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tv   FOX Friends First  FOX News  January 14, 2021 2:00am-3:01am PST

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week left in office, donald trump becomes the first president to be impeached twice, live in dc with that historic house vote and why senate trial is still uncertain. >> dc officials tracking multiple threats before next week's inauguration, donald trump says violence is not what he or this country stands for. todd: a shocking admission from twitter's jack dorsey as he defends his decision to shut down the president's account. "fox and friends first" continues right now. >> you are watching "fox and friends first" on this busy thursday morning. todd: we begin with that fox news alert, house voting to impeach donald trump for a second time just one week before he leaves office. >> reporter: of jenkins has more on this historic vote. todd: as you saw on the vote
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tally 232-197, house lawmakers voting to impeach donald trump for inciting an insurrection one week after the capital riots with nancy pelosi adding she believes a threat remains. >> we know we face enemies of the constitution and we experienced an insurrection that violated the sanctity of the people's f the president of the united states incited this insurrection. he must go. he's a clear and present danger to the nation that we all love. >> the president impeached for a second time in the most bipartisan vote in history. ten republicans crossed the aisle, jamie butler is one of them. the most ever from the president's own party. >> i rise today to stand against our enemy and declare the enemy isn't the president or the president-elect. fear is our enemy but truth sets
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us free from fear. my vote to impeach a sitting president is not a fear-based decision. i'm not choosing a side. i'm choosing truth. it is the only way to defeat fear. republican jim jordan stood against the vote saying it divide the nation. >> this doesn't unite the country. there is no way this helps the nation deal with the tragic and terrible events of last week that we all condemn. >> reporter: it heads to the senate for trial but won't happen immediately. majority leader mitch mcconnell rejecting an emergency session saying it would have to wait until after the inauguration and it is not clear where mcconnell stands writing a note to colleagues, quote, i have not made a final decision on how i will vote but i intend to listen to the legal arguments when they are presented to the senate. is for donald trump he addressed the nation last night but did not address his own impeachment. as successor president-elect biden issued a statement saying i hope senate leadership will find a way to deal with their
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constitutional responsible design impeachment while also working on the other urgent business of this nation. that urgent business includes confirming nominees and seating a government to the question is when and how this will happen. jillian: tucker carlson says democrats may be blaming the right for impeachment but says that's not the real reason. >> what is happening instead is old-fashioned hard i politics, democrats have every practical reason for wanting to see trump impeached in his final days in office, the most obvious is to make republicans weaker. every lost diminishes a political party and impeachment is nothing if not a loss but there is also another thing, democrats need to keep talking about donald trump next weekend forever if they are going to keep their own party together. once donald trump leaves the
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scene, the great unifier and time to divvy up the spoils of the treasury to begin the great piñata party of 2021 various components within the democratic party, the communities you hear about will turn on each other with feral ferocity. you can see glasses of it now. it is going to be highly ugly. democrats would like to delay that disaster as long as they can so they need to keep donald trump at the center of the conversation. they are impeaching him so they can continue to give speeches about him. it is that simple. >> the fbi with new photos of people in the capital right asking the public to identify as 7 more people are charged in the chaos. one of them olympic gold medal swimmer killer, a picture from his, the complaint shows him at the capital area jacket with the libertine patch on it, faces of charges including violent entry on capital grounds. two off-duty police officers take this selfy in the s we, thomas robertson and jacob
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tracker are charged with knowingly entering a restricted area. the apartment put them on administrative leave. local media, they did nothing illegal at the time. troops filling washington dc and thousands more on the way as authorities track threat ahead of donald -- president-elect biden's inauguration. >> the president calls for peace in his supporters. >> reporter: washington is taking extreme protection measures in the days leading up to joe biden's inauguration with 6600 national guardsmen in dc. photos show troops lining the walls of the nation's capital. there will be up to 20,000 national guard troops deployed, four times more troops in dc for the inauguration than iraq and afghanistan combined. they are expected to be in place by this weekend this as federal law enforcement track multiple threats for, quote, week of siege. >> we ask dhs to coordinate with the department of defense, the
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department of justice, the united states congress, the united states supreme court to establish a security and federal deployment plan for all federal property. >> mayor bowser who was also threatened has asked the feds to cancel demonstration permits ahead of the inauguration. the are in c chairwoman saying, quote, let me be clear, anyone who has malicious intent is not welcome in washington dc or any other state capital building, donald trump asking for peace. listen. >> no true supporter of mine could ever endorse political violence. whether you are on the right or on the left, a democrat or a republican, there is never a justification for violence, no excuses, no exceptions. >> reporter: air b&b says it cancel all reservations in the dc area for inauguration we, the
