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tv   Hannity  FOX News  December 22, 2020 10:00pm-11:00pm PST

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>> tucker: and itself like it is real. have not talked a lot about it on the show because it's so hard to know, but you are one of the few people who might have been in onn this. it sounds more serious than i realized it was. we will have you back. rick gates, great to see you tonight. >> merry christmas, tucker. thanks. >> tucker: merry christmas. without, we will be back tomorrow. tammy bruce in for sean. >> tammy: thank you, everyone, and welcome to this special edition of "hannity." i am tammy bruce in tonight for sean. we begin with a fox news alert. president trump is calling on congress to amend its massive packed spending bill and increase direct payments to at least $2,000 per person. here's president trump earlier tonight. >> among the more than 5,000 pages in this bill, which nobody in congress has read because of its length and complexity, it's called the covid relief bill,
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but it has almost nothing to do with i covid. i am asking congress to amend this bill and increase the ridiculouslyly low $600 to $2,0, or $4,000 for a couple. i am also asking congress to immediately get rid of the wasteful and unnecessary items from this legislation. sent me a suitable bill, or else the next administration will have to deliver a covid relief package, and maybe that administration will be me. and we will get it done. thankk you very much. >> tammy: well, bravo. and are joining us with the latest is our own chad pergram. chad?? >> good evening, tammy. well, the president doesn't outright threaten a veto at this point, but you can't really amend the bill at this stage. it's unclear even with the president is proposing as to whether that would pass. there were a lot of republicans who did not want, you know, big direct stimulus checks. house speaker nancy pelosi tweeted a few moments ago, she's
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like a great, let's bring it to the floor and get republicans on board, do it this week by unanimous consent, but it is unclear if you were able to namend the bill, as the presidet said, whether you have the votes to pass it in both thet house d senate. this bill is essentially done. you have to start again. now, here's what's interesting. this raises the possibility of a pocket veto. it is rare, but we are almost in a proper parliamentary posture where you could have the possibility of a pocket veto. let me explain that to you right now here. article one, section seven of the constitution requires the president to sign or veto a bill within ten days, sundays biexcluded, or it becomes law without his signature. that is unless you are up against an internment in the congress, that is where the pocket veto comes in. the president essentially puts the bill in his pocket, never returns to the capital, and he never signed it. he puts the bill in his pocket and the bill goes proof when the congress adjourns. the absolutely latest the 116th congress can adjourns, 11:59 p.m. on january 3rd
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because on noon on that day, the new congress begins. this bill is so massive it's taking days to put together and get it to the president. it would have to be on his desk by tomorrow, december 23rd, to force the president to either sign it or veto it, and that is not going to happen. and i remember, this house, the house and senate passed this bill with a super majority. takes a two-thirds supermajority to override the president, so if he were to do a regular veto here, they might have the votes to override and also keep in mind that negotiations on this bill dragged on and drag on. had they finished this bill up over the weekend or maybe at the end of last week, they might've had more wiggle room, forcing the president to veto the bill or sign it, but if he vetoes the bill and send it back to capitol hill, they would have time before january 3rd to conduct a veto override. here is the other problem. right now, the government is funded through the 28th of december. there is an interim spending bill in play right now.
