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tv   Tucker Carlson Tonight  FOX News  January 12, 2021 5:00pm-6:01pm PST

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tucker carlson is up next. ♪ ♪ >> tucker: a good evening and welcome to "tucker carlson tonight." it has been a very tough week in the united states of america. a spasm of mob violence followed by an unprecedented crackdown on our basic civil liberties. this is the darkest time many americans can remember. but even in the midst of this disaster, there have been flashes of comedy and we are grateful for every one of them. we got one today. it was a statement from a group called the global public policy team at twitter. you may have thought twitter was just a social media company run by some bearded ethereal pothead
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in downtown san francisco but not anymore. while you were sleeping, twitter got bigger than you ever imagined it could. twitter is now an independent nation state with its own national security council, an interagency constellation of foreign policy experts whose job it is to manage the world affairs. so twitter's global public policy team is really the company's own nsc. so the global public policy people waited in today a security council's due on the upcoming elections in uganda. here's what they said about those elections. "ahead of ugandan election we are hearing reports that internet service providers are being ordered to block social media and messaging apps. we strongly condemn internet shutdowns. they are hugely harmful, violent basic human rights. access to and freedom of expression including the public conversation on twitter is never
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more important than during the democratic processes, particularly elections." marinate in that debate, let it sink in. twitter is reminding the ugandan people that censorship is immoral. sorry, ugandans, you're not allowed to silence other people's twitter accounts especially in the run-up to an election. you just can't do that. now we recognize you don't have a bill of rights or a centuries old tradition of self-government out there in uganda so you might not of known this as we do here. but to restate, censoring voters social media accounts is hugely harmful. online censorship violates "basic human rights." in fact it's an attack on democracy itself. you got that, ugandans. we understand your primitive developing nation so we will give you a pass but don't forget it. censorship bad.
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hashtag open internet. it's almost too good! in fact, we check to see if it was real. it is. twitter actually sent that which only proves that the tech monopolies are even worse than we thought they were. not only are they cruelly authoritarian and totally dishonest as well as limitless lee ambitious, but they are also, and we didn't know this, childishly stupid. they have no idea how they appear to others. they can't see themselves. they lack even a glimmer of the ironic self-awareness that is a prerequisite for wisdom. they are idiots. they don't even get their own jokes. on the other hand, none of this is really very funny. it's terrifying. we don't need to convince you of that. you've seen the crackdown in the censorship all week long. and you sense all of it is going to get worse and you're right about that, it is going to get worse. tonight for once we are going to forgo the long open and we are
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going to let others talk about what we're seeing right now. you are about to hear from two people, one from the left and one from the right, but united in their belief that the freedom of speech is the foundation of all that we have in this country. without the absolute right to say what you believe, you are not a citizen. you are not even fully human. you are a serf. glenn greenwald is a lifelong man of the left. he did not vote for donald trump. he opposed in fact many of donald trump's policies but above all glenn greenwald is a defender of the principles of the enlightenment, and he is unyielding in that. totally unyielding. so unyielding he was recently driven from his employer and he now writes independently where we hope you will support him. on sub stack. we will speak to a lifelong man of the right, someone's biography and views entities whose face you know well. glenn beck joins us in a moment. first tonight to glenn greenwald. thank you so much for joining
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us. we really appreciated. this statement from twitter encapsulated so much of what is happening and what is yet to come that i have to ask you about it to begin. you have a tech company acting as if it possesses its own state department, giving totally on software instructions about internet freedom to foreign countries across the atlantic ocean. what can we infer from this statement? >> well, i do think that the tweet to which that alludes and that you were alluding to in your opening is an event that we need to pause and think about because to me it was one of the most alarming events to take place in american politics in the last decade which is that in the weeks up to the 2020 election, twitter and facebook united to ban any discussion of reporting by the nation's oldest newspaper, "the new york post," about documents regarding the
