tv The Five FOX News December 22, 2020 2:00pm-3:00pm PST
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sara, thank you very, very much, hope you have a very, very merry christmas, happy holiday, and i hope all of you do as we well. we had a down day but man, old man, we are still putting an impressive year, aren't we? here comes "the five." ♪ >> dana: hello, everyone, i am dana perino alongside jesse watters, geraldo rivera, and katie pavlich. it's 5:00 in new york city and this is the five. ♪ >> danal: help is finally on the wings for millions of americans are struggling to make ends meet during the coronavirus pandemic. congress finally passing a second release package, nine months after president trump signed the cares act back in late march. now the stimulus will send $600 direct cash payments to millions, it will boost federal unemployment benefits, extend eviction moratoriums to renters, and allocate $325 billion to
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small businesses ravaged by the pandemic. now that relief bill, tied to a separate omnibus spending package, that have little to do with funding the government, things like $10 million for gender programs in pakistan, $26 million for the kennedy center, funding to investigate the 1908 springfield race riot, a committee to regulate steroids and horse racing and so much more. republicans calling out nancy pelosi and democrats for throwing in dozens of provisions with little time to read either bill. >> she loves setting arbitrary deadlines, running up past the deadline, and they are just trying to threaten for things that no one wants to give. >> the process has been absolutely terrible. we have, what, 6,000 pages, and what did we get? we got maybe two hours ago. >> this is sausage making, but the democrats have the say, they run the house.
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>> dana: even aoc agrees, tweeting, "members of congress have not read the bill. it's over 5,000 pages. arrived at 2:00 p.m. today and we are told to expect a vote on it in two hours. this isn't governance. it's hostage shaking." jesse, i would point out the 12 appropriation bills have been available for members to read for quite a while. they don't take him up on that and if they don't do that, but there are still a lot of things in there that are curious. for example, why is it that the kennedy center always gets a huge chunk of money every single time we passed one of these bills? what is going on over there? >> jesse: i think it's because it is named the kennedy center and everybody in washington loves to put on a ball gown and go drink champagne and listen to an orchestra. but i'm really upset about the $10 million to study gender in pakistan, dana. i studied it this afternoon. guess what i found out? you are allowed up to four wives if you are a pakistan email. do i get $10 million now?
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that seems like kind of an issue with a regard to gender. i have a feeling next year the pakistani generals are going to be telling the americans come hey, guys, i am still a little bit misogynistic over here. you were going to have to up it to maybe 15 or $20 million. i mean, this is just a ruse because -- >> dana: i think a lot of it does go to domestic violence there, and female mutilation -- >> jesse: you actually think they are getting the money? it is getting wandered through the generals. listen, i don't think tomorrow you are going to see a female prime minister in pakistan as a result of this money. >> dana: that's not what it's for. >> jesse: terrible money spent. they actually, dana, they actually hid bin laden in that country for about a decade. >> dana: are not saying that. >> jesse: $2 million to buy cars for people that work in hiv? how about a moped. with that kind of money you can
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buy everybody a lamborghini or, what, $45 million to study the weather in tibet? it's windy. windows the checks clear? this is an egregious abuse of power. it debases the value of a dollar. dana, if you are a billionaire, and you buy your son or daughter a rolls-royce for christmas and he says, next year, dad, could i get a helicopter? no. maybe buy him a $5 slingshot. he'll have fun in the woods all winter. that is money well spent. this is ridiculous. especially when nancy said that thousand dollar checks to workers from the trump tax cut was crumbs, well, this is $400 less and she wants a pat on the back. >> dana: there is money for the paycheck protection act, kt, that did very well when president trump first signed it. there are things to quibble about it, there is a little bit of misuse, but overall, it really helps.
