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tv   Tucker Carlson Tonight  FOX News  December 13, 2020 7:00pm-8:00pm PST

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the election and did everything they could to try to get that outcome achieved. >> there you are ted i think it's anderson cooper, he has a show on cnn, thank you for keeping them on a sports we will keep them honest on this show and hold them accountable. thanks for being with us. we will see you next sunday when the next revolution will be televised. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> good evening and welcome to tucker carlson tonight. right before the election we interviewed one of hunter biden's business partners. a former navy officer. the rest of the media is ignoring that interview and admitted he is under o criminal investigation. tonight we rebroadcast our interview with tony belinsky in its entirety. we will devote the entire interviehour to the
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interview. this interview with tony. he's the former business partner of james and hunter biden, the brother and son of the current democratic candidate. a lot has been written about them recently. our story is notam about them tonight as shocking as some of those details are. the story is aboutut joe biden, the man who, just days from now could be elected president of the united states. joe biden, and we can tell you this with certainty, had direct personal involvement with his family business dealings in communist china and likely other countries as well. he has vehemen he has denied that. he is lying. tonight we can prove thatsk pride bega before we begin, word about tony. he's not a conventional whistleblower. he has candidates in the past and given his support exclusively to democrat and he's not seeking money from the story but this is not a shakedown of the bidens or anyone else. he is already significantly rich. he is a significant figure in
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american finance and that's exactly why the biden family sought him out in the first placen. they had no idea how to structure the deal they hoped to cash in on so they enlisted him to do it for them. now they are attacking him as an agent of russian disinformation bread that's why he is appearing on the show. it's an effort to clear his family's name of that slur. he had no choice. the rest of the national media suppress the story or have ignored, intentionally ignored it and dishonestly distorted scores of documents proving that his account is true. never in american history have more power centers in a this country aligned to kill a legitimate news story in the days for election that's what's happening right now. if you're looking for a real threat to our democracy, an actual threat, you are watching it unfold. we are seeing it firsthand. last night we experienced an attempt to interfere with all reporting from the biden
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family. we bring you details soon. for now, here's tony story. we recorded this interview a few hours ago in a hotel room in los angeles. >> tony, your connection to this deal came through james, an english businessman who, correct me if i'm wrong, you met while doing business in various different countries. then on christmas eve 2015 he sends you the following text which explained the deal with china but he wanted you to become part of print i just want to read the first sentence. >> there will be a deal between one of the most prominent families from the u.s. and them constructed by me. >> yes that's correct. >> tell me what you are saying. >> james was referencing something he had been working on throughout 2015 with rob walker and a chinese company and he had been traveling around the world developing tithat deal and that text was
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just a combination of him making me aware that the deal was moving forward. >> so he doesn't say i want to do a deal with you and me and hunter biden or even hunter biden and jim biden. he said between one of the most prominent families from the united states. he's talking about the biden family. >> correct credit was another about hunter biden or jim biden, it was about the family name. >> at this point joe biden was the sitting vice president of the united states be not correct. >> i want to fast-forward to early may 2017. at this point you've agreed to become part of this deal. hunter biden, jim biden the vice presidents brother, they are asking you to meet with the former vice president in los angeles. describe the context and why they wanted you to meet with him. >> across those days in los angeles in may 2017 that you're referencing, i met with hunter biden multiple times at
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the château and rob walker and the discussion was they wanted me to sit down with the father, just to meet him at a high-level discuss the biden family and how they approach. >> explained to us who rob walker is. >> he was a partner in rosemont seneca and had a very close relationship with the biden family and had developed and had been working with james throughout 2015 and 2016 to develop this deal with the chinese and cfc. >> what was his relationship with the biden family. >> my understanding is rob had worked in priorerio administrations and had a very close relationship, in fact in his own words, in an e-mail to sme he states that everyone was contributing, or telling me how they wanted to participate and then an e-mail he basically states, in his own words to me i want to continue
