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tv   The Five  FOX News  January 21, 2021 2:00pm-3:00pm PST

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what was conveyed to me, and i don't think we discussed this yesterday, was we had a lot of outreach from a range of businesses and private sector entities. we certainly welcome that and will be considering those offers and what makes the most sense. >> reporter: there were trump officials saying they were never offered help from amazon, saying it is a political call for amazon to wait. you are saying that is not the case. >> secretary psaki: i'm not aware of the timeline when amazon reached out. that sound like a question for amazon. >> reporter: what do you think about the pardons trump handed out on his way out the door? do you know if the doj's reviewing any of those? >> secretary psaki: as you know, we nominated an attorney general, merrick garland. we are eager to get him confirmed, hopefully soon.
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our view on the pardons is that it's not a model for how abide in the justice department department would work. it's not a model, i should say, for how president biden would use his own power. he would use his power more judiciously, but we are looking forward, and most important for us and for him is that the justice department is independent, makes decisions of their own accord, including their review of any investigations or judicial steps. we are about to conclude, because it's my second day, let's take two more questions! >> reporter: is the president going to look into -- president bush told president obama he should use the pardon power on. we know the pardon power, the
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senate recused in the last week because of president trump's pardon. his president biden going to try to use the power quickly -- he said judiciously -- what is the take going to be? >> secretary psaki: i'm not saying you are conveying this, but for clarity, judiciously is not meant to convey speed. it's just meant to convey how he approaches it. he has a long history on judicial issues, having served as the chairman of the judiciary committee many years ago. on day two, i don't have any predictions for you, how he would use pardons. he has great respect for and value for independence the judie independence of that role. >> reporter: can you tell us if president biden has spoken to the fed chair? if he hasn't, does he have plans
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on speaking to him in the future? generally speaking, how does the president view the stewardship of the fed chair during this economic crisis? >> secretary psaki: i don't have any calls to read out for you or predict with the chairman of the federal reserve. he clearly has a great deal of respect and value for the federal reserve and the role they played historically, given he nominated the former chair to serve the first female treasury secretary, but i don't have anything more for you. i can venture to get more for you from our economic team. thank you, everyone. i will see you again tomorrow. >> jesse: welcome to "the five." the white house wrapping up a press briefing just now. dr. fauci making news by what he said about the trump administration. fauci adding this. >> one of the things we are going to do is be completely transparent, open, and honest. if things go wrong -- not pointing fingers -- correct
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them, and make everything we do based on signs and evidence. >> jesse: dr. fauci also pushing back on a cnn report that the biden administration was left a mess on the vaccine. reporter mike is this administration starting 1 >> reporter: is this administration starting from scratch, or picking up where the trump administration left off? >> we are not starting from scratch, because there is activity in the distribution. >> jesse: greg, that cnn report that the biden team was starting from scratch vaccine distribution was fake news. that's the first fake news story we've seen. [laughter] marking that down, day two. what did you think about dr. fauci and his comments about the differences between the two administrations? >> greg: when you notice something about him, he is a
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political animal. have you ever worked at a company under someone, and there is a change? this is normal. this is one of the coworkers who plays the field politically and is on the side of whoever is in charge, which is why he spewed these talking points at the start that seem contradictory to actually happened. we saw the briefings. i don't think you can get any more transparent than those briefings. trump said whatever was on his mind. he often equivalent with dr. fauci. there was nothing that felt she said that was ignored by trump. trump was ahead of fauci when it came to the travel ban of china. he was on board with the shut down moment it happened, willing to sacrifice his entire successful and effective achievements with an economy with this shutdown. if you listen to the press, he would've thought trump wouldn't