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biden family, the front runner for the president of the united states, that everyone acknowledges were completely authentic. they simply censored any ability to disseminate discussion or reporting about the leading presidential candidate whom they wanted to win. in other words doing exactly that which they are now lecturing the ugandans that you can't do without violating the spirit of the open internet and attacking democracy itself. they are right about the principles that they expressed in that wheat. the irony, the really sick, dark and dangerous irony, is that they themselves are leading the way not just what about facebook google amazon and apple in doing exactly that which they are lecturing other countries td i think the broader point, the more important one is that these countries are acting like nation-states more powerful than nation-states because that's what they are. facebook has committees the way a government would have committees, studying what is true and what is false, what kind of speech is dangerous. what kind of speech isn't dangerous. in the local twitter and
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facebook's ban on president trump, you had numerous democracy around the world who have no love lost for donald trump, quite the contrary. angela merkel in germany, the president of mexico, french ministers who came out and say this is extremely dangerous that silicon valley's anointing itself the world media that controls and is more powerful than other democracies because they know that's coming for their democracies as well. >> tucker: so you did some reporting today and yesterday on what happened at the social media apps parler which was expelled from the internet, shut down by amazon web services, biggest server farms in the world come on the pretext that they somehow contributed to the violence we saw last week at the u.s. capitol. tell us what you learned about parler's role in the riot on wednesday. >> so of the first 13 people arrested by the fbi in connection with the event at the capitol, a total of zero or
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active users of parler. the overwhelming amount of planning for that event, the overwhelming amount of advocacy for people to go there and have breached the capitol was done on facebook and on youtube and on twitter. this is one of the ironies is that google was one of the monopolies that wants to police our discourse and control our thinking and rule our politics that kicked parler off of its app at exactly the time that parler had gone to number one, the most downloaded app in the country. millions of americans wanting to use it. google said we will not allow you on our service because of the role that you played in simulating violence and extremism at the capital and elsewhere. the reality is, the service that google owns, youtube, played a much greater role in organizing and advocating for that event at the capitol. if google is interested in disassociating itself from violence and extremism, they wouldn't this disassociate themselves must be 15 but you
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two. democratic politicians like aoc and others demanding that google and apple kick parler off, using their power as officials and the party that's about to assume control of the government. why weren't these democratic officials demanding google and apple kick facebook and youtube affaires platform since i played a much bigger role played they donated port here huge amounts of money into the democratic party. the partnership with a party that's about to take over congress and the white house. >> tucker: glenn greenwald, principled man and source of the clearest big picture. thank you for coming on. glenn beck has thought a lot about this. he owns his own media company, host of the glenn beck radio program. he joins us tonight. appreciate your coming on as noted, you own a media company so you are talking about tech companies at some risk to
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yourself. i assume you use amazon web services. everybody else does. i have. from your perspective, what is the risk from these companies? >> this is the reason why i've built the blaze in the first place is because i saw this coming. between the political upheaval and quite honestly the technological upheaval that's coming that's going to displace so many people, the government and high-tech need each other. with the implosion of trust, they have to join hands. it's extraordinarily dangerous. it's the kind of stuff quite honestly that leads to this. these are two wooden shoes, japanese shoes worn by an american simpson. she lived in san francisco. she lost all of her rights, as did all of the japanese. they did it because of fear.
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fdr was afraid the japanese had infiltrated the west coast even though the pentagon said it wasn't true. he knew better. and so he pushed through his policies. we made one of the biggest mistakes of the 20th century by taking our own citizens and listen to this, confiscating their wealth, making sure they couldn't work, shutting them down, and then putting them in camps. tucker, this is the road we are on again. it's not right if it's the left or the right that's doing it. it's absolutely un-american. you can't have freedom of speech if you can have -- if you can't express herself in a meaningful place. this is like the germans with the jews behind the wall. they would put them in the ghetto. this is the digital ghetto. you can talk all you want, jews, do whatever you want behind the
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wall. that's not meaningful. that's where we are. that's where millions of americans will be. again, it's not to compare it to the germans. it's not to do anything but warn if you don't stand up for free speech, you will be the one that loses it as well. after 9/11, i stood up proudly against many in my audience for bill maher when he said well at least their pilots aren't cowards. i thought that was a horrific thing to say. when abc fire him, i couldn't understand what part of politically incorrect didn't you understand. we cannot, the only speech worth defending is the speech you despise. everything else, nobody has a problem with, they are not trying to ban it. >> tucker: i grew up in a pretty liberal place and what you said is a most a daily feature of what liberal said.
