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tv   The Five  FOX News  January 18, 2021 2:00pm-3:00pm PST

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view of what's happening right now. tomorrow we will be taking a look at the record. you probably don't hear a lot of talk about it, the trump economic record in the market record. lots of records. special look back tomorrow. ♪ ♪ >> dana: hello, everyone. i'm dana perino with jesse watters, juan williams, emily companion, and greg gutfeld. it's 5:00 in new york city and washington, d.c., and this is "the five." brand-new calls as republicans plot payback against big tax. ask he was reporting some g.o.p. lawmakers are working on ways to fight back after top conservatives were silenced. that comes as parler gets online after being taken down by amazon. the company ceo says he hopes to be back up and running at the end of the month but it is a
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small victory for parler. it's not stopping others for calling for a crackdown on free speech. former top facebook official arguing more conservative content should be raised. >> we have to turn down the capability of the conservative influencers to reach huge audiences. people on youtube have a larger audience than daytime cnn and they are extremely radical and pushing extremely radical views. it's up to the facebooks and youtubes to think about whether they want to be cable networks for disinformation. >> dana: former national security expert claiming some followers of conservative media are being radicalized. seeker after president trump left putter, extremist content is critical. people talking about political debate.
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>> it's really bizarre when you think about how awol so many members of congress have gotten. i also think some of them are believing the garbage they are being fed. how are we going to deprogram these people who have signed up for the cult of trump? >> dana: greg gutfeld, i'm assuming you have some thoughts. we have all missed you. welcome back. over to you. >> greg: facebook, i remember the good old days when facebook was so honorable and noble when they were rating girls' faces. remember that? they were such a good company. that's what the company is based on. save their noble beliefs. the best thing about facebook are the politics because it so funny. everything else about facebook is terrible. katie couric says people need to be deprogrammed which is a great word from somebody who is literally a programmer.
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she hosted programs. she was the shaper of narratives and story lines and packaged her own assumptions that she shared with other people in these elite power groups and the media. when a programmer runs into a counter programmer, what do they do? they say we must deprogram them because they are not part of our group. their solution is gated protected programmers in the media and academic and culture, deplatform the thread. cnn talking about fox news. should they be on tv? oem, news max. they're going to try to deplatform anybody. it's going to drive people further underground. it is like kicking an already angry dog. the unified aspect of it. he cnn trying to ban competitors, publishing companies and music labels
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dropping artists. corporations severing ties to politicians, the vetting of the national guard, demand. every major institution in this media academic industrial complex are joining hands and they are closing the gates. they are creating one singular course to destroy you. such a relaxed way because they know they can get away with it. it's not going to cure anything. it's going to meet people angrier. >> dana: when we talk about parler coming back online. that's what their ceo said. one of the things companies have pointed to is that there was violent rhetoric or threats but in the reporting since january 6th in the attack on the capital, it shows there was a lot of planning for that to happen on facebook and it happened on twitter. yet those platforms did not get taken off. what do you think about that?
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>> juan: clearly parler was intended as an alternative site but the key to my thinking is this is not about censoring conservative thought. it's about doing something about disinformation, outright lies that led to the violence that we saw at the capital. an attack on democracy. i think all the sites are trying to figure out how do you moderate that kind of content. to my mind, why haven't the people who said the election has stolen, why haven't they said that we are wrong, we are sorry. we were wrong. saying that that's a lie and it should never have been propagated on american social media because it had the impact of promoting the violence. it inspired violence that undermined american democracy and trust in our institutions. trust in the incoming biden administration. the new yorker has a video-out
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that shows bloodthirsty mobs calling for vice president pence, calling for speaker pelosi. i don't think conservatives, i don't think liberals want that kind of bloodthirsty action taking place. if it's linked to the kind of language and planning that's taking place over social media, social media has to respond. >> dana: all right, jesse watters, your thoughts. >> jesse: i am taking it very personally because i have a gut feeling they are going to come after "watters world." you do not do that. you come after "watters world," then they are coming for "the five," even you, juan. you are right there is a target. i don't have any other skills. if you take me out how or am i going to feed my family. i will have to mow lawns. this is the only thing i am proficient in so you better watch yourself. miranda divined in "the new york post," the best newspaper out there, i call it the paper of record, i read her article today and she nailed it.
