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tv   FOX News Primetime  FOX News  January 21, 2021 4:00pm-5:01pm PST

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report." fair, balanced and still unafraid. "fox news primetime," have you seen this show? posted by brian kilmeade this week, and it starts right now. i'm going to toss it to him a few minutes early because i think that's so good. >> brian: and you are out of stuff to say, let's be honest. let's make a great show as usual, see you soon. good evening everyone, i'm brian kilmeade and this is "fox news primetime." the unmistakable team from yesterday's inauguration come disciple calls for unity of the washington, d.c., was warded up, locked down and flooded with troops. there were ten times as many national guardsmen in washington, d.c., as they were in afghanistan right now. the overwhelming security a result of the january 26th on the capital, and you know about that. joe biden made it clear who his top enemy is in the battle for the american soul. >> president biden: i cry that
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can't be any more desperate for any more clear now arises political extremism, white supremacy, domestic terrorism that we must confront and we will defeat. >> brian: while everyone in the capital was focused on the threat of violence that never panned out. but there was chaos in america, he probably didn't hear about it. thousands of miles away he left his balance exploding across the west and you got portland and anti-for thugs carrying knives and molotov cocktails attacking a nice facility because it was a nice facility, smashing windows at oregon's democratic headquarters. as joe commented on that yet? i don't think so. on the walls, f biden. i guess elections don't have consequences with these clowns. writer is an amazon store in the country's first starbucks.
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in denver they burned american flags in front of the state capital so where in joe biden speaks did he condemn antifa? why was everyone silent the summer? why do they continue to ignore the story in the winter? not us. but first to put it in perspective politically, nationally syndicated radio host authored data, and condemning violence. they don't like the democrats either, and why are they scared to condemn them? >> brian, that's the million-dollar question. i don't know why they don't go near this topic but i just thought when joe biden was giving his inaugural address yesterday and he got to the part where he was talking about white supremacy, i don't know if that was his way of referencing antifa considering the makeup of that violent group. and that not a lot of reporting as to what they did in portland,
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i haven't heard him say anything about going after a state party's headquarters. this wasn't like some street teams field office, this was the oregon democratic party headquarters that they went after. i just thought that we would all may be be on the same page of condemning violence but they have such a hard time doing this and i cannot figure out for the life of me why. >> so dana, for the people or five of the people that were arrested last night, they thought they were in their 20's. i'm not sure how this pay is but i since there is money behind them. those are some of the head shots, too, there's a great many. this car is turned over and there are things on fire and ascend as the sun comes down they are out. so who is financing this and why are these anarchists allowed to exist? what is their mission is to mark >> that's a good question. as to who is financing this, i know there's a lot of speculation about this but i'm curious as to whether or not it's going to go past portland.
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or is it not addressed by most media and the democrats because they think it's going to be safely contained and in tupperware fresh portland and as long as the crazy stays there is okay? why seen it kind of bleed over from portland into other parts of the country but, that's just it. i don't know how these people eat or how they survive. do they work in shifts? how do you take time off from your job for that long to go and bust up other people's businesses. we know they kindergarten, we seen that chas top thing and they can't grow food so i don't know what they are doing for money in order to sustain themselves. what is behind this? it can't be zeal because at some point you just tire out. and the nation gets tired with you. >> so think about this angle. the capital is already rebuilt and restored, the cleaning crews come in and as horrific as january 6th is it's almost back to normal. minneapolis is not back to normal, kenosha is not back to
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normal in seattle has never been normal. the people there that want to keep their delis open in their restaurants driving even during the pandemic can't do it because the place has been destroyed. in some of the cities the owners have to pay to get their building back and they have to pay rent and at least. this is america, most of the people that watch us are in these areas, in the midwest and the upper west and they are saying, why doesn't anyone care? >> i love that point you make about the businesses and the conversation about big tech that everyone has, they say it's private business and they can do what they want but that hasn't been the position this entire year. if you are a private business then you can open, earning a living and you can pay your employees and you can pay that
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property tax that you will still have to pay in full even though your area in which your property resides is going to be forcibly shut down by the government. you are not going to be able to earn the revenue to be that property tax. notice how no one is getting a moratorium on that. how about the things that all that money pays for, the taxes? no moratorium there. to your point there are still businesses that are -- they were businesses gone forever because of these riots, because of the destruction and not just in minneapolis but elsewhere. i noticed that we have now a sitting vice president that was happy to advocate for a bailout fund during that time which all of these violent rioters were being arrested and it comes out later that a lot of these people were repeat offenders. it wasn't just rioters that were getting bailed out, serious crimes like sex offenders et cetera. and these business owners are still trying to pick up the pieces of their lives because people decided they wanted to engage in property destruction and assault as a protected form of speech.
