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tv   Outnumbered  FOX News  December 30, 2020 9:00am-10:00am PST

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one. we'll see! [laughter] do you have any? >> jon: i do not have bitcoin. i like dollars. >> sandra: keep it in the green, okay. see seven that's right. >> sandra: good to have you here this week. thanks for joining us. "outnumbered" starts now. >> julie: fox news alert, the flight on capitol hill over increasing coronavirus relief checks now spilling over into the critical georgia senate runoffs, which are just six days away. senate majority leader mitch mcconnell yesterday blocking democrats' attempts to hold a vote on the house passed legislation that would boost those direct payments from 600 to $2,000. that is despite president trump are urging senate republicans to approve the bill. as we entered the home stretch of the red, georgia runoff, democrats are weaponizing's decision to block the $2,000 checks, saying republican control of the senate is what is preventing the muc much needed
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relief from passing. that could be a big problem for georgia senators kelly loeffler and david perdue who, by the way, both support the $2,000 payments, but are doing everything they can to keep democrats from taking over. >> looked, this is a race to the finish here. we know that. we are the last line of defense against this radical socialist agenda that they are trying to perpetrate on america. >> if radical liberals like raphael warnock agree to pack the supreme court, they will run over our constitution and our rights. stealing your watching "outnumbered." i am julie banderas. here today, gillian turner, mollie hemingway, leslie marshall, syndicated radio's and fox news contributor, and joining us today, brad blakeman, my old buddy from years past. lisa do a show or take all the time. former deputy assistant to president george w. bush an advisor to the bush cheney campaign. great to see all on this holiday week. i'm going to start with you,
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mollie. first of all, a lot of contention, he says the senate will start the process. remember, new years as a couple days away, of considering president trump's push to increase the stimulus checks to $2,000. he has made no assurances. the president took to twitter, not so happy about that, warning republicans they should support the increased checks unless they have a political "death wish." is he referring to georgia? >> mollie: i think the race in georgia does kind of come down to whether the people of georgia think the democratic party should control the presidency, the house, and the senate, or whether there should be some small check on unilateral democratic power. that is why it's very important for senate republicans to make the case, they claim they want to make, that you need us on this wall and you need us to fight what will happen under a biden presidency. i'm not sure they are doing such a good job of that this week
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with how they are handling these issues. it's not just about stimulus payments to americans who have their entire lives and livelihoods destroyed by government shutdowns, that other issues that are of importance to americans, including the censorship. mitch mcconnell tied his $2,00$2,000 payments to tech censorship and the election integrity. it makes it less likely to pass, so it's kind of a hard case to make to georgia voters when they are not doing a better job of just helping out americans. >> julie: speaking of georgia, brad, both senators loeffler and perdue have both endorsed president trump's push for the $2,000 coronavirus stimulus checks. cinder bernie sanders is looking to style the senate until it votes on the bigger payments. however, sanders has reportedly got an ulterior motive of his sleeve in keeping loeffler and perdue occupied in the days
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before their respective runoff elections. is this going to hurt their campaigns? >> brad: it very well night. what we need to do is not get suckered into any of these ploys by democrats or bernie sanders in particular. we need to keep our eye on the prize. this is a very tight race, both races are razor-thin. it's all about turnout, lots of money is being spent. every day goes by we don't have a good story to tell and a deliverable for not only the people of georgia but the people of the united states, those workers who are suffering, then it hurts republicans' efforts. what we need is a clean bill. we don't need a bill filled with things that have nothing to do with covid relief. it should stick to the $2,000 payment to american workers. we needed in order to run on it. everything in washington seems to be a crisis. it doesn't seem to be voted on until the last possible moment. that's too late. >> julie: gillian, some republicans are worried that mcconnell's decision to block a quick vote could affect the
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runoffs on january 5th. i will obviously determine whether the party controls the senate it also will spell out mcconnell's fate. he is the senate majority leader. does he want to keep that role? >> gillian: you are exactly right, julie. this is definitely this whole political scandal, the back-and-forth surrounding the stimulus payments is definitely going to impact the election. we don't yet know how. i have to remind viewers, there are plenty of fiscally conservative georgians who don't like the fact that president trump's tagging on an extra $1400 in checks direct to americans. at the same time, georgia has it been hit particularly hard by pandemic lockdowns. a lot of americans they are struggling. they might very well embrace president trump's move here. i think you are smart to point out, julie, that mitch mcconnell's own state hinges on this. it's interesting he is striking out from the president.
