tv Hannity FOX News December 12, 2020 1:00am-2:00am PST
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ging ...and giving back, is what the holidays are all about. use the chevy employee discount for everyone to get a total value of over eight thousand four hundred dollars on this silverado. get the chevy employee discount for everyone today. ♪ >> sean: welcome to "hannity." we start tonight with bad news if you believe in our constitution, if you believe in a rule of law, if you believe in equal justice, equal application of our laws. if you believe in free, fair elections that americans can have faith in, confidence in, integrity in, because tonight, that texas suit challenging the election results in pennsylvania, michigan, georgia, wisconsin, was rejected by the u.s. supreme court, although they have original jurisdiction. they have refused to even hear the case. now remember, a very serious,
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legitimate challenge, garnered widespread support, 18 state attorneys general, the president, six states actually joining the case, 18 states with briefs in support of the case, 126 members of congress supporting the case, including minority leader kevin mccarthy signing on to support the brief, and very real concerns, your real concerns, not even considered. we are going to break it all down. kayleigh mcenany and rudy giuliani, the president's attorney responding tonight. we will have a "hannity" investigation also into what is now a full on media mob, big tech mob cover up of the hunter biden scandal. remember that candidate protection program i told you all about? yeah, it was accurate. and later, we will check in with some of the radical socialist hoping to control biden's agenda, but we turn our attention tonight to the supreme court and the fight for what is election integrity. u.s. supreme court rejected what
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was a real lawsuit, and the decision was not unanimous. dissenting opinion, justice thomas and justice alito wanted to hear the case. they were absolutely right. this was an original jurisdiction case and when they should've taken. they should be commended for taking a stand. as we have discussed in great detail in this program, this case was built on two extraordinarily well argued, legally sound, constitutionally sound documented arguments. one, the suit detailed how article two of the constitution was violated. as stated in article two, it requires state legislatures to decide election policy. now, we have chronicled, clearly the american people see it, 83% according to a gallop for, it was violated in multiple ways, including pennsylvania. remember mail-in ballot deadline, we will just change it to whatever we want, without any lawmaker, legislative approval.
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again, only a state legislature, constitutionally, has the right to do that. look at georgia with that horrendous consent decree entered into because of a democratic party lawsuit with the secretary of state, and of course, they should have gone to the legislature to sign any consent decree. they did not. again, flagrantly unconstitutional. the suit's second argument surrounding unequal application of the law, well, we saw that in droves. we sell whistle-blower after whistle-blower, we saw witness after witness, poll workers, partisan observers, they are encountering, pretty much every county, every city, every state, different rules that every location. that would be equal protection. back because obviously violated. let's go back to bush v gore. we know the partisan observers, election workers, faced unequal rules, unequal procedures, in different counties, and even in the same state.
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another violation of the constitution. many states follow the law. many states conducted what was a free, fair, efficient election that everybody had confidence in. but a few states did not come and many others stained the entire process, and doing so, they were disenfranchising all of the legal voters in every other state where they did follw the rule of law, they did follow the constitution, and everything was done properly, including texas, and the other states that signed on to the suit. let me make one thing clear: there are 83 plus percent of republicans now in the country, almost 30% of democrats, that don't trust the results of the election. 77%, according to the quinnipiac paul that came out yesterday. after what we have all now watched unfold over the last month, how does anybody trust the election results?
