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tv   Watters World  FOX News  January 17, 2021 2:00am-3:00am PST

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greg is back next week. we love greg gutfeld. we will see you next time. in." [♪♪♪] jesse: welcome to "watters' world." i'm jesse watters. the end game. it's been a week since the mob stormed the capitol and we have a clear sense of how the political winds are blowing. this is a volume style environment and you need need to protect yourself going forward. there are forces at play that want to hurt you. the intlinter group of despicable rioters created a perfect storm.
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humiliation, cancellation and censorship are real threats that will affect the lives 6 innocents americans. monopolies merged with the state, corporate media's and one political party. there are no restraints now. hold your ground, but play it safe. it's not your fault. it's the fault of the brain damaged wannabe assassins. miranda le bean from the "new york post" said we discovered house democrats actually support the police. they are against mob violence. they believe in law and order. they believe in harsh pen thes or law breakers.
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they abhor intel frat rhetoric. they have believe in a peaceful transition of power. they believe in walls, at least when it comes to protecting their own place of work. they even believe in bringing in the national guard to quell civil unrest. at least when it comes top preserving their own peace. the democrats in the media failed to recognize their dishonesty and opportunism. focus on their end game, a scorched earth strategy that threatens the future of the republican party and the freedoms our country was founded on. impeaching trump and convicting him in the senate seriously wounds him. they are calling on republican
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senators ted cruz and josh hawley to resign for objecting to the electoral college results. michael goodwin says this amounts to an attempt to decapitate potential heirs to the trump movement. joe biden backs the decapitation attempt. last week when called the two senators nazis. the democrats want to bring down anyone who ever backed trump. and that means you. ' facebook blocks any mention of stop the steal, and the monopolies amazon, apple and google are driving twitter's competitor parler off the internet. the business community full rebellion against the pop list
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wing of the republican party. some are the greatest american companies. we are talking about the best blue chip companies out there. have all now said they are going to cut donations to politicians who questioned the election. money talks. but if you talk, it walks. the left joined by corporate america has expanded the very definition of hate speech to include political speech that they disagree with. the speech police will enforce these new codes with firings and function penalties. politicians, average professionals and the average joe are fair game. they are telling us our questions are dangerous and our rights need to be restricted, tomorrow protect the common good. ben franklin famously said whoever would overthrow the libber i of a nation must -- the
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liberty of a nation must begin by subduing the freeness of speech. we are in 9 middle of something bad. you can tell because the media is salivating. >> there are millions of americans almost all white and almost all republicans who somehow need to be deprogrammed. it's as if they are members of a cult. the trump cult and need to be deprogrammed. do you have any idea how we start that process? >> trump is the conspiracy stiewl and operational -- the -- trump is the spiritual and operational leader. he tells them what to do. he tells them why they are angry. we need to start at the top like any terrorism effort. total isolation of the president of the united states.
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deplatforming. no money. a complete isolation. enough with the let's unity. this is a tactical effort. >> there is a commission being discussed. several members of congress in some of my discussions have brought up media literacy because that is a part of what happened here. we are going to have to figure out how we rein in our media environment so you can't just beam disinformation and misinformation. jesse: they are announcing the payback playbook and they are not shy about it. republicans are domestic terrorists who need to be deplatt formed and have our people of speech reined in. biden just hired anita dunn. she was the aide that launched a
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war on fox from win the obama white house. republicans shouldn't fall for it. an nbc news poll shows the country basically split down the middle on impeachment. you know this will deteriorate next week after trump leaves and they will purchase sue the guy on the golf course. another goal, 76 -- another pole by mclaughlin. republican senators should pay close attention to this. the constitutional case for impeachment is legally flawed, and a senate trial is a political trap, plain and simple. this is the landscape. pay close attention to your posture in the public eye and social media because the heat is on. if they can cancel the leader of
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the free world, they could cancel anyone. i would never tell you to compromise your beliefs, i'm just warning you. look around and watch for the takedown. you know what their end game is. joining us with reaction, california congressman devin nunes and congressional medal of honor winner. congratulations about that. what is your reaction to way just presented. >> i think you are right. the american people need to remain vigilant. joe biden promised a dark winter. i think he was referring to covid. covid is continuing to spread out there and we can't get the vaccinations out. but there is another story. the dark winter half of america is being put into by these tech companies that are essentially an arm of the democrat party.