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have done that. i want to point out that presser, every question is about trump. for the media, trump's like a old flame who burned you bad, so much so that you just can't let him go. i bet $100, jesse, people in the white house press briefing room will be drunk dialing trump late at night just to hear his voice. [laughter] we've all been there. >> jesse: he might pick up the phone. [laughter] personally, the way i feel, if you work for an organization, whether it is an administration or company, and you are expected to present a united front -- fauci did not do that. he has never known that. i agree with greg. he seems very political. he pivoted really fast right when those administrations
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changed, and now people have a whiplash and are seeing the real fauci. >> dana: there were many times on this program, we would jump to the fact that dr. fauci defended president trump, anna said that president trump was engaged in operation warp speed. he defended president trump and saying that he listened to me. don't you remember what dr. fauci said "there has nothing that we have brought to the president that he hasn't listened to and acted on it." in some ways, we shouldn't forget that. but, yes, he has a job that he wants to continue. the thing is is that the press knows that one of the best things to do to get headlines and clicks and attention is to ask about a previous boss. it always happens. if i were dr. fauci, i might have said "looking forward, i'm not going to look backwards." he said that, then said "let's be clear: it was obvious we were
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out of favor." if you look back to march, the president's approval rating went up. remember that task force referring to doctors, listening to them? they helped for a while. it fell apart for many reasons, including where he got frustrated, especially about lockdowns, and conflicting advice. the other thing i saw today is dr. fauci defending the trump administration, saying there was a vaccine distribution. it wasn't just dr. fauci. dr. redfield of the cdc also said that. there's a lot our country has gone through when it comes to covid. dr. fauci does have a popular py rating that is pretty high. people want to trust him. i think he was trying to be gracious while being honest. i guess that's where i -- >> jesse: a tough balancing
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act. [laughter] 's before sometimes, it is, believe me. >> jesse: we have more sound from dr. fauci. we will play it and juan can react. >> it is clear that there were things that were said to come up yet things like hydroxychloroquine and things like that, that was uncomfortable, because they were not based on scientific fact. i take no pleasure in contradicting the president. it wasn't something you didn't feel you can actually say something and there wouldn't be any repercussions. the idea that you can get up here and talk about what you know, what the sciences, it is a liberating feeling. >> jesse: juan, aren't we glad dr. anthony fauci feels liberated? from what i remember, he spoke a lot during the trump administration. he was on every tv show for
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months. >> juan: i think you forget that for a long time, he wasn't even allowed. he was doing podcasts. he had been excommunicated, told to go to his corner, not invited -- >> jesse: if there's some very popular podcasts, juan. >> juan: i'm just telling you. he wasn't allowed on the air. anyway, my point is i think it's clear that he's saying he is more comfortable hearing from president biden that the science and evidence will carry the day. i think he was a good employee, goaded scientist. he worked for the national institutes of health. he wanted to help president trump, wanted to have president trump's ear. dr. burke, also later excommunicated, was like them, in that they felt it's best to have the presence of the president of the united states during a health crisis. the president subsequently brought in other doctors.
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let me leave it there. he brought in people who were telling him what he wanted to hear, it looks like, and the others got the boot. today, to hear him say "science and evidence will carry the day," i think he is just speaking the truth to you. >> jesse: i will give you the last word. >> what we saw and how dr. fauci was treated by the press, how maybe every member of the biden administration will be treated. he got the go to question "how do you feel?" [laughter] it is the figurative neck rub and foot massage. can we point out, dr. fauci is not infallible. he went on "60 minutes" in front of the american people in early march and told him "don't bother wearing a mask," when all of asia for years had been wearing a mask. the cdc changed its guidance, but let's stop acting like this guy has gotten it right all along. trump got it right pushing the vaccine, and also note that
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president biden got very testy earlier in the afternoon when asked about if 100 million vaccinations in the 100 days was enough. he said "when i announced it, you all said it wasn't possible." nobody said that. everybody shook their head like "you are right." he is like "give me a break." [laughter] he is getting testy, thin skinned. if it was trimmed, he would be called a lunatic, but that's biden that's biden. >> jesse: we have our first "come on, man," and our first cnn fake news story. [laughter] up next, more anarchy, courtesy of antifa. the far left group creating all kinds of chaos, after biden's call for unity. ♪ ♪ mornings were made for better things