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acting as a proxy for hunter biden and jim biden and the bidens around the world. >> the biden family. >> so, they wanted you to meet with the former vice president and let this play out. >> that's correct. >> the former vice president was flying in and we were to meet at the beverly hilton. the milken conference was going on, one of the top three conferences in the world for anyone who's a global investor or developing different humanitarian causes in a variety of things, and joe was flying into speak about the cancer in the moonshot stuff he was working on, and hunter and everyone was in town and they wanted to coordinate a meeting. >> so it was set up for the night of may 2 at the beverly hilton. i met with hunter biden and jim biden, and just had a light discussion where they briefed me that listen, my
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doubts on the way and we won't go into too much detail on the business front but will just talk at a high level about you, your background, the biden family and then he's gotta get some rest because he speaking at the conference in the morning. >> so this was at night, the vice president just flew across the country, he's ane dder man, he has work to do. >> correct. >> but they carved out a piece of his schedule for him to meet with you. why would they do that. >> because they wereni sort of wining and dining me and presenting the strength of the biden family to get me more engaged and want to take on the ceo role and develop sino hawk in the united states and ink in the united states and partnership with csc and as a can imagine i've been asked by about a hundred people over the last month why would you
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be meeting with joe biden and i turn the question around, wyatt 10:30 eight on the night of may 2 would he take time from his schedule to sit down with me in a dark bar at the beverly hilton, sort of position behind the column so people couldn't see us to have a discussion about his family and my family and business at a very high level where jim biden sat and hunter biden participated. i'm ill relevant in the story. they weren't raising money from me, there is no other reason for me to be in that bar meeting joe biden then to discuss what i was doing with his family's name in the chinese csc. >> and this is c a compan company with direct ties to communist china.
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this sounds like direct involvement. >> that's a blatant lie when he states that come about as a blatant lie. obviously the world is where i attended the debate last thursday and in that debate he made a specific statement of questions are almost from thewi president and i'll be honest with you, i almost stood up and screamed liar and walked out because i i was shocked that after four days or five days that they prepped for this that the biden family is taking that position to the world and once again, i'm irrelevant in this discussion. i was brought in to run this company and have been exposed to all of this and i believe the american people should see this. i would have much preferred the biden family go on record and defined these facts for the american people and the globe versus me sitting here having a discussion with you. >> so joe biden has not denied meeting with you in los angeles. >> correct. >> tell us about the conversation. >> i initially was sitting
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because i got there earlier and was sitting with jim biden and hunter biden and joking through the lobby with insecurities and hunter basically said hey give me a second and i'll go over and get you ten minutes to briefit my dad and so that hunter and his father insecurity came through the bar and i stood up out of respect to shake his hand and hunter introduced me as tony, the individual i told you about that's helping us with the business were working on in the chinese. >> so it was clear to you that joe biden's son had told him about this business. >> crystal clear. >> tell us what the conversation occurred between you and joe biden. >> the conversation as you're aware, i'm the son of a career naval officer and the president was always the commander-in-chief whether they were democrat or republican or other so i had the highest respect for joe and the office he had held so i stood up and shook his hand and obviously we sat down and
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ordered some drinks and jim biden was hungry, we might've ordered some food and joe asked me to talk about my background and my family anything me for my service and i'm obviously very proud of that and my brother service end my grandfather service and then he walked through sort of his family, some of the tragedies they've dealt with, his political career. we didn't go into too much detail on business because prior to joe showing up hunter and jim had coached me, listen we won't go into too much detail, this is just a a high level discussion and meeting credits not like i was drilling down with joe about cap tables and details. >> you said they wanted you to ,eet joe biden as a way to induce you to participate in the deal. you were the actual guy who had management experience but it also sounds like joe biden
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was betting youou to some extent. >> yes of course. i didn't request to meet with joe, they requested that i meet with joe. and hunter says this in writing, it was reference multiple times, they were putting their entire family legacy on the line. they knew exactly what they were doing, dealing with the chinese don't enterprise run by cfc that had strong financial support and political support from the chinese communist party print that's how it was presented to me. that's not my own words. >> they being hunter biden who is very proud of that and taking credit for when i sat with him for two hours on the patio of the château in l.a. >> proud that they were doing a deal with the chinese communist party. >> proud that they had the relationship with chairman yi who was running cfc and the ability to get deals done around the world and stuff