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that's forcing people to go to darker places. people like me who had millions of followers on parler can no longer get out videos and great information. great writers. people doing great investigations about who the lunatics were who actually went into the u.s. capitol. that is information that would be helpful to get out in the public sphere. but because we have a few tech oligarchs who control everything and democrats threatening for years. they are on one big team. you are suppressing people out here in real america. and i kind of think back to what do these people think -- no offense. i know you are in manhattan. but when people have to eat. you have to have energy. you have to do mining. people have to move those
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products around the world. you can't just sit in manhattan and make a martini and get on twitter and start sending out commands. and if you don't like what's happening and you don't like the people making everything for you in middle american. that's what drives them to be more than more ticked off. those polls you mentioned have exactly right. there are a lot of republicans that are frustrated the way things happened. but republicans all agree on one thing. if you give in to this hatred and this tyranny, that's what people are fighting against. that's why they voted for trump in 2016. and those people are not going away no matter how many magnetometers and body checks nancy pelosi wants to put on
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republican members of congress. jesse: that martini you mentioned sounds pretty good about right now. you mentioned people on social media doing a lot of investigative research when it came to let's say the collusion hoax. when it came to the calf now -- thekavanaugh hearings or knk andman. -- nick sandmann. they are able to put out video in real-time and fact check some of the narratives coming out. that's critical to us having an honest conversation in this country. that's getting more difficult now because of twitter. and one of the whistleblowers released a tape of project veritas. they have jack dorsey, the ceo,
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on tape with some of his colleagues kinds of tell graphing what's coming next. let's roll that sound bite. >> we are focused on one account right now. but it will be bigger than just one account. jesse: twitter put out a statement on the project veritas video afterwards that we have to read the remarks shown in the video delivered to 5,400
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employees are nearly the same words jack shared in a tweet shared. when i read the twitter thread he said banning trump was a dangerous precedent. from what i saw in that leaked video it sounds like he's ready, willing and expects to take more harsh action against people expressing themselves on social media. >> and has been, jesse. two years ago i actually -- i have been in court suing twitter and bringing up these issues. they have been doing this to people like me and other members of congress. they have been nuking people for the last two years. they can get away with it because of the section 230
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that's in the law. it's not new, and it's actually very demented and very sick. one of the reasons i went to parler. i reached out to them. i said hey, if i put something up object your platform, are you going to manipulate it or create an algorithm sow it gets shadow-banned. they said no. you will only be able to create one account. the safest platform out there by far in a way is parler. so the fact that these sick people have these tech oligarchs working for the democrats. you can pretty much say whatever they are saying to actually mean the opposite. and that's really what's going on here. when they say parler is full of
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hate speech. no, no, no. somebody took screen shots of what they posted on parler. they put it on to twitter, but parler was the one that got banned from the app store. tim cook at apple, these people under any normal circumstances they are trial and jury. they are committing collusion. they are violating civil rights, and they ought to be looked into for racketeering. it's clear they banned together to kill a company that was competition to them. that'sle illegal in this country and has been for over a hundred years. jesse: that's when teddy roosevelt famously went after these monopolies and broke them up. they are anti-competitive and suppress people in the marketplace. it's unfair.
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i think republicans need to have the courage to take them on like you. thank you very much. new developments in the capitol hill riot arrests. there is an antifa element at play. is joe biden's agenda already in jeopardy? big mistakes already being made. [♪♪♪] fine, no one leaves the table until your finished. fine, we'll sleep here. ♪♪ it's the easiest because it's the cheesiest.
