tv The Ingraham Angle FOX News December 14, 2020 11:00pm-12:00am PST
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don't miss an edition of "hannity." let not your heart be troubled, laura ingraham. hi. >> laura: we were together on a zoom call today, that was weird. the one we were doing some news podcasts. >> laura: it was weird. >> sean: it was weird because you were ahead of me and then i had to follow you. >> laura: and the other thing was, you were in a little box, hannity was a little box but he didn't grace us with his presence when i was speaking. it was a little box and it said it "hannity" and was muted. >> sean: i watched the whole thing though. >> laura: i thought to myself,
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is he doing his mma workout while i'm on zoom instead of participating? at least you could have showed us what your moves were. >> sean: you know, it was all of this, a little elbow here, whatever. >> laura: it was a lot of fun though. you take care sean. great show tonight. i'm laura ingraham and this is "the ingraham angle" from washington. this shows a crusade against the slime at hub is beginning to make a difference. but is this smut portal's latest movie enough? an important update later in the show. plus the hunter widen allegations are growing making them media covered all the more scandalous. ari fleischer brings us the latest.. and raymond arroyo exposes why joe biden is so touchy about her title and her husband struggles to another speech. the first, president-elect lockdown. that's the focus of tonight's angle. throughout the entire pandemic, anyone audacious enough to question the so-called science behind certain covert policieses or show any optimism for that matter about possible treatments was written off by the media or
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medical establishments on therapeutics like hydroxychloroquine or ivermectin. on the politically comic validity of the vcr tech or markdowns. all those issues, independent voices including on this program are not just mocked, they were censored as well by some of the social media giants. but here's the thing. those who dared to think for themselves were right. and of the tb were wrong. today we marked another occasion on which the same members of the media medic couple cartel missed the when presidentnt trump in may launched operation warp speed, promising to deliver a vaccine to the american people by the end of the year, remember how the media and medical establishment reacted? >> the reality it is irresponsible and reckless, and that something as critical as a vaccine. >> is talking about pumping this
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out years ahead of a more traditional administration. >> i think it's immature. >> preposterous. to try to make that statement it's impossible to get that don by the end of the year. i >> laura: i love that montage, it's and of course the media poodles, they took it from there. >> realistically it will be in 2020. you listen to most of the experts including dr. fauci. >> every expert i've talked to said there's no way. >> referred for wild it will take 18 months-2 years to get a vaccine. >> this is based not on scientific fact, this is misinformation which seems obvious on his desire to be reelected.o >> laura: that's all it was. there are actually zero medical buzz from any of those geniuses today when the administration of the vaccine began to happen to health care workers. by the end of the week the
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government hopes to deliver roughly 3 million doses to sites across the country. now americans should be beginning to breathe a sigh of right? after all, a vaccine is what four months those same medical leak said we would need to get back to normal. >> we heard a lot of this. we can't get back to normal until there's a vaccine for the novel coronavirus. i don't think that's going to happen until we do have a situation where we can completely protect the population. >> i think things will be permanently changed. >> the only way we could get completely back to normal is by having maybe not the first generation vaccines but eventually a vaccine that is super effective. >> laura: i don't know bill, is 95% effective in the microsoft world?
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the whole thing now seems like a bait and switch. the second richest man in the world gates seems like he's kind of digging the whole new normal stuff. he>> why do you think life will fully return to whatho we thougt of as normal? node masks, no social distancing, no other protective measures necessary. >> certainly by the summer we will be way closer to normal then we are now. so unless we help other countries get rid of this disease, and we get high vaccination rates in our country, the risk of reintroduction will be there. >> laura: why the heck does he get to proclaim on any of this? did you hear what he said? 2022. you must do as he says or no freedom.
