tv FOX and Friends FOX News January 19, 2021 3:00am-6:01am PST
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lifetimes to have you as first lady. so it's a nice messages coming, in guys, forever the first lady there. quill jill carley, thank you. down load the fox news app. scan the qr code on your screen. have a good d.a. "fox & friends" starts now. todd: this morning the nation's capitol on high alert ahead of tomorrow's inauguration. >> this city is locked down in unprecedented ways never before seen. >> the per sense of an insider threat is taken out of partisan element. steve cohen of tennessee. >> you have got to figure conservatives, 75% might want to do something. >> you are making cheap politics out of it to attack trump supporters. >> biden going to have all given us 100 days to get to the u.s. >> right now, the perception that our borders are going to be open, that are driving these caravans. >> how are we going deprogram
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the cult of trump. >> we have to turn down the capability of it trump. >> that is going to come and bite them in the end. >> it has been the biggest honor of my life to serve as first lady. always choose love over hatred, peace over violence. ♪ steve: good morning, everybody. it is tuesday, january be 19th, 2021 when we start this hour with a fox news alert. this morning the nation's capitol is on high alert ahead of tomorrow's inauguration at newspaper on weapons. ainsley: he is going to have his on the bible at noon. hundreds of active duty troops are joining security efforts. will. will: griff jenkins is in the nation's capitol with the latest on the potential threat. good morning, griff. griff: good morning, will, ainsley, and steve. i'm inside basically a locked box. it unprecedented how secure the nation's capitol is right now.
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they have got a secure perimeter boxed in from the white house all the way down to the capitol and several points in between and even more security is coming. in fact, later today, major bridges in to and out of the city will close through the inauguration as well. the acting defense secretary chris miller had this to say yesterday saying, quote: while we have no intelligence indicating an insider threat, we are leaving no stone unturned in securing the capitol. william walker, the commanding general of the d.c. national guard says they are vetting those troops. listen. >> the united states army cid, and the united states air force officer special investigations are conducting checks on all 25,000 guardsmen that will be here supporting the united states secret service. we want to make sure that everybody in this bubble of security that we are providing has the privilege to be there.
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griff: this as "the washington post" reports this morning the fbi warned law enforcement agencies of a potential threat from lone wolves and adherence to the far right group queue qae indicated they plan to come to washington for joe biden's swearing-in ceremony. we saw a field of flags lit on the national mall in honor of the thousands of americans who cannot attend in person. a parade was rehearsed unlike parades in the past this one will be virtual. as for of the outgoing administration, i never thought i would say these names in the same sentence. but, lil' wayne, steve bannon and julian assange all on the list of possible -- possibly receiving a pardon. we expect about 50 to 100 names could be on that list and we could see it today. will, ainsley, steve? steve: it could be a polizzi of pardons later today. griff, thank you very much. now we want to talk a little bit about something that was said
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that is just so jaw-dropping and it's a great example of fear mongering. steve cohen, who is a democrat congressman from the great state of tennessee, had this observation. griff was just just talking about the national guard. that guy right there. he said essentially, you know, the national guard, they're mostly white men. and they might want to do something -- and mostly white men voted for donald trump. which means the people who are protecting joe biden might want to do something to joe biden. i'm not kidding. here's the tape from cnn. >> the guard is 90-some odd percent, i believe, male. only about 20% of white males voted for biden. you have got to figure they are probably not more than 25% of the people that are there protecting us who voted for biden. the other 75% are in the class
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that would be the large it chance of folks who might want to do something. steve: might want to do something and he said later i have absolutely no evidence but i'm going to say it on tv anyway. that is fear mongering. ainsley: he said if they voted for trump, if he they're trump supporter was they can't be trusted. steve: because they're white. ainsley: security acting secretary of defense chris miller says he has received no intel indicating a potential threat within the ranks. within the thousands of guard members that are there to protect the president during inauguration. jeremy hunt west point grad. i served in the army and all different political views. what bindz us together was a common creed, the oath of the constitution. people who plan on doing some craziness at from inauguration have no business wearing the uniform. if you are a u.s. congressman who sows seeds of hatred he has no business being there he should go home.
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steve: is he going to be with us at the 7:00 a.m. will: you striked it as it jaw-dropping it is utter insanity. talking about a purity test. putting our military under that kind of loyalty requirement based upon their race and based upon who they voted for. make no mistake, this isn't about president trump. in the end it's not even about trump supporters and not about republicans. about anybody who dares step out of line. anybody who dares dissent. and there is nothing that is sacred. they will be protected from this kind of purity test as given here our military. it is truly unbelievable. dan bongino, a friend of the program, who was a veto service. ainsley: for obama. will: who he disagreed with politically talked about that idea of nothing is sacred. and the east you take when you serve in these jobs. risen to this. >> you are making cheap politics out of it, a tack trump supporters and people like me unlike steve cohen who actually
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put micah booze on the line to protect barack obama and his family. brian: gotcha. >> and i did it proudly. i would do it again. that's what we do in the secret service. it's not a third world republic. condemning our national guard folks because of the color of their skin like they can't do their job, they raised their right hand and swore to protect the consultation. don't insult them like that. precisions, that's what they do. that's why they are politicians and they don't have real jobs. steve: people in the military don't prejudice to serve other people. they pledge to serve the country. we're going to be talking about this throughout the morning. something else tomorrow at noon when joe biden becomes president his number one legislative everybody after the controversies is requesting to be to overhaul our immigration system in the country right now. because, have you noticed? it's kind of broken. well, he is going to have a flurry of executive orders. we don't know exactly what they're. but one of the things he wants to do is he wants to give citizenship, an 8 year path to
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citizenship for people who are in the country illegally. we have been showing you over the last 24 hours that caravan of thousands of people in central america. they are coming to america. why now? well, as one of the migrants said on tv joe biden said essentially we have 100 days before they are going to close the door. listen. >> 'they are having a new president physical biden. he has given us 100 days to get to the u.s. steve: that's right. all right. where did that come from? here is joe biden a while back. >> the first 100 days of my administration, no one, no one be will be deported after the all. from that point on, the only deportations that will take place are commissions of felonies in the united states of america. '. steve: can you understand where he got the idea he heard from joe biden and joe biden won and
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elections have consequences. here is the fine print. it's in the "the washington post" this morning. to wind up with a citizenship that joe biden is going to be proposing to congress, you have to have been in the country on january 1st. the to keep people from rushing the border. in fact, all those people who are heading toward america would not qualify. brian: how would you prove that you -- will: how would you prove you were in america certain at a time. how far would they prove who came illegally january 1st. steve: when they want to do something they wind up doing stuff. ainsley: that's how joe biden fought elected he said that at the podium. steve: it's not a surprise. ainsley: few days ago his officials said it's not the right time to many do. don't come yet. plus, think about coronavirus. apparently not checking papers crossing borders into different countries in south america. not doing testing. so with all of these people coming to the border. even if you let them in you would have to be in quarantine
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10 days. how is he going to manage all of that? how is he going to handle thousands of will will at the border. will: have a will migrant forming a caravan and playing the words of joe biden. the shows your words have consequences and people listen. not just the potential migrants coming to the united states and countries who can help in keeping that illegal immigration from forming at our border. countries like mexico and guatemala who can play a role in stopping caravans. acting cbp commissioner mark morgan says they are listening to joe biden's words as well. listen to. this we have unprecedented cooperation with the government of mexico and northern triangle countries as well to address the regional crisis that it is. it's working. right now it's the perception that our borders are going to be open that are driving these caravans. what are these countries going to do at some point wait a minute we are doing everything that we are supposed to that's
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been asked of us but it's your policies, united states, that are actually driving and facilitating this illegal migration. will: we have been told words have consequences. clearly joe biden's words have consequences. by the way, speaking of words, you know, i have been concerned for quite some time that there has been inflation of inflammatory language. in other words, we have been told that the events of january 6th started out as chaotic and formed into riotous. it sedition and then terrorism. and then the people who committed a horrendous act on january 6th are being described as terrorists. if you have inflate language like this. if you continually push the bar out, what you do is you allow any manner of response. any manner of sin. and then you can get people like former journalist katie couric or former journalist eugene robinson saying things like this about trump supporters. i want you to take a listen to this. >> it's really bizarre, isn't
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it, when you think about how awol so many of these members of congress have gotten. but i also think some of them are believing the garbage that they're being fed 24/7 on the internet, by their constituents, and pout into this big lie and the question is how are we going to really almost deprogram these people who have signed up for the cult of trump. >> there are millions of americans, almost all white, almost all republicans who somehow need to be deprogrammed. it's as if they are members of a cult. the trumpest cult and have to be deprogrammed. will: so, steve, ainsley, you keep raising the bar of the description of what happened on january 6 of the. you keep expanding the pool of people you are talking about until you are talking about trump supporters and then you can respond with orwellian language like deprogramming them. we are getting into a very scary
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authoritarian place quickly. steve: sure. one of the things they want to do is we know that big tech, these monster monopolies are trying to pull the plug -- they pulled the plug on parler although parler it sounds like is redoing their fracture so ine they are still up. they are from the political right. one of the things they are suggesting, ainsley, to deprogram people you have to turn off the supply of this information. pull the plug on if, you know, certain outlets that lean to one way. and they are calling on the phone company, essentially, verizon, and at&t. and the cable companies. hey, don't have those other voices. you know, one of the reasons, fox news channel is one of the reasons people actually subscribe to tv.