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seven-day r spending bill. the congress wanted to fund the government through next september on this bill, there'ss a big omnibus package that is attached to this bill. if the president does not sign this bill, or he does in fact veto it, but he does not find it by the 28th of december, then we have a government shutdown. tammy? >> tammy: well, chad, thank you for that background. it is always exciting, isn't it? now, we are continuing to learn more and more about the so-called stimulus package that passed congress last night, because as the president explained, it appears to have everything in it, except real, direct aid for struggling american families. the 5500 page, $2.3 trillion omnibus package includes things like establishing two newtr branches of the smithsonian museum, greeting national standards for the horse racing industry, and making illegal streaming a felony. and there is more like $10 million for "gender
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programs" in pakistan. hundreds of millions in other foreign aid, and even a statement of policy regarding the succession of the reincarnation of the dalai lama. but for american suffering, the current package includes a mere one time, $600 direct payments, and even worse, is that lawmakers passed one of the most expensive and egregious pieces of legislation ever without actually reading it. it's degrading. it's disgusting and demeaning. but unfortunately, not at all surprising. of course.nd and exactly what we have come to expect from the entrenched political swamp. just listen to congressman tulsi gabbard and senator rand paul explaining their opposition. take a look. >> hey, everybody. i just got back from having voted on the house floor on this massive spending bill. i voted against it, and i wanted to tell you why. first of all, this bill is over 5,500 pages long. we received the text of this
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bill at approximately 2:30 this afternoon and were told we would have to go and vote on it just a few hours later. i've been here long enough to see how provisions are snuck into these bills, literally in the dark of night, without any announcement, without telling anyone what is in it, and thenn rushed through in the manner that we have just seen tonight. >> the monstrous spending bill presented today is not just a deficits don't matter disaster, is everything republicans say they don't believe in. to so-called conservatives who are quick to identify the socialism of democrats, if you vote for this spending monstrosity, you are no better. >> tammy: now, congressman echoed those remarks, tweeting, "after days of backroom negotiations and only a handful of hours to read this 6,000 page legislation, the house passed the omnibus and covid-19 spending bill tonight.
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congress continues to fail the american people and bankrupt our grandchildren's future." now, the bill is so bad that it's bringing together senator ted t cruz and congresswoman ocasio-cortez in opposition to the bill. and get this. the backlash is so severe that it's causing democrats to lose faith in their own leadership. maybe it's about time. as a new poll released this morning finds that just a slim majority of democrats want pelosi to stay on as speaker. so, let me be clear here. after months of crippling lockdowns, months of conflicting public health guidance, and months of stonewalling from nancy pelosi, we are left with what is just another massive government handout to special interests, foreign governments, and in the words of speaker pelosi, "crumbs" for those who need it more than ever. the american people. it's reckless. it's reprehensible. but right in line with what has become all-too-common on capitol hill. now, joining me for reaction, freedom caucus chairman,
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congressman andy biggs. along with congressman-elect darrell issa, and fox news contributor david webb. gentlemen, thank you very much for joining me. i vaguely remember another christmas eve that was approaching, and a thing called obamacare. the urgency that happens, and suddenly things get passed without enough time to read it or to know or to veto or to not. congressman biggs, i love what you are doing. you have been very direct about the nature of what has been happening. tell me what you think now, with president trump statement, what you think is going to happen from here on out. >> well, this is the worst bill, and it typifies the swamp because it is terrible both from a process and substantive point of view, so i am hoping -- i've actually written a letter with a good number of my colleagues. we have delivered the letter asking the p president to veto this bill, but there is a procedure, and chad covered it, and that is if we move,
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timewise, you might get that pocket veto, which would be great, because then they are not going to have to come in and deal with an override issue that the president would not may be win, because we sought -- >> tammy: right. >> tammy, this bill so bad they added 60 separate bills into this massive package. i mean, think about that. these are bills that could -- couldn't get past on their own, and they threw those in. and so, this bill should be vetoed, and i'm hoping it will be. >> tammy: you know, it is a shame, congressman issa, it's amazing that one, he wanted to go back in this mess, and you've done it, but what is amazing is that, you know, it's like theyy think daddy is going to be gone, that trump is somehow going to be gone, and they literally transformed back into the monster that requiredy the election of donald trump. do you really think, after, you know, january 20th, whatever
