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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  December 24, 2020 3:00am-6:00am PST

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>> i know will single mother. i was raised by a single mother. i know how hard it is to be raised as family single mother. i would love to give you and your family a little surprise. >> . >> bruins star giftin gifting cn the car he won. todd: "fox & friends" starts now ♪ ♪ oning wall will merry christmas eve welcome to "fox & friends" with a different friend and different family. along with emily compagno and griff jenkins. it's been a different year for everyone. it's that time of the year where we get to spend time with our family. this is our family this morning on "fox & friends." good morning, griff, we have to address the elephant or leopard in the room as it is your christmas hat.
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griff: merry christmas eve, everyone. emily, will, garage to you. it is great to be here. thank you for having us into your living room this morning. it is time because santa is on his way. it is christmas time, despite the year we have had. here we go. are you ready, emily? emily: i'm so ready. good morning to you both. good morning to all of you viewers such an honor to be filling in for ainsley as always. 020 has looked a little bit different this year. so much to be thankful for. so much to celebrate, especially the three hours ahead with you will a of you. will: absolutely. you know, this christmas has been different. i think for herb watching right now. i know my family is scattered into the winds, we will do our best to be together. so things fall through the cracks, certain christmas traditions can go by the wayside. and as i understand it, what i'm told is, griff, you have let a very important one go by the wayside. what does your tree look like right now? griff: this is actually not different from years past. this is yesterday me and my
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daughter and dog rascal debating what to decorate the tree with. a lot of families have already decorated their tree by even thanksgiving. that is our beautiful skinny barron tree. and there is that silly hat i have got on yesterday. we are not going to rush into this will and emily. but i asked our viewers at when is the appropriate time to decorate your tree. we are waiting until christmas eve, early. will: you have one day left, i have seen it on the movies, emily, this kind of tradition where people decorate their tree on interior ministry dr. eve. i have never seen it in real life. i guess griff has a life out of the movies. >> exactly if this was my household i would be totally panicking in the movies that come together beautifully. i see this as an opportunity a huge blank canvas for you to make that tree absolutely gorgeous by tomorrow. of course my dog and i and my family have been in the spirit for quite some time. here is what duchess looks like.
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just in case reindeer needs some help there is a dozierman available. maybe not as fat but maybe bigger than reindeer. griff: duchess is in the spirit. i love it. i love it. i understand, will, you were able to get a little bit of sledding going on. >> did. new york city. a hill that ends into a chain linked fence. that fence catches them at the bottom of the hill. while we are scattered all around the country for christmas, this is a out of christmas vacation bring most this is a tradition that goes along with the holiday, i think, pretty well. i will say this. emily, while we have never been on television together before, we do share something very important in common. i am a card carrying doberman lover lover, 12 years with leon.
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i don't have him anymore. smartest, most loyal, most loving, defying its movie reputation breed there is dobermans, we share that in common. >> 100 percent. i feel like anyone who has any interaction in that way has ever owned a doberman it's the tight-knit community where we know how special they are. all dogs are special. special love for dobermans, for sure. griff: i will end it by saying i love tobermans as well. i will say the traditional top of that christmas tree you saw so barren is a jack russell headed angel. more on that later, will. ville. will: very intimidating we will follow up on that later. democrats are expected to try increased stimulus checks to $2,000. >> emily: republicans aren't likely to play ball unless some pork is stripped from the bill. inging.
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griff: doug lieu zard joins us merry christmas eve. >> cheaper if you wait until the 26th to get your tree. speaking of mop, there is going to be this effort on capitol hill today by democrats to follow up on president trump's demand to increase these covid relief checks to 2,000 bucks. republicans are going to push back and probably block it. here we are on christmas eve. this covid relief bill appears to be falling apart. president trump arrived in florida late yesterday where he is going to spend the christmas holiday. he does not lake the deal that coming passed earlier this weak. democrats are ape to go up to 2,000 bucks. in the meantime a possible government shutdown could be just days away and frustration is building. you. >> let's pass this and get this into law and we can have discussion were interest should be additional direct payments or not.
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>> another battle other pentagon. will vetoed the definition authorization act in part because it didn't have are are reign in social media companies. congress big majority. the president could be in for the first veto override of his administration. with. >> a margin like that and republicans and democrats not in the mood to make a lot of changes, the president is going to lose this fight. >> we will see. a veto override vote in the house could happen as early as monday. will, emily, and griff, back to you guys. griff: all right. doug, thank you very much. doug has a great point, guys. we will see where this fight goes. this is classic donald trump to the very end. the disrupter, the one that throws us a curve ball and our own charlie hurt, fox news contributor, says that this is exactly when president donald trump is at his best, when he does these things. here's a little bit of what he
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had to say to hannity. >> it's also important to remember that nancy pelosi and a lot of these people have been doing this for years. they have been at this and joe biden has been at this for nearly 50 years. they have been at this game forever. donald trump is new to this. he comes to this from the private sector. from the free market world. and he's trying to do things differently. and dump is at his finest when he is listening to his own instincts. when he is making these threats. and, of course, the solutions are never tidy. they are never simple. when he threatens or when he vetoes a bill like this, it sends a message and it puts your -- it's him putting his foot down. and, you know, donald trump will is at his very, very best when he is at the skunk at the garden party. will: griff, i think it's important to point out that this is not a message he neglected to telegraph. he said he would not be improving a nnda a national
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defense authorization act withou 30involved. he said without a 230 he wouldn't be interested. here he is backing up those words. griff, you know more about this than any of us. it's important to clarify. we have they different bills essentially going on me. the ndaa had which president trump has vetoed. the coronavirus relief bill, and we have the government spending bill which has been packaged together. what i think is interesting when you put the government spending bill side by side with the coronavirus relief bill. it brings everything that stark contrast. in other words president trump and democrats now want to increase the checks to americans from 600 to 2,000. and that's a pretty strong case to make when you is put it side by side with the spending that is going to foreign governments, whether or not that's $10 million to gender studies in pakistan or whatever it may be. when you put side by side, what the government spends its money on with how little it is sending to the american people, i'm pretty happy with president
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trump gumming up the works and not allowing this $5,000 or 5,000 page bill to just go along as business as usual, emily. emily: that's exactly right. part of the confusion that the president has cut through so loud out loud how is it this could have been so much more sixth months ago and $600 now and additional multitrillion dollars three other bills. for what? while over 130,000 small businesses have closed permanently? while our $9 billion restaurant industry remains absolutely crippled? he is saying look, this isn't good enough. and normal business as usual on the hill is absolutely not good enough for this administration and it shouldn't be good enough for the american people. i think that's the bottom line with him saying i'm not going to accept this just because you walk to a podium with a smile, speaker pelosi. this is absolutely unacceptable. so i will exercise my powers, he is saying, to veto it.
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griff: well, and we will sea. he says he is not going to accept it emily. will, you had a freight point and that is that the president in all three bills staking out his ground. although it does look in the vote margins and we pay attention to that in washington that congress will be ready to override those vetoes. another thing we are watching is whether or not a special counsel could be appointed to look into hunter biden's overseas dealings and tax affairs. remember, when attorney general barr dough parted this week. he simply said that he did not see a reason for one, based on what he saw; however, we are now learning, sources telling fox news that a special counsel could be indeed warranted. there were discussions going on. you have jeffrey roseanne, the acting attorney general in there now. here is a little bit of what i believe we can put up on the
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screen. this is what the source is telling fox news. saying it was passed to deal with potential conflict of interest at the special counsel statute of the attorney general or the president of the united states. a president-elect coming in where his appointed attorneys will be investigating his son that's textbook conflict. well. weigh we will see. representative devin nunes says they were able to appoint a special counsel on russia for president trump. they should have one on be this one. here is what nunes said. listen. >> well, get a special counsel on a hoax that was put you up buy the track party in the clinton campaign that embroiled and ruined dozens and dozens of people's lives over the yours of the last four years. right? including many members of congress. they ruined the intelligence committee for god's sake. they turned it into an impeachment committee. so, if there was a special counsel that was started, on donald trump, for nothing, it was the bidens who got
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$3.5 million from moscow. some business deals in china. we don't hear anything about an investigation election until biden is elected. maybe the fbi is going to do a good job and doj is going to do a good job. i highly doubt it and so do millions of americans. will: what does the american people maintain faith in at this point. is it the media? is it washington, d.c.? is it election intelling i didn't at this? is it is it the sports have i? what institution do we retain some faith in? i would say we very rightfully be skeptical of an incoming administration's ability to objectively investigate the president-elect's son. forgive us for our skepticism it may be a special counsel that is needed for this case, emily. emily: will, to your point, we have learned that institutions
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are not infallible. a great institution. the doj with an amazing charge and thousands of people working for it that are wonderful patriotic americans. that doesn't mean that it's perfect. i think the larger question is as well whether that faith has it been shown? has it been proven? it doesn't matter if the president-elect comes out and assure you this will be neutral. i assure you my department of justice will conduct an investigation. the relate is there is a machine in place, the establishment democratic party is a huge machine. it's been in the work for decades. he's a part of it. even if he maintains his neutrality we can't speak to the rest of it. as long as there is that perception of a conflict of interest, that's where, will, to your point the faith is broken by the american people. griff griff good point, emily. one thing not in question the president's power to pardon. todd piro joins us live with a new slew of 29 pardons and commutations issued by president trump. merry christmas eve.
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>> merry christmas emily and will. the president handing down more pardons before heading down to west palm beach, florida. 26 pardons. tom kushner. will of jared carbner. false tax returns and enforce to the fec. paul manafort also pardoned. he was prosecuted and convicted in special counsel robert mueller russia probe. manafort thanking mr. trump quote mr. president will my family and i will appreciate the pardon you bestowed on me. words cannot fully convey how grateful we are. the president's former adviser sounding off to our own tucker carlson. >> i'm happy. i have an enormous debt of gratitude to god almighty for giving the president the strength and the courage to recognize that my prosecution was a completely politically motivated witch-hunt. and my trial was soviet style
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show trial in which the judge denied us any powerful lane of defense in which the judge, we now know, hid exculpatory evidence from us. todd: the president pardoning stephanie moore, 10 years in prison because canine police dog bit an illegal immigrant -- back to you. will: joining us first national interview since being pardoned pay the president is that police officer just mentioned by todd. stephanie moore who is with us this morning on "fox & friends." thank you so much for being with us. congratulations on the news tell us what it means to you and your family and reputation. what does it mean to you to get pardoned by president trump? >> good morning. and thank you very much for having me. this means the world to me.
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and this means the world to my family, to receive this pardon from president trump. i have gone what's been a 25 year long saga. it's been very, very difficult. there has been a lot of highs and lows over the years for both me and my family and my colleagues. and this restores my faith a bit in the justice system and it gives me some nice closure. it's one of the best christmas gifts i could have ever hoped for. griff: stephanie, i'm here in washington, obviously, cross to your p.g. county canine handler. first female canine handler in the department's history. talk to us a little bit about your story and how you got to this point. >> well, in 1995, i was a brand new young female, the only female in the canine unit at the at the time. a brand new officer.