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if the phone companies and the cable companies took fox news channel off, there would be a lot of people who would no longer want to subscribe to cable tv. so, essentially they would be making a business decision in addition to a political decision. they should stay out of the politics business. ainsley: they would love that. steve: just appeal to everybody. ainsley: silence the conservatives. cancel everyone. look at josh halfly's book deal. the president on social media canceled. you have even manchin considering removing josh halfly and ted cruz from office using, i believe, theth amendment. steve: but by point is, there are channels on television it. ainsley: that might be next. steve: that you are watching right now. certain channels you love. a lot of people love the fox news channel. but, ultimately if you don't agree with something you see on be a channel, just click. will: you have a remote in your hand. steve: you get to decide with your remote. tonight take away those other voices. otherwise, you are living in a
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silo and that's how much you are going to wind up seeing. is that the america you really want? ainsley: that's what they want. of the 75 million don't want that. i thought deplorable was bad. now you are in a cult. and you need deprogrammed. whether a? will: exactly. ainsley: let's hand it over to jillian for more headlines. jillian: good morning. begin with a fox news alert. multiple law enforcement officers are shot and killed in the line of duty within 24 hours. a california sheriff deputy and canine were shot by a suspect during a shootout in sacramento this morning. deputies sent the k 9 suspect crash during a car chase. he opened fire killing the dog and deputy. overnight in ohio a police officer was shot and killed during a standoff with a suspect wanted for vandalizing a cathedral. 24-year-old brandon stalker leaves behind a fiancee and young child. president trump signing an order to lift some covid-19 travel restrictions. entry to the u.s. would be after loued from the united kingdom, parts of europe and brazil next
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week. the biden administration disagrees with the move and doesn't plan on following through with it. meantime starting next tuesday, all incoming passengers to the u.s. will be required to show a negative coronavirus test. the biden institute reportedly won't disclose its donors even as the president-elect prepares to be sworn into office. the policy research center at the university of delaware was one of a number of organizations founded by the former v.p. after he left office in 2017. up like the others, which were shut down when he announced he would run for president, the biden institute will reportedly continue to engage in a multi-million-dollar fundraising campaign. and don't miss your chance of becoming a millionaire. the $850 million mega millions jackpot is up for grabs in tonight's drawing. it's the second largest grand prize in the game's history. meanwhile the big prize in tomorrow's powerball drawing is at 730 million bucks. the combined jackpots hitting a
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whopping $1.6 billion. could you imagine if someone won both? steve: you know the odds of winning just one but to win both, that would be something. will: i think take a rook what the cash payout. take the cash payout not the scheduled amortized $650 million which would be enough, i think. do you think? steve: who says money doesn't buy happiness? will: joe biden will be taking the oath of office set to reverse president trump's policies on day one that's his plan with a migrant care vanity heading to the u.s. and jeopardy. what will the next is hundred days look like. next guest says the nation's are progress is at stake. sinophilic. not for sudden breathing problems. allergic reactions can occur.
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♪ steve: tomorrow president-elect joe biden will mo into that building right there after taking his oath of office at noon. at 1:00 joe biden will start undoing a number of trump policies including those things that you see right there on the screen. reports also indicate he will offer a path to citizenship for millions of illegal migrants and much more. here to discuss we have the executive director for action for america erika anderson. we were going to join her yesterday but technical difficulties appreciated that and now we hope she can hear me. good morning, jessica. >> good morning. i can hear you just fine. steve: great. one of the things joe biden is going to do first day capsule the xl pipeline which we have been hearing about for a very long time. donald trump famously in his early landfill days went ahead
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and reversed the obama administration it was a green light. this is a private business with $8 billion up vested in it to try to make energy more efficient and economical. what do you make of him pulling the plug on that? >> well, first off, it's very concerning that biden is heading down this direction when we know that the keystone pipeline has provided so many jobs for hard-working americans. it really is frustrating and at a time when biden plans should be about opening up more opportunities for jobs, he is going in the opposite direction. thieves are thousands of hardworking cop destruction engineer jobs. he these are real americans that will basically be put on unemployment with the back drop of the pandemic. so, he is doing this, i think, under the sparse of climate control and climate change when we know that is not based on any real science. from the keystone pipeline does not have an adverse effect on climate. when you see things like you this just know he is running down the same failed policy line
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that obama did. and it's concerning to all of us americans that want something more from our elected official. steve: but, you know, jessica, it's just one of those things. you know, he has got a super liberal progressive left who when they see that hey, he pulled the plug on that. that's good. he is doing a good job for us. >> that should worry us all, right, when the progressive left cheer leads something that biden is doing, that should put conservatives really on edge. and you see that even with immigration. the far left amnesty international and amnesty groups are cheerleading biden's decision now to give amnesty to over 11 million americans immigrants here in the united states and make them americans. so you really need to look at who is cheerleading what to understand these policies. and you should also look at the team. who is the team that is these policies? these are all obama holdovers that came from the previous administration are now part of pind's inner circle.
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we know how the story ends. it's worse off for americans and we should all use every leverage that we have to fight back against this destructive agenda. steve: after listening to you, jessica for a couple of minutes, i think there are probably people out there who think, you know what? she needs to be deprogrammed. because that's the way she thinks. she has been thinking like that for a number of years. we have got to turn her around. what do you make of that whole idea that people who have a certain point of view need to be deprogrammed or deplat formed? >> it's the wrong point of view to have. and it's one that looked past the real facts and real numbers. if you look specifically at everything that the biden-harris administration wants to do, you see that it is going to have a direct impact on american jobs. our businesses, our families our way of life and the numbers speak for themselves. look at what he is act straighting and advocating for covid relief $1.9 trillion package. we have already spent
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3.45 trillion on covid exear that 900 billion for the economic crisis obama years. the numbers don't lie, $15 minimum wage. state and local bailouts has direct impact. the only programming i would like so see is for people get down on the programmatic needs of these numbers and note what the impact is for each and every one of us. steve: you know what the democrat have said in the past especially rahm emanuel never let a good crisis to go to waste. this is a chance to load it up. >> they are doing just that. steve: it has to go through congress. let's see if the republicans stand up against this. jessica anderson, executive director of heritage action for america. thank you very much. we heard you loud and clearly today. >> thanks for having me, steve. steve: you bet, thank you. meanwhile, switchingsing gears. wuhan's viral lab is at the center of many questions surrounding where covid got
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at your pharmacy, your doctor's - hold on! don't want to go through that! 50 years or older? get vaccinated for shingles. now. ♪ ainsley: population research institute president steven mosier doubling down on his february "new york post" op-ed last year, february. but don't -- he said don't buy china's story the coronavirus may have leaked from a lab. listen. >> we have a 50 man delegation in wuhan now cooling their heels in a two week quarantine in a notion wuhan. i don't know that they will ever be allowed into the lab at wuhan which was the source of the virus. we have been told lots of stories. >> ainsley: when he said it might have started in wuhan lab his idea was dismissed as a conspiracy theory.
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mosier says uncovered emails a doctor who tried to debunk the story heads the company with ties to that lab. will we ever get the truth? here to react is fox news medical contributor dr. marc siegel. good morning, dr. siegel. >> good morning, ainsley. ainsley: good morning. what do you think about this? do you think it did start in that lab or is that now a theory and not a conspiracy theory? >> are it's becoming more and more of a real theory with a lot of facts to back it up. ainsley, did you know that sherlock holmes was a physician? let me play sherlock holmes here. that doctor is part of a organization echo health alliance a nonprofit working with the wuhan viral lab. he put together a group of scientists who major medical journal said this virus did not come from this lab. are how too they know that. information from the "new york post" comes out that some scientists were in bat caves.
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collecting material on coronavirus and we are getting bit by bats. they could have contracted a controversies. third fact from the state departments and most shocking virus in that institute 9% similar in structure to sars cov 2 this coronavirus. and get, this last fall, several scientists got sick with covid-like symptoms in advance of this disease ever being maimed. also that lab was worked with the chinese military and they have been doing investigations into different coronavirus for years now. all of that has been under the radar. it doesn't mean it definitely came from a lab but if i'm sherlock holmes i'm wondering what is going on in this place 20 miles outside of wuhan and what role did it play? ainsley: i understand why china would want to suppress this story. they don't want to be libel for all the deaths. the it countless amount of
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dollars that have been -- we have all lost money because of this. i understand why they would want to suppress it. why would americans want to suppress this story? what are they getting in return? >> in this case we are shedding a spotlight on at an organization that worked with the wuhan institute of viral. i know some of our scientists have worked with this institute. when china was clearly suppressing information and not letting the cdc in to have boots on the ground. i think our health officials at any time want to ad to that by saying this could be something coming out of a lab. all they did was look under a mike do scope and it conclude it wasn't bioengineered. they never proved it didn't come from a lab. they didn't take that seriousness. they were too married to the theory coming out of china like hey, we don't believe anything out of china but we believe what the chinese scientists are
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telling us. >> i think that was wrong. ainsley: facebook if piled on the it will by steven mosier the guy who said it started in the lab. turned out one of the on that project worked at that lab. at first they didn't understand why they were suppressing him and taking down that story then he ream realized it letter. the drafter of the letter where 27 scientists signed this letter saying it was a conspiracy theory. the president of ecohealth alliance. he has close ties with wuhan lab. they get millions of taxpayer dollars to genetically manipulate coronavirus with the scientists that work at that very lap. so hopefully we can get some answers and get to the bottom of this but i'm glad the truth is starting to come out. >> ainsley, it could have been a lab accident but that's something you could trace to that lab. it's shocking the information that's coming out on this. ainsley: dr. siegel, thank you so much. >> thanks, ainsley, good morning.
