tv Media Buzz FOX News December 20, 2020 8:00am-9:00am PST
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e-frla cims, he got paid before his neighbor even got started. because doing right by our members, that's what's right. usaa. what you're made of, we're made for. ♪ usaa howie: this is media buzz. i'm howard kurtz. after six weeks of fiercely negative media coverage, mitch mcconnell recognized the 2020 election outcome and president trump pushed back hard. >> the electoral college has spoken. so of today i want to congratulate president-elect joe biden. >> it's how things were when a cowed party doesn't have the backbone to collectively accept the fact that their guy lost. in reality, what members of the electoral college did yesterday, some under armed guard, others in secret locations, was and has always been a formality. >> imagine, our own senate
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leader playing the same game as putin. putin actually beat him for saying congratulations to the president-elect. >> it is over. i want the president, my friend, the current president, the 45th president to understand it is over. the electoral college has voted. >> where do we go? there's still challenges of fraud. there are -- there is still the opportunity at least it exists in theory that the president could win. howie: and the president is digging in as he tweeted that mcconnell had caved too soon and that people are angry. the electoral college vote was noted briefly that night on fox opinion shows. >> in michigan, police prevented several republicans from entering the state capitol. members of the electoral college were voting there today. howie: joe biden took the occasion to deliver a sort of do-over victory speech about democracy to decidedly mixed media reviews. >> we now know nothing, not even a pandemic, or an abuse of
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pow of wear can ex pin extinguit flame. >> refer to the president as extreme, said he refused to respect the will of the people, bad tone, bad mistake. i just -- there's a pugnaciuosness to joe biden. >> joe biden apparently wanted to leave a very clear marker that he saw what he saw and he knows who was trying to block democracy. howie: joining us now to analyze the coverage, mollie hemingway, senior editor at the federalist and a fox news contributor. in new york, liz claman, host of the claman countdown on fox business and clarence page columnist for the chicago tribune. mollie, the media reaction to mitch mcconnell congratulating joe biden and kamala harris after the harsh criticism has been, well, he should have done it much sooner. did that put the majority leader in kind of a no-win situation? >> i don't know. i think that many members of the
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left including the media don't have a particularly high view of the electoral college. people on the right tend to really respect the electoral college. it's not surprising at all that once the electoral college voted you had republican leaders saying that -- congratulating the president-elect. i think the media have made a big error in how they covered this, an intentional error. there's a difference between the likelihood that joe biden will be the next president which republican leaders have known all along and the very real concerns that 74 million trump voters have about election integrity and how mail-in balloting did not lead to a secure election. that story has not been covered well at all. that story, the media has mocked and dispaged anybody who has concerns about the great expansive mail-in balloting at the same time there was lower scrutiny. they confl ate the issues with this concern that it's going to continue until the problems are corrected and that is something
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that the media don't want to have happen but it is going to be a major political story in the years going forward. howie: liz, even news max says joe biden is the president-elect and laura ingram thanked donald trump for what he had done the last four years. are the media being overly dismy sieve to mcconnell and fellow republicans, painting them as being cowed by president trump and the fear that he might retaliate against them. >> mitch mcconnell always said let the process play out and it will become very, very clear who is the president. it did. and mcconnell was correct. i think the media is now truly focusing on if they're looking at mcconnell at all, basically the fact that they will say that he let this go on way too long. okay, a couple of weeks, fine. but another two extra weeks, giving the president cover to say that the election was stolen, that that as we have the balance of power in the federal
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government at stake, when it comes to this vote in georgia, that he gave that sort of questionable, is the election fair, is it fraudulent narrative to president trump and that could could very well hurt the republicans in the georgia senate runoff race. and so i think that this story is very much a bifurcated focus. they're looking both at mcconnell who finally congratulates -- finally, you congratulated but also now turning the he very important optics towards what's happening in georgia and that will play out. we'll see if trump's loyal followers believe trump and don't show up for the vote. howie: with senate control at stake. clarence, if the media likes things like unity and bipartisanship, they certainly praised joe biden when he talks about them, why not welcome mcconnell to the fold rather than sniping at him? >> well, howard, this is a legitimate story. mitch mcconnell, the senate majority leader, has been very slow to congratulate the
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president or excuse me, congratulate the -- howie: elect. >> yeah. for his new president-elect status and why, that's the story, howard. the story is how republicans are divided over donald trump's election claims and how people are -- including people who of voted in the electoral college, have been intimidated by people who are fighting to represent truth and justice and this is unprecedented. this is new. that's why the media cover it. social media, it's where you see even more of a debate, even more activity. the one thing we're not seeing is a varying of mitch mcconnell support for the system and the fact that once again we can see the system works and president trump is going to be recognized as the loser in this election.
