tv Hannity FOX News January 14, 2021 6:00pm-7:00pm PST
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>> tucker: you saw the last segment, the kid who wrote that was 16 years old. great tribute to his parents. where out of time, sean hannity has a full hour of time so we sent it to him. use it all, we have a busy news nine. >> sean: welcome to "hannity," big developments in a bombshell new reports from according to our sources tonight, a far left agitator has been arrested by federal authorities for his role in the violent january 6th reach of the u.s. capital. oh, that's why you don't have the snap impeachment then rush to judgment like the mob and the democrats always do. we have a lot of details. a major announcement from the washington, d.c., swamp.
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things we've been digging for for years, troves of new documents surrounding spygate. they are declassified to and about to be released to you, the american people. remember, spike it was the obama administration's corrupt scheme to use the fisa court and of course hillary clinton's bought and paid for russian disinformation dirty dossier, the spy on the trump campaign, transition team, the trump presidency. john solomon will tell us how big it is and later, we will have more on the democrats snap impeachment and they are dangerous new double standard. first, we turn to the top story tonight, james o'keefe, project veritas, they have struck again. we obtained exclusive video jack dorsey revealing his plan for a wide censorship campaign. apparently, this is so much bigger than just banning one
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account, where banning one account. as always, we will let you decide. >> it's going to take some time. the other thing just to close out a little bit, we are focused on one right now, but this is going to be much bigger than just one account. it's going to go on for much longer in the next few weeks, it will go beyond the inauguration. we have to expect that and be ready for that. the focus is certainly on this account. but also, we need to put a much longer term on how the dynamics play out. i don't believe it's going away anytime soon. we are making around going on 100, with a much broader approach. we should be looking at.
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again going deeper on. it's a lot of work and a lot of focus. we also need to get to focus on a much bigger picture. because it's not going away. the u.s. is extremely divided. our platform is showing that. our role is to protect the liberty in that conversation. do what we can to make sure that no one is being hurt. that's our focus. >> sean: we reached out to twitter for a comment, a spokesperson said the remarks shown in the video were delivered to more than 5,400 employees and nearly the same words jack wrote in a recent tweet. okay, let's talk about the
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context. as we've one side, it doesn't begin and end with president trump. we've been telling you if they can silence the president of united states, what is stopping them from silencing you? keep in mind, twitter officially banned the president for over two specific tweets they cited. let's look at them. the 75 million great american patriots who voted for me, america first, make america great again, will have a giant voice long into the future. they will not be disrespected or treated unfairly in any way, shape, or form." okay. the other tweets "to all of those who've asked, i will not be going to the inauguration on january 20th. it was so? based on those standards, 99% of the tweets attacking yours truly should all be bad. if twitter claimed the tweets somehow glorify violence and therefore broke their policies. no, in reality, what twitter did
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you read it for yourself, we're looking for an excuse to ban the president for political reasons. all the other big tech companies joined together protect their bodies at twitter and their fellow left-wingers and squash their competitors. if you, like parler and incomes apple, amazon, and the rest. by the way, can anybody say antitrust investigation need needed? low liability. that means it's a liability shield that will protect them from being held accountable for the quad gmac contact posted by the users. if the twitters or other social media companies are on the business of editorializing d content for political reasons they should be treated by every other media company because they are editors now. this is the same social media platform that froze the account of "the new york post" over what turned out to be a completely
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factual news report about zero experience hunter. showing the picture of him sleeping with a crack pipe and the laptop. stay tuned. these are the same social media platforms that posted disclaimers of certain tweets and posts they decided were inaccurate. i would urge them to look into the tweets about me. the same platform that had no problem with the russia hoax, that was propagated all over twitter for years unchecked. they same platform that allows them to attack this country and threaten the country of israel. here with mark, president of project veritas, james o'keefe investigative reporter. this is big because he just assumed everybody at twitter agreed with him but i don't think they do. you have whistle-blowers everywhere. tell us about this, what else you may have, and what this means? >> thanks, sean, the