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ing. ainsley: you too. we did reach out to the ecohealth alliance for a statement but have not heard back yet. the are questioning the brave men and men it would keep the capitol safe during biden's inauguration. colonel michael waltz serves our country he is going to sound off next. pay off my student loan debt. they were able to give me a personal loan so i could pay off all of my credit cards. i got my mortgage through sofi and the whole process was so easy. ♪ express yourself ♪ ♪ ♪ express yourself ♪ ♪
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something. will: up believable real but unbelievable words from steve cohen suggesting our national guard because of potential race and voting history should be suspected to suspicions of whether or not they are domestic terrorists. whether or not they are capable of via violence. bring in congressman public servant may be the least. will michael waltz national guard colonel and green beret and part of the house armed services committee. congressman, thanks so much for being here as you listen to the words of your colleague there, what's your reaction? >> shocking. i think every veteran. every guardsman is offended by those comments. you know, it is not about the person. it is about the oath they take the same oath as every member of congress. those guardsmen and women that are out there right now to support and defend the constitution against all enemies. and so, you know, one of the
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things he just doesn't understand or refuses to is these guardsmen and women come from their communities their units are right there in their units. he has that there is about fax g double about the women in the guard. frl african-americans but the national average. it's the definition of racism to stereotype an entire group based on their skin color and their gender. and so it's just offensive all around. and it's insulting. you know, and at the end of the day, this is why we need more veterans in congress because we know that in the fox hole black, white, brown, you know, socioeconomic background and certainly political party doesn't matter. it's about mission. it's about country. it's about getting the job done. and that's what those guardsmen and women are focused on right now. steve: a guy by the name of cam edwards tweeted yesterday, congressman, about this. way to get into the spirit of martin luther king day by
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judging people on the color of their skin and not the content of their character. >> right. well, yeah, it's the exact opposite of what mlk would espouse. the where he dreamt for his children colorless society and one based on merit and as you said the content of their character. it's discussing comments. are reflects ignorance on how the military thinks and works. when i came in clinton was the president and i made all of my soldiers ensured and so did my sergeant that it was always president clinton. there is only one commander-in-chief. and i have got to tell you when you are out there conducting those missions, there is no politics. there is just your brother, your sister, your left, your right, and they are fellow americans. you don't even have a clue who anybody voted for. that stunt come into the equation. ainsley: the senate confirmation hearings begin today as
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president-elect joe biden iss chooing his cabinet. and you have some concerns. i know you sent a letter to the foreign relations chairman. and in that letter you talked about being tough on cuba and venezuela. what are your concerns 'some of these choices? >> the letter was also signed by representatives salazar and' jimenez from miami and our concern is that we are walking into obama 2 it .0. biden is nominating the same folks. he is just bumping each one up a level that opened the door to cuba, opened the door to venezuela. and, you know, it's this underlying philosophy if we're just nicer to them they will be nicer to us and they will be nileser to their own people. would he have seen political prosecutions and exextra judicial killing rise exponentially since obama opened the door to cuba. they are being much more harsh on their own population money
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that flows in go to elite and communist elite and further enriches and empowers them. we need some real red lines before we even go into these hearings that they are going to hold the line when it comes to human rights, when it comes to democracy and when it comes to taking a tough stance just request the gross abuses of the maduro and castro regime jet stream. will: congressman michael waltz we appreciate you and your service on a shocking topic we are talking about today. judging our service members on the color of their skin. thank you so much, congressman. >> god bless. steve: will, and who they might have voted for. will: a double purity test. let's go over to japan miss dean. she has the latest on the weather across this great nation. good morning, janice. janice: good morning. we are going to start off with california. because we have a goofed news, bad news situation for them. we have moisture that's going to move into southern california helping the drought; however,
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ahead of that very strong winds, gusts of 70, 80 miles per hour. you can see that moisture that's starting to stream in across portions of california in towards the southwest, we are actually going to get snow in the mountains. but look at those wind gusts through the passes of the mountains of parts of california. 70, 80 miles per hour. i got a report on twitter it's a dry hurricane around the bay area. so we have high wind warnings in effect for much of the state. stretching in towards the southwest. this is going to be a really dangerous situation. not only the high winds causing the potential for fire dangers but also the power outages. we are see tree damage and even structural damage because of those high winds. that's going to be a duration of not only today but into tomorrow. there is your wildfire danger. california is dealing with a pretty bad situation here. and then as we go through the next couple of days we will not only see the moisture but potential for flash flooding as well. we will continue to keep you up
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to date on california and the southwest very strong winds, twitter is definitely telling me it's pretty bad there in california. back to you will and ainsley and steve. steve: wait, you are getting your weather information from twitter now? that's new. what happened to the national weather service? ?january japan people that live there giving me their reports on the ground. steve: eyewitnesses, i gotcha. will all right, j.d., thank you very much. will: jillian, are you getting headlines from twitter as well? jillian: every day. steve: great, this should be terrific. jillian: i do not. senate majority leader mitch mcconnell and minority leader will chuck schumer closing in on power sharing agreement. the two senate leaders are meeting today. the deal is expected to play a major role in just how fast president-elect biden can get his cabinet approved. kremlin critic if is to spend the next month behind bars. he was arrested when he landed at a moscow airport after
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recovering from being poisoned. authorities claim he was detained for violating terms of a suspended jail sentence. the u.s. joined world leaders calling for his release. and california becomes the first state to reach over 3 million coronavirus cases. the safety seeing about 500 new deaths and 40,000 new cases dale little for the past two weeks. will meanwhile governor gavin newsom touting the state's vaccine rollout tweeting in part california has now administered more vaccines than any other states getting 40% doses out and into the arms of our healthcare workers and most vulnerable. that is a look at your headlines. not from twitter. i will send it back to you. steve: but people will be tweeting about it. thank you. ainsley: janice does her own forecast using models and science and then she goes to twitter and she reads what people are saying and they send pictures. it's nice to hear what's happening on the ground. president trump spent four years making historic changes in
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washington. the "wall street journal" gerry baker says he gave a voice to millions of americans who would have been voiceless for years. and he's next. ♪ go ahead and tell everybody ♪ it i'm the man, i'm the man, i'm the man ♪ you can tell everybody for every trip you've been dreaming of, expedia has millions of flexible booking options. because the best trip is wherever we go together.
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will: welcome back. as president trump prepares to leave the white house, our next guest says in his new op-ed there is as much to learn from trump' success as his disgrace. "wall street journal" editor-at-large gerry baker joins me now. good morning, by the way. we have a choice we can either talk about trump on a very superficial level and personality characteristics or this massive shift of titanic plates in our political system that somehow some way president trump came to represent. something happened in this country, a shifting of political lines and president trump seems to be the catalyst. what was it? >> yeah. good morning, thanks for having me. i think the key thing is important to remember is whatever president trump may have been in the last -- especially in the last two months and i do think his legacy will be badly tarnished by what he did in the last two months, it is porpoise as people rush to
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condemn him and they may be right to do so in many ways remember why he won the election in the first place. in addition to what he did over the last four years and he can some important things. the most important thing i believe about president trump is that he gave a voice to many, many voters who were dissolutioned with politics who felt politics their government had failed them anywhere institutional elites had failed them. as i argue in my column he was actually able to are a kick could you late the feelings that people had. the views that people had. the beliefs they had and the values they hold about their country. which, let's be honest had been knelted and rather disdained and rather derided by some of those elites over the last 20 years or so. not only did he represent an outsider, someone who came in after really let's be honest decades of failure over the last 20 years. he also spoke to people who had not really been -- who had been increasingly dissatisfied with their and ignored by their
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leaders. that's important as we begin the biden administration and look forward to it politics for the republican party in the future where does the republican party go. it has to do what donald trump did in voicing those concerns and fears and beliefs and values of so many people. will: talk 'what that voice is. there is it no doubt it crosses political lines. donald trump has reshuffled what it means to be republican or a democrat. it's moved in more populist directions on the right. more economic populism. what is that voice was looking to hear? many would say it's the losers of cap it willism. it's the forgotten man and working class. on the left they are going to say the coalescing factor in that voice was race. what is it that bound together those people who had no voice or felt they had no voice before donald trump? >> it's a number of things. you have identified some of them and some of them are to do with the failures of american policy in the last 20 years disaster of the iraq war and stalemate of afghanistan. the financial crisis. the growing inequality people
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have seen. the outsourcing of measure johns jobs. all of those things. i too however think there is very porpoise thing donald trump did and republicans have got to be able to do if they are able to win back power. and that is speak to american values and culture. they have been changing so rapidly by progressive aelites last 20 years in particular we have seen in the last year the growth of those people who believe that america stand for terrible things. most americans believe that america stands for goodness and it has a great history and it has a record of promoting freedom. will: i have to run, gerry, i'm up against a hard commercial break. you left the nail on the end. about your culture and deep lying belief whether america is good or bad. more "fox & friends" next. once daily sunosi improves wakefulness in adults with excessive daytime sleepiness due to obstructive sleep apnea.