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happens here, that this is in fact going to be business as usual again? >> well, if we don't, basically stop this bill, it will certainly be a good down payment on both parties being guilty. as andy said, there is something in here for everyone. some of the "60 separate bills" are bills that republicans, who should vote no on this, voted yes because their pet project, their pet bill got in there. we mention some of them. you didn't even get in to, at a time when we have record home deliveries, the post office getting a $9 billion christmas gift, when in fact, they have been losing billions for years and are unwilling to make reforms. so, the list of who's getting propped up is unbelievable, and the fact is, and he is right. the president needs to pocket veto this, force the congress to come back, past a spending bill, and strip out some of the absurdities that are in this bill. republicans, including andy, and if i were there, myself, and i
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will be after the third, certainly could bring it to themselves to vote for some of this, but not so much that it's completely unnecessary, and i'm thrilled they don't want nancy pelosi, but let's be honest, many of those democrats didn't get enough of this work and wanted more on the an under joe biden, they expect to get more. >> tammy: yeah, david, it's fascinating, because y we got a situation here where this is the covid-19 bill, where the nation is still struggling. businesses are collapsing. the future is again foggy. you know, we've got a lot of things that are unknown. families are deteriorating. it was for us. and suddenly, that goes out the window. suddenly, it's like, is the least thing that is mentioned that this bill deals with. you are a cultural critic. what is your sense of what this means? i mentioned it is like daddy, they think daddy is going to be gone. after everything we have been through, is this acceptable? what you think the american
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people expect? >> well, the american people expect of us from our congress, unfortunately, but you said it. they think that daddy's gone. i am with the pocket veto. i think that is the way to go forward. however, why are we to expect that there will be different behavior from the republicans want trump gone? you are right, this is the reason he was elected. the democrats who want to follow pelosi and schumer down this path of spending, of christmas tree projects, it's an insult to christmas tree projects. how far they've gone with this. a pox on both houses. and i am with the president. tammy, i will tell you something. i tweeted about this the night when the bill was passed. it's gotten over 10,000 comments. hundreds of thousands of impressions of americans who are calling into radio show -- my radio show about this today, and they are frankly pissed often have a right to be. $600 is a pittance.
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we should be reopening america, reopening american businesses, not me tell you this to americans, remember the tea party movement. there were those that co-opted it. my group was never co-opted. many were not. you need to rise up again on that level. tens of millions off americans need to tell republicans and democrats that this can't stand. we are paying the taxes to payat for their christmas tree projects in pakistan, sudan, and other countries, while we get a pittance. that is beyond insulting. that's actual -- it's almost disgusting, beyond description. >> tammy: well, it is. gentlemen, thank you very much. it is a remarkable turn of events. it did not even take a breath before insulting the country and moving back into what it is that matter to them. clearly, it doesn't seem to be the american people at this stage, and president trump, i believe, still has our back and will continue to, so we will see what happens. gentlemen, thank you for joining me tonight. now, also this evening, all eyes continue to be on the state of
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georgia ahead of the january 5th runoffs that will determine the fate of the senate. now, these races are critical to preserving president trump's progress and critical, obviously, to standing in thent way of the democrats far left power grab. because what we are seeing playt out on capitol hill this week is just a preview of coming attractions. chuck schumer and the progressives get control of the senate. here to break down the state of the race, coauthors of "trump: america first," david bossi and corey lewandowski. gentlemen, thank you very much and great to see you. what an evening, right? >> never a dull moment. >> david, as we are looking, you know, congress doing what we recognize them to do, which is ignoring the american people,oi using our money to pay off special interests, et cetera, at a time in our history, you know, when we expect them to do the right thing.
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they are not doing it. it takes donald trump to step up -- maybe they just didn't think he would care, he was upgoing to sleepwalk through all of this, but he's not. give me a sense -- >> he's a fighter. >> tammy: he is. >> and he is a fighter for the american people. >> tammy: let's -- >> everything is about tonight. reinforces what the american people know about donald trump. he fights, and he fights for the american people. the $600, and i want to get to georgia and a second, but this reminded me -- this bill, this monstrosity of a bill, reminds me of what nancy pelosi said in 2010 about obamacare. we have to pass it before we know what is in it. this is disgusting. it is not the way we are supposed to be doing business here in america. >> tammy: david, this speaks directly to whyos georgia is so important, right? the nature of the choice we have to make that must be presented. corey, if you could chime in on that. these are sometimes seen as two different things, the environment won't change, but
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the matter of fact as it can change, need to stay on top of it, but it won't matter if georgia -- if we lose georgia. >> well, tammy, look. there are a lot of angry people in georgia because they believe donald trump won that election. they are angry with their governor, angry with their secretary of state, and for some reason they want to take it out on david perdue and kelly loeffler to send a message. it is the wrong message. republicans, conservatives, independents, the people who care about this very public must turn out and support david and kelly to sendho them back to washington because if they don't go back, the two candidates running for the u.s. senate on the democratic side in georgia are the far left progressives. they will make chuck schumer their first vote to be the majority leader in the u.s. senate. they will make more bills like this a reality. there will be attacks are personal liberties. thee race is critically important. the present troubles going back down there pete i have been down