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riding with a training officer and we were called to the scene of a nighttime commercial breaking in progress. and i had to use my dog to make an arrest. it was a by the book arrest. and my department had no problems with my arrest whatsoever. the suspects had no complaints about the way they were treated that night. and five years later, much to my shock, my training officer and i were indicted for civil rights violations pertaining to that arrest. i went through not just one trial but two trials. in the first trial the government and department of justice stuck to the facts of the case and a jury acquitted me of one charge and hung me 11 to 1 in favor of acquitting on the remaining charge. in an unprecedented action with a verdict like that, the government elected to re-try me. they were desperate to convict someone. and in the second trial, the trial -- the government leader from the facts of the case. it was much like a character
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assassination. and my training officer was acquitted and i was the only one convicted. i was absolutely devastated. i did my job. i did my job according to my training and education and standard operating procedures. and the prevalent practices of the times. and i was punished for cooking my job. there was definitely an agenda of the times and i was made a scapegoat. and, you know, the department of justice's prosecution of me was overreaching and a wit over zealous and it was just all so shocking. my son was very young at the time. he was 3 years old -- i was ultimately convicted in the second time will and i was sentenced to a very harsh sentence of 10 years. the suspect that my dog bit received a small bite to his calf that resulted in 10 stitches. so my very harsh sentence of 10 years was basically one year for every stitch. i filed every appeal i could
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possibly file at every post conviction motion to know avail. i served every second of my 10 year sentence. my son was 3 when i left for prison. he was 12 when i came home. spent the entire decade of 30 in prison. i turned 40 years old in prison. my parents were in their 60 and the frame of their retirement when i wept away to prison and o much time with my son and with my family. and it was just, you know, very, very difficult. he can never get that time back. but, will this has been one of the greatest moments of my life. emily: stephanie, thank you for your service and your sacrifice has been unimaginable. to have you home for christmas, home for the holidays with your family and also vindicated, what does that mean be to them? it. >> so, ever since i was a little
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girl all i wanted to be was a police officer. may parent were very supportive. they had the typical concerns of any parent going into law enforcement. they supported me every step of the way. i have had everything happen to me on the job that could happen to me. i was ambushed. i was shot at over 40 files. i had to district attorney ploy my service weapon in defense of my life and in defense of others in the course of my career. i have had so many highs and so many lows and my parents have been with me every step of the way. so, for them, last night i was with them in the car. weigh were going to watch lights on the bay at sandy point state park. christmas light decorations. and they were with me when i got the call. and that -- for them, was so wonderful. because this is it's been hard for me but even harder for my parents to watch me go through
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this and live through this for, you know, it's been 25 years now. i'm so grateful that they are in their early eight now and i'm grateful that they are alive to see this. will: we are up against a hard break, stephanie. i apologize for that thank you for sharing that story. you can't get that time back but get your reputation back. thank you for your time this morning. griff: merry christmas. >> thank you so much. will: merry christmas. more "fox & friends" are coming up. ♪ among my patients, i often see them have teeth sensitivity as well as gum issues. does it worry me? absolutely. sensodyne sensitivity & gum gives us the dual action effect that really takes care of both our teeth sensitivity as well as our gum issues. there's no question it's something that i would recommend.
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without breaking a sweat. now that's simple, easy, awesome. xfinity makes moving easy. go online to transfer your services in about a minute. get started today. will: well, are 2020 has been a year like no other, especially for the mainstream media and what they got wrong. better yet, what it might have exposed 'the mainstream media. here, with her list of the worst media fails of 2020 is
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commentary writer for "the washington examiner" tiana low. thank you for being with us this morning. let's go over your awards to 020. i know we have a list of events of moments to get to. start at the top with impeachment. if we can, take a look back. watch this. >> let's not forget he is impeached. only the third president impeached. >> impeached forever. impeached for life. >> whatever crimes is found out is nothing compared to what's been buried. >> we haven't had an outlaw president before and that's what you have with donald trump. will: can that story work out for the media quite the way they predicted? >> the funny thing president problem with the imeavment narrative is that the seeds were sony for it tsewnfor an entire . tapes, phone calls to putin. outright russian collusion. that was a total dud. then have you rudy giuliani
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hunting around ukraine for a server and trump ultimately agreeing to give over funds to the ukraine's before they expired in it just fell through completely. so all they could rely on even to the very end when nancy pelosi bluffed and just held on to the articles of impeachment. the media had to try to sell that as a win. they have to go with impeached forever. great. they could have done that for anything with the democratic house. todd: i think the analysis there is wishful thinking. we can explain that one away by wishful thinking. how do we explain away this one. this is when the media is essentially tell you don't believe your lying eyes. remember the protest was? we were told they were mostly peaceful. let's take a look. >> portland seeing regular demonstrations, overwhelmingly peaceful. >> the larger movement is year whelmingly peaceful. >> mostly a protest. it is not generally speaking unrauliununruly. >> generalry speaking. don't pay attention to the fire behind me.
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this is another big myth. >> found that of 11,000 of them. 7% were violent. if you had a 7% chance of dying in a car crash, everybody would be traveling by foot and horse carriage. that means 800 of these were violent and, yet, while very viable bills by kim scott on police reform were languishing in the senate, the media was treating it like this was progress. you know, in chicago, four in five of chicago shooting victims were black. nearly all of the summer's homicide victims in new york city were nonwhite. and, yet, you know, white liberalliberals were celebratede media for posing their black squares and getting nothing done but rioting and burning kenosha and burning portland down to the ground. todd: it's about virtue signaling you know that tiana. if you are 93% cancer free, you have some work to do. that's a scary situation the mostly peaceful canard is ridiculous. not more so than this story. which i would go saying beyond
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the media missed. this was revealing absolute corruption in the media. let's talk about hunter biden and the fact that this was described as russian disinformation. take a look. >> hunter biden spent most of those charges unverified. >> charges so heinous i'm not even going to say them. >> baseless conspiracy theories about joe biden and his son. >> obviously we're not going with the "new york post" story right now. >> just absolutely shameful. by the way tiana, we can't mention that without also mentioning that of course our tech year lords absolutely suppressed that story. >> yeah, i have heard a lot of pearl clutching donald trump's unprecedented attacks on the free press. yet, there was absolute silence from media when twitter did decide to shut down this story that eventually turned out to be completely true. politico, msnbc, the "new york times," just blatantly refer to this as russian disinformation.
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and then you had npr saying that they wouldn't even cover it because it was not a story. as it turns out not only did the intelligence community have access to the authorized hunter biden laptop in question. hunter biden has been under investigation by the justice department since 2018. that was something that was politically leaked before the election. that's just a fact. many. will: i think almost we being could give a nice little thankful letter. wishful thinking, corruption, bias or agenda, what 2020 ended up doing, tiana is exposing, laying bear, what we already know to be true that most of the media is absolutely corrupt. thank you for your words this morning, tiana, i really appreciate your time. >> merry christmas eve. will: merry christmas. cayman island's court lowered the sentence for a teen who violated quarantine rules. her family is still outraged and demanding that she be released. we speak with her parents next. president trump's progress on border security could crumble
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>> welcome back whale the trump administration's christmas miracle is coming true. the u.s. marking more than be 1 million covid 19 vaccinations ashley strohmier joins us live
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as the health officials confident that protect against new strain of the virus. ashley. >> according to the cdc 1 million americans got the first dose of the vaccine 10 days after the administration -- rather, the administration of it started. this comes as positive cases of covid-19 continues to surge throughout the country. the cdc reported 1.9 million vaccines have been administered. but that number is likely higher as there is kind of a lag in the logging process. who has gotten those doses. the government saying by the end of the area there will be 20 million doses distributed. health officials are still advising people to keep practicing social distancing and wear a mask until the vaccine is widely available. operation warp speed officials in the u.s. particularly the elderly people see that drop in covid-19 mortality rates in weeks. moncef suey believes the u.s. will see 100 are million
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vaccinations bay the end of march. joe biden saying darkest days are still ahead. this comes as a mutated strain of the vice is still discovered in the u.k. forcing many european countries to limit its border. u.s. officials say they are confident they can maintain it. listen. >> we have every reason to believe lots of same terrific reasons to belief it will work. the vaccine goes against many parts of that spiked protein not just the one. it will be within a alma mater of the days that the scientific experiments definitive live prove that not within the next 24 hours but next matter of days. again, we absolutely expect there to be great vaccine coverage against this strain and the many of the other hundreds of mutations that are out there. >> dr. fauci said it is still too soon to start talking about travel bans here as there is not known about the mutated strain left yet. back to you guys. todd: thank you so much,
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ainsley, over to you, emily. emily: the court in the cayman islands shortening the steps of an american teen jailed for breaking quarantine. skyler max's sentence has been cut to two months. but her parents still say the punishment just stunt fit the crime. joining us now are rebecca and jason the mother and steep father of skyler mac. welcome to you both. i'm sure this christmas eve is bittersweet given that your daughter is still in jail in the caymans. share with us your feelings right now and what's going through your mind as you navigate this situation. >> wear still living in this nightmare. we are just hoping, you know, event actually here soon that it will be all over and, you know, she will be here home with us safe. emily: and you say that you have exhausted your legal options. yet, you have appealed to the president for help as well. what's going on with the status of her case legally in that way and the status of your appeal at
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this point? >> nkt we don't know. we have reached out to senators here in the state of georgia. i have reached out to the president, waiting to see, you know, if there is anything that they are able to do to help us. we don't have an update from any of those at the moment. >> are you able to communicate regularly with skyler and, if so, what has her communication been like to you? >> she is able to call, you know, whenever she can. there are certain times of the day that they are able to call. i mean, it's very hard on her. it's hard on all of us, she is scared to death. she is terrified over there. she is by herself. she has no one, she is having panic attacks. it's just really -- it's bad. emily: i'm so sorry for this. we have a statement as well from skyler that she released a statement earlier apologizing
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for her behavior and said look, i know that it was wrong to break quarantine but as you have stated this punishment just didn't seem to fit the crime. this is an 18-year-old pre-med student. she has never ton anything untoward in her life. and now she is really experiencing such a severe reaction. what are your thoughts 'on that? >> i think people need to realize that although she is 18, one year removed from our home that, you know, kids that age haven't matured are not real will he responsible yet. there is only one perfect person be that ever walked this earth. and i think to her that's very disheartening that somebody could treat someone and just very shocking to us all. emily: legally this remains in the hands of the cayman judge who has all the power and
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control. talk to me about that. you feel there is a message being sent by him to americans in this way. it's unfortunate that when she got there this new law came into effect. and it's certainly shows that, you know, her being american, although her boyfriend did get the same sentence, i think they just have no remorse and think that this is going to deter other people in the future. let's see how hard we can make it on her. that doesn't really affect many people. hopefully they can send a message. but, just because it's a law doesn't mean it's right. emily: exactly. thank you rebecca and jason burt. our hearts and prayers are with you both for a safe return of skyler very shortly. >> thank you. >> thank you.
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emily: griff, over to you. griff: turn to the border with apprehensions on the raise along the southern border in recent month. president-elect joe biden announced this week that he would not roll back trump era border measures on day one of his administration. listen. >> the last thing we need is to say we are going to stop immediately the, you know, the access to asylum the way it's being run now and end up with 2 million people on our border. it will get done. and it will get done quickly. but it's not going to be able to be done on day one. griff: joining me now acting u.s. customs and border commissioner mark morgan. mr. commissioner, happy christmas eve to you. thanks for taking time. >> absolutely, griff. thanks for having me. griff: all right. let's quickly show as we look forward to the biden administration, if you look at built a list here of the 100 day plan on immigration that biden
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said he was going to do which includes, of course, first and foremost ending wall construction. end the remain in mexico policy. end limits on refugee admissions. end detention of my grants. end metering at the border. end restrictions on asylum seekers and halt deportations for 100 days. >> let's not forget providing amnesty to millions of people. expanding daca and providing free healthcare to everyone that's here illegally. that is clear. that is not an immigration strategy. that is an open border strategy. and, griff, it's already happening. the surge has already began. the smugglers and cartels are fueling perception under a new administration our borders will be wide open and they are already coming. caravans are already forming with, quote, not my words, words from those that are going to illegally enter the country, we are coming because of potential new administration is going to open the borders. give, if i can, real quick,
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look, the potential new administration coming in already walking back on the promises he made even before the inauguration. >> that i that be a record. but that's a good point. because, one is he is clearly listening to the experts the transition team like cbp that have said if you implement your open border strategy you will create unmitt fated crisis. i believe it's also recognition that this current president's immigration strategies have been effective. here's the key point is that he hasn't said he is going to change his open border policies. he has kicked the crisis can down the road. if he doesn't change his policy, a crisis is still on its way. griff: mr. commissioner, coming, in we see now in the most recent omnibus bill funding for ice. currently funded for 52,000 beds. they are going to move that to somewhere around 32. that, to me, based on my experience, suggests that you are going to end up in a definite catch and release he system, which really isn't good
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news. >> griff, you are absolutely right. your listeners need to understand and listen to what you just said. that's absolutely correct. the thing you said the potential new administration said they will stop the made in mexico policy. this is th crux helped us end ch and release. on the pack end ice bed space. you will end mpp which means we will have to take people into our setting and where do we remove them to ice. if you remove the bed we will have no alternative in what we were doing last year and that's to release these individuals into the communities along southwest border. in 2019, b. p alone released 230,000 illegal immigrants be into local cities and towns along the southwest border. that's going to pail in comparison to what's coming. griff griff just in the amount of time we have got left, mr. commissioner, another thing we don't talk enough about is the appreciation for our law enforcement officers and troops. i would ladies and gentlemen to give you an opportunity now on christmas eve to do so.
