tv FOX Friends First FOX News January 20, 2021 1:00am-2:00am PST
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plus ups only cheaper get our special tv offer a 4-week trial plus postage and a digital scale go to and never go to the post office again. you to do and so much more. the best is yet to come. thank you and farewell, god bless you, god bless the united states of america. jillian: wednesday january 20th. a fox news alert, during his final hours in office donald trump issued 73 pardons and 70 commutations. we will tell you the biggest names to benefit. kristen: inauguration unlike any
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other, joe biden surrounded by 25,000 national guard troops. >> live in washington as he promises a message of unity. "fox and friends first" starts right now. shannon: today is the day. neil: watching "fox and friends first" this wednesday morning. inauguration day. jillian: thank you for starting the day with us. let's begin with this fox news alert was overnight donald trump and down a huge list of pardons and commutations in his final hours as president. neil: jenkins at the national mall just hours before joe biden will be sworn in as the 40 sixth president. how is it looking? >> reporter: an interesting and historic inauguration. this is the eighth inauguration i have been to and never have i seen the level of security, the lack of thousands of americans out here on the mall where i am,
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so in just hours after going to mass joe biden will be sworn in as the 40 sixth president but in his final hours donald trump will depart at 8 am, 143 pardons and commutations, among them notable names to be had. steve bannon, the president's longtime campaign strategist, kelly brody, national finance chair of the are in see, two wrappers, little wayne and bill 3 known as kodak black, one side to the russia probe, erickson. the president highlighting his accomplishments and reflecting on his presidency. >> now as i leave the white house i have been reflecting on the dangers that threaten the priceless inheritance we all share. as the world's most powerful
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nation america faces constant threats and challenges from abroad but the greatest danger we face is loss of confidence in ourselves, loss of confidence in our national greatness. a nation is only as strong as its spirit. we are only as dynamic as our pride. we are only as vibrant as the faith that beats in the hearts of our people. no nation can long thrive that loses faith in its own values, history and heroes. >> reporter: this morning we look forward to the inauguration address of the 40 sixth president and it is a tall challenge in a time when the country is facing covid-19, racial division, economic uncertainty. yesterday biden giving us a little bit of a preview of the message of unity today. >> to heal, we must remember it
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is hard sometimes to remember, but that is how we heal. it is important to do that as a nation. >> and security, that will be on full display, the latest security update, things remain on high alert but the news the 12 national guard members were removed from duty for possible ties to extremist groups, nevertheless commanders with regard saying they are confident things will be safe and secure. listen. >> i'm not concerned as a large part of our organization, 25,000, had 12 identified and some of those just looking into. it may be unrelated to this but we want to make sure out of abundance of caution as i stated earlier that we do the right thing until that is done. >> reporter: i must add a little bit of color here in the dead of night. the level of security i had to
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go through to get here, i barely made this, it is as secure as any operation i have ever seen in the 27 years i have been in washington. shannon: you have been overseas. how does it compare to what you've experienced overseas? >> reporter: great question was we are not at war but the hardening of the target, the lockdown security is the same we did see in the green zone in baghdad and other places. they are ready for anything and hopefully they won't see anything at all. neil: president with a farewell address in the final hours of his presidency. >> reporter: looking back on when he first arrived in office and what his administration has done. take a listen. >> four years ago i came to washington as the only true outsider ever to win the presidency. i had not spent my career as a politician but as a builder
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looking at open skylines and imagining infinite possibilities. iran for president because i knew there were towering new summits for america just waiting to be scaled. i knew the potential for our nation was boundless as long as we put america first so i left behind my former life and stepped into a very difficult arena but an arena nevertheless with all sorts of potential if properly done. america had given me so much and i wanted to give something back, together with millions of hard-working patriots across this land we built the greatest political movement in history of our country. we also built the greatest economy in the history of the world. it was about america first because we all wanted to make america great again. we restored the principle that a nation exists to serve its citizens.
