tv The Five FOX News January 8, 2021 2:00pm-3:00pm PST
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people and therefore your two-thirds margin is less. >> neil: chad pergram, thank you. we'll be pursuing senator murkowski to see if she wants to join us tomorrow. we look at this and others trying to push the president out a little early. two weeks early. ♪ >> jesse: hello, everybody. i am jesse watters with juan williams, dana perino, greg gutfeld and katie pavlich. it's 5:00 in new york city and this is "the five." president-elect joe biden tearing into president trump as democrats march toward a second impeachment. nancy pelosi and her party have been demanding bp mike pence invoke the 20 kept amendment to remove chrome from office after the chaos at the capitol. if that doesn't happen, they are going to impeach drum for a
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second time. house democrats are drafting articles and they could introduce them as early as monday. joe biden going after president trump and says he won't stand in congresses way if they tried to throw crump out of office. watch >> with the congress decides to do is for them to decide. what this president has done is rip the band-aid all the way off. left the country know who he is. and what he's about. and how thoroughly unfit for office he is. he's one of the most incompetent presidents in the history of the united states of america. and so the idea that i think he shouldn't be out of office yesterday is not the issue. he indicated he wasn't going to show up at the inauguration. one of the few things he and i have ever agreed on. he has been an embarrassment to the country, embarrassed us around the world, not worthy, not worthy to hold that office.
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if we were six months out, we should be moving everything to get him out of office, impeaching him again. trying to invoke the 25th amendment, whatever it took to get him out of office. i am focused now on us taking control as president and vice president on the 20th. >> jesse: the white house responding with a new statement. "as president trump said yesterday, this is a time for healing and unity as one nation. a politically motivated impeachment against a president with 12 days remaining in his term will only serve to further divide our great country." greg, joe biden is the leader of the democratic party and president-elect. can't he just tell congress to knock it off. why divide the country even more? >> greg: so far as the captain
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uniter, he's doing a terrible job. already he says the cops are racist because they were soft on white protesters. i wondered, did he feel it may be they should kill another protester? one wasn't enough? his logic was idiotic. we saw, he said if they were black lives matter protesters they would have been treated differently. we saw the riots part of those demonstration we saw how rioters and looters were treated with our own eyes. so i don't know. we have never seen this kind of thing before in our history i believe because i don't think we've ever seen this kind of conflict where this kind of president, and outside and it is completely despised by the political establishment. by the way, it's a system, not a bug. we know that. we know what he is. but he isn't incompetent. he's inflammatory. we've got to get ready for the next game and that is the
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domestic war on terror. we have democratic politicians claiming that the single greatest national security threat is domestic terror, and they are going to be using wednesday is there reasoning and their fuel, not portland, not antifa, not the riots over the summer but this particular event and they are going to use it as a crusade to go after, i believe, people whose opinions will not match theirs. that's the thing. as congressperson slotkin said the post 9/11 era is over saying it's no longer about international terror about domestic terror. look out for that. >> jesse: they are teeing it up for a political crackdown. dana, is this how it's going to be now? joe is going to say congress can do what they want and they are going to run the show. i would expect someone like joe biden who considers himself a statesman to rise above this
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pettiness at. and impeachment with 12 days left? and say guys, let's move on. at least that's what i expected joe biden to say. >> dana: well, he said a lot of those things up until -- i think wednesday changed a lot of opinions and minds. it was so catastrophic that may be it's to think about healing at the moment. i am for it. i would love that. i would like for everybody to get along. i remember barbara bush used for say that the best way for a marriage to work is for both parties to be willing to go 65% of the way. that's not where we are right now in reality. we can hope for it. we can do that in our own lives, right? but when it comes to this, i think it would be worse if joe biden was telling congress and urging them to do this. i think nancy pelosi and chuck schumer feel like they have got a role to play here and
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they want consequences and punishments for what happened on wednesday. one thing i was surprised about an joe biden speech today, in addition to saying that he is glad that the president is not coming to his inauguration, i can understand that's fine. but he keeps referring back to the obama-biden administration. as if he has the same kind of mandate that barack obama had which he doesn't. barack obama had 60 democrats in the senate. joe biden has 50. he does not have the rhetorical gift, even in his prime, that barack obama has. and he is talking about an agenda that is just not going to be possible with a 50/50 split. i thought there were several discordant things in that speech today, including that. >> jesse: katie, it's not like the republican party, and elected republican office are defending anything that happened on wednesday.
