tv The Greg Gutfeld Show FOX News January 9, 2021 7:00pm-8:00pm PST
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with fox nation. it premiers this monday on fox nation. anyway thanks so much for watching. i'm jeanine pirro advocating for truth justice and the american way. don't forget i'm on cameo and i will be on local. greg: we should all be disgusted by bad behavior and to anyone watching that showed knows it when they see it. destruction violence bullying you know your heart is run. why you were horrified during the mostly peaceful riots in cities burned in businesses were torch and white you saw the ugliness in the capitol building you felt really gross. we believe in the rule of law. we aren't like them. we aren't the rioters and the looters the media identifies and excuses and we should never become that.
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we are the ports against that storm not the storm itself. sure you can be sympathetic to a cause but you can't sacrifice the high ground. you must condemn the mobbery up wednesday for two reasons. one, it's despicable and two excusing it means you should also excuse the rabble that you aren't sympathetic towards but you don't need me to tell you that. you know that which is why you don't need to listen to any of the tv hypocrites are you so don't take any moral lectures from anyone who uses the phrase mostly peaceful when describing riots. don't listen to anyone who says anti-fascism or blm was -- we heard a lot about the capitol is a sacred place but a guy who puts his life in the small businesses sacred to print about hypocrisy. here's how some of the media covered wednesday's ugliness. >> what would i do if black lives matter stopped 30,000
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people and nations capital and laid siege to power. >> nobody was ready. >> was it okay because they were white? >> i don't this would happen with black lives matter protesters. >> at these insurrectionists were black they would have been shot in the face. >> da capo was overrun by a violent mob. greg: somebody was actually shot to death. fine, so this is how the media should have covered the relentless mayhem in the summer but that would have put us all in the same page now. we can't pick and choose our thugs. today we have immediate describing this event is the worst thing ever as if they ravaging of the police departments the burning of private property and the targeting of cops by maniacs was just summer fun in the hot weather because those perps were on their political side hands the misguided coverage where the outrage only goes in one direction. i heard one pundit said many republicans are outraged over
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this behavior in the capitol. well yes that's because the republicans coming into how they are. they get outraged by bad behavior. republicans embrace order especially law and order. that's why they condemned it and do so now so pointing out the republicans are consistently mad about the stuff illustrates how the other side didn't and the cities that were in flames. >> i want to be clear and how i say this. this was a mostly protest. it is not generally unruly. greg: that never gets old. just to recapture mind you how the sanctimonious react when your country was imperiled a month ago did you remember how all of this was portrayed in the media? one of those mostly peaceful things? do you remember what nancy pelosi said? >> i'm not a big, let's see what we have in terms of monuments.
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greg: people do what they do. remember these two clowns discussing the spike in violence >> democratic cities are in chaos right now. just what you want from joe biden and they will take your country way and taking down the statues. >> crime is rising. oh my gosh is so bad in defunding police. greg: everything they mocked was legitimate but that and they did in mind and neither did their peers. when it all got out of hand. they call people mobs because they are exercising their constitutional rights is beyond the pale. >> show me where says protesters are supposed to be polite and peaceful because i can show you the outraged citizens are the ones who have made america what she is and led to any major milestone. whether you want to talk about antifa black lives matter or any of the groups that assembled that data fight against
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neo-nazis you make a moral equivalence between those two actions are making. >> in more than 93% of all demonstrations conducted by the black lives matter movement they have not engaged in destructive activity. >> the protest are fueling the violence. but that is a lazy assumption. greg: meanwhile you have leaders advocating for conversation. >> in a restaurant, and a department store and a gasoline station you get out and create a crowd and you push back on them. greg: if trump was reelected there would certainly be civil unrest. it was only used as a countering threat, right ted? >> the president does go ahead