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>> reporter: as the biden administration takes over and just hours are on tucker carlson says it is time for what he calls the reasonable democrats to step up. >> there is a massive power vacuum at the center of this incoming administration that takes power tomorrow. joe biden is faded. that's not a personal attack, it is really show biden is not capable of running the government or pushing back against the radicals and his party so the question is who will fill the power vacuum within the biden administration? there are still we are being as honest as we can be, still reasonable people within the democratic party, people who have a stake in this country, who don't want to destroy it and now is the time for those people, the reasonable people in the democratic party to step up forcefully and call off the war their party is planning on millions of fellow americans.
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>> democrats led by biden have to push unity over the next four years but will they. >> it with the state former assistant secretary of state for george w. bush robert charles. thanks for being here, appreciate your time. we heard joe biden talk about unity and for arguments sake that message is going to go over well and has been going over well for his base. how does he reach those who are not in his base? how does he get them to unified? >> you have asked to this poignant question of the moment the this is a historic opportunity for joe biden and the democratic party ultimately to speak with words that resonate with critics, to help the nation overcome distrust and recrimination and that is going to be hard. he has to keep it short, people will lose attention if he doesn't, 20 minutes i think trump was 15 and obama was 18 so it has got to be inspirational but it has got to be sincere and sincerity means you have to truly be out there speaking about the fact you respect differences, recognize those
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differences and you are willing to not just work with the other side but listen to the other side sincerely but i wouldn't be at all surprised to see joe biden borrow from speeches like john f. kennedy's or ronald reagan's, there's no harm in that, these are inspirational speeches became at different moments in history. i would say if i were joe biden right now i would take a moment at the lincoln memorial, i would reread lincoln's second inaugural address, it is very short, maybe borrow the last paragraph from lincoln or refer to it and make clear you understand it and that paragraph which i know anybody who has gone through history has at least heard is with malice toward none, charity for all, i think with firmness in our commitment to the right and as god gives us to see the right help us bind up the wounds of the nation or something like that. neil: is a large segment in the media he specially the continue
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to push the vision. take a listen. >> there are millions of americans, almost all white, almost all republicans who somehow need to be deprogrammed. >> how are we going to almost deprogrammed these people who signed up for the cult of trump? >> i believe they have been brainwashed. neil: what biden needs to do in his speech, going forward does biden tell the mainstream media to knock it off? >> privately i would, not sure i would do it directly in the speech but bottom line what you heard in those clips is lack of respect for your fellow americans point of view. what we need is respect and free speech. my gusts is you've got to move beyond that. we have more in common as americans ban -- we have more in common with each other than with
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anyone else in the world and somehow you have to bring that to the surface and be sincere about it. part of what is happening is not just recrimination but a doubt that both sides are truly all-american and we have to get to a point where we respect the bill of rights and willing to talk about that and that is the way i see it. jillian: great information, thanks for waking up with us, appreciate it. todd: youtube extending donald trump's band for a couple weeks following the capitol hill riots. a spokesman telling the hook will make in light of concerns of the ongoing potential for violence donald j trump channel will be prevented from uploading videos or live streams for an additional minimum of 7 days. facebook reportedly has no plans to lift its suspension of the president's account even after he leaves the white house was nice news to leave you with, donald trump have started tiffany announcing her engagement on her father's final day in office, tiffany posting this photo to instagram with
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fiancé, writing and part i feel blessed and excited for the next chapter. >> they have been dating since 2018, she graduated from georgetown law school in may. working for the family's multibillion-dollar business in nigeria. congratulations. still ahead remember when joe biden said this? >> going to lead eat our lunch? come on, man. >> china poses the most severe threat to our nation. >> don braemar on whether he thinks this administration can handle the challenge next.
