tv The Ingraham Angle FOX News December 15, 2020 11:00pm-12:00am PST
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we aren't corrupt. we don't lie and we don't cens censor. jon ossoff, come on the program. raphael warnock, you are invited too. we'll fight you both. let not your heart be troubled because she is there, waiting, ready, has a great show. laura ingraham? >> laura: i cannot wait to see warnock and ossof together. they are going to be on the same panel on the show. you know they are not going to come on here they would never come on -- why would they? theyey aren't going to come on d debate you. they are not strategic thinkers. they needed mail in boating and stupid republicans not knowing what they should is going to rescue their campaign. >> sean: rush always says i am a harmless little fuzzball. >> laura: they aren't going to come out with you, not going to come out with me. >> sean: and reaching out across the aisle.
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>> laura: i'm glad you are. but they are going to rely on mail'r in ballots. that's what they are going to rely on. >> sean: by the way, did you see the big crowd of joe in georgia? huge. >> laura: it was a huge bubble. great show as always. i'm laura ingraham and this is this is "the ingraham angle" from washington tonight, should hunter and james biden be classified as agents of the chinese communist party questioning senator lindsey graham is here to tell us. plus while california is punishing businesses, they are giving criminals including cop killers preferential treatment. the sheriff of orange county is here to sound off a plan to empty prisons in his jurisdictions. do you notice how joe biden'sea cabinet picks have no expertise in the task they are overseeing? mollie hemingway explains why. first, bettingfi against americ. that's the focus of tonight's
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angle. for most of its history, the united states has been the great champion of freedom. not only for americans but for the oppressed people around the world.d.ev even when we were too small to make much difference outside our own borders, we never accepted the idea of tyranny. but now we are the richest and most powerful country in the world for a few more years and elites love to talk about the importance of america's leadership's on issues such as climate, fighting hunger, poverty, and humanan rights. but come january 20th, 2021, america's voice will stop calling for freedom. at least where china is concerned. secretary mike pompeo's blunt criticism of the ccp will likely be the last of its kind we are going to hear from the u.s. government for at least four years. >> the chinese, and his party wants what we have and they will do whatever they must do to take ito and get it.
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they will steal our stuff, they will pressure critics of the chinese communist party to keep quiet. they will do whatever it takes. if we don't educate ourselves, if we are not honest of what's taking place, we will get schooled by beijing. >> laura: for many of us, this represents a sad change that we are not going to hear speechesal like that. a phenomenal speech that hardly got any coverage. as recently as a summer, the protesters of hong kong were waving american flags. why? because they knew, as people struggling for their own freedom, people like that have always known that we were on their side. but many of the donors who supported joe biden's campaign, they were not on the side of the hong kong protesters. men such as mike bloomberg. he sees china as a new market, not as a grave threat to america's economic or military
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preeminence. when bloomberg hosted a new economy forum a few weeks back, which chinese did you decide to future? the chinese cdc top epidemiologist, a man who doesn't understand or care about the west's love for freedom. a community value higher than the individual value. in the united states and the asian countries, the most important is everybody orders and follows the instructions. >> wow! the men who run the ccp are thrilled that the biden administration has adopted that notionad of community value and are insisting that americans follow instructions and follow orders.ey
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they wield enormous power in the united states as a beijing professor brazenly admitted in lateazed november. >> [speaking in mandarin] >> laura: he's not even trying to hide that anymore. but chinese sensors, they did try to scrub that video fromto social media. they didn't want to show their hand at this early in the biden era. we know what's going on here. they didn't want to show their hand when they have this up their sleeve. >> [speaking in mandarin]
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every chinese official knows that biden's victory was a huge victory for the ccp. and our new leaders are worried more about offending president xies then standing up for amerin workers. unfortunately most of the elites in this country are on china's side. the bush administration was always proud of its record on human rights and claims to stand for freedom but was usually strangely muted when it came to what china was doing. the obama administration, they did nothing to stop the rise of the ccp, and now biden, he intends to follow that sames path. actually, biden's advisors have a proven track record of advancing the ccp's interests. biden advisor steve pacetti was a key player in establishing permanent normal trade relations with china back in 2000.