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like that. >> you've seen a number of journalist, reporters covering this including some we should know better, declare triumphantly that no document you've released connects the former vice president to this deal. how do you react to that? what's your answer to it. >> you can imagine what i've been through over the last couple months and knowing all this to bech a fact and watching joe biden and his family and their lawyers trout around the world saying that there was no involvement or even at the debate joe biden reference that you've seen my tax returns and there's no money from foreign enterprise and that, i want to simplify those for the american people as much as i can. on may 13, that e-mail was sent from james to me. i didn't generate that e-mail. james generated the e-mail. in that e-mail james goes through intimate detail of what each individual's request
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was from a compensation perspective and how the equity in the enterprise would be divvied up. very important. may 13 read that e-mail was generated by somebody else to me. in that e-mail, there's a statement where they go through the equity, jim biden is referenced as 10% 1 doesn't say biden, it says jim and tom% with the big guy held by each. i 1000% sit here and know that the big guy is referencing joe biden, that's crystal clear to me because i lived it, i met with the former vice president in person multiple times, and i have been meeting and talking with hunter biden and jim biden and james. what the media has tried to hide and i feel it's disgusting is between that may 13 e-mail in the final document that was keep in jan executed called oneida holdings llc.
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that equity is broken up 20% hunter biden, 20% jim biden, m,their llcs that represented them, 20% james, 20% rob walker and 20% me and my investment. but i would ask the american people to read and look at how, from may 13 to the final night of the document from jim biden go from 10% owner to 20% owner. that's not my question to answer, i'm sure there were discussions within the biden family, i wasn't privy to that discussion, but this is jim biden, the brother of the potential future president of the united states. it's not a distant cousin, is not an employee, it's his brother who, in documents defined himself as a political advisor to his brother so i will leave that to the american people, but i don't understand how the american journalists is allowing that
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gap. >> in his pitch to the chinese , in his bio, jim biden describes himself as an advisor, a current advisor to his brother so was it clear to you from the beginning that what jim biden was drip bringing to this deal was his relationship with joe biden. >> yes, 1000%, crystal clear. after i met with joe biden on the morning of may 3 at the conference and then was taken backstage after joe had spoken, we joked around for about ten minutes, 15 minutes and then i walked him out to his car, i think he was, i think a reference he t was off to see the lieutenant governor. >> this is joe biden. >> yes. then after that i went over to the peninsula hotel and i sat with jim biden for two hours where jim biden walked through
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his history in his own words stating all the work he did to get joe biden likes it initially in delaware family history and the role he had played in it, and in that meeting, remembering the song of a naval officer and was a naval officer myself and because i felt acute clearance which is equivalent of top-secret clearance, we are audited every year. if you receive a gift, i think the barrier was $25, anything larger than $25 we had to disclose to the government because obviously anybody with clearance the government is watching closely that they're not influenced by the russian iranian chinese and stuff like that. as i was listening to jim walk through this, i have a big heart, you contact anybody knows me and they would weigh in on that, i'm a kind person and i'm thinking about the biden family like how are they doing this decided not to run 2016 what if he ran in the
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future, are they taking political risk or headline risk and i remember looking at hijim biden and saying how are you getting away with this or aren't you concerned and he looked at me and he laughed a little bit and said plausible deniability. >> he said that out loud. >> yes, he said it directly to me one-on-one in a cabana at the peninsula hotel after about an hour and a half or two hour meeting of me asking out of concern how are you doing this you put your brothers future presidential campaign at risk, the chinese, the stuff you been doing already in 2015 and 2016 around the world and you can almost picture his face when he sort of chuckles and says plausible deniability. >> so he said, he's been drafting off his political career for almost 50 years and he said to your face almost essentially were lying about it. >> anyone watching this
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interview can look up what plausible deniability means. the definition of very distinct. >> that's remarkable. >> i just want to back up a second period you met with joe biden twice correct. >> what did he say to you after? and by t the way this is all checkable. you can go to google. >> you can look at the conference i had special credentials and they walked me into that speech that he gave and set me at the head table in front of everyone. this is more than checkable. y'm sure there's photo or documentations. >> they don't seem to be rushing to verify this. >> it's checkable because it's true. this tells you everything about the line. when we come back he tells us what he and joe biden discussed when they were
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backstage in l.a. at the conference in may of 2017 and he will respond directly to claims by the former vice president and many other democrats that he is working against american interests for a hostile foreign power. that's ahead. pick up more on every pass with no hair wrap. shark vertex with duoclean power fins.
