tv The Ingraham Angle FOX News January 7, 2021 7:00pm-8:00pm PST
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we see it and hypocrisy that stinks to high heaven. let not your heart be troubled. why? because the news continue. laura ingraham take it away. >> laura: great show. i am laura ingraham and this is the "ingraham angle" from washington tonight. as jarring as the actions and images were from yesterday, it appears that the in coming administration's response to all of that will be freedom crushing from social media censorship to a punitive justice department. tonight we will explore all of it with glenn, ken and harvey among others. the left is using every crisis to gain leverage control over the lives of innocent americans. new york state democrats want to give andrew cuomo the power to
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detain people under the guise of a covid risk. we will explain what will happen should that development come to the fore. civil libertarians are up in arms. punish and purge, that's the focus of tonight's "angle." throughout the 2020 campaign joe biden sold himself to america as a uniter, even a healer. the media they echoed his pitch. >> i pledge to be a president who seeks not to divide but unify. >> hearing joe biden it's like hearing a family member. he is so normal. >> america needs an adult in the room. a preacher, teacher, all of the things america has been missing. >> if there is anyone who has the ability to bring our country
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together it's joe biden. >> laura: after the capitol was breached biden and kamala harris decided to double down on division and demonization. >> no one can tell me if that was a group of black lives matter protesting yesterday they would not have been treated very, very differently than the mob of thugs that stormed the capitol. we all know that's true and it's unacceptable! >> laura: part is false. when all hell broke loose last may after the death of george floyd, violent elements used that tragedy as an excuse to burn, loot and rip down buildings and statues and tag everything with spray paint and assault innocent americans.
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biden did command the violence but never called the perpetrators a mob of thugs or domestic terrorists and this were no calls by his media cheerleaders to bring the criminals to swift justice with facial recognition. the violence continued all summer long with many of the thugs emboldened as the media pulled cameras back. corporate money flowing into the accounts of black lives matter. streets were painted in their honor. organizers were feetured all over tv and became invited speakers at school across america. both republicans and democrats and this show expressed disgust over the death of mr. floyd and president trump did as well. as we said yesterday, all violence is wrong no matter what
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the politics are of the instigators. the double standard is glaring and pathetic. liberal mayors and governors fought efforts to bring in the national guard and just take the abuse from these people. the minneapolis mayor boughed to the demands of the mob. >> this needs to be a reshaping of the way our police department does business that has for decades harmed black and brown people. >> laura: his city is paying the price of with sky rocketing crime and despair against small business owners. when blm protestors swarmed oregon, the president offered them support from the national guard.
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kay brown would not consider it. >> trump wants governors to deploy the national guard as a show of force to intimidate the public. i want to ensure that the public can safely raise their voices in this much needed call for reform. >> laura: it became about respond and not responding to the violence. the democrats ideology may not justice violence but it can explain violence. blm protestors invaded the capital, they would not have been treated like the trump protestors. democrats would have urged restraint and dialogue. trump would have been blamed for pushing those people to the edge. that's what happened last summer when protestors threatened the white house. remember how funny the left thought it was when president trump was taken to a skier location because the secret
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syracuse was concerned about his safety.ecure location because the secret syracuse was concerned about his safety. yesterday a female war vet was shot. in the george floyd protests only two were killed by the police. many who stormed the capitol will face jail time. good. anyone who broke the law should. we did not call it the summer of love. they did. we are consistent on these points because we support the rule of law. enter kamala harris who had a unique opportunity to lower the temperature to bring us all together. she will soon be vice-president of the whole country including the 74 million americans who voted against her. like the president-elect she
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decided not to let a crisis go to waste. >> it's about how to reform, how to transform a justice system that does not work equally for all. a justice system that is experienced differently depending on whether you are white or black. we witnessed two systems of justice. we saw one that let extremists storm the united states capitol and another that released tear gas on peaceful protestors last summer. >> laura: unbelievable. kamala harris thinks that the country is racist and wicked. this is a lie. it's not true. harris wants us to believe that one group of protestors is institutionally privileged over the other group?