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there to campaign, it is a full on effort for every republican in moderate and conservative to turn out and vote in that election. >> tammy: and let's say, david, also, because it is not just about what is coming up in the future, but it's about maintaining the legacy of trump regardless of where his office is, making sure that there is not a reversal into the past. >> that's right. >> tammy: that is key to when it comes to what the senate will be i doing, as well. >> 100%, we do not want to see a reversal of the incredible policies that donald trump has brought forward over the last four years. but the two of them lose and every republican, as corey said, every conservative, every republican, every independent has to turn out. every conservative democrat must turn out and vote republican, for the two republican incumbents in january because if they don't want to see the destruction of the filibuster and the destruction of the u.s. senate, defunding the police, court packing, and every issue that they care about, destroyed
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because -- they are not going to be sending georgia values to the u.s. senate, they are going to be sending new york city values. and that cannot happen in georgia in january. >> tammy: gentlemen, that was confirmed. corey, the other day, bill de blasio said that the ability of new york to getam bailed out, to get federal help, rests on the georgia senate races. effectively, reminding georgians that it is going to be there money that bails on new york city policies, and we see that around the country, of course. >> we'll see that everywhere. if david perdue kelly loeffler lose the election in georgia in january, there will be no check and balance on a potential biden administration. and more than that, we will see these states that have been irresponsible with their money being bailed out from states that have been responsible. so i understand the level of frustration. i understand that they don't like the way that the election turned out in the state of georgia as a relates to donald trump, but you cannot take that out on the future of our public by casting a negative
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vote or staying home against david perdue and kelly loeffler. you must turn out. you must show up. because chuck schumer as majority leader should scare every american. >> tammy: yeah, you know, t david, i come from the left, there is a lot of reasoning i hear that you can't really believe that the democrats would be that bad or that they would do that t or that they would -- >> [laughs] >> tammy: pack the court. what they mean well, it's just a different style of how we deal with the policies, but in fact, i would argue that they don't mean well, that we should take them seriously, that they will do what they say they are going to do.thutoud >> they are going to do exactly, tammy, what they say they are going toto do, and that is a dangerous thing for the future, for future generations. that is why corey is exactly right. yout. cannot -- if you are a conservative, you're a republican, independent, conservative democrat, you cannot take it out on perdue and loeffler. you must look past this. we can deal with brian kemp and other issues after this election.
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but we must turn out, to stand together and show the american people that we, as a party, are going to move forward and win in georgia and keep the senate majority. it is so important across the board. >> tammy: yeah, and i think that -- i appreciate both of you mentioning democrats, because this really now transcends party politics, frankly. this is about the future. it is about the nature of the constitution. what we expect for our families. those things, you can ignore whether you are a democrat or a republican. we have seen the radical framework of this. we've seen what has happened in blue cities. the nature of what they have chosen too do. and that certainly is not in anyone's best interests. gentlemen, thank you very much for being with me tonight. obviously, a lot of important things coming up after the holiday season here. now, coming up, president trump has just issued a number ofmp pardons, including one for former trump campaign aide george papadopoulos. we've got the
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plus, during a press conference today, joe t biden was asked abt the ongoing investigation into his son hunter's shady business dealings. we will play you the tapes and get reaction from ric grenell and gregg jarrett as this special edition of "hannity" continues. ♪ two medical societies have strongly recommended to doctors
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momfor thoseall just trying whchef: ready!.running mom: that's why we don't have time to be sick with the flu. and especially this year, no one has time to get sick. get a flu shot for yourself and those around you too. the we have to find just nosomething good luck! what does that mean? we are doomed. [laughter] that's it. i figured it out! we're going to give togetherness. that sounds dumb. we're going to take all those family moments and package them. hmm. [laughing] that works.
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♪ >> tammy: now, breaking tonight, president trump has pardoned george papadopoulos, who was targeted by mueller's witch hunt, and pleaded guilty to lying to the fbi. well, we will have more reaction just ahead. wbut first, joe biden is claimg that he has not discussed the investigation into his son with any potential attorney general picks. while continuing to fuel more lies about russian disinformation relating to hunter biden's nefarious foreign dealings.