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and we condemn a substitute as either peaceful civic duty and participation or protected speech. we did it with the riot that was at the capitol last wednesday and we've done it not just with everything, all of the violence that we seen in the previous year but all of the leftist violence that we seen in the years up to it. i wish there was one ideology in the united states of america that could be as consistent and condemn violence when they see it, and not just when they think it benefits them politically. >> it so interesting to, as you were making that point, they want to tar all the trump supporter's with those idiots that rated their capital. wrong. i don't think every democrat is reflected in antifa, but they refused to comment on antifa and that's not right. they put in that inaugural speech, and that's a unity message, final thought?
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>> i think i figured out why they won't say anything about antifa because this is the base. they have the blank bite and signs up in portland, and they are more than happy to vote democrat. a lot of the folks that go out into the streets and protests, some who would engage in riots, they built a particular way. they go after the activist street name of your party that's providing the motivation and of the agitation in order to keep everyone's passion high and tensions strong. they are more interested in party unity than country unity. >> brian: thank you for joining us and thanks for leading us off. >> thank you brian, good to see you. >> brian: at let's build on this and find out exactly what happened last night. she doesn't have to be explained to what antifa is, you've seen
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it up close and personal. some of the things they wrote, we want everything. we want revenge. what do you mean everything they want to come it revenge? >> well that's the question i think what they want is anything they want. i think they have a particular ideology down in sacramento yesterday and one of the speakers was saying, actually in portland was saying even aoc was too conservative for them. what they want is getting out into the street and causing destruction. as far as i've seen that's what they know how to do. >> so they decide whether they are allowed to film or not. only want certain types of people covering them. >> and those people basically are, we are talking very young
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people and they put press on their hats and medic on their bodies and when you are a regular news person like i am come that they steal your camera, the rough you up, and they do not want you filming and they want to control the narrative. america thinks, they see these people being besieged by the police and that's the only message they want out there. well sir. the feds did throw tear gas and you know when? three hours after their building had been hit with flaming trash and they are signing these high-powered lasers and a trying to blind officers and setting fires. less than it was in the summer but pretty much they are doing the same thing every night. i don't think they have any
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ideas, i really don't. >> brian: while when someone is financing them and this is getting paid to come a lot of these kids are young adults and someone is paying them and they have college educations in many cases and they are choosing to do this for the self worth. they have very little regard as we are seeing these flags burned so that country they are in, they want no jails, no prisons and no cops. >> that's right. this all really picked up steam during covid-19 and they didn't have jobs, a lot of them. in the schools were closed down. it was like legit you could go outside and hang with your crew and save the world and make the world a better place. well after eight months, you think that they would get tired. and just try to build something and say, hey, you know what? let's do something else tonight, maybe they are going to talk about it. and of course they have the assist from the local mayor and the d.a., even though we had a
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huge new year's eve protests and finally the mayor came out and said i'm going to get tough, i'm calling and other factions. and it hasn't happened. when he came out and said that i thought, you know what? i'm going to have a little bit of hope that he's actually going to do it but it hasn't happened. nothing has happened. >> brian: so mayor wheeler put on a mask, they are attacking federal buildings and he was very critical. he put on his mask and he was actually with the protesters and now he's getting tough because he's been embarrassed. he ran again, got reelected and ran against a current and former nt for member and that's the only reason he won. now they are harassing him and his family. final thought? >> you know they drove him out, instead of standing up to the protesters, he moved out. i think what has to happen is the d.a. who decided we were not going to arrest people for protesting, i think there has to
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be consequence. if you go out and break some windows, you are going to get arrested. and i think that has to happen, too. >> brian: no question. nancy, we appreciate the bravery you are showing by continuing to shoot it and being there on the streets. thank you. we move ahead to come up just getting started. who's to blame for the covid-19 pandemic? china now saying it was the american's fault, i think that means us. we manufacture data. the u.s. lab, they even named of the lab and the u.s. world health organization is being urged to investigate. let's get on it. i wonder what tom cotton thinks about that, he gets everybody angry even though he's smiling now. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ (quiet piano music)
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♪ ♪ comfort in the extreme. the lincoln family of luxury suvs.