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that may be true but the privileged groups are on the left. they get praise and glory and get their bail covered and consulting contracts. biden's talk of unity was a sham all along. biden and harris are signaling the coming period of retribution against president trump supporters. i think they will see that demonizing tens of millions of americans and trying to silence them, 99 of this will work. when you look back on it it's part of why trump won in the first place. he spoke to people who had been left behind and who believed they were being constantly ridiculed by the elite class. after biden is inaugurated and wages the democrat war against
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the working class. popu populism will be poiseed to make a comeback. most americans don't believe this is a racist, rotten, horrible country. they believe there are racists and every group and society there are bad people. but the country itself they do not believe is a systemically racist country. they do not that believe that political difference should be punished or political opponents purged. that's the "angle." joining me now is the ceo of the center for america liberty and the founder of cynthia garrett ministries. i know why they wanted to keep kamala harris out of the spotlight after the debate with vice-president pence where she embarrassed herself. how should we think about this
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coming punitive justice department? >> a lot of us predicted that the left biden/harris if they got power would start out by cutting the wounded. that's what they announced in their rhetoric yesterday. nobody who saw what happened at the capitol who is an american should be happy about it. i didn't see the police letting a mob come in. the police were overpowered and every criminal who destroyed property and threatened our legislators should be punished. kamala harris has a history of legislate criminals get off in her state, in the city i live in, san francisco. her vision is a twisted one. what is she saying should happen at the capitol. one person lost her life.
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should there have been more shootings to even the score? i think we are in for a couple of very rough years of retribution here to people who are conservative. >> laura: anyone who heard the comments of kamala harris today has got to be concerned about what is coming in the coming months for people who have political disagreements. people maybe forcefully disagree not with action but idology. the tone of her rhetoric and this idea that if you are liberal and a protestor, you are getting treated differently than if you are describing yourself as a conservative and a protestor? i was in that lafayette park at the end of may before the church was set ablaze. there was a lot of violence going on. a lot of mayhem and pushing
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against the police barricades. if they could have, they would have gone through the fence at the white house. >> right. >> laura: i was there. it was not all peace and sunshine. >> we have had political violence dating back to 2016. i was in a mob in san jose when trump supporters were attacked and there has never been justice for the victims of those crimes or other anti-conservative violence in this country. we have seen a summer of rioting and looting where there was no punishment. we will see a different interpretation of justice coming. >> laura: here's how one black lives matter founders described the situation yesterday. >> we were treated different.
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we were met with tear gas and brutalized by a militarized police force. what was the most shocking for me yesterday was watching law enforcement run away or open the gates for white terrorists. >> laura: this was tested all of last summer. the protests went on and on and including last night in portland, oregon, where there was more violence. we know this is all a lie. >> yes. it's almost a joke to watch the hypocrisy here. it saddens me. the reality is everybody knows that wrongs wrong. two wrongs never make a right. it was horrible watching last night. i was ashamed. i was really ashamed. burning down businesses and killing people and robbing and looting and stealing in the name
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of what? i am sure george floyd was disgusted. by the same token, i don't think no matter what you think about donald trump that he was happy watching anyone storm the capitol. i am not buying the hatred. there has been 4 years of hatred and division in this country. it is not all trump's fault. what lives inside of people has been given free rein to run rampant. people need to check themselves. laura, there is a favorite saying of mine in the bible in the book of romans that talks about eventually god will give you over to the sin that you want. i think americans need to wake up to our good old-fashioned values this country was founded on and force a return to god, a return to loch. love your neighbor as you love yourself -- that is not happening and that's not trump's
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fault. to hear biden/harris get up and pretend they are the party of unity and they were more divisive of what they accused trump of. i am terrified for us as a nation. >> laura: they poured kerosene on the fire today. i am shocked more people are not focussed on what they said about the country and our system of justice. a lot of people thought it would have been better for the president to say what he said tonight yesterday. he offered a strong message today. watch. >> the demtraitors who infiltrated the capitol have defiled the seat of american democracy. -- to those who engaged in the act of violence and destruction, you do not represent our country. to those who broke the law, you will pay. we judge just been through an intense election and emotions