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>> thanks. thank you for the opportunity to recognize and thank all the men and women of law enforcement throughout this country. you know, today, tonight, and in tomorrow most of us will get to spend time with our families during the holidays. they don't get to. they will be up there answering the call like they always do. men and women of cdp will be ports of entry and in between across the expire country doing what they do to protect and defend us and this country every single day. and, you know, their jobs are risky enough. in the midst of covid. their risk has even increased they get every single day to answer the call. to me, they are true american heroes. thanks for the opportunity. griff: they are inteed. acting commissioner mark morgan at cbp and have a merry christmas. >> you too. griff: all right. let's toss now over to jillian for more head lanes, jillian. jillian: that's right. good morning to you, griff and to you at home as well. start of off with a fox news alert. a pakistani court orders the release of the man convicted of
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murdering a "wall street journal" reporter. the death sentence was overturned in april for the killing of daniel pearl. downgrading his crime to kidnapping. the same court just removed the temporary december tension order that had kept him in jail. pearl was abducted and killed by a military at that particular time group in 2002. three other men sentenced to life in prison had their convictions overturned. overnight a new hampshire state trooper is shot in the line of duty. the state attorney general says the suspect was shot and killed. little details have been released but the trooper is in stable condition. in a statement governor chris sununu says i have made all state resources available to assist in this critical investigation. norad is ar are being tracking santa and his slay right now. they are on their way to new zealand delivering fronts children all around the world. if you want to follow his every move. download an app. for your phone. the commander of norad general glen van kirk will join us live in the next hour as as santa
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continues on his journey. how exciting. second it back to you. griff griff that's right. he knows. he knows when you are sleeping. he knows when you are good or bad and he is on his way. i will with will i'm doing the math really quickly. i don't know what new zealand is. is it 12 hours ahead of eastern time zone clock so it's what, i don't know, 5:47 p.m. is it dark in new zealand? i'm trying to figure out how santa is already working on new zealand. i don't know if weather men have special expertise on that. they do know math. adam klotz, am i doing the math right on why he is in new zealand right now? ing tammaro tammaro don't question santa claus, he knows what he is doing. you will end up on the naughty list if you keep going down that path. quill will i'm just asking questions, adam. i'm just asking questions. adam: no, no, no. do not ask questions of santa claus. that's important. that much i do know. the other thing i know the forecast will we get a white christmas? maybe a little bit for some folks out there.
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here is what he would looking at across the country a true cold front setting up the eastern coast. behind it cold air. 16 degrees or so in the chicago area. 2 degrees up in minneapolis. so there is some cold air lingering pack behind this many is. and along that frontal boundary that's where you will see some snow, ice, heavy snow in portions of eastern ohio into person pennsylvania. that's where winter storm watches and warnings are. as far as rain along the meangt it's going to be mostly rain. temperatures going to be way too warm. i promised you is it going to be a white christmas. not partialably widespread. spots seeing snow on christmas morning. cold temperatures out there mostly dry for santa claus, whenever he gets here, will, i don't know it's not up to me. it's up to him. leave it that way. will: i figured it out, adam, can you scroll that map far to the west. it's 12:47 a.m. in new zealand right now already christmas day. i are have my math off. they are like what is that 17
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hours ahead of us. 18 hours ahead of us. something lake that it's christmas day, griff, emily in new zealand. griff: i'm with adam don't question the fat man in the red suit and sled. thanks, atom. sources tell fox news some doj officials are calling for a special counsel to investigate hunter biden. jonathan turley explains come up. ♪ happy anniversary. (customer) for what? (burke) every year you're with us, you get fifty dollars toward your home deductible. it's a policy perk for being a farmers customer. (customer) do i have to do anything? (burke) nothing. (customer) nothing? (burke) nothing. (customer) nothing? (burke) nothing. (customer) hmm, that is really something. (burke) you get a whole lot of something with farmers policy perks. see ya. (kid) may i have a balloon, too? (burke) sure. your parents have maintained a farmers home policy for twelve consecutive months, right? ♪ we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪ (burke) start with a quote at 1-800-farmers.
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ing. will: a tiny creature. emily: impact in the greatest story of all time. the spider who saved christmas has been on the "new york times" best he willer list for five weeks and it's also a fox nation special. will: that's right, emily the author of the book fox news contributor raymond arroyo joins us now. good morning, raymond, merry christmas. >> hey, guys, merry christmas to you all. >> tell us about this book that symbolizes so much of what we forget about christmas? >> well, you know, when i traveled through eastern yawrp, of course they cover trees with tinsel which we do here in the united states. but they put spider ornaments on their trees. i couldn't figure out why.
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this ancient legend about mary job and the baby jesus encountering this spider in the cave is a reason we hang tinsel. points back to story living threw now. we are all in our caves. we are on the run. weigh are hiding from sudden death outside trying to protect our loved ones. buff if we have the eyes for it, hope is all around us. and, look, i feel this christmas i have been able to cover the most important stories beyond grand juries and tom cruz blowing up at his movie craw. i get to cover this story of hope. not only in fictional form but through this an american christmas together special at fox nation, which is a musical special. it's been a good end of year for us if not the beginning and the middle. emily: yeah, first of all, that sounds wonderful and we love having you on to talk about this right now, raymond, we have actually a little bit clip to share with viewers. stand by. ♪ hello, christmas
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♪ let it snow ♪ with you with us ♪ here we go ♪ hello christmas ♪ bring your cheer ♪ hello christmas ♪ bring it here ♪ come on hello christmas ♪ wise men ♪ hello christmas ♪ a little baby ♪ hello christmas ♪ >> what a thrill that was for me. emily: available on fox nation now. to your point, thank you for focusing on that christmas of hope. it's so important right now especially given 020. we appreciate it so much. >> happy to do it. merry christmas to you all. some real legends there dion, kellie pickler. worth a look if you have the time. i hope you have a joyous season with your families. love you all. will: thank you raymond we will check that out on fox nation both the book and the special. >> thank you. see you soon. will: remind of what this time is year is absolutely about.
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jonathan turley is going to join us live in the next hour. and that's still ahead. along with alyssa farah, joey jones, deroy murdock, charlie hurt and so many much more. stay with us for the next hour of "fox & friends." so when a h, usaa reached out before he could even inspect the damage. that's how you do it right. usaa insurance is made just the way martin's family needs it with hassle-free claims, he got paid before his neighbor even got started. because doing right by our members, that's what's right. usaa. what you're made of, we're made for. ♪ usaa
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♪ ♪ i didn't have griff that is a live look at our tree on fox square and this is santa claus. you know him. he has already started delivering christmases to children around the world. merry christmas eve. i'm griff jenkins. and i am joined by emily compagno and will cain. happy merry christmas eve to you guys. as you see there, santa on the move. just looking at the norad tracker four minutes ago. he arrived new zealand, will. you are questioning it. he is there and we are told by the tracker santa casino, quote, checking out beach in new zealand. we will have more throughout the show. emily: that's exactly right, griff. good morning to you both. a merry christmas eve. and later in the show we will have the general from norad which, when i saw that on the
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run down i mean i got chills. that celebrity status to me. he is the closest thing we have got to santa and i'm really excited about that, will. will: i'm glad you are excited about that. i want to push back on griff here if i can start the morning. my question do not reveal doubt about the magic of santa claus. may only curiosity driven if i'm correct it's already 12:47 a.m. christmas day in new zealand. he is working on christmas day. and i guess throughout the course of the show this morning we should be tracking him as he moves from new zealand to australia and on be in to asia. like you said, emily, we will check in with the general at norad to know exactly where santa is at any given moment. griff: in the first hour, you were also questioning that the fact that the jenkins family is a little slow at decorating that tree. we don't rush into that. it's raised another concern. there is my barren tree which soon shall have ornaments and
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late perhaps possibly if the jenkins family gets moving. another challenge is we haven't yet figured out. there is a debate going on in our house over what to serve for the christmas day meal tomorrow. i haven't gone to the grocery store yet. i plan to get there as well. is it going to be ham? is it going to be turkey? one of the members of the family suggested tender lion, a nontraditional one. what do you guys do? emily, what is your christmas eve meal? >> well, this year looks a little different. but for tonight, i'm going to be serving actually chicken, so usually we do feast of the seven fishes. i'm sicilian american i have tried that in the past which has been amazing. this year i have sort of a is smorg going on. but, the bottom line is no one will leave hungry. everyone will have feef meals in a few hours are griff, to identify say what i love about your situation is that you are sort of like calming everyone else down. everyone who thinks they were a
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procrastinator and see your barron be tree and haven't planned a menu they know they have it covered comparatively. griff: that's right. what about you, will? what's on the dinner plate at the can kaine house. griff jenkins of a wonderful life on christmas eve placing the star on top the tree. not procrastinating it's wonderful. as for me, griff, on any special occasion it's beef, it is steak. it is red meat when it comes to special occasions i think thanksgiving is the only exception even at that we try to throw beef ribs into the equation as an option to the turkey. griff: i love it. i'm heading to the cain household for christmas. i support that beef. tender lion although i'm not sure i'm going to win. in here in washington where we do have some politicians trying to work this christmas eve. house democrats are heading to work as the president pushes lawmakers to pass a coast relief
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deal that includes $2,000 checks for many americans. will: that's right. house minority leader kevin mccarthy leveling democrats seem to be suffering from selective hearing. pledging to visit foreign spending in the omnibus bill republicans are not just looking at those checks, emily. emily: this is as trump vetoes the defense spending bill calling it a gift to china and russia because lawmakers did not repeal the liability shield for tech giants. speaker nancy pelosi vowing to override the veto. >> griff, you mentioned a little bit earlier in the show that it looks like the votes will be there to override president trump's veto when it comes to the ndaa. if i can for just a element no. i want to focus on the omnibus bill and coronavirus relief bill. what i find interesting is that president trump has always represented this reassignment in had political values and ideas. not traditional as republican and democrat as it stood for some 20, 0 years.