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tucker: we just showed you the first 20 minutes of our interview a few hours ago with tony bobulinski. well-known international businessman who was asked by the biden family to do business with them in china. he met with the former vice president, joe biden, two can assure you the first 20 minutes of our interview a few hours ago with tony, a well-known international businessman who was asked by the biden family to be to business with them in china. he met with the former vice president two separate times and i talked about the china business deal. now this information has been out for several weeks in the hands of a number of different news organizations print the reason you are hearing a lot of this for the first time tonight on this show is because they have resolutely ignored it and tried to happress the story. joe biden has really been asked but there's an enormous amount of detail and documentation. this topic did, because the tesident pushed it. what was noticeable was that joe biden didn't deny any specifics about his connection to the chinese communist party, his family doing business there. he himselflf participated.
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instead, biden dismissed the entire story out of hand and suggested that tony, who was a veteran, a former naval officer was part of a russian disinformation campaign aimed at this country. there was no evidence but he cited a letter from 5 54 national intelligence folks, none of them had directly assess the information. they knew nothing joe biden said that on stage but so when we spoke with tony, we asked him his reaction to that and here's what he said. >> tell me what the conversation is that you had with mr. biden impaired what did he say to you. >> the morning after we spoke. >> yes. >> there was ten people running around getting him something to drink and we were backstage and he asked me to walk with him out to the car and he just asked how i did what i thought of his speech and i thought he did a great job on the speech and obviously cancer is a very
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serious thing that we should be working together to solve. i just lost a sister-in-law within the last two weeks, sadly, to cancer and then he just sort of asked me to keep an eye on his son and his brother. >> what you think he meant by that. >> i think it was conscious of things and i can't speak for him. i would love for him to go on record as i referenced earlier i'm only sitting heree because they have not, not only have they not gone on record, they denied it and they've tarred my family name. >>i have a long history of serving this country and s have other congressmen now talking about russian disinformation. >> this whole smear on joe biden comes from the kremlin. >> i held top-secret clearance, i served this country for four years and one of the most elite environments in the world and to have a congressman out there speaking about russian disinformation were joe biden at a public
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debate referencing russian diff engine disinformation when he knows he sat face-to-face with me and i traveled around the world with his son and his brother, to say that associate with my name is appellee disgusting to me. >> did you complain about that? to suggest that you are committing treason or part of a foreign attack on our democracy, which is how they characterized it, that such a serious and unfair charge. >> your exactly right. there publicly accusing me of treason right now and treating came like i'm insignificant or the 50 years of history that my family serve this country is insignificant and that's why i'm sitting here having otthis conversation. i assure you this is the lasto place i want to be and the last thing i want to be doing pretty feel i have a patriotic duty to this country and every american citizen to go on record and define the facts yand let them decide but for
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the biden family to deny these deny themfamily to deny these but they could've just said no comment but they didn'tol say no comment. they then brought in russian disinformation and associated my name with that which is absolutely disgusting to me. i had to go on the record. last weekend, i was in virginia, sadly my sister-in-law passed away around 638 saturday morning. that's life my brother, he spent 28 years serving this country as a naval flight officer and you can imagine me dealing with that and the tragedy of that. when i saw adam schiff who, on record, talking about russia disinformation after this e-mail had been posted online by the new york post, and remember that e-mail was to me from james and i wasn't buying carpeted, it was to me stating i was to be the ceo of this