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are high. now tempers must be cooled and calm restored. my focus will be a smooth, orderly transition of power. love and loyalty bind us together as one national family. >> laura: the president came out with that statement tonight. i really liked that. i wish it came yesterday. the "wall street journal" saying the president should resign. your thoughts on that? >> well, laura, i am here in a meeting of the rnc. we are electing leadership tomorrow here. this is a hot topic. i am a big supporter of the president. i wish he said those remarks yesterday. for the left to characterize trump supporters over 70 million of us as a mob of white
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supremacyists is outrageous. -- why should the president resign for that? it is time for an orderly transition. impeachment is a witch hunt and it's punitive and it will inflame the rhetoric. >> laura: they should be grateful for the president expanding the party with latinos and asians even with all of the difficulties and the tumult of the last 2 months. there is an enormous debt of gratitude for the president's supporters and his service to the country. i hope people keep that in mind. ladies, thank you very much. facebook took a frightening step of banning president trump from
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its platform indefinitely. the move to censorship or restrict speech works so well. michelle obama is going a step further writing now is the time for silicone valley companies to stop enabelling this monstrous behavior and permanently ban this man... glenn greenwold is joining us. this is like you wrote in a novel about what elites do. your reaction. >> it's something we have been warning about for a long time. the growing power that unchecked and unelected silicone valley overlord have over our discourse. what structme was not so much
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mark zuckerberg announcing how the president can be heard but michelle obama is part of a couple that is one of the most richest and powerful couples on the planet. -- when she wanted to appeal to silence donald trump further, she didn't call anyone in the united states congress or elected officials in the government. that's not where the power lies. she issued a letter pleading with the silicone valley oligarch to do her bidding to, silence the president of the united states. in a democracy that would be a decision made by elected leaders. it is something that a very small handful of tech people decide, what information can be
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used and what is labeled true or 4th. -- or false. it's alarming. >> laura: and china, fake mead why -- media continue to post about the suppression of independence movements in hong kong. it never gets censored. maybe they will get a flag every now and then. that's no problem along with other disturbing stuff. where does it end? >> i think one of the things we are seeing what is being initiated is a new war on terror but not directed out ward to foreign countries but inward. in the liberal mind what is
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a white supremmist is anyone who supports president trump. white supremacist -- when you have a massive movement in the united states you engage in white supremacy terrorism. anything goes. especially for a party that now controls the congress and the white house. that's what you will see a lot more is those kinds of measures. >> laura: the opposite of calming things down. shut up and take whatever we give you and don't say anything. unbelievable. that's the last thing we need right now. glenn, thanks for being consistent on these issues and clear. the left in the media is
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the vice-president to remove the president by immediately invoking the 25th amendment. if they don't act the congress may move forward with impeachment. >> laura: i can't take her serious we with the flowers. pelosi and her pals are using yesterday's chaos to advance the insanity to get president trump out of the office with impeachment or the 25th amendment. joining us now ken starr. fox news contributor. mike pence won't support the 25th amendment. what do you make of all of this. the president released his statement tonight which was well done. your thoughts on this? >> well, it's an act of divisiveness at a time when i thought we were trying to unify the country. you are right.
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the 25th amendment, which is a constitutional exit ramp when the president is disabled. it was an important addition to the constitution but it's silly. impeachment is serious business. but the american people do not like. i. impeachment. they want the president to serve out his term -- we saw that during the clinton years and saw that 12 months ago. the american people did not want president trump to be removed from office. we elect them for 4 years. allow them to serve. we saw the american people don't appreciate house members who are not working on the important issues like vaccine distribution and the like and devote themselves to an action that will fail. that's a form of political
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insanity. >> laura: it shows bad taste. a senator after the president released his video statement tonight still went on to say this. watch. >> he may do and say other things that incite furt violence. -- future violence. i am concerned about the inaugural ceremony. he could bring us to the brink of war. we have to be vigilant about his actions before he does something that is really crazy. >> laura: going to bring us to the brink of war. the guy who pulled troops back will get us into a war over the next 13 days. is that realistic? >> it's complete madness. the american people are yearning -- i am hearing it from friend across the country. can't we have voices and the president added his voice of kindness and compassion?