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and fire rubber mall or we would have people take to the streets. i believe it would be widespread civil unrest because american understands the will rule of law is paramount. >> do you think there had be widespread civil unrest? >> i do. i think you let protests and marches and rallies and citizens. i believe americans would not stand for the firing of robert mueller. greg: the firing of robert mueller are okay but if it was unrest in the streets when trump one in 2016 do you think that would have been that escalated if trump was reelected after four years a media driven hysteria? no. the boarded up the country in case trump one, not the reverse. so spare me the cries of one about it. that's all history. to show you the mistakes of fools who prefer that you forget them. the left hates what about-ism because their path is rife with air so we know what happened wednesday was very wrong just like we also know many of
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today's outraged voices have dismissed mayhem month before. some even failed the marauders out of jail. no republican leader will be allowed to wednesday's violators out of the pokey and of course the media won't have the desire to be doing the responsible thing and wondered how this happened. they make good industry of division and anger. could they be complicit? the media as a civic institution as they claim shouldn't they behave like one? what if we didn't label half of america racist and what if we had push for more transparency. what if we were concerned about those suspicious of fraud seriously what it gotten this bad than thus far people reach the capitol? anyway i'm glad the media is finally outraged by mob action. join the club. i'm sure it's for the right reasons. >> let's welcome tonight's guest he can't faces problems because the problem is his face.
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"fox & friends" cohosts and bought post of the -- brian kilmeade. she's got a southern drawl the fox business network anchor dagen mcdowell three she puts on a master class of newscasters ask. the host of kennedy on "fox news" network and highways have smaller shoulders and had my massive site kissed -- sidekick and host of fox nation tyrus. >> i'm going with dagen first. you were subbing for maria. i don't get up at 6:00 a.m. so i'm -- do you have a show in the morning? not every day. i don't know who you are anymore.
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i'm i may just have been knowing what's inside your head now. >> yo yout -- no you don't. the condemnation from the right republicans from conservatives was swift and forceful over and over again. you heard find these people, rest them, this is wrong and if you cannot condemn violence in every instance to say that is wrong, don't do that this must stop if you can't do that which the left didn't do her best summer something inside of you is roe can. assuming there's something inside to actually break like a heart or a soul. deep down i think some of these people in the media are in their facts of sanctimony are a little lethal that this happened because now it makes them look okay that they called trump supporter's for years racists,
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bigots,, hayseeds, rednecks bitterly clinging to their guns and bibles. but chatterboxes won't be sweating through their makeup. it saves them from a little embarrassment because now they can go we were right. greg: it's interesting because it's like the chicken or the egg thing. the trump supporter's. the criticism for years of criticism creating a frustration and race but i won't go into that because i have other guests from is called fox and family? >> the big story is the radio show. greg: you are the real brian kilmeade on the radio show. the bottom line is we hold ourselves to the same standards that we hold others. i'm trying to hold the people that i'm sympathetic with which his trump supporter's and i don't know if this is representative of the bad apples but let me get your thoughts.
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>> a couple of things. originally the trump people were saying those aren't our guys. whether you like them or not they are your guys. they were an unsavory elements. it's not fair to say you deserve this. i would add to a dagen said authentic outrage and number two while you were talking and i read this on line lindsey graham was swarmed at the airport within hours. that along with ted wheeler two very different people spray-painting nancy pelosi's garage in mitch mcconnell's garage for this thing is so out of control individually and collectively if people aren't smart enough at the highest level to reign things then yesterday will be an afterthought whenever we aired the show and whenever you see the show is an afterthought. here's where we are headed. if this continues at this rate the people don't ratchet down the rhetoric they will be
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responsible and sadly my prediction on thursday is not coming true you have to hit rock autumn when you go into rehab. they say you have to hit rock bottom before things change. i say we have hit rock bottom but when nancy pelosi demands the 25th amendment and demand impeachment of the president which is fruitless if you want to unify trump supporter's again you just did it as now you have a guy who's got 12 days left in office depending on when you watch the show is now going to be going through the process in the middle of a pandemic and they can't be figure out how to get people vaccines. greg: glad to know you learned something from rehab though. >> it's a good thing they are two morning people here. i didn't know you both have morning shows. greg: what are your thoughts kennedy? >> it's a made me really sad.