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howie: i certainly agree it's new. the new york times reported that president trump met on friday with mike flynn, is now pardoned national security add advisor. among the issues discussed was anybodflynned idea of having the president declare marshal martiw and the press going nuclear over this. your thoughts? >> president trump tweeted last night that that was fake news. you have it from the horse's mouth that that was not -- that he has no intention of declaring martial law or of anything else crazy that the media are putting out there, using anonymous sources. this is one of the things where the media have spent the last four years running false and defamatory stories, not being held accountable when the
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stories are found out not to be true. there are very legitimate concerns about this very sloppy election. we all know that mail-in balloting was widely expanded. we all know and have known for a long time that that leads to greater tons for fraud. we know the standards for checking ballots were in decline. and so to tell people tens of millions of americans who have legitimate problems and concerns about the sloppiness, that they're not going to cover this and they're only of going to cover it in the most outlandish way is not doing a service to the country. they're real -- there really will be moving forwards attempts to deal with this electoral situation so people can have confidence and our media have not been covering that story very well. howie: that same time story said most white house advisors were opposed to the idea of martial law. axios quotes a senior official saying the president spends his time t talking to conspiracy nos
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who say declaring martial law is no big deal. we've seen this for four years now, unnamed aides but they're presumably on the inside, taking issue with the president through the press. >> good journalists, howie, are always going of to double source stuff because this is my caveat, always. everyone's conflicted. so let's just say somebody close to the president is floating something, saying i was there, i that was the room. yeah, you've got to have that double source, sometimes triple source. but you now have the wall street journal jumping on this, this is not just the new york times or the washington post. the wall street journal, which has been very fair to the president and some critics might say a little too open-minded when it comes to president trump's claims, is also reporting this story and the president does have a record of saying oh, i was just kidding when i said that when it really is quite apparent that when he
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said it on video in many cases he wasn't kidding. that's a convenient sort of behavior here. but i think that the press would very likely try and say that it's a fancy way of claiming that his effort to hold on is out there but the two dollar version of that is that he is going to continue to look at different avenues until the last clear chance where marine one is waiting to take him away from the white hour. howie: the president has been tweeting up a blizzard on this question. for example, democrats would never put up with a presidential election stolen by the republicans, and mcconnell and republican senators have to get tougher or you won't have a republican party, he says. don't let them take it away. how does the press deal with the president's continued arguments on twitter and elsewhere about a stolen election, even as more of the republican party is acceptinaccepting joe biden as t president? >> it's a story, when the president is sending out tweets,
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defaming the entire process. but let's remember when we speak about how republicans always complain about so and so and democrats don't, vice versa. let's look at the year 2000. there were a lot of democrats complaining about possible of vote fraud or bad counting votes, et cetera, et cetera. we've seen this happen both sides and it tends to be -- real change tends to happen when both sides are complaining. the electoral college, it has repeatedly benefited republican states and the republican candidates and so we see complaints going on. but what's important is all of the complaints about widespread voter fraud have not been supported. and that is why -- howie: let me get mollie in here. we played a snippet of joe biden's speech. conservative commentators are pushing back, baseless claims of
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abuse of pow of wear while talking about unity. -- power while talking about unity. biden is being accused of benefiting from a stolen election. >> biden and the media put out this narrative immediately after the election that biden would be the unifying president, that it now was the time for peace and whatnot. he's had trouble because of how his transition has gone with calling republicans names or having that speech which did not show a sign for unity. mark teason had a good column in the washington post with an idea that if joe biden really wants to be a unifying president he should give full throated credit to president trump for operation warp speed and other of the many accomplishments in the first term of the trump administration. howie: when we come back, bill barr is of out and the media giving the attorney general, well, let's just say a very mixed sendoff. that's next. if you have moderate to severe psoriasis,