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whistle-blowers inside big tech or having a crisis of conscience. the people who work for the tech companies, this person came to us and observed jack dorsey, the ceo of twitter on this video call, recorded him unlike with the vice president said to you. he's not set it explicitly, they're kind of shrinking the overton window with a range of views that were acceptable in the public discourse and they're explicitly saying they're going to be censoring days, weeks in the future. this person comes to me actually today earlier today. gives us the video, and give us the revolution of whistle-blowing and big tech. of so many are upset and coming forward now with videos that we have more and we will be releasing more. >> sean: there is more that's coming? >> yes, and his vice president and twitter top brass have been recorded on video. again, just releasing the video
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today, more people are contacting veritas on our signal, our encrypted email. they're coming out in droves right now because i believe these tech companies and i'm sure you may believe this too, have more power than government or government distributes it there messaging through these platforms. a lot of people are upset and the courage the whistle-blowers is displaying is amazing. i'm trying to get them go on the record, i may believe i have one who may be willing to do that. we will see how they respond to this one. then we will be releasing more talking about the retrospective going back in time deleting accounts, and identifying exactly what type of language they deem unacceptable, which is really more mainstream conservative thought. >> sean: james o'keefe, we will be watching. thank you for sharing. turning to another breaking story, the source tonight telling fox news hundreds of
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documents pertaining to the greatest abuse of power, corruption, scandal in american history are about to be dropped in droves. we're talking about depositions, transcripts, interviews, other key materials all related to the biden-obama administration's effort to spy on the trump campaign and the trump white house, the trial presidency. here with a full report on all of this, just the founder john solomon, investigative reporter. john, this is something you and i can report, were not hiding it, we have been digging and digging for this information fo. we have been trying to get a hold of this. now it's finally coming out. >> yes, absolutely, sean. we will be a foot in height, 14 inches in documents and they're going to get to the heart of the things that the fbi and the justice department have tried to keep in the american public. i will tell you a couple things for my reports, you haven't seen the declassified documents but from my reporting this is what i
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know. christopher steele after he was fired, he did a long debriefing and made expose of revelations to the fbi. the reason why he leapt to the whole russia collusion story during the follow-up was to take the heat off hillary clinton because he was concerned the email story was not going away and still burbling out there and he wanted to change the topic of the washington. that's so significant, he's a foreigner who admits to the fbi he meddled in the election to help hillary clinton. separately, he told the fbi in the long debriefing that he got his first primary sub source, the one that gave all that salacious stuff we've been talking about, later debunked in the sub source disown some of the information saying i did not say that to christopher steele. the person who connected him to that, the impeachment was the former and fc, the person who hooked me to my sub source and later i went back and told her, hey, if you help me out with the dossier.
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i witnessed the impeachment and having this level of involvement, we were kept in the dark during the trial. until the last days of the trump presidency, big revelations like that all throughout the documents. >> sean: okay, this is pertinent on a lot of levels and on the informative pop annapolis carter page told by the fbi to stop by the mackinac spy. the higher honor himself jim comey said. why are we fighting to get him extradited? where we find in christopher steele? he's in the press business. it makes no sense to me. it's all to protect hillary, that's coming up tomorrow. lastly, we will get to this in a second. what do we know about about the preplanned, premeditated attacks on the ossoff to max before
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apparently a lot of people knew and did nothing. >> yes, as early as monday, january -- two days before the attack, the fbi had intelligence that they felt credible enough that there were multiple people planning an attack, talking about killing police officers at the capitol. they briefed it to the joint terrorism tax course in washington, the capitol police were alerted and the metropolitan police work's mackinac were alerted. here's something i confirm today. none of the intelligence got the president trump. they learned the effort to breach the capital started before the president's speech started and we now tonight have evidence from the fbi. an affidavit that one of the instigators charged and the involvement as a liberal anarchist activist named john sullivan, previously charged in utah and another violent ride r.