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there has been universal condemnation across the board. for joe biden i nancy pelosi to try to drive a stake through the heart of president trump and all of his supporters which will be meaningless, it will only further inflame the country, it just doesn't seem like a responsible act. do you agree with that? >> katie: i do agree with that. i think it's obvious that joe biden wasn't actually being honest with the american people when he said he wanted to be a unifier. i think people would take the democrats impeachment efforts more seriously if they hadn't been trying to impeach him and remove him from office since the day he won the election in 2016. president trump was a duly elected president for four years. we had an election in november that joe biden won. there are 12 days to go. the left never seems to learn the lesson a comes to how we got trump in the first place which makes me think that that they are doing it on purpose to stoke
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incivility between the right and the left. they are turning him into a martyr on his way out and it's not going to make the situation better. nancy pelosi wants to keep them from running in 2024. it's obvious to me that he is still a threat to their political process and ambitions in washington. if the left really wanted to make trump go away, they would be just going to the next 12 days not talking about him and trying to move forward with preventing what happened at the capitol on wednesday. >> jesse: they are out for blood and they are trying to embarrass him that there's no way that they can get two-thirds in the senate anyway. what are they going to talk about when he's gone? the hate has to flow somewhere. juan, give me a "yes" or "no." do you think, juan williams, impeaching president trump next week is good for the country or bad for the country?
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>> juan: oh, it's good for the country, jesse. i think the timing is the problem. i think you said at the start we have about 12 days left before the inauguration of joe biden and something so consequential being rushed is the issue. i don't think there's any question that as far as the founding fathers were concerned, the idea of high crimes and misdemeanors is definitely met by inciting a mob to go attack the capitol of the united states and stop a constitutional process certification of an election. i don't think there's any doubt that's what the founding fathers had in mind, and what he did was so outrageous. to me, there has to be consequences. you can't just say well, we will forget about it. let's normalize it. what's the big deal? it's not to talk about what joe biden said or what joe biden promised in terms of healing.
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we have got to talk about how somebody in the chief executive of the country, the president who would do such a reprehensible act as insight a mob to attack other politicians. even to condemn his own vice president as lacking courage. it's just unfathomable. it's unbelievable. if people say that has to be consequences, i fully understand it. you might even say that's part of the healing process. we do understand that when people do something that leads to the death of a capitol hill policeman, when you have his own cabinet fleeing, members of the white house staff running out the door, it's not because of joe biden making some comment. it's because of the action of donald trump. here's the issue. >> greg: jesse, let me say impeachment is meaningless when you have been pushing it for five years. you are pushing for impeachment
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before he was elected. you have been crying wolf so much, it really doesn't matter. it's not about rick healing. it's the vindictiveness. imagine republicans resigning and it's a good point to bring up virtue signaling. these republicans calling for impeachment or resigning, no one is going to change their minds about you. if they already hate you, it's too late, adam kinzinger or mitt romney, it's too late for you guys to make new friends. okay? it's over. >> jesse: before we go, i would like to say i don't think anyone can make a strong case for incitement. no one knows that trump wanted people to go because violence to other members of congress. you can't prove that. no one can prove that. that is a reckless charge. if you were to go down that road where you can start saying someone's words, a politician's words or member of the media's words are responsible for a
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in washington, progressives are demanding the president-elect go big. biden signaling he's ready to work with far less leaders by going out of his way to praise bernie sanders today. >> we agreed that we will work closely on our shared agenda increasing worker power and to protect the dignity of work for all working people. i want to thank, bernie, for his continued friendship and leadership and i will forward o working together. >> dana: progressives starting to step up their demands. washington, d.c., mayor muriel bowser calling for statehood for her city. >> we must get statehood on the president's desk within the first 100 days of the 117th congress. >> dana: katie, the first words out of the mayor's mouth today weren't about the situation at the capital from wednesday nor about the vaccine distribution problems that they