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howie: after media reports that the president was thinking of firing him over his finding of no widespread election fraud, bill barr abruptly resigned as attorney general. >> it would be easy to think about bill barr based on the last week or two of public conflict. his overall time at doj involved primarily advocating on trump's behalf. >> as we got near the end of the election, there were some things that even he -- even he wouldn't do. >> i would say that when it counted, bill barr delivered. barr came in and told mueller and his band of i nitwits to shw
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your cards. >> if you think bill barr was the problem for the trump administration, you're reading the wrong stuff. howie: mollie, bill barr in my view deserves credit for not publicly disclosing the investigation of hunter biden. are the mainstream media giving him credit? >> mainstream media, which is not mainstream at all, it's really far left democratic partisan activists, did a horrible job covering attorney general barr throughout the time he was attorney general. they constantly claimed things that were not true about how he was handling the trump administration and his role in it. he is someone who is very straightforward, very clear about what he believes. very much cares about the integrity of the justice department and did that no matter who liked it and who didn't like it. and he was very important, perhaps one of the only adults in washington, d.c. in the last four years. and the media did not admit how
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much they got it wrong and that is really bad. i want to make you one exception to that. kim strassel of the wall street journal editorial page, the editorial page has done a better job than the news side, had a great interview with attorney general barr, going through what his views were, successes were, what remains to be done and that's well worth a read. howie: in that interview, liz claman, barr told kim strassel about why he didn't and couldn't under justice department rules publicly disclose a criminal tax investigation of hunter biden. he said think of the power that would give the federal bureaucracy, make an investigation public, affect every election. the president was upset that barr withheld that investigation and some media conservatives were upset as well. >> the president was probably going crazy over this. but i would say that the justice department works like that. that is supposed to be the way
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it works which is exactly what bill barr did. he did not reveal this investigation as it was happening of hunter biden but more importantly, howie, the press -- and this is the bigger question -- someyo somehow didnn up there was an investigation at all. it was totally under the radar. that feeds into the perception that the press is much easier on biden or less suspicious than it has been over president trump but let's be clear here. the kimberley strassel interview, very interesting, he said he probably would have stayed. he had every intention of staying if there was a second term. no, he wanted no part of this narrative that the election was not really fair and clean and in fact you know the scenes in the movie where you see somebody trying to gingerly walk backwards out of a room so they're not noticed, that's really how i think this
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resignation letter looks. regardless, barr absolutely does deserve credit. i'm not sure he's getting that. howie: the media has always painted bill barr as the bad guy, when he interviewed in the mike flynn and roger stone cases. why is it so hard for the pundits to say on these two issues, these two big things, that he did something right? >> well, thank you forceps prating the pundits -- for separating the pundits from media. pundits express their opinion. they can go either way on this. i think bill barr was certainly more conservative than i am as a pundit but when it comes to his actions, he calls them as sees them. hit worked up until the time whn he disagreed with president trump over this -- whether this
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voter fraud story was a big story or whether they could back it up. he didn't follow donald trump's party line on that, just like jeff sessions fell on the outs with trump. it's a fact that barr spent so much time praising trump, means he wanted to stay. but he had to go. howie: all right. again, we're down to our last 30 of seconds. mollie, what does the president gain by getting deputy attorney general jeffrey rosen to move up to the top job for a few weeks. there's a lot of media speculation for example about a wave of pardons coming. >> there's certainly a lot of interest in whether thrill will be pardons coming. i do think attorney general barr meant what he said in the resignation later, which was full of praise for president trump and what he accomplished during his term. there's a huge difference between being able of to in
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short order demonstrate and litigate election fraud cases versus a widespread concern that has not been covered by the media that people like attorney general barr and mitch mcconnell and donald trump all share, which is that election integrity is very important and the way that we did this election did not have that integrity, that there need to be changes going forward so people can have confidence in the results in the election. that is something that may be too nuanced for many people in the media to understand but they need to get clear with it because it's going to be a huge issue going forward across all republican leaders, whether it's trump, mcconnell or anyone else we need to cover that. howie: thanks very much. up next, some in the media finally got to ask joe biden about the criminal investigation of his son. and it's stephen colbert. if these beautiful idaho potato recipes are just side dishes, then i'm not a real idaho potato farmer. genuine idaho potatoes not just a side dish anymore.