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now, the fight will continue on the state level, good breaking news out of wisconsin, as the supreme court there has agreed to take up a trump campaign lawsuit challenging tens of thousands of potentially tainted ballots in the state. separate and apart from the case that reince priebus has been telling you about on this program. but in doing so, they skipped over the court of appeals in wisconsin. which could be a very good sign. here is a reaction is more, the president's attorney rudy giuliani. mr. mayor, one, we welcome you back. we really have been very thankful for your good health and your speedy recovery, as with anybody that gets covid. i have one page release by the court tonight. your reaction. fico my reaction is great disappointment. this is a case i believe has an obligation to take. the case lays out allegation, which if true, the election was
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conducted illegally, on any number of grounds, constitutional grounds, several of them, in the case of, for example, the state of georgia, there is a videotape in and of itself, the election stolen it in front of your eyes come alive on tape. you can't just discount that. the people in this country are entitled to a hearing on this, and i feel that the supreme court, or at least seven of the justices, have negated their responsibility to try and pull the country together and give us a rational view of this case, as opposed to the hysterical, propaganda-inspired review we have had so far. these are sound allegations. they may or may not be true, they have to be tested, but that is what the court is for. they can just -- i think there
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the court in this land. and the fact is, these four states had allegations which, if they were true, this election was won by donald trump, as opposed to joe biden. and they should have at least given us a hearing so we could present our facts, and not just shipped off to the side. i think this is going to be a terrible, terrible thing in american history. and that film in georgia is going to be like the film was to the kennedy assassination. stand the test of time. >> sean: let me ask you -- >> look at them cheating on tape. stealing votes on tape to steal the election right in front of your eyes. >> sean: 83% gallup poll, they
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see fraud, 70% of republicans, quinnipiac. it's taken a while, but the cases, affidavits have been side, we have heard from whistle-blower after whistle-blower, i witnessed such eyewitness, you mentioned the georgia tape. we have now documented cases, not even in dispute, about politicians changing laws, not going as the constitution requires to state legislators. laws were ignored completely. laws about partisan observers never happened, chain of custody ignored in terms of ballots. unequally applied laws. all of which we have now chronicled. none of these things i just mentioned here are in dispute at all. go ahead. >> and no judge has been willing to give us a hearing on it. see no evil, hear no evil, keep it away from us.
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don't let us have to deal with it. it's too controversial. 882,770 ballots counted in philadelphia and pittsburgh without a single republican observer. i mean, that's outrageous. that is a landslide election stolen. president trump, if he would have looked at pennsylvania, won pennsylvania by 300,000 votes, stolen from him. and his people have not even had a chance to have a hearing to prove that. we believe it has been stolen from him. we believe we have facts that allege that, and we are not given a chance to have a hearing on it. at least give us a hearing and show us how we are wrong. this is going to leave a terrible terrible division among the american people, because there is no question that these allegations have not been resolved. they are wide open. we are talking about millions of votes. hundreds of thousands and millions of votes that were
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stolen. 100,000 votes driven into an arena in detroit at 4:30 in the morning. taken off a truck, counted. another one in atlanta -- >> sean: or how about the suitcases under the table, after you kick out the media and kick out observers, and then start counting when wer. >> you can see they are being counted four or five times. you can see them be put in the machine and counted four or five times. machines are being used that can be recounted. machines are being used where you can change the name of the person who gets the vote. those machines haven't been fully investigated yet. and that comes out, it's going to be an even further scandal. this is going to live in our history and the supreme court has made a terrible, terrible mistake in not getting this resolved in a fair, in a decent, and in an equitable way, because it's going to leave, it's going
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to leave a real black mark with regard to the selection on our entire history. >> sean: let me get your interpretation in the order tonight, it said, justice alito put in a statement, joined by justice thomas, it said, "in my view, we do not have discretion to deny the filing of a bill of complaint in the case that falls within our original jurisdiction." that is pretty straightforward. then goes on to cite precedent, and then says, "i would therefore grant the motion to file the bill of complaint, but would not grant other relief, and i express no view on any other issue." what does that mean, "i would grant the motion to file, but would not grant any other relief," what does that mean? >> it means they would grant a hearing, and grants no relief until the hearing was heard. no preliminary rulings.