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the first of what may be many nontrump people who will be cots involved in the breach of the capitol. >> sean: the police chief that resigned was begging while before the event, days before the national guard as it was beginning to unfold. they didn't give it to him, then it like the optics. that changes the whole story, doesn't it, that if it was preplanned, i guess that doesn't fit the narrative that donald trump said now you're going to peacefully and patriotically march to the capitol's are your can be heard. i think they got a problem here in d.c. and in the media, john, thank you. >> thank you. >> sean: all right, sadly tonight, there is a brand-new standard in our nation's capitol. according to democrats, the media mob, and some republicans like liz cheney.
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the president of the united states can be impeached in record time accused of inciting an insurrection because of a speech telling supporters peacefully, patriotically, make your voices heard. that's when he said. coming up, were going to impact the snap impeachment. we will show you how top democrats have violated their own incitement standards. we will reveal once again why russia judgment is detrimental to the country but brand-new reports now reveal last week's attack as we have been saying on the capitol might have been preplanned. far left riot or who breach the capitol has been arrested. stop right here, this is why on the show some people say i go to slow sometimes. why i don't rush to judgment like the modern democrats. why we end up being right and more right on russia, ukraine, going back to richard jewell, duke lacrosse, uva, nicholas sandmann, ferguson, baltimore, so many other issues, they are wrong, we're right.
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how is it? we don't rush to judgment. americans deserve a full and transparent investigation about what went wrong, not a pointless snap political impeachment that solves nothing and by all accounts tonight this was premeditated. we need a lot more details before we get to the final conclusion. let me reiterate, words actually matter and facts matter. well, let's go to that january 6th rally where the president said this, which no democrats, nobody in the media ever wants to play. these are his words that day that they said lead and inspire the insurrection. take a listen. >> i know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard. >> sean: peacefully, patriotically, make your voices heard. all rights, look at that as their standard to impeach. compare it to what chuck schumer said just a couple months
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ago in front of the u.s. supreme court building and take a look at chuck. kind of threatening the supreme court justices. take a look. >> i want to tell you such, i want to tell you cavanaugh, you've released the whirlwind ad you will pay the price. [cheers and applause] you won't know what hit you if you go forward with these awful decisions. >> sean: you will pay the price. you won't know what hit you. chuck schumer now facing impeachment? should we set a date? and by their standards, they want to consider impeaching squad member congresswoman pressley. this summer, remember violent riots ripping through every major city in the country. if she goes on propaganda, msdnc. calling for unrest as long as there's unrest in our lives. sounds like an impeachable
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statement. listen. >> there needs to be unrest in the streets for as long as there's unrest in our lives and i'm forcing them to go around. >> i have no retort to that congress moment, that's certainly accurate. >> sean: clear incitement of violence, according to their own standards. fellow squad woman, congresswoman alexandria ocasio-cortez called on americans to occupy airports and federal law enforcement offices. all across america. if you going to be impeached? take a look. >> occupy every airport, occupy every border, occupy every ice office. >> sean: and other words, ocasio-cortez was encouraging to breach buildings. you've gone eric swalwell. before getting exposed over his years long relationship with chinese spy, he was threatening gun numbers with nuclear weapons
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on twitter. make no mistake, the violence dream of rhetoric has been disgraceful. if take a look. >> you can't be civil with a political party that wants to destroy when you stand for, what you care about. >> i would like to debate this gentleman, no, i take you behind the gym and beat the hell out of him. >> you got to be ready to take a punch. i am ready to throw a punch. >> and you touch back on them. you tell them that they're not welcome! >> everyone should take note of it on both levels, that they are not going to let up and they should not should not. >> i don't know why there aren't uprisings all over the country. maybe there will be. >> get up in the face of congress people. >> this kind of inspiration, i will go and take trump out to nine. >> you take on the intelligence community and six ways from sunday's from you.
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>> i have threatened all these constituents, i did not threaten a constituent. i do that all the time. >> does it any good running away from donald trump, you got to go back and punch him in the face buried >> sean: more important , soon vpd kamala harris from one of the fund in minneapolis were actual rioters on twitter. they'd refused to tell us who they bailed out of jail. harris was accusing cavanaugh of rape in the senate. while, will senator harris be held accountable for that? will any of the democrats get impeached? rules don't apply to them, never have and never will. yesterday snap impeachment was not just detrimental because of that glaring double standards and breathtaking hypocrisy, but it's another rush to judgment.