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in this bill in particular, there is no money specific to restaurants, which are really hurting, and you can't actually use ppp to pay for your employees if they are not allowed to have any business to come in in order to pay their rent. >> katie: right. yeah, in order to, in terms of the money coming to your point about the money going to pakistan and how it may be a valuable program but the fact is, we can't necessarily afford all of these things, the fact that it took so long to get to this point, months and months to get us to $600 direct payments, i think it's a little too late. you have democrats now after these trillions of dollars just being spent over, now saying joe biden today, this is simply just a down payment. there are a number of businesses who got ppp early on who credited with saving their business, which is very important, but because it got dragged out for another six months after that with people saying, we are losing employees, not allowed to open, here we are
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now with a real estate crisis because renters are now not getting evicted, which is good, however, people own those buildings and there and those apartments and those homes and they have mortgages to pay. what happens with the mortgage environment at that point? there's all these factors, and quite frankly, politicians for decades in congress have done america a huge disservice of putting us into so much data because now we are in a position where if we don't vote for this bill with these extra pork spending items, you are actually hurting people who do need assistance, but at the same time, you are putting us further in debt, which hurts everybody. so it's a lose-lose situation for everyone, but i do hope that the short-term gains for these businesses help but we are dealing with a bigger issue now because nancy pelosi pushed it so far into the abyss when it comes to the economics here. >> dana: albright, geraldo, take a listen to what president-elect joe biden said today, that he will ask for another bill next quarter. >> congress did its job this week.
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i can and i must ask them to do it again next year. this bill is just the first step, a down payment in addressing the crisis, the crises, more than one, we are in. >> dana: all right, geraldo, what do you think? >> geraldo: well, we are in a deep hole, dana. people are really hurting. i just want to point out one thing. if you have any faith at all in government, any faith -- and we are deeply skeptical, we are even cynical, we have been in the business, at least i have come a long, long time, here is with the vote, the senate, 92-6, the house of representatives, 359-53. so it passed overwhelmingly. a la mode to say congress is dysfunctional and the lobbyists rule everything and that washington is just a bunch of liars and leakers and so forth. but at some point you have to have faith in the leadership. i mean, do you trust
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mitch mcconnell? i know how most people at least on this network feel about nancy pelosi, but these are the leaders, they get together, that is the process. i don't like it. the debt keeps growing. i give you an example, greg and i covering the war in afghanistan, 11 assignments over there, we did one school house they built, the usaid money, we went back the next year, the place had been blown up and they rebuilt it, we went back another time and it was blown up again. so there is futility in a lot of foreign aid. it's always very, very unpopular and yet we keep doing it, why? because we want to beat the world power, we want to help bring world democracy. i'm just glad they got the museum of the american latino approved. >> dana: well, that is also debatable, right? one of the things. just to clarify, i'm not saying that the pakistan girl money is
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a valuable program that we should continue. i was just trying to make the point that it wasn't just about gender, there are problems for girls there at the national security ties are played into it. but look, far be it for me to have to explain it. whoever wanted this program in the appropriations bill, they should get out there and asked lena so i don't have to. let's give you the final word. >> there were some other winners, i, myself, got a chance to breathe a huge sigh of relief because they are repealing unenforced crimes, and you know, now i can use things like smokey the bear, that i will come with a golden eagle, and i can use this was flagged and my yard when i do my things, so i will no longer get arrested for having smokey the bear pictures in my weight lifting stuff. so that is the good thing. it is a lot of ridiculousness, $35 billion for museums. i love museums but if i am social distancing and i don't have the money to take the kids anywhere, i can't go to the museums anyway. so this was a gross misappropriation of funds, and it wasn't enough time and it's sad because it was supposed to help the american people. can we have a bill that just
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helps the american people and we'll sort the other stuff out later on? although i am happy to say that i can say smokey the bear whenever i won't and won't get in trouble. phenomenal. >> dana: one thing we all agree on is that congress should go back to regular budgeting process, and they wouldn't get into this mess every single december. up next, prisoners over pensioners, by inmates in one state look at the vaccine before some senior citizens. that is next. ♪ ♪ may your holidays glow bright and all your dreams take flight. visit your local mercedes-benz dealer today for exceptional lease and financing offers at the mercedes-benz winter event.
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massachusetts prisons will reportedly get their covid vaccines in february before home health aides, senior citizens, and medically vulnerable residents. squad member ayanna pressley is fine with it. she wants to make prisoners a priority. >> i will continue to fight for our most vulnerable, communities who have been disparate fortunately impacted by the virus, for our health care workers who are essential workers, incarcerated men and women to be prioritized in distribution of the vaccine. >> jesse: katie come out of the 12,000 fatalities they have had in massachusetts for covid,n prisoners, and 97% of prisoners are under 65 years old. i don't know how vulnerable they really are. >> katie: well, jesse, if they are willing to give them in prison instead of releasing them like they have been doing by the thousands in places like california, then maybe it is something we should look at.