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♪ ♪ steve: this morning the nation's capitol is on high alert ahead of tomorrow's inauguration. griff: from inside basically a locked box. it is unprecedented how secure the nation's capitol is right now. >> knows guard men and women out there right now defending the constitution against all enemies. >> thousands of immigrants headed to the u.s. border just days before joe biden takes office. >> you will see a surge at the border we have never seep before because of the word of joe biden. >> hillary clinton taking her fixation on president trump and russia to the next level. >> i would love to see his phone records, to see whether he was talking to putin the day that the insurgency invaded our capitol. >> social media platform parler,
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they continue to fight back against big tech. >> we need to have principles that free speech and privacy should be respected and apparently that's too much for big tech. ♪ ainsley: well, we start with a fox news alert. this morning the nation's capitol is on high alert ahead of tomorrow's that inauguration. will with the pentagon is deploying hundred of active duty troops to join the security efforts. steve: that is right. griff jenkins joins us live in washington, d.c. he is essentially in an aquarium. he is in a glass box. griff, i understand one hour ago they close the tunnels and the bridges going in to washington, d.c. and they will remain closed for 48 hours. griff: isn't that unbelievable? steve: up believable. griff griff steve, ainsley, will, good morning to you. this is by far. you can't overstate that this is without a doubt the strongest security response in washington, d.c. ever in history. and as you mentioned, in addition to the guard and all
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the road blocks and checkpoints, you now have major bridges, the roosevelt bridge, 14th street bridge which comes into d.c. every morning on a busy commute literally at 6:00 a.m. close to inbound traffic. outbound can leave. but it will remain closed to inbound traffic these major bridges until 6:00 a.m. on thursday morning. and all of this with 25,000 national guard on hand. the acting defense secretary chris miller talked a little bit about having those guard being vetted from threats within saying, quote: while we have no intelligence indicating an insider threat, we are leaving no stone up turned in securing the capitol. still, that's left democrat steve cohen saying he is still worried. watch. >> the guard is 90-some odd percent, i believe, male. only about 20% of white males
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voted for biden. you have got to figure in the guard they are probably not more than 25% of the people that are there protecting us who voted for biden. the other 75% are in the class that would be the large class of folks who might want to do something. griff: this vetting move has offended texas governor greg abbott who tweeted this, quote: this is the most offensive thing i have ever heard. no one should ever question the loyalty or professionalism of the texas national guard. i authorized more than 1,000 to go to d.c. i'll never do it again if they are disrespected like this. meanwhile, "the washington post" reporting this morning that the fbi has warned law enforcement agencies of a potential threat from lope wolves and adherence to the far right group queue qa. the show must go on we saw celebration preps in full swing. a field of flags lit on the national mall and parade was rehearsed. that parade, unlike ones in the
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past, will be virtual like so many other things during the pandemic. finally, that building there behind me, well, we are on . ainsley: unbelievable what will he said. need to be vetted in if you are in the national guard and voted for trump. we it dan bongino on. i was protecting president obama. i didn't agree with him politically when i was in the secret service. i would have taken a bullet for him and i would do it again. he said i took an oath to the constitution and that was my duty. that bass my job. we also had congressman michael waltz on our show just a little while ago. he is a fellow congressman with steve cohen. he is also in the national guard. listen to his reaction. >> every veteran.
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every guards men is offended by those -- by those comments. you know, it is not about the person it is about the oath they take the same oath as every member of congress. those guardsmen and women that are out there right now to support and defend the constitution against all enemies. it's definition of racism to stereotype an entire group based on their skin color and their gender. when you are throughout conducting those missions there is no politics, brother sister left and right. they are fellow measures. you don't even have a clue who anybody voted for. that doesn't even come into the equation. will: you know i think it's worth it steve and ainsley to take a look back for one moment. think about what we have talked about. what we have said. what we have experienced inth past year. for the past year we have been divided, separated, defined by our race. in the past week we have watched tech companies crack down on anyone who dares disagree. in the past 24 hours, we have
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seen former government officials compare conservative influencers to isis and the suggestion there should be a 9/11 commission type investigation into what is going on in this country to start ton january 6th. and here you have steve cohen an elected official bringing it all together that we need to crack down on people, subject our military to a test based first upon their race and then their vote, here's what i would ask you, steve. if that's what's happened in the past year and that's where we are today, where will would he be tomorrow? where is this going? steve: where is the outrage over what he said? you know, if you listened carefully to griff jenkins', and we did. did you notice what he said that the fbi has told law enforcement that they have been monitoring the people involved in the attack on the capitol on januar. according to some of that chatter some of them apparently discussed posting as national guards members to blend in and essentially attract less attention and so law enforcement is warning the national guard hey, be on the lookout if
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something doesn't look right. tell somebody about it. okay. that's one thing. that is actual intelligence although they say there's nothing to points to any specific action. that's one thing. but, for steve cohen to make this sweeping accusation, simply based on race and sex, because there are so many white men who are in the national guard, they are suspicious they might do something to joe biden. that is crazy. he also said it's something like 25% white male. you know what? he got that way wrong, too. according to the statistical breakdown, 38% of white men actually voted for joe biden. almost 40% of the american electorate demographic of white men voted for joe. so, for him to demonize all these people who have devoted their lives and their, you know, taking time out of their
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personal lives to protect the incoming president and the people involved it's awful. ainsley: i think it would be offensive even to the national guard members who did vote for joe biden. the tainting all the national -- painting allthe it will natd members who voted for trump with a broad brush. he says reportedly on day one he is going to overhaul president trump's immigration laws. we have that huge group of individuals, thousands of them, some say 8,000. coming up to the united states border. because they heard joe biden prom miss them amnesty when he was running. so they are coming, they say. tom cotton says he slams joe biden because he says you need to be talking about the pandemic not people from other countries and giving them a pathway on day one. this is what he writes on twitter. >> joe biden is waste nothing time trying to enact his agenda. drafting immigration bill this week and it's what you would
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expect from the party of open borders. total amnesty, no regard for the health or security of americans. and zero enforcement. will? will: don't be fooled. the end game here later they will add a fig leaf of security and enforcement claim the most radical immigration in american history is really a compromise, no republican should fall for this obvious lie. let's be clear joe biden is are amnesty ahead of the pandemic getting americans back to work. we can't let him get away with it. you know, is he talking about this pathway to citizenship that joe biden want to make a priority. 8 years if you have been in this country and reported out earlier, steve. on january 1st, 2021. of course i don't know how you determine who is in the country illegally on a given day. i would suggest thousands letting to the border rights now think that might be a loop in the game as well. steve: maybe they would have a receipt from the coyote. >> that's possible. tom homan warned this all has a price. words have a price. joe biden's promises have a price and you are seeing it play
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out right now. listen to this. >> his words matter. and delay, we are going to take care of you in the near future. but don't come right now. too little, too late. there are promises he has made is going to entice people to come to this country no matter what he says now. it's already started. the criminal gangs have already figured out the transportation routes. the caravans are already load offed up and coming. and more is going to come. you will see a surge at the border that we have never seen before because of the words of joe biden. >> and let's see what happens. without a doubt. you know, they heard down south given the actions through the central america and at our southern border, trump was a new sheriff in town four years ago and it changed everything. and you know, completely reduced the number of people streaming into this country illegally although it has surged since joe biden was elected president. out on the campaign trail he said look, you know, my first
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100 days nobody is getting deported that's why they are trying to make it in during the first 100 days. all right, meanwhile, we have been talking -- and, will, you touched on this a little bit ago about how the political left and these monster monopoly tech companies are trying to deplatform or deprogram people with a different point of view than theirs. and theirs is to the political left. alex berenson who is a former will "new york times" journalist said this to when they pulled the plug on parler. amazon did. this is destroying a business. can you argue about trump's comments and how incendiary they were and whether or not twitter should have done that pulled the plug on him forever. but there is argue. on both sides here. parler did nothing wrong. all this stuff on parler can you find on twitter and facebook and because when you looked at, you
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know, they cited the inflammatory suggestions on parler articles of why they pulled the plug. well, according to -- according to parler, on thursday after the riot at the capitol. they said okay, we are going to look at all that stuff. they looked at all the stuff and they said okay. you cited 8 things. most of that stuff has already been pulled. and we will do the moderation. and they did it and then amazon said you know what? all right. consider this resolved. and then what happens 24 hours later? they pulled the plug on them because google and apple and amazon it appears were all in bed together to silence one big part physical. will: emerging competitor. steve: do you think that has something to do with it. suing for anticompetitive reasons. ainsley: a monopoly. everyone has warned of monopolistic society. this is exactly what happens.
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they have can silence the right. on the left we hear couric saying republicans need to be deprogrammed she is speaking to 75 million americans. a lot of people she is saying have a cult like behavior or republicans are in a cult. steve: because they voted for trump they are members of a cult. ainsley: i thought deplorables walls bad. we heard hillary clinton say that we heard it was barack obama, right, that said bibles and guns and that's all they care about. so, they have always. steve: clings. ainsley: clings to bibles and guns. we have heard about it for years. it's getting worse and worse. what's next? cable news? talking about silencing cable news now because they don't like conservative talk or conservative talk radio. john matze is the ceo of parler he says we need new tech infrastructure. listen to this. >> we really need to build our own infrastructure and our own technology and i think it need to be more than just liberal vs. conservative. i myself am a libertarian. i'm not a conservative.