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now, earlier today, joe biden actually laughed when pressed by fox's own peter doocy about the ongoing investigation. take a look at this. >> mr. president-elect, do you think the story from fall about your son hunter [indistinct] >> yes, yes, yes. god love you, man. you are a one-horse pony. thank you. thank you. i promise you, my justice department will be totally on its own making its judgments. thank you. en>> tammy: now the burgeoning scandal is intensifying calls for a special counsel, especially as democrats, along with her allies in the media mob, have made it clear that they are willing to spin for the biden family no matter what. here is senator lindsey graham explaining it all earlier today. >> i think we need a special counsel because i worry that t what hunter biden did may have
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compromised our ability to effectively wage foreign policy. bill did not disclose the hunter biden investigation before the election because of regulations against that. the press did not report on it because the hate-trump media on my concern is without a special counsel or something like that, the business activity of hunter biden, which is all over the world, which doesn't pass the smell test, if it were your public and we sure as hell would be looking at it, is going to get swept under the rug. >> tammy: now also developing tonight, president trump has signed an order granting john durham the authority to present classified information to a grand jury as he has his investigation into the russia hoax. with all of this, joining me for a reaction from a fox news legal analyst gregg jarrett, along with former f acting director of intelligence ric grenell, whor earlier today, a special notice regarding ric, was appointed by president trump to be a member of the unitedci states holocaust
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memorial council. ric, congratulations. gentlemen, welcome aboard. thank you. >> thank you. it's quite an honor. >> tammy: you know, it's good to know, we are love of israel promote our concern for the jewish people around the world as this hanukkah has just ended, that you are going to be having a voice in that kind of an arena. it's a magnificent choice, and of course, something i would expectpe of donald trump. a lovely development. now, gregg -- >> thank you. >> tammy: with everything going on. and you know, lindsey graham, an lot of people aren't necessarily thinking that he's going to not be the swamp, you know, in the next four years, with this special counsel issue regarding hunter biden and bill barr already saying, oh, he doesn't think there needs to be one. what do you imagine unfolding here in this lastat month, and e nature of joe biden's attitude and pressure? do you think there will be a special counsel, or do you think lost cause?
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>> well, joe biden's attitude, let's begin with that. a smart question by peter doocy, because he was asking joe biden whether he still endorsed thisid crazyus conspiracy theory that, you know, the entire hunter biden investigation, which is criminal, is simply russian disinformation, and unbelievably, biden said, oh, yeah, yeah, it is russian disinformation. that has been discredited. it has been debunked. it is a measure of joe biden's desperation that he is still holding onto that. insofar as they special counsel is concerned, the law requires it. take a look at the code of federal regulations 28600 and the additional provisions. itat says there must be a specil counsel whenever there is a conflict of interest. what is the conflict here? the son of the incoming president of the united states is being investigated by dad's justice department.
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that is a per se conflict of interest. it is self-evident. and so, bill barr is incorrect. he is also inconsistent. he said that he elevated john durham from u.s. attorney to special counsel in the collusion investigation to prevent it from being extinguished by an incoming biden administration. the exact same principle applies here. >> tammy: great point. >> regardless of whether biden talks to his appointed attorney general, it's implicit that this thing will be extinguished unless there is a special counsel. >> tammy: yeah, that's a great point, ric.ea we are looking l at a dynamic nw with a group of people who are the epitome of the swamp, who now will be reaching out and dealing with china. china's favored f candidate, and it's terrifying for many people. around the world, the chinese communist party has destroyed so many lies and has so much to
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answer for. in the midst of this, when it comes to hunter biden, specifically, but the attitude of joe biden is fascinating. i don't know what a one-horse pony is, maybe it is a combo of dog-faced ponyoe soldier, you know, a one-horse trick or something, i don't know what is going on but it is going to be fascinating. do you trust -- what do you expect, i should say, from the biden administration and china in particular with all of this surrounding his presidency? >> well, i think before we get to that, i think you should buckle up. i'm not sure that we are finished with this idea of a special prosecutor. i think that you have to remember that what we are seeing right now with eric swalwell and a whole bunch of other classified information that president trump clearly has access to, is a concern that china is leveraging politicians, sports figures, and a lot of americans. i mean, you look at huawei and what they have done to 5g.