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history patrolling the streets to protect the nation's capital. >> former intel officer, great to see you as always. here are the numbers and the big focus is on 25,000 national guard troops. how confident are you that dc will remain peaceful today? >> as i came through the capital it was an amazing display of military security force anyone would have to second-guess themselves before considering any type of incident against the us m the ground surrounding it. >> state capitals across the country. when you look at the presence, law enforcement presence you have businesses shutdown, not able to get their cars out of their homes or back in in a certain zone and look at the events of last summer and the
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rioting and looting and everything and governors in certain states the didn't want the national guard on their street. what a vast difference we are seeing, what is your opinion on that and 2 things change after this? >> this country saw a lot of differences in the way we handle security and safety after 9/11 because of certain lessons learned. there were a lot of lessons learned on january 6th in the way we approach threats, information and security and take it more seriously realizing there are many more threats you have to address and understanding the norms of chatter, twitter etc. fueling a lot of these dangers and we have to trace it to its roots. todd: us counter intel chief warning the biden administration of china's mom line foreign influence calling you one of the bigger challenges as secretary of state nominee anthony blinken
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had this to say. >> a number of things from where i sat the trump administration did beyond our borders that i would applaud. he was right in taking a tougher approach to china. i disagree with the way he went about it but the basic principle was the right one. neil: how confident are you the biden administration will act with the same level of concern toward china that the trump administration did? >> china is the biggest threat to our nation's security but where they fall is in cyberawareness and cyberwarfare, we have to realize there are people across china going after our very vulnerability whether it is military or defense of government but our own citizens plotting against each other with
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misinformation. we have to focus on cyberwarfare and take it seriously and i hope the new administration is engaging and stays on top of this not giving china a path forward or falling back in the stance of being an ally. shannon: thank you for joining us. still had a convicted criminal released on drastically reduced bail charged with killing a man walking his dog. jillian: the felon was allowed on the streets and what this says about safety in america's biggest city next.
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released just two weeks before the murder thanks to a soft on crime approach the let him walk on a violent kidnapping charge a fraction of his original bail. a lot of people want to know how this could have happened. retired philadelphia police officer joins me live to answer that question. thanks for being here. let's go ahead and pull up his criminal record, joseph davis, the charges from 2020 kidnapping for ransom, robbery, car theft, fire missiles, baylor usually set at 100,$000, 200,$000, this is the 20 ninth, two weeks prior to when the shooting happened, bail was lowered to 12,000 after eight trial delays because of coronavirus, he posted 10% of that bail, set free to walk the streets, total of 5 arrests since january of 2018. how does someone with two felony cases that are open walk free like that with reduced bail?
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>> a lot of people made many mistakes in this case but let's be clear, the sole reason car is that is because of larry krasner and his failed social experiment, he might as well have stood and pulled the trigger himself. this is a violent career criminal let out onto the streets of philadelphia to terrorize its citizens. it is absolutely disgraceful and shameful how this happened. joseph davis carjacked in uber driver point of them come you don't get more violent than that. his case dropped to where he paid $2,000, then while in jail for the violent carjacking he attacks the corrections officer, he is arrested for that, that bail was 1200 so what value on human life? his office did not appeal, they
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said they objected, he said he injected it, his spokesperson said something different, they are tripping over himself to cover up failed policies mistakes. 30200,000. >> just so people at home outside philadelphia understand, the philadelphia district attorney, there have been mixed messages, the violent act robs a young man of his life and future, not fair or just but sadly it is related to firearms, a vacuum a reasonable regulation. is it the time to have this conversation? >> the time to have this conversation about his failed policies was in may and time for philadelphia to vote him out. he's all about low bail, he wants to empty the prisons and has been doing that. there were philadelphians who
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are dead because larry krasner is in office, think about that, this one person has affected more than one life. we watch the video online, brutally murdered for no reason at all and it is unacceptable someone like larry krasner, this guy is still in prison and jimmy o'connor was also killed by a career criminal let out of prison early by larry krasner. this is what we are seeing across the country with das funded by george soros, crime in philadelphia, homicides 499. do you believe that? 499, up 40% since 2019. we are seeing violent spikes in crime across the country because of liberal progressives who are pretty much marxists taking over the district attorneys and breaking down our criminal justice system, wreaking havoc in this country and law enforcement. a dangerous precedent being set. shannon: i know you're heated on this topic but we are out of
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time. our thoughts are with the family because this is a tragedy that never should have happened. thank you for joining us. todd: small businesses on it as a new administration is sworn in today. will joe biden give them something healthy? our small business panel joins us next. ♪♪ taking care of business ♪♪ taking care of business ♪♪ taking care of business when we started our business we were paying an arm and a leg for postage. i remember setting up shipstation. one or two clicks and everything was up and running. i was printing out labels and saving money.
