tv Tucker Carlson Tonight FOX News January 7, 2021 9:00pm-10:00pm PST
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when a hailstorm hit, he needed his insurance to get it done right, right away. usaa. what you're made of, we're made for. usaa ♪ >> tucker: good evening and welcome to "tucker carlson tonight," so much going on, yesterday president trump pulled a group of his supporters to head to the u.s. capitol building, many of them did. while they were there, some of the supporters pushed over police barricades, crawled over broken windows, and made a mess inside, one of the protesters who was wearing a donald trump lag is a cape was shot dead by police. within minutes of all of this every powerful person in the country erupted in rage at donald trump, business leaders demanded drum be removed from office immediately, members of congress clamored to impeach donald trump. at least one democrat suggested anyone in congress who supported
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his claims of election fraud must be expelled. meanwhile the media said about denouncing donald trump as a terrorist and a murderer, we could go on. that is a rough recap of the last 24 hours. what do you notice about every news story on that list? they are all about donald trump, every one of them. the people in charge of every institution in american life now spend all day talking about donald trump. you may not have noticed because that's not very different from any other day over the past five years. since the moment he announced for office it has been all about donald trump all the time. the effect on us has been noticeable, we've gone from being this big continental country with an enormous span of concerns and interests to a sweaty chat room of 300 million people all of whom are focused on a single man, donald trump. that is not healthy no matter how you feel about trump. we aren't attacking him, very
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few media outlets have been more supportive of his 2016 agenda than the show has been. we agree with his ideas then, we agree with them now but at some point you've got to wonder about where our country is putting all of its energy. is any single president, anyone worth all of this time and attention? all politicians whether you agree with them or not come with a shelf life, they are people. they don't last forever, none of us do. in trump's case the expiration date arrives in 13 days and after that he will not be president. we know a lot is going on, just for a second let's take the long view by which we mean let's think about what life will be like in february which is next month. two weeks from tonight, donald trump will no longer be in control of the nuclear arsenal or have command of the federal agencies or even most likely his own twitter account. as much as all of that may upset you, is nevertheless true, we cannot change it.
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the rest of us, and this is the key, will still be here, we've got nowhere to go, we don't have foreign passports, we are staying to the end -- what will life be like for us? not many people will be thinking about that including people we pay to think about that, donald trump think some is is exclusively about donald trump but so does almost every single democrat in congress as well as every single republican. all of them is trump obsessed. who's got your concerns top of mind? who wakes up in the middle of the night about your family? that's the main thing we need to change. it won't be easy but the themes are pretty clear and here are the basics. the point of the republican party is not to protect the personal reputations of its leaders. that cannot be the priority. the point of the republican party is to protect its voters.
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in practice that needs protecting the bill of rights, the most basic freedoms and bedrock promises of american life -- without them you wouldn't want to live here. those freedoms are more important than any single politician. donald trump could become immortal and win the next 40 presidential elections and his daughter the next 40 after that but if america becomes a place where you have to violate your own conscience in order to hold a job, we are not allowed to protect your family from mob violence, where your children can't afford to get married and raise your grandchildren because employers don't like their skin color, then what's the point of all of this? there is no point. no one wants to live in a place like that or should have to no matter who the president is. we should be very concerned about all of this right now, these are the core concerns. much more concerned about whether donald trump could claim he actually won of pennsylvania or or whatever. the trump protest of the capital yesterday is already being used as a pretext for an unprecedented crackdown on civil liberties. in the last several hours, we have heard people in positions
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of power and authority demand those that support donald trump should no longer be allowed to publish books or use the internet or fly on airplanes. driving cars, holding jobs, those will be next, we are barely exaggerating, to justify mind-bending, terrifying demands like these, they are relying on lies and hysteria. what happened yesterday wasn't simply that a political protest got out of hand after the president recklessly encouraged it -- that is in fact what happened but it's not what they are saying. instead they are calling it domestic terrorism. cnn describes it as an insurrection, chuck schumer likened it to pearl harbor, it was our generations 9/11 and needless to say it was "white supremacy." to name a small example, the berkshire cool in massachusetts, a boarding school that costs $64,000 a year to attend a sent a letter describing what happened as "these acts of violence and racism." if you are a literal person tied