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are having in washington, d.c., but to demand that joe biden try to push through d.c. statehood as a first act. day one. i've never known anybody to be able to get this much stuff on day one. >> katie: day one is a very long day. presidential candidates are always saying that they are going to get a whole list of things that you can't get done in four years done on day one. but the d.c. mayor's demand for statehood, that's her priority when washington, d.c., has a murder rate that we haven't seen since 2,004. pretty violent place. joe biden does not have a mandate here. the senate will be split 50/50. the house majority for nancy pelosi is as slim as it's been in decades. this idea that democrats can run roughshod and implement all these far left progressive policies without any kind of pushback or questioning, i think they are saying these things because they have to and she is representing obviously as the
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mayor of washington, d.c., so she's trying to get her interests up on the board of hopes of maybe getting something but statehood takes a constitutional amendment. when you have margins that close in the house and the senate, it's just not going to happen. >> dana: jesse, one way to unite republicans is to look at what democrats are going to try to do with this agenda. >> jesse: [laughs] i know. to be fair, dana, as i said in my new year's resolution that i would be fair to joe biden, so some of the agenda i can get behind. if he really believes in made in america like he put on his little website, i can get behind that. infrastructure, but it's not just a boondoggle, i can get behind that. we need to widen the long island expressway. the traffic is unbelievably bad. i would hope that he would lock in trump's gains in the middle east and have a navy keep building up our warships. but the rest of the agenda is straight trash. a couple days ago after georgia,
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i woke up and realize my taxes were going up. maybe that's why i've been bitter all week. then you look at this green new deal spending. they are going to put thousands of little electric car charging stations all over the country. what donor is going to get that payoff? they are going to sit by. no one is going to charge their car. a tesla cost 100 grand. what is he doing? he wants to take a battle asked the border wall? the border patrol just said border crossings are down 100% where the wall went up. if he touches one break on that wall, i will go down and chain myself to it. nonviolent resistance. [laughter] >> dana: we will send cameras with you. juan. because he doesn't have big margins in the senate, democrats are going to have to take a tote vote at a reasonable time. he will have to make them walk the plank. there's no letting joe manchin
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not vote for this because he's got a tough race coming up. i don't know if he does but do know what i mean? it's not going to be that easy to get the democrats to unite behind these things. joe manchin said he's not for $2,000 checks going out for coronavirus aid. >> juan: right, i don't think it's the case that joe biden or the democrats are somehow not going to be emboldened by the left it take radical steps. i think they feel empowered by the fact that they won the white house, they won the house and they kept control of the house and they won the senate. somehow it's been such a tremendous, tumultuous week. you can forget the democrats won two races in georgia this week. i think they feel, you know what, we are empowered to make some decisions and go forward in a way that we might not have been before. to your point, joe biden is no radical leftist. what you heard today from the
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presidenpresident-elect is he cs about them working man and woman in the country. he cares about the minimum wage, creating jobs, doing a better job of dealing with high rates of unemployment, most linked to the coronavirus. he cares about small business and making sure that small business has real ability to go get government aid and in a realistic way without having high-flying lawyers or accountants to make it happen. he thinks government should be helping those small businesses. he thinks we should do a better job getting out the covid vaccine. to me it's a great agenda. i am all for it. i don't see that it's anything radical. >> dana: today when i was listening to joe biden talk about issues including the minimum wage, he was using some of these arguments but i remember from the obama years you dismantling. i have to say i was kind of looking forward to those debates again. >> greg: it's not about joe being a radical. it's about joe being under the
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thumb of radicalism. right? he may not be a hard left-winger but we saw what he said yesterday and it was pure woke-ism. pure racial divisive rhetoric when he accused those cups of being racist, it didn't sound like the old joe biden to me. talk about transformative change. he knows where his bread is buttered and it sputtered for the squad. i was going to say by the squad but that would make sense. here's one potential thing. it's easy to say defund the police until it's your responsibility when the crime is soaring. right now the crime is soaring. we saw the numbers. it's bad. now you're in charge of those are your numbers. you own the numbers. it's easy to sit in the stands and heckle but once you're up at the plate it's a different scenario. you own these problems. my theory is, i have a theory