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she said it's about dehumanizing conservatives slate all feel sorry for them when you take away their rights. it's about eliminating all opposition divines radical agenda and remember chuck schumer said he's going to radically transform america. this is about destroying any resistance to that so they can't speak up because they are so intimidated or they don't even have a platform. democrats are playing for keeps. we want to debate. they want to censor you. it's going to backfire. exactly as -- you're going to be more suspicious. 60% of the country doesn't trust the media. that's the latest gallup poll. it's probably because the media will call you a white
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supremacist oracle or they will stare at a mountain of evidence like hundred biden's laptop before election the media needs to look in the mirror and think, did i contribute. it looks like the corporate media has lost control of the flow of information. it's going to other platforms and different voices. instead of competing with that, they are trying to cancel it. it makes people even more distrustful. >> dana: emily. to jesse's point about miranda devine. rioters and people who committed violence, that's not the entire republican party. >> emily: no, certainly not. this entire thing is a farce. it's a joke. this coordinated, heroic response to harmful conservatives.
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when a local news correspondent was murdered on live television, facebook and twitter headed on autoplay. any viewer could view it without warning. not to mention cnn playing it on the hour every hour the day of the shooting. youtube added on multiple links. hundreds of viewers sought with ads running next to it which meant that whoever posted the o. when her dad testified in front of congress and said i engaged with all of these platforms trying to take it down, i spoke directly with the google director of global human rights who said to my face "we are really trying." he said back then section 230, this liability shield extended these platforms by that law, they have no incentive to take it down let alone the sheer morality of it. when the platforms maintain they care about violence or care about morality, believe me it's a lie.
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he filed a complaint. we don't know how it's going but we know what happened when he testified in front of congress, which is nothing at all. that's one horrific example of many. we know about the periscope video that live streamed the gang rape of 18. those people do not care about violence or you. >> dana: andy parker continues to fight for his daughter's memory and legacy. thanks, everybody. a new migrant caravan headed for the southern border. president-elect biden plans a major immigration overhaul.
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>> jesse: a massive new migrant caravan clashing with guatemalan security forces on the slate of the southern border as president-elect joe biden plans a major immigration overhaul that includes
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legalizing 11 million illegal immigrants already in the united states, shutting down border wall construction, ending the remaining mexico policy, and biden wants to do all of that without any significant increases in border security. an unnamed biden official reportedly told nbc news that the migrants should not expect to come into the u.s. right away and they should turn back. the former head of i.c.e. says it's a little too late for that. >> the promises he has made are going to entice people to come to this country no matter what he says now. it's already started. the criminal gangs have already figured out their transportation routes. the caravans are already coming. you're going to see a surgeon at the border that we have never seen before because of the words of joe biden. >> jesse: juan, if you are president of the united states or you are advising joe biden
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and this is a pandemic and you see this massive amount of caravan people coming across, how do you stop them number one and how you screen them for covid-19? >> juan: i don't know, how do they screen anybody these days? i guess they screen all immigrants coming into the country for covid. i hope they would do so more effectively but i think it's required. overall i think biden is been very clear there is no open border here in the united states under a biden administration. but there will be a more orderly, dignified process for processing immigrants coming in without demonizing people who are fleeing a desperate situation, without separating children from their mothers. without building a wall when there's no evidence the wall was effective in keeping out immigrants. unfortunately not so effective stopping domestic violence. i think biden's job is more
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difficult in large part because trump's rhetoric on immigrants was so over-the-top. it led people to think that these people are coming and they're going to destroy america as opposed immigrants are part of the american story in most of us have immigrant stories in our family. i think when we talk -- when he talks about helping the dreamers, helping the 11 million here in the country already who are here illegally, i think most americans think that's the right thing to do. let's get this thing under control. let's get real immigration reform through congress and stop the shouting. >> jesse: okay, well, the border patrol said the wall stopped illegal entries by 100% so i believe the border patrol is not lying to the american people, juan. dana, juan said he expects the biden administration to go to the border and shoot everybody
