tv Hannity FOX News January 12, 2021 6:00pm-7:00pm PST
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our time here is limited no matter what we do so there's no reason to be grim all the time. we're going to try our best not to be. in the meantime, great news. we are turning this over to our friend in new york, she and hannity takes over. >> sean: i like the idea of being happy. we've been through a lot in the country, a tough year behind us. tough times still ahead in better days to come no doubt. we know who's in charge ultimately. thank you, tucker. welcome to "hannity." tonight as tucker just sent, i know this country has been through a rough couple of weeks frankly, rough plus year. tensions are high. it's important for everybody to take a step back. take a deep breath collectively. yes, america has had tough days, tough times, difficult moments in this country and we will get through this. we will find our way. peacefully, diligently one glorious nation under god. presidential candidate joe biden vowed to unite the country.
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he promised to cool off their red-hot political climate and work to bring americans together. well, it wasn't exactly clear when he was comparing ted cruz to joseph goebbels and they want to put you all back and chains. but that's his history. it's now perfectly clear that nothing could be further from the truth because democrats, i don't see any interest in any unity by any of them. after years of them saying the most violent things against the president, harassing his supporters, excusing as they did this summer some of the most violent moments in american history, in american cities sing little to nothing or making excuses or denying what our own eyes showed us after hawking one hoax, one conspiracy, one lie after another. i'm not exactly seeing the change of heart or any desire to say you know we were wrong on this. we apologize. don't hold your breath. they are using what happen last week, we'll solve the despicable
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violence that capitol and we now see what is now ensued since that time. and what they are planning frankly is downright chilling. let's begin tonight with a question. you know, now it's to a point if you have an honest disagreement with a republican, oh, or if you like donald trump, do you like donald trump's tax cuts come his judicial appointments, his trade she liked beating isis, soleimani, taking out baghdadi and associates, do you like the middle eastern peace deals. you like energy independence. you like the border wall. oh, okay. a lot of people like all of that. it may surprise democrats but yeah, that's why 75 million people voted for the president. anyway, if so according to some democrats, well, you might if you had any questions or you supported even an audit, audit, that was it. look what democrats want to do. house homeland security chairman
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bennie thompson suggesting senator ted cruz, senator ted cruz is a principled conservative harvard educated lawyer. alan dershowitz has had probably the best student he ever had. josh hawley, the fact that they said they wanted an audit. they can be classified as domestic terrorists and put on a no-fly list? because they supported a ten day audit? huh? senator cruz and senator hawley wanted to ensure the integrity of the elections. 83% of republicans according to gallup didn't trust the results. in the case of josh hawley, lost a book deal and now i might he guess be banned for many commercial flights. that would be insane. that is called overage. that would be fundamentally unfair. what if we apply the same standards based on things maxine watters said in many other democrats. we will remind you if you'd like to know. not one single republican lawmaker ever i heard ever would
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want a riot. nobody wants that. every single conservative republican i know, they have condemned immediately what happened at the capital. we repeatedly condemned and we condemn all summer long all those people that were breaking the law. we have some people now in the democratic party they don't want over knowledge any of that. instead you have people on the left and you have people like sherrod brown demanding that cruz and hawley resign immediately. no, they are allowed to stand up for their opinions. that's what congress is all about. we are all supposed to think exactly alike? if you have a disagreement, basically it was a two hour debate if, in fact, they were able to get there and there are enough democrats and republicans to stop it. after the debate which was happening as part of our process. by the way, democrats have done it in years past. other elected democrats, they want to use the 14th amendment to literally kick republican
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lawmakers out of congress. again, this is all because a few republicans lawfully requested an emergency audit. democrats, they have opposed the sitting of electors too. they dated in 1969. they did in 2000. they did in 2004. they did in 2016. democrats did the same thing. in other words, and pretty much every recent presidential election, that republicans won, democrats stated. maxine waters challenge the results over the russia hoax in. nobody talked about putting her on a no-fly list. so what is the standard here? where is somebody to say well, we can't have a double standard. we're going to stand consistently. remember waters did promote violence herself in her own words against the president of the united states. anything happened to her? now that i recall. take a look. >> if you see anybody from that cabinet in a restaurant, in a
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department store, and a gasoline station, you get out and you push back on them and you tell them they are not welcome. >> i am sitting here listening, watching, absorbing, thinking about someone. with this kind of inspiration, i will go and take trump out tonight. >> sean: seems very excited. what if any republican said that about joe biden or kamala harris? can you say that she was inciting violence against the president? was she encouraging an insurrection? should she be held accountable for that rhetoric. where are the democrats that want old donald trump, who did say at the rally now you will peacefully march to the
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capital peacefully patriots will march to the capital. what about joe biden? he twice talked about punching out the president of the united states. in case joe forgot as he gives his big stability speech. take a look. >> the press always ask, don't i wish i were debating him. no, i wish i could take him behind the gym. that's what i wish. i didn't make a mistake that they asked me what i like to debate this gentleman. i said no, i said if we were in high school i would take in behind the gym and beat the hell out of him. >> sean: what is this behind the gym thing? if any conservative or republican talked about assaulting joe biden or kamala harris, president of the united states, vice president, anybody president-elect or whatever it is. if they did it in front of a crowd on camera, what would happen? what would the democrats say then? shouldn't the same standards apply to democrats? that's our point tonight.