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enterprise. i was at the end of my rope. i called rob walker and i told him that if that statement isn't retracted by congressman schiff by midnight on sunday that i was going on record in disclosing all the facts to the american government, the american citizen and the world. i was hoping the bidens would do the right thing and he 'suld retract his statement but i could not allow another minute, hour or day for my family's name to be associated or muddied up around russian disinformation. even as i sit here today i asked him to come on record erd stop using mining for associating it with russia disinformation. it's disgusting. >> so this is rob walker representative of the biden family, so you said this to om, i t won't go public, i just want them to retract the act
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accusation that i meant instrument of russian misinformation. >> that's correct. rob is under tremendous stress, obviously his wife and child, he said listen let me make some calls and called georges hunter bidens lawyer and see what i can do but he sorta presented it as if that's going to be impossible for me to get done and i'm not naïve. i know it's not impossible productive single phone call from joe biden to adam schiff saying basically go on record in retract her statement. you got over your skis. i was up late last night and the statement wasn't retracted so monday morning i was ready to go on record and how that record was, i was willing to go in front of any senator, congressman, the department of justice, the fbi or sit here oth you and basically provide the facts to the american people and let them make their decision. people were accusing my family of treason after i served this country and defended this
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country. [inaudible] >> it's because nobody else told your story. were you surprised, given the trove of documents and the credibility that i think is apparent that you have, that no other news organization took the time to unpack the story? >> surprised is probably the understatement of the year. shocked because it would be different if this was my word against jim biden, hunter biden and joe biden. that would be a very slippery slope, not all would take it personal and family risk on, but i can validate meetings and who participated.
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that e-mail was generated by someone else and sent to me, not generated by me. these e-mails are hunter biden and jim biden and james and rob walker in the first person. it's not me generating the messages. it's them speaking. the fbi can interview them, but i was shocked that not onlyly the media is going to the other extreme and dismissing it. we went through three years of every day russia, russia, russia. it's just absurd. the cold war is over. >> and they're saying about family.hey're saying about >> yes. the biden family knew you were going public with us. you spoke with rob walker about this, what was his response when you let him know you were going public with
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this? >> trying to coach me and say we don't want to do that, we don't want press trucks fromm my house, and you have to move, i could lose my job and all that, i'm not trying to cause any harm to anyone in this situation let alone rob walker and his family, james and his family, but basically rob's position was if you go on record with all these facts you will bury all of us. >> if he doesn't come out on record. >> what was your response to that. >> i was focused on pushing these guys to do the right thin thing, to demonstrate an ounce of integrity in front of the american people. they all know the facts, i live the facts, and luckily for the american people, all the facts are extremely well
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documented and relevant in this discussion so the american people can read these texts, listen to the recording you just played, read the legal documents that were executed in delaware and form their own conclusion. they don't need me to form a conclusion for them. >> give us a sense of your contacts with hunter biden. a lot- of this is complex, were not putting everything we have because we can't, but for those who might suspect that we didn't really have a lot of contact with hunter biden, give us a sense of some of the places where you had conversation with him and over what time frame. >> obviously as we already discussed throughout 20155 and 2016, while joe was still the sitting vice president of the united states, these guys have been doing extensive work around the world in places like oman, luxembourg, romania
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that i was being made aware of but i hadn't come off the bench and agreed to be part of this. >> i'm sorry i have to interrupt you. they don't speak any of these languages, none of them have any record of success in business, why would they be doing business here. >> because they have relationships and they have the biden name that they're able to set up meetings and get people to jump through hoops in an interest to garner favor with the sitting vice president joe biden. >> so it sounds like he is a legitimate business guy and fluent. >> yes, james served his country, he's british, he's traveled around the country for decades, he's a very low profile individual, but he is sharp and as legitimate as they come. >> but hunter biden and jim biden have a well-documented decades long record of