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jake sullivan has called for more cooperation with beijing and even appeared on chinese state tv in 2017 to bash trump. and biden's nominee for secretary of state, tony blink blinken? his consulting firm helped american universities port big, big donations from beijing. did you really expect him to cancel biden to let the ccp continue its conquest of higher education? he wouldn't want to deprive his old clients of lucrative new funding, would w he? the fact is that the tally of china to the u.s. universitiesth since the start of 2013 is now approaching $1 billion with the largest share going to harvard university, which pulled in 93.7 million, the majority as gifts. the chinese aren't just pumping money into these elite institutions. colleges across the board. usc and an u penn, home of the
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biden center, have been showered with millions in chinese gifts. now universities and researchers that used to be accountable to americans are instead hooked on chinese cash. and allowed to bring in roughly 370,000 chinese students every year. staggering. it's a handy way of getting spies into the country as congress when eric swalwell earned. the chinese spy he infiltrated his campaign was and what it california state university. he and dianne feinstein sure how easy it is for china to get our elected officials to embrace their spies, literally. yes, and figuratively. just shocking news, recent newss that china is 140,000-acre land grab in texas. weird. it's conveniently located near locklin air force base. the chinese company that secretly gobbled up the land says it's going to build a wind
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farm. why should we trust them? especially since its parent company is owned by "a former chinese army officer and the richest person in china's genuine province where they are shoving uighur muslims into concentration camps. of course, the chinese would die of laughter if a former u.s. general tried to buy land in one of its own army bases or air force bases, but most of our lawmakers don't care. there is zero reciprocity. we can't do what we do in our country. why? maybe they are a little smarter on those issues and we are. in the late 1970s, the united states had another president who wasn't interested in defending our national interests and took every weak position possible on the world stage. under his leadership, america was not taken our enemies were gaining strength all over the world.
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his name was jimmy carter. he became a symbol of american weakness and ineptitude. bidennd is likely heading for te same place in our history. but america does not have to follow him. even now, all americans who care about liberty, including republicans in congress should be warning about the dangers of the ccp. there will be a lot of muscle flexing by china in the couple months and the ground will shift away from liberty as country after country puts out a tin cup. post ten dimmick, they are goig to be looking for a rescue. i'm telling you, china will be happy to oblige. but any aid package will come at a steep price. like requiring countries' silence on human rights abuses and on china's aggressive moves in places like the south china sea. keep your eye on taiwan. many china experts think they are the next to go. the united states' commitment to them, but does anyone believe
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biden is going to prevent china from rolling in and taking control on taiwan?. the only way i can see team biden stepping in would be maybe to urge chinese troops to wear masks that'll protect their gloves to help stop the spread of covid as they round up dissidents? and that is the angle. if you understand the china threat better than my next guest. join me now is gordon chang, author of "the great u.s.-china tech war." gordon, you say we are in the midst of an espionage emergency when it comes to china. explain. >> first of all, china's ministry of state security has hundreds, possibly thousands of agents in the united states and the large embassy staff in washington. but china also has hundreds and thousands of collectors of intelligence in our country because china has a grains of sand's approach, thousands grains of sand, they interview business people, tourists, all
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sorts of folks who are chinese nationals who return to china and what they do is they take all of this information which looks inconsequential and they collate it because they've got artificial intelligence and big data. a you've got to remember that every chinese national, including those 370,000 students you mentioned are under a legal compulsion to spy. under china's 2017 nationalti intelligence law requires everyu chinese national to comply with the ministry of state security. so this is an emergency for us. >> laura: here is where richard haas, chairman of the council fore relationshi relatin msnbc this week. >> with china a couple of things. we need to approach them with allies, we need to avoid overreach. secretary pompeo i think is deak wrong when he trains his guns, so to speak, getting rid of china's communist party. how do we still keep open the possibility of cooperation? >> laura: gordon, what does
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that "cooperation" -- appeasement -- what does that look like? obama cooperated for eight years but what happened to china over those eight years? >> we know what it look like. not only obama's eight years but eight years before that with bush and indeed five decades of policy. we are replaying the late 1930s. china is like the third reich. biden advocates these appeasement like these cannot end well. >> laura: how can you appease, gordon, a country, a nation run by a communist regime with a president who is there for life? that keeps people that disagree with their political philosophies, religious beliefs, lack of religious beliefs, any of it, in concentration camps? we say we are going to work with them? how are you going to work with people who put scholars on