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no freedom. this is insane. for a virus that when you consider the total number of now estimated asymptomatic infections, it's leslie fold in the flu. right now there is no reason for us to believe that there's any daylight between an incoming biden administration and dr. -- oh, he's not a doctor, gates. as far as we can tell bill gates is an informal anthony fauci will be elevated in january as chief medical officer loves as well to put your return to freedom on something of a sliding scale. >> i don't believe we are going to be able to throw the masks away and forget about physical separation and congregate settings for a while. probably likely until we get into the late fall and early
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nextat winter. >> laura: next winter, that's on track for a 2022. if we truly thought the virus was a threat to the survival of the planet, we might insist that other nations might shut down the ways of the illegal immigrants crossing borders including the current crash at our own southwest border. we talked about that last week. weeks ago we also told you how gates appeared at mike bloomberg's big globalist confab called the new economy forum. the goals there are supposedlyo two advanced principles of global equity and global inclusion with of course global wealth redistribution. >> the fastest way out of this pandemic is for us to work together in 2019. across sectorsur and across borders. >> as a u.s. rejoinsst the w.h., hopefully those dialogues will begin. the old economy is taking capital away from those who are
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part of the problem. >> that's my favorite part. taking capital away from those who are part of the problem. this amounts to what they call the great reset of capitalism. it's up from well-funded attack on our independence and sovereignty as a nation. and by the way the lockdowns aren't slowing those guys down one bit. just last week the u.n. called on the world's rich to reduce their carbon footprint 30 fold, to the goals of the paris climate accord. when they say rich, they mean people in the american middle class. t many of whom fall squarely within the global 1% of income. how might all of this be achieved? "the washington post" news says there might be how people achieve those cuts.
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people are flying less, telecommuting more and making pure luxuryng purchases. but in a more sustainable way i have an idea. keep selling doom and gloom to the american public. >> the vaccine doesn't necessarily 100% make it so that you can't possibly still carry the virus and possibly transmita it so you still have to be safe. even if you've been vaccinated. >> laura: the question was when will we kind of go back to normal? the answer is, even with the vaccine? we know that gates and dr. fauci are the types of experts that biden respects. not saying they are not all smart people, they are all very
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smart people. and they all intend to drag this out as long as possible. the metrics keep changing. clearly the agenda is far bigger than our health. so i think the time has come for it really clear and plain talk from joe biden. stop hiding behind these people. you talk about a plan for the entire campaign. well, what's your plan? trump had a plan and he delivered on his plan. in the form of multiple vaccines. the american people have a right to know when will our country go back to normal? all the negative talk coming out of these so-called experts that biden respects so much is c depressing the entire nation and makes any thought of politicall unity, if that was possible at all, makes it impossible. biden says he intends to lead. then lead, will and will our children all over the country be back ines school?
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he could speak that right now. when will we have college graduations, when will people he able to have weddings? what aboutut funerals and traveling to see family? if this is about data, give us the data, the objective data. otherwise we know what this is about and it's not about a virus and that's thehe angle. joining us now is victor david hanson, senior fellow. capitalism has always been the goal of the globalist and they now have a brand on it and they'll now have something, a pathway to use to get closer to the ultimate goals.lo tell us what you know. >> i think it's always wise to not say what they say about to listen to what theyy say. we know that hillary clinton and gavin newsom here in california, justin trudeau in canada, crepresentative clyburn, they
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also do a good thing. never let a good thing go to waste. this is a chance to perpetuate and advance agendas who otherwise didn't have much support. so i guess if we boil it down, it was the big on the powerful one, and the small and the week lost even further. if you want to sell shoes or flowers in your small business, you can't do it, even though you might have two customers. walmart is one of many departments and that was fine. amazon got very wealthy. skype and sam got very powerful comfort much more so than before the crisis but the people who actually kept the country running, the people who delivered things to come at who made things, the people in the front lines and the students k-12 who wanted to go to school as opposed to the teachersrs union, they didn't fare too
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well. and big government, government got bigger. we knew they wanted to be intrusive and direct our lives but when you have governors or mayors telling you what you are going to do inside of your home, when you clean your bathroom, when you put on a mask, who can come over come and yet they are not subject to the same consequences of their ideology. we used to have a thing called absentee ballots, about ten or 15% of the electorate who were ill or elderly or at work voted without going to the polls. got up to 100 million votes. we have almost 40 million more people both in just 40 years ago. we had an initial turn out in 2016 and it went up to 67 or 68. there were methodss or agendas that got pushed through in this crisis and they changed this country for a long, long time. >> laura: victor, speaking of how to change the country, our other favorite topic, china new york today cheerleading for the ccp.