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>> brian: at welcome back and thanks for watching. who better to investigate the origin of the coronavirus outbreaks in china. but they claim the virus may not have originated in china after all. instead they suspect it all started about a lab in maryland. fort dietrich. they want to send in a team from the world health organization, you know, the one who can't get to wuhan and investigate where it really started, they want to send them to maryland. let's ask senator tom dutton. this is a hot story, are you going to follow it? >> brian, let's just say that i'm not going to investigate fort dietrich on the origins of the coronavirus. it was a year ago that i made my first official act about the coronavirus, i wrote to the administration then asked them to stop travel from china and a year ago tomorrow that i discussed my first media appearance. the media appearance was on the brian kilmeade's show on 22nd last year. i didn't have any special
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information, and i could simply tell from the way that china was lying and covering up that the origins of this virus on the one hand and the drastic far-reaching lockdowns they were imposing, it would be much more dangerous than they were saying and sadly that proved right. china has not come clean about the origins of the virus which i still believe resulted from a lab accident in wuhan. >> brian: a couple of things come up today was the day that w.h.o. greeted america back. i'm ready to pay you again and great job on the pandemic. they still haven't figured out how it started and they are still answering to china on everything. who sent them in their in such a demeaning way? why didn't you come in there with guns blazing and say i'm back, things are going to change. >> that's because they are in hock to china and in some cases their leaders are in hock to china. w.h.o. has consistently aided
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and abetted china and covering up the origins of the virus. china continues to lie and continues to intimidate. just yesterday, against high-ranking trump officials, that was not so much against those officials but shot across the bow of joe biden's national security team and if you take a tough line on china we will take a tough line on you. that has to be met with a response by the biden administration and from the congress we cannot allow china to continue this campaign of lies and disinformation and intimidation. >> brian: in fact we have it, here's an excerpt from what you are referring to in "the washington post." here it is, we don't have it? that's all right, we have some time. the true intent of sanctions is an audacious attempt to intimidate them against continuing any of the trunk
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policies. we know that mike pompeo is not going to vacation in wuhan and we also know that donald trump or anybody like john bolton, they said it's a badge of honor. but you are trying to say this is a brush back pitch to the administration but so far antony blinken, the incoming secretary of state we assume has been strong saying essentially the trump administration had a right to be tough. it is that encouraging? >> that's encouraging but they need to specifically condemn the actions of the chinese communist party took against these out outgoing officials. this is a shot across the bow of biden officials and this is not some laughing matter saying we can't take our wives on the second honeymoon to wuhan, it's targeting any company with which these officials are affiliated. there's a law for firm or a university, or maybe a think tank. if they have any interest in china in which a vast number of companies and universities and institutions do that would
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threaten their livelihood and those institutions may not bring them back. they may not do so publicly but that goes to show the risk of the economic entanglement that we allowed to rise up over the years and why we need to decouple that economic entanglement because china doesn't have this kind of leverage over us. >> brian: is unbelievable, too, but the e.u. is making another trade deal with china at a time with which they literally poison the world with their economy. that shows they have no backbone and we have to step in and say we are not acting like aloe allies. but let me bring you into something else. you are now in the minority, and if the past is prologue, we could look to how barack obama handles his years, when things went wrong, we quickly went bush. >> i want to say a few words about the deepening economic crisis that we've inherited and the need for urgent action.
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my administration inherited a deficit of over $1 trillion. we've inherited economic crisis is deep and as dire as any great depression. >> we saw it for six years, and there's no plan to put the vaccine back in people's arms. there was no plan at all, already exaggerating and saying his plan of 1 million shots per day is something he's going to aspire to. he said we are basically already doing that. so can you see this happening again, blame trump instead of blame bush? >> i'm pretty sure that joe biden will try to do that but number donald trump and no american is responsible for this pandemic or the recession that it unleashed. it was -- to say there is no plan at all, there's a reason why there are multiple vaccines now either approved or soon to be approved and that's because of operational warp speed. the trump administration got up viable vaccine to market and distribute, something that often takes a decade.
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just last week we were averaging more than 900 shots per day. this is joe biden and his administration trying to deflect blame and lower expectations. they were given the miracle of a vaccine in record time and at the end of the day. >> brian: you've had a long day, have a great evening and we will see you soon. so much of what the senator has said has come true and he initially gets criticized. straight ahead, what happens if the bidens administrations regulations cost you your job? pete buttigieg is says, find a new one. my friend recommended safelite autoglass. they came right to me, with expert service where i needed it.