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he is really slow-ruling the president's proposal by lumping it together with section 230, with election fraud investigations. he knows the likelihood of that getting to a 60-person vote in the senate is virtually nil, that kelly loeffler and david perdue are voting with their feet. they are backing the president every step of the way, which is interesting, because that tells us they still believe the center of the republican party for georgians right now is of president trump. mitch mcconnell is asking as if a post-trip presidency has already arrived. we will see how georgians feel. >> julie: leslie, mcconnell acknowledged in addition to the stimulus checks of the president wants several things i'm just this bill. he wants congress to address the communications decency act, for them to host third-party content on the platforms like twitter and facebook, and we know how the president feels about twitter. the president also wants congress to look into election security. but brad, as you just heard, the coronavirus relief bill should
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stand on its own. i think you might agree with him. should they just put aside the president's wishes and just focus on these relief checks? >> leslie: absolutely. unless mitch mcconnell is lobbying for his own losing leadership, or maybe signaling he wants to retire, republicans are not doing a good thing and neither are democrats if this is not a clean bill. it has to be a clean bill. i agree with brad. whether left or right, let's look at georgia specifically. approximately 15% poverty. african-americans in that state who comprise more than 30%, more than a third of the state, they've been hit especially hard, disproportionately, by both covid and this pandemic, physically and financially. when you see ads that say, "want your $2,000 stimulus check? though a democrat, vote for warnock, vote for ossoff." that is what is driving the numbers. democrats have an advantage right now. you have a lower turn out right now in rural areas that show up
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in the general election to vote and reelect president trump, which they failed at, obviously. in atlanta and the surrounding suburbs you are seeing an uptick voters coming out, and it looks very good for democrats. i don't know what mitch mcconnell is doing. this is hurting republicans and, quite frankly, hurting the american people who are tired of being used as pawns on a chess game and they want their money. one last thing, whether it's $600, $2,000, or somewhere in between, the government giving stimulus checks is pretty socialist. >> julie: you could say that. the fact that the president is siding with democrats, that is when we haven't seen in four years. it's a great thing to see at the end of 2020. we would hope the republicans and the democrats could come together on at least one thing in the midst of this pandemic. i want you to listen to senate minority leader chuck schumer on mitch mcconnell blocking the vote to push forward these $2,000 stimulus checks. watch and react.
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>> leader mcconnell trying to kill the checks, the $2,000 checks desperately needed by so many american families, by tying them completely to partisan provisions that have absolutely nothing to do with helping struggling families across the country. it won't past the house, it cannot become law, and a move like this is really a blatant attempt to deprive americans of the $2,000 survival check. >> julie: gillian, and understand their fiscal conservatives who believe this is too much money, but come on, there is all the pork in this bill as well that will dole out billions of dollars to foreign countries. why not put that money in americans' pockets? >> gillian: that has been president trump's beef -- no pun intended -- all along. all the pork in the bill. he has set for weeks, "i want a clean bill, i don't want to be funding national museums and the arts and the kennedy center along with providing checks to americans. i want to focus on americans who have been hit hardest by the
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pandemic." one quick point, something pat toomey pointed out on our air this past weekend, fiscal conservatives, something dumb like some of them are against the fiscal stimulus not because they don't want more money in the pockets of americans but because they want this aid to be more targeted. they wanted to go to americans who have lost jobs, who have lost businesses. they don't want it to go to the 300,000 u.s. federal government workers who haven't been impacted really at all by the pandemic financially, haven't missed a week of checks. there is a strong argument on that side, as well, for fiscal conservatives. >> julie: panel, stand but i paid you at home, make sure you tune into fox news channel. it'll be a show. next week, for a live special coverage of the georgia senate runoffs, led by bret baier and martha maccallum. it kicks off tuesday, january 5th, election day, 6:00 p.m. eastern. be sure to watch every minute. all right, new fallout from the defund the police and black lives matter protests.