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the case is asking for various forms of relief, but the main thing is a hearing on the merits. so if you would grant a hearing on the merits without indicating prejudice one way or the other as to how he would find once he heard it, which is a very, very traditional, very sensible, very fair way to do it. they all should have said, look, we can't decide based on you are alleging one thing, they are alleging another thing. if either one is true, one side wins over the other. you are entitled to have a hearing. it's too important for the country to not have a hearing. two important not to have this resolved. in ten years from now, unless something happens in the state courts, this will be a scandal. that will stand in american history with a court that didn't have the courage to take it up. >> sean: time is now of the essence, obviously. the next question is, do you
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have a plan b? is there any other -- do you see any other legal path? >> the legal path, you have to hope the justices in the state court are going to show somewhat more determination, somewhat more willingness to be willing to take some degree of criticism, and somewhat more willing to have an open mind. that's all we are asking to do, we are asking them to hear the facts. let the american people hear the facts, and let the judges hear the facts. so far, the facts have been oppressed. they have been subject to censorship. censorship by big media, censorship by big tech, censorship by the democratic party, and censorship by the courts. no court has granted a hearing. >> sean: and me ask you -- >> what are you so afraid of? listen to the facts. let us play the tape. let's show you how 70,000 votes were stolen that actually come in and of itself, change the
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results of the election. we can show you that on tape. >> sean: mr. mayor, i would be negligent if i did not ask you about, you know about this hunter biden laptop. my sources have told me and shared with me, well, first of all, it in his example of the media, "oh, nothing here, nothing here," big tech suppressing the story before the election, which in and of itself was a scandal. but more importantly, you know what is on there, and i have heard from my sources it is so bad i probably couldn't even say it on national tv tonight. >> yeah, i know what is on there, sean. >> sean: how bad? >> it's very, very bad. what's on their is a 30-year history of criminality on the part of the biden family. massive criminality. taking money for public office year after year, millions of dollars, selling out public office, using his family as a
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bagman, using his son as a bagman, taking advantage of his son's problems. it's a disgusting, horrible, and terrible thing that has been covered up, and again, i don't know what good the american media think it is doing to the american people by having covered it up. >> sean: mr. mayor, we wish you -- we are going to run -- he? >> especially for our country, with the media has done to us, an absolute tragedy. >> sean: the largest in-kind donation ever given in the history of any presidential race. i know you are still in recovery and we wish you the best, and i know, thanks for taking time out tonight to be with us. thank you, sir. all right, joining us now, kayleigh mcenany is back with us with reaction. you just saw the court ruling earlier tonight. your reaction, white house reaction? >> there is no way to say it other than they dodged. they dodged, they hid behind procedure. and they refused to use their
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authority to enforce the constitution. you know, we have gone state-by-state, sean, outlining the egregious equal protection violation proces and due process that were entirely ignored. it's important to know is none of these justices, this was dismissed on standing, none of those justices gave a view on the facts of the case, which is that there were 174,384 ballots in michigan not tied to a registration number. that is in the case. it is still at this moment. they did not address the fact that the rejection rate is in georgia, despite a massive increase in mail-in voting, rather than the normal 6%, it was .3% because of the elimination of signature verification. they did not get to the merits of the case. those facts still stand, and the indictment on the selection and its integrity still stands, despite the procedural ruling. >> sean: all right, so, we just heard from rudy. you have these pending state
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cases. the clock is obviously now a big factor in all of this moving forward, but, you know, i will tell you, and i agree with the 83% in gallup and 77% in quinnipiac, and i think fox had a poll out today, what percentage of democrats, i think even democrats see the irregularities that you and i have pointed out on this show pretty much night. and you know, and i don't know how people, you know, after durham doesn't act, i don't see how people look at this and it was only certain states, and i stand with the 83%, nobody can ever tell us what a fair and accurate result happened here. because of all that we have chronicled. all of the witnesses, all of the whistle-blowers, evidence, videotaped, laws that weren't followed, these are not issues in dispute, even, like partisan observers. so the question is, where do we