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that's a good thing. how does that manifest. you have senator like rand paul vs. senators like josh hawley who are arguing on opposite sides of whether or not these checks should be increased to american people. what i find interesting in that debate. what i would like to put out there. is why do we increase the administrative state every time we try to help people? why do we give more to these big institutions be the kennedy center or whoever? i find it an interesting prospect to cut checks directly to the american people if we submit they are in need, then what's wrong with going directly to the american people? tulsi gabbard, who is a democrat, shares in some of those same ideas when you are talking 'just $600 going in the midst of this massive spending bill. listen to what tulsi gabbard had to say. >> this bill is a slap in the face to the american people. people who are sitting in their cars waiting in line for hours to get free food from the food bank. people who have been without jobs for months. people who are concerned about getting evicted from their apartments or their homes because they haven't been able
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to pay their rent to say that it's okay to give hundreds of billions of dollars to corporate special interest. to foreign countries. to the military industrial complex, but to the american people, who are struggling and suffering are and who need help the most, you get 600 bucks. it's an absolute insult and the american people deserve better. will: right there on the screen before tulsi gabbard you could see a list of the things that are going, what kind of things are being funded with these bills. my, ament, griff, is simply, emily, it is if we are going to help people out, if we submit that is what is needed, why not go directly to the people? cut the administrative state out? >> yeah, you know, your point is so spot on, will. because what the president is highlighting is that this isn't new. when it comes to helping starving and struggling americans, many whose businesses have already gone out of business, you have got all of these pork projects like
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fighting asian carp all the way to gender studies in pakistan it doesn't add up to tie the two together. i understand the mechanism through which they can that. i havdid that.i went to mississw up can beaver dam part of a pork project. went to will airport one congressman 12 hours and didn't see another human being. millions of dollars for just this one airport. this is nothing new. i think the point you are making, will, is that, you know, this eventually at some point has to stop and let the lesson of covid of 2020 be no more with this stuff. no are no. even though i do as i said before predict that congress will and pelosi will override the veto of this spending omnibus bill. emily? emily: right, griff. those experiences are so fascinating to listen to. if your household, if you lost your job, if you are
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hemorrhaging money out of every window, that's not the time that you would buy a new tractor or a new car. that's not the time that you would choose to donate for a special project at the local school. so, why do we do that as a country on a trillion-dollar level? why do we refuse to cut spending? why do we refuse to audit? as a federal attorney for so many years it seems somewhere along the line everyone on the hill has lost that notion and in my opinion dr. i there is not er every single lawmaker over there. >> democrat are always going to ask for more cow bell. they are always going to ask for more money when it comes to anything. >> they will be happy to sign up. i would like to see debate among
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republicans rand paul and josh hawley why it is good in this time of need to cut checks and rand paul to cut checks to americans directly as a stimulus. let's turn now to another story though this morning. and that is whether or not there will be a special prosecutor brought in to investigate hunter biden. to do that, let's talk to fox news contributor and george washington university law professor, jonathan turley. jonathan, thanks for being with us this morning. merry christmas eve to you. >> merry christmas. will: i would love to read to you something source from fox news about the idea of a special counsel. i'm going to quote, this is from it was passed to deal with the potential conflict of interest of the attorney general are othe president of the united states. a president-elect coming in where his appointed attorneys will be investigating his son, that's textbook conflict. is that right, jonathan, a textbook will where a special prosecutor is needed? >> it could be, but it really depends a lot on the character,
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the scope of the investigation. if this is just a tax investigation, it's not a trivial matter. that can be a felony criminal investigation. it could very well be wrapping up. and there may not be this great threat of a conflict something if it on the other hand is more of a money laundering type of investigation, then you have a more serious potential for a conflict will of interest. this appears to have been triggered by sars or suspicious activity reports that occur when you have international transactions that sort of are flagged by banks. that doesn't mean there's a crime but that's a classic element of a money laundering issue or other potential crimes that could be involved. so a lot of this depends on the footprint. attorney general bill barr, i have known him for years. and i don't think he would hesitate to appoint -- would have hesitated to appoint a special counsel. he looked at what was going on there and did not see that need. at the moment, i don't see that
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need either. as long as that u.s. attorney stays in place. but, again, there are real potential conflicts here. i mean,ing president-elect biden is referenced in these emails. the reference is to the, quote: big guy do appear to be joe biden. but, more importantly, you have business associates that are referenced in the emails but one that also came forward tony bobulinski joe biden. either bobulinski or joe biden is lying. those are can classic conflict. again, we have to look at what is the investigation really focusing on? is there a tax issue focused on hunter wrapping up or are there broader implications here? griff: jonathan barr, you mentioned the attorney general, said to the extent he thinks there is an investigation i think it's being handled responsibly and professionally.
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i have not seen be a reason a point a special counsel. you are talking about the scope business records reviewed by fox news show hunter biden 10% stake in a chinese private equity firm. we obviously don't know the details of the investigation. but at what point is there a need? at what point do you say, jonathan turley says there needs to be a special counsel in this. >> well, first of all, i think that the senate has every reason to investigate this because there is a potential here of being compromised. that is to look at the extent to which the biden family has these dealings with china. you know, the biden family has a long troubling history of benefiting from public work and public access, you know, joe biden's brother openly sold his influence and access to his brother when he was vice president. hunter biden was clearly involved in an influence peddling scheme. those issues are not really a
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debate. there are a lot of transactions here. a lot of interaction with countries like china and ukraine. there is every reason for the congress to investigate psalm people that called for investigations of the trump family, one would think, would support that. emily: professor, i want to get your thoughts oning on something on the back end. taking something you said a few yards further. there is actually in terms of the influence peddling a lot of legality there. it's a significant operation that has spanned multiple countries for multiple decades. for you as a long-time attorney and professor what are your thoughts lengths legislatively on the changes that should be made so that this sort of reflects the american people's view that this shouldn't be be legal, that this is inappropriate? >> >> no. that's a great question. i have been writing about hunter biden scandal for years. and i particularly chaffin when people say this isn't a crime
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and joe biden saying my son -- no one has suggested my son has done everything anything wrong. of course many of us have said that his son was involved in a raw global influence peddling scheme. that's wrong. we don't define what's right or wrong by the criminal code alone. it should be a concern for everyone. and your point is a good one. again, i wrote about this for decades. there are these holes in our government ethics rauls that allow for this type of incorrect corruption to come in. you know, the bribery laws prevent you from giving a bag of money to a politician like joe biden. >> it does not prevent you from giving unjustified and lucrative contract to a son or to a spouse. this hans all th happens all the favorite form of corruption in washington. that's why this there has been nothing done. the suggestion there might not be a crime here we shouldn't
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investigate or be outraged or even do something about it is perfectly bizarre. will: joe biden has done a good job of voiding yes, sir about this so far see if he is able to continue with that strategy. jonathan turley, thanks so much for being with us this morning. >> thank you and merry christmas. will: merry christmas, jonathan. all right. go over to jillian who has a few more headlines for us this morning. good morning, jillian. jillian: good morning twin with this. president trump issuing 26 new pardons and three computations. second round of pardons include charles kushner the father of the president's son jared kushner. paul manafort and former adviser roger stone. >> i'm happy. i have enormous debt of gratitude to god almighty for giving the president the strength and courage to recognize that my prosecution was completely politically motivated witch-hunt and my trial was soviet style show trial in which the judge denied
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us any powerful line of defense. in which the judge, we now know, hid exculpatory evidence from us. jillian: comes ever a the president commuted his sentence in july. he was convicted of witness tampering and making false statements. turning now to extreme weather. the east coast now bracing for winter storm sweeping across the u.s. it caused dangerous whiteout conditions like what you see here in south dakota. in nebraska, blizzard conditions leaving this highway at a complete stand still. troopers responding to several crashes and semi-trucks that were stuck. an h emotional rush limbaugh thanking during his final radio broadcast of the year. >> my point in all of this today is gratitude. my point in everything today i have shared with you about this is to say thanks. and to tell everybody involved how much i love you from the
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bottom of a sizeable and growing and still beating heart. i wasn't expected to be alive today. you have an expiration date. a lot of people never get told that and so so they don't face life this way. i have learned what love really is during this. jillian: comments continue to pour in on social media. donald posting on be facebook saying prayers are with you. don't give you up we know you are a fighter. mike says god bless this great man. a hockey star surprises an emergency room will nurse with an incredible gift. look at this. >> wait, what? what's going on? the car? for me? >> yes. >> are you kidding me? >> boston bruins player david masterneck gifting the car he won at the all star game mvp nominated by clinical
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instructor. more gifts were included an autographed jersey and puck. her 4-year-old son also received new hockey equipment. amazing send it pack to you. griff: hockey players are super stars too. all right. thanks, jillian. a major milestone in the fight against covid-19. 1 million americans have been vaccinated dr. qhanta ahmed shares her story of getting her shot and the inspiring nurse who administered it coming up. ♪ no matter how high you set the bar. try centrum minis. dreya! hey! how are you so good at this? relax. get into it! aw, yeah! i've got it! rated everyone.
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and now with q4 wrapping up, the north pole has to be feeling the heat. it's okay santa, let's workflow it. workflow it...? with the now platform, we can catch problems before customers even know they're problems. wait... a hose? what kid wants a hose?! fireman? says "hose" it says "horse"! not a "hose"! cedric! get over here! now our people can collaborate across silos,
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from across the globe. so how's the new place? it's a 4 bed, 2.5 bath igloo... it's great! yeah, but you have to live in the south pole. sir... wait, are you sure? yes, we're that productive now. you hear that?! the kids get twice the presents! [ cheering ] about time 2020 gave us some good news. whatever your business is facing... let's workflow it. servicenow. learning is hard work. hard work requires character. learning begins in faith. it must move upwards toward the highest thing, unseen at the beginning - god. and freedom is essential to learning. its principles must be studied and defended. learning, character, faith, and freedom: these are the inseparable purposes of hillsdale college.
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emily: welcome pack. the u.s. is separating a milestone in the fight against covid-19 with a centers for disease control announcing more
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than 1 million people vaccinated in just 10 days. this comes as the white house reaches a deal with pfizer to buy 100 million more doses of their covid-19 vaccine by the end of july. joining us now is one of the million who have already been vaccinated pulmonologist at nyu langone dr. qhanta ahmed. thank you for joining us this morning. share with us about getting vaccinated. what was it like? >> emily, what a gift for holy week, really. it was just absolutely incredible. the place at ny. lapg gotten, long island, which is what you are seeing is where i was vaccinated. and last time in that building that was an intensive care unit for covid-19 patients. it's such a transformation, so rapidly, all i can describe is the mood and experiences being being euphoric. the news diane who vaccinated me had retired after 51 years of service at our hospital and then came back out of retirement to
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cricket to the vaccination program. it's the kind of ted occasion that our colleagues have had for each other. many people do not realize that the epicenter of the epicenter, the world's epicenter for the pandemic for long time was new york. but the epicenter of that was long island. in which our hospital received the first case. we -- the virus was spreading like fire in march. but by april we had already discharged and made better 750 people and now here we are leading the world vaccination campaign. it's just incredible it's a issue in. it really is. >> doctor, as a physician, what is your take away from our operation warp speed that really for us sort of highlighted the strengths when private sector and the government partner up you. what is your take away and perspective on that? >> so this is a historic event for mankind. it is not just incredible success of the united states. without the u.s. vision.
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the political will beginning from president trump to really envision this onwards this brilliant technology quopsd by german scientist would never have reached people at the front line lake myself and my colleagues. so, this is an unbelievable partnership that has removed all beareries. i guarantee no vaccine will ever take a decade to for development. not only that the mrna technology and the new supply chains we built i visited the freezers where we store the vaccine at nyu langone, long island, i see how the delivery arrive, how we protect those vac seeps. this will transform future vaccines fore. we are going to see vaccines against diseases formerly incurable in our lifetime. it's transformative. had. emily: what is your primary area of interest or emphasis in this next chapter as we step through the pandemic and see it in our rear view mirror. what are you looking at?
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>> you know, i think our biggest responsibility as physicians and nurses. and nurses have not had enough acknowledgment in this pandemic. it's very important that we could not have gotten to this stage without our nursing colleagues is to be role models and lead our nation and then the world to vaccinations. there are a lot of fears about vac sip nation even amongst some healthcare workers. we need to kiss imagined those fears. those fears come out of the fact that this was developed peedly. people don't understand the molech could you larr biddle behind. this over a decade in development. the primary focus can you say is how do we make people feel comfortable about it. this country so blessed not only have the will vac seanel now at my hospital we also have the moderna vaccine. the americans are going to see the johns hopkins and johnson vaccine come on board and eventually astrazeneca. of course we want our nation vaccinated if the world is not
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vaccinated the pandemic will not end. we have role to encourage people about the safety. the only side effect i experienced was euphoria for about two days. i have not been able to feel for the first time optimism and hope in the vaccination center there was so much seriousness. we were on a mission. the day i was vaccinated. 500 employees. people working from 5:00 a.m. until late in the night to vaccinate all the staff. every day accelerating the number of people vaccinating. while it was a very serious mission. also for the first time i saw hope and laughter and joy that we have not experienced since the beginning of this people and we want to share that with the nation. this is going to restore not only people's health and life but our economy. our ability to move, our ability to travel. and our ability for the united states and the world to rebound. and we are going to achieve that.