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neil: overnight donald from handing down 143 part and then commutations in his final hours as president. jillian: among them steve bannon, former deputy finance chair of the rnc elliott, rappers little wayne and bill recommitted know that was his name. the biden administration promising path to citizenship for millions of illegal immigrants. neil: carley shimkus joins us with the 8 year plan.
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>> reporter: president-elect biden will announce a massive immigration overhaul including a pathway to citizenship for millions of illegal immigrants, that bill expected to be unveiled today. it would allow those here illegally to become citizens over the course of the year and green cards for people protected from deportation under the d's of the aca program known as dreamers. the president-elect without to end construction of the border wall and the remain in mexico policy and limits on refugee admissions as well as halt deportations for 100 days. that commitment could be tested soon as the caravan of thousands of migrants is moving toward the us border from honduras. lindsey graham sounding the alarm writing if the biden administration does not merely send a clear and unmistakable signal they support the tough policies implemented by donald trump it will be just a matter of time before our border is
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overrun again. the president-elect's pick for secretary of state and homeland security also pressed on the subject during their confirmation hearings yesterday. >> what would you tell people in a caravan coming toward america? >> do not come. >> this is not the first caravan that has approached the border in the last four years or the last 12 years. there's a commitment to follow our asylum laws and that means to provide humanitarian relief. jillian: the incoming white house press exterior announcing the biden administration will not lift restrictions on international travel due to the coronavirus pandemic. john cornyn firing back wondering if that includes caravans of migrants from central america as well. >> in ohio community mourning the loss of an officer shot during a standoff with the suspect, his heartbroken mother spoke at a candlelight vigil.
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>> i loved my only son. my son did his job. >> the 24-year-old leaves behind a fiancé and two kids including a newborn, donations accepted to the toledo police museum. >> the sister of an arizona woman who went missing for nearly a week speaks out justice goodwin remains hospitalized after she was found in critical condition on an indian reservation was her car was found abandoned and damaged. her sister is asking for patients as the family find out details surrounding her disappearance was last week the sheriff's office says the location of her car was suspicious but did not suspect foul play. today kamala harris will swear in the us senators hours after she is officially named vice
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president, john ossoff and rafael warnock will be sworn in after president-elect biden's inauguration, and taking over her california senate seat, california's former secretary of state. todd: small businesses have been battered throughout this pandemic and the incoming administration takes office with the promise of $1.9 trillion relief plan but what do business owners need to put into action to restore their hope in an economic turnaround? our small business panel joins me with the owner of blue moon finishing kansas city, colorado, new jersey restaurant are, and the owner of diana's flowers in california. i will begin with you. there has been a 30% decrease in small business since january of last year, your business hit especially hard. are you confident joe biden and
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his administration can provide the help you need? >> for me it depends which joe biden we get the will he rule from the middle from the left? i think the economic policy is not really out there. in my industry, particularly hard-hit, we played political badminton, clubs in oregon and california still close, everywhere else in north america is open, i wish covid-19 and politics could get out of small business. we just want a path forward. give us a path, we work our butts off, don't keep changing the rules, don't play political football. let us serve our customers. talk about a $15 an hour minimum wage, i find it curious because there's one group in america that can work for less than $15 an hour all day long and that is a small business owner. neil: let's look at biden's