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go from there? >> the outcome of those cases are still there. mike kelly is still trying to pursue his case in pennsylvania, there is an arizona case with kelly ward, still the wisconsin case before the supreme court. a georgia one, as well. these cases are still ongoing. the fight for election integrity continues. but you are exactly right, sean, when you compare, the american people observed two different realities on election night. they looked at ohio and florida and saw an election system that worked and we knew the wind and there was no confusion or chaos, where there were observers, and then they saw pennsylvania and georgia in michigan and wisconsin, where we did not know for days, election day became election week, there was chaos and confusion, and they see the difference. fox poll mack, 7% the republican said trump won, 10% of democrat. they see this and you cannot hide from the american people what they saw with their own
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eyes. >> sean: kayleigh, thank you for the update. we really appreciate it. >> thanks, sean. >> sean: more reaction to tonight's breaking news about the supreme court refusing to hear the texas legal challenge that we update you on the wisconsin case. also, bad news for congressman eric swalwell, we will update that. also, yep, the bidens, full cover-up by the media mob, big tech bob, joe concha tammy bruce and much more as we continue. ♪ picking your health insurance coverage isn't something you want to play games with. hope you got dental. and that's why i love healthmarkets, your insurance marketplace. they guarantee you won't find a lower price anywhere for the plans they offer, so you're not just picking by chance. no copay?... sweet. with health insurance plans constantly changing, having the wrong fit could mean missing benefits or costing you thousands. healthmarkets' fitscore instantly ranks plans both
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that have watched in witnessed whistle-blowers and eye witnesses and evidence in video, and have concluded, this election was never done fairly. and more on that, i stand with them, but more on that, also breaking tonight, republican congressman jim sensenbrenner has filed a complaint with the house ethics committee urging them to "immediately opened an investigation into allegations that eric swalwell was, in fact, compromised by chinese spy." yeah, that would be important, if, in fact, he had a relationship and they might actually have incriminating evidence on him. why is he on the house intel committee? we continue to follow that story. meanwhile, last night, squad member congresswoman alexander ocasio-cortez takes to instagrak lemon pasta with salmon for her followers and using the platform to respond to critics that call her radical. take a look. >> you know, shout out to my fellow radicals who think that, you know, we should live in a
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humane society, and that we shouldn't be under the thumb of a $7 minimum wage, and, you know, racist system, because, i don't know, because i just benefits whoever the people are in power to already be in power. so, you know, shout out to my radicals. >> sean: this morning, she posted a video on twitter highlighting which parts of her first term radical agenda she was able to achieve. take a look. >> i authored and introduced the green new deal with senator ed markey and secured 115 house and senate cosponsors on it, regional versions of the green new deal also adopted by ten local governments, including new mexico and cities of austin, los angeles, new york city, and more. and build a green new deal for public housing which would affect up to $180 billion over ten years, got president trump's former loyal mike are going to stay on the record that president trump was engaging in
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tax fraud. the climate unity tax force, secretary carrie, to help president-elect biden trailing a climate policy. >> sean: meanwhile, yesterday, she knocked biden's agenda, saying it "was a little hazy" citing a lack of cohesive vision across his cabinet. with reaction, fox news contributors jason chaffetz and tammy bruce are with us. well, you know, looking up a court decision tonight, tammy, and understanding its likely ramifications in a lot of ways, one has to wonder, is america really ready for what is about to hit them if this now becomes the law of the land? >> well look, i think first of all, calling alexandria ocasio-cortez a radical is an insult to actual radicals. this nation is the radical idea.
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our constitution is radical. the last radicals we saw were in the mid-1700s, our founders. radicalism is coming up with something completely new, that sets people free. she is not a radical. she is someone who is spewing platitudes for a failed idea, for a failed system, too, well, effectively trick people into thinking she represents something. it is an ignorant point of view, even asked the people of venezuela about her kind of radicalism. there is nothing radical about the failed communist states that have destroyed people's lives. she has been misled. her cohorts have been misled, and americans want a future they can count on. that is what is in front of the supreme court right now. not that young woman cooking some salmon over instagram, spouting platitudes. >> sean: you know, jason, i look at this, it is obvious the outcome determinative.