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we have kamala harris' comments. she made these comments on june 18. this is two weeks after farr left rioters burned a minneapolis police station to the ground just two weeks after other violent writers attempted to storm the white house grounds. this is what senator kamala harris said then. oh, wonder if donald trump would've said this. take a look. >> this is a movement. i'm telling you. they are not going to stop. everyone be aware because they are not going to stop. they are not going to stop before election day november and they are not going to stop after election day. that should be -- everyone should take note of that on both levels. they are not going to let up and they should not. >> sean: not going to stop. take note. they are not going to stop. they shouldn't stop. we are not going to stop. what? given the hundreds of, you know, real riots that took place over the summer, well, let's see.
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over 2,000 police officers injured. we saw so much violence and vandalism and arson. okay. let's ask any republican like mitch mcconnell. is it okay what kamala harris had there? what'd you do then? what did you say then? it's not going to stop. it shouldn't stop. what did all that mean? all i'm really asking is is it's really a simple innocent question. it's a question. do you find those comments out of line? by the way what about hollywood actors and actresses? they seem to love all things radical democratic socialist. well, let's listen to some of their rhetoric. take a look. >> how dare you say the things he does. of course i want to punch him in the face. >> yes. yes i have thought an awful lot about blowing up the white house. >> [bleep] idiot is the president. the guy is a [bleep] fool.
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come on. >> trump needs to be medicated and hospitalized. >> julius caesar like you've never seen before. >> a man dressed to look like president donald trump gets stabbed to death on stage. >> one was the last time an actor assassinated a president? >> sean: every american can ask themselves an honest question tonight. is there one standard for president trump? is there one standard for kamala harris, joe biden and other democrats or pretty much everyone else? according to many, even the lawful act of challenging the election results or an audit, a ten day audit is treasonous. you've got to be on the no-fly list. remember congressman ted lieu. he has been leading the impeachment charge, cheering for civil unrest in the streets. called for it. now he's calling on the fbi to investigate the president. the president's attorney and republican members of congress
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for inciting an insurrection. meanwhile many are worried about that terrorism bill sponsored by dick durbin could be used to classify future trump rallies believe it or not as domestic terrorist events. you can't make this up. you see what's happening. democrats are attempting to cancel, silence anyone and everyone that they disagree with. 99% of donald trump supporters, you know what, look at the rallies that were mostly peaceful. they are good, honest, hardworking peace-loving americans. they go to work. they play by the rules. they obey the laws. they pay their taxes. they raise their kids. they want tax cuts. they want less bureaucracy. secure borders, energy independence. they want peace through strength. kind of simple. according to the left i guess that would make all of them new domestic terrorists. an op-ed in forbes demanding
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companies blacklist anyone that worked in the trump administration. new york republican commerce, and a least a phonic will join us in a moment was actually removed from herbert's senior advisory committee why. for raising her concerns about the election. and of course silicon valley is playing a massive role in this political purge. twitter banned the president of the united states for life. facebook is actively removing election integrity content. anybody that has a different point of view almost everyone in big tech is attempting to silence the free-speech platform known as parler, a twitter alternative. that's not all. recently the biggest gun form in america, they were kicked off the internet without explanation by godaddy. i fear this is only the beginning because now the incoming president joe biden has given a green light to his cancel culture loving base. according to joe, his political rivals deserve to be canceled
