutely righ
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right! emily, walk us through the supreme court. walk us through what the states are hoping to achieve and what it looks like if the court, does, in fact take up the case. >> emily: texas and the other states argue the supreme court has disputes between the state. the counter argument they don't have the standing to sue over what goes on between the borders of the other states electoral process and secondly the remedy sought is unconstitutional and that it is overbroad. that if it were to happen they invalidate the vote and it invalidates the legal votes, too. it will take away the constitutional vote of the people within. i foresee two things happening either the supreme court rules procedurally at the outset via an order or quick one or rules on the merits. i have to say this.
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we discussed on the show hundreds of the lawsuits coming down to pike in the lead up to the election. the majority of those were filed by the democrat party to change the rules, right? to organize it through the court. this was preventable and and the g.o.p. needs to do a better job to battle this out in the court. this will continue. >> kennedy: well said. tomi, we get you in, in the next block. ahead of the minneapolis police union is blasting the city council after it follows through on the threats to defund the police. there are new backlash from cops and a newly leaked reporting of president-elect biden admitting that the defund police movement badly hurt democrats. that is coming up. stay with us. >> no justice, no peace. defund the police. no justice, no peace, defund the police. ple remember commercials with nostalgia. so to help you remember that liberty mutual customizes your home insurance,
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>> harris: there is some heat going on in minnesota. new backlash after the minneapolis city council voted to cut police funding even though crime and shooting are up. months after the violent protests rocked the city. 8 million of funding shifted to mental health and other services. the police union president warns he can't keep the public
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safe with the cuts. joe biden suggested the defund the police movement hurt democrats in the election. it was leaked. listen. >> president-elect biden: how they beat the living hell out of us across the country saying we are talking about defunding the police. we are not. we are talking about holding them accountable. tomi, he he is not wrong. others said it, too. james clyburn of south carolina. many others. >> tomi: of all the ridiculous things the democrats pushed over the years the defund the police movement has to be the most ridiculous. for those saying the democrats didn't push this, if you are siding with b.l.m., the official goal to defund the police you are supporting the movement to redund if police. we are seeing the horrible devastation that that causes. i also message to the minneapolis city council and the other city councils in seattle and portland and else
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where that want to defund the police department i suggest they suit up and go out there and maybe they should plus the thuggery, the crime and devastation that they have fed for months on end. the officers on a daily basis are demonized and demoralized and defunded but they're supposed to go out with the meager resources they have left to clean up the mess encourage and egged on by the left for a summer that lead in to the fall and doesn't seem to be ending anytime soon. it's ridiculous. they will reap what they sow. the ones impacted the most, the losers here are the good, honest, decent, law-abiding people and the cities defunding the police will be in danger. i hope they understand the next time they go to cast the vote. >> harris: something confusing to me is it seems like the city council want to make this a binary choice. mental health has been made even worse in the pandemic. the lockdown, the isolation
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and so on and so forth. everybody doing what is best to slow down the covid-19. homelessness, food insecurity, hunger. why does it have to choose between what we give for the protection or and what we give to those needing extra protection? >> brian: mental illness is the number one thing if you walk the street. you should add money to the police department and add help to the men and women on the streets. there is a lot in the changes. he promises organizational changes to policing. but should we say it after january 5? that is the future of the senate and power frame to be successful. that is sin control. if you have a policy with you tell us and have the guts to take the fire? >> harris: kennedy?
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>> kennedy: reasonable police reform has faded. there are people in minneapolis complaining when the 911 calls go unanswered. this is a bad environment. you are demonizing the cops and they retire early. you can't get people on the force. you have to be careful how to shift to mental health organizations without oversight. they gave money to the mayor's wife and they don't know where it went. >> brian: it happens. sometimes you lose it. >> harris: all right. "time" magazine names joe biden and kamala harris the person of the year in a profile that fiercely criticized president trump. shocking. is this a preview of the next four years of media coverage?
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>> president trump: i wish you would interview joe biden like you interview me. it would go so good. >> you like this i thought. >> president trump: i don't mind it. but when i watch him walk out of a store walking with an ice cream. the question they ask is what ice cream he has. he's in the midst of a scandal -- >> he is not. >> president trump: of course he is. it's the second biggest scandal. >> kennedy: president trump in october to accuse the media being too easy on candidate joe biden. last night, time magazine named president-elect and vice president elect harris the person of the year. beat out the presidents, the healthcare workers and dr. fauci and the racial justice movement. the contrast and the language of biden and harris could be a preview of the next four years
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of the softball media coverage. the author about biden the pledge to restore the soul of the nation was antiquated he come when president trump -- hocum as trump was chewing up norms and spitting them out. wow! so much to look forward to. how predictable. >> emily: according to her biden might as well be jesus as he was all about the humanity and hope and he just wanted modicum decency restored to the soul of the nation. i was a slap in the face as well to the historic moment that harris nomination and election will be that she is the first vice president to be feel and person of color. that says who i thought would be on the cover. so this just makes trump for person of the year. this reinforced that he is a
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son around which the media orbits instead of documenting what is an incredible historic moment of the significance. >> kennedy: the circulation for "time" dropped precipitously. in 2003 it was 4 million 2018 before they went to digital and then just 2 million. sol they saw subscribers die off. it's sad. >> brian: sad to see the recount of how harris and biden got the job. they were terrible. they talked about harris running out of money and no momentum and biden losing everything and quitting new hampshire. there is only one reason he got the nomination to begin with. when it came to the campaign they freely admit he didn't campaign nor have a message but point out being responsible and he is going to save the day.
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the track record is terrible. the campaign is terrible. the nomination was awful. there is nothing great about the ticket yet. maybe the best is yet to come. america should hope for. >> kennedy: don't you want to pick one person? if it's person of the year don't move two people of the year or movements or 15 million people and anthony fauci. go ahead. >> tomi: you know i know we don't have much time left but you'll say and speaking of the time i'll say that the cover with biden and harris faulkner is anotheharris -- andthe coverd harris is another cover they didn't earn. the so-called journalist love to cover them. and what kind of ice cream they like. it's something they didn't earn. but i don't think anyone cares who is "time" person of the year. >> kennedy: i think joe will have to use a candy cane to hobble through the next four
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years. thank you to everyone. brian, emily, tomi and to you. happy friday. now here is harris. >> harris: growing controversies now for joe biden as we are learning about another federal investigation within his family. "outnumbered overtime" now. i'm harris faulkner. the feds are investigating joe biden's brother james over his role in the now bankrupt hospital business. biden's son hunter faces a federal probe over the overseas business dealings. hanging over all of it, what did president-elect joe biden know as it was all unfolding >> harris: conservative radio host mark levine weighs in. >> every newsroom in america bar a few covered up the story. a huge story. now early voting and mail-in voting. if this


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