tv The Ingraham Angle FOX News January 19, 2021 7:00pm-8:00pm PST
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we will stand up for constitutional judges and we will stand up for trade deals come of peace through strength. but with that let not your heart be troubled, laura ingraham's last show with donald j. trump as president starts now. >> laura: will, what can you do? everybody is ready to throw in the town talcum america is over but how many times have we seen that headline where conservatis, and always the most tedious refrain. i just don't buy into that. there is so many great americans out there. as the president said in his farewell address, he wishes the new administration will come and he hopes he can create prosperity like he did. >> sean: that is why i really didn't like mcconnell today. really, you will go forward with this? >> laura: i don't understand that. >> sean: all that will do, it won't be a united party and by
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the way, i think i said actually it was cpac speaks four or five but i apologize on the record. >> laura: sean, we have to roll, great show tonight and great to see you. i'm laura ingraham and this is "the ingraham angle" from washington. joe biden has made clear he put hopes and wishes of illegal immigrants against the safety and prosperity of the american people. well tonight, we will speak to an angel mom who reacts to biden immigration wish list. something that got no attention today, an american scientist admits that he only pushed back on the wuhan lab theory of covid to protect chinese scientists. oh, something to say about that. stunning development, but first, team biden turns against america. that is the focus of tonight "angle." now, it's always been a logical
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inconsistency at the heart of the left attitude towards the united states. now come on the one hand left-wing politicians claim to be interested in helping the average american and make our country better. on the other hand, they believe america is an inherently evil country that is systemically racist and destroying the planet. now, it wasn't long ago that democrats at least tried to hide their outer deplane for the country, but starting with obama, democrats began questioning america's exceptionalism. four years of trumpeting america first, well, the democrats are reverting to the old obama playbook. >> this is a chance for all of us in congress to sort of begin at a new baseline and stop spreading a myth of american exceptionalism, and except the fact this is exactly who we are. and this is exactly who we have been throughout our country's history.
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whenever they have social progress, they were as white backlash. >> laura: now, even before biden is inaugurated, we can see the chaos that results from trying to have an american government that is actually anti-american. now come after the events of january 6th, the democrats convinced themselves that they were all about to be murdered by ways of angry americans. and to stop this massacre, they have turned washington, d.c., and many state capitals into armed military fortresses. i've never seen anything like it. disgraceful! but many soldiers in the national guard personnel they called him to protect them are among the tens of millions of americans who supported president trump. so now the democrats are afraid of the very guard that they need, they think they need to protect them from their own people. the results of this unfounded
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paranoia has been several days of folly first. they announced the fbi would vet the 25,000 national guard members already serving their country presumably the left trump fbi because they think it is part of the effort to her president trump. you have to trust them. but that offended governor abbott of texas as, indeed it should infect mike offend anyone with the national guard. but the bedding continued. 12 army guard national members were removed from inauguration duty for extremely vague indication. >> we were kind of a family in the national guard. we grew up together, work together, and we keep an eye on each other. if there is any indications we immediately addressed through the chain of command and law enforcement. we want to say as i stated earlier that we do the right thing until that gets cleared up cleared up. >> laura: we have to find out what that actually means. does it mean you were like a lifetime member of the nra or
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some other conservative organization? i don't understand what that means. now, he's talking about my family. is that how a family operate? apparently they think so. according to "the new york times" d.o.t. accelerating efforts to root out "far right extremism in the ranks." never mind during four years of democrat led military coup, there was apsley no evidence that the military was anything other than loyal to its duties. the democrats are in a mood for another witch hunt, and the pentagon is happy to oblige. they would rather help the left turn the military into a pc patrol to be used against fellow americans rather than defend the country from china and other external threats. of course, we know the democrats aren't interested in standing up to china. they fear the g.o.p. far more than they fear the ccp. and so they will happily destroy
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the military in hopes of finding anyone who ever sent an email they don't like. all in the name of crushing they are domestic enemies and increasing their own grip on centralized power. and joe biden's own cabinet picks, will, they are playing right into the hysteria for their own political gain. pick to head dhs is already pledging to use his vast and powerful agency to crack down on americans who vote the wrong way. >> i look forward to playing a critical role in empowering the office of intelligence analysis in a political, nonpartisan way to do its important job and tackle the threat to domestic extremism is today. >> laura: intelligence and analysis? you are not talking about, by the way, antifa? he's talking about you.