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emily: doctor, i'm always so impressed by you. really it was an honor to have your perspective here with us this morning. happy holidays to you and your family. and congratulations on being part of this historic rollout. >> that's so kind, emily. i could want to say your show has been an absolutely paramount to explaining the pandemic to people and now i would invite you to lead the way to help people feel safe and excited about vaccinations. this is going to be life-change. merry christmas. emily: absolutely. merry christmas. president trump issues a warning to iran following a rocket attack on the u.s. embassy in baghdad. retired marine corps bomb tech joey jones is here on that next.
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will. griff: welcome back, thanks for joining christmas eve. portland police officers leafing the department some taking pay cuts to get out. carley shimkus joins us live with the latest. good morning, carley. carley: that's right, good morning, griff. many leaving mid career they are so happy they are taking lower paying jobs in smaller towns. the police department describing the number of tee par temperatures as unprecedented.
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according to the portland tribune 30 officers have already left or filed paperwork to leave the department soon. records request from other democracy also suggest an additional 25 officers are currently trying to get hired elsewhere. assistant police chief michael from says not seen this many people leaving at the stage in the career they are leaving here because they don't enjoy working here anymore. will protest following the odessa of george floyd. voted to cut the police budget be by $15 million despite a spike in violent crime. those cuts could have made the department less diverse as the city's police real estate recruiter pass will diverse candidates laid off over the summer. more change to come next year as well as portland's police chief recently announced all canine officers as well as the majority of traffic drops will be moved to respond to 911 calls.
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griff? griff: all right. carley. tough story in portland. thank you very much. carley: thank you. griff griff will? will: thanks, griff. president trump putting iran on notice on the sunday attack on u.s. embassy in baghdad. on a tweet he writes our embassy in baghdad got hit sunday by three rockets failed it launch. guess where they were from iran? now we hear chatter of attacks against additional n iraq. if one american is killed, i will hold iran responsible. think it over. fox news contributor and retired marine veteran joey jones served in iraq. he joins us now to react. joey, good morning. merry christmas. >> good morning. merry christmas. will: some strong words there from the president. what's your reaction? >> if we have learned anything this week, it's that president trump is not going to be a lame duck president in the final weeks of his presidency. i think one thing we have learned over the past several years is when president trump makes a threat or a many pro miss, it probably has some
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weight behind it and that's something that i believe has faired well for us. he has followed through. and i think that's new, especially to a lot of our adversaries. i'm not advocating for war. i would love for the rest of our troops to come home from afghanistan. we also can't have a country like iran pumping ordnance into places where we are which is exactly what we saw when i was in afghanistan and iraq. i was a bomb tech. i saw are intelligence on this. we saw it first hand. iran has always been a big supplier of ordnance. and president trump is not going to let it happen. at least while he is in office. quite honestly, it's the one fear i have if joe biden takes over is that weigh don't have these kind of threats that prevent action. i think president trump is very serious and iran knows it. that was going to be my follow up with you, joey, do you think iran does know it. do these words resonate? will it back iran off? >> well, i think they know how our politics work. i think they know as things sit
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today, president trump will no longer be president after next month. they are looking forward and that's why they are starting to not necessarily poke the sleeping bear, but really to raise a stink again. and show that they want to be a force in a reasoning that they believe, perhaps, you know, joe biden won't be as forceful as president trump has been. >> joey, i'm looking through my camera screen right now i see an early morning shadow on your face. we're just getting to know each other this clean-shaven is new for me. i have had a beard for like, i don't know, almost 10 years. i didn't realize i don't know if you realized that what we both had, what you have this morning and what i used to have is very significant. what i'm talking about is a politico piece when it comes to canadian prime minister justin trudeau they said his beard was a real piece of significance. here is what they said. at the very beginning of this indeterminable year justin trudeau grew a beard will it's
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as symbol of a once youthful prime minister who is now older and wiser and battle-scarred. beard or no this year has changed trudeau's image. a beard can do so much, joe ympleght you know, here, let me be honest. this is as much of a beard you will ever get from me. i can't grow a beard. if you have ever seen joe dirt mine grows in that way. i have fought two wars and made two humans kids that i have raised i think i have a little bit of wisdom. i actually have battle scars. so, you know, this type of writing what worry me about this peace it says at the beginning of the year we had nothing to talk about other than justin trudeau's beard what planet are you living on i remember quite a bit to talk about. democrats going after our president over an impeachment that didn't make any sense. we had a booming economy. we were talking about bringing troops home. you know, this region of the world much less than the united states has had a lot going on. and it just kind of shows you where the minds of people that are supposed to be journalists are, i guess.
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if justin trudeau wants to be proud of that beard. i have got some vet biewd buddit can put him to shame but let him have it. will: one on the weekend pete hegseth always come deers any joey jones segment. i have never get to talk to you. they always get assigned to pete. this is my chance to ask you about christmas. video you are calling your sleigh. there is present be here in the jones household on your quote unquote sleigh in your workshop which also doubles as a gun room i see. here is the thing, joey, i have never seen presents so beautifully wrapped by a man before. those are gorgeous, man. >> you know, i have got to have some kind of hidden talent. think what i can do with 10 full fingers. i'm missing one finger here. my foreign taught me years ago how to wrap presents correctly. and it's an expectation among the family that i follow through with. and it's something i enjoy doing. about pinching the corners and getting the crisp lines.
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all the rest of it is measuring and cutting. it's not that hard. >> i imagine a bomb technos how to be precise with very intricate details when it comes to doing things with your fingers. just like a south carolina. joey jones, good to talk to you this morning, thank you. >> merry christmas, thank you. will: merry christmas. over to you, griff. griff: a master wrapper joey jones, that's awesome. another talent. meanwhile, where is kamala harris? that's what socialism advocates are asking. calling out her silence over stimulus relief talks. the socialist website noting, quote: maybe she just hasn't gotten around to it but is about to weigh in whether or not she does will tell us a lot about what we can expect from her in the biden administration. more specifically, it will tell us a lot about whether she plans to be an envoy for the progressive causes she purported to support during her presidential run or whether she will just appropriate biden's austerity ideology as her own.
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emily: here to react fox news contributor and former wisconsin gop congressman sean duffy and his wife fox news contributor rachel campos-duffy. merry christmas eve to you both. welcome. i feel like you are practicing for tomorrow when you have to get up really early for the kids. thank you for joining us this early this morning. >> good to be with you guys merry christmas. >> merry christmas yes this is a good dry run for tomorrow. emily: so what are your thoughts on this, on the absence of kamala harris in terms of everything that she was so shouting from the rooftops for so long? >> well, i would say that, you know, she has had a very grueling campaign, with joe biden. i think she has had about two zoom calls a day, maybe. and so she is very tired. she hasn't gotten aarranged to it or oing plotting her ascension to the presidency. odd not involved here because she is the one that introduced a bill back in may with bernie
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sandersing are $2,000 exactly what president trump said it should be for three consecutive months and she is nowhere to be found. griff: sean, let me follow up on that. you have served in coming. you understand the difficulty. now you have this socialist website calling senator harris out already and already at the same time president-elect biden keeps sort of trying to tip his hat to the center that he will be a moderate. how difficult is this to navigate and how perilous is it in your opinion that already the progressive left, socialists are calling out harris? >> i think you are right, griff. the progressive, the socialist, the shy communist. what they want is a government full of people who think like them. and so, when kamala harris got the nod to be the running made e of joe biden they thought they would have a progressive fighter who he would stand up and carry the issues. when she steps out of the debate
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the covid package they were frustrated by that i think $2,000 a person makes a lot of accepts, griff, if it was focused on people who actually need the help. not people out on the gulf course and don't need the money. also if we took the pork away from foreign aid and gender study programs and $100 million for cars for aide workers in foreign countries. take that money back and give it to americans. that does make a lot of sense. shea has been nowhere in this fight will put a pen on that. will stimulus make sentence to both sides of the aisle. the reason i come back to it i feel like and you and i have talked about it, rachel you and i as well. this alignment of conservatism and values through the trump administration. here is mike pence turning point usa summit and asking young conservatives to stay involved in the fight for freedom. listen to this and then we will react. >> stay in the fight. [cheers and applause]
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had will. [chanting u.s.a.] >> stay in the fate for election integrity. [cheers] >> stay in the fight to defend all we've done. and stay in the fight from this student action summit and every at a forward to keep america great. [cheers and applause] wall will sean and rachel the reason i wanted to pin on this. anybody staying in the fight will be what happens with conservatism in the coming years without donald trump? he has redefined it in so many populist ways. so if we are asking people to stay in the fight, it's going to be a real question of what fight are we talking about here? what are you representing? it would seem. >> first, i can say i love mike pence, is he actually delivering this message to turning point u.s.a. the same message goes to the young american foundation.
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great groups that help promote young people and conservatism. we are in the fight for freedom, right? we are in the fate for limited government. more freedom for individuals. giving power back to states and municipalities. so we can make decisions for ourselves. that are right for us instead of having a nanny state make decisions for us. and we have kids in college and we see young people are on the front line of this fight for freedom. and the push back on socialism. and if we don't have smart, young, well-educated kids fighting the progressive movements on campus, we are going to actually lose. and to have smart kids that are educated at like the young americans foundation and turning point. when they go on the campus and they talk about conservative issues. they are not just talking to themselves. they actually bring common sense points and it's amazing they bring other kids with them. and they start to spread the message of freedom and liberty and limited government. and that's why i think mike pence's message is so important. rachel: absolutely. and, will, you bring up a great point. the republican party post trump is not the same party it was
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before. in fact, this covid relief bill actually represents the old way of doing things. and here again is donald trump coming in and saying we're all thinking back at home which is what is all this foreign aid in here? what is all this junk in here? what's all this social engineering? where is the money? why isn't it targeted to the people who need it that kind of common sense versus the establishment, the chamber of commerce aren't all the other special interest groups from before. that's going to be the battles on campus against socialism and in our education system. but it's also within the party going is this going to be trump's party of common sense america first or is this going to be the special interest, country club party that we had before donald trump? will: that's exactly what i'm saying, i'm sorry, rachel, that's exactly what i'm talking about. fighting free tom and small government. free trade, foreign wars, america first. things have changed in the republican party. so before people sign up to it too, we need to know what the republican party is going to be
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standing for in the years to many do, emily. emily: that's absolutely right. okay and team duffy, we need to see, switching gears here, how you guys are celebrating christmas and it seems like you have been visited by what will be a white christmas, we would love to see photos. we have some. oh my gosh. look at that. that's like literally my favorite christmas card ever that i have seen. you guy just win everything. you just won the christmas -- rachel: that's this morning. we filmed this just before we did the show here. rick reichmuth -- so we have not had any snow up here in wisconsin. rick reichmuth called me and said, rachel, i think you are going to get snow on christmas eve and lo and behold rick was right. we opened the door and there was the snow in our front porch this morning. >> we had a white christmas. you ask rick anything in weather he will deliver for you. >> email and say rick, this is what i want for christmas and new
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year's and he can give it to you. by the way, griff, i saw your santa hat this morning with the leopard, you know thing around it. >> animal print never goes out of style. >> there you go. thank you, griff didn't wear his hat for the interview? looks great on you, griff. griff: thank you. i have saved the last for the best and that is as you may have seen earlier, i have yet to decorate my christmas tree and i see from your photos i'm paling in comparison be to you. i haven't also figured out what i'm going to can cook in the jenkins household tomorrow for christmas day dinner. will is doing beef. he is a good texan. what do you recommend? is it turkey? is it ham? or is it beef? what is on the duffy dinner plate? >> neither, griff. >> we both grew up he is irish american and i'm hispanic american and we both grew up eating lamb on christmas. so we are having lamb. we are going to do lollipop lamb chops today. will: yum.