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we look at tiktok and what they have done through social media. you look at face++ and what they have done to the industry of facial recognition. and i don't just think it is joe biden. and this whole idea that we are going to say "look over here, russia is a bigger deal." and let's remember, 50 former u.s. intelligence officials signed a letter before the election, and they said, unequivocally, the hunter biden laptop issue was russian disinformation. they had no briefing. they are flat wrong. there should be consequences for 50 u.s. former intelligence officials pushing politicization of intel. this is coming to me, the problem of washington. we keep politicizing intelligence, or weaponize in government, and we've got to stop. i think, that president trump is
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not quite finished yet with thet idea of a special counsel. the larger issue of china, including hunterr biden. >> tammy: yeah, ric, and quickly, i know that, obviously, you, with your background and experience, know the other things that are going on out there.ou the president can declassify things, can help us along with making sure we know what china has been doing, especially withy its effort to still have people distracted, if you will, by accusationsl against russia. do you think the president will take action, making, i guess creating more transparency for the american people on this issue? >> look at the executive order p where he just authorized people who do not have top-secret security clearances to get classified information in the durham investigation. this is a very big deal. this is the next step. >> tammy: right. >> and i don't think this is completely unrelated to china issues. >> tammy: good. and gregg, would you agree with that? in the sense that joe biden's
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interesting relationship with china that has been ongoing, that that, in fact, is an important step to take to try to hobble, at least, throwing us back into the dark ages? >> joe biden is compromised by virtue of his son's influence peddling and drifting, profiteering fromdd his father, father's power, and trying to sell access to it. so, this is a serious national security issue and dilemma for the incoming president joe biden, if sworn in on january 20th. this is a very serious matter. how does joe biden now conduct foreign policy? >> tammy: hmm. when his son has been in bed with these foreign powers, including china, ukraine, and other countries. >> tammy: well -- >> and there is incriminating information that joe biden -- the entire investigation, we have a question there, and must
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be cleared up. it only gets more complicated and more questionable as we go along with it. gentlemen, thank you very much. merry christmas to you. thanks for joining me. coming up, congresswoman ocasio-cortez is defending her decision to take the covid-19 vaccine, despite her fellow squad members saying it is shamefulorak lawmakers are gettg it before vulnerable populations. that and more as this special edition of "hannity" continues. ♪ her is a gift. at aspen dental, it's easy to gift yourself the smile you deserve. new patients, get started with a comprehensive exam and full set of x-rays with no obligation. and if you don't have insurance, it's free. plus, get 20% off your treatment plan. enjoy flexible payment options and savings when it matters most. we're here to make your smile shine bright so you can start the new year feelin' alright. call 1-800-aspendental 7 days a week or book today at
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♪ >> tammy: welcome back to this special edition of "hannity." i'm tammy bruce. now, more criticism fight over washington lawmakers taking the coronavirus vaccine for frontline health care workers and the elderly. as some politicians are now refusing early access, like
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congresswoman ilhan omar, let her fellow squad member, congresswoman ocasio-cortez, is defending her decision to take the vaccine, claiming it was to assure the public that it was safe. also tonight, congresswoman ayanna pressley is advocating for prisoners to receive vaccine prioritization. take a look at this. >> i'm going to continue to fight for our most vulnerable, communities who have been disproportionately impacted by the virus, for all health care workers, for our essential workers, for incarcerated men and women to be prioritized in the distribution of the vaccine. >> tammy: well, joining us and i was a reaction, columnist for the hill in fox news contributor, still shiny new contributor, joe concha, a radio talk show host larry elder. fellows, welcome aboard, thanks for joining me tonight, i appreciate it. >> thank you. >> tammy: what's interesting to me, and i appreciated this, when it comes to the public
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view, that the squad is fighting, that they are disagreeing. with democrats, you actually rarely see that, and i appreciate that. is also a little confusing to kind of be agreeing with some squad members. it tells you how jumbled up the world is these days. but the media covering that democrats have disagreements, and i happen to agree it is inappropriate for congress to be getting it, is a kind of new event when it comes to their public facing attitudes. >> yeah. i agree with ilhan omar in this situation, tammy, just like i agreed with alexandria ocasio-cortez yesterday when she said it was ridiculous that they got that stimulus bill and only had six hours to reach 5,593 pages. so, you can do this. you know, it is all on principle. go issue to issue, and it is fine. we don't have to pick a side all the time. look, omar is right, tulsi gabbard, also a democrat, is right. if you are alexandria ocasio-cortez, you're 31 years old, you don't have to set an example by getting the vaccine now because no 31-year-olds are getting the vaccine for a couple