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it's obvious, if four states with enough electoral votes that literally change the result of an election, you know, and the original jurisdiction is the supreme court, and then they just outright reject it, i would argue, there's always politics being played. in the constitution is not followed by some states. only a few. i mean, it's disheartening. >> it's more than disheartening, it's terribly disappointing. hats off to ken paxton, the attorney general there in texas, for taking this creative way and to right and wrong, because the states, they change the rules willy-nilly, on-the-fly. and it's just not right. there are tens of millions of americans who just do not believe that joe biden will be a legitimate president, because they believe that the process
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was rigged. look at the fox news poll and, look at what is coming out there, and they just feel like, hey, if he is not going to play by the same rules, if you're going to change the rule on-the-fly, change it after the fact, that is just not the american way. that is just fundamentally wrong. so i am terribly disappointed that the supreme court didn't take on what they are supposed to, which is the most difficult question to come before us in this land. and i'm disappointed that they won't hear out that case. >> sean: i am not disappointed because i sadly have now come to expect little. i expect little of equal justice, equal application of our laws. i see dual justice system. you've got 83% of republicans, nearly 30% of democrats, lacey laws weren't followed, they see the standards were not kept. they see dead people on the rolls, they see mail in fraud,
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they have heard from witnesses and whistle-blowers, and tammy, i guess it is just politically easier and more convenient not to ever just have to take a tough stance. >> well, look, the american people, this is a huge education. we are seeing every judge is just a lawyer in a robe, but we've got to take seriously the fact that the constitution is here for a reason. it is to be relied on. and we have asked -- this is why the supreme court is supposed to be in a special position -- to recognize that difference. the american people, we are being pushed to a precipice here, in many different ways, and at least we are able to have free conversations about it still, but this is really a dynamic where the american people have to understand that every single person you are left matters, that the president, the president's choices for the supreme court, who you vote for in congress, that this -- i hope more and more people are being
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radicalized to simply get active and to understand that we are the sovereign, we've got to be able to take action, and even when we have decisions that we don't like and are very dangerous, we must continue to speak up and not simply say, oh, well, that is the way it is now. because there's always more we can do. the american people always know there's something else we can do. we are revolutionaries at heart. it is in our dna. that is never going to stop. >> sean: all right, thank you both. appreciate it. tammy, jason, thank you. when we come back, ric grenell, joe concha away in. yep, hunter biden, more problems, deeper than everybody thought. the mob lied to you, typical, what else would you expect? also, remember the st. louis couple charged were just defending their homes? protesters over the summer? well, we have a big update on that case and more on this busy news friday night. ♪
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♪ >> sean: all right, this week, with the election now safely in the rearview mirror, zero experience hunter biden announced he is officially under federal investigation over his "tax affairs." our sources telling this show that the criminal probe is likely linked to an international money laundering scheme surrounding the biden family script pay for play scheme, and also people m tellig us, sources telling us that hunter biden's laptop left at the delaware computer repair shop, is part of the investigation. my sources telling me what is on that laptop, far more than has been reported, will shock the
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conscienceth of the nation. and yesterday, "the daily beast" reporting that the story somehow went largely unnoticed in the days before the election. well, actually, "the daily beast" is lying to you. one article,, pointed out every media outlet in the country noticed the hunter biden scandal s, but in fact with a fused notable exceptions, they made the decision to cover it up on behalf of the b biden campaign. i call it the candidate protection program, the media mob and big tech. in october, "washington post" columnist called it a fake biden scandal. that was laughablyol weak. "the new york times" quickly suggested without any evidence whatsoever, it could be part of a rush of disinformation campaign "politico" reported hunter biden inpa the story, russia disinformation, according to dozens of former intel officials. they were full of crap.
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npr proudly announcing they do not want to waste their time on stories that were not really stories. fake news cnn, the hilarious self-proclaimed facts first network, spiked the story during a conference call, cnn's political director stated "obviously we are not going with "the new york post" story right now onyo hunter biden." okay, let's get this straight. according to the mob, the media, big tech, the hunter biden scandal was a fake russianf disinformation campaign that did not deserve to be covered, and it got censored on big tech. now, all of a sudden, oh, the election is passed, and it is a legitimatete story. you can even say hannity was right again, but why would they ever give me credit. take a look. >> there is no evidence to support the claims about joe biden son. >> hunter biden is under an ongoing investigation for his taxes relating to business dealings in china. >> theres is no evidence