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what i do believe is that we need to have principles that free speech and privacy should be respected. and apparently that's too much for big tech. and so we really need an alternative set of resources so people can develop software without worrying about these technology companies going after you. will: the important point here is that's not just about having alternative platforms. because platforms can be decommissioned. if amazon says you can't be on the internet. you can't be on the internet. is he talking about a different background infrastructure and dan bongino talked about it with us yesterday. what if gmail says we don't like your emaim and that note you are sending over to steve, will. maybe you should not be able to access g are mail anymore. the infrastructure behind the scenes is where you can cut everyone off from communication. steve: those are the gate keepers. you know, amazon essentially had the server that provided parler with the way to get to people. will exactly. steve: so you know those are the gate keeper he is. the cable tv companies. whoever provides internet service and your email and stuff
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like that. and now the left is trying to convince them to pull the plug on voices from the political right. and to the early earlier point about parler. there were terrible things on parler. there were -- but, but there are terrible things on twitter and facebook. and there is no consistent standard. if you are going to moderate, be fair about it. just say if you said something crazy on twitter or facebook or anything else, it's going to go. you go on twitter and facebook right now, you can find a lot of crazy stuff that is still there for some odd reason. i wonder why? it. will: if we keep talking we will pull the plug on jillian mele and headline. jillian: thanks, guys, yeah. we have a fox news alert and story here. multiple law enforcement officers are shot and killed in the line of duty within 24 hours. a california sheriff deputy and
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k 9 shot by a suspect during a shootout this morning. deputies sent the k 9 after the suspect crashed during a car chase. he then opened fire killing the dog and deputy. overnight in ohio a police officer was shot and killed during a standoff with a suspect wanted for vandalizing a cathedral. 24-year-old brandon stalker leaves behind a fiancee and young child. the georgia teen jailed in the cayman islands for violating covid-19 restrictions returns home. skyler mac and her boyfriend spent over a month behind bars after breaking its 14-day quarantine rules for her boyfriend's jet ski competition. the college student is not allowed back on the island until covid-19 restricts are lifted. north dakota is leading the battle against covid-19 with 80% tropic in cases since mid november. nearly 7% of its population are already vaccinated. meanwhile california lagging behind with just 3% of its residents vaccinate you had. the golden state is the first to
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pass 3 million coronavirus caves in the country. and do you remember actress christie swanson in the movie pretty in pink? ♪ ♪ will ♪ ♪ okay, well now she is calling for that scene to be cut out in defense of president trump. swanson tweeting, quote: if cancel culture is really going to have donald j. trump removed from the john hughes movie home allen, then in support of my president, i would like to have myself officially removed from the john hughes films pretty in pink and ferris bueller's day off. mccauley hole kin cameo call from home alone 2. steve: that's one of the classic scenes from home alone 2. just saying. will it go? stay tuned. ainsley: that's too much. steve: pull the plug on that
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ainsley: as president-elect biden prepares to take the oath of office tomorrow. a new polls suggests some are skeptical of his ability to lead. just 4 the% of americans are confident that he is going to make the right decisions for the country's future how will this shape his first 100 days in the white house. here to discuss is kristen soltis anderson. hey, kristin.
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>> good morning. ainsley: good morning. this just shows about 50% are confident. 50% are not. what does that tell you about the divide in this country? >> it tells us we are extremely divided. over the last two weeks in particular we have had a lot of political leader say you know, we need to turn the temperature up to and come together. but the problem is the thermostat is broken and while i would love to think that there is one simple change america could make to bring us all back together, i'm not very confident that that is the case. the other thing that joe biden has -- that he is going to run into is typically new presidents get a hope moon period where at least for the first couple of weeks americans generally give them the benefit of the doubt but that hone marijuana period has been reroding. donald trump didn't get a honeymoon from the american public at all. i don't think joe biden is likely to get much either. i think folks' expectations are coming in pretty are low because they've america is in a tough moment. ainsley: when you divide it by party 8 will % of democrat are confident. 43% of independents.
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only 12% ever republicans so 88% of republicans are not confident. what does joe biden need to do to unify the party. >> i think one thing that joe biden is going to need to doing when he is in office work that narrowly divided senate on partisan it things like infrastructure, for the moment he in that same poll actually gets pretty good marks for things like how has he handled the transition. it's only when people think about him actually governing that those numbers drop. part of that is that they sense that the democratic party is going to be relatively divided. it's easier to be the opposition party and than to unify. republicans have a lot of infighting. when push comes to shove joe biden pushes an agenda too far to the left nothing is going to unify the republicans will more than opposition. ainsley: no one argues that he is a worker. he doesn't drink alcohol. he stays up late at night. he watches every show.
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he is working. he got to work immediately and now joe biden is saying he is going to get to work on immigration on the first day in office. some are criticizing him like senator cotton for focusing on this issue instead of the pandemic. what do you say? >> well, look, this is going to be part of the problem of where, you know, absence makes the heart grow fonder. while he has been able to stay in the back frowned as president-elect. he is being held less accountable for what is his priority list? anything can be his priority list at the beginning. but with this pandemic still raging, thousands of people still dying every day. the pandemic has got to be job number one for him. i think the first 100 days of his presidency will be judged in large part how many vaccines get in people's harms. national emergency we are facing and it -- ainsley: republicans and democrats would appreciate that thank you so much, industries steb for being with us. >> you are welcome. ainsley: our next guest is wondering do democrats still think walls don't work to keep
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americans safe? mike huckabee is going to call out the democrats' open border policy next. ♪ pick up like a pro. just order on the subway app and it's ready to go with contactless curbside. turkey sub in a hot tub! now get 15% off any footlong when you order in the app. do you have a life insurance policy you no longer need? now you can sell your policy, even a term policy, for an immediate cash payment. we thought we had
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back pain, and fatigue. ask your doctor about nucala at home. find your nunormal with nucala. ♪ ainsley: a migrant heading to the @with that caravan confirming what many have speculated all along that joe biden's rhetoric has encouraged them to make that dangerous journey to our border. listen to what one of them said. >> have a new president biden going to help -- giving us 100 days to get to the u.s. so we can get a better life for our kids and family. will: there you go. motivations laid out in their own words. joining us to react it governor and fox news contributor mike huckabee. good morning, governor, what's your reaction? >> first of all, i feel for
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people who are in countries where your economy has collapsed and they really do want better jobs, better lives. but there is a process people have to go through, and they need to apply. they need to get in line. they auto need to do the right things the right way. what president-elect biden has seemingly invited is just come on down. it's like the mini pearls of immigration. in the meantime democrats have been telling us for a long time walls don't work, but yet they just put up 20 miles of razor wire, 25,000 troops to surround d.c. for the inauguration. i remember when democrat were saying that walls were immoral. well then how much more impolar can democrat get than what they have done in washington, d.c. our nation's capitol? if walls are immoral, take them down around d.c. but i think people are tired of the hypocrisy. they are watching politicians in washington. they are willing to put up walls to protect themselves. they are not willing to secure
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our borders to protect the rest of america. steve: well, you know, governor, i have been watching television a lot lately. and for the last couple of months. and listening to you, somebody who supported donald trump for four years, and in fact had a family member who worked in his administration. it's very clear that you need to be deprogrammed. will. ainsley: you are in a cult. steve: just listen to this. >> how are we going to really almost deprogram these people who have signed up for the cult of trump. >> it's as if they're members of a cult. the trump is cult. and have to be deprogrammed. >> we have to turn down the ability of these conservative influencers. it's up to the facebooks and youtubes in particular to at thk about whether or not they want to be effectively cable networks of disinformation. steve: how do we fix you, mike huckabee, you need to be de-programmed or de-platformed or de-something. >> first thing give left u.s.
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loons take their boot off my neck. i don't need that. i'm supposed to be a free american for the capacity. if my abuse are as the horrible as they think they are nobody will follow them. there is no cult. there are many people who appreciate what president trump has done for the country. i'm glad that he stood up for the sanctity of human life. i'm glad he stood with israel, moved the embassy, reset the middle east. i'm glad he cut taxes. deregulated for businesses so that people had the highest number of jobs among hispanics, blacks and women in the history of the country. i'm glad that he pushed back against china so we are not rolling over as these communists continue to steal everything, including our information and our data. and every single secret and innovation we have created. there is some things that even a leftist ought to be able to look at and say you know what? president trump has done some good things. but they can't. and they are the ones who are following the cult. the cult of the left that thinks somehow that they are always
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right, they arener wrong and the rest of us are crazy. ainsley: what tonight they get? you know, if you look at the number of people who voted. it's a little less than half the country does support or the people who voted do support president trump. what don't they get if you had to enlighten the left what would you tell them about the average trump supporter? >> i would just tell them they are hard-working american people that just the government to leave them alone so they can race their families in biblical values. they want to believe the things about newark that really did make us great. hard work, taking care of your neighbors and friends friends not have the care of you and buy you out of every obligation you made and to guarantee you something that you haven't earned. most of us grew up believing that it was our responsibility and if we got in trouble, our neighbors would help us. but we didn't expect the government to come bail out every dumb decision that we have ever made.
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so somebody who borrowed $200,000 to get a degree in gender studies and now they can't get a job that will pay them $8 an hour, was that my fault? you know, much many of us went to college and paid our own way and now i feel like an idiot for not just waiting and letting those student debts grow and letting you pay for it. i think what a lot of people in america want, we just want to return to the idea that america is a great country because we work hard. we take responsibility, we love our neighbors, we love god. we love our families. we love our flag. and we honor the sacrifices that people in uniform have made to keep us free. i. will: i will tell you one thing that's clear as we exited the age of debate in persuasion we have entered the age of de-platform and de-program. governor mike huckabee, it's good to talk to you this morning. >> thank you, will. great to be with all of you. will: joe biden's pick to lead
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ainsley: today, president-elect joe biden is moving to washington, d.c. as five of his cabinet nominees face confirmation hearings. >> and we have mark meredith who is live in wilming top, delaware with who is taking the hot seat, mark. >> will, good morning to you. as you mentioned before the president-elect least wilmington for washington several of his high profile nominees are going to be grilled up on capitol hill talking about national security, the pandemic and the economy. among those facing lawmakers today nominee for the treasury department. director of national intelligence as well as the heads of homeland security state and defense department.
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retired general lloyd austin needs a waiver before he can serve as a pentagon chief due to a law that says the defense secretary has to waits seven years from active years to take the top civilian post. as for janet yellen. we remember her as fed chair from 2014 to 201. today the focus is going to be on her record and how the biden team plans to spend taxpayer money amid a soaring debt. we did hear from marco rubio about some of these nominees being ba in november. he wasn't thrilled. biden cabinet picks went to ivy league schools. many attended all the right will. will caretaker evers of america's decline. i support america's greatness. and i have no interested in returning to the normal that left us dependent on china. the president-elect also nominating dr. raach chilly lavigne assistant secretary for health department of health and human services the transition team says she is poised to become the first openly transgender federal official that would be confirmed by the u.s. senate.