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♪ rock music ♪ >> man: that's service i can trust... no matter what i'm hauling. right, girl? >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪
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>> brian: i have some good news, three quick headlines, stuff you need to know. parler just dealt a major blow to get back online after a judge ruled that amazon does not have to temporarily restore web services for the social media platforms while the companies continue to battle out in court. amazon d platforms after the january 6 riot at the capitol. muriel bowser lifting the ban on indoor dining in our nation's capital starting at 5:00 a.m. tomorrow. restaurants will not be allowed to operate at 25% capacity to close out inauguration week which is great. but the mayor didn't offer any science to support the decision in a case you were wondering there are almost twice as many new covid-19 cases in d.c. yesterday as there were on election day november 3rd. finally, white house press secretary jen saki is now defending president joe biden's decision to take off his mask last night just hours after signing an executive order which would stop him from taking his mask off last night. watch. >> joe biden often talks about,
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not the example of power but the power of our example. it was not a good example for people who are watching? >> i think we have bigger issues to worry about at this point in time. >> she also went on to say he's celebrating. that's right, we can take our mask off if we are celebrating and only joe biden can celebrate. meanwhile, joe biden's latest round of executive orders, he saw he muddled through an mumbled through his mask. cracking down especially hard on the oil and gas industry, they say it must be done to slow the progress of climate change. but if you are one of the thousands of people who will lose your job because of that, don't panic. pete buttigieg has your back and says you can find a new one, job that is. >> so for those workers the answer is someone else will get the job? >> we are eager to see those workers continue to be employed in union jobs even if it might be different ones. >> brian: here to react, someone who has a job with
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"the new york post," amanda devine. sound callous? they never thought of that, if you lose your job, go find another. >> it's typical like the last of the democrats. people who live in the ivory tower and have never done an honest day of laboring work ever in their life and they have no respect for it. it's very easy for them to tell people to go and get a job, go and learn to code. i remember joe biden saying that two coal miners. it just shows no understanding and manufacturing jobs and also what happens if you learn to code, because coding jobs are the first ones that get outsourced to india. >> so if you are part of the football team, try baseball? so here's what i'm talking about in terms of jobs and these aren't estimates, these are facts. he says i'm not going to pay for the wall anymore, i'm going to stop it.
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so now you pay the fine, and it doesn't matter what he said to the deficit, to get 270,000 tons of steel ballads. they will destroy them and that will cost additional money. it will be working and paid for for the next two years putting up the wall and this is the guy senator joe biden who paid in 2006 to secure and sign onto the secure fence act to build 650 miles of wall. so the effort is not even sincere, you can't even say he wants to stop it. >> no. this is someone as we know who has very flexible morality and doesn't practice what he preaches. and there is another few thousand jobs gonna come another few thousand in the pipeline. you know we are in the middle of a pandemic. we have -- joblessness has skyrocketed and he is reducing border protection. at a time when we have a
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pandemic and there's coronavirus pain comic rampant south of the border who are on their way here and this is what you call a super spreader event, joe biden claims that he so paranoid about. >> so that xl pipeline was commissioned in 2015 and they said it would be environmentally damaging so five times barack obama's administration checked it out and has zero effect on the environment. if it you use rail or cars in the first thing that president biden does yesterday stop it, and american fuel is not used. please tell us what his rationale is. >> he's just kowtowing to the as far left environmental groups and they have no respect for the
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fact that america became energy independent and 2019, and that means that we don't have any reliance on overseas oil which is a good thing. it means that we have cheap abundant energy. but we are supposed to leave it locked in the ground and somehow go back to living in caves. >> brian: what i think is most frustrating is i wanted to believe in america united i think that's absolutely united. we will meet with mitch mcconnell in two weeks about this. the wall is already paid for, along with the technology and it could be effective. i understand it's politically a third rail and we will examine this a little while longer. instead if you are a refugee you get the stay, and if you build the wall then you get the stop.