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answered a question about the justice department's tax investigation of his son hunter and that question came from late show host stephen colbert. >> you know that the people who want to make hay in washington are going to try to use your adult son as a kudgle against you. >> we have great confidence in our son. i'm not concerned bout any accusations that have been made against him. it's used to get to me. i think it's kind of foul play. howie: let's bring in fox news correspondent griff jenkins. there was a bit of a media freakout because the cbs news played that clip about stephen colbert's question. what do you make of the way that he framed the question and the way joe biden answered it. >> i give him credit for raising thish shiewvment he is an -- the issue. he is an entertainer, not a
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journalist. the question and soft framing was such that this was a political red herring used by his enemies to hurt him. he did the president-elect a disservice to defend his son because his son has been under federal investigation since 2018 for overseas business dealings and tax history. if that investigation clears hunter, then it's good for joe. if it doesn't, then it's a real issue and then colbert will be left looking sort of stupid when you look back on this interview. i think it was a real missed opportunity for colbert who has shown a serious side at times to hammer down on issues. the question he should have asked is will your attorney general be independent. howie: right. but given that none of the reporters who biden has called on recently have even asked about hunter, at least it got on cbs. but i agree that no secret that colbert is sympathetic to joe biden. colbert on the cover of the
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new issue of vanity fair, a glowing piece saying he's made for this era. he's a very talented guy. i interviewed him. i was one on his old show. the is reason that vanity fair is celebrating stephen colbert is thaw because he has been a lr in the late night resistance of donald trump. >> it seems that way. and obviously colbert made his most recent bones by being trump's fiercest critic. in fairness to vanity fair, i did look back. they put katlyn jenner on twice who was a trump supporter and in 2016 they put then fox news' megyn kelly on the cover. but i don't think in this time, in this moment, colbert would have gotten the cover and the glowing pages of the article had he not been one of the toughest critics of president trump. i tell you, i remember covering in 2010, how oh, colbe -- howie,
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colbert, when he came to capitol hill to fight for farm workers. some of that serious side would have been nice to see this time. howie: he is a comedian. he uses his platform to do serious stuff. you might laugh and what he says about trump but there's no question he's the fiercest late night critic of the president. that's what got him to number one. great to see you this sunday. thank you. the new york times has retracted the basis for the two controlled podcast caliphate. the executive editor says he and his top deputies should have given dramatic claims more scrutiny. >> i think we were so in love with it, that when we saw evidence that maybe he was a f fabulist, evidence that he was
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making some of it up, we didn't listen hard enough. howie: he has been arrested and charged with conducting a terrorist hoax. the podcast host tweeted i apologize for what we missed and what we got wrong. it was an institutional failure as was acknowledged. coming up, the media debate over who gets the credit for the miraculous vaccine program as vice president pence gets one of the coveted shots. stay with us.
