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tv   The Greg Gutfeld Show  FOX News  January 17, 2021 1:00am-2:00am PST

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don't forget to buy my book and i'm on cameo, jeanine and i'll see you next saturday night. don't forget greg gutfeld is. greg: hello everyone. greg is back next week. let's get right to it. big tech was just waiting to pounce on conservative accounts. parler the social media platform and twitter competitor has been effectively erase, dead and gone, ghosted from the internet by amazon's web hosting service in the wake of the capitol hill protest amazon tech companies like apple and google accused parler of failing to moderate violent content. the latter latitude companies remove parler from the app
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stores, disillusioned anyone quite parler has filed a lawsuit against amazon on line through. the social media platform was welcoming conservative voices which has many thinking that the ban may have been a bit politically motivated. do you think? here's what the most band present in the world had to say. >> i think big tech is doing a horrible thing for our country and to our country and i believe it's going to be a catastrophic mistake for them. they are dividing and divisive than they are showing something that i've been predicting for a long time. >> in addition to parler all up president trump social media counts across every lap forming have been locked or permanently banned over alleged security concerns. they may be used to incite violence and promote hate or bad decorating tips. private individuals and on line communities discuss topics
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related to the president they have been deleted too. funny we never saw similar actions taken against those who encourage the riots last summer that destroyed countless cities across the country and burn down entire blocks are those who encourage donations to bailing out the rioters. project veritas has received leaked video inside twitter showing ceo and jack dorsey saying censorship is not going to stop with trump. >> we are focused on one account right now but it's the list is going to be much bigger and it's going to go on for much longer than this week or the next few weeks and the beyond the inauguration. >> it will go on and on through twitter responded to the video saying these are nearly the same words in a recent twitter thread offering content and reflection on our work. is that true?
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does it make it any less big brother? the banning has continued off line as well as new york city announcing plan to terminate its business contract with the trump organization. furthermore the pga will no longer hold next year's championship at trump's bedminster golf club. so get ready for a course exclusively run by democrats. >> the new nightmare at the war against the machine. >> it seems extreme. before we get to that let's welcome tonight guest the best thing since whoopee cushions or maybe the flo bee comedian host of michael loftus live on "fox nation" michael loftus. she is so bubbly she will give you the hiccups "fox news" contributor and host of crimes that changed america on "fox
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nation" emily compagno. and she's so southern her blood type is meant julep. sitting in for kat timpf fox business network -- dagen mcdowell then host of an upset on "fox nation," that is tyrus. welcome to you all and have i mentioned greg will be back next week. what do you make this week if you are conservative or trump supporter are you done? >> i am clearly neither of those so listen i have to be honest with you i have been back-and-forth with his whole this whole twitter thing because when they took out the president's twitter account they took out might 2 million jokes. i am keeping it and you know where says penn, says no content.
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2 million people said that joke was funny and i said thank you mr. president. my part is on there but they took away the 2 million the president so. >> that moment is deleted. did it ever happen? >> it happen. i've a snapshot. it happened at the point isn't that moment i thought is it ever going to get and need better for me that the president laughed at a joke of mine and stole it imported on twitter? after that i took my social media have often moved on and i think this is a good thing for us. they are going to come after anyone with an idea so why don't we beat them before they kick you off and walk away? the president could still talk to us. he has that offense -- awesome press conference room. 4:00 in the morning i was watching a mystery and i
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couldn't figure it out. anyone have any clues? murder she wrote. did she do it because i feel like you know have fun with it. if we don't need social media. we really don't and i literally can prove it. i'd be willing to be dropped off in the middle somewhere for six months and i guarantee you when i come back the first thing you will hear me say as what did i'd miss on snapchat? we need to walk away from it. >> i think you are in my head earlier this week. i'm walking away from twitter. >> they were mad at you too. >> we have all been blocked that emily if they can do this to the president of the united states they could do it to anybody at any time. >> absolutely and that's why leaders have come out and have expressed their surprise and
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shock and the fact that this is scary in concept and legally a ws argument is simply saying look nothing in the agreement compels us to let you do this, right? they say you breached their contract because when we told you to moderate your contract you didn't do it and they said you've reached the contract with us. we did moderator contract and you still banned as in you are violating the truman act with the antitrust arguments. i think it will be interesting to see a play out in court but conceptually speaking i think what killed me about jack's comment and furthered by what he's been tweeting out is the fact that he said i think this is the first time he says on line speech clearly needs off-line -- and there have been so many categories that have -- teens dying by suicide trafficking revenge comic con go on.