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faa has seen an uptick in unruly passengers, the plan to crackdown on those types of passengers with heavy fines. todd: dan bonngino accused democrats of having a double standard. >> this isn't about principle for them. it is about politics. what do they do when you call them out? they go that is what aboutism. this isn't a country club. it is a country. we have to have a common set of principles moving forward and if we can't all agree that political violence should never under any circumstances be normalized no matter where it originates then i am sorry, this isn't a country. >> remember the months of black lives better protests the left cities and businesses badly damaged. jillian: the trump administration speeding up the
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delivery of vaccine shots amid surges and coronavirus case and deaths. going forward the government will partially base each state's vaccine a locations on their ability to administer doses already delivered is two new coronavirus strains are identified in ohio. researchers urge the public to remain calm as they collect more data. scientists say there is no data to believe the variance will impact the effectiveness of the vaccine currently in use. dollar general plans to have its vaccine even to employees for 1-time payment equivalent to four hours of pay after completing the vaccination. the company employs 157,000 people say getting the vaccine is a personal decision and will not be required. >> in alabama the preferred location to host the $1 billion us space command headquarters, the secretary making the selection in new mexico and texas based on factors like
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infrastructure capacity and cost to the part of defense, the air force will make a final decision in spring of 2023. until then the provisional headquarters will remain in colorado springs. i like to look ahead. they are not making the decision until spring of 2023 and who knows when it is but we should go down there for story. i will put it in so we can go. 9 minutes after the hour, twitter's ceo defending donald trump's lifetime man but admitting it is a dangerous precedent. the left has one goal when it comes to opinions they don't agree with, his take on big tech censorship next. jillian: tom brady andrew breeze live on, the largest matchup in nfl history. ♪♪
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introducing a revolution in the world of pain relief: new advil dual action. advil targets pain at the source. acetaminophen blocks pain signals. new advil dual action with acetaminophen. if these beautiful idaho potato recipes are just side dishes, then i'm not a real idaho potato farmer. genuine idaho potatoes not just a side dish anymore. always look for the grown in idaho seal. you remember rick, her neighbor? sure, he's the 76-year-old guy who still runs marathons, right? sadly, not anymore. -what? you mean-- -mm-hm.
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the $9.95 plan is colonial penn's #1 most popular whole life plan. options start at just $9.95 a month. that's less than 35 cents a day. your rate can never go up, it's locked in for life. don't put it off. take the first easy step. call today for free information. and you'll also get this free beneficiary planner. so call now. (soft music) ♪ ♪ hello, colonial penn? >> reporter: to impeach the president today without any
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evidence, sheer hatred. if this becomes the norm how do you serve 5 as our president and for future, this will be an attack on the presidency in perpetuity. >> senate judiciary committee chairman the graham sounding off on the impeachment warning it could backfire down the line. >> congressman brian babin joins us now. why do you see as the pre-slip? >> just like senator graham said. it is going to lead to problems in the future and it could come back and bite these democrats too. i just felt like this thing was so rushed and you look back at the history of this thing and you see less than 20 minutes after donald trump was inaugurated back in january of 2017 less than 20 minutes after he was president of the united states the washington post ran a
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headline, the campaign to impeach donald trump has begun and they never stopped and they are continuing on, he has 7 days left and yesterday we had to vote on and impeachment that had no witnesses, no due process, all they had were press reports and it was inexcusable. >> there were 10 gop lawmakers that backed impeachment, we can pull that up on screen for you now. when it goes to the senate there will be 17 republicans that would be needed. do you think they can get that number? is that possible? >> i think they can and i hope they can. doing this at this time is ridiculous. if they are going to impeach the president over incitement, quote, then just about every democrat in the house of representatives and in the u.s. senate could be impeached and
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removed from office as well. >> if i could interrupt, we might have had a misunderstanding, they will be 17 republicans that would be needed to break ranks and vote for impeachment in the senate in order for him to be impeached, you're saying you think they would have that number or they wouldn't? >> i don't think they will have that number. i'm sorry. >> you mentioned this russia. regardless of where you fall on the substance of impeachment the timing of this because democrats took months to agree on a stimulus package when the american public needed it so much but they did this lickety-split. for the american people what are they to think of this newfound hustling congress? >> i can tell you the american people see right through this and quite frankly 74 plus million americans voted for donald trump and for us republicans and i think they see
