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tv   The Five  FOX News  January 1, 2021 12:00am-1:00am PST

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>> hello, i'm lawrence jones with jessica karloff and lisa booth. new year's eve in new york city, but five. we are finally saying goodbye to what many think was one of the worst years ever. lucky people across the world are getting their 2021 on and ringing in the new year in places like new zealand, australia and japan but we are still counting down here in america. lauren blanchard standing by in times square where things look a
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little different. >> reporter: new year's eve in times square will good. it is almost eerie because crowds of been told to stay away. bill diblasio says he is excited for the celebration. >> don't believe any doubting thomas is that there will be 1 million people are more in times square. it will arguably be the most special, the most poignant, the most moving new year's eve. >> reporter: the usually shoulder to shoulder party, is restricted to 40 chosen front-line workers, heroes of 2020. everyone else will need to watch online or on tv. the police chief says anyone who has tried to come down here for a glimpse will be told to go home. normal security will remain tight with 80% fewer officers compared to other years. bomb sniffing dogs are out and drones are overhead and at
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midnight the ball will drop, the confetti will fall and all of us are going to be kissing 2020 goodbye and hoping for a better 2021. >> reporter: glad those heroes are being celebrated. happy new year. and this shouldn't surprise anyone. the new york post sums up how a lot of us feel with this cover. good riddance to a terrible 2020 at fox news poll finds record number of americans think this year stunk to high heaven. 57% saying it was a bad year for them personally and 78% saying it was a bad year for the country. the final show of the year, i want to go to you. we all feel the same way. >> i feel very differently. i look back at the last year and i think this year shows the resiliency of america more than
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anything. exquisitely illustrated our ability to care for one another, lift each other up when times are toughest, pushed through the worst of times. people were willing to put their lives on the line, put their health at risk to provide us medical care, to make sure we were fed, deliver packages to our door and did it because that was their job and if you listen to the shallow and sanctimonious media telling us how bad things are i think the american people see how wonderful things are in a way, just have to get out of the septic tank of social media and walk outside. you can stop any stranger in the street and say good evening and happy new year and you will get a smile back in return and that speaks to the greatness of this country.
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lawrence: i felt bad in the middle of this pandemic because we all had our jobs and had to carry on as usual because we were ruled essential but a lot of these businesses are essential as well, but speak to the mental health aspect other people suffered, trying to be that lending arm. >> absolutely right and living in new york city, although closures and small businesses suffering, the violence and the writing and people protesting that went on through the summer. a lot of action and as someone that loves the citizens everything they have to offer this is been an excruciating year in terms of restaurants closing, to the mental health point, studies are unanimous in the record of americans said they have some sort of depression related to covid-19. the loneliness epidemic which is
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something that predominantly affects our seniors, 60-70% of them reporting they are suffering from this, locking down nursing homes a huge part of that isolation from younger family, grandparents want to hug their grandkids, we all want to be together again, hopefully 2021 is better for that but it has been a tough year whether you are employed or not. >> i still haven't got an opportunity to hug my grandmother because she is so afraid, we delivered her christmas meal outside the door, she wanted more so we slipped in more. and i wanted to hug her so much but i want to talk to you because your father, it you have kiddos at home really aren't prepared like many other kids out there for this. you and your wife rachel who is a colleague of ours, what did you do to prepare those kiddos to deal with this pandemic? >> you have to talk to your kids
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and the humanity of america came out and we helped each other, picked each other up and that was a real blessing for 2020 but a lot of bad things as well, that our country looked to china on how we handle all virus, to trust them in regard to the data that this is very contagious, not very deadly, all that information was wrong. i talk to my kids a lot about this, the death of debate. what is great about america is we debate and we argue and when we do that we get to a better solution but we couldn't argue or debate about masks were shutdowns or school closures or zinc or treatments that could help people fight covid-19, people who had those conversations some of them lost
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their jobs and were without work so it's important to talk to our kids about the goodness that came from the pandemic but also the real drawbacks and risks that come from the government imposing restrictions on the american people. >> we all want this to be over, so much death but there's been a lot of reflection too so what did you learn from this year? what will you go into 2021 learning and what will you do differently? >> peace out 2020, don't let the door hit you, i am done with you and i think most americans are and cannot wait for 2021. one of the main things i learned throughout covid-19, living in places like new york city where i used to live, the hustle and bustle, you're so busy going to work, to see friends so you don't have a lot of time to have
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that stillness and stop and reflect what do you want for your life, are you doing things the right way, what do you want for the future and having that time to think about your life and figure out where your priorities should be so for me it has caused a re-prioritization and to be thankful to have a job and such a wonderful family and friends, thankful for the things i have. for those things it has been positive to have those moments and i have grown a lot as a person because of it. a lot of us as americans have grown a lot as a country so i'm praying 2021 is better, it can't be worse, right? >> don't say that. >> i want to admit something, jessica brought this up about depression and mental health. i'm being treated for depression.