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because, well, i will let him say it in his own words. >> the way ted cruz and others are dealing with this, how they are responsible as well for what happened. >> do you think some of them should resign? should senator cruz or senator hawley resign? >> i think they should be just flat beaten the next time they run. i think the american public has a real good clear look at who they are. they are part of the big lie, the big lie. i was being reminded by a friend of mine. maybe you were with me. i can't recall. we were told that goebbels and the great lie, you keep repeating the line repeating a lie. >> sean: was the russia crumb conspiracy hoax, was at a big lie? when they used a dirty russian disinformation dossier proven false? was at a big lie? was the fisa court lied to and it says that, you know, they had been able to confirm everything
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in there and, you know, testified that it was true to the best of their knowledge. turns out none of it was true. you know what, they didn't verify anything it. it wasn't verified. was at a big lie? it's an interesting way to call for unity for joe biden. anyway given this kind of rhetoric is anyone really surprised democrats are trying to ram through yes they will push through their bogus impeachment tomorrow with only seven days left in the trump administration. according to constitutional scholar, democrat jonathan turley, no fan of the president, didn't like the president's speech on the sixth, he calls it a snap impeachment that would damage our constitution. it would set a terrible precedent. harvard law professor alan dershowitz had that to impeach president for exercising his first amendment rights would be dangerous to the constitution. he will join us. house leader kevin mccarthy by the way told us in spite of this new york times piece that came out said no, he does not support
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the impeachment charade. does not want the president to resign. he emphasized that he has been advising members repeatedly throughout the last few days that impeachment, yes, is a horrible idea. and by the way, we did speak to senator mitch mcconnell's office tonight. and we looked at what they said. the headline is mitch mcconnell said he's pleased about impeachment. i think they supposedly have not change the headline because they said no, there is no conclusions that have been made. there's a lot of salacious nonsense in this meaning "the new york times" piece. that would be maggie haberman and jonathan martin. i just spoke to mitch mcconnell's office. i just spoke to kevin mccarthy directly. meanwhile west virginia senator joe manchin is calling impeachment an ill-advised political ploy. take a look. >> is there any scenario where you see that the u.s. senate
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would try and convict president trump? >> i don't see any of that. i don't see that and i think the house should know that also. we have been trying to send that message over. they know the votes are there. i think this is so will advise for joe biden to be coming in trying to heal the country and be the president of all the people when we are going to be so divided and fighting again. >> sean: good for senator joe manchin, might be the only democrat in washington, d.c., not hell-bent on vengeance and maybe actually looking out for what's in the best interest of our country. to recap, fellow democrats political purposes trying to censor opinions that they disagree with. they are demanding companies not hire former white house staffers. they want to designate people that supported an audit, a ten day audit, domestic terrorists, so they will end up on a no-fly list on commercial airlines. they are gleefully ramming through another pointless
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impeachment in the house predictable and the leader of their party is comparing yes conservatives to nazis. and these are the actions of people that claim they are going to unite america. of course that's not true. and unfortunately today's democratic party, not interested in unity. instead they are driven by what is beyond a a pure hatred for president trump, his supporters may have done it for over four and a half years from the day that donald trump, melania trump came down the escalator at trump tower. he is my promise to you. we are going to hold them all accountable. we are not going to forget their remarks. we will pull out their hypocrisy, their duplicity and double standards and unlike other media mob outlets, we are going to be in remain independent. we are not controlled by the democratic party. we are not going to be silenced. tonight this and -- as i said at the top, i want this country to take a deep collective breath. they will have their big impeachment party tomorrow.