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>> and it can go on any platform that double standard is evident. have to ask you michael jack keane seems so sad about it. >> he is crazy with power and why are we acting surprised? of course it starts with trump and then it goes to everybody. i could have told you he wouldn't give us an added button. remember that? edit the tweet. we can't do it, it's beyond us. he says he's not celebrating trump ain't gone but you know he is. he's naked with the bongos and the old matthew mcconaughey. i don't like it and i don't like it when they say okay if you don't like it make your own social media platform. they come up with parler and they say no, don't do that. they have got trump banned from tik tok. is he doing that -- pinterest
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two. are there hate-based videos the trump is putting out where he is dabbing fermata? i don't know what's going on any more. and if that's the second outdoor reference by the way. you must spend a lot of time watching tv. >> dagen this is the free speech thing are an antitrust thing? >> it's a all of that exist twitter is not big tech. big tech is amazon, apple, google and facebook and it was amazon, apple and google that decided not just to censor some voices and not just to silence some politicians and conservatives, they shut down an entire company. they pulled the plug on it because those four companies control roughly 90% of the internet. you run a conservative web site
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and you published articles is what nbc news tried to do a couple of months ago make google pulled federalist ad platforms. your business dries up that happened and we have these large tech companies monopolies to three months ago democrats were rude about monopolies and the impact on our economy and our society that's not now because now they are doing the bidding of those very democrats that use campaigns they funded. they are acting out of the interests of their own employees who are left-wing and they are acting on behalf of government. then it becomes a first amendment issue and then it becomes unconstitutional. it's going to take somebody to step up and do something about it. they want the left in complete compliance in what they believe. i was going to wear my tax the rich t-shirt and the internal
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combustion engines and complemented nancy pelosi on how she looks 65. >> that would go great. i'm going to cut you off right there. >> eventually they will come for you. >> she doesn't look a day over 105. >> we can agree on that. up next have the democrats forgotten about joe biden? robinhood believes now is the time to do money. without the commission fees so you can start investing today, wherever you are — even hanging with your dog. so, what are you waiting for? download now and get your first stock on us. robinhood.
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>> the democrat rank and file wants another impeachment trial. we have got a lot going on these days. joe biden spoke to get sworn in cabinet picks need to be confirmed covid cases are higher than ever in the vaccine rollout is not as fast as it should be and yet congress remains laser focused on one thing. >> we must impeach and remove this president from the office immediately. >> i will vote for impeachment today. >> donald trump's trump is a living breathing impeachable offense. >> donald trump must be impeached. >> impeaching the white supremacist in chief.
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>> we must. with less than a week left in his presidency the house voted to impeach trump again. of course not everyone on capitol hill thinks impeachment is a good idea. not every democrat for that matter right joe manchin? >> i think this is so ill-advised for joe biden to be coming in trying to heal the country and trying to be the president of all the people when we are going to be so divided. >> joe biden tweeted out this message to lawmakers, don't you get about your other responsibilities. don't forget about uncle joe over here. democrats focusing on the old guy ignoring their guy's agenda is kind of like giving yourself away cheap. a. way g.. i didn't know was possible to
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give yourself a way g.. dagen is that for the democrats are doing right now? joe biden says i've got an agenda to guys. can they do both? >> they can't do both and they are hurting joe biden. you go to a dance and i do watch videos when i'm by myself at home not at work. >> is suddenly got very interesting. >> when i was in high school you go to a dance in the people you hate, the mean girls get drunk and you stand on the edge of the dance floor and watch them because eventually they will fall. i think that's what's going to happen with the democrats. let them make fools of themselves kamala them hurt themselves kamala them continue to drive conservative voters
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away and maybe it would be good for president trump. >> michael they moved really fast on this impeachment. >> that is what is driving me crazy. it's like when americans are losing everything you don't know how you are going to pay your hills or feed your family take some months. we have to figure this out. we have to be very methodical and figured out and all of a sudden something goes up to the capitol and the next day. they are moving with lightning speed. that's a big giant fu to america right there. all of a sudden they are worried about their stuff that goes very fast but when americans are dying and starving and can't pay their bills it's like wait a minute maybe $600, give us a couple more months and we will do some more research. i'm all in for the second impeachment. i love the fact that they have