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>> no justice, no peace! no justice, no peace! no justice, no peace! >> julie: why some leaders are blaming the protests and police reform on a surge in violent crime in their cities. plus, the push to recall california's democratic governor gets a big boost as his team is reportedly keeping a nervous eye on the number of signatures. >> he could only happen if the governor continues to go in the wrong direction. there's an old expression, "if you want to get to the wrong place, keep going in the wrong direction." ♪ some people say our trade-in
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♪ >> julie: the campaign to
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recall california governor gavin newsom over his shut down orders getting a big boost after individual donors have offered tens of thousands of dollars each, and an orange county firm has pitched in a half million dollars. all this, as "the sacramento bee" says fending off the recall is a major challenge for newsom's new chief of staff and his advisors are reportedly keeping tabs on the signature count. meantime, a g.o.p. lawyer who has sparred with newsom says "the hypocrisy of allowing lobbyists security exemptions like film crews get to operate but restaurants took it to operate? these types of inequities are really feeling the energy behind this grassroots movement." meantime, despite some of the strictest stay-at-home orders, california's hospitals have been pushed to the literal brink. one of l.a.'s major medical centers actually had to shut its doors to all ambulance traffic for 12 hours over the weekend.
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they had no beds, zero beds available, for at least 30 patients who needed intensive or intermediate levels of care. this is just absolutely disturbing, it is happening in a democratic state. i would imagine if it was happening in a republican state, democrats would be saying, "blame the republicans for not wearing masks." that's what i think. newsom's own party is considering throwing him under the bus. when you look at the state of california and the numbers of people that are being rejected at hospitals, it begs the question, look at who is in power. what are they doing wrong? should they be removed from office? >> brad: well, certainly there's a number of californians who think that is so. money, time is of the essence now in order to get rid of newsom. we are already gathering steam out there. they have until march 17th to qualify for a recall, 12% of
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those eligible voters who voted last time for the governor are the ones who are going to determine his fate. right now they have 800,000 signatures, they need about a million and a half to qualify. they need 2 million because of the challenges to those signatures. we are seeing the money come in, the time is running until march 17th, but there is a lot of time, there is a lot of money, and there's a lot of effort. if i were gavin newsom, i would be very concerned. his record is abysmal. not only on covid, on taxes. you are seeing a flight from california across the border, people leaving in droves to places like texas and arizona. so, yes, this is a real effort. the fact that money is coming in at the numbers we are seeing, the fact that signatures are growing, this is a perilous time in california. >> julie: leslie, do you think newsom has a pretty good reason to be worried here? >> leslie: you know, he shouldn't be worried, and i think it's terrible -- no offense, brad, i live here, you
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do not. right now, i asked my wife has been to his physician, "how bad is it cannot" he says, that he give you an example. at the height of the first surge, there were 30 patients in one of the hospitals he works at an l.a. county with covid. today there are 240. as a real numbers, those are real people. people are dying from covid in this state every few minutes. i lived through the last recall. it was a disaster. thremoving gray davis with arnold schwarzenegger, a man with name recognition, zero political experience, turned the state worse than if they had left gray davis in charge. this is not the time to be changing the guard. certainly there should not be film crews or businesses right now that are going to affect our icus. as you said, julie, the ambulances are being turned away. we have patients being put in the gift shops, parking lots, auditoriums. we have zero beds left in many areas. san joaquin valley, the hospitals here in l.a. county.
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this is not the time. not the leadership that is to blame, quite frankly. it's the people who will not wear masks, will not social distance, and will not stop gathering. spew and here's the bottom line. you look at the numbers , his campaign feels a bit of pressure there. they put out a bizarre statement saying that initiating a recall is refuse to play by the rules. perhaps he should took a look at the company constitution, article 2, section 13-18. it's a three count as a power of the electors to remove an elected officer. it is initiated by delivering to the secretary of state a petition alleging reason for recall. one reason which could be cited is the covid crisis in california. like it or not, it is so dire that top public health official in the country's most populous county said that, on average, one covid-19 patient is dying every 10 minutes.