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business disasters. did you get any sense that either one of these guys was qualified to be conducting this kind of business. >> the only qualifications they had was the biden name. >> but they seemed to have parlayed that into quite a few deals in quite a few countries. i interrupted you soak continue with where they were doing these deals. >> you had asked the extent of my communication with hunter biden. when i decided to come offta the bench, obviously i was brought up to speed on the work they had been doing in luxembourg, france, romania, kazakhstan because that was all going to be integrated so you asked to the extent that i spent time with hunter biden, i personallyr was in romania with hunter biden,, jim biden, james, i was in monaco for the annual grand prix, i was supposed to sit with hunter
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biden, i met on the patio of his hotel and i sat there and waited for two hours, and you can imagine how angry and frustrated after sitting there for two hours waiting for him without a text, phone call that said i can't make it or i'm tied upay and then the next day he aggressively comes back at me that he couldn't attend the meeting that he himself set up. i stepped away from family and friends on the yacht i was on with my friends to go sit with him for a couple hours and he's effectively screaming into the phone that he couldec not pick up the phone and text me because he was with the ukrainians and the founder of prisma and he was fighting for the only income he has on the deal that apparently he negotiated. i had no exposure to that deal, i'm not aware of any of
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the particulars of that deal, i just know for a fact there is a deal because hundred biden in first person told me there was in the text that i think you guys have and you will show to the american people. >> is not my job to determine what that deal is printtu i will leave that up to the fbi or the senate and the congress to figure that out. >> i just want toho restate this. you're not someone who is selling access, you're a legitimate businessman who has done deals in a lot of different countries. i just want you to assess once more is there anything about hunter biden's personal experience, personal qualifications that would justify him doing a deal. >> absolutely nothing. the only thing he has was the biden family name and the fact that his father, at one point was a sitting vice president and potentially would run as a future vice president. >> it sounds like a h remarkably ambitious business program they had running.
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>> extensive. >> just as small point, i can't over it, use our number of reporters say, again in an effort to back away your story, your testimony that the chairman referred to in a bunch of these e-mails was not joe biden it was in fact the government of china. when you see people refer to when you see people refer to the chairman thinks that, here is a text message you received. [inaudible] i think we should all meet in romania on tuesday next week. you're hearing them say that chairman was in fact the chinese government. here you have rob walker responding to you, clearly there's some confusion over this when he said, 100 biden
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said his chairman he was talking about is that. >> correct. there's two chairman in the story. there's the chinese chairman cfc and thathinese chairman text of hunter biden he was not talking about the chairman of cf d. what he's referencing is he goke with his father and his father is giving a note to the asked that i had which was putting proper governance in place around oneida >> so joe biden is vetoing your plan for putting stricter governance in the company and it's right here in the e-mai e-mail. >> tucker i want to be very careful in front of the american people print that is not me writing that are claiming that. that is hunter biden writing on his own c poem, typing in that i spoke with my chairman referencing his father. it's, if the world thinks that my chairman is not his father than hunter biden would come
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forward and go on record and state the world. >> but you have the biden family representatives will mr. walker saying no he was talking about his dad. >> exactly. but joe biden had no knowledge of any of these business deals but he told us that in the press has repeated that message everyday since. it is a lie and everyone is saying it knows its ally. where did the money go? when we return tony explains where the money went. there was a lot of it. we'll be right back.