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american rescue plan, a $15 federal minimum wage at 725, $400 unemployment, the stimulus checks and other items. what will those first two items due to your business? the minimum wage and extended unemployment? >> i agree with what joe said to begin with. this year has been a tomato this year, mentally, physically and financially for all small businesses across the country. now is not the time to take more money out of small business owners pockets. we are for an honest wage, raising the minimum wage to $15 is a drastic jump, your consumers ready for the price inflation throughout all service industries, that is not going to be well received across the border. as far as unemployment that was part of the issue with the
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original ppp plan, nobody wanted to come back to work. it created waviness, and couldn't pass was with the ppp plan as receiving unemployment so because a lot of issues. the second round from the biden administration they have to push for small business across the country. neil: we heard what biden should not do from bob and joel. what should biden do? >> the government should have a better partnership with communities especially chambers, and listen to what small business owners have to say for
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policy. todd: i want to go a little rapidfire on the final question, same to all three of you. wall street is very optimistic about 2021. you hear it almost every channel that covers the markets. they are excited. should mainstreet be similarly optimistic? >> i am very optimistic for 2021 to be honest. people are learning what covid-19 can do and especially in california they are doing their best to go over this. >> you can't really correlate wall street market to small business america. even through 2020 the trump
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administration closed yesterday almost 31,000 points, small businesses in tatters. mi optimistic for the year? yes. but only time will tell. >> what needs to happen is there needs to be confidence instilled in consumers that the vaccine is here, it is okay to get out and get moving as long as you do it cautiously but people are terrified locked up for almost a full year and people are scared, we need government and media to embrace the fact that we are going to get through this. get the politics out of covid-19. tomorrow starts the next presidential election. let's get on with the business of today. >> don't know how soon i will make it to california, colorado but i promise at any point we will stop by and grab that beer and celebrate it in 2021.
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>> happy birthday to my son connor. >> happy birthday and happily new year. >> happy birthday. now let's talk about this with a barstool sports founder david for lawyer opens up about his son helping small businesses during the pandemic. >> i am passionate about it because barstool is considered a small business and it is no overnight success, two decades, ten years before i turn a profit but this thing hit, europe away my entire adult life's work, when you see how much stress, i haven't slept in 6 months, don't tell my wife about stress or vice versa or how crazy is this is happening. jillian: a barstool fund has
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raised $27 million and helped 153 small businesses. what they are doing is incredible. still had several of joe biden's cabinet picks a donald trump's decision to take on china was the right call. a live report on the key foreign policy challenges facing the new administration. dolly parton turned 75 years very young. her birthday message next. ♪♪ 9-to-5 ♪♪ what a way to make a living ♪♪ getting by ♪♪ taking and giving ♪♪ still suffering today. god calls on people who believe in him to act on his word. "comfort ye, comfort my people." when i come here and i sit with lilia i realize what she needs right now is food. these elderly jews are weak and they're sick. they're living on $2 a day
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which is impossible. this now, is how god's children are living. take this time to send a survival food box to these forgotten jews. the international fellowship of christians and jews urgently need your gift of $25 now to help provide one survival food box with all of the essentials they critically need for their diet for one month. no vitamins and no protein so my legs and hands are very weak. oh, oh, oh let's make sure that we bring them just a little bit of hope. by bringing them a little bit of food. become a part of the fellowship today by reaching out to bless these precious people of god. for just $25, you can help supply the essential foods they desperately need for one month.
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that's less than a dollar a day. i just want to encourage all of you to join with yael eckstein and the wonderful work of the international fellowship of christians and jews. god tells us to take care of them, to feed the hungry. and i pray holocaust survivors will be given the basic needs that they so desperately pray for to survive. that they so desperately pray for to survive.