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called the rpp. rand paul power. rand paul drove the republicans crazy because you never knew which way he was going to go. that is going to be tulsi gabbard for the democrats, right? it's not kamala harris that holds all the marbles. it's going to be tulsi gabbard because tulsi gabbard is there rand paul. she is there wild card. you know what? that makes me really happy. it actually makes me happy all over. >> dana: i don't think she's in congress anymore. >> greg: is she not? then i change everything i say. i change everything i say. let me change it to joe manchin. >> dana: it was a good point. steve arce, it's my last day here. >> dana: democrats in the media getting called out for seeking two different approaches when it comes to stabbing violence. -- stabbing violence
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>> katie: the double standard in america being exposed with even more damning evidence. democrats and the media rightfully denounced violence at the capitol but it was a completely different story when i came to the rioting and looting this summer. >> that ain't a riot what we are seeing in minneapolis. what we are seeing is frustration. >> do not get it twisted and think this is some thing that has never happened before and it's so terrible. >> the commissioner of the city council, not a mob in the middle of the night throwing it in the harbor. >> people do what they do. >> shall be where it says protist is supposed to be polite and peaceful. >> it's not going to let up and they should not. >> most of the protests, it is
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not generally speaking unruly. fires have been started. >> katie: video of democrats encouraging their supporters to confront republicans is now getting a lot of attention. >> if you see anybody from that cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, and you tell them they are not welcome. >> please get up in the face of some congresspeople. >> you cannot be civil with a political party that wants to destroy what you stand for, what you care about. >> when they go low, we kick them. >> you how to be ready to take a punch and throw a punch. >> katie: all right, greg. the double standard is obvious and there's been a lot of gaslighting this week but i don't think the left will ever accept it and they are trying to completely bury everything they have said and justify it by acting like the cops on
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wednesday didn't treat black lives matter or nt for the same way as they treated rioters at the capitol on wednesday when they actually did. >> greg: saying something, an entity like fox and cnn come is that people that work at fox, like commentary and like me or jesse or dana, whatever, we can be sympathetic to a cause without sacrificing our moral high ground very you must completely reject the actions that occurred on wednesday for two reasons. one, they were despicable but also if you excuse them, it means you must excuse the violent mobs that you aren't sympathetic too. that's why we find something wrong with, so much wrong with cnn. we are saying you know how cnn is covering what happened on wednesday? a really, really seriously. i really wish they would have done that during the summer. i really wish msnbc would have done that in the summer. i wish "the washington post" and "the new york times" to what we saw as outrageous and disgusting
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and violent seriously. we have to remind ourselves of the political blackmail that was going on, would that we were told over and over again that if trump wins, civil unrest will occur in the street. by the way, civil unrest did occur in the streets when he won in 2016 and you know that it wasn't going to get any better. he was going to get worse because you piled on four years of demonization and media incitement. we boarded up the cities of america in case trump won. not encase trump lost. what does that tell you? >> katie: dana. >> dana: i was just thinking about the night of the rnc convention of the very end. the president had his event on the south lawn. several people getting harassed and even attacked. rand paul being one of them, and his wife, on their way out. lindsey graham getting attacked
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today. this time from people who used to like what he had to say. this behavior of attacking people for what they say is bad. when you talk about this double standard, something occurred to me. i think it might be kind of instructive and useful and maybe it will never happen but in my fantasy. imagine getting pelosi and maxine watters and others and those on the right all of the same room to watch a montage like that and then they could do their own montage. what they think their grievances are and the things people on the right has said. if everybody listen to the rhetoric and to themselves with each other. i feel i need to try to help everybody move past it in some way. people are getting hurt. violence is not speech. violence is violence. speech should be protected but it also has an impact and we have to think about that. >> katie: congressional therapy with dana coming to a television near you.
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juan, do you like dana's idea? she is solving all the world's problems. >> juan: yeah, i think dana is definitely kumbaya. that's the spirit we need in the country right now. we need some way to find some common ground. we were joking about dana, kumbaya, but it's a serious effort and i would applaud it. i will say i want to be very clear about this double standard that everybody is calling out and say that when there was violence over the summer, not only did i condemn it when there were incidents like that. i think democratic leaders, including joe biden, condemned it. they also and i think that's what you saw on the montage said they wanted to encourage protest against police brutality of the kind that led to george floyd staff. so to me it's a clear emphasis on the legitimate protest which was overwhelmingly peaceful. so that's the big difference.