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you know what, it's been a rough year plus. but guess what. the world needs a strong america. we are supposed to be, we can be, we are capable of it one glorious nation under god in spite of some political and philosophical disagreements. we'll find our way. sometimes verbal combat. it all works out okay in the end and things will get better. joining us now with more, former acting director of national intelligence, ric grenell, along with congressman devin nunes. congressman nunes, i will start with you. let's talk about the double standard. you were actively involved and you are proven correct on the big russia hoax lie that went on for years. nobody seemed to ever want to take responsibility for that to this day. they have never admitted they did anything wrong and the lies that they spread even about you. now you see what the democrats are headed. tell us what you, you know, how do conservatives react to this? >> i think people need to stay
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involved in their government. what's happening here is reminiscent of the fall of the soviet union where you have the democrat leadership, they are all very old. they are being challenged by these insurgents, these revolutionaries who are bringing communism into the democratic party. the american people are vigilant about this. this is why you saw the crackdown. he mentioned it earlier. elimination of an entire company, parler. the only three social media platforms conservatives can go to. they are doing a lot in the dead of night here, sean. this is the first time. here in the rotunda. typically there's been one or two cameras, mostly fox cameras through all of covid time. every spot here is virtually full. i haven't seen that in a year since he last impeachment. so what's happening is that the american people aren't getting the truth. they're not getting real news and they get social media and they are not free to express their feelings and then you have the rest of these clowns that
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are out putting this poison out in the american people. the president makes a lot of mistakes. all presidents make mistakes with bottom line is to do a snap impeachment has real consequences. so i'm not joking. when you talk about the fall of the soviet union. they started to crack down. they started to crack down on people. that's what you see here. they are not allowing even republicans to offer amendments. now i have to go through magnetometers to get to the check before we go on the house floor. there was a new thing tonight, as if we are criminals. it's very, very strange i think we are in a very, very dark place. the american people need to stay in touch with their elected officials and express their frustration. >> sean: i am looking at this okay ten-day audit no-fly list, your domesti terrorists. devin nunes made some good comments with maria bartiromo. app is on animal google, they
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are suspicion of parler. , conservative voices silenced on social media. massive donations by these big tech companies to the democrats. it seems chilling to me what is happening the ones that are opposing freedom of speech the most are the people that i thought had a monopoly on freedom of speech. >> look, sean. i think it's chaos in washington, d.c., right now but i will tell you the good news is most americans really aren't paying attention. they are not seeing the relevance of what's happening. they recognize that joe biden won. they are looking towards januar. eight days from now. in order to have a new president. they are not thinking that there should be impeachment. they are not thinking that social media now should be shutdown for conservatives.
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the attacks, the weaponization. this is washington's way of being vindictive and i have to tell you most people outside of washington, d.c., look at this and they say this is why we hate washington. this is why we hate the politicians. they seem to always want to fight. rather than be in a position where we should be looking forward. our country has just been through a terrible economic shutdown because of covid-19. we need to get back on our feet. small business owners are dying to get open. and yet we have politicians who are rushing through and impeachment the president is leaving in eight days. joe biden will be president. in eight days. this is nonsense. washington, d.c., politicians need to stop. >> sean: i wish. you have got a week from tomorrow. devin nunes. what is your message to say the
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leadership in the senate. mitch mcconnell has probably the full say. he did pull back when we called his office tonight and he said no, let me give you the exact words. he said that in fact, he was very clear about it. no it wasn't true. that it was a lot of salacious nonsense and with "the new york times" was saying. so he was pretty clear on all of that. you or take. >> i think ambassador grenell made a good point. people need to get out of this bubble here in washington, get out of the power-hungry bubble where they have these old leaders that are decrepit making mistake after mistake and get out there with the real people. i just returned back from my district in the rural part of california. people are very upset. they don't like what happened here in the capital last week they haven't liked what's going on with the riots all year. they haven't liked what's been going on with this administration, how they were targeted.
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everyone was being accused of being secret russian agents. everybody knows this. for the first time in the last few days i have people coming up to me that have never come up to me before and said what on earth are you guys doing? why -- and even people that don't support the president say i don't like what he did. i didn't vote for him but why would you impeach him. he's almost gone. people don't understand any of this nonsense. >> sean: thank you. we come back, exclusive interview with elise stefanik. alan dershowitz saying congress does not have the power to hold a trial after an official has left office. he will join us. steve scalise will join us and much more breaking news and james o'keefe. new video. this time we will let you know what certain people at pbs think about you. it will shock you. straight ahead.