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it ate me really sad that what happened over the summer has bled into another extreme and it's so easy for people to lose themselves and lose their rational capacity and dig into something that is pretty awful. that is how horrible things happen. if you've talked anyone who spends time in places like libya and afghanistan they will tell you this is what happens. they turn on a dime. it's human nature to disintegrate and we live in a country that's better than that. we are a more diverse nation and we have respect for people who don't necessarily see eye-to-eye on the same issues but that is falling apart so now what has happened is we have created all these gulfs. if you are on the other side you are the enemy. it's palestinians versus
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israelis and that is so counterproductive and so anti-american. when i see that happening in the capitol and see things falling apart it makes me sad. i always want to look forward and say where do we go from here and how do we get better and the only solution i have right now other than talking about it with people on tv is just trying to have a dialogue with my children and instill something in them so they have respect for other people and starting at that micro level. greg: i can't have that discussion with my children because they don't exist. that raises a good question tyrus where do we go from here? >> you know i look at things and i find it sadly funny when i look at what happened wednesday because we are still not getting it in the media and generally. how do you break up division and how do you stop this? we all basically just want to be
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left alone to do our own thing. when you feel on and you feel underappreciated when you are grouped in we can all understand that. i is a black man anytime something happens i remember as the kid saying please don't be black to chris is going to affect all of us. we are all going to get blamed for it and we all wear our hats backwards. we hate that, right? before it was her up and down by skin whether irish swedish or whatever. you look at somebody and throw some stereotypes but now it's not even that's that personal. your belief system and what you choose and what policy you agree with what they want less taxes are more taxes dictates whether you are an actual human being with feelings that needs to be respected and not hurt or a monster or a loser. there were a ton of nicknames. we used to actually have nicknames only insulted each
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other but it was all fair. >> i was like yeah i'm a redneck. >> i feel bad that we still don't get it that the media -- president trump's speech was horrible and stupid straight up but that's not what you're going for her. that aside we love to make the depiction that it's just president trump and he's this bad person. as soon as you realize that a lot of america, 70 million plus americans see this guy and this man for the type of person they want to be, but the system, brash, no financial worries and tells it like it is. he doesn't take a backseat to anyone. that's the american dream. if you break it down and slow down for a minute and take all the tweets and [bleep] out of the way he represents a lot of people to get stepped on. it has nothing to do with
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anything else -- no. it doesn't work. greg: we have got to move on. should you be blue now that george is? incomparable design makes it beautiful. state of the art technology makes it brilliant. the visionary lexus nx, lease the 2021 nx 300 for $359 a month for 36 months. experience amazing at your lexus dealer.