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come at him twice. that's the coolest thing ever. donald trump -- >> a does look a lot like the last time were covid had just kicked off and here we are in the midst of this and they are doing it again. >> that's the point. there's always something better serving for the american people than what they are focused on and especially when the stakes are so high when pupils livelihoods and the economy got squashed and people are wondering where their next meal is coming from or they can keep their employees. the moral of the story is how best both parties are going to use that time and if indeed they proceed i think it helps the democrat party and they will then figure out what the next four years or going to look like for them behind the scenes. but for the gop they need to circle the wagons during that time and figure out exactly what the party needs to keep it
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cohesive keep it together and inspired again and have everyone fall in line and i don't mean this kind of line where we give you a script but that cohesive teamwork again so on the other side of this it's a short stent. >> can republicans circled the right ends? mitch mcconnell is pontificated about what he might do. >> i'm sure if you went through the events that would happen on the day you might equip to judge. my thing is this, let me give you something from a black man's perspective. the speedy trial is then really effective. not a big fan of let's get this trial started. i don't know any brother in history that's like my life has never been any better. thank goodness. just look at australia and how
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to get things done with investigations. there was a pigeon that showed up in australia. he had an american band on his ankle do the flu from america and i will show you witching broke quarantine so that's his little bird. they are growing to kill him but you know what australia did? they investigated. it turns out that they made some calls and this word is getting ready to line up and however they kill a row of pigeons in the investigation turnout they have american flag was forgery. apparently some sick guy in australia is the investigation went further ahead to let the pigeon go. he was from australia. >> are you talking about a bird or person? >> i'd rather be the bird than the person. i'd rather be a pigeon literally
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the investigation went on where turns out he got a full pardon. he can go on its way and be a pigeon and with our senate he would have been shooting the pigeon the first day. maybe we need to look at how we investigate things. we are finding new things out literally every day. it looks like it may have been planned. we don't know. >> and it's amazing how fast they turn into little republicans just overnight. they are all about law and order and they need more cops there. >> the good news for president trump is it's not the republicans coming after him. republicans when they impeaching go after somebody its full regalia all hands on deck everything you've got. democrats go to gunfights so they are going to mess this up and it's going to be another
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thing words like two times. it has a catchy ring to it because they just do things. >> they banned them from tick-tock mock -- tik tok. >> my face is still an option. myspace. are we all then? >> and the aol account. let's do it. >> it may go to that. >> we are all watching wedgie. breaker breaker we have a tight win. and with that we move on. he has millions tucked away protected by a secure hard drive but you can't remember your password. what do you do? that is next. landslides.
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i'm jackie ibanez. now back to greg gutfeld. >> welcome back. this rich nerd forgot his password password. this week this guy stefan thomas at german programmer living in san francisco that the whole world know he's got a bitcoin fortune worth $220 million he can't remember the password to
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access it. apparently wrote it down years ago on a piece of paper that is now long gone. we have all been there. the password unlock the hard drive called the iron key which holds the account information to his 7000 bitcoin worth 40 grand a piece. was worth next to nothing then and now it's worth even more. the hard drive has a limit of 10 login attempts before it gets erased forever and he only has to attempts left. he's been trying to remember the password for nine years but has made peace with losing the money they say. hollywood producers say the same thing every time the terminator franchise. don't feel sorry for this guy says he has more money than he knows what to do with. my cat, two of them actually also lost tube declined passwords and they've been like
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this ever since. [laughter] michael 220 million bucks. is this your nightmare? >> this is a total and complete nightmare. everything is on the line and you have a couple of chances left this is like the fight you have that your girlfriend when she sue brank reand you don't know why and she's like if you don't know why i'm not going to tell you. you only have so many guesses to figure it out to save your relationship. i will tell you right now it's never did you lose weight? that's not the answer. you aren't going to get your bitcoin password. >> with that be hilarious if
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that's what it was? if that guy's password were one to three for? dagen greg's big thing is robots. bitcoin i love we are going to talk about bitcoin put these passwords are really complex and only one person in the world has them trichet he just write up the money? >> i think he is writing it off because he's good-looking enough he could get some action without needing it. >> a could be worth $220 million. >> at the end of the day is not what it does all about? >> with that kind of money you should build a flight to another universe and meet the first fertile thing that's out there and it's like i have 220. it's that kind of money. it's not people anymore. he doesn't have it anymore. i can even deal with this story.