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♪ ♪ >> dana: left-wing antifa agitators not listening to president joe biden's call for unity. instead, they rampaged through the streets of west coast cities. police declaring an unlawful assembly in portland last night, after far left thugs attacked a ice facility. rioters smashing windows at -- . in denver, protesters burned american flags outside the state capitol building. in seattle, anarchists damaging an amazon store, courthouse, and the country's first ever starbucks. republican senator tom cotton
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warning that these rioters are not going to stop because joe biden is president. >> i remember the media and democrats blaming this antifa violence on donald trump, and yet they are still raging in the streets of portland and seattle and denver. when you have a mob using violence for political ends, doesn't matter what slogan they are chanting or like their waving, and to they have to be met with force. >> sides getting very different treatments. >> greg: i don't really care for the tone of your voice when discussing an idea -- we've been told by our president that antifa is an idea, and that's all it is. if you look at the sheer numbers, it is mostly peaceful. there is is patriotic, but yours
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shall be punished with deprogramming. i've gotten word that these peaceful protesters in oregon have already been bailed out by kamala harris, lady gaga, and chrissy teigen, which is great news. only a few of them are violent, so that's cool. by the way, i'm kidding. that didn't happen. bottom line is there is a difference in treatment because the democrats, they picked their mobs, where as republicans, we condemn them equally. we think antifa is disgusting, we thought d.c. was disgusting. we just thought the whole idea of lawlessness is disgusting. we are waiting for the democrats to catch up. >> i want you to listen to this sound from john brennan, who has something to say about racist bigots and libertarians. >> members of the biden team who have been nominated or appointed
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are now moving in laser-like fashion to try to uncover as much as they can about what looks similar to insurgency movements, where they germinate in different parts of the country, bring strength, and it brings together an unholy reliance of religious extremists, bigots, racists, nativists, even libertarians. [laughter] >> libertarians? >> i wanted to play that so much. it's a joke on twitter that libertarians are a bunch of degenerates. i don't know whether he was reading that and just came up with it -- even libertarians. it was so unintentionally hilarious to me. the other thing i would point out is that i found on the nt for stuff, these cities have just accepted it, the antifa stuff. it's just saturday night, or whatever. i can't take credit for this,
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and i agree with everything, but it was tweeted "they should be treated the same as the capital rioters." with look at the faces of the ones that are not masked up, get digital evidence. >> after the riots on capitol hill, every conservative i follow said "find them, arrest them." part of the problem, juan, is in portland, where there was violence overnight -- portland police, of all the cases they've referred since spring of last year for prosecution, about 75% of them, the d.a. in that county has declined to prosecute. cases are referred, and the d.a. goes "that's not really crime." >> juan: i don't know what the thinking is behind that, because all of this crime should be
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condemned. when you see this kind of criminal activity, this kind of anarchist activity taking place, it indicates that it is not political. this is different than when you see intentional violence against the united states capital in the midst of certifying an election that has been stoked by the president himself, president donald trump. that's a political action. we need to make a clear distinction. right now, you see a lot of people trying to distract or say "this is just like what happens --" no, it is not like what happened at the capital of the united states. this is not an effort to undermine our democratic process. these are people who are criminal, may be anarchists. i don't know, but they should be condemned, prosecuted. i don't think there's any question, but to say it's
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somehow equal to what happened at the capital -- >> dagen: crime is crime, violence is violence. >> jesse: come on, juan. stop it. >> juan: 9 months. i saw something so damaging to our country that, even yesterday at the inauguration -- >> greg: why do you keep adding "but?" you can't condemn it. that's your problem! >> juan: i condemned it unequivocally. >> greg: but come about -- >> juan: i'm telling you not to be equated -- you are a convenience with what happened at the capital. >> dana: let me get jesse end. >> greg: it's called morality. >> jesse: juan says it is not political, but they are chanting "abolish ice," and "abolish the police." where have i heard that before, juan?