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but the broader issue is that social justice ideology has bled into vaccine prioritization both on the federal level at the cdc and on the state level. the state governments have a lot of power when it comes to who gets the vaccine in their state in the prioritization of who is in line first, but the fact is, the cdc data shows the most vulnerable people for this virus of death are the elderly population. and yet we have ayanna pressley and university professors who are advising cdc panels about who should get the vaccine first, saying that we should look at race and other factors rather than just who is most vulnerable of dying of this disease. that should alarm everybody because they are choosing based on some social justice ideology, not based on science or health data as you just pointed out. >> jesse: welcome of the science shows this, tyrus, this is what the feds are doing, the feds are giving the vaccine to prison guards and prison staff before they are giving it to the
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actual prisoners. massachusetts is flipping it. i don't know why. do you? >> tyrus: some of it has to do with the social justice issue because unfortunately, minorities make up about 20% of the population in massachusetts but we represent 50% in the prisons. so i guess in some whacked out mold of justice, you are kind of helping minorities by giving vaccines to prisoners. i think the point in all of us as we have to make tough decisions. since we literally have beaten the whole thing about we need to stick with the science, go with the science and figure out what is best. here's the other thing. prisoners are reluctant to admit if they have symptoms because they get put in solitary confinement. are you going to vaccinate everybody or are you going to go with who has it? there are so many things there, instead of going by looking at age, looking at susceptibility, those type of factors, taking care of our essential workers first should be across the boa board. >> jesse: dana, i can't
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imagine living in massachusetts it may be grandfather served in world war ii, and he is behind the lion in front of someone that is locked up for child ra rape, vehicular homicide, that would not sit well with me. >> dana: a lot of elderly people feel like they have been imprisoned in their own home because they have been trying to follow the rules. they have a desire to live, they want to see their grandchildren, they want to get out there and travel. maybe they saved up their whole lives so that in their retirement they would be able to travel and now they are looking at a year, may be two, where they are not going to be able to do that. and i'm really concerned also about the home health aides. i understand the hospital workers getting at first but i listened to this interview of this woman who had a patient that she took care of every day but she has her own lung condition. her doctor put her on medical disability so she's not allowed to go back to work. but she also can't get a vaccine because she is not elderly and she's not working at the hospital but she also can't pay her rent and she's got two daughters that are worried about
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the fact that they don't have christmas and she was trying to be as positive as she possibly could, but the system has failed in terms of the prioritization. i know it is complicated and it's nuanced, but there are a lot of people that need this and soon, especially those who can get back to work and help the economy get back up to speed. >> jesse: yeah, geraldo, do you see any political benefit to the squad to say, hey, let's prioritize prisoners before other people? i just don't see it. maybe i am just not savvy enough to look. >> geraldo: all i can say is that when they added the 75 plus on the priority list, there was the first thing i want, best thing about being an old person other than medicare. [laughs] the thing about prisoners, talk about a captive audience, they did the crime, they are in jail for the crime come but now what are you going to do? are you going to torture them with the virus? either vaccinate them or release
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them. here in cleveland, they released a lot of prisoners, they've done that in many, many jurisdictions. it's an awful alternative, but someone is in there on a nonviolent offense, they are four times more likely to get the virus and twice as likely to die, that is the statistic i saw, and then the federal prisons from november to december, they have had an alarming increase, more than a third over what they had in november in terms of the cases. so we are not that society where you put them in and you let them get chopped up by this virus. it is a hobson's choice. >> jesse: geraldo, i don't think we are saying don't vaccinate the people in prison just maybe someone on the front lines in a hospital, maybe they go first. that's all. i think everybody agrees with that. >> geraldo: maybe they do. >> jesse: up ahead, capitalism is slavery? you are not going to believe the latest statement from the newest
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member of the squad next on "the five." ♪ needles. essential for sewing, but maybe not for people with certain inflammatory conditions. because there are options. like an "unjection™". xeljanz. the first and only pill of its kind that treats moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, or moderate to severe ulcerative colitis when other medicines have not helped enough. xeljanz can lower your ability to fight infections. before and during treatment, your doctor should check for infections, like tb and do blood tests. tell your doctor if you've had hepatitis b or c, have flu-like symptoms, or are prone to infections. serious, sometimes fatal infections, cancers including lymphoma, and blood clots have happened. taking a higher than recommended dose of xeljanz for ra may increase risk of death. tears in the stomach or intestines and serious allergic reactions have happened. needles. fine for some. but for you, there's a pill that may provide symptom relief. ask your doctor about the pill first prescribed for ra