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i literally have disowned family members over missing my keys. my keys and wallet are gone i will check the same spot three times and walk fast around the house and people know to get out of the way. if you are in my vision you had my keys yesterday. what did you do with them? your mother wanted you, i didn't. this is why you come back and steal my keys in my wolf form a militia to find my stuff because someone broke into my house just to find my keys. for $2 million i would have eaten the machine. >> a where your keys? where you left them. but this is worse because i left them somewhere nine years ago. i would implode from the inside. >> what if this is a scam? what if this is a scam?
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>> i have $220 million bitcoin and i forgot the password. if you could just loaned me a couple mill to get me by. >> that's gutfeld right there. >> a apparently he's made a bunch of other money on bitcoin. he said he has more money than he knows what to do with. what would you do after nine years? hired the best hacker in the world and i will give you 100 bitcoins? >> i have been locked out of twitter since early last year because of password issue. i can't even remember my own password to my own e-mail so everything about this is my complete failure all wrapped into one to the tune of $222 million in the thing about this is 20% of their bitcoin holders have forgotten their password so he's not alone.
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there are allegedly billions of dollars sitting unclaimed. somehow that needs to be fixed. >> there are like giant treasured chest that will never be found. this is not asking an administrator for your password. it's gone. >> yes it is gone and anxiety, i forgot my ford digit numerical code to my iphone once but once it is gone, once it is gone it's gone and i locked myself out for dad to go and buy a new phone. i had to go buy a new phone. >> a i bet you'll remember the new number on your phone. >> a was no burt they? >> it was a special number. i just forgot it. >> we are all too clever now. >> a win it's gone, it's gone.
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>> a you can make some money on the backside. when you say i have more money than i can ever deal with any say the amount you don't have it means you don't have any money. if we talk about 46 william dollars in the bank i have enough money to live off of. that's when your girl leaves you for your brother and they are like well we were more friends. i came home from work and they run the family table together that's when i realized, you know what this works. i'm just going to get my stuff but i forgot my car keys. >> a somehow that works. you have to chances to get something out of it. >> a tv show. >> a and these two are going to host it.
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>> are ready for bots and dating are spots click during the consumer electronics at tech companies unveiled new iris zapping robots. think of them as room buzz that kill covid. experts whoever they are say they should expect to see them more often in airports hotels and schools coming up robots zapping near you. meanwhile in minnesota a huge organization is suing the estate of her mandate the kids wear masks during competitions. wrestling and swimming arts and where sports like basketball the suit argues that rule is dangerous because it makes it harder to breathe. new jersey has decided to expand vaccine eligibility to include
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smokers on the grounds that there happened as a high-risk of condition. lots of residents are really mad saying those who choose to smoke shouldn't be given priority over those who don't. the wine guy is happy about it our old pal. ♪♪ you don't get that on "fox & friends." [laughter] but we ask you are these robots scary and annoying effective? what would greg do if he saw one? >> you would be terrified. look i realized with the exception of last december of 2019 when i was deathly ill in the city it works to have everyone be disinfecting everything all the time so if
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these robots are in airports and stores it's not just target to covid if it's targeted to all bacteria that should be helpful for all of us. >> a robots deployed. i have to ask you tyrus it's my kids basketball team. that's why came onto this story. they have to wear mask while practicing and during games. can you be an athlete with a mask on? >> no. if you are fears that high because sweat body contact there's no way even with the mask that if you get a rebound and wrestling are you kidding me? even with football your breathing is so important. if they rate is so high then don't have sports for kids. you don't put masks on them. this feels more like a statement
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to me. look at what we are doing because we aren't doing what we should be doing. we should be full scale with vaccines instead we are making little kids wear masks. make up your mind. we are seeing so much other stuff not getting done and this is a perfect example. we are going to let smokers get the shot. everyone is going to have an argument. charles barkley that people who pay higher taxes should get the shot or so we need to figure out how we will do this. is the one for all, all for one? make a decision because it's not fair. i am a smoker so i should get a shot. you live life danger dangerous already so just keep the party rolling. i feel it should be essential workers, people in the hospital and then we go from there. everyone is jumping in and the medias media is really pushing the buttons saying people want to fight and argue about it.