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hunter biden did anything illegal. >> reporting hunter biden, the president-elect's son, is under investigation. >> hunter biden, there is no evidence he's done anything wrong. >> the justice department investigating hunter biden, he says for taxes. >> no evidence of any wrongdoing with him. >> new details of a federal investigation of president-elec' biden's son, hunter. >> sean: the mob lied, candidate protection program, and yep, little oldn sean hannity, the independent show we have here, we got it right. make no mistake, few exceptions, there are no journalists at cnn, nbc, msdnc, the media mob, anywhere, they are all democratic operatives, all an extension of all things democratic socialist and biden press operations. the same partisan liars, the same people that spread the russiae hoax, almost four long years of lies and conspiracy theories, that covered up -- the same people that covered up for
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hunter biden when it mattered the most, and now, finally telling you the american people to sit down and just shut up and accept the very flawed election results. as i've been saying, i really don't care about their lectures consideringg they lied for four never ending years. that's who they are. >> these are people who have donald trump said "i'm going to trash you on twitterna unless yu go smack your mom in the face," they would go smack their moms in the face and try to explain it to them afterwards. >> 77% of republicans believe that there was widespread voter fraud. [laughs] seriously, i mean, it's just -- it basically means 77% the republicans arean disconnected from reality. >>re maybe there are 50 million jerks in this country. maybe that is the sad truth, and how do we manage that? because joe biden is doing
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everything right, and when you see that sign, maybe there is a chunk of us that really sucks as human beings. >> sean: 50 million of us suck,, as human beings. wow, great job, nbc news. irredeemable deplorable, smelly, trump supporter and walmart shoppers, cling to god, guns, bible, religion, not nice how they think about us. before we get to our guest, joe biden asked about the criminal investigation surrounding zero experience hunter. he said nothing other than he was proud of hunter. talk about pardons for the family. i think joe is going to need it. here with reaction, fox news contributor joe concha and former acting director of nationalal intelligence ric grenell. ric, we will start with you. you got to do a deep dive in your time as director of national intelligence, and you got to see a lot of things that you know, that the american people are lied to about, and to your credit, you were as
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transparent as you could possibly be. this is just the latest example. >> yeah, look, i actually tend to think, sean, the american people see right through this. we are watching what is happening in washington, d.c., and we are laughing at these people, because they are the ones who are disconnected from reality. they live in their own world where they retweet and they repeat each other, they recycle the same stories, and they think it matters. a long time ago, and i would say thanks to donald trump, we were able to take the message straight to the people, through social media. the irony is that twitter has helped kill all of these phonie in washington because now we get to go straight to the people. the people are responding. the people actually vc that whes breaking news, the people are saying, wait a minute, i saw this october, and when all of a
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sudden you have 50 former intelligence officials in "politico" saying they have seen the evidence in this isav russin collusion, let me be very clear, these former officials manipulated intelligence, because they never saw that intelligence. they didn't see anything, and they went out on a limb, and we had people like leon panetta letter.this this is outrageous, with the former intelligence officials are trying to put one over on the americans, people. >> sean:er and joe, we chronicled all of this. you are on this show, as we did very different coverage than the rest of the media mob, and they get it wrong, they never retract, never apologize, never correct the record, they just go on to the next conspiracy theory and the next live. >> contrition is a foreign concept, sean, because the people running th these networks are interested in clicks and the results, and the result in this case was joe biden as it stands
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now being the next president of the united states, save for the president legal challenges that are ongoing. you mentioned o joe biden had another event today, and this is an ongoing theme now, where he ran off the stage, may be dating himself, like bo jackson at the with kingdom, without answering any questions about something, a topic iner terms of the hunter biden story that he was called a smear campaign, that his enablers in the media called russian disinformation because,l hey,us everything comes from russia, right? the thing is, and ric brought it up before, those former intelligence officers, including, for instance, james clapper, who is not with cnn, former head of dni, or a john brennan, former cia director, now with msnbc. so you see the jump from a political intelligence officers to mainstreamo media to give analysis on things that obviously they don't really have any knowledge about. and the bottom line is that this was an intentional, insidious,
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one-two punch between traditional media and the most pious of ways dismissing the story, and i'll give one example of this, by the way, leslie stahl, remember that interview she had with president trump on "estimates." quote: "i think this is one of the biggest scandals you have and you don't cover it." they found a laptop. it can't be verified, mr. president, leslie stahl contends, and no one looked into it to verify it. the bottom line is that is your one punch, traditional media saying don't look at this story, nothing to see here, and social media delivering the knockout blow in terms of actually suppressing and censoring the story. blocking "the new york post" out of their twitter account or n kayleigh mcenany, who was on this show come out of her twitter account just for sharing the story. these are scary times right now and it has to change, and the american public needs to wake up, because that one-two punch his orwellian. >> sean:li they shut me down on facebook. why?