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greg: what will they do now that everything is lou? raphael warnock and jon ossoff with control of the executive branch and both houses which means biden has a mandate. now he and the democrats can get a lot of fun things done like maybe a water slide that can meet all branches of government or a fuzzy navel found in the capitol rotunda of. i saw one at a the wedding of his great candidate. actually it will likely be more regulation more taxes and more general neutral language. >> in this chamber now and evermore we ask in the name of god and god known by many names by many different things. amen and a woman. greg: this is going to be no fun at all and don't be fooled progressives are going to try to
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get guidance pass their causes and they will use wednesday's event as fuel for the fire could biden may get pulled from the left faster than this. he's not going to catch up. all right kennedy is the apocalypse coming? at the apocalypse never shows that the weight think it's going to show up. we always think it's going to be aggressive and we think this law is going to come in and fly in and get us. by the way i was explaining socialism to my children is so much fun. it's like shooting fish in a barrel. would you like someone in here in take your next -- a new backpack looks that's what socialism is and that's what's going to happen with this
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administration. i have to say this senate runoff the foremost unremarkable human beings i have ever seen. against each other. greg: he really was. it was the worst group of leaders. i would like to say bryant carrycked the one you carry around with you. >> why does that by the next greg: once people that were out of power and come to power suddenly get more moderate. >> joe manchin and people get mad he's not a true moderate and having said that they brought up today joe biden gave a riveting speech and i forgot all of them. the first thing you want to do is put $2000 everyone's pocket. joe manchin said that first thing we should do is get help vaccination and everyone's arm. do you think the filibuster is
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going to grow up -- blow up? like mark kelly maybe this is my chance to make a difference. greg: people like rand paul you never know what is going to do what you think tyrus? >> we saw a lot of that in this administration. senator collins she was going to bail us out and every time they were like -- we had lunch. you said you were outraged. yeah but after i thought about it we decided we would go in this direction. this is going to be weighed different and way more fun for us. you will be up late at night trying to get all this stuff but we wing it. you will have a socialist, the progressive, the moderates, the
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i don't know's and they give me something all going well it's my party and this is how we are going to do and the republicans will be like i don't know which one we argue with. this is wacko land and you are going to watch a civil war inside like timeout we can't argue with republicans right now. we have to destroy each other and their three group so we will be busy for a while. greg: dagen do you think biden will grow a spine clinics i assume he's going to roll over but i could be wrong. i've been wrong before, very rarely though. >> rolling over takes very little effort. no spine but i want to point out with georgia these are too far left candidate to one in georgia, not oregon, not new york. this is deep midnight live.
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you don't need d.c. and puerto rico states because all of these left-wing rich liberals have moved to texas and nevada and florida. so they can put up candidates and elect more left-wing democrats. i just hate government in general. lazy, shiftless layabouts spending my money while i'm pumping at work. that was my 20s with all the guys i dated. laying around and not doing anything and just dipping into my bank account while i'm out hustling. >> you don't want her to get lost and end up in some strange woman's apartment. >> you know what would screw up this whole theory, if the republicans party made a
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legitimate pitch for the african-american community instead of saying we are going to lose the city. how about try to go with the city? >> that's what they autopsy was that or mitt romney loss. greg: we have got to move on. up next why sweden is never i had shingles. horrible. a young thing like me? actually anyone 50 or over is at increased risk for shingles. the pain, the burning! my husband had to do everything for weeks. and the thing is, there's nothing you can do about it! well, shingles can be prevented. shingles can be whaaat? prevented. you can get vaccinated. frank! they have shingles vaccines! whaaat? that's what i said. we're taking you to the doctor. not going through that again. you can also get it from your pharmacist! 50 years or older get vaccinated for shingles now.
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>> leiberman "america's news headquarters" i'm lauren blanchard. a massive surge in director passenger jet crashed into the sea minutes after taking off from jakarta was 62 on birth a short time ago indignation rescuers recovered body parts and scraps of metal indicating they may have located the crash site. saturday morning the boeing 747 loss 10000 feet in altitude less than 60 seconds. no word on what may have caused the sudden descent but an investigation is underway in back here at home ice present a bike pants is planning to attend inauguration of president-elect joe biden and vice president-elect, harrisburg president trump announced on twitter before his account was primarily suspended he would not be attending. biden later saying he is one of the few things we agree on. i'm lauren blanchard and now back to "the greg gutfeld show."