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in the forehead with a temperature thing and make sure they don't have covid, maybe put something up their nose before they cross. i don't see how that's possible if you're going to tear down the wall and eliminate the remaining mexico policy. >> dana: it's never a good time for illegal immigration but during a pandemic it's especially troubling. i think it's going to be a early flash point for congress and i think democratic members are going to remember how difficult this issue is. in 2020 we hardly ever talked about immigration during the whole presidential election. one of the things that happened as president-elect biden took some left-leaning positions on immigration and now apparently plans to follow through on those and i think when you have lot of people here at home saying we are not being taken care of, we can't even get, you're a legal resident. let's say you lost your business. you can't even get state
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unemployment to respond to your calls for months. then you see this? it's going to cause a lot of friction, tension. it will be an early flash point for this congress to deal with and for this administration. the broader picture, we clearly have some major problems in the southern hemisphere that we never deal with. there are government issues. the best way to solve the problem is for them to not want to leave home in the first place. >> jesse: emily, i don't see how republican politician can go along with any of this stuff. i think obviously you'd be primaried if you voted for amnesty or to vote for anything that doesn't come with increased border security. >> emily: right, or if you are biden in 2006 when he said yes, i voted for 700 miles of border wall, i did. i want to point out that our greatest ally in moderating the surges mexico. in the last four years, they have cleaned up and tightened up
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control of their southern border in response to the trump administration's demands. so far the mexican president hadn't made any indication he would roll back some or more of the policies that they implement it in their immigration reform that reflected this administration's demands, right? one of them included deploying the national guard to moderate the migrant transit through mexico. they filled up their immigration facilities during the last four years. we know that honduras and guatemala enhance their rhetoric and also their policy so i think it remains to be seen how these countries will react, certainly pro-immigration officials of the mexican administration hope that biden, to dana's point, will invest in central america to create jobs and descent devise the migration. i think we have to rely on this policy to bolster the relationship. i think it's obvious that the backdrop against the backdrop of
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everything is the massively lucrative human smuggling industry that provides cover and funding for the narco cartels. did tom homan's point, of course since november the human smugglers have been incentivizing the migrants to come through. all it does is benefit those other push factors that dana cited in central and south america. >> jesse: last word, greg. >> greg: i think the caravans further illustrate immigrants are never able to understand incentives. if you say and you announce that the walls are coming down and people can come in, you're going to get caravans. when you demonize cops coming right up with fewer cops. when you make it known that you're not going to go after looters coming or going to end up with more looters. only when he put the hammer down the people stop. trump understood disincentives. started mexico when they took his lead. speaking of cause and effect, when you curb illegal immigration, what happens?
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increased wages for minorities, lower unemployment for minorities. juan wants to reverse policies that are going to hurt minorities. i'm not going to say that's racist or bigoted but it doesn't smell very good and by the way if you think walls don't work, juan. masks can't work either. they are both based on the same principle which is that friction reduces flow. they are not perfect. masks aren't perfect and walls aren't perfect but they are based on the idea to reduce friction, create friction to reduce flow. i'm going to be very, very interested in how the media response to any example of misery connected to biden's policies. if the tragedy happens under joe, will it make a sound? just like troubling police videos. are we going to see more of those now that biden is president? they only seem to create a mobilization of media under
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trump. all of these tragedies create a mobilization of media under trump. all of these things are suddenly going to disappear and to juan's last point, i think joe's failures are going to be blamed on trump, right? juan said it's trump's rhetoric, like he's laying the groundwork for joe failing. trump being so mean but trump is no longer presidents was not on him. >> jesse: welcome back, greg. good to have you. make america california again? why joe biden is looking to that disastrously run state as a blueprint for the rest of the country. man: i have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. now, there's skyrizi. 3 out of 4 people achieved 90% clearer skin at 4 months after just 2 doses. skyrizi may increase your risk of infections
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age is just a number. man: i feel free to bare my skin. and mine's unlisted. try boost® high protein... -with 20 grams of protein for muscle health- -versus only 16 grams in ensure® high protein. and now enjoy boost® high protein in café mocha flavor.