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with america is stuck at home, trade with china roars back because of the people at home and locked down online ordering a bunch of chinese made cr ap that most of them probably don't need it but they think, why not? so it's worked out really well for china because of course all of the online ordering, just like it worked out well for the democrats with mailing balloting. >> we found that out, the chinese are so much more sophisticated propaganda than russia ever was. everyone from dianne feinstein chauffeured to representative swallow were infiltrated by chinese operatives. so we -- before the lockdown of the virus we were doing pretty well in our stand up with china. for the first time in 30 years,
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we said no more. no infringement, no more patent theft, normal technology, dumping or currency manipulation. we were starting to really shock them and as you heard from that clip of the chinese professor, in an off moment he said, youol know what? that's over with now. we gotst an administration with people at the very top of and friends in washington again and that's where we are going. you say something about a russian oligarch, make up something that's crazy baldheaded russian oligarch is colluding, that's fine. that'sru patriotic. he said it's a sophisticated chinese diplomat, and they are stealing technology then you are xenophobic. it's illiberal of most people we have to deal with. it's about policies and discrimination. there's going to be a push back laura. there always is. people haven't spoken yet, they are in shock and trauma at all
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these changes but i think in two years it's going to start to wear off and that's what scares these people. >> laura: all right victor, i think victor can't hear me unfortunately. i'm sorry to cut him off but, he can't hear me and we have to get to another segment. we love victor but that's life tv. another topic, for the sin of questioning a medical establishment on covid and being largely right, my next guests have been criticized, ostracized and sometimes ridiculed. joining me now is to doctors. dr. rich, you say the politicization with these mitigation efforts in downplaying therapies has cost lives and as all the experts say it's all about preserving life and all about safety. >> you can hardly believe what anybody says anymore. we've lost 300,000 lives in the
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united states because our government basically told everybody to go home and stay home and if you can't breathe then go to the hospital. that's not a form of treatment, it makes people too sick to be treated effectively and quickly and that has been politicized and corrupted the federal government through -- they represented at the benefits of the drugs and misrepresented the lack of hazards with the drugs. these are drugs that everywhere else in the world uses them in third world countries and uses them very effectively. they have 20%, five times lower mortality than we have because that's all they can afford to do. and we are here twiddling our thumbs telling people to stay home, it's absurd.iv >> laura: obviously you've been leading on this with so many others but "the new york times," and
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opinion contributor, and they wrote this about you. mask do not work and social distancing do not work. there is an disputable scientific evidence that both are effective in preventing and limiting the spread of the coronavirus. the author of that piece, psychiatrists, went on to wonder why your medical license hasn't been rescinded. you are one of the top cardiologists in the country. your response? >> this is an example of medical mccarthyism. what he does take out of context is every time i've talked about masks being relative and effective, i talked about peer-reviewed literature which includes a recent study which is probably a definitive study and this danish mass study published in the annals of medicine. and in fact the may cdc guidance on nonpharmacologic majors, and the reason i make these pointspr
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is because a medical journal, and i think there is a role to discuss the spread of this virus. masking may not be important as oral spread and the mitigation efforts needed to slow virus transmission and i encourage all your readers to go on the internet and do this. he is simply way off base. >> laura: i think this is what happened. you are citing actual
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peer-reviewed literature and he is citing feelings. sorry, but there are a lot of feelings. the covid situation in the places where they seemed like they were hitting really hard, north dakota, south dakota, iowa. look at the data in three different states. look at the death rate which has a similar looking graph to that, namely a peak and then a drop. it seems to me this is more like the natural cycle of this virus that keeps repeating itself and yet we still have these lockdowns and threats of newro lockdowns. and now gates and dr. fauci reporting that we may not get back to our old lives until maybe 2022. i don't know. >> what we are seeing is the cdc has said for all the cases that have been registered and identified there is approximately six fold and more people in the population that have actually beens infected and