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people? >> you can't do that because china is committing crimes against humanity. is not only detaining at least a million and i at most 3 million uighur, running institutionalized sleigh programs, institutionalizedit rape, perhaps organ harvesting for-profit from minority communities. when you think about it, the chinese ruler who you talked about, he's been dropping hints that china is the world's only sovereign state which makes us e colony. you cannot cooperate with that. through business, through investment, we are strengthening a regime that is building up it military whose officers openly talk in public about killing americans in great numbers. history is going to look back at us and say, "what were we doing?" >> a lot a people are getting paid off. they are just making an enormous amount of money. i'm just going to say it. they have rich consultancies,
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they get big ipos in china. a lot of money coming into these universities. 370,000 students! i mean, that should take everyone's breath away. every student that comes here has to be vetted in some way,wa gordon. is this not right, by the ccp, before they can get a visa to come to the united states? >> yes. we've got to remember that we estimate about 13% of those students are committing espionage against the u.s. my dad came here as a student. i've got a soft spot for this., but we cannot allow this to occur because the losses are grievance. the director of national intelligence john ratcliffe estimated that china steals $500 billion of u.s. intellectual property each year. there are estimates that are even higher. this is just something that is hurting us and -- you hear biden talk about we need to strengthen ourselves? yes, i understand that. but you can strengthen yourself
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when china is stealing us blind. >> laura: they are hollowing out our entire our entire manufacturing base. china is lapping it up. they think everyone can be bought off, a lot of these elites have bet on china. i am going to say it with a bet on china and they are going to make the money they can make and the hell with everything else. >> beijing is licking its chops at a biden presidency. >> laura: they are giddy. thank you so much. on an unrelated note, all the deals with hunter biden and his uncle james got with the chinese? it's time perhaps to register as foreign agents of the ccp? is that too harsh question my joy to me now is senator lindsey graham. senator, have their escapadesad with china, profiting from china triggered the foreign agents' registration act? >> i don't know. we need a special counsel to look at hunter biden's economic
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ties to china. we need a special counsel to look and see whether or not his business dealings in the ukraine may have compromised him in a way that would affect president biden.ct i get no joy at all. i know joe biden, i like him as a person, that his son is facing criminal tax evasion, his presumed innocent. but his business ties with china and the ukraine need to be looked at. can't be a country or we take a wrecking ball to the trump family based on nothing and ignore businesss relationships n the biden side that really could compromise ourur ability to push back against china and maybe russia itself. so now is the time for us to have a special counsel to look atde the bidens the way mueller looked at trump. >> laura: "the atlantic" had a piece a few weeks back about how china, given its gross abuses of
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human rights, is approaching a comparison to nazi germany with these camps and these hideous tortures of dissidents and so forth that we know exist. after tiedeman square, they were rewarded with permanent normal trade relations that it's few years after that and 11 years after that. what about this? and can you engage and cooperate with this type of regime, senator? >> number one, i think when you look at the trump presidency, one of theth highlights and secondary pompeo got it right, we've been long overdue standing up to china. the enslaved minority muslims in concentration camps, they destroyed the agreement they made with hong kong to keep it a democracy for a 40 year period. the international community is eerily silent. the trump a administration has taken them on paired very seldom do you go from winston churchill to neville chamberlain. and the test for the biden
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administration will be, how do you stand up to china and what do you dop with iran? the two biggest threats to world order in my view are the irani andra ayatollah who is a religis and the commonest party of china, that is despicable in every fashion when it comes to human rights and economic activity. they cheat, they enslave, they are a threat to world order, and i hope we get 52 republican senators so we can kill or at leastse push back against effors to appease china by biden. >> laura: in the wake of big tech a greater censorship of hunter biden scandal, you have come out with new legislation that's going to repeal section 230 on january 1st 2023 unless congress acts sooner. tell us about that, because i think a lot of folks want this to happen, like, yesterday. >> yeah.
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number one, president trump is right. two threats to conservatism here at home. mail in voting, unregulated, and the ability of big tech to control the floor information like the kind "the new york post" had about hunter biden in the u.s. election at a time it would matter to the voters so the bottom line is section 230 prevents an american from suing a big tech company if they take their content down or flagged it. they have the ability, they are unregulated, they cannot be sued, they have the biggest on the flow of information more than any private enterprise in the history of the world. if you repeal section 230 and allow people to sue when they make content decisions it would change her behavior overnight. so my goal is to put a clock on the section 230, give congress two years to find a way to reform it. if we can't, it goes away and makeke big tech like every other company in america.