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as for the president-elect, we do expect to hear from him today before he leaves delaware for d.c. he will be spending the night in blare house the government facility right across from the white house as the inauguration festivities get underway. back to you guys. steve: mark meredith in delaware. the president-elect was supposed to take his beloved amtrak, which he has taken since the 1970s from wilmington to our nation's capitol tall but >> capri: toll kill will i'm comforted that his nominees attend all the right conferences number one that's a big, big plug to ensure me they're getting these picks just right in representative of the common america. attended all the right conferences. steve: let's bring in charles payne this morning host of making money on fox business. charles, good morning to you. >> good morning. steve: mentioned janet yellen biden's selection for treasure rick leventhalry secretary. here is what she said to the "wall street journal" regarding more covid aid.
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shea said economists don't always agree but i think there is a consensus now without further action we risk a longer, more painful recession now and long-term scarring of the economy later. over the next few month, we are going to need more aid to distribute the vaccine to help state keep firefighters and teaches on the job. to reopen the schools, schools are reopen in a lot of places. and to help states firefighters and teachers on the job? that sounds teachers on the job, that sounds like a payoff to unions. >> yeah, also it is really despicable when they use our first responders as a cover for what they are really trying to do blue states had reckless spending, over promising horrible mismanagement of their budget. this is payoff if you will under the guise of helping teachers
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and firefighters. i hate when they use that kind of lang wham it's despicable and completely dishonest. to your point i don't know be that we need $415 billion to reopen schools. there may be some school systems that need additional help, you know, for safety precautions but it does not add up to 400 billion. particularly when this also comes with a new rule on class sizes. so, we will make the classes smaller. ostensibly to help the kids also that means more teachers, more teachers union more money. they are hijacking a crisis. a visible obvious crisis and using it to push through their own agenda, ideological agenda. that's not right. that's not what we need as a country right now. of hundred dollars bucks wasn't enough. a lot of support on that. speed up the vaccine distribution. no one is going to argue with you. all the other things that have been crammed in there to this so-called rescue package are not only disingenuous but most of
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them are just, you know, not even needed to be quite frank with you. not the way they are spelled out. ainsley: in the midst of all these nations, basically our whole world shutting down businesses. china says this economy grew last year. that would make it the only major world economy to record gains. are you buying that? >> i don't trust china's data. but they probably did better than any other world country because, guess what? america shut completely down. europe shut completely down. you know, it was already bad enough going into the covid crisis that we relied on china for so much it's been so stupid for so many years to have everything that we need come from china any time someone would point out some smart orthodoxy person are you kidding me if if they want to make cheap steel let them make it. you will take it until we have no more problems jobs. you will take it until we have
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no more steel factories and need emergency equipment. how crazy is it that we create drugs in this country, we create the most life-saving innovations in this country thrill and then we offshore it to china because they have the materials to make it cheaper or the people or the subsidies. so, yeah, china's economy did better than the rest of the world but we were reminded of something. we should have greater self-reliance. we should do things here. and if it takes a few base says point off the bottom line then so be it. will: way to go, charles. if the numbers are real what a react. export a virus that causes the entire world to shut down thus increasing your ability to ship exports of needed supplies for everyone to combat the virus. that's an amazing react. one would almost call that mafia like. steve: that's a business model? >> listen, they have been accepted into the world trade organization. by the way, right now, these group of economists say they will surpass america now by 2028. prior to the covid it was going to be 2033. here is the irony.
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they are still considered an emerging growth country. ironically, through the world trade organization. they get special benefit and considerations because, you know, that we don't get. so, here's the irony of it all. we were testimony thinking they would be fair players in a game of real honest free trade. but it wasn't. it has never been free or fair trade. and we are seeings the consequence is of it. imagine we needed protective equipment and had to wait for the next ship to pull in instead of making it in minnesota. steve: joe biden joins the paris climate accords on the first day the rules apply to us but they do not apply to china. funny how that works. charles, we are going to be watching you on making money on fox business this afternoon at 2:00. will: thank you, charles. steve: weather time, janice dean reporting for duty. good morning to you. janice: let's take a look at it. lake-effect snow machine up and running lake erie, ontario and
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also lake superior bringing quite a bit of snow to all of those regions across upstate new york and michigan. then we are dealing with much needed moisture across southern california. unfortunately live very strong wind and in some cases' 0 to 80 miles per hour across the canyons. so that's going to cause some major problems and damage as well as fire danger are we will continue to monitor. will, ainsley and steve back to you it. ainsley: thank, janice. are congress men and women many are men and women who took an oath to protect our nation. why the national guard needs to be respected and not questioned. ♪ i'm a performer. always have been. and always will be. never letting anything get in my way. not the doubts, distractions, or voice in my head. and certainly not arthritis. voltaren provides powerful arthritis pain relief
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♪ ♪ are. steve: 25,000 national guard troops are on stabbed by in our nation's capital in anticipation of tomorrow's inauguration. a democratic congressman suggests the only guard members who can be trusted to keep joe biden's inauguration secure are those who are democrats. ing. >> the guard is 90-some odd percent, i brief, male. only about 0% of white males
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voted for biden. they are probably not more than 25% of the people that are there protecting us and voted for biden. the other 75% are in the class that would be the large class of folks who might want to do something. so it does concern me. staff steve his comments concern me. and concern west point grad and army vet jeremy hunt. jeremy, good morning to you. >> good morning, how are you steve? steve: i'm doing great. thank you very much. there you have got congressman from the great state of tennessee, steve cohen saying that that joe biden should be worried that a bunch of people with guns near him might kill him. >> yeah. it is absolutely ridiculous. i mean, look, when i was on active duty actually had an opportunity to serve with a lot of up credible men and women of the national guard. and one thing that just to be clear we actually have jobs outside of the military as well. so they are -- they are local
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law enforcement officers. they are small -- friends small businessman. they are healthcare workers. and they literally drop everything at a moment's notice as they deploy to the capitol to serve. leaving their families behind. they deploy to the capitol to serve. and honestly, that's a lot more than i can say about congressman cohen, i don't know if he has ever served because he is doing a tremendous disservice to his constituents, to this country, sowing such division. it's absolutely ridiculous. steve: well, you know, the fbi, according to the "the washington post." did tell law enforcement that they have been monitoring the people who were involved in the attack on the capitol on januar. apparently some of them were discussing hey, let's dress up like we are in the national guard and try to get in there to disrupt things. they have no information that that is going to happen. nothing points to a specific action. but, nonetheless, there was that suggestion. that is much different than him saying that because all these
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white men voted for donald trump joe biden is imperil. >> exactly. doing he was taking a legitimate report from our intelligence sources and he was exploiting it to try to score some type of weird political points, trying to it will dump on our military service members. it is completely embarrassing. i hope his constituents are taking note. and i hope that they send him packing come the next election cycle. pause we don't need this anymore. if you are in elected office and trying to so sow such ridiculous theories. you need to go. you have no business leading this country. steve: jeremy, congressman cohen is going to see the tame of you have addressing him right now to tell him about the people who serve. >> i hope he does. and my only message resign. go home. if you want to divide this
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nation, we can't afford this anymore. we have to be a nation that calls out hate on each side of the aisle and we have to shoot straight. if you are here just for your own political game and you think it's acceptable to dump on people who are serving their country, time to go. steve: all right. you were very clear. let's see if he responds. interesting stuff. jeremy hunt, west point grad, army vet. currently going to law school at yale. good luck to you, sir. >> thanks, steve. take care. steve: indeed. all right. look at all those folks, sandra and john have a brand new show on fox. in the afternoon. coming up in the next hour as is charlie hurt and troy aikman with a preview of your football weekend. ♪ and trulicity activates my body to release it, lowering my blood sugar from the first dose. once-weekly trulicity responds when my body needs it, 24/7.
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will: the nations capital on high alert before the inauguration. >> this is the strongest security response in washington dc in history. ainsley: the democrat card and questioning whether the national guard would keep the capital safe. >> some might want to do something. >> disgusting comments that reflect the ignorance in how the military thinks and works. >> has given us 100 days.
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>> not have a story ends. we should fight back against the district of agenda. >> how we will deprogram the culture of trump. >> it is supposed to be a free america with capacity to think to myself. >> $850 million mega millions jackpot, the second-largest grand prize in the game's history. will: welcome to "fox and friends" where we start with a fox news alert, the nations capital is on high alert ahead of the inauguration. brian: the pentagon has deployed hundreds of active-duty troops to join security efforts with the national guard, secret service, local police. >> griff jenkins has the potential threats. >> we never seen such a strong
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response in the nations capital, literally locked down from the capital to the white house and getting tighter. and the fourteenth street bridge, 6 am this morning, close to inbound traffic but you can't come in without proper identification and it will remain closed until 6 am thursday morning. we heard from the acting secretary of defense christopher miller who talked about of the 25,000 national guard troops there is leading them from threats within while we have no intelligence indicating insider threat we are leaving no stone unturned securing the capital. the move the national guard is upset, greg abbott tweeted this, quote, this is the most often to thing i ever heard. no one should question the loyalty or professionalism of the texas national guard.