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>> with 26 minutes left in the show, we will show you what happens when dave portnoy founder of barstool sports meets the owner of the business he helped save for for the first t. plus, why he is calling out the commissioner of the nfl roger caddell again. you are not going to believe. martin's family needs it with hassle-free claims, he got paid before his neighbor even got started. because doing right by our members, that's what's right. usaa. what you're made of, we're made for. ♪ usaa ♪
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>> decades of blood, sweat, and tears building, they've done whatever and scratched and clawed, and it's like you are done, we shut it down. how do you expect people to survive? you want people to go out to dinner now an ice-cold temperatures? >> brian: he took action and he's just as outraged as you are. so for barstool sports founder dave portnoy, what started as a
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rant that you just heard about covid-19 restrictions in new york city has turned into a full-blown national movement to save businesses across the country. and by schools funded to about small businesses, i've never seen anything like this. they've now raised $30 million to help small business owners survive the pandemic. since our first piece aired on tuesday 3.6 million has poured into the fund. here's part two about what it's like to be dave portnoy. >> so you got called out, so who called you out. >> he's like a billionaire. he said if you start a fund and put 500 grand of your own money into it, i'll match it, is what he said.
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>> we want to help. >> and we don't have any more money >> very excited to help. >> your amazing. >> when you decide to take take action you met all of these people. whatever it takes to be successful, get out of my way, not looking for a pat on the back but just a chance. >> i'd rather work a hundred hours and no successes because of me as opposed to somebody else, ironically because the pandemic got ripped away from people. >> we are about to come on, one of the business owners that was selected and hit the criteria. >> yes. he had a moving story. >> my name is john pallotta. we are in the middle of the pandemic as you see is see is dining >> he picture of the and finer and it was empty, he was
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going through some personal issues and the whole story resonated. i remember the call, he was super appreciative. >> we need help right now. >> nice to meet you. and what have you been going for going through? >> it's been quite some time now since they announce everything back in march and i basically thought that was it. the cold weather settled in and just deepened the wounds. it's early december, and that is just like another punch in the face there. and that devastated me. i'm looking through instagram and on christmas eve i'm at work, and it was just dead.
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and i'm like, you know what, i'm here. i started it out with my dad, he taught me everything i know. and he just passed away last week. i took my phone out, didn't even see what i looked like. and i said dave, this is it. this is the story, there's nobody around. we need help and i started crying. my dad and everything, and i sent it out. the next day was christmas day. >> john. i said i have some good news for you. you're the exact kind of guy we want to help so we are going to do that for you. >> you just made my day.
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i feel like i'm dreaming right now. >> i was three months behind on rent and when this all happened everything just happened so fast. >> this is who we are trying to help, it's a small business. don't give up hope. you know, we are all suffering here, we are altogether. and i'm fortunate enough to have barstool come and take care of me and my business. not only me but my house is tied into this too. >> you know it, and the vaccine is on the way. your customer and business will be standing up soon, we hope. >> i think we can take a seat here. >> when you see the reaction of these business owners and you see the stress just walk away and break down, you can't ignore that. it doesn't matter who you are, you see what they are going through, the struggle and
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everything. and i think that's why the thing has gotten so big. and i talked to the sylvester stallone government could rock and aaron rodgers. and that's it. i'm used to people coming at me. >> of the days of you being arrested at the super bowl, are they over? >> i'm the same guy, i'll have to ask roger caddell that. >> then you are right. >> if you'd donated $250,000 to this cause, >> i wouldn't be surprised if he does that. what a great story but it's not just elon musk, its sylvester stallone and john tapper, the
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$25.50, it's all helping. he pays them once but gets them on a monthly and it's the same infrastructure. barstool to get it done. and don't worry about these guys, it's going to the right place. special thanks to smithfield there in new york city, and he doesn't like soccer, he likes the other football. meanwhile, go to barstool coming up next, lou holtz. he will talk to you about how to get a locker room together and we have to get it back on the field.
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i was there, just not always where i needed to be. is she alright? i hope so. so i talked to my doctor about humira. i learned humira is for people who still have symptoms of crohn's disease after trying other medications. the majority of people on humira saw significant symptom relief in as little as 4 weeks. and many achieved remission that can last. humira can lower your ability to fight infections. serious and sometimes fatal infections, including tuberculosis, and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened, as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common and if you've had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores . don't start humira if you have an infection. be there for you and them. ask your gastroenterologist about humira. with humira, remission is possible.
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>> brian: americans have always been able to rely on sports, not only spans in the conceits but athletes have been able to play. this year strong coaches kept the team which gave us something to watch and something to do. legendary coach loopholes called on the games, and they listen to you. i have to salute sports were playing at finding a way.