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elm theme sounds delicious. >> a lot of cookies and cake tomorrow, too. >> nine kids, a lot of presents to open tomorrow morning, duffys. so we wish you luck. >> it will be fun. >> merry christmas. >> merry christmas to all of you. we love you guys. >> take care. all right. let's take a live look if we can santa begins his mission to deliver toys around the world. get an update from the norad commander with when santa could be flying over you ♪ santa will take the freeway down ♪ run, run, rudolph ♪ like a merry go around as♪ energizer ultimate lithium backed by science. matched by no one.
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griff: welcome back. it is a christmas tradition, norad tracking santa as he begins his sleigh ride across the globe. where is he now? norad commander general glen vanhur it. joins us live with an update from the commander command center. santa has already been busy, general. >> absolutely, griff. thanks for having me. he has been busy. he has been to russia. he has been through the pacific islands counsel to new zealand. he made a quick stop at the
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international space station before going to antarctica and on his way back to russia. griff: general, you just glazed over a major announcement there. to my knowledge, this is the first time we have ever ever had santa visiting the international space station? did i hear that correctly? >> that's correct, griff. it's the first time. and we're so excited to announce that today. griff: general, the children around the globe obviously also want to pay attention. they better get to bed if they are on the list. where is the tracking of santa headed? where can we expect him to be going next? >> well, he is on his way to russia right now. for the children out there listening, what i say is keep on our website. our applications to take a look. and ensure you are in bed by about 9:00 p.m. santa tends to arrive between the:00 p.m. and midnight. griff griff there you go, :00 p.m., all right.
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just for the viewers who may not have followed our annual christmas tradition and thank you, again, for being here, walk us through exactly what it is that norad does to track santa and why you do it. >> well, it started in 1955. it was an accident actually when a flier was published department store with a phone number. that phone number ran in our commands center the colonel picked up the phone and young child at the other end looking for santa claus. the colonel realized the mistake but quickly realized that he needed to take care of tracking santa claus and he did that. we continue that today with our censors around the imrob. radar system. north warning system. satellite 22,300 miles above us and, of course, the fighters. the fighters for north american canadian c-f 18s, f-16s and f-22s. >> santa remembers the children of the great men and women of our armed supervisors.
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even though their families often deployed. >> >> absolutely. santa tracks everybody in their location ngsd a he will track the children all around the globe and ensure that they get the toys and presents that they need. >> finally, general, just a quick confirmation, the reporter in me, can we confirm that rudolph is indeed leading this sleigh ride this time? >>' yes, we can confirm rudolph is leading the sleigh ride. we picked rudolph's nose off it gives a heat signature. will i'm happy to say that rudolph is with santa this year. griff: general van herck at norad thank you for all that you do and your service, sir. merry christmas eve. >> thanks, griff. merry christmas to you. griff: all right. and we will keep tracking santa. quite a lot of fun, he is on the
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move. you heard the general, kids, go to bed quickly if you are in his path. meanwhile form everywhere white house communications director alyssa farah joins us at the top of the hour. and still ahead charles hurt, deroy murdock and major dan rooney, all of that coming up on your christmas eve. stick with us. ♪ ♪ dance, dance, dance ♪ ain't nobody leaving ♪ so keep dancing ♪ i can't stop the feeling ♪ so just nicorette knows, quitting smoking is freaking hard. you get advice like: try hypnosis... or... ... we made usaa insurance for members like martin. an air force veteran made of doing what's right,
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>> ♪ more than you could ever know, make my wish come true, all i want for christmas, is you ♪ will: merry christmas eve, here from fox & friends, will cain, emily campanio, and griff jenkins, wishing you a very merry christmas as you look at fox square and a beautifully decorated tree outside in new york city. more decorated i would suggest than griff jenkins is at this moment where there is a tree sitting inside a living room in the jenkins household just waiting for a star to be placed on top. let's take a look one more time if we can because as it suggests , griff you have only a few hours left to get this job done. griff: i am going to be busy, merry christmas eve, to you, will, and to emily, and listen, you can't rush perfection.
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we haven't set the christmas day menu, we haven't decorated the tree. i'm actually going to do soul cycle with the eldest child you saw on the video before noon. it's going to be a busy christmas eve. thank you for all having us in your living room and let me point out. i have talked a lot about this had you pointed out, will but just so our viewers see you are in the christmas spirit as well with a fox & friends ugly christmas sweater. yeah, can we get a closer shot of that? look at that right there. that is in the spirit that is what you do on christmas eve. will: that's exactly right. beautiful sweater. emily i don't think it's ugly, will i think it's fantastic. and griff i have to say now that you said you can't rush perfection we're going to hold you to it and do a follow-up segment. we need to see how your christmas tree ends up and we've been tracking with norad with the general from norad all morning about santa's whereabout s its been really exciting seeing where he is in
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the world, and i keep thinking about my doberman. she's a great protection dog and i keep thinking about when he eventually makes it to this household, i mean, she might get a little crazy. she might do her normal barking because if she treats him like she treats squirrels it's going to wake up the whole neighborhood and there's a picture of her with santa on her back she was filling in for reindeer earlier saying yes, mom let me help so i have to let her know when santa comes he's not an intruder, he's a welcome guest. [laughter] will: she is gorgeous, emily i told you i had a doberman for 12 years and my family is back in the market for one, but listen, christmas spirit only extends so far. we're going to get to news stories in just a moment but i want to ask you two a question. here is what my kids and i have been doing over the christmas break. so here is the question about christmas spirit. it doesn't mean charitable giving when it comes to competition. i'm at the top of the hill with these kids, my point is that i'm going to win.
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i'm going to win, the race to the bottom and i'm going to cheat, griff and pull on legs and get a head start because i'm going to win christmas or not when it comes to these sled ding competitions. am i right, griff? griff: you are 100% spot on, i won't hold it against you that you're a cowboys fan, but you and i see eye to eye on this , will in fact it's raining i believe here now and we're hovering on that cold line. if we get snow, and a snow fight should preclude and procrastinate our tree decorat ing i am in it to win it with the snowballs. i have teenage girls. i will not hold back. i'll be throwing full major league baseball pitch strength snowballs at my children to win that fight. you agree, emily? >> emily: well let me be the first then to wish peace upon both of your households or at least today and tomorrow, let there be a truce, so we can sell ebrat celebrate the season
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peacefully and i have two older siblings and that kind of war if there can just be a pause for two or one days out of the year it means a lot to the person that always loses. [laughter] will: well you do no one favors by allowing them to win that's what i believe. we're raising adults so let them earn it is what i say, griff. griff: since you mentioned, emily, the norad santa tracker, i can tell you, one minute ago people were reporting a sleigh with reindeer in the skies over yatutz russia. did you know, it's in the largest in the world in the permafrost and santa is enjoying a hot cup of cocoa with these harsh temperatures and that's the latest, we'll bring you more as we get it meanwhile this christmas eve, house democrats are heading to work today as the president pushes lawmakers to do something on that covid-19 relief deal that includes $2,000 checks for many americans potentially.
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will: house minority leader kevin mccarthy, well, he's level ing that democrats appear to be suffering from selective hearing, pledging republicans pledging mccarthy pledging to not just revisit the size of the stimulus check but foreign spending in the omnibus bill as well. >> emily: that's right, will and this as president trump veto es the defense spending bill calling it a gift to china and russia because lawmakers did not repeal the liability shield for tech giants. speaker nancy pelosi is vowing to override the veto of course. lots to talk about, lots to cover, for this last hour ahead in fox & friends. griff: and no surprise in pure president trump fashion, he is disrupting at the very end, throwing us all a curve ball. we'll see what happens, but let's check in now with someone who could give us perhaps some insight, alyssa farah, former white house communications director. alyssa, merry christmas eve to you. >> merry christmas. griff. give us some inside if you will
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on christmas eve. president trump shaking things up as he so often likes to do. >> yeah, absolutely. listen, first and foremost, the president understands we've got to get aid to the american people. so many people lost wages and income through no fault of their own during covid, but listen, he's right. $600 is not enough. we've been saying from the white house perspective for months, we offered 1,200 in direct payments and now he's saying as much as 2,000 but what is this really a result of is the democrats playing politics with stimulus for months. they didn't want to get a deal ahead of the election, because they were worried it would help president trump and now, with the special election in georgia, they don't want to get a real deal that's good for the american people, and it's awful. it's sad. we're playing politics with people's lives. will: alyssa, no doubt what you say is true. nancy pelosi is as much admitted it saying she wanted to wait until after a presidential election to pass a stimulus bill
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but she didn't want the political benefits to fall to president trump. also there are many, on both sides of the aisle, that agreed $600 is not enough that these stimulus checks need to go up to something like 2,000 but that puts republicans in georgia in a little bit of an awkward position doesn't it because both senators david perdue and kelly loeffler have already boasted about the covid relief bill that was passed by congress so now, what does that do to their election prospects? what does that do to the special election in georgia if they bragged about something that now the president is saying is not a good bill? >> well, senators perked and loeffler both supported $1,200 in direct stimulus payments back in july and senator perdue offered that as a standalone bill and it's better to give something to the american people than nothing so even if it is a lesser amount, but i see the president's point as well which is keep congress here, keep them working and they shouldn't do nome for the holidays until they get
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the much-needed aid for the american people and i would just mention both senators perdue and loeffler were able to secure significant funding in the last round of stimulus talks for georgia, so they've been real advocates for the state. >> emily: alyssa, we'd like to get your thoughts on another topic. sources tell fox news the department of justice officials are in ongoing discussions about a hunter biden special counsel, that as we know that a.g. barr before his last day in office said apparently the investigations are being run professionally to the point where he doesn't need to appoint one. that being said this quote says it was passed to deal with a potential conflict of interest to the attorney general or the president of the united states. a president-elect coming in where his appointed attorneys will be investigating his son, that's textbook conflict. now, that's about the statute in terms of delivering the opportunity for a special counsel, so your thoughts on that, alyssa, on the perceived and potential actual conflict of interest with the incoming
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administration. >> absolutely. this is one of the few areas where i respectfully disagree with former attorney general bill barr. we do need a special counsel. the fact that these different scandals have not come to light ahead of the election, frankly, is a disservice to the american public, who wasn't able to fully vote with an informed perspective about the different conflicts of interest that hunter biden, the incoming president's son has, so i think that a special prosecutor's probably the best way to go but i would also mention keeping the senate is really important because the only way we're going to get to the bottom of these investigations is having a republican majority in the senate that's willing to ask the tough questions and to look into some of these very shady payments that hunter biden received. griff: and that's a good point, alyssa. so far republicans in the senate have tried to do some investigating. ron johnson and others, in the overseas financial dealings of hunter biden and as jonathan turley was pointing out on this
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show earlier, he was saying look, this is washington's cardinal sin. influenced ped eling is it your sense then that if democrats win , that we're never going to learn, perhaps, the extent to which the biden family has possibly engaged in influenced p eddling. >> oh, absolutely you could kiss the investigation goodbye. we're never going to find out why hunter biden received $3 million from the former mayor of moscow's wife, why his ties to china that he benefited to the tunes of tens of millions of dollars, why does it exist and why he was able to peddle influence and get that so it's critical if you care about transparency and accountability on this issue republicans absolutely have to keep control of the senate. will: alyssa we want to invite you to stick around to react to one other story this morning a big story todd piro has the latest for us on and that is
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the new 29 party sags. todd: the president handing down more pardons, included in the list of 29 pardons are charles kushner, father of jared kushner sentenced to two years behind bars for false tax returns and making false statements, former campaign manager paul manafort pardoned as well, he was prosecuted and convicted in a special counsel, robert mueller's russia probe, roger stone, also pardoned for his conviction stemming from the russia probe, the president 's former advisor sounding off to our own tucker carlson. >> we're very happy. i have an enormous debt of gratitude to god almighty for giving the president the strength and the courage to recognize that my prosecution was a completely politically motivated witch hunt and the judge denied us any powerful