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equal justice under law. as someone said, let's be kind to one another and be compassionate. we are not seeing that from the leaders on the democratic side. there needs to be a national concilization. it is counterproductive. it's anti-american tradition -- the tradition is let us find common ground and work to agree where we can but disagree respectfully. >> laura: were you shocked when we were instilling calm and unity and kamala harris talking about the two systems of justice and the justice department will be devoteed to reform to make sure there are not two systems of justice as evidence at the capitol yesterday? >> again, this is so wrong as a
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matter of fact. it's also just mean spirited and unfair to those in the justice system that work hard including law enforcement to apply the law evenlily and fairly. -- evenly and fairly. we should be seeking common ground. >> laura: thank you very much. and the media wants you to believe that the 25th amendment thing is being seriously pondered by administration officials. but our next guest says it's another lie. joining us is ben, the co founder of the website the federalist. you spoke to administration folks throughout the day yesterday. it was not clear this was not happening. why do the media fantasies persist today? >> well, you know the media would like to play up the idea that all sorts of unconstitutional things are
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possible. it's crazy how much they complain about how donald trump ran roughshod over legal issues and norms and the like. yet they are urging people on begging them to overrun these forms and basic laws when it comes to getting rid of him. the idea that there was going to be some magic wave of a wand and eliminate the president with the 25th amendment absolutely absurd. it's not supported by any significant number of officials. people when might have supported it either believe the administration are resigning. that was something never considered. this is the kind of media fiction they have been doing to us for years. look, you know how corrupt these people are. this is also a situation where even i am amazed the level to which -- he won't be president
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in 13 days and still you are trying to make this happen. nancy pelosi, this old senile person, the -- this needs to happen or he will create war. this is madness. >> laura: they are only ensuring trump remains a force in politics. if their goal it to get rid of trump they are doing the opposite. turning him into a martyr for regular people who wants their voices heard they are saying cruz and hawley should resign? real quick. >> totally. look, this is how you end up with someone who has the power to be a traitor to their class. if you are attitude is you stand
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up and make an argument on these people, we will take your book deal away. we will come after you. that only makes these people more powerful and have a better connection with americans who feel they are not being represented in the world. those are people who i think are just as americans you and me. >> laura: silencing people always ends up back firing. i thought they would have learned that by now. part of the reason why trump was elected in the first place. they are doing it all over again. ben, great points. the left is not just exploiting the crisis at the capitol for political advantage. wait until you hear the power that new york state democrats want to now give andrew cuomo! citing covid. stay there. ♪ oh, oh, oh, ozempic®! ♪ (announcer) once-weekly ozempic® is helping many people with type 2 diabetes like emily lower their blood sugar. a majority of adults who took ozempic®
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you probably missed. a new bill could give governor cuomo the power to remove people from society who he deems to be a public health threat due to covid. joining me now is a new york state senator. senator, democrats are using this crisis as a way to try to control the movement and the behavior of americans. how serious is this? >> very serious. this is one of many bills like this. this one is particularly disturbing. it eliminates due process and gives a single person, the governor, the ability to destain someone based on a suspicion of being a public health risk. for the remove of contacts and carriers w carriers who may be a danger to
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public health. >> laura: that's the key who may be a danger to public health. what does that mean. if you are off on a trail in new york. someone sees you not wearing a mask and reports you to authorities. i am not saying you should not wear a mask. do you become a threat to the public safety and then can be removed from society for a time? until you are tested and v vaccina vaccinated? >> it's vague and broad. it's up to his interpretation. the fact they are willing to remove due process. it's hypocritical. we just went through the whole bail reform process. they said people who committed crimes cannot be held with bail. we are giving appearance
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tickets. they just championed another law, the transparency in police custody act which says you can't detain people for more than 24 hours. yet this law would allow the governor to detain people for 72 hours. >> laura: if this became law, violent criminals in some cases can go free. and people who they deem to be a covid or health threat can be detained for 3 days. thanks for joining us. we will be tracking this. where is the aclu when this is such a severe threat to civil liberties. chris, governor cuomo said that racism is a public health crisis. when i read this bill, i think
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okay. then individuals who have a certain viewpoint about certain policy they could be a similar threat with punitive action threatened? a possibility? >> yes, the idea is to come up with an abstract program like systemic racism or social disparities and create a crisis or emergency. the conclusion is simple. governor cuomo are taking unprecedented measures to rectify social disparity. it's a carte blanche. they can do anything about these abstract problems. it's a dangerous trend. >> laura: i have good news. we figured out what the aclu is focussed on. the star tribune reported that the aclu is seeking an
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injunction to force the bureau of prisons to release inmates to home confinement to curve the spread of covid. that's the aclu's concern. inmates should go home because of covid that you have a 99% chance of surviving. >> this is happening across the country. in san francisco the first month of covid, the district attorney, a socialist, released more than half of all inmates from san francisco county jail. we have seen crimes sky rocket. it's chaos on the streets. the same thing all over california. this is a get out of jail free card for radical activists. they are using covid to achieve their radical goals of abolishing prisons and court.