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[laughter] we were told that on inauguration day, they were going to be 50 armed militias surrounding every single capital protesting the inauguration. there were none! they were all violent anarchists and antifa and black lives matter protests that were causing violence on inauguration day. if that narrative, popped. juan, only 200 trump supporter's entered the capital out of 75 million. that adds up to .0002% of trump supporter's. i remember during the war on terror when there was a terror attack in all these body parts are flying all over the world, and you guys on the left are always quick to say "you can't link that to islam, can't use that to justify spying on all muslims," but here, when an infinitesimal amount of trump supporter's cause violence, you are ready to conflated, ready to
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condemn all trump supporter's and take the entire national security state and investigate them like they are radical domestic terrorists just because they voted for change. you can't have it both ways. >> juan: that's not what i'm saying. i'm saying the president spoke to them, he told him to march to the capital, they did, and they tried to destroy democracy. i don't know how that can be confused. >> jesse: i'm not confused, juan. >> dagen: i will add, what's different now about fighting terrorism is that these all-powerful unchecked technology monopolies have been co-opted by the democrats, and they are shutting down conservative-speak, and they are putting businesses under. that's dystopia. it >> dana: up next, nancy pelosi argued impeachment could bring the country together. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> juan: democrats promise action to help americans -- already being delayed, with problems some of their own making. the house was not expected to pass the new covid relief bill until march. they are moving forward on impeachment. speaker pelosi says process must play out. >> the fact is the president of the united states committed an act of incitement of insurrection. i don't think it's very unifying to say "let's forget it and move on." that's not how you unify. >> juan: dana, i was looking at this and thinking "the
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current hold up in the senate is because mcconnell won't agree to a power-sharing deal. how was that the democrats fault? [laughter] 's before >> dana: wait, i think schumer is a saying -- here's one of the things about this. democrats were caught totally flat-footed. they did not think they were going to win back those to go georgia races. they don't have staff, don't have any plans in place, they are not ready to go. the other thing is, people like senator susan collins and mitch mcconnell and others are saying, they want to have a discussion about filibuster protection now before we agree to anything else. i think that is reasonable. it's the bedrock of the legislative process in the senate. i think chuck schumer -- understandably -- he wants to tell mcconnell to pound sand, because there's a lot of pent up demand. they think mitch mcconnell has been this big obstructionist.
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the problem is, they've only got 50, plus kamala harris, in the senate. it's going to be difficult for them to get anything done. the first thing that needs to happen is the discussion about the filibuster. >> juan: let's talk about that. why should democrats agree not to end the filibuster before they know whether republicans are willing to work with them? >> greg: i want to go back to the point of this whole segment. they are focusing on impeachment instead of the covid package. that's what we should be talking about. it sounds familiar, juan, to january, when there should've been everybody in our government focusing on the coronavirus. what was happening was those disturbing videos coming out of china, and a hearing going on about this mysterious illness -- we were neck-deep in impeachment, thanks to the very same people who were obsessing
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over trump right now under the guise of unity. it shows you how dangerous and phony this unification rhetoric is. it's only unifying against people that they are identifying as evil, right? they are masquerading their own device of hate is a unifying process. meanwhile, by ignoring the covid package, demonizing 74 million people. it's the ever-expanding target of retribution. you start at that bull's-eye center with trump and work your way out to staffers, supporters, voters, and anybody who is not truly in the resistance. >> juan: dagan, to pick up on gregg's point, i don't think unity means no accountability and you can't impeach somebody who try to lead an insurrection against the government. >> dagen: that is your opinion, and that means -- what greg is saying -- one, greg is
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always saying it's not about trump. it was about anyone who did not kowtow to the left wing. they are coming after you if you don't agree with them. number two, it's about helping people. there is a 16 million americans collecting some form of unemployment. i want nancy pelosi to stand in front of a camera and show some honesty and to speak to them and say "we are not helping you, because i'm addicted to trump. i can't get away from him, so we are going to pursue impeachment rather than the aide." they should hurry up on the aide. killing the keystone pipeline kills up to 10,000 high paying union jobs. he rejoined the parish climate accord, that's an extra $1500 in cost every year to americans, while in china still gets to build a coal-fired power plant.