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♪ >> geraldo: welcome back, everybody. the newest member of the squad is calling for the abolition of capitalism. get rid of it. he hasn't even been sworn in y yet. jamaal bowman demanding a transformation of the american economy, saying, "i believe our current system of capitalism is slavery by another name. we've moved from physical chattel enslavement and physical racial segregation to a plantation economic system. it's a system that is not working so we need a new system," says the congressman elect. you know, tyrus, i think comparing anything to slavery or to the holocaust is lazy, intellectually lazy, and totally
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inappropriate. what say you? >> tyrus: the only other word for slavery is slavery. that is a complete ridiculousness to even try to put it, equate it another way. this country, capitalism is based on what? individual achievement. you pull your bootstraps up as they used to say back in the day, you get on the ground, you educate yourself, you work, you work, you work, you sacrifice, and the american dream works for everybody. there is opportunity everywhere. every job in this country, whether it's the president or it is a janitor, any person can hold it, we know that to be true, so to say that there is no opportunity is ridiculous. can a whole group be taken up and rise up and capitalism? know, individual achievement. you can set up things in your community, giveback, help others, always strengthen education, you can always work on things here and there but this is the best system in the universe and i am living proof of that and i am in no way
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enslaved, and if you don't know what slavery is, we still have some great, great grandparents around that can inform you and let you know that this ain't nothing like slavery might not even close. >> geraldo: ain't nothing like it. i totally agree. standardized testing. what about that, dana? it is tough on kids from the inner city, we know that. kids that go to bad schools. how else do we weed out the best students? this guy wants to abolish standardized testing. what do you say? >> dana: i also wonder, if you want to abandon that, does he want to have more school choice? because that is an option. you can figure out a way to have more alternatives to education which could help. i think one of the things that is a key to america's success is the economic mobility. do you have the opportunity to move up? and the system is not perfect. of course, there are things that you might want to change here and there and especially as technology increases, so should we make sure that, for example,
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rural broadband is available to people who don't live in big cities that get all the attention. there are things you can do around the edges. but there is a reason so many people are trying to get into the united states of america, because there's opportunity here. and it's the best system that we have -- it's not perfect, but it's the best one we have. >> geraldo: you know, my problem, jesse, with socialism is that all of these socialists have a great ideas about cementing other people's money but they have no idea how to make money. what do you think? >> jesse: [laughs] that's a good point. first, i'd like to congratulate the congressman for breaking the gender barrier of the squad. i had no idea the squad was accepting new members. is there an initiation ritual? i mean, do they have to bring rubble from a toppled statue to aoc? i am curious about if he got tapped and how. but i look into this guy's background, it's an amazing background. he grew up dirt poor, got
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himself into college, played college football, then went and got a masters degree, and then got a doctorate in education. so now i guess we have to call him doctor bowman. then he founded his own school. then he became a congressman. now he's expecting checks from capitalists so he can stay a congressman. i mean, capitalism allowed him to succeed. and tyrus put it perfectly. although students in the school that doctor bowman founded are eventually one day going to be invested in by people who see their talent or see their hard work or see their ideas and that is going to raise their standard of living. so this again is the opposite of slavery. or that is a beautiful thing. >> geraldo: i am just so irked by invocation of that horror, that historic horror. you know, katie, socialism, the defunding the police, joe biden
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admitted that these were disastrous issues for democrats. god bless bowman, as jessie says, he is an amazing american success story, but all across the board, elsewhere, the democrats got wiped out on the defund the police and socialism as issues, katie. >> katie: yeah, and the irony, geraldo, he is arguing that capitalism is the enemy here but if you look over the past nine months, you've actually seen an economic system in the united states that is closer to socialism and communism and capitalism, since the government is now in charge of telling people when they can go to work, how many people can be in their business, when they can operate their businesses, who can be in business, big box stores are enabled by state and local governments to be open while small businesses are completely crushed. you have special interest group like hollywood production companies that have an end with the local authorities who get to operate right in the parking lot of a small business owner who has a restaurant outside that she spent money on but she is not allowed to operate. i mean, that is -- the type of
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system that he wants is what we are seeing right now. it has been horrible for everybody, and big government is enabled by big business, which is the big corporations that he is completing about. so if you want to look at what is going on and where we are growing, the last nine months or a pretty good example of the system he wants, not a free-market capitalist system. >> geraldo: for the record, we have had a republican president. i think there is plenty of blame to go around. >> katie: he was against more lockdowns, geraldo. >> geraldo: well, not against it strongly enough may be. i think that -- we were in a panic. we are trying to do the best we can. you know, governors, mayors, they are not perfect. it is what it is. why an 18-year-old kid, an american young lady, ignored a covid locked down in a foreign country, is now behind bars. she's 18 years old. her family is begging the u.s. government for help.