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♪ ♪
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>> juan: reversing president trump's america first agenda will be priority number one for the biden presidency. the president-elect planning immediate executive action that reportedly includes rejoining the paris climate deal, reversing the travel ban and canceling the keystone xl pipeline. check out this headline from the "l.a. times." make america california again. that is biden's plan. the paper explains how the golden state is emerging as a "de facto policy think tank for the biden team. jesse, i wanted to start with you and say it seems to me a new president implement the new plans, what's the surprise? isn't that to be expected that elections have consequences and a new guy is going to have a new agenda? >> jesse: if biden had run on and relating california, he would've lost. why would you emulate
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california? everyone is leaving california. record energy prices, record homelessness, record covid, record bankruptcies. why don't you emulate texas? what about the keystone pipeline? you're getting energy from our ally sent down to us to be refined here, made in america, a pipeline built through union labor that tells opec to take a hike and keeps energy prices low? it's good for national security and jobs. why would you get rid of that? to pay off your green donors? is that how it's going to be? then you go to the mideast. instead of consolidating those gains, they are more isolated and broke than ever before. just to burnish john kerry's legacy? it's asinine. i don't know what he's thinking. i said i would be fair so i'm going to wait but it's not looking good.
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>> juan: all right. dana, joe biden when he was running for president, promised to spend money to help people get the covid vaccine, to help people who have been hard-hit by the covid economy. shouldn't he keep those promises? >> dana: i think americans separate out the relief and the need for covid money which we all need and we can agree on that but some of these other things are pretty incredible. a friend of mine said it's like the biden administration looked through the twitter feed of the far left and picked out a couple random things. on the pipeline, jesse, did you know that even the canadian say that it will allow them to meet their greenhouse gas emission reductions? if the canadians are okay with it, surely americans should be able to be okay with it. the other thing is the idea of doing the $15 an hour minimum wage. if you want to do that, fine but that would mean ignoring the congressional budget office that
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said 3.7 million jobs could be lost because of it. elections have consequences but so do some of these policies. >> juan: greg, part of it is the use of executive orders. biden said he's going to use executive orders to do things and rejoin the climate deal and the like. isn't that a response to the fact that president trump use executive orders to undo a lot of what obama had done? >> greg: you're absolutely right. that's the problem with executive orders. they can be done and undone. see postelection ritual. in this case it something else. it's a retribution strategy. i'm going to coin a phrase. they are throwing a baby out with the bathwater. because they hate trump so much, they are willing to undo all the positive things that even they secretly admit were positive. building a strong economy, increased wages, trade
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transparency, relationship with north korea, pisa agreements in the middle east, cheap energy, they are so vindictive not just about trump but about trump supporters, that they are willing to punish people for this in a completely broad manner. what does it say that to her trump means that you hurt americans? it means his goals and intentions exactly in line with the american interests. i had a cabdriver in kiev, he was very nervous, do you mind if i ask about the election. i said go ahead. he goes, i don't like what mr. trump did to our country but i would love to have him as my president. the reason why i said that was that trump was our agent, our lawyer. you don't want an agent or lawyer that other people like. you want all agent or lawyer that nobody wants to deal with. that's what trump was. trump was our a-lawyer and we
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our benign bureaucrat who will roll over for anybody and that's joe biden. >> juan: emily, you think about reversing the travel ban, rejoining the claimant accord, according to the polls, most americans think yeah, do it. >> emily: i think the responsibility would be on the republican party to explain why disengaging or rejoining the policies or the plans et cetera are in their best interests. they need to be clear and the need to perpetuate that rather than for this example attacking the democrats. a quick point about biden. it's in his best interest to play in the center and do moderate things because if he embarks on this far left path and takes america down this totally liberal path right away, then, 2022, there will be a redneck title wave and the rest of his presidency is basically over. >> juan: all right, thanks,
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emily. up next, progressive criminal justice reforms under fire after a man let out of jail on a kidnapping charge is now accused of murder next for you on "the five."