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>> sean: joining us now is congresswoman elise stefanik. harvard removed her from their advisory committee because she dared to talk about her views on the election. congresswoman, thank you for being with us. it's pretty prestigious position. we've watched for years conservatives aren't even allowed to really speak on college campuses. it's fairly common. and i wanted to get your reaction to it. what were the specific reasons given. >> first of all, thank you, sean, for the opportunity. it is an example of harvard bowing to the woke far left mob. what we are seeing more and more on college campuses and universities. places of higher education should be learning, discourse, ideas. we are seeing it move in the opposite direction. becoming more and more intolerant. the reasons that were given to me is because i stood up to
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object the electoral college, the electors specifically from four states. i stood up if you look at my floor speech i stood up on behalf of my district. he specifically talked about the constitutional questions that are at play. valid questions about governors, judges, secretaries of state not following state election laws. really at the end of the day, harvard made this decision because of the pressure from the far left. there was a petition. they asked me to resign twice. i said absolutely not. i will not voluntarily resign. my job is to stand up for my district. oh, and we should welcome conservative students. but essentially harvard purged the only trump voice, the only trump motor on the board of harvard's institute of politics. what's frustrating to me is people hurt the most are the students, the next generation of leaders. they are taught that their views will be silenced. if they don't agree with the majority of the far left viewpoints at harvard. it's a shame.
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>> sean: basically just one point of view that you're allowed to have at harvard. you know, i would think that the time that you'd want to most challenge you are maybe preconceived notions, may be opinions, maybe if people would listen to the other side they might actually learn a thing or two. >> absolutely. college campuses should be venues where you challenge one another, where you foster critical thinking, where you get different perspectives. what is so unfortunate is that when i was an undergraduate at harvard, i definitely was a minority, conservative student, first generation college student. it's becoming harder and harder. it shows an utter disdain for people that don't come from the liberal bubble, people that don't grow up with parents who are in academia, parents and far left politics. i am very concerned about the precedent it's setting. it's not going to just be me. it's going to be about banning
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fellows, professors, even not allowing students to speak up for their beliefs. i have been really overwhelmed, sean, the positive feedback i've heard not just from my district but from alumni of harvard who vehemently disagreed with their attack on freedom of speech. it's just a shame. i feel most bad about the students who are young conservatives who are looking for, you know, role models they can reach out to. it's clear that harvard wants to purge anyone who supports president trump. there is another petition already under way not to allow public speakers or anyone who served in the trump administration. >> sean: thank you. i hope may be another college does have interest in both sides. hire somebody on the left. that the students decide for themselves. anyway, thank you, congresswoman. sorry that happened. we are learning also tonight senator tim scott will not support this last-minute impulse
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impeachment. as professor alan dershowitz recently explained under the constitution, the legislature does have jurisdiction to impeach and remove a president after he has already left office which appears to be the plan. here with reaction, haus minority whip steve scalise, harvard law school professor, host of the podcast, alan dershowitz. i spoke to your leader, kevin mccarthy, earlier tonight. he was very, very, very clear and that is that he doesn't support the president resigning. he doesn't support the impeachment. he has said so in two letters that he sent out to members saying it's a bad idea which renders "the new york times" wrong again. >> sean, it's good to be with you. this is a very divisive move by the speaker to try to really divide the country even more at a time when we should be focused on bringing it together.