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to outdated western notions of linear thought and facts, that might confuse you -- racism? whatever you thought about what happened yesterday, what was racist about it? nothing of course, there was nothing racist about it, the berkshire school is lying, so was everyone else on the left, why are they doing that? simple. they know if they keep saying it, history will record it as true. they understand the power of language and that is why they try to control language. they know words have consequences. this is scary. in the face of it, the party that should be stepping in to stop it, to push back, tell the truth in the face of lies and to protect its voters from this deception and the destruction that inevitably comes next, that party does nothing. often they join in, this afternoon a group of republican staffers on capitol hill, lawyers who worked for republican elected officials texted each other and concluded
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actually, now that we think about it, yesterday's protest rally really was racist, yeah, it was racist! those are people protecting you. with bodyguards like this, tens of millions of americans have no chance, they are about to be crushed by the ascended left. i don't think people should be allowed to fly on airplanes -- what country is this? these people need a defender. why is no one defending you? the main problem and if this really is the main problem on the right anyway i'm of the people who run the republican party don't really like their own voters. they especially don't want the voters that trump brought. trump brought the party's ranks notably downscale, from the country club to the trailer park and many republicans in washington now despise the people they are supposed to represent and protect. it's not just republican leaders who feel this way, it's our entire leadership, everyone in
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charge. you rarely hear it spoken out loud but this is the truth, a very specific form of inter-white loathing is at the core of the reaction donald trump. nothing is more repulsive to socially anxious white professionals and working-class people who look like them. trolls are their greatest fear, they remind them of where they come from or where they could be going if things turn south. if you want to understand the hatred, the real hatred -- not just disagreement but got level loathing and fear of trump in new york or washington or l.a., you got to understand that first. it's not really trump, it is his voters, the new money class despises them. trump didn't despise them and that was his secret in the end. he didn't have much in some ways but he did not judge his own voters. in real life, he ate mcdonald's, it was true and they knew it was true and you would be grateful for it too if everyone else hated you.
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13 days from now, these voters will not have donald trump to protect them, they won't have anyone unless the republican party decides to wake up and push back against the lies and progress and acknowledge the purpose of those lies which is an unprecedented crackdown on the way you live, you will have no chance either. miranda devine is a columnist at "the new york post," thanks so much for coming on, we've had you on this show many times to talk about your reporting, "the new york post" reporting into the tony bobulinski story, hunter biden story, many stories as a political matter helps donald trump in this last election in november. tonight -- yesterday you wrote a really interesting piece about donald trump's effect on the republican party and it occurred to me you are one of the people we trust to describe what that is, i think you are a fair arbiter on this question, tell us what you think the effect on the party has been. >> it's tragic what happened
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yesterday and that is catastrophic i think for the republican party but also for conservatives, for the nationalist populists that trump represents and donald trump and his legacy, it's not just about what happened yesterday. it's about the last four years of trump and his supporters being demeaned and defamed and every effort made to destroy his presidency, to discredit the 2016 election, to live, to use the apparatus of the states, the intelligence agencies, to impeach him, there was not a dirty trick that nancy pelosi and her democratic party did not employ against donald trump with the full help of the media and that did not go unnoticed by donald trump supporters. i traveled around to various battleground states and talk to them and they hated the media because they felt that they had
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been used, it's not just about donald trump, it's about getting at those 75 million people, the deplorables who are so loathed, you just explained so well why they are. they are now disenfranchised once donald trump goes. the idea that these people who are now cutting off donald trump from his twitter account and deciding that they are going to completely discredit his entire reign to trash his legacy and to go after everybody who may have supported him, that is not going to help, that is going to exacerbate and accelerate to the forces that already were there before donald trump came to power and are still there. not satiated, not happy, and furious. you saw that break out yesterday. it was wrong what happened but it's a symptom of something going on behind-the-scenes that is very dangerous. >> tucker: if you hate
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populism, then try to alleviate the suffering that causes it. i can't get over the reaction to the woman who was shot by the police and the capital, she was going through a window -- i'm not even taking a position on it other than to say how sad, how sad that someone died. i haven't heard anybody say that, she got whatever, she deserved it or her death is used as a way to attack trump, i'm not defending trump, i hated what happened yesterday and i said it, but we can't have compassion for her? what is this? >> it's obscene, it's like some humans have humanity and others if they are on the wrong ideological side don't. you have kristen gillibrand this afternoon saying who cares about that woman, effectively -- she was a terrorist, she was told not to come in, that wasn't true. if you've seen the footage of how she died, it's tragic that happened. she was unarmed and we've seen