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the hypocrisy is overwhelming when you see like you said it took that many months for pelosi and her crew to come together with us on a covid-19 package and within a matter of days we have an impeachment which is not the most commonplace procedure we see in washington dc but this is the nature of the beast at this time inside the beltway and i think a lot of americans are put out with the way things are run in this city and i felt very much the need to express my dissatisfaction with his impeachment process. even those of us who accepted objected on january 6th, we have been hillary, told we had to be arrested for treason and when we look back we see strangely in may of 2017 nancy pelosi herself
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said the 16 election was hijacked. the hypocrisy is overwhelming here. jillian: let's talk about big tech, jack dorsey sends out a tweet, quote, i do not celebrate pride in having to ban the president from twitter and sets a precedent i feel dangerous, the power an individual or corporation has over part of the global public conversation. what do you make of this statement? >> it is an admission of guilt. he knows what he is doing. if you take down the president of the united states's platform to speak on twitter, they can take down anybody's. there again hypocrisy. we've got louis farrakhan, the ayatollah, chinese propagandist that still have twitter accounts and yet the leader of the free world cannot send out a tweet. it is outrageous.
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it shows again there is a uniting of tech, big media and the democratic party that those, half this country - it is a very very dangerous precedent. we have seen the leaders of the western nations, some not really friends of donald trump like angela merkel in germany who said this is a dangerous precedent to set, to take on the twitter account and other platforms of the president of the united states, can happen anywhere, very dangerous for those of us who believe in freedom and our constitutional rights. we've seen them trampled in the last few days, the last year, we've seen the hypocrisy the left film ended, have really - >> an issue that will unite the republican party, we've got to let it go here but thank you, interesting to see what happens, thank you.
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>> the lead joe biden promises to make the wealthy pay their fair share in his tax the rich agenda, small businesses sounding the alarm. >> up next two businesses who saved biden's plan will ruin their bottom line especially during the pandemic. ♪♪
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cell phone repair. did you know liberty mutual customizes your car insurance so you only pay for what you need? just get a quote at really? i'll check that out. oh yeah. i think i might get a quote. not again! aah, come on rice. do your thing. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
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todd: the weight of the pandemic continuing to ravage small businesses, the us has 30% fewer small businesses open right now compared to this time last year. clear sign their struggling and they could face more headaches under joe biden's tax plan. our small businesses preparing?
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susan coacherbarred jointly. the biden tax plan is designed to tax the rich. are you rich? >> no, sir. not at all. todd: here is the part of the planet's most talked about, it would oppose a payroll tax, raise the corporate tax rate to 20%, limit deductions, tax capital gains, how will that impacts you? >> any time you tax you get less of it. to be less than investment, fewer rich people? know. i went more rich people. i want more opportunities for people. i want to grow the economy. taxing it is right -- not the right thing to do. we tell our kids go to school and work hard and get an education and make something of yourself and then we turn around and tax them harder and take more from them. does that seem right? todd: what changes will you have
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to make? what will impact your business in a negative way if these biden tax policies become law? >> i will be looking to streamline services even more so that i can hire fewer people and probably automate more things as much as possible. automation is very expensive. a drive in movie theater, we are very mainstream and i'm not big like mcdonald's. i can't make an automated hamburger producer. todd: the pandemic has been horrible on small business, 25% anticipate closing in 6 months if the economic conditions don't improve, 20% report sales levels 50% or less since the start of the pandemic. we have patricia, a coffee shop owner in california. are you worried you could become one of those that i just mentioned, lose your business?
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>> absolutely, absolutely. the new administration tax proposal is alarming. small businesses are going to be hurt by this. todd: you consider yourself rich? >> know. absolutely not. todd: so the biden tax plan is designed allegedly to go after the rich, joe biden said as much. how will the joe biden tax plan -- >> i realize that but most business owners, the business owners i know are definitely not rich. we are a mom and pop shop, most of us drive old cars, some are least, we are hard-working people and we live in small homes, this is my community i am
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speaking of in california and i am proud of my community so i am concerned, small business is the backbone of america. we are suffering from the pandemic in terms of keeping the doors open. todd: patricia, susan. >> focusing so much on taxes and not enough on what they can do to help us. todd: you see this in so many states. appreciate your time, thank you so much. jillian: overnight a team from the world health organization arrives in china to investigate the origins of the covid-19 pandemic. gordon chang joins us with what steps the us should take.