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speaking of cowtown, we bent over to china. >> juan: jesse, mcconnell and republicans didn't approve one of biden's nominees before he took office. mcconnell's famous as an obstructionist. why should democrats just say "we will do anything you want, republicans, we will expect you to play along with us." >> jesse: biden has a small deal to get his deal done. the word in washington if he doesn't have a strategy. he's known for three weeks he has the senate, and everyone is saying "what do you want to do with covid?" he hasn't told them. he has two options. he can go big and bipartisan -- but takes about a month and a half -- or he goes smaller and partisan by nuking the filibuster, and that could come out quicker. you have big and slow, fast and more narrow, one party is happy or both are. you know the drill. everyone is saying "joe, make a
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decision," and he won't act because he has no leadership or managerial skills. >> juan: wow, okay. >> jesse: wow is right. >> juan: the publishing industry joining together to shut up conservatives. next, on "the five." ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ are you ready to join the duers? those who du more with less asthma. thanks to dupixent. the add-on treatment for specific types of moderate-to-severe asthma. dupixent isn't for sudden breathing problems. it can improve lung function for better breathing in as little as 2 weeks and help prevent severe asthma attacks. it's not a steroid but can help reduce or eliminate oral steroids. dupixent can cause serious allergic reactions including anaphylaxis. get help right away if you have rash,
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it is supposed to bam memoirs by former trump officials. i guess that is rewriting history by banning the writing of people you disagree with. this seems like an solution. >> dagen: i think there is a huge financial opportunity. i guarantee you the book publishers don't listen to these calls for canceling anybody who ever worked in the trump administration. there's 74 million people out there who would gladly pick up one of these books, especially given the fact -- here's a little tidbit from the inter-webs. frank and jim comey's new book that came out in the first week of january, it opened at 1% of the first week sales of his last book. it literally is the biggest drop off in the history of book publishing. don't put your chips there.
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>> jesse: call me is not good with it. [laughter] how is that -- >> greg: how is that? you could publish one a pro-trump book every day for the next ten years, and not put down mike match the output of anti-trump things that are out there. why do they need to ban anything when they are so far ahead? >> jesse: because they are soft. the people on that list, they are not even editors. they are small people in academic circles. they can't cut a deal with any of these big shot trump people, even if they had the. you're telling me pence, pompeo, meadows, kushner, stephen miller, those guys can't write their story? that's historical record. they were in the room for coronavirus, the piece deals for the cam assignments. the american people deserve to know that. this is the first controversial administration we've ever had.
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what about nixon and watergate? what about truman dropping the a-bomb, or fdr putting the japanese internment camps? nobody who worked for any of those guys gets to tell their side of the story? that's insane! [laughter] >> greg: juan, you have to agree, you're right books. this is scary. books should have daring subject matter because people pay for the books. it's not like twitter where it's free and you can ban it. this is the last bastion. he bam's stuff, it's over. >> juan: i feel differently. to my mind, first and foremost, these are private companies. they are publishing houses, but it's a private business. conservatives would appreciate that a private business has the right to set its own rules and decide who they want to publish. i don't think there's any question. right now, you see some radio stations setting rules for people.
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you can't say the election was stolen. he see corporate donors are saying they don't want to back people in congress who took part in trying to block the certification of biden's win as president. these are decisions being made by private companies, and i think everybody respects that. to my mind, if it was a matter of sensory somebody, i would be against it. they say these people are traitors to the republic, and they don't see that is good for america. >> greg: that's interesting, dana. did you notice that? it's like, they can control the distribution of speech, but if they decide because they are pressured by a mob, it's okay. in their head, they are traitors, right? so, it's okay to be pressured by a mob to ruin somebody's career. what drives me crazy is what juan just said.