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>> he is a clear and present danger. >> he's a clear and present danger to the people. >> congress must vote immediately to remove the clear and present danger to our country. >> president trump is a clear and present danger to our
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country. >> he's unfit to hold office. >> there was a grotesque orgy of republicans. >> we must impeach the white supremacist-in-chief. jesse: look at that disgusting display. biden has lost basically all control already. democrats are pushing impeachment. biden telling congress to please focus on both at the same time, if you can. quote, i hope they will deal with their constitutional responsibilities on impeachment while also working on the other urgent business of this nation. joining us to discuss, founder and ceo of american majority ned ryun and founder of "turning point usa," charlie kirk. is it pathetic to have the leader of the free world, they
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say he got more votes in u.s. history basically on his knees pleading with nancy and chuck, can you get around to the things i ran on? i think it will backfire. he can't even get them to enact his policies. >> the democrats are going to be in a difficult position here. they will have unified control of government. one thing they know deep down. their policies are unpopular with their constituents. they don't work. look at illinois, california and new york. they will need something they can hold on to. something they can talk about. which is impeachment. the impeachment was based solely on the prem is that president trump is to blame for everything that happened at the capitol. more investigation and more information that is provided
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shows a lot of this was premeditated. there were people that never went to the rally that were there hours ahead of time who had planning and schematics. so i think the democrats will regret rushing into the highest level of constitutional oversight impeachment. and i think it will disrupt any plans joe biden has legislatively in his first 100 days. >> he ran on covid. that's his only mandate if he has a mandate at all. pursuing a guy on the back 9 in palm beach while this country can't get a shot in the arm because of these dumb democrat governors. they can't distribute the vaccine given to them by warp speed. people will say what are you
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doing, joe? >> the far left has been in control. they have been making their moves inside the democrat party, and they want to punish the great outsider. they want to punish donald trump. their idea of unity is total submission and conformity to the radical agenda. dissent is now terrorism. trump supporters are domestic terrorists. now you are saying they have no intention of unifying the country on any level. it's about ramming through their far left agenda if they can get to it. one of the great unifying factors in a desperate democratic party is their united hatred of donald trump. when trump is gone, what's actually going to unite them. it's something to look at as we move ahead. will they be able to hold together now that the big bad
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orange man is no longer in the white house? unifying? that was never in the agenda for them, even for starters. jesse: i agree. and i think the hatred in the base will be transferred from donald trump and they will go over joe for not being socialist enough. it will be interesting to watch as it plays out. the latest on the vaccine rollout. dr. atlas is here in "watters' world" to tell us what the myths are about the vaccine.
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. . . . the
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u.s. capitol and january 6.
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now back to "watters' world." jesse: as coronavirus deaths in the u.s. continue to rise, getting vaccinated to stop the spread seems pretty important. there has been plenty of conspiracy theories discouraging americans from getting vaccinated. there are theories the vaccine will give you covid. it was made too fast and isn't safe. there is wild speculation the vaccine can alter your dna or
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you are getting microchipped. we didn't have to look into those long at all to figure out that's all fake news. we can't praise operation warp speed and its efforts on developing a vaccine if we don't get vaccinated. we can't get over the democratic lockdowns if we don't get vaccinated. andrew cuomo and lori lightfoot are doing an about-face on their lockdown stances, interesting timing ahead of biden's inauguration. but we have seen democracies botching the rollout putting too much focus on who gets vaccinated when. >> we need 300 million shots. give 1,000 to nba players.
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nfl players. hockey players. as much taxes as these players pay -- let me repeat that, as much taxes that these players pay, they deserve some preferential treatment. >> for life and death? >> yes. jesse: there are some states handling the rollout correctly. texas. the first state to administer one million doses. i'm sure florida is not far behind. dr. scott atlas. i'm not going to put you on the spot about sir charles. i will let that one slide. but what do you think about the governors rolling out the vaccine? i don't think anyone knows when and where to get a shot these days. >> thanks for having me.