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i've been suffering from it. i am seeing someone to, for talking to a psychiatrist, in telemedicine you can get help and i encourage everybody to do that and i only share that because it makes a huge difference. >> people need to hear that and we are with you and everybody in this experience. >> i know how lucky i am to be surrounded by colleagues who i love and adore and have such a wonderful family but it is hard for everybody and you can talk about it. >> we need a group hug. >> virtual group hug. lawrence: we love everybody, so much more to come as we count down to the new year but next donald trump keeping up his fight for larger relief checks, the latest, stay here. on "the fi. musically loo ♪ this is the sound of an asthma attack...
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♪ >> the stimulus standoff heating up again with president trump >> the stimulus standoff heating up with donald trump making an early return to washington today. congress continues to battle over the president's demand for
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stimulus checks. the plan amounts to, quote, socialism for rich people. after blocking aid for months, nancy pelosi claims republicans don't care about average americans. >> it is amazing to see the patience some people have with other people's suffering. these republicans in the senate seem to have an endless tolerance for other people's sadness. shannon: that is rich coming from nancy pelosi, we feed them, we feed them, she and the democrats running a victory lap on the backs of downtrodden america excited they didn't accept the $2 trillion stimulus package they were negotiating before the election putting politics over the people.
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>> give me a break. she could passable in september and october with big covid-19 relief, refused to do that because she didn't want to give donald trump a win before the november election. had they cut the pork in this bill, since $100 million to hiv-aids workers in foreign lands or gender study programs or museums the pork was huge. they would have had more money to give to the american people. that she is crying about fighting for the little guy and donald trump asked for three things, $2,000 for stimulus checks but also section 230 with regard to big tech and raining them in, want to work for election integrity. if the little guy doesn't have his vote in this electoral system he has nothing, donald
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trump and mitch mcconnell are fighting for the little guy and she's refusing to join in the fight and help us out and give $2,000 checks to the american people. shannon: what mitch mcconnell is talking about is the house bill the way it is written, checks would in part go out, would provide some benefit to a family of 5 making up to 350,$000 a year. it is a lot of money. >> it is a lot of money but it is there money and i think mitch is playing a dangerous game. the president and mitch mcconnell are not on the same page, the president made very clear he wanted to thousand dollars to go to the american people. i understand the arguments that they have money in their pockets and i'm normally for the government to cut spending and all that except for when people get to get their money back. we are in the middle of a pandemic and it has affected all of us. the fact of the matter is we are in the middle of an election as
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well. if you don't think as i said yesterday that they are not running ads and telling people the republicans at large, i don't care of the other two senators in georgia said they would vote for the legislation it doesn't matter. it is not a local race anymore. it is a narrative about where republicans are on the issues so mitch is normally a massive negotiator but he is playing chicken with a national race and is not being smart right now. >> jessica? >> i agree, the checks are overwhelmingly popular, 78% of americans are in support of them, good idea to get on board with that. why call attention to what chuck schumer said, give us the up and down vote on a cash act and then i will talk about section 230 and whatever voter conspiracy you might have about the election. mitch mcconnell pointed out
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mcconnell had no problem with nontargeted tax cuts for the rich, just now that he has grown deficit-reduction hock perspective on this. republican spend just as much as a democrat and only say they are not big spenders around election time. completely disingenuous and they should give americans the 2000. >> what is disingenuous is chuck schumer and senate democrats wouldn't even allow debate on two separate half trillion dollar aid packages before the election, again holding up aid for americans, hurting financially strapped people for their own political benefit. >> it is kind of rich hearing that from nancy pelosi because nancy pelosi just a week ago said that $600 was a significant and now she is saying it is not enough, that we need more money and the challenge here isn't -- i don't think a family making 350,$000 needs that money, the
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people that need it are the individuals who have suffered financial loss and really struggling trying to figure out how to play rent and spend more money for coastal families making 350,000 but the biggest problem with all of this is all of these people who are setting the policy are completely unaffected by the impact of the policies they are sitting, look at the governor cuomos of the world he is still getting his 225,$000 check, he has his government protected job, joe biden, in public office for 47 years, these individuals, all the people pushing for lockdowns, making people suffer, forcing them to not be able to open their restaurants or stores, if the world is together they are not impacted by it and that is why they don't know how to address this crisis, they are so disconnected from the pain and suffering of so many americans and that is the biggest problem moving forward with setting public policy because these people don't understand, nancy pelosi is