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they do it all the time. what happened on capitol hill, we decided to come i could never happen. ever. the very heart of our capital is attacked. police were injured, people died. people died over the summer too. 2,000 cops were injured and it revealed what's a massive vulnerability, all of our enemies, russia, iran, china, they were all watching. they see our vulnerability. terrorists see it. we need the equivalent of a 9/11 report to see what happen. a fake new cnn, the investigators are pursuing signs of capital breach as we told you was preplanned. that goes against everything they've been telling us since january 6th. investigators reported belief participants at the rally, they all left early to retrieve items to go forward with their preplanned assault. fox news has confirmed the
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left-wing activist has been arrested and charged with crimes related to the breach. he initially claimed to document the chaos as it turns out the federal government believes he was an active participant in the riots. here are some of their videos to follow. a watch, in fact according to authorities he encouraged his fellow rioters to light the building ablaze. there is still so many questions tonight about what went wrong. the fbi claims it was monitoring online activity. from certain individuals planning capital breach complete with floor plans of the capital. meanwhile, a report in "the washington post" detailing how the outgoing capitol police chief requested the national guard assistance in the lead up to january 6th on 6 separate occasions. d9 help each and every time. now, we have evidence that it was not a spontaneous attack, it
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was planned. all the signs were ignored and that's why you don't have a snap impeachment. liz cheney, do you stand by your vote? mitch mcconnell, will you vote with republicans? are you watching this unfold? mitch, why didn't you and nancy pelosi, you are in charge of sergeant of arms and your respective branches of congress. why don't you pay more attention to what law enforcement was begging for? now republican senators, that participates in this insane post-presidency impeachment charade will not be qualified for office. it is that simple. make no mistake, this can't happen over the summer, this can't happen ever again at our capitol. we deserve answers and we need everybody accountable for any violence and whatever political motivation they have. the mob, the media, democrats rush to judgment and they allowed their trump rage to guide their every action. now the country has been let down again by the mob and the media, by their elected
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♪ ♪ >> sean: a lot of breaking news, here with reaction to all of it, fox news contributor dan bongino, fox and friend we can cohost. if i take a lot of pride on the show, we don't rush to judgment. and sometimes, it means we might be slower. if i had a hard time believing some of the things people were saying post election, i suffered the law of the constitution, facts as we were able to gather them. right on richard jewell, uva, duke lacrosse, ferguson, baltimore, right on russia, ukraine. now we have a rush to judgment snap impeachment and we find out
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numerous attempts and every sign imaginable that this was preplanned, begging for the national guard. those requests denied. it changes the fabric of what we've been talking about, doesn't it? >> yeah, i'd like to make two points on this. first we can talk about law and order, you hear it so much it's become cliche. we understand the law parts, but the order parts, it gets frequently left out. order means process and the reason impeachment is done via a process, a slow deliberate process, is precisely because of what you just side. because you think it would be kind of a good idea before we attempt to move a president who is leaving an offense by the way, just a good idea to get the facts first? obviously i'm being sarcastic. i think it's kind of a good idea. this the process parts, you mention the security situation how they were concerned about
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optics. after 12 years in the secret service on for years with the nypd, whenever you hear the word objects which i used to hear from the white house staff all the time. on visits with the presidents, three presidents actually, you can be sure that securities the secondary concern and politics are first and that should frighten you every time. >> sean: pete, address the double standard because as we follow the democrat standard to, that would mean that biden, that would mean kamala, that would mean nancy pelosi, that would mean chuck schumer come on nadl, many others, they would be in pd on their own standards. that's number one. in any republican in the senate knowing what we know now and this is the tip of the iceberg that would participate in the post-presidency impeachment trial is not worthy of the job. we will get mitt romney his usual exception. >> [laughs]