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♪ >> katie: a college student from georgia is imprisoned in paradise, and sentence to two months in the cayman islands jail for violating the islands covid instructions. the judge threw the book at the 18-year-old, skylar mack, after she was caught breaking quarantine roles because of her jet ski racing boyfriend. her sentence was just reduced from four months to two about her grandmother is begging for leniency. >> i disagree with the judge. i don't think it was deliberate. i think it was an 18-year-old thinking, i am negative, i will go, i will stay away from everybody, and everything will be okay. i am not making excuses for her
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but i think we have to keep in mind, she is a teenager. she is devastated. she is terrified. i mean, she has an anxiety attack. >> katie: so dana, it is always tough to be overseas and to get arrested for these kinds of violations. the family is now asking the state department and the white house for some help. her sentence was originally four months. it's now been knocked down to two. but tough situation. >> dana: it really is. she's not being belligerent. she sang, i did the wrong thing, but she's asking for leniency. i don't think saying that she is a teenager will cut a necessarily in that she is eligible to vote and in most places, 18, you're an adult. however, i would say this. i think the fact that she has been sentenced and to this fear and this worry is enough to scare her straight for the rest of her life. she has gotten the message. she's embarrassed and i do think
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that our state department should be able to work out something with her. i'm not saying she shouldn't have to do something, maybe pay a fine or something, but i think two months in jail seems like a lot. >> katie: yeah, so jesse, she has apologized. her grandmother is saying that they threw the book at her to make an example out of her, they got to two months knocked off. what do you think about that? >> jesse: i don't like other countries punishing our people. that is our job. she said she was sorry. she made a little mistake, fine. but zoom out for a second here. her name is skylar mack. she looks like she belongs on a postcard. she is premed. the media is calling her georgia teen. her grandmother has already been on fox and "the today show" in near tears. like, we know how this is going to end, right? they came i the cayman islands o it the easy way or the hard way.
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it's up to them. trump is involved, mr. hostage rescue viewer. this b-12 only do two things. they do tourism and private banking. we can take these things away from them. do i have to do to the caymans what i did to the dominican republic and after those mysterious murders? boycott. single-handedly think that economy. i am not afraid to do a little due diligence down in this b-12, all-expenses-paid of course, and settle this myself. i'm just saying, we know how this is to end. >> katie: geraldo, you should follow the rules when you are visiting a foreign country, but this does seem like an extensive punishment for a young woman who has apologized for what she did. >> geraldo: it certainly does, katie, i have to say, jesse sounds like the ugly american to me. the big footed imperialist who wants to impose his will on -- >> jesse: hey, listen, it's an
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island about this big, geraldo. they are lucky to be there. >> geraldo: you are digging your heel into there. i don't know why she is waiting on president trump. she's from georgia. how about david perdue and kelly loeffler? i mean, they would jump all over this case. wake up down there, you georgia republicans come here is your chance to actually do something for one of your constituents that people will notice. get you may be on fox news or on "the today show." i think that the sentence is preposterous. i think that it is may be reverse racism. there is an aspect here that i find very unsavory. the initial sentence was community service, then they prosecute her appeal of all things, and then i oppose the four months, then cut it down to two months when they had the jesse-like reaction from from around the world. let her go. i mean, today and's point, the punishment has clearly been inflicted on her.