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line of denser in which the judge we now know hid exculpatory evidence from us. todd: the president pardoning stephanie moore former police officer sentenced to 10 years in prison because her canine police dog bit an illegal immigrant when they responded a report of a burglary and she joined us earlier on fox & friends. they were with me when i got the call and that, for them, was so wonderful, because its been hard for me, but its been even harder for my parents. this has been one of the greatest moments of my life. todd: the president as a few more weeks issues more pardons. back to you. >> emily: thank you so much, todd piro so alyssa your thoughts on these pardons and can the american public expect more? >> so absolutely. you know, this is a unique privilege that's bestowed upon american presidents, former presidents exercised their rights as well to bring up
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pardons and commutations, and presidents will do them for any number of reasons and the roger stone and paul manafort cases where it seems like the investigation was in some ways motivated by politics but the last story you aired reminds me of another early pardon president trump did, which was alice johnson, a grandmother who was sentenced to jail for over 10 years for a very minor drug offense and alice johnson became a big partner of the administration and advocat ing for criminal justice reform, so it's a unique privilege, only bestowed upon american presidents and they make these decisions for any number of reasons but knowing president trump you can expect to see more. griff alyssa let me quickly get your reaction to the response from nebraska republican senator ben sass put out a very short statement about the manafort and stone pardons saying "this is rotten to the core. " that's all it says, your
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reaction. >> i would respectfully disagree with senator sass. he's been a bit of a fair weather friend of the presidents for when he needs him in the primary he's willing to stand by him but very critical after the fact. listen this is a privilege and right bestowed upon american presidents and this is something that the president took extreme thought into it before making these decisions and it went through a full legal process so respectfully we disagree on this one. will: alyssa farah, thank you so much for your time. merry christmas. emily, griff, i think going into 2021 there's several big stories that require our attention and define what we talk about. i think the pursuit of individualism versus group identity is going to be an ongoing story for this country and questions about our institutions, be it pop culture, the media continue to persist and how we embrace concepts like free speech, or we turn it over to untrustworthy institutions like tech giants. one other story though i think
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though is going to be huge in 2021 is what's the future of the republican party. mike pence was at a turning point usa student conference and he asked young conservatives to stay in the fight. listen to this. >> stay in the fight. >> [applause] >> [chantingu u. s. a.] >> stay in the fight for election integrity. stay in the fight to defend all we've done, and stay in the fight from the student action summit and everyday forward to keep america great. >> [applause] will: there will no doubt be a very important fight on that level of insuring freedom and limited got but i think it's what will be defining many of our conversations in 2021 and beyond is what is the republican party's role in fighting for a lot of that. what i mean is donald trump has redefined so much of what
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conservatism is and not that embraces china trade or foreign wars and i think much of the republican party will ask themselves, have to ask themselves, what do we stand for going forward that we're asking people to fight for beyond just of course freedom and individual liberty and limited government. what is it you, senators, congressmen, presidential candidates will actually stand for , emily? >> emily: and will, to your point, about campuses, i think there's also clearly a push and an emphasis on equipping and enabling young conservatives to think for themselves, to resist group think, to resist what is simply being fed to them by the mainstream media, by pop culture, by hollywood celebrit ies and certainly by their professors on these campuses so we're seeing that with pence encouraging them, stay in the fight and also think for yourselves. we had earlier on this show rachel and shawn duffy and they spoke on the importance of young conservatives fighting for freedom in that way. take a listen. >> we're in the fight for freedom, right? we're in the fight for limited government, more freedom for
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individuals, giving power back to states and municipal municipalities so we can make decisions for ourselves that are right for us instead of having a nanny state and if we don't have smart, young, well educated kids fighting the progressive movements on campus we're going to actually lose. >> the battles on campus against socialism and in our education system but it's also within the party going is this going to be trump's party of common sense, america-first or is this going to be the special interest country club party that we had before donald trump. griff: and you know, guys as a parent of college-age children at least one of them in college now, will, your point is so right in that duffy's message the battle the forefront of the battle is on those college campuses and i think, will your question actually is really anthropology important one to continue into next year that we're going to be talking a lot about because if you look back and i know many people who spent their entire adult lives in the conservative movement you look back at the ronald regan days when he told gorbachauv to
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tear down that wall for the first time in the 90s we saw the fruit and prosperity of conservative and freedom around the world and it ushered in unprecedented at the time economic prosperity period as well. well now you look at how that has changed under donald j. trump and how we have had to look in ward to the nation and to our own america-first agenda and where that goes, whether or not it grows into something beyond donald trump's name, we'll have to wait and find out but what an important question on this christmas eve. meanwhile, i have gone too long, i must turn now to our jillian mele and get more of those headlines. hey, jillian. jillian: good morning to you guys merry christmas eve to everyone at home. let's begin with a fox news alert. a pakistani court orders the release of the man convicted of murdering a wall street journal reporter. omar shak's death sentence was overturned in april for the killing of daniel pearl downgrading his prime to kidnap ping and the same court
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removed the temporary detention order that kept him in jail. pearl was abduct and killed by a militant group in 2002 and three other men sentenced to life in prison had their convictions overturned. >> the u.s. marks more than 1 million vaccinations in just 10 days. one of the million who have already been vaccinated is pulmonologist at nyu langone and she joined us earlier celebrat ing the milestone. >> it's such a transformation, so rapidly and all i can describe is the mood and the experiences being euphoric. >> meanwhile hospitalizations reportedly hit a record high with more than 119,000 wednesday as 84 million americans are expected to travel now through january 3. >> tom sellick is giving a generous tip to staff at a hard- hit new york city at restaurant. the actor leaving $2020 on his bill, and including a note
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saying "i am honoring my friend donny wahlberg's tip challenge with my sincere hope for a better 2020. thou all. " that is fantastic and so many people could use that right now. will: tom sellick is an awesome guy, not just magnum pi, but what a genuinely nice person, good person, thank, jillian. coming up, aoc taking heat for getting the covid vaccine for millions of seniors and frontline workers and our next guest now dubbing her the death panel princess. charlie hurt is here to explain, next. don't worry, julie... coughing's not new. this woman coughs... and that guy does, too. people cough in the country, at sea, and downtown. but don't worry, julie... robitussin shuts coughs down.
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will: well democratic social media star alexandria ocasio-cortez is catching flack after posting a video of herself getting the coronavirus vaccine. our next guest calls out the new york congresswoman foreman aging to be the first in line for the vaccine calling her the "death panel princess." here to explain fox news contributor and washington times opinion editor charlie hurt. charlie thanks so much for being with us this morning. >> good morning, will. will: so the death panel princess. explain, please. >> yeah, so this is a real glimpse into what death panels look like, you have government resources, limited government resources, government health resources, and government bureaucrats picking and choosing who gets those resources. that's what the definition of a death panel is, and the idea that someone like alexandria ocasio-cortez, a very fit, a very young, she's 31 years old, would get , she could not be
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farther from the heart of who is most in danger of having complications from covid. the idea that she would get this before elderly people, before first responders, before everybody else just goes to show just how out of whack these priorities are for the government officials, the bureaucrats making these decisions. will: charlie why are they getting these vaccines so early and this doesn't have to be a partisan point, we've seen senator marco rubio also young and healthy getting the vaccine, why are they getting this? >> yeah, so you know, i always believe that in washington it's always important to sort of look at the best argument that somebody you don't agree with is going to make and i think the best argument that they're going to make is they are going to say well this inspires confidence in people that look i'm getting this jab in my arm so the vaccine is safe. okay, that's fine, and i appreciate their effort there, but the problem is, when the worst thing you could do in
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terms of instilling confidence in people is to make people think and believe and see that there are, that politics is being injected into this and especially when you hear cdc and these other government bureaucrats talking about racial considerations and all of this other crazy stuff, that is guiding their decisions about this , that doesn't instill confidence in anybody. it makes people, it does the exact opposite. it instills questions and doubt and sinicism in these decisions, and so, you know, i get what they're trying to do but what they are trying to do is actually the exact opposite of what we actually want to have done here. will: right and to the point of senator marco rubio getting it as well and making this a bigger conversation than left vs. right i'm going to give you somebody from the left whose criticizing aoc. in fact another member of the squad, tweeted out this. it would make sense if it was age, but unfortunately, it's of importance and it's shameful.
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we are not more important than frontline worker, teachers, who are making sacrifices every day, which is why i won't take it. people who need it most should get it full-stop. i think you, i as well, agree with what omar is saying shockingly in this one moment so i like the larger point you're making though, charlie, which you're showing this is the inevitable consequence of government making choices when it comes to your health. you have a finite amount of something and in this case the vaccine and they're choosing who gets it first and they are at the front of the line, meaning politicians. >> and remember former alaska governor sarah palin she got run out of town on a rail for talking about death panels and obviously it's a very provocative term and people said oh, there's no such thing as death panels. obviously there's not a group called this is the death panel. if people weren't applying for the death panel whatever, but this is the point that she was trying to make, when you put government in charge of healthcare, and you put them,
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put bureaucrats, political bureaucrats in charge of making the decisions of how much of a limited resource is going to be allocated to whom, then you wind up with people making life and death decisions about people, and that is the biggest, that is why so many americans reject the idea of obamacare, reject the idea of government healthcare, and government taking over the entire death care system because as it is, people would rather make their own decisions it's called freedom. will: and when they make those decisions for us they seem to benefit them and their own. >> funny how that happens, will will: isn't it? >> their own santa claus. will: right. charlie, thanks so much for being with us, merry christmas. you bet merry christmas to you guys. will: coming up, where is kamala harris? apparently, nowhere to be found on covid relief talks. now socialists are calling on the vice president-elect to speak out. deroy murdock is here plus a special christmas surprise for
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an incredibly deserving military mom. >> merry christmas and happy holidays from -- >> keep going. >> i can't. >> i've got it. will: we'll meet that mom, who just received the life-changing scholarship from folds of honor, coming up on fox & friends. find your rhythm.
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will: well if you're traveling for the holidays you aren't the only one. more americans are taking a plane since the start of the pandemic. griff: grady trimble from our sister network fox business joins us live from chicago o'hare airport, hey, grady merry christmas eve. reporter: good morning and merry christmas eve to the three of you. the vast majority of americans though are heeding the advice of public health officials this year about three-quarters of them will be staying home but i've got to tell you its been pretty busy here at o'hare this morning and busy at airports across the country. as you mentioned, more americans will be getting on a plane this christmas season than have since the pandemic started. here are the numbers from triple a. more than 81 million americans will be driving, that's the top
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mode of transport this holiday season, and in terms of flying about 3 million of them. that's far fewer than a normal christmas, and even though not as many people will be getting on a plane this year, if you are , you can expect planes to be fuller than they usually are. airlines have cut so many flight s and most are no longer keeping middle seats open, so something to pay attention to. 2020 expect it to go down as the worst year in commercial aviation history. they're hoping the president signs that relief deal which includes $15 billion for the airlines. united and american, they've laid off a combined 32000 employees when cares act funding ran out. that extra $15 billion would allow them to bring back on a lot of employees. they had hoped to get paychecks out to those employees by christmas eve, today, but now with that relief deal up in the air, so are those paychecks. guys? will: thanks, grady. so where's kamala harris?