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he can't just say the election is stolen. what do you mean that you can't just say something? that is where we are at. i have a right to say stupid things, as i have proven many times on this show. [laughter] >> dana: thomas spence is a publisher. they picked up -- they've published a lot of conservative books. he said -- first of all, i think this letter is jr. staffers. the younger staffers are making it harder for the adults, but the adults -- talk about pounding sand, do that. these books get to be more famous. greg, you are an english major, you read all the books you can think of in history that have it staying power. they were controversial, or the ones people tried to stop. i'm not saying that josh's book is going to be some literary event, but i will also say this: if any of those people that you mentioned -- pompeo, to
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listen -- if they said "i'm going to tell you, the publisher, my full story, and i'm going to include seven examples of where donald trump was terrible," he would get a big, fat book contract. that book would be controversial. the last thing i will say is, all of these publishers tried to get their authors on fox news, because fox news viewers are also big readers. keep that in mind. speak to a yeah. no, but your point about "it's young people," this is the future -- >> greg: we have young people who do not believe in the first amendment. if they don't like your opinion, it should be silenced. that didn't exist before. it's shameful that established authors aren't standing up to this kind of mob mentality. >> dagen: cannot just add one
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quick thing? the people who were indoctrinated on school campuses are within the halls and at these big tech companies that are censoring conservative voices. that's who they are. >> greg: you know you are safe if you are not writing a daring book. that's why i wrote an incredibly dangerous book. more from "the five" coming up next. ♪ ♪ so through ancestry, i discovered my great aunt ruth signed up as a nursing cadet for world war ii. she was only 17. bring your family history to life like never before. get started for free at
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♪ ♪ >> dana: i think i win music bump in. the internet making some meme magic on this photo, casually dressed bernie sanders in mittens at the inauguration. here is the funniest one we found. bernie sanders sitting next to forrest come, probably asking him "can you redistribute a box of chocolate question "here he is is the newest cash t member of the jersey shore. also, making a cameo in "the fresh prince of bel-air." i sent you when i left, jessie,
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him on the couch with all of your "friends." >> jesse: he was right next to schwimmer, a good place to be. this is so stupid and i love it. the internet makes everyone so dumb. you can watch inauguration and take this away from it? [laughter] many people have not even seen the biden address, but they've seen the burning name. that's how dumb this country is become. >> dana: or, it's a great this country is, maybe? it >> dagen: is dressed better than most of us during covid. i want to run up to him and give him an inappropriately firm hug to de-grump him. he doesn't look happy to be there. >> dana: he was one of the few that didn't try to match his mask to his outfit. >> juan: you know what i thought about those mittens, it's an advantage of old age.
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it took me forever to realize that mittens keep your hands much warmer than the gloves! [laughter] he is a practical hipster. those are vermont hipster gloves. >> dana: would you like a picture of you sitting next to bernie sanders, greg? >> greg: i love all of these memes, but there were two missing. him standing in line for bread and the soviet union, or him on about escaping cuba. [laughter] those would've been perfect for america's most lovable socialist. >> dana: i have a feeling the internet will respond. "one more thing" is up next.
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research shows people remember commercials with nostalgia. so to help you remember that liberty mutual customizes your home insurance, here's one that'll really take you back. wow! what'd you get, ryan? it's customized home insurance from liberty mutual! what does it do bud? it customizes our home insurance so we only pay for what we need! and what did you get, mike? i got a bike.
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only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ (quiet piano music) ♪ ♪ comfort in the extreme. the lincoln family of luxury suvs. are you packed yet? our flight is early tomorrow. and it's a long flight too. once we get there, we will need... buttercup! ♪
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♪ ♪
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d5 it's time for "one more thing." dana perino. >> bill hemmer and i are doing america's newsroom together and waited up podcast, only about 2, i recommend it. right greg? help me. it's so hard. every week. >> greg: exactly, why is it so hard? i cannot plug my podcast because it's like fox news dot plot can slash -- it's like come on, make it easy for people. >> jesse: you know how i do it? i just don't have a podcast. i thought i was the most famous pitch man for roback, obviously i have a little bit of an ego but wednesday i discovered there was even someone more amos than i am. watch this at the inauguration.
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that is 43 with the roback mask right there, you can see it on the sides and you have the american flag right there. great taste by our former president. and they have plenty of stock. they also have somebody is so go check those out. >> greg: all right, let's do this. greg's "what did this dog do to deserve this ovation" quiz. we don't have much time. i want to find out what exactly. everyone is very happy. he has no idea why everyone is clapping for him. it's very, very exciting but he has no idea why, what could it be? why is he being applauded? >> because he's in the chair. >> greg: do you have any
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thoughts? >> he ate all his food. [laughter] >> all right, we have to let you go. i'm sure it was something about your beautiful family, so we will catch you up tomorrow. that's it for us. "special report" up next with bret baier. >> bret: good evening, i'm bret baier. breaking tonight, close to learning a starting date for the second trump impeachment trial in the senate. even though nancy pelosi would not discuss the timeline earlier today, there was some indication tonight that senate leaders may be close to striking a deal. mike emanuel has the latest tonight. >> good evening. mitch mcconnell is told his colleagues that president trump has hired an attorney for his trial, butch bowers from south carolina. mcconnell is reposing to schumer, giving the legal team two weeks to prepare its d


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