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that's what we heard every day. protect the weak, the rights of the weakest are a measure of how free you are. i don't hear a single liberal saying that. >> because the liberals aren't the rules anymore. that's the problem. we need good classic liberals, people who believe in the bill of rights. i don't care who you vote for or what you do, where you live, who you have sex with, do you believe in the bill of rights? that's what we can unite on. people are asking us to unite on what? on exactly what you believe? that's not coming together. let me also give you something else. let me quote this. the corporation cannot curtail the liberty of press and religion of these people consistent with the purpose of the constitution guarantees. certainly the corporation can no more deprive people of freedom of press and religion and it can
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discriminate against commerce. ownership does not always mean absolute dominion. the owners of privately held bridges, fairies, turnpikes and railroads may not operate them as freely as a farmer does on his own firm. that's the supreme court of the united states in 1946. marsh versus alabama. the corporation cannot curtail. imo free-market person. i believe in the free market and the freedom of corporations. but not to take away people's rights, their basic rights. >> tucker: you just hit on the irony at the center of libertarianism. if you support a system that eliminates people's rights, you're not standing for freedom. in fact, you're standing for tierney and i've never heard it is nicely put as you just did. >> thank you, i am a huge fan.
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>> tucker: glenn beck, the great glenn beck. i appreciate it. you are seeing democrats in the house have sex with chinese spies and others take money from chinese state owned businesses and not one of the most prominent democrats in the united states taking her relationship with the government of china to the next level. you will know her name for sure. you will not believe what she is doing now.
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>> tucker: masculinity if we are being honest is somewhat of a sensitive topic over at the cable news network. they know toxic masculinity is bad along with the patriarchate. everybody knows that. how about regular masculinity? assuming that still exist. you might be surprised to know masculinity is extremely important to cnn's corporate culture, as it would be if. take chris cuomo. they don't have coffee on the set. they have protein powder and energy bars and lots of pictures of chris cuomo exercising slowly so the veins pop. that's how seriously they take manhood at cnn. as you can imagine there's a downside. all the testosterone in one place is like a powder keg, and
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last night unintentionally a trump spokesman called hogan gidley lit that fuse. he did so by claiming that donald trump is the most masculine president of the history of the united states. more masculine than george washington or teddy roosevelt. mr. don lemon of cnn's prime time lineup wasn't having it. here's how he responded. >> he is the president of the united states. he's the most masculine. come on, man. shut up. shut up. he is the biggest snowflake of them all. >> i don't want to hear about your feelings. why are you coddling his feelings all the time? why are you coddling all these peoples' feelings. we understand how they feel. how they feel. give them time to accept the election. really? who is the snowflake now? the president's legacy will be not the most masculine president
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but the biggest loser we have ever had as president. >> tucker: oh. guess who's going to miss donald trump quite a bit? cnn. this is all getting out of hand a little bit, all the masculinity, all the gender neutral masculinity, things can get out of hand. in the spirit of easing tensions and lowering the temperature we have no problem admitting for the record that mr. don lemon is one heaping helping hunk of a man. we are not ashamed to say that at all. we have no problem admitting that. no problem whatsoever. chris cuomo. in the past four months. we've learned a lot about the democratic party's relationship of the chinese government. we know at least one member of the house intelligence committee had sexual intercourse with a chinese 55k reno others have taken money from companies tied
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to the communist party of china. now we are learning something even more amazing. barbara boxer, longtime democratic senator from california who retired in 2017, has registers as a foreign agent for company. the american subsidiary of a chinese surveillance company that has been blacklisted by the united states government. this evening under scrutiny, barbara boxer deregistered under pharaoh as a foreign agent. it doesn't mean she's not lobbying for them. the whole thing is pretty amazing. we thought we'd have gordon chang, senior fellow, author of the great u.s. china tech war, and he joins us with reaction. gordon chang, things were coming on. it's not that i'm surprised that barbara boxer would do this. i am shocked that in this environment she thought she could get away with it. what does it tell you that one of the most famous former senators in america registered as a foreign agent for a chinese surveillance company that had been blacklisted.