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howie: after months of posturing and finger pointing, congress appears to have resolved the major obstacles to a $900 billion coronavirus relief bill and the voting could start this afternoon. the other good news, the fda approved the moderna vaccine, looking at live pictures here of a distribution center in mississippi where it will be sent out across the country,
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after the cable news networks went live at the first healthcare workers started receiving the pfizer vaccine, beginning with a new york city nurse and a video link to the state's governor. >> any moment, new york governor andrew cuomo will speak live about the state's first vaccinations. >> we trust science here in the state of new york. >> governor andrew cuomo there, this historic moment. howie: there was little mention of president trump who launched operation warp speed, even from those who celebrated its arrival. >> the vaccine is an extraordinary struck of good fortune for us. we should have never had it this fast. >> on the question of the corona vaccine, our leaders are definitely not pro choice. their view is do as you're told, don't complain, no uncomfortable questions. howie: joining us to analyze the coverage in new york, kat timpf of the greg gutfeld show and fox nation hoved and mara ha
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liasson. kat, finally some good news with both these vaccines. and of course andrew cuomo and other governors want to get a share of the spotlight. i've seen very little mention in the press of president trump, for with all the mistakes he made during the pandemic, and we talked about those, did preside over a pretty successful program. why is that. >> the only thing it could be is petty. when we do see him mentioned, it's a round-about way. the new york times headline comes to mind, trump claims credit for the vaccine but his backers won't take it. you know, and again, then they'll criticize marco rubio. why does he get it, he's not old. it's just purely petty, especially because you know they would be mocking him if there was no vaccine. we know that because they already did. you know, in may nbc news fact checked saying it would take 12 to 18 months, anything sooner than that would take a miracle.
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that proves they know it's an you amazing accomplishment and refusing to acknowledge that really further divides the country that's so divided already. howie: you set up my question to mara. six months ago, widespread mockery, a bloomberg headline called it the impossible dream, quoting all these experts who said it couldn't happen by tend of the year. did i miss the stories saying we were wrong and trump was right? >> yeah, i think that the press, the media can walk and chew gum at the same time. this was a remarkable accomplishment. president trump gets credit for operation warp speed. the thing came online faster than anybody thought. at the same time, you've got these discordant view inside the conservative interview. tucker carlson, you played a clip of him, questioning why people should take the vaccine. the president has pushed back and said everybody get your shots. you know what? it came online fast. now we should cover the
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distribution and the way people are getting it. but president trump absolutely gets credit for this. and i don't think people are saying he shouldn't. what you're talking about is whether he's being given enough mention of what he did to bring it online. howie: i've analyzed the coverage. he's barely mentioned. so vice president mike pence was the first to get the vaccine. let's take a brief look at that. >> it is a miracle indeed. and i also believe that history will record that this week was the beginning of the end of the coronavirus pandemic. howie: so nancy pelosi, mitch mcconnell, other members of congress have gotten it. joe biden supposed to get it tomorrow. i don't have a problem with that. these are the nation's leaders. you mentioned trump supporters, 42% of republican as opposed to 12% of democrats say they probably or definitely won't get
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the vaccine and that could be a problem. does the media have to play a role here in explaining why this appears to be safe? >> i certainly think that we are so divided and when you see stories that are facts, that are easy to report. we have a vaccine. this is way faster than the previous -- four years is the shortest time this has been able to happen. we did it in nine months. there was a piece in the washington post saying joe biden, you should credit trump a little for this vac seen you say you want to unite us. stating this fact would be an easy way to do that. nobody feels they can trust anybody. they see everything as being biased or politically motivated coming out of different media organizations. howie: the program hasn't been flawless. the head of operation warp speed apologized for the states getting shorted what they thought they were going to get. pfizer says they've got millions of doses sitting in a warehouse waiting for instructions from
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the federal government. the new york times report on disinformation being out there about the vaccines, and sidney powell we mentioned earlier, the former trump campaign lawyer, charging election fraud, she tweeted a link to a claim that anybody that doesn't get vaccinated will be subject to surveillance by the government. she wrote no way, american, this is more authoritarian communist control, reported straight from china. 51,000 likes. a lot of this is online. >> one of the most interesting stories is going to be about how president trump who got this online fast, who has been celebrating the arrival of the vaccine, how he deals with this disinformation. he did tweet everyone should get their shots. i thought that was helpful. but the people that he needs to speak to are his supporters and this is a case where the president's bully pulpit would probably have a bigger effect than anywhere else. more republicans and trump supporters are weary of the