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so much for unity. and he's not only, who doesn't trust americans, yesterday, another biden appointee to police domestic extremism. >> i want to call attention to one person who's playing a prominent role, traverse the deputy security director for president biden. i believe he agreed an appointment, he understand you need to bring a whole government and whole approach to this problem set, kind of like international terrorism you had to bring the whole international community as well as the u.s. community to the problem set. >> laura: oh, my god, that sounds like bad thursday night seminar at a bad college. international terrorism? they worked hard getting fellow americans not al qaeda fighters in the mountains of afghanistan. now, these are your neighbors, friends, family, people you grew up with. of course, supposed to be protected from this type of
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government surveillance by our constitution. is this really the kind of administration that joe biden wants? if so, it is going to be a disaster for poor, old joe that would like to be popular and a successful president. and to bring americans together. good luck with that. a new nbc poll shows 73% of the country, 93% of republicans, think the country will remain divided over the next four years. but the left doesn't care what is good for our country, let alone for biden. they don't have a very high opinion of either, i think. they will press ahead with their purges, even if it means getting the military and the process. biden is too weak to stop them so expect this nonsense to continue. so what should conservatives do under these circumstances? first, no governor and certainly no republican governor should put their national guard in a
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situation where their volunteers are going to be vetted by the same conspiracy minded loons at the fbi that gave us like jim comey. second, republicans on the hill have to look long and hard at the budget for the pentagon and the intel community. we are spending a fortune, when frankly we can't afford any more on agencies that are supposed to protect us from external threats like china. we absolutely cannot allow the democrats to spend hundreds of billions of dollars on what, in effect, would become a massive, domestic spying apparatus turned on the american people. every republican senator who attends a confirmation hearing for anyone associated with the national security establishment should demand sworn on the record testimony that our military and our intel community will be used to fight america's enemies abroad, not
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kamala harris is enemies at home. again, the focus should be on the ccp, not the g.o.p. if republican members are not convinced the military will be used properly and it would take a lot to convince me. they should demand immediate and major cuts to the budget of the pentagon and the intel community. we could use our tax money a much better way. and that is the "angle." matt walsh daily wire columnists and a broken, the rubin report author of "don't print this book mack" it is how comfortable the lift has become with the surveillance to target their political enemies now that they have a grip on all three branches of government. all three branches of the political side. >> it is shocking. you sediment on the go is this the kind of administration that biden wants? the problem is, first of all, i don't think he knows what he wants. i don't think he knows what he
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had for breakfast this morning other than being manipulated by the puppet masters in his administration, which we knew would happen. it is especially shocking though this dichotomy you are talking how they use the national guard, their military occupation of washington, d.c., at the moment to especially jarring when you consider the people doing this just a few months ago were insisting that even responding with just regular, old police officers and rioting some sort of dystopian infringement on liberties. now they are perfectly fine with this. there is a really jarring, i think, contrast there. >> laura: i'm just glad we found a wall that nancy pelosi likes outside of the walls around her own property. her own personal property. so let's take a look, david, at biden's economic plan that signals it will be the first administration ever to construct economic policy around issues like race, gender equality,
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climate change whether traditional indicators like gdp or deficit ratio. dave, how much economic success can we expect from a plant that basically doesn't take into account g.o.p.? >> yeah, well, first, laura with your entry in mind i want to go on the record i am an extremist, radical freedom extremists and i believe in the constitution and people should live freely within the laws of the united states. putting that aside, yes, this is absolutely absurd. the people there are in charge of the economy starting tomorrow, they are basically telling us we don't really care about matt but we care about gender, sexuality and all the other stuff. these policies can't work, but i was on your podcast a couple of days ago and the silver lining in what i truly believe is that if you hire people at the government level, not based on their skill set or whether the
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experts in the field, but if you hire people based on whether, trans, black, green or whatever it would be, you will not hire the best people that those people can't be those things but the primary reason cannot be to hire them. we will see this administration to hire all the wrong people for all the wrong reasons and for many ways, the reverse. remember that guy whose birthday we celebrated yesterday, that mlk guy that didn't want his kids to be judged on the content of the skin but character? it is the reverse of what we celebrated yesterday. it is being imported by the people telling us the rest of us are bigots and racists and homophobes, irony is truly dead. >> laura: exactly, matt, look at d.c. the last few days. i'm sorry, it is disgraceful. the lockdown of washington, d.c.. and we think that al qaeda, give