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i authorized more than 1000 to go to dc. i will never do it again if they are disrespected like this. this as the washington post reporting the fbi warned law enforcement agencies of a potential threat from, quote, loan in adherence to the far right group qand on. we saw the field of flag from the national mall honoring those americans who come here and a parade was rehearsed but that parade unlike any other before will be virtual. the building behind me, we are on pardon watch. we could see as many as 5200. we don't know but we do know names being flooded on the list are wrapper little wayne along with steve bannon and wikileaks founder julian assange. steve: this is donald trump's last school day in office so we are expecting a blizzard of
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pardons but also apparently he prepared a farewell address. of video and one of the things he's going to highlight, just queuing up our first talking point, immigration. will: donald trump on his last day in office, pardons, on joe biden's first day of office, and executive action. over the last several administrations george w. bush, executive action sunday one 0, donald -- president obama executive action 0, donald trump executive actions on day one one, joe biden is planning a dozen executive actions on day one. what is his plan? at least one of his plans is to overhaul immigration, to put in place a pathway to citizenship for the 11 million illegal immigrants already in the united states serving as a character
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migrants from central america to make their way to america asap and they are telling you right now. >> a new president, 100 days to get to the us. will: joe biden has been saying things like this. >> the first hundred days of my administration no one will be deported at all. from that deck on the only deportations that will take place are commissions of felonies in the united states of america. >> reporter: this explains the thinking of people in central america who are thinking we won't have to worry about the wall because we can just walk right up. unfortunately for these migrants, you have seen the video, the migrant caravan,
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stuck in central america and wants to go on. according to part of his legislative plan, a citizenship pathway would take eight years, one of the things you had to be in the united states -- what is it? the eighteenth? you had to be in the united states 18 days or 19 days ago. the whole idea is to keep people from rushing the border. they are trying to rush the border in the big question then, would joe biden's administration stopped them at the border because then you have the optics of thousands of migrants on the southern border and joe biden turned them around? he does not want his political left flank to see him doing that after what he said in the past but if you're in the political center and you thought of a secure border and you see that
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happening, maybe the southern border is wide open. ainsley: mike huckabee said democrats wants to pay for college, why did i pay for my college? i feel like an idiot, the same when you talk to people who did it the right way, they say i did it the right way, it's not fair, other people get to walk over the border and get right in or people who are here illegally after eight years our legal citizens. mike huckabee, here he is blaming biden for inviting these migrants into the country. >> what president-elect biden has invited his come on down, in the meantime democrats have been telling us for a long time walls don't work but yet they just put up 20 miles of razor wire, walls, barricades, fences and 25,000 troops to surround dc for the inauguration. if walls are immoral taken down
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around dc but people are tired of the hypocrisy, they are watching politicians in washington, willing to put up walls to protect results, they are not willing to secure the borders to protect the rest of america. >> went on to say i have a heart for migrants and people who want to come to the country but they have to follow the rules. will: congressman steve cohen has taken along the lines of race to a new level. appearing on cnn he suggested national guard members stationed in washington dc to protect president biden as he is inaugurated need to be vetted. whether or not they are national security threats. how do you do that with 20,000 plus national guard members, you start by looking at their race? start with the white male national guard members, then find out if they voted for trump because that is where you are likely to start and then that them for security. listen to this blatantly racist
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suggestion on cnn. >> the guard is 90% male, only 20% white males voted for biden, they are probably not more than 25% of the people who voted for biden. the other 75%, the large clients are folks who might want to do something. >> i'm not sure it is unbelievable but under the surface of antiracism and the antiracism movement is racism. it is seeing people through the prism of the color of their skin. you know what is happening? steve cohen saying crazy, now he feels emboldened perhaps because of twitter like because we are moving so quickly is a culture in this racist direction he feels emboldened to say it on national television.
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steve: ever since january 6th with terrible, the storming of our capital was against the law and it was loaded and officially declared a riot. since then we have seen all sorts of people using that particular event to make these other observations. it is completely unrelated to the people serving in the national guard and we had colonel michael walsh who is serving in congress and we had jeremy hunt, an army vet with a little while ago and their observations about how this politician has said that because a lot of people in the national guard may have voted for donald trump, joe biden should be looking over his shoulder. they were shocked. one of them said mister cohen should quit. watch. >> every veteran, every
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guardsmen is offended by those comments. it is not about the person, it is about the oath they take the same oath as every member of congress, those guards, men and women who are out there defending the constitution against all enemies. >> if you want to divide this nation, we can't afford this anymore. we have to call out aid on each side of the aisle and if you are here for your own political gain inc. it is a successful to duncan people serving our country time to go. steve: i don't think steve cohen served in the military. he had a career in law and became a politician but i'm sure there are a lot of people in the military who are watching this channel right now who would like
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to type an email or something to him or thinking it is just unfair that he would lump all these people who dedicated their lives to public service as he has as being a threat to the president of the united states. ainsley: when i look at the video of the national guard sleeping on the floor of the capital, when you see the congressman going out to take care of them because they want to say thank you, you look at those pictures to you see camouflage, black, brown, white, democrat, republican? know. i see patriots, i see troops that are willing to risk their lives, look at dan bondgino, i didn't agree with obama politically but i signed up to protect him and that was my duty and i would do it all over again. when you look at people when
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they are out on the battlefield they don't ask each other, they are a family, they are a team, they rely on one another. for him to say that i would hope every single one of those guardsmen would be offended by that. steve: thousands of people in the capitol visitor center, absolutely, they are there for a job because what happened? they don't want to repeat of what happened january 6th and their won't be. it was terrible but a lot of them arrived four five days ago. i don't think they have been able to change clothes in 4 or 5 days and they will be there for another 5 days. ainsley: if danger came, would he say are you are democrat or republican? if you were the national guard defense thing them? ainsley: steve: is out of fashion to look at people according to their fashion order of, it is not in fashion to look at them through the presence of their skin.
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it is absolute sin to our core we need to move on from. we will also move on. we have headlines for the morning. jillian: law enforcement officers are shot and killed in the line of duty within 24 hours with the california sheriff's deputy and canine were shot during a shootout in sacramento this morning, deputies sent the canine after the suspect was in a car chase, he opened fire killing the dog and deputy. overnight in ohio a police officer was shot and killed during a standoff, the suspect wanted for vandalizing a cathedral, 24-year-old brandon stocker leaves behind a fiancé and young child. at least 28 protesters arrested and 11 police officers injured after clashes with a black lives matter crowd near the brooklyn bridge in new york. nypd captain was in the head with a bottle. the event, black liberation marched organized to commemorate
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martin luther king day, all those arrested have been released. don't miss out on your chance of becoming a millionaire. the $850 million mega millions jackpot is up for grabs in tonight's drying. it is the second-largest grand prize in the game's history. meantime the big prize into our's powerball drawing is $730 million, the combined jackpot hitting a whopping one$.6 billion. >> you going to play? ainsley: i always want to win but i never play. you can't win if you don't play. are you? steve: i never do. >> if he wins he could share. ainsley: we all put 5 bucks in and if we win - i never have cash. steve: i have $2, i will buy $20 worth.
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will: better get this in writing. ainsley: one of our security officers in the building years ago won with $1 million. steve: the pool is getting bigger. divisive remarks about trump supporters from a veteran journalist. listen. >> we will deprogram these people who have signed up for the cult of trump. steve: charlie hurt on the left's outrageous language next. we'll be there when you want better rates too. or to get money for retirement. we'll be there because we work only with veteran families like yours to help you get the most life out of a home for the life of your family
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trump. >> they are members of the cult and have to be deprogrammed. >> we have to turn down the capability, it is up to facebook and youtube in particular to think about whether they want to be affected by cable networks or disinformation. >> veteran journalist and social media insiders ramping up the push to the program conservative voices they disagree with. charles hurt is here to react. what is your reaction to what you just heard? >> it is really incredible. who sent the talking point to these people and truly insane, the thing that is alarming about this, this has always been this way. not just contempt for donald trump. they hate donald trump.
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it is their contempt for the people who support him. their contempt for american voters. that is who they want to go after and that is alarming. that's where this atmosphere has been ratcheted up to something new. perfect examples of that with the impeachment nonsense - he's leaving obsess, nothing to do with them. they want to deprive voters from ever being able to vote for him because they realize he is a force but they want to undo the next election. it is punishing voters, not trump himself. this is a scary environment in politics. ainsley: how would they reprogram the trump supported? >> i don't know but if somebody needs to be deprogrammed it might be all the people who have been telling all the lies about donald trump, peddling all the stories about the russian hoax.
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if you want to talk about the programming that needs to be deprogrammed and we need to start with the american political media. since that is not in the offing, most americans don't believe in the programming, like i said, it is the most dangerous thing, the most dangerous language i have ever heard in american politics. ainsley: it makes trump supporters mad when they are told they are in a cold, 75 million people voted for him and what is making the come out with this message, they fought it for years but now they are being vocal about it. >> it has a lot to do with the fact they are gaining the white house, they've got two years of political control and by that, not just democrats but a lot of people like katie couric in the media who feel they were part of the democrats in politics. they two years to get it done,
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when they fly the free flag with crazy policies they usually turn it off, two years from now the election, they get it done now and that is why they are coming out with this stuff because this is there one shot, if voters -- it is why joe biden didn't run a campaign on issues. trump is mean, that is what his campaign was. talking about the issues every single time. ainsley: thank you. the packers and the funnier's -- buccaneers punched their ticket to the championship setting up an epic showdown for aaron
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rodgers and tom brady. hall of fame quarterback trey aikman previews the much the matchup on fox. my retirement plan with voya keeps me moving forward... even after paying for this. love you, sweetheart. they guide me with achievable steps that give me confidence. this is my granddaughter...she's cute like her grandpa. voya doesn't just help me get to retirement... ...they're with me all the way through it. come on, grandpa! later. got grandpa things to do.