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>> it tells me that the chinese communist party has completely infiltrated the u.s. political system especially the democratic party in california because you normally have barbara boxer, you have dianne feinstein with china problems. and then of course the person you referred to, eric swalwell, who has yet to adequately explain his relationship with the agent. it's not only the democrats. it's also david vetter, former republican senator from louisiana. he is also working for hikvision. we need to get china out of our political system. we know they are exploiting the openness of our political system to overthrow our government. >> tucker: it will do all kinds of things i wouldn't do to make a living. it's tough to make a living. i try not to judge. working for the government of china or a chinese surveillance company is so obviously
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unpatriotic and amoral for an american to do that you would think someone would say maybe forgo the paycheck. maybe don't work for the chinese surveillance company. is at the political culture so corrupted that it it occurs to no one? >> hikvision was not just a chinese company involved in surveillance. this company is complicit in crimes against humanity, the worse the world has seen since 1941 when germany started mass exterminations. what we are talking about is not just a chinese company. it is one which is the worst of the worst. >> tucker: i've got to ask just in 30 seconds. jack ma, one of the richest people in the world, obviously man alibaba group a top ten biggest countries in the world, seems to have disappeared. where is heat, do you know? >> we don't know. i think the communist party is holding him. there was a publication which that he was quote-unquote embracing supervision. there's all sorts of rumors
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swarming around alibaba and his other company. some people are talking about expropriation in whole or in part. this is just a warning to all of us were china can do to the business community. >> tucker: you would think it would be the lead on cnbc every night, where is jack ma. if our government kidnapped jamie dimon of jpmorgan, i hope we would cover it. it's very telling. gordon chang, great to see you. thank you. >> thanks, tucker. >> tucker: we have kind of a surprising admission from one top democrat, it turns out he's a science denier. basically admitted that. we'll tell you why after the break.
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>> tucker: it's hard to find in this country a bigger supporter of lockdowns than the emmy award-winning governor of new york, andrew cuomo. in april governor cuomo mocked anyone who question lockdowns as
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science deniers. what's worse than death, cuomo asked? in other words stay in your tiny apartment. watch netflix, and rot. don't see your friends or family. don't go to school. don't go to work. i don't think your job exists. stay alone. we have some weed for you so you won't remember it. in order to protect life we need to destroy lives. that was andrew cuomo's philosophy all year long. >> a bar or restaurant that is violating these rules can lose their liquor license. if you are a nonessential worker, you shouldn't be leaving your home. i want local governments to enforce the social distancing rules so we are going to increase the potential maximum fine from $500 to $1,000. when i issued the stay-at-home order, it wasn't "it would be nice if you did." it's a mandate. you should be happy.