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todd: a fox news alerts, this marks the first time in us history of president has been
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impeached more than once. >> the house for 232-197 with 10 republicans backbreaking party ranks. the senate firewall not start until president-elect biden is inaugurated. mitch mcconnell said the president committed impeachable offenses but has not said if he will vote to convict. todd: we learned about newly named impeachment manager eric swallwell and barbara boxer for a chinese surveillance company. jillian: china condemns the us on this. how to the future look between the us and china under a biden administration, gordon chang, thanks for joining us. a number of democrats with
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alleged ties to shine a. what red flags to send as we are entering the new administration in a week? >> beijing is using all its contact with american society to overthrow the government, david fitter, the republican senator from louisiana, a chinese company involved in surveillance but complicit in crimes against humanity. this is unspeakable that you would have two senior political figures for such a disgusting chinese company. we've got to cut those ties. beijing will infiltrate society, succeed in getting rid of us. >> this is a chinese surveillance company and who knows if it does? the trump administration and communist chinese battling taiwan. how volatile is the back and forth?
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>> at this particular time there have been harsh words. and have diplomatic ties. the trump administration should have gone ahead with the ambassador to the un going to taiwan, canceled all state department travel. that, however, sends a bad signal to beijing. we didn't go ahead with the visit and the lesson they are taking away, any time they get angry they can get us to do what they want. >> the world health organization will arrive in china today for investigation into the origins of the covid-19 pandemic. 10 months after this all started for us, you are hearing stories of this being sooner and that. 10 months ago, what type of
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information will we gather after this much time has passed. >> nothing of use. this who mission should have been a year earlier. this is the third who mission, single day of affairs, publicizing china's narrative, these guys were not going to do what they need to do which is to stay months and months but this is heavily negotiated. beijing said the terms of admission arm such that we have learned nothing. todd: have we lost the who to china. >> that is certainly true and that has been clear. they propagated a false
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narrative, highly contagious and also who doctors knew it was contagious and the organization went ahead and propagated that narrative which logged to them into not taking initiative they should have. >> the great us china tech war, gordon chang, love having you on. todd: you know somebody else, janice dean, how is the forecast looking. >> not bad in the northeast but we have a blizzard across the upper midwest. a big storm moving in, low pressure from canada and the cold air will set the stage for a big winter storm across portions of the northern plains, upper midwest to the midwest, starting to get its act together, temperatures dropping
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through the next 12 to 24 hours, the storm develops, not only will we see heavy snow but the wind, a duration of hours, we have blizzard warnings in effect, and winter weather watches and winter storm warnings, definitely significant snow for the upper midwest to the interior north we send the appalachians, the real concern is those gusty windss where blizzard warnings are up, pay attention to your local forecasters and keep you up-to-date. >> you keep hinting. is >> still ahead, it is all in on the operation the promises taking in cash to cover 500 dreamers. >> live report next.
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>> and president-elect joe biden vows to give them a pathway to citizenship. >> google spending 250,$000 for fees for 500 dreamers, under d to the aca, long supported the obama era programs, to request deferred immigration enforcement. google setting economic hardship for the coronavirus pandemic. and grant will lead to
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$35 million to companies contributed supporting immigrants around the world. the move comes after a federal judge restored the program after trump administration's efforts to end through 2017. calling big tech the big left. >> the fact they are venturing into financing and rewarding illegal aliens in the us and working with a group united we dream that represents non-us citizen to affect us policy should come as no surprise for google who has designs on us domestic politics in a way that undermines our sovereignty, national security. >> reporter: the incoming biden administration plans to rollout its immigration reform bill which would grant automatic regards to d's in the aca recipients, joe biden will push that out as soon as he kicks off. listen. >> i will introduce the
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immigration bill and have a sense of appropriate committees to begin moving. >> reporter: google says it will support efforts to pass immigration reform. jillian: let's talk about the nfl. tom brady, they square off this sunday in the nfc playoffs, tom brady posted this meme online showing them in a mock history channel promo. >> looks like a civil war general. you can watch them collide and on saturday green bay packers host the la rams. a call to action over big text insertion. florida state rep who says if they can decide who to do
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business with so can he. he joins us live next. ll taxes.t means... world domination! or just the west side. run payroll in less than five minutes with intuit quickbooks. robinhood believes now is the time to do money. without the commission fees so you can start investing today, wherever you are — even hanging with your dog. so, what are you waiting for? download now and get your first stock on us. robinhood.