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season, after season. ace your immune support, with centrum. >> the coronavirus vaccine facing an uphill battle reaching rural communities. in rockford, illinois, long-term care facility, desperately waiting for its first round of doses. >> reporter: i will show you the numbers that illustrate the problem. 66,000 doses of the vaccine that
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were administered at run term care facility, the state has allocated 304,000 doses that have yet to be administered so it is leaving a lot of nursing homes like this one frustrated. jackie o'keefe the administrator. what does through your head knowing residents are still waiting? >> there are 105 residents, we don't get a date yesterday for the first vaccine clinics. >> reporter: phase 1 b starts next week, on your one a residence after one b has started. what can be done to speed this up? >> that is a good question. i am hoping the pharmacy
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partners realize the importance of it and expedite. >> reporter: there in lies the challenges in getting the vaccine to communities like this one. steve: they should be one a. thanks for that report and we returned to will. will: the tampa buccaneers punched their ticket to the nfc championship game setting up an epic showdown between aaron rogers, you can catch the must see matchup on fox. next guest will be in the booth falling -- calling the game. 3-time super bowl champion for the dallas cowboys troy aikman. the dallas cowboys growing up,
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for many years wishing they lasted longer into his 30s. let's start with the headlines. we watched tom brady beat true breeze taking on 37-year-old aaron rogers. what do we make of these incredible all-time quarterbacks late into their 30s and early 40s. >> these players are taking better care of themselves early in their careers. we will see a lot of these guys in their early 40s but what tom brady has done withdrew breeze has been impressive. aaron rogers continues to play in early to mid 40s. >> brady first in wins, rogers with 9 passing yards, rogers, touchdown passes, greg game-winning drives, younger
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than tom brady. when i look at this game two big factors to determine the outcome, the buccaneers defense is better than everyone realizes but the other is the weather. tom brady is used to cold weather. don't know about the rest of the buccaneers, probably some snow. what else determines the outcome? >> it is a good point but when you get in the postseason the team has a decisive advantage and anytime the packers play at home that is a big advantage, the weather factors into that but because of the pandemic mostly steady, totally empty, 3500 fans like they did last saturday but that helps with the energy for the packers but i said through the season that the packers and certain teams in the midwest and northeast have an advantage with the weather and going into wisconsin in those positions when they haven't done a lot of that, it favors aaron rodgers and the packers, aaron
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really loves because of that advantage you make a good point, tom brady talked about his blood thinning in tampa bay for so long, he knows what this is all about having spent all those years in new england and i don't expect the weather to be a factor for him. it is more of a mindset once you get acclimated to it but this is a good packers team. it will be a challenge to come out with a victory. steve: if there wasn't a big love our arrington hit, how many would be on your hand right now? >> there at the end, the question becomes jimmy johnson, how many. will: do you have an answer to
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that? i think there's a good chance there would have been. always good to see you. terry bradshaw giving away half $1 million in his second all-new ford f 150, fox super 6 contest, play now for your chance to win. sandra smith and john roberts take the helm of the brand-new america reports with a preview next. ♪♪ shake it up ♪♪ shake it up ♪♪ dients that fuel 5 indicators of brain performance. memory, focus, accuracy, learning, and concentration. try our new gummies for 30 days and see the difference.
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sitting. joining us now we have sandra smith in new york and john roberts with a brand-new america reports, where he for years covered the trump administration. so like today will be a busy day at the white house, final full day, a bunch of pardons coming shortly plus the president is going to make a video address which we imagine will be a greatest hits of the trump administration. >> after living in the basement of the white house for four years it is nice looking down but no question in the last 24 hours of not the presidency because it is a little more than that but the president's last 24 hours in washington, he's leaving tomorrow morning. he will arrive in palm beach at 11:00 in the morning still president which means he gets to fly on marine one and air force
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one, making a farewell address, and event at joint base andrews before he boards air force one, barack obama did the same thing, george bush had a little one when he left in 2009. the next 24 hours somewhat melancholy. the big house behind me, that wasn't to be. the question, will he be able to run in 2024? it depends what happens in the senate trial if they have a trial. >> a lot of trump supporters in florida, pretty conservative area. what can we expect? congratulations on the new show. what can we expect from the senate confirmation hearing? >> look forward to seeing you this afternoon. these cabinet hearings
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throughout the morning, a keen interest for the market, janet yellen testifying for the senate finance committee the world will be watching because she has the enormous task of explaining how she will help so many millions of struggling americans, she's getting pressure on how big she's going to go with stimulus, she is expected to say in her own words she plans to go big with stimulus when it comes to those direct payments, extending the unemployment benefits to struggling americans and the wall street journal is asking how much is too much? you are looking at $26 trillion in this country, more than we are putting out as an economy, she will make the case to lawmakers that now is the time to do it with those historic vote interest rates that have -- if we are going to borrow all
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this money and spend all this money now is the time to do it. she will face a lot of tough questions but the markets have a lot of confidence in her. goldman sachs rolling that market seemed to do this. the first female treasury secretary, the first federal reserve chair as well. >> yellen's perspective is the same as larry kudlow's, if they do it at all. >> 1 to 3, america remarks. >> i am here in new york, john roberts is in dc and it is remarkable to have this split show because so much news to cover. folks the next couple days where
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you are in dc. will: the power center in dc, new york city, sandra and i are such friends, you don't have to be in the same studio to have great chemistry. we have a great lineup, join us at 1:00 this afternoon. steve: that means they have not booked them yet. it is great to have the two of you, so much going on and you were both journalists and explainers of what things are, and ultimately what impacts the world and was were you watching? >> how black gold grows in a musty basement. >> did peter doocy know the basement is only at the white
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house? i haven't told him yet. ainsley: during the show our audience might not know you occasionally send us all emails that tell us this is what is happening at the white house so we really appreciate it. >> we learned one thing about john roberts, what is the shoe he wears? i have big shoes to fill. >> look at that. >> our new white house correspondent said the outgoing chief white house correspondent has been nice and welcoming and showing the ropes, for which we are grateful. >> he is a terrific guy, terrific correspondent and he's right outside the door and coming up soon.
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>> any messages? >> your vegetables. >> thanks, guys. steve: time for some news and janice dean joins us. >> janice: hello. we will check the weather because we are watching california carefully. not only are they going to get a little bit of moisture here which is great news but we have very strong winds as far north as the bay area. we will see the potential for 50-70 mile-per-hour wind gusts especially along the mountain passes, which will mean power outages, trees down, fire concerns as well. high wind warnings in effect for much of california through nevada and parts of the 4 corners region. the fire danger is extensive on the coast with dry gusty windss but we will see a little
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rainfall in this area, not getting to northern and central california, not only that but heavy snow in the mountains, speaking of heavy snow certainly lake effect snow across the great lakes, pretty quiet across the central us though it is pretty cold across the northern plains towards the upper midwest. back to you. ainsley: coming up the security build up in washington for tomorrow's inauguration dealing another blow to already struggling businesses in that area. we will talk to one tavern owner hisses the new protocols hanging on by a thread. what is coming up at the top of the hour. you are in dc now. >> we have been dubbed the turtleneck team. how did that happen? ainsley: looking forward to the show's second day. >> great guests, check chad wolf, dan hoffman.
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>> things will be really good about the contrast between one administration to the next. >> one thing we were discussing is the white house is right behind us, such a momentous time every four years whether you win reelection, to think about what we went through as an election and where we think we will go next. it is significant. >> the eyes of the world are on us. >> we have a lot of that. two hours coming up. live in dc.
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steve: we are so the unprecedented security build up in dc, including an extended ban on indoor dining. a lot of business owners asking if that is necessary. our next guest has on a cigar tavern 2 blocks from the white house for two decades and the mayor's security ventures hurting struggling small businesses in the area. bob is the owner shelley's back
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room on f street in dc and joins us live from shelley's back room. it is great to have you. we are showing people the 25,000 national guard people who are on the streets in anticipation of tomorrow. in the wake of that they shut the bridges and tunnels at 6:00 this morning. there is a steel wall around portions of the white house, in the capital as well and that is screwing up your business, isn't it? >> to say the least. we've been on protocol one lockdown which is outdoor only since the 20 third of december so it is virtually last month, which is supposed to be one of the busiest times during the inauguration. we have taken basically 0 revenue. steve: usually, i have been in dc for eight inaugurations and
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usually this week you make a lot of money because the county is full of visitors. had there not been security issues over the last couple weeks would you have had indoor dining before the mayors pulled the plug on that? >> absolutely. we would have done it with the protocol restrictions, social distancing, masks, limited seating but it would have been something. now it is nothing. we are still paying rent, insurance, phone and internet, taking no revenue whatsoever. it is pretty scary. steve: you were just getting back on your feet and the mayor said we are going to extend indoor dining man. >> i wouldn't say back on our feet but we were hanging on,
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breaking even, now it is 0. i have to rely on government money to keep us going but as you know, that is we need it but not how it is going to come back to you in terms of taxes locally and federally. steve: you are practical and realistic and you know that everything comes with a price. you ever watch the videos out of florida where restaurants were wide open and think to yourself why can't we have that deal? >> i do. i am a little confused as to the restrictions. i can understand restrictions during the inauguration for security but being outdoor only since the 20 third, i am confused about that, retailers are open. people go into the capital but i don't understand why restaurants have to be penalized this way. i am sure the dc government have
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raises but it is strangling us. a lot of restaurants won't open again. >> that is right. 100 have closed. shelley's back room has the best wings in the district of columbia, they are open for outdoor dining. thank you so much. >> thanks for having me. >> we will step aside, more "fox and friends" when we come back. research shows people remember commercials with nostalgia.
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>> you know how to do this. make sure you download the fox news app on your phone. open up the camera and scan the qr code will was pointing to. everyone have a great day. >> bill: 9:00 here in our nation's capital. today marks president trump's final full day in office. president-elect joe biden laying out his plans for first day in the white house including sweeping immigration reform. good morning, we've made it to washington, d.c., come hook or crook. >> dana: i'm dana perino. this is "america's newsroom," live from our nation's capital. i want to talk about the fact we're here on our second day. a momentous week and the back drop that's such a beacon of hope for the world. america is going through a lot but america shows it -- >> bill:
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