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sheesh so bits and pieces of
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the story has been out there if you been paying close attention. the two senate committees issued a report about its hearings of suspicious overseas financial transactions that involve the former vice president son. the report did not tell the full story. there is a lot of money here and a lot of it flowing to the biden family. where did it go and where did it come from. >> tell me about the money. >> so, in the end, the chinese did send quite a bit of money. >> correct.
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>> where to go. >> documents were all executed, even after this back-and-forth, and the chinese cfc directors name whose number three at the company and the way it was presented to me as a very senior chinese communist member was assuring me that $10 million was being sent to our bank account that was set up at j.p. morgan chase to basically fund operations and grow the business, and that of that $10 million, we were capitalizing the business so $5 million about $10 million was being loaned to oneida holdings as a nonrecourse loan and the other $5 million was coming as their capitalization of the business because we owned 5050 in the partnership. the chinese and cfc, i am
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insignificant and irrelevant in this discussion. to them it was always the biden family, it wasn't hunter diden or jim biden, it was the biden family who was led and operated by joe biden and in the document that you have and i think been provided to the world, the chinese reference that because of their trust in the biden family, the chairman and director are excited about moving forward in this and in that document they reference loaning $5 million to the family pride that's the biden family. notice they didn't say were loaning out money to oneida holdings or reloading the money toan tony or to james or rob walker, they once again, not a document generated by me that they are loaning that money to the biden family. >> what are the implications of this? , if joe biden is elected president which could very
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well happen, how does this constrain his ability to deal with china. >> are you asking for my personal opinion. >> i am, as someone who has worked with the chinese. >> i think joe biden and biden family are compromised. you're briefed on compromised and who you're able to talk with and deal and sweat, and i just don't see, given the history here and the fact how joe can't be influenced in some manner based on the history that they have where, so as a citizen and an american taxpayer i'm very concerned. >> it seems at this point that there is so much documentation, and again we have your documents, the one, but presumably there are many others because there's a lot of people involved in thend spread is a possible that the stuff just disappears and next just disappears and four years, it seems that
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there's a lot of evidence out there. >> i think the american people should be demanding this is investigated and i don't know what the right party to do that is part is that the d.o.j. or the fbi, congress, or the senate, but there absolutely should be no iscenario that this isn't investigated, and as you said i probably have purview into 10% just picking around number of what was actually going on, and i would encourage the african people to go online and download senator johnson's 87 page report and read pages 65 through 87 and form your own conclusion. what i've come forward with his peace and that puzzle that senator johnson and senator grassley did not have. they didn't have it because i hadn't gone on record and all this information and documentation was kept very, very tight. you asked me if information disappeared, i would expect
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that other parties have destroyed or gotten rid of information, i didn't come i have every e-mail, every text that was exchanged and i provided that the authorities and here i am discussing it. >> so you learn from the senate report that the chinese sent a great deal of money but it didn't go where it was supposed to go, correct. p >> yes, correct so take the american people back to jul july 2017, i was being told by the director who's a senior executive at the $10 million was going to be funded into transactions of $5,000,000.5 million. they were approaching that as a loan to the biden family and $5 million was their contribution to holdings. that money didn't come in june, it didn't come in july, and i was in europe traveling with friends and family and i was frustrated because
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culturally there's a tendency that hey, it's coming, it's coming and it wasn't coming so i was very frustrated but also in jul july 2017, something that had happened was over p p 4 weekend when we were celebrating our independence day, the president was in moscow meeting vladimir putin on an official visit, and in that meeting and in that multiple days director was in moscow participating in that in the media in russia had leaked press that they were selling 14% of the state owned u.s. sanction energy company of russia to cfc. when i saw that leaked, you can imagine once again the clearance i held, military background, sort of push away from the table like whoa, this is stair stepping out a level