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of course, sean, what's evident in clear beyond true without double standards, the left would have no standards. that's not a cliche, that say on this statement because they write their own standard. it's not hypocrisy, sean, it's not hypocrisy. hypocrisy is when you want to do one thing but you do something else. they know they can get away with it, they know they can have their own standards, they know they can lie about one thing or make threats. kamala harris know she can give to a bail fund that releases people to shoot at cobs and never held to account for it. it chuck schumer knows that he can play and yell, you release the world when you pay the price and you won't know what hit youe steps of the supreme court justices. he will never be held to account. and what they're attempting to do while you're reporting is so important is they're trying to conflate what happen unless before capitol with a 99.9% of trump supporters who appreciate what he has done to put america first, not forget them, respect
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them, and remember that the only special interest he should have is their own well-being. they are trying to conflate the two. >> sean: the 99% at the rally were peaceful. there were people who like the presidents, got involved in this. they're all going to pay a price. all remind people, 99% of people that protested over the summer peaceful. they weren't throwing rocks and bottles, molotov cocktails and injuring 2,000 cobs. they were there peacefully protesting, part of our american fabric. similarly, there's other incidences we can bring out. now the question is, mitch mcconnell said he wanted evidence. now we know the police were denied, numerous times the requests for the national guard, don't we -- doesn't he now need to say there is not going to be a sham trial on impeachment in
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the u.s. senate that he or any republican is going to participate in. it is time for mitch to now speak out about the facts as we know them. >> of course, they've acquired the courage to resist the mob in the media moment of the snap judgment they will make calling you racist and white supremacist, insurrectionist enablers, traders, all the things they call you if you don't immediately bend to their will. you saw a lot of republicans who bent to the left a small but now that we have the information, it would be not only was her mitch mcconnell based on what he knows but wise for joe biden to step back and say why would i model my first 100 days with this and only divide us further? would only motivates me supporters even more. >> sean: am i wrong in my belief, dan bongino, democrats in the house and if republicans are stupid and the senates, you know, it would not shock me. but if i'm in the house, don't you have to apply the same
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standard to chuck schumer now and kamala harris, and joe biden? and all these other people with their vaccine waters, do we have to apply the same standards of impeachment to all of them now? or don't we live in a fair society with equal justice and application of standards? >> sean, i want to be candid with you. it really pains me deeply in my soul to say this. i love this country and i know you do too. i don't any serious person would challenge that. i don't know what future we have. i mean that's, it saddens me to say that. if we can't live and agreed that we can dispute tax rates and health care policy. but there's a meeting in the middle with both parties and in the middle, we agree on the common set of rules or this. we will not normalize political violence ever. we are a unified country, we will disagree, we will have the
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elections and do our thing. we will never normalize -- if we could just agree on that one rule, everything would just be peachy going forward. we can't agree on that. we've done it consistently on it and it works everywhere else, they justified every part of political violence when they think advances their political cause and now they want to flip the script. >> sean: not only did they shut down -- not only did they shut down twitter, they shut down parler. you're in business with great people, it's a alternative, give us a choice. they shut you down. all right. and you shouldn't have to. all right, coming up, not a joke, congresswoman speier 29 saying lawmakers are thinking about setting up a commission to reign in media. okay, this basically is an average day if you're conservative on radio or tv. i live this nightmarish daily and now they're going to make it worse? ari fleischer, tammy bruce are next. more breaking news straight ahead. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> sean: all rights, the far left's obsession with censorship silencing political opponents hitting new levels of derangement as congresswoman speier 29 suggesting now that the government needs to take action and reign in the media environment. apparently she's not familiar with some things called the first amendment. somebody please give the congresswoman a copy of the first amendment. take a look. >> i think several members of congress and some of my discussions have brought up a media literacy because that's a part of what happened here. and we are to have to figure out