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>> laura: i know you will stay on this. we are really focussed on the use of emergency powers to curtail our civil rights. second amendment and first amendment and down the line. thank you very much. the speed at which the covid vaccine was created is a massive success. why are blue state governors failing to get it to constituents? dr. scott atlas is next. you can sell your policy, even a term policy, for an immediate cash payment. we thought we had planned carefully for our retirement. but we quickly realized that we needed a way to supplement our income. if you have one hundred thousand dollars or more of life insurance you may qualify to sell your policy. don't cancel or let your policy lapse without finding out what it's worth. visit to find out if you policy qualifies. or call the number on your screen. coventry direct,
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>> ♪ >> laura: operation warp speed, how quickly they got this done, the vaccine across the country. it's incredible. governors in blue states are using these odd metrics for who gets the vaccine. who will get it first. over people who are truly vulnerable and in need. look at these graphics. 7 out of 10 are run by republican governors. in blue states there are questions to ask. joining me is dr. scott atlas former covid advisor at the
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white house. why is it so hard for governors to prioritize those who are 65 and older if >> laura, thanks for having me. i am not sure on the question of why. that's always a difficult question. it seems obvious to me if you look at the logic put forth in the "wall street journal" the idea of the vaccine is to stop people from dying. you should give it to the people who are at risk for dying. that makes sense to me. i am not sure it's complicated. but it's complicateed to get vaccine into people. according to hhs yesterday, 21 million doses were delivered. yet only 25% maximum of those had been administered. that seems like another fumbling by the governors.
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they knew the vaccine was coming. outlets were set up by the federal effort operation warp speed but we have 75% of doses not administered. the second part besides being for older people who might die. it's obvious people who had the infection have their own protect. this is shown by decades of biology. somehow we are ignoring that and giving vaccines it people who have their own protection as a first priority, that doesn't make sense. >> laura: there is also a high percentage of healthcare workers who are declining the vaccines. maybe they will take it later. or they are not worried about getting the virus. there is a lot of concern about that. should be there concern?
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that should lead to questioning the vaccine itself which most people think is totally safe? >> well, this is one of the problems when the political erwe are in. people are undermining the safety of the vaccine. that hurts people when need the vaccine. the vaccine was done without cutting any safety corners. that's heinous that the undermining happens for political reasons. people are wary of it. that's fine. it's a free country. i don't believe you mandate the vaccine. but the vaccine is safe. the priority should be and everybody should feel good about the vaccine who is at high risk. if you are high risk take the vaccine. i am not sure we should be in
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a society where people are forced to take the vaccine. >> laura: they are already fear mongering at msnbc that the new u.k. strain of the virus merits another shutdown. even dr. fauci said it's more contagious but not more lethal. you have a concern? >> i have a concern that is broader. we don't have a pinpoint of the shutdown. >> laura: we are out of time. final thoughts on what trump said tonight.
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beside praying and loving each other more. invite joe biden to the white house and attend the inauguration. following tradition and protocols is the right thing to do. the country will be better off because of it. that's all the time we have tonight. shannon bream and the fox news @ night team take it from here. >> shannon: some of the mainstream media tonight are looking at yesterday's events through the lens of race. biden said if the rioters were black they would have been treated differently. >> there were videos on social media of capitol police taking selfies with rioters and opening up some of the barricades for the rioters to pass through. the
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