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i think there is a logical way to do the vaccine distribution. it's not a distribution as much as a prioritization. i look at the state of florida. it seems logical. governor desantis has prioritized the people who are going to die. and the logic of it was outlined from stanford and oxford, prioritized the people that are going to die. that means the elderly and high risk people. florida is the only state last i looked which was this morning, where most of their vaccinations have been in the high risk group. it's astounding to me that there is only one state out of 50
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where most of their vaccinations have been given to the high-risk group. that's sort of amazing to me. jesse: cuomo botched it from the go. he's requiring people in their 80s to log on and create a password and navigate pages of to get certified. many of them live in old folks homes. they can't drive miles and miles to get an injection. i think he took too long writing his book instead of writing his vaccination administration rollout. thank you for your expertise. details about one of the latest arrests in relation to the capitol hill riots.
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it involves a black lives matter and antifa guy. stick around.
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[♪♪♪] jesse: nationwide investigations are under way to find those involved in last week's attack on the capitol. the fbi so far identifying 200 suspects, leading to more than 100 arrests with thousands of agents working around the clock to track them down and lock them up. there is an interesting development with one of these suspects. a left-wing activist, blm and antifa affiliate, john sullivan was arrested in utah for his role in the riot. he shot the footage of ashli babbitt getting killed. he claimed he was just there to
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record. then he went on cnn as a guest on the anderson cooper show. >> spleft wing activist john sullivan. you filmed this moment on your phone. can you describe what happened? >> yeah. basically the protesters stormed to get into the chamber. we tried to get into the main entrance right when you walk down the hallway. >> sullivan was in the crowd. but instead of documenting what was happening, he was arrested for being part of the mob inciting the violence inside the capitol. he was inciting it. he flipped on a maga hat to fit in. it's what he does. he talked about it last summer on camera. we bleach it down gleam rip them
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out [bleep] we and it about the next election, we are about to go get that [bleep] jesse: the only reason we are doing this story, sarah. it's very clear, the overwhelming amount of people inside the capitol were trump supporters. this is 9 antifa black lives matter guy that has been documented to have been there. he was charged for this. it's an interesting development we wanted to share with the audience. buff he wasn't just there as a filmmaker. he's not affiliated with any media organization. he was there under cover inciting the riot and exploiting it, and cnn booked him. >> that accurate. right here i have this affidavit from the fbi special agent who interviewed john sullivan.
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john sullivan was arrested in july in provo, you saw. he was arrested for criminal behavior and rioting and trespassing. now we see him in washington, d.c. i think that you were making is valid. there were more trump supporters than we know. there were antifa or black lives matter. buff we don't know who all these people are. that's what happened when you jump the gun. the police are saying we need to see who the people are and who they are connected to before we make any judgments. cnn and abc news interviewed him. but they interviewed him more like he was a journalist. if you look at videos which the fbi are reviewing, he basically handed over all the footage to the fbi. you can see he's incity getting wehat it. he even claims he broke some of
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the windows. you can hear him telling people come on, let's move. we are going to take this guy down. saying he's going to burn the place down. we are here for a revolution. there are a number of things he does. i was there earlier in the day. there was no sign there was going to be any violence. it was shocking to see the developments as it happened. people lost their lives. a capitol hill police officer. an air force veteran. in one of his videos it was so disturbing. you can see him filming the plain clothed officer who comes around the corn as ashley babbitt is on the other side of the wall with windows. he's filming him as the man is pulling his weapon out and shooting ashley babbitt and she
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lost her life. it's and sad set of circumstances. you can see he was incity getting wehat it. telling people to break windows. the full force of the law will be brought on him. jesse: he will have to be held accountable as everybody inside that building will be held accountable. thank you for your reporting. we appreciate it, sarah. obamagate documents are dropping. hillary is involved just as we thought. i made a business out of my passion. i mean, who doesn't love obsessing over network security? all our techs are pros. they know exactly which parking lots have the strongest signal. i just don't have the bandwidth for more business.