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worth $200 million, these people don't know. >> we are all in this together, i am putting that in the paper shredder. everybody is on board with that. coming up the future of the country hangs in the balance as we count down to those critical georgia senate runoffs. ♪ investing today wherever you are - even hanging with your dog. so, what are you waiting for? download now and get your first stock on us. robinhood. the only thing a disaster can't destroy is hope help now at
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you remember rick, her neighbor? sure, he's the 76-year-old guy who still runs marathons, right? sadly, not anymore. -what? you mean-- -mm-hm. just like that. wow. so sudden. um...we're not about to have the "we need life insurance" conversation again, are we? (woman) no. we're having the "we're getting coverage so we don't have to worry about it" conversation. so you're calling about the $9.95 a month plan from colonial penn? i am. we put it off long enough. we're getting that $9.95 plan today. (jonathan) is it time for you to call about the $9.95 plan?
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♪ hello, colonial penn? ♪ >> we are >> we are 5 days from those crucial georgia runoffs was to determine which party will control the senate. record-breaking 2.5 million people have already voted, donald trump and joe biden will be there on monday. here's an update on how the campaigns are getting ready for election day. what have you got for us?
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>> the latest is somebody in the purdue campaign came in close contact with the candidate of the person had covid-19 and sober do tested negative today but will quarantine until he produces more negative tests. while he's been out on the campaign trail purdue has been accusing john ossoff of hiding business ties to china but ossoff said he didn't do anything wrong when he amended financial disclosure after the primary to show it came from the chinese linked company to a documentary company. >> the chinese government tried to make inroads with us, young democratic lawmakers, are you concerned through payments to a well-known young democrat somebody linked to china could be trying to influence you? >> you are a serious reporter. do you really believe a tv channel in hong kong carrying an investigation my company produced of isis war crimes in
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iraq is what you are implying it is? >> reporter: the purdue campaign shot back with this. ossoff's refuses to take the threat of china seriously even after his colleague was -- taking payments from the governments through a media company, he should be concerned about his dismissiveness of the threat to the nation. purdue, kelly letters out there campaigning, lindsey graham standing in for purdue at a concert this afternoon down the road, a few hundred people in gainesville. back to you. >> for asking questions on the campaign trail we appreciate that. you heard biden and trump will be in georgia monday night and i was going to ask which rally would have the most fun, trump or biden but i know the answer,
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donald trump's rally. those two rallies monday night which campaign doing the best job at those rallies to get the voters out on tuesday. >> i will be covering both of those. just from being on the campaign trail, the person with the biggest draw is always donald trump to love him or hate him he has the ability to get people to show up in his rallies will be extra important because people in the state currently telling people to don't go vote because of the president's legal challenges he is still pursuing. joe biden is probably going to have a small crowd, wanting to do the social distancing aspect of this. i don't think that is going to matter that much. the what is working for republicans is the case of socialism. georgia voters are afraid of that. the president wasn't able to win
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georgia. what we've seen on the ground in georgia is they feel like the senate will be able to check the president as well as nancy pelosi's house of representatives, that matters. >> i don't believe any of the polling data that comes out but the most recent data shows them a credit ossoff is beating purdue by one point and democrat war to the knock is beating by two points. >> i would be out of a job, the polls have historically been pretty accurate but all of that is in the margin a. it is a very close race and is going to be and it will come down to the argument the right will make about capitalism versus socialism, the argument kamala harris and joe biden are going to take that they won't be able to get any a agenda done
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with mitch mcconnell standing in the hallway. he's very good at blocking democrats from accomplishing their goals and that is what will come down to. >> we've heard republicans say for weeks that if democrats win seats in georgia they will have all the levers of government, the house, the senate and the white house and america will be on a march to socialism. is that an overreaction? >> know because democrats would blow up the filibuster and they can move forward with these radical policies and if you see someone like john ossoff he supports the green new deal, medicare for all, he's endorsed by bernie sanders and rafael warknock said you cannot serve god and the military, he priest marxism, he has been tied to jeremiah wright and fidel castro. these two individuals are highly concerning and on top of the joe biden is not a moderate. this is someone who picked kamala harris, the most liberal senator to be his running mate,