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because if we don't change the trajectory, we are going to go to shut down and then your business is going to close. >> tucker: okay, just make sure we have it clear. rapists, you're fine. head down to the subway. anyone who violates andrew cuomo's lock down orders will fill the power of the state. within this week and a plot twist nobody saw coming in the enormous scripted drama that is american politics, andrew cuomo changed on a dime in the other direction. here's what andrew cuomo wrote in a tweet today. yes, we follow him. "we sadly cannot stay close until the vaccine hits critical mass. the cost is too high. we'll have nothing left open. we must reopen the economy but we must do it smartly and safely." if that sounds strangely familiar, it may be because two months ago the much reviled and often criticize governor of the state of florida, the free state of florida, ron desantis, said
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the same thing. but ron desantis is a republican presiding over one of a few free states left in the country, so cnn and twitter instantly told us that was irresponsible and dangerous. censor him immediately. anything to prevent you from realizing how little they know and how badly new york is doing compared to the rest of the country. but now we do know. that's why millions of new yorkers, having realized their state is a disaster, are moving. they are moving out of new york in unprecedented numbers. francis suarez is the mayor of miami, still a great city. he says he would like to lure large tech companies to florida and has been. he joins us tonight to explain. thank you so much for coming on. congratulations on your city, which remains sane and open, safe and decent. it's a great city. i have to wonder about your plan told lure the worst people in america to the state of florida. i'm serious.
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they wrecked california. why would you want them in florida? >> let me tell you. we left cuba because the cuban government basically nationalized property then took away our ability to be productive. what's happening in a lot of these cities across america is people who are the creative class, the innovators, those who create jobs, are fleeing cities that are taxing them to death, don't appreciate them and their innovation and what they've done to create jobs in the local economy. so what i'm noticing is those people, i'm talking to them day in and day out, having lunches with them and tech talks. they are telling me how awful the government is where they are fleeing from. we don't think they want to reproduce that in miami because certainly that's not what we're looking for here. >> tucker: certainly not. what any decent person would be looking for but you have to assess their track record. they have been in control of northern california for an entire generation. the biggest companies in the
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world. they have made it so unlivable that they themselves are fleeing. why don't you worry they would do the same thing to your state? >> i can tell you i think they have learned their lesson and they realize that the formula does not work. taxing people to death, having cities that have a tremendous amount of homelessness, high crime, it's not a formula for success. the city of miami, we have a few homeless. we are down in crime by 24% last year. the year before we had the lowest homicide rate since 1954, second lowest tax rate since the 1960s. that formula of free-market enterprise and capitalism that we learned the hard way unfortunately through being expelled from our country in cuba and so many immigrants here. venezuelans and nicaraguans, we have learned that those command economies don't work. they are not going to work in the united states. they are not going to work anywhere in the history of humanity. >> tucker: i agree with
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everything you said except the last part. that's exactly why, having seen the horrors of badly run government, you wouldn't want fidel castro's lieutenants moving to miami. right? why shouldn't the kids from google and facebook have to spend the next decade in secaucus, new jersey, being deprogrammed? why -- i'm serious. they are fleeing to your estate because there are no state income tax and they are greedy and you know that. since your. >> i think they have been deprogrammed which is why they are leaving, at least in the conversations i have. they are no fans of the governments that they are leaving from. that's probably the major complaint they give. so for me, what we want to do is create an economy where the intellectual class in the creative class and the innovative class have the ability in a free market system to be able to create high-paying jobs that my children, i have a 6-year-old and a 2.5-year-old can enjoin the future. that's the future of our economy
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whether we like it or not. it's going to be based on the ability to innovate and make private-sector companies and governments more efficient over time. >> tucker: i know that you want the right things because i know how well your city is doing in your part of that and i want to congratulate you again. florida is one of the last free places left in the country and you can imagine how worried the rest of the country is. good luck. i appreciate your coming on. thank you. how much can you expect to receive in coronavirus relief from the government this year? according to a coronavirus bill that's already been signed into law, it will depend on your skin color. how you were born. what? isn't that totally immoral? isn't that why jim crow was wrong? aren't we against fat. no. we are for it. nobody is talking about this. we will after the break.