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it's just nonstop. >> a just >> people against each other. >> a dagen and michael both of you take your pick. smoking to the front of the line? what do you think? >> if we are worrying about germs because germs in new york city men are walking around -- >> men, not men. >> a let the record show you are not looked at. >> a >> it's a less air. >> a if we are going to get our trousers in a twist -- i know how to hock a loopy.
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>> a guests she can, yet she can. >> we were talking about a wedgie in the now we are talking about a lou's view. >> a it's disgusting >> i did not know this was a segment. >> a if we are going to worry about viruses let's start with spitting. >> these robots are a waste of time. his giant scam. somebody puts a flashlight on a robot. if sunshine is the cure why don't we all just go outside? >> send me. i'm willing to go.
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>> a big come around. >> up next the least masculine story i've ever had to discuss story i've ever had to discuss and that says ♪ piano playing ♪ ♪ “what the world needs now” ♪ ♪ is love, sweet love ♪ ♪ it's the only thing that there's just too little of ♪ ♪ what the world needs now is love, sweet love, ♪ ♪ no not just for some but for everyone.♪
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>> will anyone give a hoot about
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another reboot? hbo max announced "sex and the city" will return with more episodes. one of the stars is back, samantha. some fans aren't happy. one woman said "sex and the city" without kim cattrall was like watching without. i would know. i've never seen either. i prefer more wholesome entertainment, like this. i told you was wholesome. piracy were our biggest "sex and the city" biggest "sex in the city" fans here. >> i've never seen an episode and from what i do here cam cattrall, she was in threes company, right? she was the second cindy, wasn't
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she? greg, where are you? she was also in another movie. she's always been around like the goddess and movies. a city with five or six angry older, older when they first came back. now it's like "golden girls" plus the golden city. they took the out with cam. college depends. depends. >> depends could be another title for us. was samantha your favorite? >> all the dudes know like that was the only character. she was smart she was hot.
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it's like wow you aren't going to have her on the show? why would they think you're to watch? i thought it was a reboot. i didn't realize they were bringing everybody back. that's a yawn fest. >> a in comparison to a show that tried to come back and has a big hole in the middle. >> like ben carter without carter. >> it's a like welcome back kotter without vinnie barbarino. i love the back story though. sara jessica parker and apparently the other two cynthia nixon and what is the other ones name? kristin davis. i love that you know that. they were filming the series and they were just mean girls to her and she had a falling out with sara at jessica parker and called her out publicly about it. >> she's that i'm done my movie gone and not coming back.
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the two movies particularly the second one was one of the worst films of all time. this is just again golden depends. >> "sex in the city" is a big flop. >> a could you pass up a million dollars an episode though which is why she is passing up? >> me personally, no one that's the thing. the end of the day these guys are getting 10 million episode, $1 million an episode. what show can we pitch right now where we get $1 million an episode? >> you have two chances. it's right there. >> a think the people that did watch it and did love that it's like going to see it journey.
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is that steve perry, nobody will still go to the concert and you will still love it so i feel like all the majority females would love the show and watched it they are still going to watch it and the advertisers will advertise. >> a you would go see journey without steve perry? >> i've seen a multiple times. >> she's a perfect viewer for a reboot of "sex and the city." >> that's amazing. >> when you go to a guns n' roses concert doesn't matter who is singing for them? >> i continue to see this especially journey when they perform with def leppard. >> wasn't the one armed drummer? >> course. anyway the bottom-line. >> i'm completely out of my area. that is right down my lane.
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>> don't go anywhere.
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robinhood believes now is the time to do money — without the commission fees and account minimums. so, you can start investing today, wherever you are — even on the bus. download now and get your first stock on us. robinhood.
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>> final thoughts. >> final that everyone needs to watch my standup special on "fox nation" but i think we have a clip. >> we know. >> a new show is called the crew on netflix february 15 but let's get to that clip of my standup. it's still not there. >> they are and the tv. it's not plugged in. >> that's where they should so clips. >> we rap it up there with michael loftus emily compagno
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and tyrus. greg is back next week. we love greg gutfeld. we will see you next time. in." [♪♪♪] jesse: welcome to "watters' world." i'm jesse watters. the end game. it's been a week since the mob stormed the capitol and we have a clear sense of how the political winds are blowing. this is a volume style environment and you need need to protect yourself going forward. there are forces at play that want to hurt you. the intlinter group of despicable rioters created


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