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seem to be said for the governor of new york, when thousands of people in nursing homes were killed because covid patients were put in nursing homes. yes, you have to look at the governor, and unfortunately you do have to consider if we elected the right person for the job to handle this. when you look at the numbers, gillian, you have to wonder. is something not being done properly, could somebody handle it better? >> gillian: as leslie says, if it's not the fault of public policy and the state's governor, is it hospital administrators? does the health care system in the state of california need to be overhauled? there is a false point somewhere. americans are dying at alarming rates every 10 minutes in that state, or at least in the most populous counties, because of it. i think there is a real reckoning on the horizon, julie, her politicians nationwide. americans have not yet decided whether coronavirus deaths are the salt of public policy or whether they are the fault of americans themselves, or whether they are the fault of
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mother nature. that is something that people are thinking about a lot, going into this georgia runoff cycle. i will tell you, though, the time for these political positions, like, leslie, what you just laid out, you can't blame president trump on a national scale but exempt andrew cuomo and gavin newsom. that's not going to cut it anymore. i think the time for those kinds of arguments is long past. >> julie: you guys are going to be going after the break. later, on "over time," i will be joined by n dunsmore, from rescue california, a group leading the effort to recall governor newsom. we will get her take on that. going concerns over surging crime rates, and several major u.s. cities including atlanta and new york. and why some leaders are now blaming the defund the police protests and budget cuts. plus, the co-owner of the staten island pub that gained national attention after defining lockdown orders is
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doing it again. that story, just ahead. ♪ this year postal workers sorted and delivered
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billions of pieces of vital mail, medicine, and packages to 160 million addresses every day. 65 million election ballots and now holiday gifts. all during a pandemic.
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we're dedicated to americans like you, who rely on us and depend on a public postal service. happy holidays from the members of the american postal workers union. >> gillian: bottom of the hour now, time for a check of some of our top headlines. congressman elect luke letlow has died from complications related to covid-19. the 41-year-old louisiana lawmaker was just days away from being sworn into office. the girlfriend of the nashville bomber warned police he was making explosives just last year. officers visited the home of anthony wanted to check on her tip, but no one answered the door. colorado is confirming the first known case in the u.s. of a. more contagious coronavirus strain that was first identified in the u.k. health officials are now trying to figure out how a man in his
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20s with no recent travel history or close contacts contracted this strain. for more on these and other stories, download the fox news app. you can scan the qr code at the bottom of your screen will go to back to the panel now, there is new fallout in the wake of black lives matter and defund the police protests seen throughout the summer. some cities where protests erupted are not dealing with a major surge in crime. in atlanta, democratic mayor keisha lance bottoms is coming under heavy fire for her inability to address the crime wave in the city. some council members they are planning to spend $1.6 million to stand up a private police force in the buckhead neighborhood just outside atlanta. after this 7-year-old girl was shot while christmas shopping with her family, she passed away just days later. meanwhile, new york city has seen a more than 40% increase in murders since last year, and new york city police commissioner dermot shea is
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summoning up all the challenges police are facing right now, saying "the confluence of covid into the protests and all the debate about defending the police, i can't imagine a darker period." blake, we've been talking about this for months, the effects and the aftereffects of protests that really targeted, lasered it on police officers across the united states, and what this is doing not just for morale but for attrition rates within the forces all across the united states, particularly in big cities like atlanta, like new york city, seems like now all those events are kind of catching up to us. >> brad: look, this is third world. i have been to 58 countries, and i have seen what happens when "law & order" disintegrates. the rich have private security forces, now we are seeing it in atlanta, protecting the rich and wealthy neighborhoods at the
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expense of those in inner cities. it is a national disgrace, for all americans. i don't care where you live. this summer i took a tour of new york, i went to chicago, portland, seattle, and l.a., and i've never seen such devastation. i've talked to owners of businesses, to save his people, they were scared. they were uncertain of their futures. they see their livelihoods go down the drain. politicians need a victim. in this case, it's the police. the breakdown of law and order has brought us the failures of not only the politicians, but of their policies. we need to have respect for law and order. we need to have respect for police. the vast amount of police that protect us every day are good and decent people. this is a grand diversion that we cannot let stand in any city or town. we cannot protect the rich at the expense of everybody else.