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♪ ♪ >> sean: on friday in a little noticed announcement, joe biden explained his plan for distributing the emergency coronavirus relief. for many people, this is an
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emergency and they need relief. that's not how joe biden is thinking about it. biden explained he would like to allocate the money, federal tax dollars, based on the skin color of the business owner. watch this. >> i want to be very clear. what my priorities are paid for determining this emergency aid swiftly and equitably. our focus will be on small businesses on main street, that aren't wealthy and well-connected, that are facing real economic hardships through no fault of their own. our priority will be black, latino, asian, native american owned small businesses, women-owned businesses. >> tucker: that is race-based discrimination, the simplest explanation of what you've just heard. it's a textbook example of it. it's illegal. it's immoral. it's everything that this country should be ashamed of having done in the past and yet out in public in front of the
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microphone the president-elect is announcing his plan to do it again. in fact it's occurring already. this show can exclusively report that the federal coronavirus relief bill that's already been signed into law, how did that happen, specifically calls for airport authorities to give out millions of tax dollars in rent relief grants based on the race of the business owner. again, money is collected from all american citizens because they are american citizens. but then doled out according to the race of american citizens. that's poison. this is a direct quote from the bill. "airport sponsor shall prioritize relief from rent and minimum annual guarantee to minority owned businesses. states across the country of programs like this already in place. just last summer, oregon established a fund exclusively for "black people, black-owned businesses, and black community based organizations." the country is in turmoil. the economy is heading off a cliff. everybody knows that.
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and in the middle of this national emergency, the sadness, the tragedy, one political party has decided to add racial division to our long list of problems. ed blom has marched all of this happen. he's one of the few who has tried to fight against it. he runs the project on fair representation involved in a lawsuit against the state of oregon for exactly what you just heard. ed, i appreciate your coming on. how -- >> thanks for having me. >> tucker: how under anyone's understanding of federal civil rights lies is allowed? how is it legal? >> well, tucker, it's not. you articulated it well. it's unconstitutional, it's unfair and it's unnecessary. if the state of oregon wants to help small businesses that have been adversely impacted by covid-19, that's fine. but what they basically did was hang out a sign that said "no
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hispanics, no asian-americans, no whites, no native americans need apply." this is pure racial demagoguery. it's racial exclusion, and it violates the foundation of our civil rights laws. >> tucker: republicans have been too cowardly by and large even to mention that this is happening. they signed off on some of this legislation. mitch mcconnell has bigger problems apparently. nobody is defending the most basic american idea which is color blind meritocracy. you are judged for who you are and what you do, not for how you look and who your parents were. why is no one defending that? >> tucker, bringing federal lawsuits in court such as the one we did in oregon is a costly, difficult, time-consuming thing to do. the people, the three business owners that are challenging this oregon program. one is a self-described mexican-american woman who owns a coffee shop.
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two of them are small white businessmen. it's a difficult thing to do to go into federal court, put your name out there. you are going to be demonized. you are going to be ostracized. but thank goodness there are still brave men and women who are willing to go into court and to fight this. >> tucker: ostracized for defending the only course possible to us which is judging people for who they are not how they look. you're ostracized for doing that? it's pure insanity that someone needs to get some current and tell the truth and i'm glad that you are and i'm sad that it's fallen to you would god bless you for trying. thanks. it looks like the president in his final week in office may be impeached a second time. things are moving very quickly. we will have an update with brit hume when we come back.