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most of them are a symptomatic. what this means is for states like north dakota and south dakota which has had a 100 or 150,000 cases, they are approaching what we have called herd immunity. they are now tailing out into the small numbers of a few hundred cases per day and that will be into the tens and then another two weeks or three weeks. they have passed through most of the epidemic and other states are a little bit behind that. at some states haven't even gotten there yet but that's where we are going. >> laura: in that case, people want to get vaccinated and in that case it wouldn't be correct? >> no it wouldn't. vaccination creates artificial herd immunity and it looks like natural herd immunity is already developing. we have limited doses of vaccines given to people that are high risk but let's see what happens in terms of side
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♪ >> laura: now that the election is over, the ap reporting that the doj is specifically looking into hunter's ties with the school a slew of companies including burisma. that's just the start of the biden family racket,t, and in a 2017 email which fox news obtained, hunter requested keys for his new office mates. who were these lucky gents? they included his father, joe biden, and an emissary for the chinese energy company. joining me now is ari fleischer. this is just -- it doesn't surprise i think you were me, and people are writing this off as just a wild fantasy of the trump boys are saying to themselves. >> it's distressing, because people say all the time where
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can i go to get the straight news. what you forget is the enemy of the people, they are their own worst enemy because they don't give the news straight to the american people. a story about hunter biden is a perfect example of it. they suppressed it, didn't want to cover it and lo and behold, now it looks like there's a lot of truth to it. >> laura: biden's campaign manager dismissed the news. >> during the campaign the american people spoke loudly. they saw trump trying to attack the president-elect and his family in any way they could and the president-elect himself said, this is not about his family or donald trump's family, it's about the american people's family. >> laura: i don't even know
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that she was the campaign manager. a poll found that 10% of biden's voters might have changed the vote. >> was so bothersome about thatt is, it's perfectly fine. she flops for joe biden and she should say it. but normally, the instincts, they hear the wave away from the loyal biden staffer, but when all the news came out about burisma and hunter biden with no qualifications being on the board to come after joe biden became in charge of the ukraine account for the united hro stats government, every investigative reporter's nose should have smelled a story. it all should have dug last year but it was just the opposite. so what's happening in the trump area is they suppressed news that could help donald trump and they run with news that could
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hurt him. they got collusion entirely wrong as they got the hunter biden story entirely wrong now, too. >> laura: they certainly looked like they were working for the biden campaign, regular people who aren't sophisticated waters for any of these things. they all seem extremely partisan. the news on attorney general bill barr resigning, he will be leaving next week, before of course january 20th rolls around, and i want to play something that he said back in may of 2019. >> when you came into this job, you had a good reputation and now you are accused of someone who tried to protect the president and enable the president, did you expect that?t >> i did expect that because i realize we live in a crazy hyperpartisan period of time. i'm at the end of my career, everyone dies. i don't believe in the rightom idea that mortality comes by having owed some of that over the centuries. >> laura: what did you make of the timing of this announcement
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today? >> i made nothing of it other than the presidency is virtually over, and some will leave right around christmas and others will leave right around christmas and others will leave the week before january 20th. very few states will generate 20th historically so this doesn't surprise me at all. i think bill barr is two things. he's a tough cookie and he is at principled cookie. to be the attorney general especially for donald trump, that's what you have to be. there is something that you are going to break with the president because the principles of justice have to be lined to come up they have to be the attorney general jobs regardless of the president wants. the other things, the attorney general can defend the president when the president has merit, as bill barr did come as bill barr reduce sentences that were way too harsh and people that were caught up in justice. i think he's done a superb job walking that line and serving justice and we are a better nation to have had bill barr as attorney general.