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look, there's a powder keg out there that we've seen for months. this wasn't just something that happened wednesday. what happened wednesday was disgusting. every single person who stormed the capitol and attacked capitol police who did such a heroic job, those people ought to be put in jail and they are being put in jail, by the way. by the way you didn't hear the left decrying the kind of violence that we saw during the summer. clearly they are trying to play this both ways. we are not. we are saying that it was wrong wednesday it was wrong during the summer. to impeach the president one more time. the impeached him over a hoax last year. this is all they are about is dividing the country. this is a time when we should be focused on ratcheting the tone down, trying to get things back calm and it's not that right now. >> sean: professor dershowitz, "new york times" headline was "mcconnell is said to be pleased about impeachment." they have now since change their article apparently. at least they were scheduled to change it. they said they would change and
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according to senator mcconnell's office which i dr. just before airtime. they said no, no such conclusion. there is a sellout -- a lot of salacious nonsense. let's talk about assuming the house tomorrow goes through to get their latest edition of their never ending desire starting 16 minutes after donald trump began president, the media and the democrats wanting this. what happens then. i don't see time to mount a defense. i guess democrats are capable of finding any way to do whatever they want, right? >> first of all let me comment briefly on harvard. harvard is not only going after conservatives. there were petitions to try to remove my professor emeritus status because i defended president trump on the floor of the senate. there is now a petition signed by 5,000 professors and students at harvard danielle trying to disbar senators cruz and the other senator because they went
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on the floor of the senate. it's getting worse. if a student today takes the position that i take or the congresswoman takes, their grades will suffer. their recommendations will suffer. we are seeing a kind of mccarthyism permeate a reverse mccarthyism, the exact opposite of what i experience when i was in college in the 1950s, and what the democrats are doing is they are playing theater. they know they can't get a removal of a president. the constitution only empowers congress to impeach and remove a president from office once he's out of office. congress loses jurisdiction. they can't have a trial. first of all, the constitution says the chief justice must -- trial of the president. >> sean: wasn't there a case of a secretary of state may be in the grant administration that was impeached post their term. didn't that happen? >> yes and it was wrong. it was wrong then and it's wrong now.
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people made a mistake in the past. the constitution makes it clear you can only remove by a two-thirds vote. if you then remove, you can also disqualify but you can't just disqualify. that's not possible under the constitution. it would be unconstitutional to impeach the president and then put off the trial until after he leaves the office and he's an ordinary citizen. if they can do that, they can impeach you and me because we can run for president as well in 2024. >> sean: [laughs] i would impeach me. i would ask. he would be a great favor so we never do run. nobody needs that hell. good to see you both. when we come back, prominent former democratic senator just filed as a foreign agent. the left's ties to china are piling up and it's dangerous. peter schweizer, david rubin and the latest undercover video from our friends at project veritas, yeah, the people of pbs, one of their lawyers doesn't really like people that don't think
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>> sean: another democrat embroiled in a scandal over cozy ties with china. the biden inaugural committee returning donations from former california senator barbara boxer after was revealed she registered as a foreign agent for chinese surveillance company which is linked to the spying and targeting of the minority muslim population in china. remember as reported by buzzfeed news over the summer, china has built massive new prisons and internment camps as part of their mass detention of muslim minority groups and what is considered one of the worst human rights abuses anywhere in
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the world today. following the backlash, boxer announced she would no longer do any work for the company, calling it "a negative distraction. "here to explain, author of "profiles in corruption and secret empires," journalist peter schweizer. post of the rubin report, david rubin. you knew tony bubbling ski before anybody else, correct? >> that's right, we met a couple weeks before it became public. >> sean: okay. we did the first interview in january of 2018, secret empires. you talked about burisma. he talked about bank of china. now we have talking about oligarchs and rush out wire transfers, shopping sprees. my question is is there a lot on the laptop? democrats like to talk a lot about impeachment. are these issues going to be
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something that democrats come to regret? are the financial problems and other issues i hear might be involved here that bad? >> yeah, they are. we are going through those emails and there are a lot of deals that were on the table involving a lot of foreign entities. very corrupt behavior. the announcement that barbara boxer was actually going to do lobbying work for hikvision, a company that is central to the chinese national security state apparatus, it's emblematic of the problem that we have in washington, d.c. politicians aren't always for sale but a lot of them are for rent and the bidens have had a long cozy relationship with foreign entities, foreign governments particularly china. those don't just get swept away. those relationships linger. the money flow continues. any leverage that those foreign powers might have had on the