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how we reign in our media environments. so you can't just spew disinformation and misinformation. >> sean: of course one thing the congresswoman is right about scum of the nonstop information coming from the corrupt, abusively biased, media mob. listen to the comments of msdnc, conspiracy televisions joy reid to comparing to saddam hussein's party. good grief. when you thought it could not get worse. >> what you're talking about, i'm wondering if you've thought through kind of how republicans begin what someone on my team earlier called the republican party. is there a wing of the republican party that you think can do this sort of thing in the party and can it work? >> sean: of course it gets worse because fake news cnn's don lemon once again claiming if
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you support donald trump, have a different point of view of him, you're on the side of the ku klux klan. the guy that partnered with the clan, that would have been joe biden. remember stop integration and school busing, yeah, remember, les said i was one of those kids was mike remember? you can't make it up. by the way, this is cnn fake news. >> if you're on that side, you need to think about the side you're on. i'm never on the side of the clan, principal people conservative or liberal, not ever on the clan side. never on the side. >> pushing the idea the attack on the capital or any resemblance to the black lives matter's protest over the summer, it's not just on but disgusting. it stopped comparing protesters marching to protect their rights
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with anarchists storming an election to strip us of arms. if stop it's, you sound stupid. >> to be honest, it became a political problem that printed itself out to the night of whoever could energize their base. it that's what they were doing. and sarah palin, the tea party, it's true. in the case of trump, he took over the whole problem. >> sean: right to lie, smear, slander, 75 million americans and fake news. isn't it interesting that those who claim to be against hatred, they spew it. of lies, they spew it to. night after night. here with reaction, fox news contributor tammy bruce, former white house white house press secretary fox news contributor ari fleischer, all right, you're smiling more. i don't know, i go by the smile. at the bigger the smile -- the thing is, i'm fine if you want to be a talk show host.
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i do news, breaking, investigative, i do opinion, culture, sports. i'm whole newspaper and i admits that i'm a conservative. they claim they are fair and balanced, they're not. >> in terms of what congresswoman alexandria ocasio-cortez side to reign in the media, sean, what is worse? to be rhetorically called the enemy of the people, or to actually have a congresswoman with inordinate popularity talk about the commission to actually treat you like you're the enemy of the people with the force of the government behind it? where's they alarm about what she said? i'm still hoping to read about a liberal columnist take her on and what a reprehensible idea it is. this is what the left getaway demand gets away with and why the right is increasingly separating. why people who are conservative reach the conclusion that there is no purpose in working with
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and in the system. that's why people were so attracted to a house sitter like donald trump. it may need to throw down the rhetoric. of >> sean: they're not going to, we had four years of nonstop rage, lies, conspiracy theories, hoax. donald trump said at the rally, and i'll tell you want, i didn't like the rally and the attack on mike pence. they've been a great team for four years, they had different legal opinions on the issue of whether his role was ceremonial or whether it was in. i agree with mark live in, didn't have any powers. honest disagreement. that part i didn't like it but he said that you're now going to walk peacefully and patriotically to the capital to let your voices be heard. tammy, okay. where is insurrection now? >> well, clearly as we now know as finally the facts are coming out, that's why they're such
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frenzy. more facts would become apparent. that still is happening and we've got to find out who knew what one. write? but in the meantime, what donald trump has done among another of things to help the country and will continue to do so, there doesn't need to be in the white house to have influence is exposing and forcing into the fronts the real nature of the left. what we are seeing now, they always would have done. but i think it would have taken more years. it would have been more subtle. now they've got this drunk on what they've think they can do. that's why they always overstep and that's why you have ocasio-cortez saying something not about all the media. this panel would be about any dissent already, the legacy media is there commission. already that media framework is on their knees.