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whether republican or democrat, you've got to agree that we are at a crisis point in america. >> gillian: to pick up on a thread there, blake, i want to go to julie. julie, do you think this, what we are seeing from buckhead, atlanta residents -- i believe buckhead is one of if not the wealthiest suburb of atlanta, probably in the entire state. they are standing up private money to the tens of millions of dollars to bring back the police force, the democrat city council members essentially voted to defund over the last six months. this is the answer for americans nationwide? >> julie: no pay private police were schematic there is no need for a private police force when you got a police force in place. it just needs to be propped up by politicians, and you have to wonder if these death rates could have been prevented. if you take a look at the rise in murder alongside these anti-police demonstrations, i've got here nine cities with some of america's largest murder rate
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increases, hosted black lives matter and defund the police protests in 2020. for anyone who wants to talk about defending the police, take a look at the statistics, take a look at the murder rates. atlanta has the biggest homicide rate in two decades. why? because they don't have the police presence, because there is less proactive policing when you got anti-police protests targeting police officers. it's basic and just plain stupid that anybody would want to take money away from the one institution that this country needs more than anything right now. gillian: it's not unique to georgia, these are happening to police forces all across the country from georgia to new york to here in washington, d.c. mollie, now law enforcement authorities are starting to say, "you know what? there's a link here, they're going to draw a direct connection between cities who called for defunding the police and rising crime rates." a lot of democrats are fighting back and saying they are politicizing this, but it's a
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law enforcement officials who are now pointing this out. they are the ones on the front lines battling steeply rising homicide, violent crime rates on a daily basis. >> mollie: there were so many lies the media told when they gave their full throated support and backing of the blm riots and the defund the police movement. one is that this would somehow help low income communities. the reality is that, when you destroy police forces, the wealthy people will always be able to fund private police help, but the poor people do not get it. those are the people most victimized by this violent crime. we have had a real dereliction of duty in terms of understanding this movement, where it comes from, what it seeks to destroy in terms of "law & order," and we are reaping what was sown through negligent coverage and full throated support of this movement. >> gillian: leslie, i apologize, we have to eat on the
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inside of the break. coming up next to him a little take a look at the latest democratic official caught ignoring covert guidelines, plus this. take a listen. >> we have very few ingredients. we have tomatoes have... cucumbers. >> gillian: plus, hilaria belden again trying to clarify her long-standing claims of ethnic spanish heritage after she was accused of staking a spanish accent for years. what she is saying now, and her explanation for the flood. we will debate whether it cuts the mustard. ♪ ♪ aging is a journey. you can't always know what's ahead. since 1995, seniors have opened their doors to right at home for personalized care. to be their guide. to steer them through uncharted territory. and when it comes right down to it, to keep them safe at home. after all, home is the best place to be. right at home, navigating what's to come. ♪
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>> i'm hoping not just in staten island or new york but around the country, where tierney and overreach are ruining families and businesses, will follow our lead and stand up, rise up, and open it. >> they try to crush the little man. men and women across the country on small businesses should take on the government come because
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every so often the little man wins, like we did here. >> julie: owners of the new york city bar who declared it an autonomous zone planning to reopen today in defiance of covid restrictions. this, as they are now claiming victory in court following legal battles. expensive ones. last month, the bar stayed open, prompting the arrest of one owner, as hundreds of supporters demonstrated outside. while business owners are expected to follow the covid restrictions, the democratic official here in new york is accused of ignoring covid rules after he was seen shooting pucks on the hockey rink. he denied any wrongdoing saying he was practicing by himself, although the video appears to show otherwise. i do believe there are other skaters on that rink. meanwhile this is one of the reasons folks are angry over these lock downs. the panel's back, and do we have leslie, hopefully connect yes,
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leslie, i will give to you. is there a bit of a bias here? should these business owners continue to pay the price to politicians closing them down and continue to spend thousands of dollars in legal fees to try to fight to keep their business doors open? >> leslie: well, there are a couple of issues here. one is hypocrisy. i don't care if you are democrat or republican, i said it before even on this program. if you are a leader, you lead by example. the bottom line is you can't impose any kind of a band or any kind of rules or regulations or guidelines and not follow them yourself. on the other side, with the business owners, they are not spitting in the face of politicians. they are spitting in the face of people who are vulnerable and may not know it, to covid. and spitting in the face of the health care workers on the front lines and who we are seeing city by city and state by state are overwhelmed in trying to contain this pandemic. the one mollie, lawyers see the owners and staff have been harassed, intimidated, arrested, and hit with more than $40,000
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in fines, but they argue all charges have been dismissed. they want to reopen even though the buyer's liquor license status is listed as inactive on the new york state liquor authority website. how is it that businesses are supposed to stay in business after they fought to open their doors? liquor license in this case, revoked. it just seems, when you look at the numbers of 1.4% of covid-related cases being linked to restaurants and indoor dining, when is this going to stop? >> mollie: right come earlier in the program leslie said the problem of california was that the state hadn't been locked down enough. it is sort of reminiscent it what you hear communists say, when pointing out that communism always feels -- >> leslie: that's not what i said, mollie. i said the people aren't following the orders. >> mollie: right, they hadn't been locked down enough. if, in fact, lockdowns -- >> leslie: that's not what i said. i said they are not social
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distancing, not not gathering. >> mollie: yes. if, in fact, lockdowns worked, california would be the healthiest state in the nation. they're not. it's because the rules the governments have imposed or having no bearing on the spread of the virus. as people see that the lockdowns accomplish nothing, in terms of public health, but they accomplish complete destruction of the economy and family businesses, i think you'll be seeing more and more people resisting against these government orders. we have not had reasonable laws throughout this year an in this country. it's not reasonable, you'll see more resistance, and that's not good for everybody. >> julie: lets remind viewers that california is not on total lockdown. it is actually a limited stay-at-home order, and under this limited order, it means schools currently open can remain open, retailers can operate indoors at no more than 20% capacity to reduce exposure risk. and that is the case in california. california.