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>> katie: tyrus, do you want to jump on the pile of boycotting the caymans with jesse? >> tyrus: i will go with jesse to the cayman islands and the two of us will do some investigative reporting. i will start on the big wheel bike on the ocean to see what i can figure out. maybe do some scuba diving. just get to the bottom of this. thorough investigation. no stone unturned. here's the thing, i will be the bad guy here. life lesson, you know, when i was -- if she didn't look the way she looked, would we really be this upset about it? if she was a light skinned, jacked football player who went over there and -- well, he did what he had to do, when those young men got in trouble in china, everyone was like, they shouldn't have been out doing that. the president stepped in, so when they give you rules and you break the rules, for some reason, this particular generation loves to say, "but i didn't mean it and i'm sorry." could you imagine if one of us was a teenager and we got in front of the judge and said, i am sorry, i didn't mean it?
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he would be like, i'm glad to hear that, and here is your sentence. i have mixed feelings on it. >> jesse: tyrus is only saying this because he has an account in the caymans. >> tyrus: don't we all? i go there three times a year. i am the ceremonial mayor of the cayman islands. i will make a call. this is what is going to get you out of bed. now it is going to be. geraldo is in, jesse watters is out, let's go. [laughter] >> katie: we'll see with the state department can do. in the meantime, coming up, this next story, don't want to miss. governor cuomo thinks that santa will be very good to him this year but our evidence lands him right on the naughty list. we'll show you the tape up next. ♪ want to sell the best burger in every zip code?
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many would disagree. here is a whole of reasons why the love gov shouldn't get nothing but coal. >> want to go to work? go to a job as an essential worker. >> by the states numbers, you have hit 3%. the schools close. what are you talking about? >> you are not going to override. >> we did it already! that is the law in the red zone. if all facts! you are confused. >> tyrus: you know, i think that any time that you've had yourself on the back, and i tell my kids this all the time, you don't tell me you have been good for christmas. i tell you. then ultimately santa will make his decision. i think it is kind of selfish, given some of the circumstances of what happened that he would be that be that jovial and that excited about himself. evil watters aim to take in that mess at all. your thoughts on someone telling
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you they have been good this year? >> jesse: i have never seen anybody, besides me of course, that makes everything about himself that way governor cuomo does. i am honestly -- geraldo, you are third. geraldo, i am in awe of this man's ego. i am dead serious. i'm literally in awe. i mean, governor cuomo, my goodness, you basically were blindsided by this pandemic, you botched it, and then you clocked in with the highest death toll, then you wrote a book about how great you did, and right after the book comes out, we get hit with a second wave and he thinks santa is coming to the governor's mansion first? it is that type of delusional arrogance that actually makes him a really potent politician. >> tyrus: you know, the fact that you mentioned the great geraldo rivera, and it's an under to be on the stage with you for the first time, sir, i will allow you to defend yourself. how dare watters. [laughter] >> geraldo: you know, the
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cuomo family, i have been relatively close with them, chris cuomo was my protege, i put them on television. it has dad, mario, the governor, a frequent guest on my show. his mom matilda is a saint. [laughs] matilda is a saint. she's really a wonderful person. but andrew never got that gene, that nice guy jean. he is arrogant. he can be a bully, as you saw. i think that he lost it when dana and i were talking about this earlier today, when the ventilators didn't come, started running out in new york, he kind of panicked. the whole nursing home thing with the in-laws, there is a lot of things that he did that really, really screwed up. but new yorkers, still 56%, so -- and he's running for a fourth term. maybe he does get -- santa does cut him some slack. >> tyrus: is it ever okay for
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a politician to tell you how great he is? >> katie: not if you have screwed up everything along the way. i mean, i hate to be like, this isn't a funny person, but it's really not when you have people like janice dean who lost two of her husband's parents basically at the same time because of a policy decision that andrew cuomo made early on that he has never accounted for. he has never explained why they made that decision and why it was the right one, and there are a lot of families in new york for christmas this week who aren't going to have that person sitting at their table and maybe that could have been prevented. you know, it is easy to monday morning quarterback, but his attitude toward the things that have happened is not one of learning from mistakes or being empathetic or sympathetic towards the decisions he has made, and there is a lot of people who are out of work in restaurants, who can't afford to buy back their kids christmas presents or have santa coming. so that is the situation. >> tyrus: dana, i think it is
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safe that you have never received coal in your life. is there any advice you can give cuomo to how to better carry himself to where we don't all get him salty? >> dana: i'm just trying to figure out how to have a bigger ego. i think it might help me. if anybody has any tips on that -- >> jesse: we'll talk to you after the show. >> tyrus: don't you change, dana perino, don't you ever change. [laughter] >> dana: i think santa it would be reluctant to try to give cuomo a lump of coal because he would get arrested by the new climates are john kerry. >> tyrus: that's true. [laughter] that is how you take it home. "one more thing" is up next. ♪ - hi, i'm steve.