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>> tucker: earlier tonight we gave you a window into the
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masculinity crazed workplace culture at cnn. the empire. don lemon and chris kolmar at the tip of the spirit so to speak. the culture of masculinity runs so deep at cnn that their digital operations is also awash in the testosterone, just like the guys on tv, the digital team was enraged that someone claimed donald trump was the most masculine president of all time. they started pounding. after the chaos settled, the digital team publish an article with this actual headline. "a brief list of more masculine presidents than donald trump." somehow that's not even the best part. the piece goes on to name george washington, ulysses s. grant, teddy roosevelt, william mckinley as sexier, sorry, more masculine than donald trump. cnn has endorsed every
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ex-president that antifa has called a racist bigot. that's how committed they are to masculinity. they are more masculine it turns out than they are woke and that is saying something that we support that. this is all a bit weird by the way but it gets weirder. the piece concludes this way. trump's idea of is deeply flawed. to sum up, cnn is now defining, deigning to define what masculinity is, just so you know. in case you've got questions about your own manhood, go to cnn. they will tell you what it means to be a man. they are like dad to you. today of the third republican in the house of representatives, liz cheney of wyoming, said she would gladly vote to impeach the president and his final week in office. fox news is reporting mitch mcconnell things impeachable will help the republican party get rid of donald trump and the stain he is left on the party. this is not, whatever else it is, out an orderly and peaceful
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transition of power, of teaching a man in his final week in office. so what's the point? there's got to be. brit hume, fox news senior political analyst joins us. great to see you. there's got to be a reason. it doesn't make obvious sense. and it's not orderly and peaceful. where are they doing it? >> trump is obviously this point radioactive. not just among liberals and democrats where he has always been loathed. now to a great extent among everyday republicans. i don't think there's any doubt he retains his hardest of hard-core base. they will be with him forever i'm sure. but the rest of the republican party, they are looking at this and saying what we don't want is this guy hanging around in two or four years, two years in the congressional elections and worst of all running for president again after that. because he will pull off a segment of the republican vote.
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make it unavailable to ordinary republicans, regular republicans. and be a on them. that's the political calculation they are making. the other thing is they are furious with him. they believe in their bones that he cost them the two special elections in the state of georgia which they manifested should not have lost. both candidates were ahead and didn't quite get enough to avoid a runoff and then they lost in the runoff. a lot of republicans stayed home, offended by trump. that's the reasoning anyway. so that's the reason republicans are turning away from him. they think is bad news politically. >> tucker: i certainly understand why they are mad at him. a lot of people who voted for him are mad at him for sure that impeaching him is a separate question. if you want to make certain that a lot of your voters think that you're reading off someone else's script, if you want to make trump last even longer in the minds of the public, you would impeach him, wouldn't you? wouldn't it be better to ignore him? >> those of a competing political calculations, tucker.
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i don't really think -- i think it would be pretty hard to revive his fortunes politically at this time even by being what a lot of it will consider -- keep in mind that the overriding purpose of the whole impeachment power written into the constitution is to get out of office in defending president who has done something truly, truly reprehensible. somebody said the other day on twitter that they had this way or that way of doing it. i have a plan. get rid of him in 12 days. he's gone. he's finished. he's a most invisible now. he's being chastised. he's a dead duck politically. the purpose it a bit i think is a bit overkill at this stage. you can make an argument that he
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committed an impeachable offense. all of that stuff he said for weeks on end after the election that he won in a landslide and that was all stolen from him that mike pence have the authority, which he most certainly did not, reversing the results of the last minute last week, that was utter balderdash and he fed it into the veins of his supporters and one could make a pretty good case that that's part of what got them into a fever that led to last week's events. >> tucker: right. you've just got to wonder if it's not just better to make the case. no one ever wants to make the case. they just want to vote for impeachment. brit hume, great to see you. appreciate it. thank you very much. well, another big day in the life of the country. we will be happy to be back tomorrow night at 8:00 p.m., the show that is the sworn enemy of lying, pomposity, smugness, and groupthink. we will do our best to bring all of this news with that perspective with maximum
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cheerfulness because why not. our time here is limited no matter what we do so there's no reason to be grim all the time. we're going to try our best not to be. in the meantime, great news. we are turning this over to our friend in new york, she and hannity takes over. >> sean: i like the idea of being happy. we've been through a lot in the country, a tough year behind us. tough times still ahead in better days to come no doubt. we know who's in charge ultimately. thank you, tucker. welcome to "hannity." tonight as tucker just sent, i know this country has been through a rough couple of weeks frankly, rough plus year. tensions are high. it's important for everybody to take a step back. take a deep breath collectively. yes, america has had tough days, tough times, difficult moments in this country and we will get through this. we will find our way. peacefully, diligently one glorious nation under god. presidential candidate joe biden vowed to unite the country


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