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that, do i even want to be associated with or near. shortly after that information got out i was told that the director visa was denied. he can no longer get back into the u.s. for meetings or to bring his wife and his kids to go to school in new york and that was denied multiple times. jim biden confirms that in tax, kevin and the senate report, and so i was sort of walking on egg shells, what's going on your saying this money is to be funded it hasn't come in yet, i'm near the end of my rope here, and then in september, it's officially announced that they are buying 14% of the state owned energy company. at that point i just push away
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from the table, the money hadn't been funded and i was having daily discussions with james saying what's going on here, the biden name, russia, china, i don't want to be anywhere near this, i've got understand all the moving pieces, and so we went into the fall of 2017 very well documented when patrick who's an employee or an associate landed in new york, he was detained by the u.s. government and put f in jail for corruption, apparently for leaving shoeboxes of cash to two african presidents and it started this down hill spiral, but remember president she was traveling around the world and that was their political approach and cfc was the capitalistic side of the chinese government doing things they could do on the capitalist side that the
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government can get done. very well documented, the work that they did in the middle east and check czechoslovakia, kazakhstan, all over the world. when they announced that, that they were officially tendering for 14%, a deal valued at $9 billion, i sort of pushed away from the table like okay, obviously that's taking priority over this discussion, and i was just sort of watching things play out wednesday detained patrick. i did reach out 200 biden in unoctober 2017 asking him, hey listen, haven't funded the $10 million, have you done something that i'm not aware of or have you gone around us, have you started a parallel discussion that i should be conscious of and in a variety of text messages that you've
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been provided and i think the american people have been provided i said no i didn't go around you but oh, by the way i'm acting as the personal attorney to the chinese chairman. imagine being in my shoes looking at my phone, reading this text message from hundred biden, i just spent six months all out-of-pocket myself, nobody was paying me, i was paying for my own travel, my own meals, my own car, anything needed, and hundred biden is now telling me that he is meeting personally one-on-one with the chairman in his $50000 penthouse in new york and if he can't meet him he's up the phone and calling him but they only discuss things in person. you can imagine my anger and frustration because then i'm like this has gotten slippery. you have gone around me, what's going on here and oh by the way hunter, your acting as the personal attorney to the chairman well there tendering for 14% of the russian state owned energy company, deal bivalued at $9 billion, what am i missing here and he sort of
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just plays it off and he says i'm working lunch of other o personal things and nieces and stuff like that but doesn't go into a lot of detail. i would love for you to ask him that in the american people to ask him what those other special things were. >> you've told your story in a very public way. what do you expect the consequences for you and your family will be? >> my focus is not on the consequences on me, i'm focused on the consequence for country, i'm doing this for them. not for my family or any money, i'm doing this out of a patriotic duty to our country based on my military background and my grandfather's background so other people can determine m the facts and what matters and how they want to vote, but i had
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to go on record because they chose to sort of more up myy name. i have a former seal team protecting my family, i'm notan home right now, and i'll travel the next four years of i have too. i had to do this. >> are you worried. >> of course i'm worried. i've gotten death threats, calls, obviously and sat with the fbi, they assured me i would be protected by them when and if needed, but i think i'll slowly become irrelevant in this discussion because the facts are so powerful and so necessary that hopefully i'll just sort of go stage left and hopefully our government and the appropriate people, the biden family will go on record and basically provide facts to the american people. >> tony, thank you for talking to us. >> thank you for having me. >> joe biden's countless servants in the media want to pretend that tony doesn't exist, but he does exist. he's a real person, he's telling the truth, he's note'
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going away. there's too much evidence to support thel story. we will bring i you more. we'll be back at 8:00 p.m. have a great night. mark: hello america i'm mark levin and this? -- life liberty and leavened bread happy hanukkah to my jewish friends into my non-jewish friends all of you out there, this is a very important show tonight. i hope you stick with us throughout. peter schweizer is our guest, number one expert on the biden crime family and so much corruption the goes on in washington. he's a real journalist, author and investigator. we


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