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i just wanted to be very clear. i think that right now when they talk about double standards, i think it's a distraction. this whole conversation is a trap. the reality is that we have to talk about this week as a horrific moment in american history. and not move away from that by trying to focus on something that happened last summer. this is like a big look here, don't pay attention. >> greg: it was three months ago. you can't dismiss it. you can't dismiss it. >> katie: jesse, democrats on the left were so condemning of the violence on the left last summer, the most expensive riots in american history that they gave black lives matter a plaza and said that antifa is an idea that doesn't exist. it's a myth. there wasn't condemnation. democrats put it in their platform and ignored a. >> jesse: it took all summer
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for joe and kamala to condemn it. and they blamed trump through the violence when the antifa crowd was laying siege to a federal courthouse, throwing bottles of urine and explosive devices and setting fire to it. they blamed trump. don't give me that, juan. juan, imagine if i said on wednesday the storming of the capitol was just frustration and that somewhat sometimes people do what they do and who says that these protests have to be peaceful. fox would fire me. they would of course be forced to rehire me after the outpouring of support from the viewers. but you get my point. it's just not fair. here's the point and i will leave you with this. >> katie: we've got to go. >> jesse: for democrats. fine. i had a brilliant point. >> katie: go ahead. >> greg: katie, you're tough. >> katie: it's not me! it's not me.
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cancel culture strikes again. senator josh hawley slamming a major publisher pulling the plug on his book after the riot in the capitol. age is just a numbe. and mine's unlisted. try boost® high protein... -with 20 grams of protein for muscle health- -versus only 16 grams in ensure® high protein. and now enjoy boost® high protein in café mocha flavor. keeping your oysters busihas you swamped. you need to hire. i need indeed indeed you do. the moment you sponsor a job on indeed you get a shortlist of quality candidates from a resume data base claim your seventy-five-dollar credit when you post your first job at
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♪ >> juan: republican senator josh hawley is blaming cancel culture after getting dumped by his book publisher. simon & schuster ending a book deal that had -- it had with the senator, citing hawley's leading role in challenging the election results and links to the riot on capitol hill. dana, you have a book coming out. don't these publishing companies have the right as private
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enterprises to publish however they choose? >> dana: yes, please don't cancel. everything will be okay. it's like therapy for the nati nation. i am definitely not for canceling books, not for burning books. yes they have the right to do it and i think a lot of times this comes from within in terms of employee revolt type of thing that one of my favorite books from last year was called "american dirt," a novel written about a migration, illegal immigration from mexico into the united states of america. it got canceled because it wasn't written by somebody who was latino or hispanic enough for the woke crowd. guess what happen. that book ended up selling lots more copies and had a huge run on the best seller list because of all the controversy. so hawley might make out here in the end. >> juan: jesse, in fact hawley is a yale law school graduate,
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very familiar with the first amendment. he brings it up and says this is censorship. it's first amendment violation. that has nothing to do with a private company deciding they don't want to do business with him. >> jesse: well, simon & schuster just published a boatload of hannity books. so i don't know how woke simon & schuster all of a sudden is. they probably -- it's all about the money. they probably just didn't think hawley is going to sell that many copies and they figured why not just cut him down and take a small loss in exchange for some "attaboys" from the libs and publishers. but dana's right, it will help book sales for hawley. he will get publish them on merrill's and he can bill it is the book too dangerous to be published. what he was doing challenging the electors, democrats challenged electors the last
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three republican presidents that were elected. nancy pelosi challenged electors. whatever he was doing was perfectly constitutional. just representing his constituents who had concerns about unfairness in the electi election. >> juan: katie, more on cancel culture. michelle obama says she wants these social media companies to push harmful voices off of social platforms. what do you think? >> katie: of course she does because she's not a person who's open to tolerating different viewpoints having a better debate. she wants to shun them which is very dangerous for our democracy, as the left always says. for simon & schuster to get josh hawley off their publishing list, yeah, they are private company. they have the right to do it but it's really pathetic and juan, you talked about the first amendment being cited by josh hawley. without the first amendment, simon & schuster doesn't exist so this idea that they are now caving to a woke mob because
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there is someone who ironically is publishing a book about closecancel culture but not publishing this book is really pathetic and it goes against everything they claim to stand for and how they make their money. through the first amendment. >> juan: greg, you always educate me on social media and i'm thinking to myself a lot of these platforms kicked alec jones often people said it took you forever to get a conspiracy theorist saying horrible things off, so why not do it more quickly with people who are conspiracy theorists, qanon and all the rest? >> greg: who was going to decide what a conspiracy is? i don't trust -- because i've been on the conspiracy. what we are seeing here is we are seeing the cancellation of dangerous ideas so you can just happily say he is a conspiracy theorist. cancel him. get rid of him.