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that's what socialism advocates are asking they're calling out her silence over the stimulus relief talks. griff: the socialist website, noting, "maybe she just hasn't gotten around to it but is about to weigh in, whether or not she does will tell us a lot about what we can expect from her in the biden administration. " more specifically, will tell us a lot about whether she plans to be an envoy for the progressive causes she said she would support during her presidential run or whether she will just appropriate biden's ideology as her own. emily: here to react fox news contributor deroy murdock. welcome to you, sir, thank you for joining us and merry christmas eve to you. >> merry christmas to you, great to be with you. >> emily: so tell us your thoughts on this. what do you think is behind the vice president-elect's silence right now? >> well she's been pretty low key even during the campaign you didn't see her much. she's always been pretty vocal and not very restrained but
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after she got the vp nomination we didn't see all that much of her other than in the debate and a couple of appearances. i guess you could say maybe she's trying to be a good under study and step away from the spotlight and let joe biden have his moment as we see whether he's going to be actually seated in the oval office or not that remains somewhat up in the air so maybe that's the role she's taking. i think people on the left are obviously very upset and want to see her have her be even more vocal. she is after all was rated as the most left wing member of the u.s. senate, actually left of bernie sanders, believe it or not. but what this shows, this dissatisfaction shows that people on the left who believe that joe biden and kamala harris are not left enough and they want them to be even moreso, and i think the one bull work that we have against having things go completely off the rails is for people in georgia to make sure and relationship elect senators perdue and loeffler to act as an emergency brake against the extreme craziness that we will see from biden and harris if they in fact get seated and they have people from the left pushing them even
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further left than where they are today which is very very left. will: deroy the far left invest ed a lot of homes in kamala harris and aoc, anyone that can pull joe biden to the left and that was the argument for many on the right he will be a trojan horse, and soft silly puddy to shape however they want, so kamala harris is somewhat silent right now. do you expect it to stay that way? do you think the far left will be able to shape and pull joe biden in the coming years? >> oh, absolutely, of course remember joe biden's no moderate and no centrist. the idea he's this middle of the road guy and he'll be trying to keep things in the center. he's always been a very liberal democrat very liberal member of the u.s. senate so it's not a matter of centrist versus liberal it's liberal versus far left, so if we're lucky and he's there we're going to have a very liberal government if not a far left government and it's not just kamala harris. you've got beccerra, the secretary of health and human services a very solid left
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winger, other people named to the cabinet, people who are advisors and thousands of people in the administration you never heard of who are the deputy assistant secretary of this and executive assistant to the other , and chief of staff elsewhere, and these are people that are very left wing democrat s, who are going to be screaming for all sorts of causes that people ought to find very frightening. so you look for the democrats. griff: deroy obviously harris from california. we've heard a lot about people leaving california. i want to ask you about this report about people leaving your state, the empire state, new york. some 126,000-plus people have left the state, and could, ultimately, possibly, cost house seats and representation for new yorkers. what's going on there? >> yeah, i think what's going on here is, you know, the quality of life has deteriorated very badly under mayor deblasio and governor cuomo. more garbage, more crime, crime has spiked like crazy, graffiti,
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rats, things we don't like about new york have increased and things we love about new york under covid-19 have vanished. indoor dining is dead. broad way is dead. live music is dead. movies are dead. i haven't done any of those sings since march so people have gotten fed up and they also see they are paying the highest taxes in the country so they packed up and left and gone off to florida, georgia, tennessee, texas, generally warmer, sunnier states with lower taxes or no income tax and my warning to people in those states is be aware and be very war it of my former neighbors as they move down there because they go down there and enjoy the better economic climate and the better weather and lower taxes and then guess what a lot of them vote democrat and take the new york disease and take it down there, so people in those states who are receiving my former neighbors moving down there, they better figure out a way to talk to those folks tell them don't bring your new york city voting habits with you and ruin our state so i'm very very concerned about that and the republican national committee, the gop, the conservative movement has to
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figure out some way to keep people leaving california, illinois, new york, et cetera and moving to the sun belt and low tax limited government states from going in there and voting democrat and wrecking those places. that is a grave concern of mine and the entire right has to get focused on that very quickly and very seriously. that could wipe us out in two years or four years in places where we are normally bull work of conservatism. >> emily: deroy murdock exactly, thank you so much for your insight this morning such important marching orders from you and merry christmas to you and your family. >> merry christmas to you and yours, thank you. >> emily: here for some headlines we have our own jillian mele now, good morning, jillian. >> jillian: a man takes his axe to a u.s. senators office in north dakota. authorities identify the vandal after surveillance video was posted so. his name has not been released. the state attorney is reviewing the case. this happened at the office of
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senator john hovin in fargo. it's not clear whether anyone was inside. >> andrew yang 2021 the former democratic presidential contender filed papers to run for new york mayor. he had no background in politics prior to his white house bid but built a strong grassroots following with his pledge to pay every american $1,000 per month in universal basic income. yang has not formally declared his mayoral run. >> the face of father christmas caught swarming in the sky. take a look at this the outline of what looks like santa's face captured in the uk. the cloud even complete with a beard, of course. many on social media agreeing that the cloud is a striking resemblance. what say you guys? think it's santa? will: i say it is. look at that. >> emily: it's a dead ringer. griff seems a little skeptical. he's always got that. griff: [laughter] i don't know. let's check in with adam. are you skeptical or not? >> adam: my meteorological
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opinion is that is santa claus i already talked about this earlier i'm not going to question the guy. it's playing with fire i want on the good list. i got gifts coming my way, you can't question him or then you're in trouble. let's talk about the forecast, where we're tracking actually a big winter storm sweeping across the eastern half of the country right now you can see a very defined cold front temperatures in the 60s, 50s in front of it quickly falling down into san diegos right along that frontal boundary that's where you typically see big weather and that's the case right now. winter storm watches and warnings from the appalachians stretching up into portions of the ohio river valley pennsylvania into portions of eastern ohio, what is that going to mean? well there's some snow, ice, and rain really along the mid-atlantic i'm going to leave you with where we'll see a white christmas. a lot of the snow we got in the northeast is melting because it's so warm so a little bit of snow in the upper midwest and back off to the west those are the places with snow come tomorrow morning. griff back out to you. griff: all right, adam thank you
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very much. well now this is the story of the day and it's just in time for christmas. a military wife and mother of two gets the scholarship she's been waiting for to make her dreams of becoming a nurse a reality and it's all thanks to folds of honor. >> open this. >> okay. merry christmas and happy holidays from -- >> keep going. >> i can't. i've got it. griff: amanda is attending colorado mesa university along with her daughter savannah and her son cole, making her husband and their dad, the army veteran staff sargent mark burrough very proud so joining us now is the family and founder of the folds of honor lt. colonel dan rooney, merry christmas eve to all of you and amanda let's
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start with you. what a video. what are your thoughts this morning on christmas eve? >> all right, we have to work out maybe the audio there, but colonel, let me start with you and get your sort of reaction to yet another tremendous story, thanks to folds of honor. >> well, i feel amanda because when i saw her response to getting this scholarship, i was speechless as well and i think we all are when you look at the christmas season and we celebrate the birth of jesus tomorrow and it's really a new beginning and that's what folds of honor offers through our scholarships is a new beginning to military families and we are actually awarding 1,000 scholarships on christmas day so $5 million worth of scholarships to military families all across this great country saying thank you for your sacrifice, but we want to provide the new
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beginning of an education and amanda and both of her children, cole and savannah are recipients as well and it's just a beautiful demonstration of the power of folds of honor and the gift of education. griff: all right i think we've got the burrow family back with us thanks for being with us guys amanda i was just asking there, your reaction to folds of honor 's generosity? >> i'm sorry was that for us? griff: that's for you, amanda, your reaction, what are your thoughts this christmas eve? >> oh, it was just very overwhelming and we were very very grateful. it was very surprising that just somebody like us could receive such an honor. griff: and let me ask you, cole, by the way, fantastic shirt you
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got on there on this christmas eve, outdoes even my hat, what are your thoughts this morning? >> oh, i'm just thankful, this program has helped out so much. they've paid for , they helped pay for my books, last semester i was looking at something to turnover hand over dollar to my school and i didn't know where the money was going to come from and i was worried and folds of honor swept in and really saved me. griff: and savannah i won't let you off the hook we have to get you to weigh in too. i've spent a lot of time around the military and i've learned all the family members really serve when one member of the family does, so i'm asking this question on christmas eve. how important is what folds of honor doing to you? >> personally for me, if it was not for folds of honor, i would more than likely not be able to go to school so the fact that they've given me this opportunity and helping me
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get myself a better future is just unimaginable and unexplain able. griff: amanda, savannah, cole, thank you, we hope you'll have a wonderful and merry christmas. dan, i just want to finish with you. why do you do this? >> i think there is this beautiful irony in life especially as we head into christmas that when you reach out to help someone you're actually the one being helped, and i've been a fighter pilot for 20 years. we understand that freedom isn't free. it's an an all-volunteer military but the families live forever with death and disability and that's where folds of honor steps in and i would just ask anybody if you want to really give a gift for christmas, visit our website ,, and make a $13 a month pledge to become part of our squadron and help families just like amanda. griff: all right, foldsofhonor.o rg.
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lt. colonel dan rooney, thank you for what you do and amanda, savannah, and cole burrow, merry christmas, and your husband and father mark's service we hope you have a wonderful christmas. >> god bless, thank you, merry christmas. >> thank you, merry christmas. griff: christmas is a time, unlike any other, and that is no different at the white house. casey macdonald is here with a look at the history of the holidays, it's 1600 pennsylvania avenue. >> ♪ happy hall holidays, happy holidays while the merry bells keep ringing happy holidays ♪ s , not what's easy. so when a hailstorm hit, usaa reached out before he could even inspect the damage. that's how you do it right. usaa insurance is made just the way martin's family needs it with hassle-free claims, he got paid before his neighbor even got started.
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>> emily: welcome back from first lady melania trump's team to america the beautiful all the way back to jackie kennedy's nutcracker theme, christmas at the white house is always a special event. >> why is christmas constantly such a big deal at the white house? >> it's a national tradition, so i think that plays into really getting the first family into the holiday spirit along with the rest of the country so it's a real point of unity and also an opportunity to show off the white house. we always talk about how the white house is, the people's house, so it is a great time to bring in various groups of those people, so we have tons of public tours around christmas
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where people can see the decorations. >> emily: a white house christmas hosted by casey macdonald is now available on fox nation and we are joined now , merry christmas eve, i've been excited to talk to you all morning, this is one of my favorite topics and i can't wait to watch this fox nation special what can we look forward to in it? >> emily oh, my gosh merry christmas eve to you as well. this was so fun to shoot my producers are fabulous and our guests were so, so awesome. we had lena man whose a historian, at the white house, and then we had colleen christian birk, and i'm going to brag about her so she's originally a philly girl so cool and she was one of the head design partners at the white house, so every year this huge team of hundreds of people come in they're all volunteers but there's a design partner whose kind of running the show and she just explained this wild tradition of how they have these two days at this undisclosed
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warehouse where they are assembling all of these giant ornaments and trees and decorations and then they have the bonzi over to the white house and set it up, two days in this undisclosed warehouse and two days at the white house and that's it and the show goes on but it's so cool about the history. john and abigail adams were the first ones to celebrate christmas at the white house over 200 years ago. you had stories in there about theodore roosevelt, he thought too many trees were being cut down but his son was like i want a tree so he got one up and put it in his closet there are so many cool stories you're just like wow and you know what it does? it humanizes, you know, the first family, which is so cool. >> emily: oh, that sounds incredible, kacie. first of all i want to sign up for that volunteer opportunity and most importantly i can't wait to watch this special, white house christmas is available now on fox nation. merry christmas to you, thank you so much, kacie. more fox & friends, moments away
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>> remember to set your dvr for 6:00 a.m. eastern time every morning so you never miss a minute of "fox & friends." merry christmas eve. >> merry christmas eve to you both. >> gridlock in washington on christmas eve after president trump vetoed the national defense authorization act calling it a gift to china and russia. it sets a potential veto override of the defense bill next week. in the next couple minutes house democrats will try to pass a new covid relief bill by unanimous consent after the president demanded stimulus checks of $2,000 instead of $600 that were in the bill they passed. kentucky congressman james comer standing by to walk us through all of the developments as they happen on capitol hill. this fox news alert. sources telling fox news high level officialin


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