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cases where there had been riots about armed men shot by police who didn't die, how come this woman is different? >> tucker: because she's from the wrong social class, that's exactly what this is about, they hate the proles, it's amazing. thank you for that analysis. >> thanks a lot, tucker. >> tucker: we've watched for six months as our leaders, big business in particular has literally bailed violent criminals out of jail to go commit more crimes, defendant anarchists but those very same people want you to know what we've been saying all along -- rioting is bad. some people are still exempt, we'll tell you who gets a free pass, next. ♪
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capital. although he returned to his office he eventually collapsed. he died later at the hospital. now the fifth person to have died in the rioting, just a repeat for you, capitol hill police reporting they lost an officer as a result of injury he sustained in wednesday's rioting at the u.s. capitol. i marianne rafferty in los angeles, we now return to "tucker carlson." last year when blm was torching places like minneapolis, they were positively romantic, the language of the unheard. >> civil rights revolutionary martin luther king jr. in the final analysis, a riot is the language of the unheard and what is it america has failed to hear, over 50 years later, what is america still not hearing? >> riots are the language of the unheard to. >> martin luther king said it best, a riot is the language of the unheard to. >> dr. king said a riot is a
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language of the unheard and the implication is if we listen to better to and actually treated folks the way they deserved, we wouldn't be in these situations in the first place. >> tucker: the rest of us sat by and by the rest of us we mean -- i don't know, the american business community that has now found its moral voice as of yesterday -- every elected leader and america sat by and let people say that on television justifying violence, the murder of a lot of people and it was totally normal, totally fine. point made. the point today is that all of a sudden, this is not the language of the unheard, these are people who are unheard for a good reason, they should just shut up and go to prison or be shot to death -- what to make of all of this? matt walsh has thought a lot about this question, we are always happy to have him on the show, thanks for coming on. put a finer point on this that
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i'm capable of doing, what are we looking at? >> this is why i have no patience for the what about charge because when you bring up this point about how the media, the democrats have been explicitly encouraging and romanticizing violent protests, it's always what about his him, they are basically telling us we have to take this event that happened yesterday, look at it, pretended happened in a void and that is mysteriously disconnected from everything that happened before it and that is just completely ridiculous, it happened in the context and environment where we are being told it's okay to do this, all those clips you just played. the people that did this riot, they heard the same thing. they heard this from the media, i think a lot of them said this is okay now, this is an effective way to get our point across, if we will get what we want doing this, why should we do it? all the arguments from the left,
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that was totally different -- in this case they are attacking a government building whereas before they were just burning down private businesses. that's not true, they were taking over police stations and burning them to the ground and second of all, is it really better to burn down your neighborhood convenience store, is that better than swarming capitol hill? i think they are equally as barbaric in my mind. >> tucker: it's all awful but what is so terrifying is they were able to leverage the fentanyl o.d. of a cayenne minneapolis over memorial day in the changing america completely. your kids schools are different, your kid may not get a job because of that, everything is different, why will they not leverage what happened yesterday to change american life still more to your disadvantage? i'm serious. >> they will come of that is part of the point, this is something people on the right need to understand. we shouldn't be participating in
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riots because they are destructive and stupid, if you want to make all the bad things a lot worse, a riot is a great way to do it but only if you're on the right to because the left owns the system. we don't have the same rules because we don't own the system the way the left does. >> tucker: i don't think we can put up with the elimination of civil rights, i hope you will come back on. right now, serious people are upset about what happened yesterday in washington. they want to figure out exactly what happened and they want to know why it happened but none of the people who should be asking are asking, instead taking the opportunity to mock the people who are there because they are from the wrong social class. as events unfolded yesterday, one cnn anchor made it explicit, trump supporter's are bad to because they eat at lowbrow restaurants. >> look at them, they are high-fiving each other for this deplorable display of completely unpatriotic, completely against
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law and order, completely unconstitutional behavior. it's stunning and they are going to go back to the olive garden in the holiday inn that they are staying at in the garden marriott and they're going to have some drinks and talking about the great day they had in washington and they really did something to stand up for something and they stood up for nothing other than mayhem. >> tucker: that is class war by another name and never has it been more clear than in that clip. how much do you appreciate the lecture on patriotism from cnn, did you appreciate that? i hope so. there are two standards, one that applies to you and the other that up applies to pink haired antifa riders. trump supporter's are insurrectionist, they should be hunted down. today, cnn unveiled a soviet style enemies list to make it easier to find trump supporter's and destroy them.