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governor newsom in fact extended those limited stay-at-home orders this week, but, gillian, is that enough? the orders are in place, but, as leslie mentioned, people are not adhering to them. ossoff one of the reasons that some americans aren't adhering to these lockdown orders is in what you just said, julie. shopping centers across california, the state of california, including these massive malls, have remained open. they have to operate, as he said, at a reduced capacity. why is that any safer than sitting down for a meal at a small restaurant in your hometown? it doesn't really make any sense. a quick word on the politicians flouting the laws, the real problem here is not just hypocrisy, because i think a lot of us have come to expect that from politicians on both sides of the aisle. the real problem is people flouting their own lockdown policies. it shows how unworkable they are. to mollie's point of a moment ago, when they break these rules, it says to every other american that they are not
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workable. "we can't even abide by them." so you can't ask others to. >> julie: which is why elected officials have to go to total lockdown mandate, and threaten to punish those who did not adhere, and then they get criticized for that. so you are damned if you do, damned if you don't. everybody stand by. to my next topic, one of my favorites of the week, hilaria baldwin is addressing claims she fakes her spanish heritage, she says -- she's blaming others, not herself. ♪ for veteran families, when it comes to finding and buying your dream home, we'll be there to make it happen. we'll be there when you want better rates too. or to get money for retirement. we'll be there because we work only with veteran families like yours to help you get the most life out of a home for the life of your family
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>> we have tomatoes, we have... cucumbers. >> julie: [laughs] that's hilaria baldwin, forgetting the english word for cucumber while cooking on "the today show." alec baldwin's wife is now facing backlash over accusations she faked her spanish heritage. newly unearthed yearbook photos to her graduating from a massachusetts prep school. get this, one year before she claimed she first moved here from spain. the lies just get deeper and deeper. this is a lesson for all our
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children at home. once you tell a lie, it just spins out of control. brad, are you sitting back and laughing or thinking this is just plain sad? >> brad: [laughs] >> julie: i'm laughing, for the record. >> brad: this is hollywood at its finest. a spanish word comes to mind, what a shame. maybe she was preparing for a roll. i don't know. with the baldwin's, it's always something. >> julie: she was maybe searching for the word "pepino," i had to text my spanish-speaking mother to confirm that. the lies are bad enough, i don't know if you seen these videos on instagram, mollie, where she's almost digging yourself deeper and deeper. she rants about how she is being misunderstood, she did come in fact, have family in spain, she hasn't seen since last year, and then she's going back to the whole spain thing that she infected spend a lot of her childhood there. that has nothing to do with the fact that you are not born
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there, you were born in massachusetts. as far as that accent is concerned, it's not real. >> mollie: it's been delightful to see some of how heat she presented herself as spanish when she's not. i have to admit, i'm a little confused about why it is such a big story. we are frequently told by the media and other elites that who you believe yourself to be is who you are. not only who you are, but who everyone else must say you are. caitlyn jenner is a hero, a man can become a woman, a woman can become a man, and that's to be celebrated. and here, when hilaria, or hillary, present yourself as being from spain when she's not, it is supposed to be condemned and mocked. i don't think it's that big of a deal, because you don't have to agree with her about her own identity, as you do and some of these other situations. >> julie: gillian, again, i laughed, but i don't think it's that big of a deal. certainly i'm not losing sleep at night over this. i just think it is so funny when celebrities try to b posed to be
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something they're not. >> gillian: it is, it's always great to have a reason to laugh at hollywood celebrities. i never thought of it in that framework before, but it's the case now in mainstream american culture that we must believe people are whoever they want to be coming we must identify them as they choose to identify themselves, then why are even having this conversation? and other question i threw out there, i don't know if anyone has any thoughts, why hilaria herself did this in the first place. meaning, what did she stand -- it's one thing if you feel culturally, a deep cultural connection to other countries where your parents are from. i experienced that myself, my father is from south africa and i've spent a lot of time there. i'm not talking about that, i'm talking about the concert had lying. what did she stand to gain from this? it's not like she's applying to college. i mean, she's a yoga instructor