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vaccine than democrats. he could change that. howie: when we come back, two controversies over high profile democratic women, one involving cursing and the other on credentials, but is the debate sexist? s easy to gift yourself the smile you deserve. new patients, get started with a comprehensive exam and full set of x-rays with no obligation. and if you don't have insurance, it's free. plus, get 20% off your treatment plan. enjoy flexible payment options and savings when it matters most. we're here to make your smile shine bright so you can start the new year feelin' alright. call 1-800-aspendental 7 days a week or book today at
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drawing flak. mitc, saying mitch mcconnell is terrible. >> thank you for telling us what you think of republicans, they're a bunch of blanks and mitch mcconnell is terrible. i don't think they'll have jen o'malley in charge of outreach to the hill. howie: and the media world debating the wall street journal op-ed saying joe biden should stop calling -- jill biden should start calling herself doctor and that is fraudulent, all she has is a phd and she was taken you aback. >> it was the tone of it that i think -- he called me kiddo. one of the things i'm most proud of is my doctorate. i worked so hard for it. howie: kat, let's start with jen o'malley, the interview was so tough the writer began by saying thank you for saving the world. she drops the f bomb on
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republicans. there's all this outrage. what's your take on the notion that this is sexist and no one would care if a man said that. >> there is a little bit of the notion that swearing isn't lady like. i swear a lot myself off dashcam ray. i can admit that -- camera. i can admit that. howie: don't do it on camera. >> i said off. she wanted to go hard against republicans. it wasn't a good word. it wasn't descri descriptive. it's the same insult a drunk guy would yell at a bouncer when he's being dragged out of the bar. i understand it was graha. >glamourmagazine. she could have used a better word there. howie: all right. mara, she did walk it back, saying perhaps i should have used different language. but that was after axios reported that some of democrats wanted jen o'malley dylan to apologize and there was a piece
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quoting an unnamed democratic donor, and they pushed back saying o'malley dylan had the guts to say this about republicans. where do you come down? >> i mean, i think when you think about the other stories, covid vaccine online, biggest cyber attack ever, you know, congress watching the sand coming out of the hourglass on unemployment benefits and needs to act. i mean, this is like a tiny little story, way down the list. you know what? the f word has lost its descriptive power. as kat just said, i fight a losing battle with my teenage son all the time about the f word. i think it should be retired but you know what, after four years of very prominent people using terrible language and saying horrible things about their opponents, maybe everybody could try to dying it -- dial it back.
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howie: the other story, continuing media eruption over the wall street journal op-ed by joseph epstein in which he said it was fraudulent for jill biden to call herself doctor because she only has a doctorate in education. chris wallace was told this morning that this was silly, sexist and absurd. kat. >> okay. personally, i get a little annoyed when people -- you see dr. phil, he's not a licensed therapist and he's got a brand on dr. phil. he has been attacked for that. the new york times, medical doctors who aren't practicing anymore usually drop the doctor. ben carson is mr. ben carson in the new york times but jill biden is dr. jill biden. the doctor thing annoys me. if i had a piece written about me where some guy i didn't know called me ki can ddo i would have -- k iddo, i would have been like -- that would have
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been offensive. in terms of the doctor debate, there was none of the nuance in the media discussion. howie: there have been a whole lot of men, dr. kis kissinger, u mentioned dr. phil, dr. king,, so paul gigot defended this by saying that my guess is the biden team concluded it was a chance to use the big gun of identity politics to send a message to critics and accuse the biden side of playing the gender or race card. i think some people in the media were upset about this even be before the campaign pushback. >> yeah, this is just ridiculous. dr. gorka, do we talk about him? no. he wants to be called dr. gorka fine. there's a difference between the rules that new york times refers to people, if people want to refer to doctor and they have a doctorate, it should be okay.
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the wall street journal got a lot of attention for this and most of it was negative. howie: got to go. dr. timpf and dr. liaason -- >> that's pr professor to you. howie: will the media miss donald trump or what about critics who say we should just stop covering him? liz claman is coming back. my psoriatic arthritis pain? i had enough! it's not getting in my way. joint pain, swelling, tenderness...much better. my psoriasis, clearer... cosentyx works on all of this. four years and counting. so watch out. i got this! watch me. real people with active psoriatic arthritis look and feel better with cosentyx. cosentyx works fast for results that can last. it treats the multiple symptoms of psoriatic arthritis, like joint pain and tenderness, back pain, and helps stop further joint damage.