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biden family still exist to this day. and yes, there is going to be more reporting on this going ahead by us. >> sean: business and personal things that are really bad. on a scale of one trend to 10, give it a grade. >> i would put it at a 9. i don't think we've ever had an american president that has been this commercially linked to our chief adversary which is china. look, it's obvious to everyone. you look at donald trump. he had some dealings, his family had dealings in china. he had legitimate businesses. we look at michael bloomberg, same thing. he had dealings in china, legitimate businesses. by no stretch of any imagination to the bidens have any kind of legitimate business that the chinese were pouring money into. he was about currying favor. the bidens got millions and the bidens didn't care that it put them in this compromising position and there's going to be
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much more reporting on this by us in the future. >> sean: dave rubin, i look at all of this and i'm listening to democrats and listening to the media mob and i'm actually -- we are going to put them in a nice little bins and sections. i think that there might be very dramatic shifts in opinions on these issues in the months and may be years. maybe sooner. >> people have had it with the swamp. people have had it with the swamp. it's as simple as that. peter's point is a good one. the bidens have no business in china. trump had business in china. michael bloomberg, business in china. the situation with barbara boxer, she was a senator for 24 years. he's 80 years old. it's like, just retire. wyatt 80 years old as if she's not a million or already are you taking money not from a chinese sneaker company but a chinese surveillance company. these people, they work in government, they don't do much
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except get rich. then they work for the lobbying companies. we know this. this is why trump won the first time around because he promised to drain the swamp and this is why the swamp why this very moment as we see the swamp reconstitute itself and get rid of whatever is remaining of tropism, it's a gross thing that makes people hate politics. we really need to rethink it because it's not working anymore. people can see it too easily now. they have seen it and we are going to continue to see it. >> sean: great work, both of you. peter, thank you. great work. when we come back, project veritas, exclusive tape. we will show you exposing pbs's outright hatred of you. straight ahead.
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>> sean: a new project veritas undercover video release earlier showing a pbs lawyer saying that trump supporters needed to be put in reeducation camps and our children do. while also celebrating americans dying for coronavirus and red states, trump voters. fox news, we let you decide. project veritas is saying that they recorded it over the last few months. you decide. [inaudible] what's great is that covid is spiking in the red states. >> why do you think so?
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>> the red states. >> sean: we did reach out to pbs we got a statement and they said this employee no longer works for pvs is a mid-level staff attorney. speaking on behalf of our organization. nor did he make any editorial decisions. here with my reaction, project veritas founder and ceo james o'keefe. lay out everything they said. >> this is a principled attorney for pbs and he talks about how he's glad people in red states are dying of covid. molotov cocktails at the white house, surrounding the presidential limo. he shows his hubris. he shows the elitism. everything, like a caricature of the pbs lawyer or media executive would say and he's advocating violence.
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talking about how intelligence he is taking away children from their parents. dhs during the biden administration should separate children from their parents. it's one of the chief lawyers for the corporation for public broadcasting which receives millions of dollars from the federal government and it highlights a double standard of the press because they advocate censorship. one of their lawyers is talking about how important he is we commit acts of violence. pbs fired him an hour or two after they release the story, one of the swiftest reactions we've seen after a project veritas video. >> sean: take kids. have homeland security take kids from parents, enlightenment camps, reeducation camps. sesame characters. watch pbs all day. americans are blanking dumb, most people are dumb, good to live in d.c. where people are educated. can you imagine if you lived in one of these other towns or cities where everybody is just stupid. what's great about covid spiking in red states is it's great. a lot of them, red state voters
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are sick and they are dying. sounds like a very nice man. >> one of the ironies is he is saying that he has the enlightened viewed to take kids away from their parents and support and insurrection, it's a double standard but i think in this time of moral and political crisis, i think courage is contagious and we have these whistle-blowers coming to us, insiders. we need more people right now. there is a time to be hopeful if we can create an army of exposures. exposure, sunlight is the best disinfectant. exposure is a solution. >> sean: james o'keefe, thank you for sharing the video with us. we appreciated. more more "hannity" after this.
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"hannity," the great one markel event will respond to all of the constitutional madness that is washington, d.c. we will always be independent. we go our own path and we will always try to get to the bottom of everything and tell the truth. let not your heart be troubled because laura ingraham is there, battle one, roll tide to. >> laura: hannity, that political night of crazy news combined with the best political athletic night for college football. >> sean: nick saban you have to give this guy credit. >> laura: i think the republican party should take some lessons from nick saban appear at first he does not accept mediocrity and he has a good relationship with his play. and even if they win, if they didn't do it right, he wants them to do
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