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>> laura: they've been laughing all the way to the bank. meanwhile,e, they help manipulae the public information flow and perhaps even affect the outcome of elections. i mean, we can be stupid or we can be smart. i think you are on the path that we needed to go on years ago. but better late than never. senator, great to see you. if i don't see you, have a great christmas. have you noticed every time a piece of good news comes out in the fight against covid, the medical cartel immediately works that downplay it. alex berenson exposed the collective science next.
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>> we told you this last night, you >> laura: we show you this last night. you thought getting the vaccine would mean your life going back to normal. not so fast! they told you that. that it'd be essential to get your life backward but they never thought that was going to happen very quickly. certainly not trump was going to be able to deliver a vaccine in record time. and just today, as one of the first vaccinated folks in new haven, connecticut, being that the prospect of traveling after getting a second dose, dr. vin gupta injected this
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pessimism. >> just because you get vaccinated with the second dose does not mean you should beti participating in things like traveling in an out-of-control pandemic or you are liberated from masks. we don't know if just getting the vaccination prevents seriou illness or does also prevent yon from getting infections entirely? meaning that you can still get infected with the virus potentially and pass it on to others. >> again, takes your breath aw away? tyrannical impulses in some of the medical establishment? those are the phrases that come to mind. and group still was not alone. > just because you have gottn the vaccine doesn't mean that you have to stop wearing a mask, stop social distancing, and stop washing your hands. d you got to just act as though you are able to infect someone else until community is covered which will happen sometime in the fall. >> my god.
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these people just all have to go away. if you want a sense of how bad the elites want the u.s. trapped forever pandemic, look no further than those comments. joining me now is bill kirkman, center of how can americans see this as anything but a naked power grab by the medical cartel? >> laura, we've seen this pattern all year long. no good news allowed. when infections are rising and deaths are low, they only talk about infections when deaths are high, infections are falling for it suddenly don't care about infections, the vaccine will save us all and then they tell you, no, it's going to be another year, another nine months. we shouldn't be surprised because it's been consistently maddening and ridiculous fromdi them all along. but they have done the same thing with people who have
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already been infected and they say, act as if you can still infect someone even though you've already had it. wear the mask anyway. they go crazy when the first lady wasn't wearing a mask whenk she was reading a book the children when she just recovered a month ago and deftly not infections now. this is the same illogic -- >> it's not about the virus. i'm going to say it. abif it were about the virus, every single one of these medical doctors on tv would be saying, we have to shut our southern border down because we have people teaming across the border, streaming across the border, many of them infected right now, and you never hear anything about that. so what is it? is it a serious deal for them or not? if it is that means you got to lock down the border as well. these lockdowns are killing people, literally killing them from loneliness, desperation and a lot of other things that alex has documented in his book. in a press event, new york city mayor bill de blasio made the call for yes, alex, another
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lockdown. >> unfortunately i don't say it with anything but sorrow but i do think it's needed, we are going to need to do some kind of shut down in the weeks ahead, something that resembles the pause we were in in the spring. >> laura: alex, your reaction? >> i mean, this is incredible, okay? i thinkth we need to remember tt the reason for the lockdowns in the spring essentially it was that theat hospitals wouldn't be overrun, okay? all over the country there is essentially no evidence of hostile overrun and that certainly true in new york city. what's funny -- it's not funny, but these field hospitals that have been set up in various parts of the country are basically empty. they are set up at great expense, they aren't really hospitals at all, they are sort of workout centers for people who have covid and likely symptomatic but you can't have anybody go to them, they are empty, and there is no evidence that our hospital system can't handle the current surge, okay?
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by the way, when it comes to the vaccine, i think the public health establishment ises completely miss handling the rollout of the vaccine. first of all it's clear that a lot of people when they get the second dose of these two rna vaccines are going to have pretty severe side effects whether it's a high fever, whether it's chills, muscle pains. there are going to be a lot of people who have that in a fair number of people who have grade three pain or fever, which is pretty significant. and the need to be told that it is a real possibility. instead the vaccine is being pushed as, a, it's a miracle, you won't have any choice to take it or not. it's very strange. >> laura: i love it when they say that your participation, your participation and travel should not be permitted. this is america! this is a free country, okay?