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of months. bottom line, it should go to frontline medical workers at first, go to the elderly first. no one talks about this from a media perspective. if you have type 2 diabetes, you are at particular risk, as far as this virus is concerned, and police, firemen, grocery workers, store workers, transit workers, people that work in food plants, teachers, they are the ones that should get it next. congress, particularly if you are young, under 50 years old, there's a 99.90 something percent chance that you will survive this virus. i get the point that you want to set the example, but in this case, let those folks get it first. don't jump the line at this point. ilhan omar, tulsi gabbard, exactly right. >> tammy: yeah. i have to tell you, larry, it seems like maybe that was a bit of an excuse. i would agree, though, if you are nancy pelosi -- look, she is 80. she fits within one of those categories. of course, she should get -- should get the shot. there is no reason for sandy
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ocasio-cortez to get this, and yet, we see this being politicized across the board. isn't it really clear, as joe noted, with the people who have been at risk from the start, right, people at the grocery store, at the pharmacies, people out in life, you know, you are in los angeles. we see the craziness going on out there. what is your sense about whether or not this will unfold fairly under a potential client and administration? >> well, obviously, the most vulnerable people should have access to the vaccine first. but, tammy, what i find rich about all of this is the fact that when donald trump announced operation warp speed back in may, the same people now fighting over who will get the vaccine were calling him delusional. this was the most ambitious scientific project this country has ever taken, maybe since the manhattan project or maybe since the man on the moon, and donald trump was being written off as making a phony campaign promise that nobody could
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fill -- nobody believed he would be able to fulfill. so how about a little low for the president? how about a little love for operation warp speed? joy reid over at -- how about a little love for the president before we start scrabbling over who gets the vaccine? >> tammy: joe, that's a very good point. the media, we can expect them to try to play away the impact of donald trump, that these might as well be called the trump vaccines, for crying out loud. if you were in charge of the rollout at this point forward, everybody would be getting shots very, very quickly. it's as though they want to start to argue to explain their own failure of why they can't match up to trump, at this point. >> trump vaccine, tammy. i think geraldo is on line 2 right now and wants a word with you. i think that was his idea first. it was funny watching
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kamala harris with joy reid, who larry mentioned before, talking about the danger of misinformation around the vaccine, when this was somebody, along with joe biden, during the campaign, said, and i never quite got this, and made my hair hurt, that of donald trump told her to take the vaccine, if they vaccine was developed and completed during the trump administration, she wouldn't take it. but if the scientists that it was okay, like dr. fauci, then that's okay. as if trump is in a lab somewhere putting together trump steaks, trump vaccine, that is one option, pfizer, moderna, astrazeneca, johnson & johnson, the other option. by no point in her rambling, incoherent response, she close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. everybody that heard that excuse in that room, during the debate that might with vice president mike pence, was dumber for having listened to it, now she has the audacity to go forward
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and say, oh, no, it is okay now because obviously she is past the finish line at this point. >> tammy: well, yes, opportunists, and the willingness to say whatever they want to say to get whatever it is they want. gentlemen, thank you very much for joining me. obviously in this new media age, we have an opportunity to push back on the nonsense that is only going to ramp up even more coming up. now, and american student is jailed in the cayman islands for violating their covid-19 restrictions. rick leventhal joins us live with all the details. plus, we will also speak to the student's grandmother, so stay right there, as this special edition of "hannity" continues. ♪
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♪ ♪ >> tammy: welcome back to this "hannity" special. an 18-year-old student from w georgia is behindnd bars tonight in the cayman islands for violating the islands covid-19