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these publishing people are cowards. a lot of these people are just plain cowards because they don't want to deal with the problem of upset employees. you saw the spotify employees get ticked off because of joe grogan and they demanded that they have some kind of editorial control. if you are the ceo, you fire those people. you are out. they need to grow some beams. that's the cleanest word i can think of. if you're going to cancel hawley, you have to cancel joe biden because he's been pushing the "fine people" hoax which brands people as racist. he has been calling trump supporters racist, deplorables and whatnot and that is putting people in danger as well. there are great things that happened out of the stuff. we are watching the whole podcast phenomenon take off. we are watching the explosive growth of joe grogan before our eyes. maybe self-publishing. this is the thing that pushes self-publishing up and there are
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companies that start up and they probably exist already but maybe that they will grow and it will make it easier for everybody to self publish their book and maybe the publishing companies, this is their time. they are going to screw themselves. no one is going to be sympathetic because they lost their nerve. they are supposed to defend dangerous ideas, juan. it's easy to publish the plus or dana's book because they are happy books. do you want a world full of happy books. no! you want dangerous books. all right, i'm sorry. katie is going to cut me off. >> juan: anyway, fan mail friday is up next right here on "the five." stay with us.
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>> jesse: i'm going to go best influence, my wife. it's a great answer and i want to kudos for answering the question. [laughter] >> greg: you stole my answer. >> jesse: i think the worst influence on my life is probably me. i can be a bad influence on myself and everybody knows it. >> greg: that's a good answer. what about you, juan? >> juan: i think my mom was clearly a really tremendous influence. some of the guys in the neighborhood who, you know, were betting money and drugs, i think they were bad influences. >> greg: you are referring to lou dobbs? [laughter] >> juan: no. >> greg: dana. >> dana: obviously jesus was the best influence on my life, greg. i'm surprised jesse and juan didn't come up with that one. i would see my grandfather, best influence.
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worst influence was a girl who lived across the hall from me in college. she was a terrible influence. i actually even wrote papers for her for $20. terrible. >> greg: that's a great influence. you are a capitalist. katie. >> katie: i would never expect dana to admit something like that. i would also say my husband is a wonderful influence on my life and the worst influence is my dog because he turns me to someone who doesn't want any rules for him in any place ever. he lowers my standards for discipline. >> greg: everybody said spouse so i can't say spouse. i was going to say my way my wife because she got me to eat better and behave better but i will say peloton for the past yr and the worst influence is the chinese food restaurant around the corner because it wasn't for them i wouldn't be eating place of ribs every day. all rights. "one more thing" is up next.
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♪ 's before it's time for one more thing. greg, go first. >> greg: tomorrow night, greg gutfeld so, brand-new. at brian kilmeade, kennedy, tyrus. kennedy is in for cat. great show. after that, i took that this was my last show but that's actually because i'm going to be away all week. i had a death in the family, my wife's father suddenly passed so i will be out at least all of next week. and that's it. >> very sorry to hear that in my best to your family. my show 8:00 saturday night, right before and we will be talking about and i'm not going
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to say anything else about one more thing because we don't have a lot of time left and i'm going to be a gracious host and let juan go next. >> one of baseball's great managers died last night a tommy lasorda. kirk gibson hit a famous home run out of the 1980 world series, and the feisty tommy lasorda was twice miniature of the year and he's in the hall of fame. of course being in los angeles he had a lot of famous for fans from ronald reagan to frank sinatra. rest in peace. you were a big hit. >> what a great guy. >> this is a yellow lab named brenda her and whenever he's upset or he feels like it's not getting enough attention company strikes a pose like the total frozen elsa. [laughter]
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there he is. and he won't move at all until you give him more attention. although he blinks. also happy birthday eve to lauren fritz, a friend of fox. >> r8, kd, payback. sorry, ran out of time. see you back here on monday. >> bret: good evening on bret baier. breaking tonight house speaker nancy pelosi says she will move forward with impeachment if president trump does not leave office immediately. she just released a statement to that effect. it is a hope of members at the president will immediately resign but if he does not i have instructed the rules committee to be prepared to move forward with congressman jamie raskin's 25th amendment legislation and a motion for impeachment. accordingly the house will preserve every option including the 25th amendment, i motion to impeach or privileged resolution for impeachment and that could start as soon as a few days from now. maybe even by monday. prior to that statement the
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