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- i'm lea. and we live in north pole, alaska. - i'm a retired school counselor. [lea] i'm a retired art teacher. [steve] we met online about 10 years ago. as i got older, my hearing was not so good so i got hearing aids. my vision was not as good as it used to be, got a change in prescription. but the this missing was my memory. i saw a prevagen commercial and i thought, "that makes sense." i just didn't have to work so hard to remember things. prevagen. healthier brain. better life.
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thing. i will go first. a lot of pets around this time of year, they are loving all the extra treats, food, kind of begging like this little guy. take a look at him. can i get some more please? the doubt is like, now, you're going to go pretty pushes him away. he takes this very badly. watch how he gets over here and he just slams the door shut because he is serious. it's like unfair, unfair. he's got a very rebellious attitude. this little dog. look at that. jesse? you are next. speak okay, jessie's feeding frenzy slammed the door shut on this food item. mcdonald's has introduced a spam burger. in china, they are selling a sandwich made with two slices of spam topped with crushed oreos and glazed with mayonnaise. did you guys hear that? spam, oreos, and mayonnaise. i have no idea why they are some limits in china, maybe this is
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our way of getting back at them for the virus. i don't know. in that case, it's a great idea. but that looks absolutely revolting. not to revolting, it will be me on tucker carlson tonight at 8:00 eastern. there you go. >> great, see you there. >> all right, geraldo. >> i still of the heebie-jeebies from that spam sandwich, it's gross. you know, i have a brilliant daughter who was a producer at sea enough at jon king. she brought her brand-new docks and puppy named bipin to visit. old little dogs didn't like the clumsy puppy invading their turf. it's adorable to watch. here it is. [growling] that's me and jesse.
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[laughter] >> oh, my goodness. >> our pets are making the world go round, especially as kristin sees it. katie, you are next. it's because we all know throughout the pandemic and general behavior, a lot of us are ordering packages and we are grateful to the people who deliver them for us. there's a special delivery that arrived in richmond, virginia. the delivery man rounded a corner and saw those when a surprise party was organized by a person in the neighborhood, her name is patty friedman, because she wanted to thank him with all of their neighbors for delivering packages during the pandemic. anthony was shocked, it was amazing, as you can see they all had signs saying thank you for all of your hard work. and for being an essential worker during the difficult times delivering medicine and a discourse of their essential items to the neighborhood. so thank you very much to anthony gaskin and of course all of the other ups and fedex
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drivers who have been helping people get what they need since the pandemic. very cute. >> dana: they have. they've done a great job indeed. tyrus, what you got? >> tyrus: listen, two of the toughest men on the planet, two canadian men playing a game of chess while submerged in an icy lake. you can't get any tougher than that. this is monstrously just -- these guys are bad. i am so inspired by this. i'm throwing a challenge out there were ever a legendary superstar mark henry is outcome of the world's strongest man, i'm calling you out. you find an icy lake. chess match. maybe not chess, go with checkers. checkers is a lot faster. but i'm calling you out. these guys are -- tic-tac-toe. let's do tic-tac-toe. and tic-tac-toe on the ice water. let's he was really got it. this is phenomenal. these guys deserve -- if i was a teacher at of them in. nice job.
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>> dana: would like to see jesse try that. >> no! >> dana: throw geraldo in there. >> tyrus: he doesn't even explain himself anymore. >> dana: that's it for us everyone. 's 24 is up next. >> bret: good evening, welcome to washington, i am bret baier. president-elect joe biden says it's administration will likely respond in kind to the massive hacking of u.s. government computer systems. biden is criticizing president trump's actions and inaction, both before and after the attack. tonight we are learning new disturbing details about how the hack was carried out. how extensive it may be and how long it may be to take -- how long it may take to clean up and clear out. correspondent mark meredith has that tough story this morning. good evening, mark. speak of the
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