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someone who has abandoned his moderate beliefs and embraced extremism so i'm highly concerned about what a democrat trifecta of power would look like for this country. >> voter integrity is a big issue over the last year, republicans brought in 8000 poll watchers for the race on tuesday. would that have an impact on the fairness and honesty of the election? >> it should ensure fairness let's hope. one thing i point out, i do think this comes down to policy over personality. david perdue during the actual election in november won more votes and bigger vote share than donald trump did in the state so if you stick to the issues of policy that is a winner for the republicans like the fact that biden, harris and remdesivir wants to get rid of a right to
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work state like georgia which has been a right to work state since 1947. that means hurting job creation and forcing people to either join unions or pay union bosses. think about that and you're happy with your job, you like the opportunity in the state of georgia, get rid of right to work, not good. >> a lot is riding on the election in georgia. coming up governor andrew cuomo accused of covid-19 hypocrisy by letting thousands of fans in the football stadium while into a dining is still band. ...can become your big moment. that's why there's otezla. otezla is not a cream. it's a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. with otezla, 75% clearer skin is achievable. don't use if you're allergic to otezla. it may cause severe diarrhea, nausea or vomiting. otezla is associated with an increased risk of depression.
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♪ if i could be you ♪ for just one hour ♪ ♪ if we could find a way to get inside each other's mind ♪ ♪ if you could see you through my eyes instead of your ego ♪
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♪ i believe you'd be surprised to see that you've been blind ♪ ♪ walk a mile in my shoes ♪ walk a mile in my shoes ♪ yeah before you abuse, criticize and accuse ♪ ♪ walk a mile in my shoes ♪ walk a mile in my shoes ♪ ♪ well before you abuse, criticize and accuse ♪ ♪ walk a mile in my shoes
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♪ >> new york governor andrew cuomo once again acc >> new york governor andrew cuomo accused of covid-19 hypocrisy, dozens of restaurants see him over banning into a dining in the state, cuomo said
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they can attend the upcoming buffalo bills playoff game and he will be one of them. >> how are you smart and safe and reopening? that is the challenge in 2021. a football playoff game is outdoors which is a much better situation and the stadium is a controlled venue. >> testing is involved in this within 72 hours of going and new york is short on taxes, is this a responsible decision on the part of the governor? >> i have no problem with opening the football game for people to see but he should be opening up the restaurants as well. open up several of the businesses as well. this just goes to show you all of us being in this together is not true. the only reason the nfl is able
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to do this is they are powerful, they are rich and they can put pressure on the governor to make this happen. average businesses don't have the ability. they are trying to take this to court but they should never have to go through this. we controlled for months to believe the science yet we know based on the governor's contact tracing which he made us pay for, it accounts for less than 2% of the contacting in those restaurants. i don't understand why he continues to have these restaurants close. rich and powerful people play by different rules. shannon: i don't know why they wouldn't use the testing to keep the schools open. he's threatening to close the schools. i don't think anybody would be surprised if this man said it is lotion in the basket. he killed thousands of our elderly in nursing homes and
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paid no price, blamed everybody including mother nature, ready to -- wrote a book about leadership and then won and emmy, played politics with the vaccine and vaccine distribution and now he wants to go to a bill game and said this is how he makes it happen. is he going to order the rockets to dance for him next? he is appalling? he has got to go. >> dagan certainly had an opinion. believe me, i know. new florida resident. what do you make of this? >> i left largely because of him and governor bill diblasio and their terrible policies and the fact that you are no longer free in new york city, that is why i left and wanted to come to florida, the place of the free with great leadership of the governor ron desantis. governor cuomo is a terrible governor, probably the worst in
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the nation and even worse person. is a terrible human being, look at his prior bills games, leveraging a pandemic for personal gain and fame to writable during a time of crisis and all the while, killed off elderly by forcing nursing homes to take in the sick, deprived people of the. go to funerals of their loved ones, depriving people now the ability to earn a living, to attend church services, a terrible human being and makes me mad that the media and those on the left continues to prop him up as some sort of hero when he is anything but. >> we can talk off line about whether he's a terrible human being. >> got some things to say. >> i thought lisa went too far because of the weather, not because of covid-19.