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sail safe. feel free. ♪ ♪ >> emily: welcome back. a new example of progressive criminal justice reforms wreaking havoc across the country. a man in philadelphia is accused of murdering someone out walking their dog and it happened just two weeks after the same suspect with a long criminal record was let out of jail on reduced bail because of covid court closures. two open felony cases for kidnapping and assaulting a cop. the philadelphia police department called the move ridiculous. a judge dropped the veil to
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$12,000.01 of those cases. here where i am sitting in seattle, the homicide rate in 2020 spiked almost 25%. this senior deputy prosecutor said it's been a bad year. he said i can't think of a good explanation other than pandemic related health stresses. isn't the explanation crystal clear? you don't provide consequences for violent behavior and total ineptitude on the part of local leadership? >> greg: i would call it a loaded question. the answer is in your question. i apologize, i am in the media and according to the media criminal activity only matters if it's done by a trump supporter. once in four years may be. that's when crime really matters and i will get relief -- i will start yelling. if you're calling, not for killing somebody, you are likely racist, right?
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you're probably racist. if you brought up the rising violence he got two steps. it's gang violence which is code for your safe. they are killing each other. they're not going to go after you. and you are racist for bringing it up. there's a bizarre contradiction. as a person concerned about crime is the racist the person dismissing it because it's black on black, that's fine. so this is like, i guess the point is i'm confused. my anti-criminal and pro-cop today? what happens tomorrow? will i be anti-cop and pro-criminal? i don't know what the media narrative is for this story right now. so confusing after the summer and january 6 where does one go. >> emily: jesse, since the stakes are life-and-death, shouldn't we be more cautious with policy instead of less? >> jesse: i want to talk about philly. it's a shooting gallery. it's my town and i'm upset.
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the radical crackpot has overseen an explosion in violent crime. this guy actually ran a campaign on deincarcerating criminals and i guess it's working. it's staggering. are you ready? he has lost or dropped 25% of felony cases. he has lost or dropped 50% of illegal firearm cases and on the streets they call him uncle larry because he's dropped about 60% of narcotics cases. this guy is such a joke. he let out an illegal alien, no bail, set him free and the guy repeatedly raped a 5-year-old. the federal prosecutor has had this will been because the guy has dropped the ball so many times. you can't be a crusading progressive prosecutor and keep your city safe. it doesn't work that way. but because he's rich and because he's liberal he's running for reelection any's probably going to win.
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the rest of the city is going to lose but he's going to win. >> emily: dana, to everyone's points, what or when is the breaking point? >> dana: for me, if anybody has a chance to watch that young man's family, the one who was murdered, he was out walking his dog, watch his family, his girlfriend. one of the things that they said was his life was just getting started. i think partly it's that you have to be willing to listen to those stories and really understand their impact. i think if the democrats want to cede the ground of the suburbs back to the republicans, republicans would have a chance on issues like this. >> emily: how are these examples not included in the conversation by those on the left about criminal justice reform in terms of making reflected changes that actually help especially the underserved communities who are getting disproportionately affected
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negatively? >> juan: i think they are. everybody wants to have conversations about bail reform. i think we can all agree people shouldn't be in jail just because they are poor. the decision has to be made on the basis of public safety. the tough on crime police commissioner in new york had said pretty much the same. you got to make public safety a priority even as we take steps to put in place criminal justice reforms. it would also say a lot of people on the right celebrate president trump for criminal justice reform. why now go after people on the left if they too are engaged in criminal justice reform? >> emily: mre -- >> jesse: because these guys are violent. >> emily: stay with us. more of "the five" next.
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"fox news prime time which debuts. tonight at 7:00. brian, as much as i don't want to hear anything from you, please tell us more. >> okay. dana, if i come on the show again could you promise that you will read my introduction? it will be a little bit nicer and welcoming. greg, i'm taking a page from you. i'm not preparing at all. no production value, no guests. i have two pillow commercials and that's about it. i'm going to wing it. i might book a band. i'm thinking van halen. >> greg: that's good. i love "stairway to heaven." dana, we are supposed to ask brian questions but i've been trying to say falconer focus five times in a row. >> dana: don't do it on the air. it's a great new show at 11:00.