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quarantine protocols. in the family is asking the white house for help. rick leventhal is live in our west coast newsroom with all the latest details. rick? >> hey, tammy. skylar mack went to the caymans island last month to watch her boyfriend compete in the islands jet ski racing national championship, but theirma rules require a quarantine. she arrived on friday on the race was sunday, so after she got her negative coronavirus test, the 18-year-old student took off her electronic monitoring wrist bracelet and went to the beach to watch her boyfriend take first place. then, someone tipped off event organizers about skylar's violation. cops were called, she was charged with breaking quarantine. he was charged with aiding and abetting and stripped of his prize, and they were each sentenced to 40 hours community service and a $3100 fine. but prosecutors appealed the sentence is too lenient and last week a judge upped it to four month in jail. today, a panel of judges cut it in half, two months each.we a judge called skylar's behavior as flagrant a breach as could be
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imagined for unselfishness and arrogance, and now, tammy, she will miss the restart of school next month. tammy? >> tammy: all right, rick, thank you, interesting statement from the cayman islands, known for its banking practices, about being selfish. joining us now with moreamht is skylar mack's grandmother, jeanne jeanne, thank you so much for joining us in this wonderful, modern age, where you can be, it appears, at home, and speak to the country now on behalf of your grandmother. it is a pleasure to meet you. >> sure. thank y'all for having me. >> tammy: our pleasure. we are a nation that understands laws are important and have to be followed. we know our constitution and our bill of rights does not follow us to foreign countries. we know your granddaughter has expressed recognition that this was wrong, but listening to
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rick's report is interesting because the first penalty seemed reasonable, and then things changed. can you tell us what that experience was like? how it changed, and then also, when you decided to reach out to the white house, and what happened with that? >> um, yeah, i think that it starts at the race, and that is the statement that they found out at the end of the day that she was there is not true. the person that reported her knew all day she was there, and she had actually taken part from atlanta, georgia, from her dad, who was a racer, to this guy's stepson to use on one of his jet skis, so they knew she was there. they only called and reported her after her boyfriend won the race and took the national title. >> tammy: ah, i see. >> that is neither here nor there, she still broke a rule. she broke that rule knowing the
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week before she was there, a canadian couple had breached quarantine, not once, but up to 20 times. they actually had pictures of that couple in bars and swimming pools, laying on the beach, walking on the beach, grocery stores.n they had breached, it was my understanding, upwards of 20 times, and their punishment was a $1,000 fine, and they went home. they went back to canada. so, we weren't happy that she did this. this is not like skylar, to make that kind of a bad judgment call, but she did. >> tammy: she's 18 years old. we do expect a lot of 18-year-old americans. she is in jail right now. you ask the l l president to stp in. what has happened there? >> well, i reached out to him when she first got in trouble,
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because i just sensed something was going tous go wrong, and thy responded, his people responded and said they would look into it. >> tammy: okay. >> when they sentenced her, i reached out to him and got a response, that he had requested them to turn it over to the appropriate -- >> tammy: okay, jeanne, i have to stop you there. we are at the end, but i'm glad to bring this to everyone's attention. great work. keep it going, and we will stay on this.s. my name is tammy bruce. more of this special edition of "hannity" after the break. stay right there. ♪ the break. stay right there. ♪ two medical societies have strongly recommended to doctors
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to treat acute, non-low back muscle and joint pain with topical nsaids first. a formulation they recommend can be found in salonpas. a formulation they recommend can be found in salonpas. salonpas. it's good medicine. hisamitsu. ♪ ♪ >> tammy: welcome back to this special edition of hannity. that's all the time we have left for the evening. i want to thank sean for letting me warm up his chair and for his entire team for making this very easy. merry christmas to all of you, you can learn more about me, i'm the president of independent women's and at tammy
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filling in for laura ingraham, do i get a handoff to brian? do i get to do that? that is very exciting. brian kilmeade, have fun tonight, lots of news, donald trump is shaking things up. because this is a special edition of the ingraham angle. joe biden's inauguration just 29 days gail. 29 days until he starts doing all of the policies of president trump that you put in place over the past four years like keeping our borders closed. we will discuss that. caravans forming in honduras as we speak. we will break it down for what it means for us. as acting commissioner mark morgan trying to digest that news good he will tell us what to do. plus, guidance diversity obsession, why is he so fixated on tti


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