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nope with the most hardened terrorists who ever existed are literally converging on the nation's capital now with the ccp helping them. and you get the sense that as muriel bowser said this is not going away anytime soon. this is going to continue. >> and it's even more disgraceful when you consider the implication, but they are basically implying, well, listen if there is rioting and they are burning down where your neighbor works, well, that is one thing. we can deal with that in live with that as lawmakers in d.c., we are fine with that. but you start smashing windows where we were, that is a totally different thing we will mail it to militarize d.c. and keep the troops here. the sacred hollowed grounds of the capital, we can't touch that, but go ahead and burn down cbs, attack a pawnshop and kill a retired police officer in the process. nancy pelosi was on a podcast
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with hillary clinton who apparently has a podcast now. she was talking about the trauma that our lawmakers suffered during the riots. well, okay, but i don't remember her saying anything about the trauma that regular american suffered during the rights that happen for months. >> laura: no, it's like they had a right to rampage. you had a right to rampage because trump was so awful you had to rampage. that is the sense that you got to. guys, great to see you tonight. thank you so much. and joe biden and the people he's putting in position of power is disastrous for the american people, but the g.o.p. doesn't have to sit back and let it all happen. they have to figure out how to harness trumps abilities and speak to the american people on full display tonight. >> i want to thank the american people, to serve as your president, it has been an honor beyond description. thank you for this extraordinary privilege. we are a nation of incredible,
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decent faithful and peaceful loving citizens who all want our country to thrive and flourish and be very, very successful and good. we are a truly magnificent nation. >> laura: 20 me now is florida congressman matt gaetz. congressman nine and ten republican voters approved the president trumps job performance, the same as just ahead of the election. what is going on with g.o.p. leaders picking them when frankly he's down? the larger public perhaps. >> throughout the country, we see tremendous support for the president along the base because folks support the policies to put our country and our people first. but inside the beltway of washington, d.c., even the republican party isn't immune, the temptations of the establishment. we see people like liz cheney and the leadership of our party not only a position against president trump but who represent an antiquated version of republicanism here they want
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to invade every foreign land, invite every illegal immigrant headed across the border for lower wages for people in business and then turned to trade deals to impoverish the towns and countries. so if we are going to do as you say, laura and continue to harness the energy of the trump movement, the republican party needs more leaders who will actually animate that movement with the spirit and style of our outgoing president. >> laura: matt, do you agree with what i said earlier on the "angle" especially that of republican governors sending national guard troops to washington to have them be treated like second-class citizens here they are offended, looked at with suspicion and got to check their social media. mean, these are people who volunteer their time to serve their country and almost immediately suspect in the eyes of this democrat establishment on capitol hill. i mean, why indulge that? i would bring my guys back in my gals back.
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>> you make a good point. it is the national guard today, but soon, it is the rest of us. we see baseless allegations against my colleagues in congress and folks saying they must have been working in cahoots with the rioters. that's nonsense. we sue the national guard members sing social media scrubbed having to answer for their patriotism when they volunteered to wear the uniform and keep the rest of us safe. and i think you're "angle" was particularly point net on the issue of using national security tools against our people. you know what is interesting, laura, no one used the word martyr to describe january 6th, even though that is what it is the incoming biden administration, they don't want to use the prosecutorial tools that impinge to murder. they want to use terms like "national security, insurrection, domestic terrorism" because that allows access to these exquisite authorities to use tools that we impatient to go after terrorists in foreign lands then being turned against our own people.
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the democrats mean what they say when they talk about reprogramming and perching the people who have embraced the policies that made our country more prosperous. and more focused. >> laura: and it can come i don't know if people don't learn history anymore, but if you know what the chairman is all about and if you ever studied joseph stalin and russian history, understand it. it starts in a very, very innocuous way. it all sounds community good, we want harmony and we want to get along and then suddenly you lose your rights with petition of government. to speak, to go to church and branded as an enemy in the state. again, the congressman, this is why we do need specific education, patriotic education that our children understand what is in front of them right now. you might not like donald trump, but you will definitely not like a lot less freedom under this new administration if it keeps going this way.
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final words. >> no doubt. more and more we start to see big tech work in concert with big media and even the big egos of the establishment on capitol hill to create in our country something akin to the chinese social credit score, where if your politics are bad or use of the wrong thing, you are limited in your ability to borrow money, have al's income i get a car, or do anything. >> laura: or serve in the national guard. or serve in the national guard. congressman, great to see you tonight. think as much. coming up how does the media coverage look with january 17 when donald trump was coming into office. that is going to be good. mollie hemingway and sara carter act in stunning thin nl all all in one moment.