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are you hopping happy about it now? >> i know there were some games that were canceled because of covid but i don't know a single athlete that was hospitalized overnight for it. it affects everyone but you have to continue to move on. >> 361 sports games in total, and kids are not susceptible for the most part. and whether it's more on the football team or the basketball team, it's what makes this country great. you learn to compete, you learn to have disappointment. and there were so many lessons
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that were learned, and i have to tell you. you look for people that participate in sports because they learned about teamwork and adversity in handling things. >> the whole pandemic was about overcoming adversity, and you have to get lock currents together. for minnesota to south kona to notre dame to the new york jets. their advice, lou holst was a device for the locker and that could help america right now? >> i think the most important thing was understand that we all had the same goal. if we have the same goal that we may have a difference of opinion but we don't have a promise. however if your goal is to play class warfare and things along that line, then let's make sure what made this country great. and that's because we are giving people the entrepreneur is an opportunity to succeed or fail. there's no guarantee he will succeed, you might even feel that you have to learn to get yourself up and brush yourself off and learn from it and move on.
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give people the opportunity to turn their life, don't keep me alive by keeping me from living and that's what they are doing. >> brian: patrick mounds gives a concussion on sunday, should he play this weekend? >> that's not the coach's decision at all. when i was coaching and the guy was injured, it's a doctors and the trainers, they tell me when he's able to play but i don't count on him until he is. when i played it, you got knocked out and they give you some smelling salts and you woke up, and they held up their fingers and you said the number and they put you back in the game. but the doctors in the trainers determine whether patrick my home should play or not, no coach should have that responsibility, he's not qualified nor is he trained to do so. too much responsible to brim to make that decision and effects of one's future. >> brian: you give the nation a pep talk, you always do. >> coaching football or soccer is all the same, it's a about getting people to work together.
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stay healthy sir. >> think is so much, pleasure to be with you brad. >> brian: i will be back to wrap things up in just a moment, don't move. eyes over-the-counter eye drops typically work by lubricating your eyes and may provide temporary relief. ha! these drops probably won't touch me. xiidra works differently, targeting inflammation that can cause dry eye disease. what is that? xiidra, noooo! it can provide lasting relief. xiidra is the only fda approved treatment specifically for the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease. one drop in each eye, twice a day. don't use if you're allergic to xiidra. common side effects include eye irritation, discomfort or blurred vision when applied to the eye, and unusual taste sensation. don't touch container tip to your eye or any surface. after using xiidra, wait 15 minutes before reinserting contacts.
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got any room in your eye? talk to an eye doctor about twice-daily xiidra. i prefer you didn't! xiidra. not today, dry eye.
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♪ ♪ >> brian: it's been fun, right? before we get to talk her, just final thoughts here. bitterness is nothing new. what i find most disconcerting, which is one area is a fundamental belief that america is the best country in the world. we don't need a curriculum change in our elementary schools. we don't need critical race theory in our high schools and colleges. we don't need to apologize. america is a place where you have the opportunity to be successful and pursue happiness. it's a place that allows you to take risks and yes, fail. sometimes life isn't fair. get over it. not asking a president to fix your problems. they can't. they never will. never were re-taught that we were a perfect country but what i do believe that what makes us
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great is that we try to be. instead why the generation before us put them up. we will always have divergent views of how to best move our country forward. but, we all agree that one we talk about the united states america, you are talking about the best? if we start out with that belief, we will work the rest down. people are going to resent the united states and they will, let them live outside the united states. joe biden, i believe that you believe that america is simply the best. please convince your party. meanwhile, i have to convince you to listen to my radio show tomorrow between nine and noon amongst our guests and i am bragging. it's a lot of people. he knows a lot about nato. used to run it. will cain, endlessly -- as is geraldo. and kennedy, i was on that show already this week. thank you so much for watching "prime time."
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i'm brian. i will see you again tomorrow but meanwhile, coming up next, we have this guy named tucker carlson. he writes brilliantly. he writes all his own stuff. how he does it each and every night, i don't know. i don't want to be let down and i am going to watch the show here but i am going to get into a more casual outfit. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> tucker: good evening and welcome to "tucker carlson tonight." it's joe biden's first day in office and we know what that means. cnn can finally take that covid death sticker off his screen. there's no reason for it now. it's not like you can blame joe biden for some chinese virus that escapes from a lab in wuhan. covid deaths? settle down, america. it's just a bad flu season. so bite and apparently agrees. they were seen without masks. but it's not a big deal.
5:01 pm
he was celebra


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