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on taking office today. a preview of the biden administrations when the secretary of state nominee anthony blinken, the iran nuclear deal. when the us moves forward, he responded no when asked if israel is a racist state adding jerusalem is the capital and biden intends to keep the us embassy. blinken remain open for peace efforts with the talent ban. a deal is condition based. on the topic of north korea blinken said the administration would view current policy by the country. rob: to carry out a denuclearization deal and china blinken gave a lot to the outgoing president for taking a hard-line stance against
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officials. >> i believe donald trump was right in taking a tougher approach to china. i disagree very much with the way he went about it in a number of areas but the basic principle was the right one. >> outgoing secretary of state mike pompeo accused china of genocide against muslims, there is significant evidence to support this accusation, and issue president-elect biden will have to address upon taking office as a major human rights issue around the world. neil: donald trump assessing more crossfire hurricane documents that include information related to the fbi investigation into ties between his presidential campaign and russia. the president did not reveal what information declassified. jillian: a new mexico college professor calling out a double
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standard on riots. >> if you call out violence call it out. doing year-round. don't just wait until it is politically convenient due to what happened this past wednesday and in part because my students express the same fears to share who they really were. contacting by the hundreds saying it is not just a local issue in new mexico, but pervasive everywhere. >> the president of new mexico state university call the capital riot a national crisis. this message is a different tone from over the summer while describing last night's black lives matter protests. neil: giving president-elect biden for the trump economy. jillian: that is next.
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>> liberals in the media discussing ways to deprogram 70 million americans who support him. >> millions of americans almost all white, almost all republicans who somehow need to be deprogrammed. >> how are we going to deprogram these people who signed up for the cult of trump? >> this is not a problem that is going to go away january 20th, people get radicalized and it takes a lot of repeated effort to get people back out. jillian: president-elect joe
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biden is credited for saving the economy before he has even taken office. senior policy analyst for the independent women's forum, good to see you. thanks for being here. let's go back to the d programming. everybody who voted for donald trump been brainwashed. >> this is a plan, the platform, deprogram and what we are seeing is mccarthyism, political oppression of on. to tell us trump supporters or people who supported donald trump's accomplishments and policy positions as though we are somehow brainwashed, something mentally wrong.
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it is a great way to make us disavow the accomplishments of the trump administration the past four years. when we look at the economy it was a supercharged economy pre-pandemic, highest employment level, lowest unemployment levels, lowest poverty levels particularly for black and brown community, historic agreement across africa and the middle east. accomplishments goes down the line but a repressed if tactics saying nothing happened between obama and biden and that is scary. todd: very curious article from the associated press biden returns to the white house as president, and economy battered and shaken by the pandemic, this is different despite the 9.8 million jobs lost, on the cusp of a boom in seen in the obama and trump errors.
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there wasn't a boom in the trump era and are they giving credit to biden? how are they giving credit to biden for something that happened before when biden doesn't take office for 7 more hours? >> this is the irony. they were unwilling to give donald trump credit for anything when he came in, he's coasting on the obama economy. when we look at tax cuts, the corporate tax rate, individual tax rates, the regulatory agenda, those were huge, stimulating factors to the economy when we enter into the pandemic the economy was so robust that they absorbed a lot of losses. 2020 could be far worse when we were on the sluggish economic pace that we were prior to donald trump taking office and him implementing his policies.
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entrepreneurship for women shot up in 2017, that tells you something. to take that away from him and credit it to president-elect biden is unfair. you know what the american people recognize as false fake news i guess. jillian: two things can be true at once. people and have supported the president's policies and with the administration did in the past and when they saw how things play out after the election, they could say enough is enough, you can have multiple things be true at one time. because they supported the president doesn't mean they have been brainwashed or need to be -- >> thank you very much. dolly parton turned 75, she wants everyone to work for a brighter day. >> the legend telling fans,
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>> we did was we came here to do and so much more. the best is yet to come. thank you and farewell, god bless you, god bless the united states of america. jillian: on wednesday january 20th we begin with a fox news alert, during his final hours in office donald trump issues 73 pardons and 70 commutations. we will tell you the biggest names to benefit. todd: the nations capital releasing and inauguration like any other. so biden will become the 40 sixth president of the united states surrounded by 25,000 national guard troops. jillian: we are live in washington as he promises a message of unity. "fox and friends first" continues right now. ♪♪ born in the usa ♪♪ i was
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