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actually showed the video tape georgia. we are going to get back to congressman swalwell, ric grenell, and the nextt segment. you said something the other night on this program, to the extent you are comfortable to elaborate, that there are a lot of governors and a lot of politicianss that have a lot of issues with chinese spies. canns you elaborate? >> i can tell you, defensive briefings continue, we've done many this year, and there are situations that are ongoing. the eric swalwell situation is not the only one. this is a problem because the chinese have made it a problem, and they picked up the pace. i'll say it again because it is worth repeating. eric swalwell has spent years downplaying the chinese crisis and pretending like the russia problem is a bigger problem than what it is, in the entire media in washington is falling for it. i think we have to start asking, are they the ones pushing the
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purpose?essage on >> sean: yeah, unbelievable. ric, thank you. joe concha, thank you. coming up, big development for mark and patricia mccloskey, the st. louis couple charge for defending their home for protesters over the summer? mark mccloskey joins us straight ahead. ♪ . today's ways of working may work differently tomorrow.
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get started with a powerful internet and voice solution for just $64.90 a month. plus, for a limited time, ask how to get a $500 prepaid card when you upgrade. switch today. ♪ >> sean: breaking news today, we have a major update in the case of mark and patricia mccloskey, remember the couple vilified for trying to defend themselves and their home from a group of protesters who broke through their neighborhood's front gate, threatens them?
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local, breaking tonight, far left st. louis circuit prosecutor kim gardner has now been disqualified from the case after a court ruled that se infringed on their right to a a fair trial when she actually tried to fund raise offer role in that case. with the latest, mark mccloskey. does this mean finally your nightmare comes to an end, your and your wife's nightmare? >> you know, not yet, sean. the ruling of the court this week just disqualify the circuit attorney and her entire circuit attorney office from my case. there is a separate judge's ruling on my wife's case, and he has not had that motion before him yet. we are going to file that motion on monday. all that means is we get a new prosecutor. what happens is now the case gets sent to the presiding judge to appoint some other prosecutor from another jurisdiction to continue the prosecution, or at least have the option of doing so, or, you know, i hope drop theoi charges. >> sean: well, they should not have been brought in the first place. it's a legal weapon.
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we've gone through all of that before. the governor has already said he is going to pardon you both. why areot we going through these hoops whene we know the outcome is eventually going to be? >> you know, 250 murders in the city of st. louis so far, 250 people shot, and a circuit attorney's office wants to spend our taxpayer dollars prosecuting us when the courts just ruled that she gave the impression of doing so just to further her political ends, and not for what we did, but for our social status, as the court correctly pointed out, that her prosecution of us was based on our race nor economic status, and an opportunity to inflame the masses. that's just absolutely wrong. >> sean: is there any legal remedy for you? any other course? abuse of power? >> infringement on our constitutional rights, persecuting us for exercising our legitimate second amendment
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right to defend ourselves. in the city of st. louis, arresting people or charging people for defending themselves against crime in a city which is going to have the highest murder rate in its history and be the most dangerous city in the united states this year is just completely upside down. that's the only way you can describe it. our whole government, our y whoe country is so upside down now with the election, with voter fraud, and criminals, c.h.o.p. zones, everything we thought we could depend on in the united states seems absolutely upside down and i just don't know j the answer. >> sean: i wish i had more answers to might come well. we will keep people up-to-date on it. take
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people never be the media mob. we will never be big tech either . that like the censor content. we don't. people see you back here on monday. bar and grabbed takes over phenl over it for two hours. ♪ ♪ >> dana: hello, everyone, each dana perino along with jesse watters, greg gutfeld jeanine pirro and geraldo rivera. 5:00 in new york city and this is "the five." ♪ are >> dana: hang on tight because we have a jam-packed hour coming your way including a major break through on the vaccine. we will tell you when americans can start getting shots. and china's infiltration of the united states going much deeper than congressman swalwell just how extensive the communist influence really is. but, first, joe biden speaking out for the first time since news broke that his son hunter is under federal investigation.
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