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i do believe in the science and you can play football in southside, go in and play football, let people come and watch and impose the same standards on restaurants, let people wear masks, open them up but what is going on with the restaurant association, we seconds and 9 months, we have complied, we are going to die if we don't fight back to contrary to the rules, starting to open and starting to sue, focus the energy of the 1776 movement, fighting for freedom in their lives which is the only way they are going to be the governor and stay open and survive for their families and their workers. >> thanks for that i want to add, we are going to die, we are dying, the have the highest amount of deaths related to covid-19 on a daily basis in the month of december. up next, more. , "the ♪ i want to feel this moment
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♪ >> welcome back. time for "th >> time for the fastest, first, hilario baldwin facing accusations she faked her spanish accent and heritage and many wonder how saturday night
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live will cover the scandal. donald trump junior has an idea, baldwin should play alec baldwin, parity his wife, as opposed to the basic white girl she is. it would be the first funny thing saturday night live has produced in years. wise alec baldwin famous? >> his wife is a great actress, continues tried to pretend she's from spain when she's from boston, she faked her accent, in the baldwin wedding, she advances bring women, tried to produce cucumber land apple in the baldwin name. it will be a big hit but i don't think they are going to do it. >> do you think this might open up the door for an acting career for her? she's very good at it. shannon: excuse me.
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it is how lorrie a. the irony is if i imitate her doing her fake spanish accent i'm going to be the biggest so i will stop that. i don't think saturday night live has the guts to do something like this. i remind people david spade put up a photo years ago of eddie murphy during the vampire book from days and went a fallen star and eddie murphy was so angry, he didn't do saturday night live for 20 years or more but snl and lauren michaels let david spade do that or he got away with it. they do not have the guts to let alec baldwin or his wife be made fun of. >> she is an influencer. how much influencing will she do after this? >> not sure this is going to hurt her long-term. a lot goes on in her social media that i think is quite
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powerful. her entire angle on motherhood, she has 5, talks a lot about - i think she's got it locked down already, they been together since 2011. i don't think she's worried about that. not sure this is something that will last a long time and snl can't afford to lose baldwin, definitely the best trump and happy to see they got rid of jim carrey doing biden which i thought was -- >> what do you think? >> donald junior called him basic but also feel the true test of the comedian is being able to laugh at your self. all the great comedians do it but he's not a real comedian. >> she probably likes punk and spice lattes. emotional support animals to become endangered species after the latest band.