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>> next, we will roll the tape and all of the presidents enablers who were all helped to fuel the deadly insurrection of the u.s. capital. >> tucker: that is a jeff zucker order if there ever was one. we don't have the tape, call in the morning. we bent you money somewhere along the date of command, jeff zucker said it's a deadly insurrection, that's what we're calling. they understand how to use language, not simply to describe what is happening, they use it to political ends. the insurrection at the u.s. capital wasn't insurrection, it was a political protest that got completely out of control as we said before because the president recklessly encouraged it and that is wrong. it wasn't an insurrection, stop with the lying. if in 2018, writers occupied the senate office buildings for the brett kavanaugh hearings, we were against it at the time it against that yesterday, it wasn't an insurrection, here is the scene outside the supreme court that day. [chanting "shut it down"]
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>> tucker: steve krakauer is the editor of the podcast, i want to welcome cnn to the fraternity of people who are against valid political protest, we've been here a long time. on the other hand and this is sincere, i feel like they are encouraging an authoritarian crackdown on people who disagree with their politics, and enemies list? what is this, this is making me nervous and i mean it. >> it's sort of alarming. that anderson cooper clip is a great case study on how to cede the moral high ground. before that, he said these writers who were criminal should be shamed and i agree with that. then he continues on and the veil drops.
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it used to be this thing we don't really talk about, this disdain for donald trump and his supporters, and those who voted for him. the olive garden in the holiday inn, it's so gross and it's so self-defeating. you look at anderson cooper of five years ago and he was interviewing donald trump in a way that if you look at it now it would be viewed as normalizing donald trump as part of state tv because he was daring to have a conversation with him. look at how far the pendulum has swung in just a few years, now we get this -- anderson cooper he used to go to war zones and natural disasters to report and now he's doing this to mocking the supporters. it opens people's eyes, something really serious and horrible happened yesterday and it's not enough to cover the
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minority of people at a peaceful protest, hundreds of thousands of people, they were ignored. the couple hundred that were doing criminal acts they were covered -- fine, i get it. but to go to this extreme and as you point out, it makes it more glaringly transparent when this same sort of thing, this mostly peaceful protest that is exactly what we had yesterday but when it was a social justice protest, it was only the people and not the writing including an arson that was covered. >> tucker: what is interesting is no one ever asks the obvious questions like why would people vote for donald trump for president, why are they so emotionally attached to him? why would they do that? maybe those are signs that something is not going right in american society and maybe are implicated in it. at the same people who lecture about structural racism never stand back and say their economic structures that are
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hurting people to the extent that they are this frustrated, this anyone ever asked that question? >> 74 million people in this country voted for donald trump, how many people at cnn know someone who voted for donald trump, cared to find out? you don't talk about people the way anderson cooper did in that clip if you know people who actually supported donald trump. it's a complete lack of nuance, it's a complete lack of interest or curiosity and its total dishonesty there. i would also just say the olive garden is delicious and i think that should be known and there's nothing wrong with people who go to the olive garden. >> tucker: my producer just said we got it for the whole staff today. i'm pro olive garden. great to see you. among the many still outstanding questions from yesterday, why was there so little security at the capitol building, how do people just break the windows?
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>> tucker: we are learning tonight that a capitol hill police officer is in top shape following everything that happened, the capitol police issued a statement clarifying contrary too many news reports that officer is not dead. accounts say it four other people died, three of those deaths are attribute it to medical emergencies, all deaths seem like medical emergencies, hopefully we will find the details on that period of one woman was shot by capital police inside the building, all of this happened yesterday at the nation's capital, the kind of thing you didn't think could happen there, so how did it happen? the authorities don't have an
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answer yet, the police chief of washington, d.c., suggested officers were taken completely by surprise. >> was there any intelligence that suggested there would be an attempted breach of the u.s. capital? >> there was no intelligence that suggested there would be a breach of the u.s. capital. >> tucker: there's clearly no intelligence, that's pretty obvious. we are not experts but in contrast to the d.c. police, we do know how to use search engines. thousands of people were openly planning on storming the capital, they were doing it all week, they could've found it if they tried. in one case the guy posted a map of the capital complex. "around the enemy" post said. the capitol hill police refused help from the pentagon and the fbi. we don't know what this adds up to, we really don't but we would like to find out. danny colton is a former assistant director of the fbi, thanks much for coming on. what does this mean? it's weird.