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greg: is she enjoying the glory of the stolen story? kamala harris really likes telling this tale. >> i was and the stroller. i was in the stroller so i was out there and it's a very funny story. kamala what do you want and i said freedom. >> oh come on. greg: that's adorable. >> there's a funny family story about my mothers marching and this is back when stroller's didn't have armrests or seatbelts and i think it was michael freddie the look down and looked in the stroller which is empty. and said where is kamala? apparently they left me a block
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away. i had fallen out of the stroller. my mother said one day was fussing and it's much cuter when she would tell the story. she looked down at me, low what do you want what do you want and i've looked up at her and i said freedom. [laughter] >> i wanted to hear you say freedom. greg: we all wanted to hear her say freedom the cackling commander-in-chief. she put the story in her book. she told the story to "elle" magazine because it's so sweet. it's quite similar to a story dr. martin luther king in toll than 65 in an interview with "playboy" magazine about a little lack girl in birmingham marching in the demonstration and the cop said to her what do you want? freedom. harris starts by saying her mom told her this tale like lives warrants mom told her of her native american heritage.
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speaking of uncomfortable stretches let's check in with my neighbors stretch stevenson. he has feet. tyrus arbery all guilty of something like this were we develop stories? >> i don't know but i'm the only one in this room. when you are telling a good story and i think i'm a pretty good storyteller. things like time and facts, it's speed bombs. you have to get there and make it interesting and get those frills on it and sure clearly she said freedom was with the w
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and the other girl said feed them. it's not really plagiarism. is it bold [bleep] probably but not plagiarism. greg: as a child i looked at photos as a kid and you thought you were at these places. >> i thought i could fly. greg: from that dragnet episode. >> but why lift the story? jeff: one upped. you can do better than that. greg: she tried it out biden biden. >> neal borrowed from somebody like the prime minister written but she could have been not in the stroller but she was fully
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walking on her own at two. she had memorized mlk jr.'s sermon in stages because she was a genius and she was learning the oboe because she had already learn that clarinet for example. go big if you you're going to make [bleep] up. greg: your whole life is make the leave. that's your real name. >> a couple of things this was the number one story of the week for the whole right thing is just the latest thing. joe biden not only made a story up he met nelson mandela in prison. he got arrested and remember the war story that turned out not to be true but it didn't really matter in the biggest story the hunter biden thing which he would never actually ask and it turns out it's 100% true and worse than we could have imagined. it's going to be an interesting few years and it will be great
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to be on fox because we are the only ones interested in stories that actually are telling the truth or to seek out the truth in it. everybody else is just asking questions. greg: about their contract renewal. >> , harassed the biggest surprise is she's almost been invisible since she got the nomination. >> we have been through that. i episode three you are like shut up. greg: all right kennedy aren't all of these people trained to be phonies and arts politicians supposed to have little stories that they make up? >> little humanizing and it does. i think it's disingenuous but my
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problem with kamala harris is she is wrong on literally everything. it's impossible. it's almost way impossible. bernie sanders his economic ideas are the most flawed in human history but i appreciate was he has to say about surveillance. i have to go with bernie sanders but, there's not one thing. black men were incarcerated at much higher rates when she was the d.a. in san francisco and as attorney general she went after her parents because their kids returned throwing them in prison. she expanded the system and now she wants to defund herself. it sort of illustrates -- greg: we have to go. we have so much more than i had is as explaining. remember the pandemic? yeah it's still here. managers
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greg: our social life on the shelf wind up talking to herself. people who live alone cope with the isolation spending the better part of a deer avoiding social gatherings and working remotely like so -- so low habit taters longing for a chat. scientists say it's normal for us to talk ourselves and it gets more common when we are stressed like having conversation with their pets are creating an imaginary friend like mine. you aren't real clearly. the pandemic may be on the way out but chatting with yourself doesn't have to be as long as you understand what you are saying.
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i love drew carey. brian this is in the three-hour shows that try to keep your comments under six minutes. is this healthy? >> i'm a morning show guy and i'm always talking to myself and nobody else is up. we are all going crazy. we will look back and find out what really interests us. there's a thing in life called too much introspection and that's what this pandemic is cause. i've examined myself and i've come up empty. greg: all right dagen i think talking to yourself is great. people leave you alone on the street. it's like working through math problems or playing chess with yourself. >> i don't play chess. i play checkers. i always talk to myself but lately i've been reciting under my breath and this is absolutely true. i was in the elevator.