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alaska airlines the first major us airlines to put the kibosh on the ferry pounds beginning january 11th, peacocks or penguins on your next like going forward, they will only allow service dogs. regret to inform you you can no longer bring your peacock on alaska airlines. >> i'm so excited about this. i hope they crackdown on the fake service dogs as well. 3 or 4 days out of the week, it is so annoying. they are not properly trained and have these animals all over the place, they don't want to cause a stir or get in trouble because of these fake tags on them. i am so happy. >> what do you think about service animals in general? >> i love service animals. i love all animals and service animals should make it to the plane but i'm sick of going to
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the airport, i've seen a number of times dogs are going to the bathroom on the carpet in the airport. is gotten out of hand (all fly in peace, mostly human travel, kickback dogs and animals on planes. >> alaska airlines rain in some of these policies? >> i would rather sit next to a potbellied pig than most people i have sat next to on airplanes in the last 10 years, very damn feet shoved between seats on the armrest. putting the armrest down in the first place or the handful of booze that sends somebody into a white-hot rage and you've got to turn the plane around and taxi back to the gate because some idiot can't control himself so give me a plane of chickens before most of the people i had
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to fly with. >> do you feel the same, you would rather sit next to a potbellied pig than some of the people you've sat next to on flights? >> i've not had the extreme experiences but i would be thrilled to fly next to my sister's friend, who are companions at all times. >> finally the massage trend is not for the faint hearted. people in spain are allowing snakes to slither all over their bodies and faces at a small spot in egypt, 20 types of non-venomous snakes will crawl over you for a 30 minute session that reportedly improves blood circulation and mental stimulation. for 2021 covered in snakes, will that be everything? >> that books like torture. i want deep massage, not the snakes, no. >> what about you? you like spots in these sorts of things, is it's in the cards for you? >> i do. what about snakes? >> i'm getting a facial on
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saturday, no snakes but a lot of weird stuff goes on, this doesn't surprise me at all. lawrence: why, why would you do this? this is not relaxing, it is stressful. shannon: the snakes are nonvenomous. big will. >> alaska airlines will no longer allow snakes. one more thing up next. ♪ we will dance until we drop ♪ a little party -- weight loss program ever. the app helps you take the foods you have and gives you creative ideas for meals. you can choose any workout you want to fit within your time frame. there are a ton of zero point foods that i love. i never feel restricted. the new tools boost my mood and help keep me hydrated. more holistic. more personalized. more weight loss. the new program from ww, weight watchers reimagined. lose weight on us this winter! get three months free! ends january fourth!
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i want some more what's he doin? but, he can't look at him! it's just not done! please sir. i want some more more? more? more? more? please sir he has asked for...
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thank you what? well he did say please sir yes he did and, thank you yeah. and thank you he's a wonderful boy (laugh) a delightful boy (all boys): thank you, thank you, thank you. ♪ >> welcome back. it's time for lawrence: welcome back. >> from our friends at fox bid, download the apps and play the georgia senate runoff game, a chance to win 10 grand, pick 6 possible outcomes and watch fox news on january 5th to see how it all unfolds.
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you can download the apps now to get it started and on this new year's eve i want to give a shout out to three incredible small businesses run by some incredible artisans. cynthia makes these earrings. i have always paid for them. the manhattan wine company in new york and elsie king good manufacturing company. they will start their 100 eighth year sewing workwear in bristol, tennessee and jack king running it. it was his nephew who was that kayaker on the show yesterday. how about that? lawrence: you got to see this hilarious moment when a girl gets pulled down by her dog, her dog lola had other plans, the labrador retriever got excited and decided to take jade on a
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wild ride with her, pulling her down the slippery slope. jake's mom was at the bottom of the hill, could not stop laughing, jade is fine and everybody laughed. >> the pandemic has separated a lot of us from our loved ones so this calls for a little bit of covid-19 creativity so this is barbara and clive from leeds, england, haven't seen the grandkids since march, so these inflatable bears, they went over to the grandkids house and have -- gave their kids a big hug, great way to end 2020 with family and hugs. a little celebration. lawrence: grandparents always make life better.
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lisa, you're up. >> a lot of people taking their christmas trees down maybe you have already. ornaments fell off and broke. two 12-year-olds from connecticut, ion and nikki, created a toggle device to keep your ornament on the christmas tree. they've got on qvc and home shopping network and crushed it, made 250,$000, 10% local animal shelters and their website says they are saving christmas one ornament at a time. lawrence: awesome move, generation of capitalists. >> last night history was made, not sure if anyone was watching the san antonio spurs game, becky hammond, surprising, becky hammond became the first woman ever to coach an nba game. it was a really exciting moment especially for fans of the wnba, i grew up with liberty ticket, a
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tenacious style which i don't have. it was a real barrier breaking moment and i hope to see more women do this. lawrence: that is it for us. happy new year. musical music >> little did we know we were entering the 2020 zone. >> it was the year at dutchess escaped the royal clutches. everyone learned the wonders of the great indoors and two men well past retirement age thought for the same job, the 10 most extravagant, exotic, celebrated, male mating, infectious, outrageous, fascinating stories of the year. who could forget 2020?


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