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>> laura: we want a status report on durham, they don't really do status reports on durham. kethey would be like he should have done this, he should have pushed out that hunter biden was -- if you think bill barr was the problem for the trump administration then, you are reading the wrong stuff. i hate to say it but i think the administration was very fortunate to have bill barr as an attorney general. i don't think people will like hearing that. they won't like hearing that but that's the truth. thank you very. much, great seeing you tonight. and the hunter biden investigation fits in nicely with what my next guest because the stunning weakness when it comes to china.
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he rates china is a great opponent in the american president that hit him head on is defeated. he is likely compromised the chinese communist party and xi jinping took a disaster and that became nearly impossible just last year. joining me now is chris bedford, senior editor at the federalists. chris, joe biden and china versus donald trump big difference or is it a chasm an d the difference between strategy and approach? >> there is no comparison to this. it's amazing that someone like joe biden his biggest strength is not being the other guy, and he got called person of the year by timing when xi jinping took a massive disaster and by the end of it, you would?pa the and hong kong and expanded his prison camps. he got away scot-free, with the help of willful elites who were more on the side of china than they were on the and took down president donald trump who at the beginning of this year if you remember looks pretty much unassailable and united states of course for the first time in decades. >> laura: we have never had an american president speak the truth about china and do something about it. have the guts to define wall streete big business, it
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doesn't matter what their ultimate goals are globally, hen stood up for american sovereignty and independence. do you expect the republican party will stay in that same vein moving forward? >> who are totally right on that even historically when you are sending arms to chinese people fighting the economists in the 40s and 50s.rt the presidents were neutrinos arms and keeping bullets away from them and since then we've been in nothing but approach meant. chinese has a ability to continue to sabotage us, continue to expand their exports. and every time they expand their exports now using slave labor and undercuts not just american jobs but american families. every year that they advance is
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a year that we are hurt and with donald trumpg being out of the white house for four years or maybe forever is a massive win. >> laura: all these never trumperot neocons are goig to end up just advancing china's interest. chris, fantastic piece. loved it. coming up, joe biden's coughing fit tonight had us wonder if there was a doctor in the house and what his wife qualify? raymond arroyo has it all coming up next. ♪ and what h h h h h
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>> laura: it's time for our "seen and unseen" segment. with that we return to raymond arroyo, author of "the spider who saved christmas." raymond, following the electoral college vote today, president-elect joe biden spoke to the nation tonight. >> once again, the rule of law, our constitution and the will of the people prevail.
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excuse me. no cause or evidence is found to reverse, question or dispute the results. you know in this battle for the soul of america, democracy prevailed.ex we the people voted, and in doing so we need to work together to give each other a chance to lower the temperature. >> laura: well, i assume the speech was not sponsored by halls, okay? the poor man couldn't get a sentence out. but there's a little subliminal tell they are, laura. that was when he tried to suggest that there is no evidence, no question that can be raised about this election result. he was literally choking on the words.tce every line he was choking on. get himm a vaccine. >> laura: raymond, can you
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imagine if trump coughed through an entire speech? every move he made when he actually got covid and then was like superman and came back in three and a half days, they looked at move he made. like he seemed to be sweating profusely. and he coughed through his big fever reno which ended up being really brief, and we thought it was so great he gave a briefme speech. we know he can give a long speech. what about joe biden? >> job was all over the media this weekend, it said dr. joe biden, dr. sounds and feels fraudulent. not to say it touch comic. your degree is i believe in and it, director of education. a wise man said no one should call himself doctor unless he is delivered a child. and forth with, drop the dock.. >> laura: right away. was it michelle obama, pete and husband, rushed to defend.
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you know what their response >> a lot of the other phds. >> the suggestion that dr. biden not use the honorific was blatantly sexist. >> call her dr. biden out of respect for a highly accomplished woman who deserves much more than the condescending column that "the wall street journal" stooped to publish this weekend. >> i don't recall micco or any of these people complaining about the condescending columns or pieces written about first ladyl melania trump. the mayor and are to be valued and respected unless they have a different political persuasion or are named tail and, amy coney barrett or ingram.