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>> it's is a great show, great debut. i spent time looking at plywood with dave portnoy which means i'm walking the streets of new york city. he has a chance to collect money of around $30 million to help small businesses. 1 out of 4's out of business in new york and i had a chance to go to miami and see how a business, how a city works that's working. they are making a profit at 6% through a pandemic because they gave the people an opportunity to open responsibly. compare and contrast that. we're going to look at what's happening with think tank, as you know, the crackdown. dan bongino was going be with us. we are going to see, they are coming after, as we know, they are coming after fox next. you know that. it's not going to end there. we're going to have some fun with some great guests including
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this guy named karl rove. we're going to talk about the future of the republican party. as you know he blew up the republican party over the weekend. i'm going to see if i can calm him down. >> greg: you are breaking new ground by having karl rove as a guest. >> you are so jealous. he doesn't even answer your calls. >> greg: they are usually at 3:00 a.m. from a park. if they, after fox they will come after you first which is a plus. >> that's not the way i look at it. jesse, do you have anything to say? can we end up on an upbeat? juan, anybody? >> jesse: i respect the fact that you decided to go to miami for a shoot in the winter. >> some business owners remember jesse, "watters world." jesse came to the keys and he was so mean to us i said that's the old jesse. the new jesse is not. no one is as nice as dana. >> greg: good luck with your show.
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i'm sure you will do mediocre -- mediocrely. is that a word? emily? is that a word? >> emily: no. >> greg, you gave me the worst liftoff ever, ever. "one more thing" is up next. i'm going to go to juan next time. since my dvt blood clot... i wasn't sure... was another around the corner? or could things go a different way? i wanted to help protect myself. my doctor recommended eliquis. eliquis is proven to treat and help prevent another dvt or pe blood clot. almost 98 percent of patients on eliquis
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didn't experience another. —and eliquis has significantly less major bleeding than the standard treatment. eliquis is fda-approved and has both. don't stop eliquis unless your doctor tells you to. eliquis can cause serious and in rare cases fatal bleeding. don't take eliquis if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. if you had a spinal injection while on eliquis call your doctor right away if you have tingling, numbness, or muscle weakness. while taking eliquis, you may bruise more easily— and it may take longer than usual for bleeding to stop. seek immediate medical care for sudden signs of bleeding, like unusual bruising. eliquis may increase your bleeding risk if you take certain medicines. tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures. what's around the corner could be worth waiting for. ask your doctor about eliquis. ♪ limu emu ♪ and doug. what's around the corner and if we win, waiting for. we get to tell you how liberty mutual customizes car insurance so you only pay for what you need. isn't that what you just did? service! ♪ stand back, i'm gonna show ya ♪ ♪ how doug and limu roll, ya ♪ ♪ you know you got to live it ♪
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♪ if you wanna wi... ♪ [ music stops ] time out! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
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>> man: what's my safelite story? i spend a lot of time in my truck. it's my livelihood. ♪ rock music ♪ >> man: so i'm not taking any chances when something happens to it. so when my windshield cracked... my friend recommended safelite autoglass. they came right to me, with expert service where i needed it.
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♪ rock music ♪ >> man: that's service i can trust... no matter what i'm hauling. right, girl? >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪
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split >> greg does not need the money but to be fair, the winning ticket right here. >> >> i bought it with my own money. >> last night's big football game and of course, i watch them, and you didn't see tom brady, a trip for the 14th championship game but don't worry, you're not the only one who was left hanging. >> coming up, the bulk of a
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point, tom brady with a touch down. >> i guess, yeah, that was inappropriate. but don't feel too bad for him, after the fact his family, drew perez, a final touchdown to the same quarterbacks on so the brady and drew bray's can get along, there is hope for the rest of us at greg's after party. all right, you are next. >> juan: how can you resist the sales pitch like this? >> would you like to buy some? two or three or four or five? what is your favorite color? >> juan: first, she is selling girl scout cookies and as you can see from the doorbell camera, she is quite the saleswoman and i love the different colors on the boxes. the scottsdale native says she
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sold 200 boxes in one day despite social distancing due to the virus. so here is to america's great saleswoman alley. >> dana: i like green and thin mints, alley, we will get to you next time. i promise. and "special report" is up next, hey, bret. >> bret: i got it, things, dana. good evening i am bret baier and we are two days from inauguration like any other in the nation's history. the u.s. capitol city in the u.s. capitol building on edge and a high security alert committee fire prompted lockdown and the capitol city. this comes amid fears of possibly violent protest in washington and in state capitals throughout the country. there are growing concerns of an insider attack. the concerns that have led the fbi to that old book 25,000 plus national guard troops protecting washington, d.c., this week. correspondent rich


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