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♪ ♪ >> laura: on the eve of joe biden's inauguration, it is worth remembering how the media sounded in the run-up to trump swearing in. >> the nuclear moment, the moment the people in this country and around the world have been fearing. speak with the trump era in washington has begun. >> it is hard to come a very hard to explain how strange the mood is at the nation's capitol. >> how are they going to counter? there will be dark years in the
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donald trump administration. >> laura: they lost their best friend. of course, the hyping of joe's inauguration has been the polar opposite of what you just heard. >> joe biden is going to give his inaugural address fronting unit t and offering hope. >> he is going to hit unit t of healing. it will emphasize familiar speech from his campaign, including unity, healing. it will be an interesting contrast of our previous, last inaugural address. >> laura: it would be like if they were saying, well, trump is going to put america first. that is what he said he would do so trump is all about america first, right? get ready, it will be four years of nauseating coverage like that. so instead of being a check on biden in covering biden, they will cover for biden in the democrats. the watch dog lapdogs.
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cnn reporter shimon who tweeted this as joe biden spoke in d.c. today. let the healing begin. we have needed this. take me to a vomit thorium. mollie hemingway, fox news contributor and sara carter fox news contributor, molly, and if joe biden said it, they report it without question. when donald trump came in and said, look there is a swamp in d.c. which we all knew but there is a swamp in d.c. and i will drain it and try to put america first, you can't do that, that is outrageous. what should we expect in the coming months and years? >> well, the media have shown themselves to not just be biased, you hear republicans complaining about media bias going all the way back to president eisenhower. so bias is not something
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surprised by or conservatives are surprised by. but the last two four year show was so much worse than bias. it is true corruption and unaccountability for the most politically influential group in america are corporate media. they are the ones who drive the democratic party. they are the ones that issue orders to the democratic party. they push identity politics, discretion of the constitution from a position to founding principles and remarkably successful. the other side of what we experienced these last four horrific years of media malfeasance is that they cannot even pretend to cover president biden with any sort of scrutiny at all. and the sudden shift is really alarming to go from hysterical hatred for all things conservative to now doing profiles about kamala harris, senate issues and joe biden's love of ice cream. it is just nonhannibal going forward to. >> laura: the inauguration
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that was a hard-hitting piece of journal. and we love dogs here at the "the ingraham angle." listen how he described the scenery around biden's covid event today, >> those lights shooting out from the lincoln memorial, it is like almost an extension of joe biden's arms embracing america, out stretching his arms. >> laura: i don't even know what to say to that, sara carter. >> that was at the top of my notes, lower appear that was actually at the top of my notes, stretching, embracing. and then you have "the new york times" editor who basically said on twitter, she got the chills as biden was glinting air force one at andrews air force base. it is pretty obvious that the media, the mainstream media or
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the major media outlets are definitely walking side-by-side with biden in the inauguration. they feel they are being inaugurated. it used to be a time when the media would question the watchdog over the government and would fight for civil liberties, would defend the voice of those who have no voice, would be their voice. and now what we are seeing is something exactly what mollie was saying, and exact reversal of that. but remember if you go back to 2016-2017, they were literally, and i'm talking about anchors on cnn, msnbc, news reporters, and i saw with my own eyes in new york city, literally crying, crying in anguish when president trump took office. and now they are abandoning the 74 plus million people that voted for president trump here it is likely never learn their lesson, right? they were shocked and 2016 when he won. they didn't understand why
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appear they live in a bubble in washington. and that what we are seeing, they are not even doing their job. with the national guard in washington, d.c., 25,000 known only 1,000 people will attend joe biden's inauguration. it is supposed to be about unity, yet they are targeting the american people? and they are ignoring. >> laura: well this is a military zone now, mollie and tc. by the way, and want to get what matt gaetz referred to earlier, congressman steve cohen has been the chief spreader of inside job conspiracy and even implicating g.o.p. congresswoman. watch this. >> we saw congressman bo burke taking a group of people for to work. and she's not on the home team. she was but the visitors.
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>> laura: so it is back to the domestic enemy, mollie, this myth that keeps being spread, scandal, defamation. >> the congressman explained doing nothing but giving tours to family members and had not participated in terms of tourists, but this is what is happening right now is about making, being conservative equivalent to being a terrorists. the left wants to wipe out all opposition and since her in a disagreement or opposing opinions. they have a lot of power to do that. they controlled the media. they control big tech and those big tech oligarchs are coming for absolute destruction. this causes national security problems. this causes domestic unrest. i think a lot of conservative 75 million plus are hoping for is that there will not be anyone in washington, d.c., to take their cause up and fight and defend them. >> laura: everybody's got to get ready to defend freedom in
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every way they can peacefully. and enthusiastically and joyfully. ladies, thank you so much. biden said he will use science to beat covid but what does that mean exactly? scott atlas response and a stunning update to the wuhan lab theory. proved quality of life. that's why we recommend salonpas. it's good medicine.