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biden told us to himself why his wife sought her doctorate. >> she said i was so tired of the male coming senator and mrs. biden, i wanted it to change to dr. biden. that's a real reason she got the doctorate. >> laura: well raymond, i meant juris doctor, a j.d. so why is it education doctors? is there a way i could wrangle a new title out of that? >> while i have two doctorates but this is elitism. joe biden could call her whatever she wants, she has the greatest two titles ever come mom and teacher. that should be enough. she should be respected for that. >> laura: she should be respected for herti accomplishments. never dug the whole dr. thing but it does -- if that's what floats your boat and makes you happy, if you don't have a stethoscope and you want one -- you have a new fox nation special premiering this week.
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i wonder what it's about? >> while i'm going to tell you and i will share more details in the coming days. it's called un-american n christmas together and it's a musical special with some legendary performers celebrating what unites us at the holidays, starting with some classic americanan songs. kelly pickler joins me for the special and it's a lot of fun. we will bring you some highlights in the coming days. we need to lift dr. laura's spirits. >> laura: raymond, thank you so much. in our fight against the sleazebags at porn hub and their exploitation of children, that's the way a lot of people see it, i was starting to yield results. we will bring you the latest updates that are important, in moments. ♪ we will bring yououououou
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♪ >> laura: after the pressure campaign highlighted on this show, the smart paddlers at porn hub announce they are removing all unverified videos from their website. they purged more than 10 million videos which were infested with violent acts.rt this is this is essentially an admission of guilt from porn hub that they have been monetizing violent criminal acts and the
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fact that they were able to find so much of it this week shows us that they could i've controlled this entire time. but of course there's a catch. users that have their videos taken down canals simply petition porn hub to be verified and resume posting. joining me now is lila mikel wade, but lila, you know say now there needs to be justice. tell us what that looks like. >> sure. you know they have known that there has been child rate monetized on their site for over a decade. "the new york times" piece was not a surprise to them and they have only done this big change because they had a global spotlight on them. they've been financially strangled by the credit card companies pulled their services from the company in fear of prosecution. cca
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and now they have finally taken action. they get no credit for that. you know what we actuallyom need to see at this point is justice for the victims and what that actually looks like it's criminal prosecution and civil prosecution, restitution and apologies, we want to see all of that. anything less is an injustice to those countless victims who have suffered at the hands of porn hub and his parent company, mind geek. >> laura: we can't show and wouldn't want to show these videos, but they show people being strangled, children being sexually violated and it's so disturbing that for a minute any credit card company was allowing its business to be used to continue to facilitate the watching of these things.y i didn't know about this until i learned about your group and the protest that had been going on at porn hub's only u.s. office
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for months now. >> if the protests have been going on internationally. this is a global country with a global reach and we've been held globally accountable for what we've done. one of the most egregious things that you know about the victims of this site is, you have the seen emails that them petitioning porn hub and being ignored. this has gone on for years and it really the vile and horrifics thing that i have seen in this response is they are trying to play the victim and pretend that they have been unfairly persecuted here when the real victim, countless victims have not seen any apologies from them. >> laura: this is disturbing
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on so many levels but it can't be, and i'm trying today if you put strangled a strength elation and on the site, you still find thousands of references to it on porn hub so that's just another piece of information. up next, a few weeks ago a chinese epidemiologist instructed the biden campaign on something and we will tell you about it.
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should handle it. >> we have documented value to hire the individual value in the saying and in the countries the personal, the most important is that everybody takes order and the instruction. >> laura: you got it? just take orders, follow instructions. freedom, not so much. that's all the time we have tonight. the "fox news @ night" take it all from here. lots of news from here, bill barr and all the rest. >> shannon: dr. ingram, thank you very much and great to shannon: thank you very much, great to see you tonight. the plot thickens as we learn more about the federal investigation into the financial dealings of hunter biden. there are questions about 400,$000 hole in hiset
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