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>> i didn't have any intelligence and i knew it was going to happen, all you have to do is have common sense and absent that, you have to get ready and when you are a security person or run a security operation which this is, you want if yourself to death, you look at your assets, your capabilities, your structure and you ask yourself what you have somebody come in and say you got a big problem here and they had clearly no contingency plan. they were understaffed and they ignored all the signs. >> tucker: it's the u.s. capital, the most politically intense time in my lifetime, certainly in over 50 years. why wouldn't you be prepared for this? they knew it was a major rally and they thought the election was going from their candidate.
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>> i've been in the security business, i've secured heads of state and i don't understand what they were doing, why weren't they preparing? did they not talk about it? clearly you can tell from the actions of the officers there from the film that we saw from a didn't know what to do, they didn't know what their red lines were, the rules of engagement were, they didn't know what point they can allow people in and stop them someplace else, they weren't ready, they just didn't prepare, they could have prepared -- let's say this. the officers individually acted heroically, the member not one member of congress was injured, not because of planning or preparation but because of the courage of the people there who were protecting them. >> tucker: it was grotesque to see joe biden today accuse them of racism which he did -- if this had been black protesters -- these people protected him his entire adult life and he's accusing them of racism, how do you think they feel about that?
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>> i think they are devastated, they were in fear for their lives, there's no doubt. >> tucker: how many more people that he want them to shoot? great to see you. democrats are hyperventilating about a coup, it's not enough to say this was bad, it has to be pearl harbor again, why are they saying that? obviously so they could get more power, but when people are terrified they generally trust their leaders and obey. the mayor of washington, d.c., who has done a really bad job of running the city does understand that principle, that's why she think the violence of the capitol building means washing to be should become. don't think about it says muriel bowser, just give her more power. >> first, we must get statehood on the president's desk within the first 100 days of the 117th congress. congress must immediately transfer command of the district of columbia national guard from the president of united states
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and put it squarely under the command and control of the mayor of the district of columbia. >> tucker: never let a crisis go to waste. tom cotton is a senator from the state of arkansas, we are happy to have them on tonight. two part question, can this be the pretext of the unconstitutional act of adding the worst one city in america to the flag? and can you stop it? >> good to be on with you, happy new year. yesterday should not be the pretext for d.c. statehood because d.c. should not be a state, it was designed to be a federal city by our founding fathers, it would be an unconstitutional act but i wouldn't put it past the democrats to try to do it. the circumstances are unclear about where and how the national guard was mobilized. it was muriel bowser who thought the national guard should not have weapons, they would have to go back to their barracks if
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they wanted to get weapons to help stop the mob violence yesterday. can they do it? it would require ending the filibuster, they would have to buy brute force all 50 democratic senators along with kamala harris vote to overturn the filibuster. joe manchin has said he won't do that, not just because of d.c. statehood, it would then put them on the spot for terrible things like the green new deal which was devastate his state's economy were packing the supreme court or anything else on the far left of the democratic agenda which is a reminder that they have a radical agenda but they actually have historically small margins. 50/50 in the senate and nancy pelosi has the smallest margin in the house in decades. >> tucker: if you are putting your hopes in joe manchin, you've reached a pretty desperate place, no offense to joe manchin but seriously, he should not be in control of america. do you think now, it may be some of the strategists at the white house who should be paying more attention to those senate races in georgia rather than trying to relitigate the results in pennsylvania.
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this has real consequences for the rest of us who have to stay here. >> the georgia races were consequential, that's why a campaign to so much, it would be much better to have a republican majority and not have to worry any democratic senator to resist the far left of their party, this is the world we live in, it will be a 50/50 senate and joe biden will be president in 13 days. republicans have to have a plan and show that democratic senators just how unpopular that agenda is. >> tucker: i spent 35 years in d.c., if you need somebody to testify how the city is run, just call me. thank you. 75-year-olds you think would be at the front of the line for the coronavirus vaccine -- imagine a state in which you could be fined a million dollars for giving a 75-year-old the coronavirus vaccine. that's real and we'll tell you where it's happening, we'll talk to you about where it's happening next.
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the vaccine, it would be new york, obviously. here's the amazing thing, right now new york ranks 28th and vaccine distribution. there's a reason for that. phil boyle is a new york state senator, he joins us to assess what is going on in new york. why is new york what you think would be number one, 28? >> i think governor cuomo was thinking about other things. if you think about the chronology last march and april, we had a huge surge of covid in new york state and then the numbers went down in july and august but we only the vaccines were coming. that's when the governor should have focused on finding distribution sites, creating a real plan for getting these vaccines out. if you think about that, what was he doing? creating a poster, writing a book, he was arguing on another network with his brother about who their mother likes more?