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unless they want to run for office and change the u.s. constitution, they all can go back to just treating patients and do the best they can with their patients. even liberals i know are over this. thisr is just preposterous. >> it's one thing to give people advice to minimize the risk of exposure to others. it's another thing to issue these ridiculous dictates that people need to essentially cease living, shut things down from a stay-at-home -- >> laura: children. >> for months and years. >> laura: 2020 you. >> 15 years -- >> laura: july 2022! >> to alex's point, if you look at the syndromic surveillance in new york city which is what symptoms they are seeing walking to the emergency room, this is the lowest for respiratory disease since they started tracking it at the beginning of 2016. not only is it not higher than normal for this time of year, it's much lower than normal for this time of year and you got them they are saying we've got
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the shut down. >> laura: really quickly they said there would be super spreader events and pay too much every thanksgiving table if you had more than your families pod, okay? what happened with that? >> no evidence of that. phil had some data up on twitter showing that nationally syndromic surveillance has gone down since thanksgiving. so fewer people coming to the e.r. -- >> laura: that was false. >> that was just yet another prediction of doom that did not come true. i hate to be cynical about this but it really does feel like the doom is going to continue until january 2022 -- >> laura: it's not going to end. >> i hope you areng wrong. i get to write booklets forever. >> laura: we've been talking about this. phil, you, i, since last spring, the pandemic was going to be used to push political andd social change and if they can,
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remake america or remake the world. lo and behold, bill gates talking about 2022? i mean, come on... >> he was surprised that it hurt the economy so much during lockdown. >> laura: in palm desert -- he spends a lot of his time -- it ddoesn't expect the people in palm desert all that much. i'm sorry. the lockdown thing... while california's leaders are punishing businesses, of course they are giving criminals preferential treatment. yesterday a judge ordered orange county to cut its prison population in half. the sheriff is here with a can't-miss responseis next. finding dental insurance plans can be confusing,
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oriskany superior court demanded the county to reduce its jail populationla by 50% to allow for social justice thing among inmates. according tord orange county sheriff, this ruling would force the release of dozens of prisoners serving time for a murder, child molestation, and domestic violence. sheriff barnes joins me now. sheriff, do you comply with this order? > i do not intend to comply with the order. we are going to appeal the order with the california appellate court. i think the order is very overreaching and how broad it is and in essence we don't even have that many offenders commit is a very serious offenders we are looking at in order to release. >> laura: the recidivism rate is up 44%. it's clear that this is a serious public threat, as if
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californians don't have enough to deal with. so how could a judge knowing just the recidivism part of the equation in good conscience approved releasing even more criminals? >> w- those are the low-level offenders we've been relieving. it in essence, this judge, it's a court-ordered crime spree he has issued through this order knowing that these are very serious offenders. 97 out of the medically vulnerable are in for murder or attempted murder, 94 for child molestation, that's not including the rest of the population where we have to consider for release. >> sheriff, i can't member now what your rules are, so forgive me. how many of the people are in jail, if you know, are in the country undocumented, in your jail right now? >> generally is about 10%.