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after the first 100 days is going to be like, um, you miss me yet? i think they're going to miss the guy they woke up hating every day, a lot. howie: and we're back with liz claman. liz, of course the media are going to miss donald trump. he's been the central object of session for the last six years. how does that square with the negativity and even hostility towards the president? >> oh, square, they love it. there is no way that the media are going to ever let go of anything as long as donald trump is out there and even opening his mouth or perhaps even just golfing. their livelihood has depended on it and they're completely obsessed. when you talk about livelihood, the president likes to call it the failing new york times. the new york times isn't failing. i'm a financial journalist. you look at their stock, during the trump presidency, the four years, the stock has increased five-fold. just year-to-date, up 51% for that stock. they are not failing.
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of course, president trump loves to put out there -- on wednesday he tweeted fox is dead. yeah, if this is his idea of being dead, just a couple hours later, the nielsen ratings were released and fox smashed all records in cable news, the highest rated year in the history of cable news. so, you know, this is all wishful thinking and he's in fantasy land if he thinks either are going away. howie: very much alive. you're right, being anti-trump has been a business model. anthony scar new yo scaramucci a fierce critic, he says that right now the media must stop giving him attention, must stop covering him, no more videos, audios, attention is trump's objection of jen and lifeblood. how do you stop covering the president of the united states who has a month to go. >> how do you ban the voice of somebody who got 74 million votes? the second most in history behind joe biden.
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you don't. and listen, anthony is a very smart guy. you can look at him as either the ultimate truth teller when it comes to trump or you can call him a traitor. which ever way you fall, a very smart guy. he comes from finance. he's not somebody that beats the drum for freedom of speech, howie and of course if you are for listening to all different sides of an argument, you can't just sit there and ban any kind of voice like that unless it is a voice that incites violence. that of course is illegal. you can't do that for now, i suspect that twitter and facebook will not go anywhere near him when it comes to banning. howie: well, yeah, he also called for twitter to suspend the president's account. that's not going to happen and shouldn't happen. he said it's the media and the republicans who still love trump who keep him relevant. i say he's the de facto leader of the republican party and will continue. so last question, how should the media cover him? you say every time he goes golfing, whatever. when he's a former president, with a lot of clout, who will know how to push the buttons,
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the question is, what's the right level of coverage? >> well, you know, cable is different obviously. cable is never going to err on the side of being very measured when it comes to that. but especially now, when you see action and reaction, even the upstarts, the news maxes, the oans or, look, i-24, newsy, cheddar, they're over every story that he's a part of. you're right, howie. if he is at the moment that loudest voice in the room when it comes to being a gop leader, you have a lot of republicans who are maybe scared of him, who knows. but yeah, this media will not stop covering him. for sure. howie: could be a challenge for the next president. liz less, thankliz, thanks so mg us. hope you like our facebook page. let's done the conversation on
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twitter. check out the podcast, media buzz meter. you can get it lots of different places. we packed a lot in. that's what we do here. we're back here next sunday. we'll see you then with the latest buzz. when i was diagnosed with dupuytren's contracture, i waited to get treated. thought surgery was my only option. but then i found out about nonsurgical treatments. it was a total game changer. learn more about the condition at looking to save money this look at allstate.n? drivers who switched & saved, averaged $718 dollars. saving is easy when you're in good hands. call a local agent, or 1-800-allstate for a quote today.
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eric: we have good news in the fight against the coronavirus. shipments of the second vac neon now underway as top u.s. health officials say a third vaccine could get approval as early as next month, as a new $900 billion coronavirus stimulus relief bill seems finally nailed down on capitol hill. you're looking live at the capitol where congress appears close to an agreement to finally reach a key compromise on that today, a vote is expected. hello, everyone. welcome to america's news headquarters. i'm eric shawn. hi, mollie. >> hello, eric. i'm mollie line, in for arthel neville. the first
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