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brian: in 16 minutes is what we have? the president is impeached on party lines, lost in republicans. the reaction from steve scalise who stood by him and brian mass who was given a tour to national guard holders got ripped by another anchor. and brian donalds of florida will be with us and west virginia leading the way on the coronavirus rollout. they issued more vaccines, governor jim justice with the secret to his success. a police officer in oklahoma
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donating his stimulus check to a struggling local business and that business owner hanging at forward. don't miss a minute, 15 minutes to get dressed. >> time to explore doing algorithms to flag content in advance. we still have innocent until proven guilty. >> parlor is speaking out amid fears the apps may never come back after being booted from apps stores. jillian: cheryl casone is here with more. ed: social media platforms, may not return according to a ceo, several business vendors severed ties with the 2-year-old site, parlor is cut off by several partners after attack from the capital, and one of those vendors, amazon cloud computing division monday, court
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documents, parlor says amazon has approved the platform to incite and organize the january 6th c. twitter ceo jack dorsey defended the decision to ban donald trump, he said i don't feel pride in having to ban donald trump from twitter or how we got here after clear warning we take this action, made a decision with the best information we had based on safety on and off twitter. dorsey had to admit the company's power sets a dangerous precedent acknowledging the inconsistencies of enforcing the company policies. snapchat will permanently ban donald trump's account on january 20th, the company lost it indefinitely last week. a spokesperson telling fox news in the interest of public safety and based on spreading misinformation, hate speech and violence, clear violations of our guidelines, we made a decision to terminate the account.
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congressman brian babin from texas on this whole topic. >> when you can take down the president of the united states's platform to speak on twitter they can take down anybody. a outrageous. it shows there is a uniting of big tech, big media in the democratic party, half this country. >> even jack dorsey is saying how much is enough? jillian: thank you very much. let's bring in responding to big text insertion by calling on his state to boycott those companies. thank you for being here, appreciate it. what are you asking to be done about this? >> i am asking the state of florida to divest its holdings of facebook, twitter, amazon, google, all of these companies that boycotted conservatives.
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jillian: what does it mean for the rest of florida? >> it would allow us to say these companies have a right to choose who they do business with but so do we. we can say we are not going to work with companies that choose to censor half of our residents. jillian: any responses from any residents in florida? have you heard from people on this? >> sure. when i announced this on twitter i had 6 million people see it and what is more important is the chief financial officer a state wants to invest this idea in our next cabinet meeting. is a chance this is going to happen. the other thing is i had people for multiple stay from elected officials say they want to do this in their states too. we did something like this in florida last year with another company and were able to convince them to change course. we can do the same thing right here. jillian: what is the end goal then? >> my end goal is to say you can't shut down conservative thought, you can't engage in
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viewpoint discrimination because this is dangerous, not about being conservative or liberal. if any of these companies can shutdown the president of the united states they could shutdown you. of 75 million people can't speak with their words they may speak in other ways. i want these companies to reverse course and be open to everyone who engages in a reasonable way, not these terrorists who attacked the capital last week. they don't represent 99.99999% of conservatives and they shouldn't be shutting them down. jillian: your hearing from critics on the other side of the aisle, the viewpoint because of conservatives were being shutdown but you said in your letter to be clear you would be getting the same letter if it was liberals being silenced. tell me more about that. >> i did. these technologists need to study history. when you take actions like this against one group inevitably it comes back on the other group. this concerns me because i want
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free and open dialogue between liberals and conservatives. i don't want one group of being shutdown. i have 58 speech in florida, no one on my side of the aisle has fought it more aggressively than i have. this is not about being conservative, this is not about donald trump. this is saying you need to be open to everyone and if you are not the state of florida is not going to put up with it. jillian: keep us updated. i will be curious to see, thank you for joining us. todd: donald trump the first to be impeached twice. history was just made in dc next. , then i'm not a real idaho potato farmer. genuine idaho potatoes not just a side dish anymore. always look for the grown in idaho seal. ♪ limu emu ♪ and doug. and if we win, we get to tell you how liberty mutual customizes car insurance so you only pay for what you need. isn't that what you just did?