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what makes it dangerous, more conversations like this which is different opinion. we are the people that they want to stop in this ghost of the donald trump meme in his first campaign. it's never been about him, it's never been about him, it's a fact he stood in front of us and they've had to go through him to get to us. if now that rancid eye of that alligator, the machine, is looking at us. that's what the entire process has been. they did not impeach donald trump, they impeached us. we are the targets and that's why you've got ocasio-cortez's comments, the comments about us being the ku klux klan, nazis. is why they loath trump but more importantly, they are enraged at the american people. this is a totalitarianism that's emerging to genuinely control
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and stop the american people from being able to exercise their lives as americans and certainly as a constitution and bill of rights that we rely on so dearly. >> sean: tammy, understands this as a conservative in radio and tv, i don't complain to the audience. they've been targeting conservative voices to silence them for years. it's not a little effort, it is hundreds of millions of dollars over the years. and it is -- out of all the people attacking me on social media, have edits, say whatever you want, go for it. obviously you can't threaten my life, that's about the standard. and why do liberals want to silence voices? >> i think it's because they're not comfortable enough with the debate that would ensue because then conservative's points could be heard and free people might actually like with the conservatives are saying.
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what happened to ben shapiro today when he gets edited in politico? the newsroom of politico went into a open rebellion and it didn't matter they had liberals edited all week long. then showed up in politico had a meltdown. >> sean: all right, thank you both. when we come back, fake jake tapper hits a new low. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> sean: fake jake tapper, fake news cnn refusing to apologize for attacking patriotism, military service of amputee veteran, republic congressman brian mass. here's what fake jake said yesterday. to speak of what you're saying is relevant because congressman brian mass, republican from florida who lost his legs by the way funding for democracy abroa.
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i don't know about his commitment here in the united states. >> sean: here with reaction florida congressman brian mass, i've known you for some time and congratulations on all your success that you're doing. thank you for what you've done for all of us. i think i know you well enough, tell me if i'm wrong. if he apologize, would you accept a question mark >> yeah, i would accept it and tell him seriously. as i said on twitter to some degree, i lost my leg so that you, the ceo of twitter jack dorsey, corporations, you could say whatever you want. i didn't lose my legs for this. so that you can silence whoever the heck you want and that's a major difference. >> sean: you know, i met so many people who've come back from serving the american people, protecting our liberty and freedoms, and all the challenges you have to face.
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and overcome. if that you've. it's beyond an inspiring story. i sat there and i was thinking why would anybody do that? i just felt that it's unfair. did anybody on cnn say this? >> not that i heard of but the answer of why is simple. they don't want to get to the bottom of the questions in these cases and you've been talking about it for the last hour. they don't want to answer the questions. they're jumping to the conclusion before they go out there and do any fact finding and i can tell you that's how i brought congress to silence saying, hey, let me ask you a question here and scratch my head a moment. did any of you bother to ask any of the rioters that teach the capital, did you have an interview and bring the before a
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hearing? total silence. and most uncomfortable thing for people that love to hear themselves talk, is silence. >> sean: you're an inspiring figure for anybody, you can't imagine yourself in someone else's shoes, but i'm like amazed by people like yourself. to overcome the most challenging and hardest things in life. you know what, i learned watching you. thank you for all you do. all right, more "hannity" after the break. ♪ ♪ those who du more with less asthma. thanks to dupixent. the add-on treatment for specific types of moderate-to-severe asthma. dupixent isn't for sudden breathing problems. it can improve lung function for better breathing in as little as 2 weeks and help prevent severe asthma attacks. it's not a steroid but can help reduce or eliminate oral steroids.
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♪ ♪ >> sean: all right, one thing i want to say before we go tonight and that's all the time we have left, hope you set your dvr so you never miss an episode. on this program we spend a lot of time making sure, doing our best, we don't always get it right, we'll tell you when we get things wrong, but we were right and richard jewell, uva,
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duke lacrosse, ferguson mcsherry, nicholas sandmann, baltimore -- why do we get it right? russia, ukraine. why do we get everything right to get it wrong? because they rush the judgment the likely did it again. your heart should be troubled, laura ingraham takes in the way. >> laura: time you set your heart should be troubled, you go right to me. that's like a hard handoff. i know, that's a hard handoff. >> sean: it will make your heart feel better. >> laura: were going to in the handbasket and that takes us to laura. thanks. no! no, were not, the good thing is our policies work. no, our policies -- >> sean: in a hand baskets. >> laura: as i going to your next book title? >> sean: no more books. i'm done with the books. i did it
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