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somebody came in and i would say he robbed the lotion on his skin or oh wait weight was she a great big person? i'm not going to tell you what that's from but it's super creepy. greg: it's not a movie i have seen i can tell you that. tyrus i find talking yourself is interesting because it tells you that there are two of you. it's you talking and you hearing you which means you have a duality in there. that's frightening. >> and it's knowing that my mouth and my ears were treated good to know that the years are working. i have found my own best friend so i have to talk to myself to
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keep myself from killing people. i have to talk myself down a lot it seems. i should name my other self because i will literally be like called tyrus preciado seems to show up when we are driving always talking to me while i'm driving the car. >> my observation is harder for you during a pandemic because people who don't know you think you are approachable so no one approaches you so no one has approaches since february. >> i don't know good morning cousin's? greg: good morning friends and family. spin this is the number one show in america. everyone knows who i am. people run up to me in the french market wherever i'm at. and the president even with the mask on i still can't hide. the best one ever though was from -- i knew that was you tyrus come i can't miss those
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eyes anywhere. thank you sir. greg: kennedy i talk to myself. i find that helps. >> i talk to myself at home and now the grocery store. i have a great conversation counting burritos. maraschino cherries i do not need you. i do not need you and i'm sorry about that. we have lost self-awareness. we have been alone so much that you forget what it's like to have other people look at you and then you are like -- i'm sorry. greg: i find i don't stop talking to myself when people are staring at me. oh wow i'm outside. my favorite story, next. the best eggs... in so many ways. which cage free eggs taste fresher and more delicious? only eggland's best.
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change was put in motion. the man says he doesn't ask remember doing it but once the official forms arrived in the mail he signed them and has no intention of turning -- i can only imagine how it looks on the screen. kennedy your thoughts? >> i love the story so much. i can't believe how easy it is to change her name in the uk. that's what struck me because here it's a pretty lengthy process. what's the craziest thing i do and mine is always getting things in the mail and i'd don't know where they came from. greg: so true. tyra's wouldn't it be great if alcohol was a substance that made you more responsible?
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>> i'm actually glad you brought this up because i'm calling [bleep] on all of this. spending time with the journalists, no one else realized i'm pretty sure when you're out drinking the name changing store is probably not open. the notary, that the bank those are places that typically stay open late at night for drunken guys to come in. this guy planned it out and the guy who is made a few mistakes in his life tried to use the old i was drunk roe, it doesn't work. when he got it in the mail he was like oh well i did it so i guess i will sign it. he did three cartwheels in a kick up when it came in the mail trying to cover it up by saying oh my was drunk and this and that. greg: brian kilmeade why can't
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he identify a celine dion? if you can identify as a. she why can't he say i am celine dion? >> let's put it this way. i understand the passion people have for celine dion. greg: how dare you. >> i didn't know that she was a singer and tell that titanic. and number two the biggest thing is when cassius clay went to muhammad ali. that was a big one. i got over that quick. greg: i don't want to know why that upsets you frankly. >> it bothered you took greg. a brother changes his name yeah. greg: i thought cassius clay was such a great name. he did the sacred symbol.
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spin no one ever writes about this on the internet so that's perfect. that's not her real name. >> it's a actually celine dion. this did drank champagne and the only thing i could do after a magnum of champagne is pass out on the bathroom floor with my face on the bathmat and you wind up with it on your face. greg: it is true getting drunk like that on champagne for headache it's just really bad. but you know it helps that celine dion's graceful music. >> and pedialyte. greg: we will be right back. mea!
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because of a death in the family i will be out all next week. you won't see me here. be sure to tune in. thanks to brian kilmeade and kennedy and tyrus. i'm greg gutfeld and i love you america. jesse: welcome to "watters' world," i'm jesse watters. lessons learned. watch what happened to our capitol wednesday.
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