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>> we know that the president of the united states invited this will. he is a clear and present danger. >> a vote to impeach would further divide this nation. a vote to impeach would further fan the flames of partisan division. jillian: a fox news alert. president trump impeached for a second time. the resolution passing 232 to 197 with 10 republicans joining the democrats.ed to here with his take fox news contributor and editor at the "wall street journal" bill mcgurn. we have broken down impeachment every single angle dealer's choice to you what stood out yesterday? >> what stood out, i think, is this to me it was historic day. the president being impeached twice but how we have cheapened
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impeachment. that what really stood out. not trump or anything else. we have now used it twice on one man. we're doing it this time a week before he is leaving office. and i think it's -- i don't think the president behaved well by firing people up, but i don't think that he should have been impeached and at this late date it just seems gratuitous. jillian: you look at the whole big picture two impeachments in 13 months and what happened last wednesday which was atrocious. jennifer griffin more u.s. troops deployed on capitol hill now than in iraq or afghanistan. she also says the 5,000 mobilized for the inauguration equals three times the number of u.s. troops in those two areas combined. you have chad pergram saying the troops haven't slept in the capitol since they were encamped in the rotunda during the general war. give me a sense where we are in this country right now on what all of this means. >> well, i think nerves are rubbed raw on both sides.
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i don't think there is any -- there is any sign of reconciliation. looking at the troops in d.c., i mean, this is sad. but i think it's better than the alternative. if the fbi is right, and there really are protests planned for this weekend, you know, i would rather not have a rerun of what we saw last wednesday at the capitol. so when we were overwhelmed partly because there weren't enough capitol police. so i think it's sad but it's a lot better than the alternative. i would never urge -- i would never say to an american you are not free to exercise your first amendment right, but i would say the danger now, especially for trump supporters and peaceful supporters is that they get lumped in with other people that, you know, commit crimes or acts of violence. and i don't think woe want that going forward. todd: meantime, bill, you have a new op-ed in the "wall street journal." here's a quote from it. if joe biden means what he says about being president for all
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americans including those who didn't vote for him he has work to do. joe biden says he will do this. take a listen. >> this is the time to heal in america. >> i will be president for all americans. >> heal and unite in america. >> the anger and pitter politics of division behind us. >> it's time for this nation, for for god sake to finally come together. todd: so, bill, is joe going to do it? >> i don't think so. there is no evidence so far. because to do it would take some real backbone, and it would mean standing up to people in his own party. i think he could have maybe stopped the impeachment and so forth. he could have said to those republicans and former republicans who are calling for a blacklist of people that worked for donald trump. i think that as president, he could have at least made the pitch. but he has done nothing to make the words real. you know, as other people are just adding logs to the fire.
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you know, he could talk about unity, but people really need to feel it and right now i think these people feel that they're still being treated as deplorables, that the goal is to make them unfit for polite society going forward and we're never going to heal if that's really what's going on? jillian: wow, bill mcgurn, thank you very much for joining us. we appreciate it. todd: thanks, bill. >> yanks, jillian. jillian: power ball jackpot going up again after no winner in last night's drawing. 7 tickets win 2 million bucks each with a million dollars winner virginia. todd: that jackpot swelling to $640 million. that is the fifth largest in the game's history. next drawing for power ball is coming up on saturday. jillian, if you just can't wait to win millions upon millions of dollars, mega millions is going to happen tomorrow night 750 million bucks at stake
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there. i'm not very confident. jillian: do you have your tickets? todd: i threw them in the car badge because i lost the power ball this morning. jillian: download the fox news app. town load the camera and scan the qr code on your screen. todd: "fox & friends" starts right now. have a great one. ♪ ♪ >> the resolution is adopted without objection. [gavel] >> president trump is the first president to be impeached twice. >> 10 republicans voted with democrats. >> they are not rejecting a president. he is leaving office in a couple of days. they are rejecting the voters who supported him. >> has anyone been brought here to answer whether they did that because of our president? >> congressman brian mast, who lost his legs by the way fighting for democracy abroad -- although i don't know about his commitment here -- he says did anybody say that? >> the president denouncing violence and calling on supporters to respect the law. >> no true supporter of mine could ever endorse political
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