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tell your doctor if you experience an irregular heartbeat or other heart rhythm problems. possible side effects include muscle and joint pain. celebrate less risk. added cardio protection. talk to your doctor about adding protection with vascepa. jesse: remember obamagate, the obama administration's corrupt scheme to use the fisa court and hillary clinton's russia dossier to spy on the trump campaign, transition team and white house? controversies of new documents surrounding spygate are going declassified and released to the public. one of the biggest nuggets ...
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>> christopher steele and his debriefings with the fbi. he told the fbi the reason i leaked is i needed to help hillary clinton cover up her email problem. the russia collusion narrative was invented to protect hillary clinton from her email scandal. jesse: here is dan bongino. we knew because of the handwritten notes from brennan, the cia director under obama, that this was part of hillary's distract. now chris steele admitting it was all hillary's doing. >> i have been talking about this for four years. the key take away from this debacle is the obama-biden administration clearly knew. it was effort three and four years ago when we got the text,
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potus, the president of the united states wants to know everything we are doing. this was the fbi and justice department officials saying this. we know the key take aware is not only was this a plan by hillary to distract from her emails, the cia warned the white house this may not be legitimate. it may be a ruse by hillary. and they ran with it anyway. jesse: they also had the media completely following this thing down a rabbit hole. the media didn't ask the right questions. they believed trump was a traitor and they pursued this until we got the special council and thoughts the first 2 1/2 d and shot the first 2 1/2 years
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off the term. and the clintons always get away with it, don't they. >> it's amazing. they are like the teflon clintons. they are like those pans you see. nothing sticks to them. it's depressing. you can't believe they got away with this, right? i was reading through the documents. we know that not only did the media -- did the fbi know steele was leaking to the media, but after they fired steele, they used a back channel to bring steele back after they fired him, after they knew he was talking to the media. in any sane media ecosystem this would be the biggest story of a generation. but because it supposedly makes
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trump look bad, don't worry about it, let it go. jesse: comey gets the book event and now he's a millionaire. >> comey and mccabe will be beatified. that's how pathetic and sick this is. jesse: maybe biden will give them congressional medal of honor. anything could happen. >> it might happen. jesse: dan, i wish you the best of luck and best of luck with your parler fight. take care. up next, last call. one of those quizzes in honor of inauguration day. [♪♪♪]
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[♪♪♪] jesse: with joe biden's inauguration a few short days away, i figure perfect time to look back at when i quizzed americans on how well they knew past presidents. take a look. i'll name a series of people and you tell me whether they were people of the united states. >> warren harding. >> not. >> james polk. >> not. >> edgar johnson. >> president. >> when was edgar johnson president. >> late 1957. jesse: welcome b. jefferson. >> yes. >> calvin coolible. >> i don't think so am i getting them wrong? jess grover cleveland.
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>> no. >> james polk. >> no. jesse: ted tillerson. calvin coolidge. president or not. >> i wouldn't know. >> warren harding. >> no. >> james monroe. >> no. jesse: william tilden. >> calvin coolidge. jesse: was james garfield president of the united states. >> no. jesse: do you know who i am? jesse: i'm watters and this is my world. my hair sure has changed. that's all for tonight. be sure to follow me on facebook, instagram and twitter if they don't kick me off.
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♪. pete those are empty looking streets there. welcome to "fox & friends" on this sun morning, january 17th, year of our lord 2021, jedediah bila, will cain. join us for all four hours. why not? it is cold outside. it is warm in here. i tried out my electric socks. will: no burns? pete: wasn't even cold. see if they worked. that was it. did you watch any sports yesterday?


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