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♪ ♪ >> laura: throughout this entire covid nightmare a so-called expert, scientist, said the american people lies to further their own agenda. the most stunning example which escape coverage. according to "the daily caller" a renowned u.s. scientist dr. peter orchestrated a statement, published in the lancet medical journal last february condemning conspiracy theories that suggested that virus doesn't have a natural origin. now reportedly direct ties to the wuhan institute of virology and nih now admits he made that
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statement to protect chinese scientists from online harassment. joining me now is dr. scott atlas, former white house covid advisor, senior institute fellow, dr. atlas, each step of the way the scientific establishment, at least that based in washington and many academic circles have too often failed us. >> hey, laura, thank you for having me. i think it is another example how the information really was never transparent. you know, for a variety of reasons come up they're covered up by china were covered up by people here for simply, you know, not aggressively pursued by the press or anyone else who should have known better. we have had incomplete information, the story from the beginning that this virus was from a market. you know, we don't know, but it seems a little bit unlikely
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given the high level of coincidence, if nothing else that the main viral laboratory of china is right there working on these viruses. so we've never had the complete story, and it doesn't surprise me there were ulterior motives and people saying things that they really didn't know they were true or false. it doesn't matter because they said things as if it was true. >> laura: i want you to react to what biden said about his approach to covid and an event that just took place on saturday. >> i have always said that biden/harris administration will lead with science. we believe in both. this is our god willing to overcome the pandemic and build our country back better than it was before. >> laura: dr. atlas, the trump administration didn't lead with science? your response? >> you know, i don't even know
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how to respond to that at this point. this is so ludicrous, this canard that keeps being repeated. it is about the science. i will tell you what the science says, that the strict lockdowns didn't work. the science says children do not have significant risk of the disease. in the science says children are not a big time spreader of the disease to adults. the science says schools are low risk. the science says school should be open. the science says if protection is from people not just antibodies but t cells. these are the facts. the lockdowns or a disaster. they should be open here at the science says people at risk for dying should be a priority for the vaccine, not other people. i'm so tired of that. the american people must be tired of this already. this is gibberish with nonsensical -- >> laura: the science is gain
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function research is responsible perhaps for the way this virus moved and spread. dr. atlas, the career cdc people recommended in team travel restrictions on europe. and the president agreed. and now biden is saying, he will not allow that to happen. i thought biden said he would essentially listen to whatever the cdc said, essentially be a to the cdc. so why would biden go against them on this travel ban? is that a precursor to a larger lockdown? >> well, you know, i get the lock down from what has been said and by the people who were on this incoming task force, that they have no intent of lifting lockdown spirit and not that i have seen. in fact, there has been stepped said that we have to do all these maneuvers even after everyone is vaccinated. i'm not optimistic about the course of things. i can't tell why people say they
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want to listen to the cdc, they don't want to listen to the cdc. i think you should as a leader make the decisions. that would make the decisions to the cdc. on that sense, they are correct. there is a rationale for opening travel. the reason you stop travel is not because they were cases. the reason you stop travel is because you are worried about your hospitals being overcrowded. that is a reason. if you are not worried about that, you should open travel. the restriction of travel is extremely harmful economically and actually killing people because the economic losses are disastrous and found to be killing people. these translate into that. >> laura: we have to roll. how is florida economy doing versus the economy of michigan, illinois, new york? dr. atlas, wonderful to see you tonight. thank you so much. a few weeks back we brought you a stunning story about states over counting covid
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deaths. now one of which included a 99-year-old woman washington state who died after losing her balance and falling. my next guest happen to be watching the show that night and suspected that the woman may have been her mom. so she worked with the freedom foundation who sounded the alarm on these shocking examples to compare mothers death certificate and guess what, they were a perfect match. christine fry joins us, christine, thank you for joining us tonight. your mother did have covid, right, but she did recover. is this right that that was weeks before she passed away? >> yes, it was. thank you for having me and let me tell my story. she had survived covid and about three weeks later, four weeks later, she passed away after having fallen in her room,
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trying to do something that she probably shouldn't have been doing. >> laura: well, the problem is, it really feeds public skepticism on some of the record-keeping, at least because your mother's death certificate doesn't even have covid-19 listed anywhere as the cause of death. >> no. >> laura: under the manner of death part it is ruled an accident. so one wonders how she got classified as a covid death, i guess they would say, that is one off mistake, but one does began to wonder. >> it is a good question. we are not sure how many other people have gone through this. but my mom did not die of covid. she had survived it at age 99 and was moving on with her life. she did have a conducive heart
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failure. and the fall, she had fallen over backwards. in that fall was just too much for her body to sustain, and she passed away a couple of weeks later after fighting those injuries. >> laura: we have heard similar stories. it would be nice if we could get a real database of actual facts. a lot of people have died and a lot of tragedy and a lot of suffering. but christine, thank you so much. what an amazing woman. an amazing life, 99 years of age and god bless you for sharing that story. biden's decision to cancel the border wall is a slap in the face too many americans who have lost wages and loved ones to illegal immigration. an angel mom weighs in next.