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he was not focused on distribution centers. >> tucker: you would think and this would be true in every state, people over 70 would be first in line. the older people, the more priority they would be given, that is not the case in new york -- why? >> the governor is focusing on health care workers, frontline health care workers -- however, they should be focused on the most senior among us, i have constituents of mine over 75, over 65 and they are watching on tv seeing people in florida driving up, getting the vaccination and their arm and driving away and they're asking me how can i go down to florida to get the vaccine? these life-saving vaccines -- that is scary and sad. >> tucker: some people have driven to florida, driven from new york or new jersey to the state of florida, they will probably just stay like so many thousands of others. appreciate you coming on tonight. so much has happened in the past 24 hours, you are probably
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>> tucker: so the first casualty of a moment like this is clarity. so many things happen at once that people take advantage of that out. it is hard to know exactly what is going on. so as we have so many times in the past we are joined by a man who explains the big picture better than ever victor david hanson. we are glad to have you on tonight. victor, what do you make of this? >> while this is going on this melodrama is tragedy, joe biden will be present in two weeks and we don't know whate he is going to do. we are locked in the existential struggle with china. what we hear he has disapproved
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of the trump policy towards china. what does that mean? does that mean we will go back to managing decline and overlook china's egregious behavior? we had a break through in the middle east and the palestine to a central discussion with a disagreement. will we go back to the iran deal or tell the arab countries please don't recognize israel.ah is that what we going to do? will we tell the european allies and go and say please, please --y your 2% of your required contributions to the alliance? is that what we are going to do? i don't know what we are going to do. but trump today and yesterday, he gave a blueprint for a better world and biden would be wise to follow it. i don't know if he can, but will we go back to a republican party -- i don't want to t be wh
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a party that says we have to cut more capital gains and privatize social security. is that really going to win a post front republican party? i don't think so. are we going to need more regulation again? we have to get back to regulating in the economy and stop fracking on lands. green deal, is that what we are going to do? we are all angry right now, but there is a lot of existential questions admin answers. and an artifact where joe biden didn't campaign and didn't articulate a vision. there was a cynicism he was compromised by the left-wing of his party and it cost him a bargain. and all of that will be unveiled, tucker, but a campus we have not seen since 1932. he will have the senate. he will have the house, he will have the presidency,y, and as yu pointed out, he has one vote away from ending the senate filibuster.
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in the entire thing we cannot imagine if that should happen to court packing to the state. it is going to be a wild ride. i think people had better tighten w up because we will see things we haven't seen in a long time. >> tucker: however you feel about the last election and allegations, shouldn't the rest of us present to some extent the fact that no one is talking about this stuff? if you have to live in thistr country, shouldn't you be fully aware of what is about to happen and you are a stake in that? the people that should be directing the conversation are ignoring it like they don't care, but i care. >> i don't really care whether some ambassador to northern ireland or the envoy wants to resign in the last 12 days to virtual signature of displeasure of someone he used to work for it.e not when we owe $2,028,000,000,000,000 and the stimulus if we getn, into a big
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depression, we are zero interest in $4 trillion deficit so what do you do next to stimulate the economy? so here in california, we are facing existential grout if we face this. we can't get anybody vaccinated appear at los angeles and san francisco under the control of two county sheriff's with complete disarray, lawlessness undergo scone. so the state is in crisis and we have a governor who is not talking about it. the fifth largest economy in the world. so there are other issues besides which particular cabinet officer decides in the last 13 days of his tenure that he is morally superior enough so that he has to depart and virtue signal that reality. >> tucker: that holds -- people who mistake sanctimony for wisdom, i'm a little tired of those. victor davis hanson, glad to see you. >> thank you.
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>> tucker: a lot going on. we will be back tomorrow the show that is the sworn enemy night 8:00 p.m. of lying, pomposity, smugness and group think. sean hannity right now. >> sean: scary scenario, great segments -- thanks. welcome to hannity. president trump is calling for calm, peace, law and order, here are his remarks in full, take a look. here are his remarks in the fold. a look. >> i would like to begin by addressing the heinous attack on the united states capital. like all americans, i am outraged by the violence, lawlessness, and mayhem. i immediately deployed the national guard and federal law enforcement to secure the building and expel the intruders. america is and must always be a nation of law and order. two demonstrators who infiltrated the capital, have defiled the seat of american democracy, to those who
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