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because of the law in california, i cannot turn those over to ice unless you are a high level of vendor and that was a bill passed in law in 2018. >> the sanctuary bill? >> yes. >> that's fantastic. 10% of people who shouldn't be there and they want to release 10% of those who are there because you're worried worried about the murderers and rapists getting covert. go ahead. >> i don't think it takes into the consideration of threat to the public. we had an issue in our jail, we mitigated it down to zero, we'll do it again. but the think you have to totally neglect the risks to their community i think is quite an absurd order. >> i'm surprised the h sheriff, thank you so much.s
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they have found a soul in l.a. counties new immediately after taking office, began directing attorneys to stop prosecuting entire categories of crime happening across the country, by the way. the aclu and other activists are urging him to depopulate the l.a. county jails to make communities safer. here now is an attorney who represent families of crime victims in l.a. samuel, i think people across the country are thinking, what utter nonsense could california be engaged in an every day it seems like it's something else. >>ha thank you for having me. i appreciate the opportunity letting people know just how scary it is to actually live in los angeles now with the special directors ofne this attorney district attorney. he's putting our lives at risk with what he calls "aggressive
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ideas, whatt i call is literally putting all people in the citizens of l.a. at risk. from releasing all these criminals and somehow by releasing them, we are going to reduce the crime rate. iuc do not know how you connect those dots, but that's the argument he's putting forth. >> breaking now from fox l.a. tweeting that sources in the l.a. d.a.'s office tell me that prosecutors have just received this new directive from the new d.a. george gascon that orders them to read a statement the judges in court arguingto againt strikes, enhancements, et cetera and say they provide no safety benefit. samuel, this is deranged. >> it's deranged and it's illegal. our penal code, california's penal code specifically states that the district attorney must file, must prove, and cannot strike a strike prior and it's
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up to the judge to make that determination in the interest ot justice. and yet our district attorney is now ordering his prosecutors to commit an illegal act that the courts are ready told us you cannot as a district attorney just strikes these things. >> laura: samuel, we've got to go. they are criminalizing people walking on the street or on the beach. but they are releasing criminals from jail. think about that. it's terrifying. and that's why people are california. having the news that joe biden's cabinet picks have literally in many cases zero expertise in the areas they are tapped with overseeing? mollie hemingway here to tell us with who's the worst offender in that category next.
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>> the trump administration has >> the trump administration, clearly are not >> i don't think he's qualified and i don't think he'll do a particularly good job. >> not everyone is qualified in this cabinet and in this white house. >> where are those folks now? just today biden tapped the former mayor of the fourth largest city in indiana to oversee the country's entire transportation system.
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california age you have your bassar has little experience in health care policy but advises it to run hss. not an important agency or anything right now. susan rice who spent her entire career in foreign policy, screwing that up would be in charge of biden's domestic policy. obama's former chief of staff denis mcdonough has no experience in veterans issues yet was tapped of veterans affairs bear here with mollie hemingway, senior editor at the "thefederalist." a lot of diversity talk, but where is the beef? >> former vice president joe biden said that when he's making his selections, he's making his picks based in large part in identity politics and that shows any seems to care less about qualifications and what not.wh i saw reporters having a much different approach to these selections than they did four
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years ago. one reporter was saying that pete buttigieg, the ever mentionedy fourth-largest ke mentioned playing a game "ticket to ride," which has some transportation subplots down myn they wonder why people wonder why he wasn't better at fixing potholes in his own city. he wasn't picked because he going be particular good as transportation secretary but to check off a checkbox on identity politics. >> laura: i actually worked at the department for transportation many moons ago as director of speech riding. it's a very big and complex organization. you have to know what the heck a u are doing, how to manage a huge organization to do it well. wasn't biden attacking mayor pete for his lack of experience in some of those campaign ads? >> barack obama called
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joe biden... >> the best vice president america has had. >> under threat of disappearing pass, >> laura: the pet chip stuff is important. rtwhat happened there? >> that was one of joe biden's better primary campaign ads. but it just shows that he's not being picked because joe biden particular respects him, neithet are any of these other candidates being picked because joe biden thinks they'll be particular good. one of the things that is dangerous is who fills all those positions underneath the cabinet secretary. a lot of the people being named are from the obama administration, but even as radical as some of them aren't like havee your becerra who trd to jail pro-life reporters in california and had to be knocked down by the supreme court for
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his suing pregnancy centers to recommend for abortion really radical, the more radical people will be coming in underneath those cabinet secretaries where they will advance their radical, progressive agenda. this is, you know, what happens when you elect a democrat to be president. >> people are going to find out what it's like to have a lot less freedom. could be locked down until the nextxt visit of the election at this rate. greatth to see you as always. what is the most terrifying political scenario imaginable? joe biden explains it in tonight's last bite.
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world, god love you, you're doing an incredible job. >> god love you, that would maintain editorial candidates who now refused to concede. that's all the time we have tonight. the fox news at night team take it all from here. shannon. >> we shall. great to see you tonight. >> hunter biden finances are th subject of shannon: good to see you tonight. hunter biden's finances are the subject of a federal investigation. congressman eric swalwell link to a suspected chinese fisa why are so many the mainstream media saying these are not real stories you should care to hear about? a live report on that coming up. big-name actors hitting the campaign trail in georgia on a daily basis.
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