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♪ ♪ >> laura: now building the wall across the southern border wasn't just a signature trump campaign promise, it was a signal to americans all over the country who suffered the ill effects of illegal immigration, but now they incoming biden administration is telling the same americans they will basically be on their own. and my next guest is an angel mom who doesn't want to see the wall canceled. joining me now, maury maloney
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and her son was killed by illegal immigrant ten years ago, more rain, incoming president biden also wants to give amnesty to 11 million illegals d end deportation my guess for everyone for 100 days. who cares about covid. what message does that send to law-abiding americans and illegal immigrants across the country? >> you know, it is a slap in the face and we are a country of rules and laws and laws have to be abided by. so amnesty to illegal aliens, which come up we really don't know, 11 million but close to 20 million here in the country. and you are rewarding them for breaking the law. you are sending the message to other foreigners our borders are open. if you come here we will reward you for breaking the law. >> laura: now, it is really
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shocking, is it not, maureen, you have thousands upon thousands of hondurans and others from central america and elsewhere who know that joe biden is going to give them all these benefits and congress will probably give them free health care and obviously, an education and snack benefits and so forth, but it is amazing how word travels pretty fast. caravans start and the police are overwhelmed. yet we have this amazing fortification around the capitol building and all of washington is locked down. apparently, no appetite to actually protect the rest of the country. >> and after the inauguration, they should take all those national guards put them down on the southern border and protect americans. we went don't hold your breath on that. here is biden dhs nominee said about the migrant caravan and
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heading to the southern border. >> people present themselves at the border, we apply the laws of the nation to determine whether they qualify for relief under our humanitarian laws or whether they don't. >> laura: well, maureen, we have seen how this works in past administration and early in this administration. they let everyone in. >> right, and they give them a couple of years down the road to show up and release them into the country. and they never show up for their court date. >> laura: more maureen, we got a go but thank you for joining us. your stories unbelievable. what does the press corps crate from their last president? "the last bite."
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(phone ringing) - hey kaleb, what's up? how you doing? - hey, i'm good. guess what? i just had my 13th surgery. - [alec] really? - how are you doing? - i'm doing good. i'm encouraged by seeing how people are coming together to help each other during times like these. - kinda like how shriners hospitals for children
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is there for us. imagine if i couldn't get my surgery. who knows what would have happened? - same for me. i know my shriners hospitals family will continue to take care of kids like us who need them most. all because of caring people like you. - like me? (alec laughs) - no, the people watching us right now at home. we hope you'll call the special number on your screen right now. - you'll be making sure our amazing doctors and nurses can keep helping kids like us who need them now and in the days to come. - with your gift of $19 a month, we'll send you this adorable love to the rescue blanket as a thank you and a reminder of the kids you're helping with your monthly support. - so what are you waiting for? you can use your phone and call, or go to to give and join with thousands of other generous people who change lives with their gifts every day. - i think that's about it buddy.
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as we all know, empathy is something foreign to donald trump. >> empathy, compassion, understanding of loss and pain is back in the white house. >> laura: well, those folks don't have to worry whether empathy puts food on the table as much as we love empathy, and we do. that is all the time we have tonight. shannon bream and "fox news @ night," take it from here. a little different coverage within four years ago when trump was ready to be sworn in. >> shannon: i think the tone is a little bit different. but laura, we will do it together. >> laura: we will watch it. >> shannon: thank you so much. >> laura: great show. >> shannon: breaking tonight final pardons could be coming any minute now and we are watching and waiting. earlier farewell to the nation with recorded address hours before he leaves the white house. >> this week, we inaugurate a new administration and
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