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or something, i don't know -- what is she hoping to benefit from? why? >> julie: leslie? >> leslie: she's got her celebrity status thanks to her celebrity has been, alec baldwin, who is now coming to her defense. but she's the wife of a celebrity. she in turn became a celebrity. what would be her motive? >> brad: to be different, that's what it is. >> leslie: madonna has an affectation. she has a british accent, she's not british pay she developed it after living in london for some time. i think people who attach themselves to something from their past or even to something they're not even connected to, it just leads to the desire to belong, insecurity, and i would say i agree with mollie's first sentence, what is this a big thing? why is it a big thank you mike alec baldwin is an actor, and she is his wife, a yoga instructor and a mom. most people don't know who she is. i mean, and she has lied, and
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sadly, to your point, julie, yes, we should be teaching our kids don't lie, but sadly our president lies, everybody lives right now. people lie on twitter on blogs, this fake news, and sadly that's where we're at at in america today. >> julie: that's all the time we have. but i do commend her for being a mom of five children. i don't even think that seemingly possible. >> leslie: and with you there, girl. [laughs] >> julie: i have to give her credit where credit is due, no matter hilaria or hillary. a mom to five. 2020 is set to end. this year is finally over, and one op-ed laying out some of the biggest stories that were kept under wraps. ♪ ey requires liberty mutual. they customize your car insurance so you only pay for what you need. wow. that will save me lots of money. this game's boring. only pay for what you need.
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>> gillian: with 2020's and insight, the media facing criticism of its handling of
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some of the biggest political stories this year. a new vehicle to politics op-ed laying out some of the most suppressed new stories of 2050. they include the uneven effect of lockdowns across the country with some of the most restrictive states actually now leading the u.s. in new cases. the lack of credit given to president trump and his administration in helping to get the coronavirus vaccine across the finish line at record pace, and "the new york post" reporting about a laptop purportedly owned by hunter biden with both facebook and twitter censoring from the platforms. you guys, mollie and brad, you are the only ones who made the cut here to the g block, welcome. when it comes to each of you, tell me -- if you are weighing in on this op-ed, tell me one or two top suppressed stories of 2020. molly, you first. >> mollie: absolutely of the laptop story was so significant, because big tech conspired with big media and the democratic party to suppress any investigation of the very
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legitimate national security concerns posed by the biden family business. that wasn't just a huge impact on the election, but go all the way back to the beginning of the year, to impeachment itself. that is absolutely my top pick for most suppressed story. >> gillian: anything else, real quick? >> mollie: also, all of the actual honest discussion about coronavirus. in order to have a good, thoughtful policy decision-making, you have to have an open and free debate. once again, we had big tech and big media censoring that open discussion, with her it was about hydroxychloroquine and whatever that was good, the effectiveness of herd immunity, all those things you weren't allowed to talk about. >> gillian: brad, give me one bullet point. what is your top story? we are running out of time. >> brad: it is trump's laying down the gauntlet to find a vaccine in record time. the press said he was a liar, it was impossible, and he created public-private partnerships, he delivered it, and he under promise and over deliver.
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we have a vaccine. >> julie: it's got to leave it there. thanks so much. great power panel today. thank you for watching at home. now we are back to julie banderas who is in for harris on "outnumbered overtime." >> julie: thanks, guys. fox news alert, the countdown is on. the all-important judge, georgia runoffs just six days away. the races will determine whether or not the biden administration will have to face a republican-led senate. this is "outnumbered overtime." hello to you, i'm julie banderas in for harris faulkner today. both president trump and president-elect biden will head to georgia on monday, on the ease of the election, and vice president elect kamala harris will be making an appearance on monday dominic sunday. hundreds of millions of dollars already pouring into the race. on the candidates are on the attack. senators kelly loeffler demanding her challenger, raphael warnock, explain what he knew about


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