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tv   Outnumbered  FOX News  January 22, 2021 9:00am-10:01am PST

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mockingbird" and "huckleberry finn" have always been controversial, but rather than getting banned for being against racism, they are getting banned because some feel it is promoting it. >> harris: thank you very much. we will hit that on another day when we have a little bit more time to flush it out. but i appreciate the first report. now be 25. there have been a couple of things in the last hour that we want to catch everybody up on. so we are going to see our first impeachment article presented on monday. we had wondered about the timing of all of this. we know the house has impeached president trump twice, and the house of representatives voted wednesday, january 13th 2 impeached president trump for high crimes of misdemeanors for inciting what we saw in that insurrection and grants the
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federal government at the u.s. capitol. now the move ahead. remember nancy pelosi speaker of the house had been hanging on to those articles of impeachment to come down the second time. and we weren't sure of when and what this would look like, and now we know. we know exactly what it will look like. and we begin this hour of "outnumbered" with more on this. chad pergram is live at the u.s. capitol. chad, i appreciate you joining me on this, because even in the last few minutes we are getting some response from lawmakers on capitol hill about how this could go. >> that's right, for all intents and purposes, the impeachment trial begins on monday. i will talk about that more in a few minutes here. they have been waiting for waiting for house speaker nancy pelosi to dispatch this article, singular at this time of impeachment over to the united states senate. she held the articles of impeachment last time for 28 days. this time only a week and a
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half. the senate trial starts on monday. here is the new senate majority leader chuck schumer. >> i have spoken to speaker pelosi who informed me that the articles will be delivered to the senate on monday. >> and so here is what happens on monday, we will see the house impeachment managers, the prosecutors of the case walk the articles of impeachment over from the house to the senate side. at that point the acting senate sergeant at arms informs the senate that "all persons are commanded to keep silence on pain of imprisonment while the house of representatives is exhibiting to the united states articles of impeachment against president donald john trump. the article has been read aloud and the senate shows the manager's incitement of insurrection is the charge." they have been working on a side deal in the senate to set up a framework for this senate impeachment trial, the second one for president trump that would basically give the house
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managers in president trump's counsel some time to prepare. so even though the trial operationally starts on monday, what they are hoping to do is buy some time before you get into the meat and potatoes of the trial in mid-february. dan's an agreement, everything else stops in the united states senate. that means covid relief, confirmation of president biden's cabinet nominees. you have to be six days, a week at 1:00 to deal with the impeachment trial if you don't have an agreement. >> harris: we remember that from the first time around. and so it is really not true, it is truly a lie when you hear democrats say, no, we can do this all at one time. you have to meet every day i want to clock in the afternoon for six days in a row. you just simply said things come to a halt while they tried to do this again in the senate for senate trial for president. they have already impeached him. >> a separate agreement worked out, because then you can walk and chew gum at the same time. the other problem here, and i
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heard this from joe manchin, the democratic senator, we might want to move expeditiously with the operation of the trial, but we want it to be fair, so you have to give time to president trump's counsel to prepare their case. these impeachment managers, nobody knew that they were even going to be impeachment managers until a week or two ago. so they have to prepare their case as well buying some time works in everybody's interest here if they are going to have a fair trial in the united states senate. >> you mention senator manchin, and he has a blue dog democrat for lack of a better phrase. he is more conservative than the other democrats that sit around them on the senate and i am curious what people are telling him, what he is hearing from his constituents. is this what americans want? when you say they can't do this ideal and things get put on hold? it is a pandemic, people. >> keep in mind just how tough it may be to get that covid relief package together, remember it took about six or seven months for the ones they
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finally approved in december. john kuhn, the republican senator with indicated that a lot of senators on this side of the aisle would not be for $1.9 trillion in new spending. so if it took a long time on the last covid bill, imagine how tough it will be in this environment while you are trying to manage and impeachment trial. >> all right, chad pergram, thank you. and let's begin "outnumbered." i am harris faulkner, host of "kennedy" kennedy herself, gillian turner, syndicated radio host leslie marshall. and in the virtual center seat today, former education secretary under president reagan, fox news contributor bill bennett is here. let's listen first or sean hannity from last night on the prospect of a second impeachment trial for former president trump. >> at this point a senate trial serves absolutely no purpose but to inflame the tensions of this country. it is the swamp theater and it is at its worst.
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>> harris: bill bennett, i come to you first for topline reaction. >> bill: it does serve a purpose, not to disagree with sean, it is to punish trump and try to destroy his legacy, which is being done by these executive orders one by one. and it is to send him a message to trump voters. i would remind people that two days ago we had a speech, and inaugural speech broadly praised by a lot of people, in which he talked about unity. and being neighborly. impeaching somebody is not exactly neighborly. this is the guy that he just moved out of the house you moved into, president biden. this is a very bad signal, it delays things, but worse than that it shows where the heart of this administration is, revenge. >> harris: he has already been impeached twice now, that have been in the house. and leslie, i'm just wondering, when you hear whom i have described as a blue dog democrat, senator manchin
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talking about the fact that we have to make sure that this is fair and you don't want it to be shortened, because nobody will think that is fair. so they have to keep it on schedule and if they can't do a side deal from chads reporting, then it is 1:00 at six days a week, they won't be doing anything else. so let's throw out the idea of walking and chewing gum at the same time, is this what the american people want to see you? >> first of all, president biden did request that they bifurcate their schedule and meet between the time period and after the impeachment having two lane so that we don't disregard the agenda which is first and foremost covid. this is not just about democrats. you have ten republicans along with democrats in the house, both of the majority and the minority leader in the senate agreeing to delaying this a bit, and you also have signals from mitch mcconnell that he was in favor of the impeachment. we don't know how it will vote, and we don't know if he can get 60 additional republican senators to go along with him.
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we are also in working territory constitutionally. donald trump is no longer president of the united states. the senate and voting to either acquit or convict, if you convict you are removing a sitting president, which he no longer is, but obviously if they do vote to convict, they can go to the next measure which is to prevent him from running for office in the future. i don't think that that is in the face of unity, because if you look at the polls two days ago approximately a third of republicans are in favor of this, a majority of independents and a majority of democrats in the united states. >> harris: kennedy. >> kennedy: they are not going to get the votes though. that's the problem. and the democrats have already revealed their hand that the point of this entire exercise is to make sure that their ultimate political adversary can never run for office again. that's the point of this. and that is political, that's not necessarily punitive.
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so at this point, i hate to say it, but it is a worthless exercise. and i also think that they impeach him for the wrong thing. i thought that the call with the georgia secretary of state was more of an issue. but even with that they would not have had time to read and i don't like this back and forth revenge. believe me, i love gridlock, but not of this variety, because it is so incredibly negative. and our political discourse is already in the toilet. so what happens when republicans have this house in the senate again. will they find a reason to impeach joe biden? will they dig through hunter's laptop as much as possible to find any sort of loose string to tie him to that scandal? bad new bears. >> harris: gillian, you heard leslie saying that president biden has asked them to bifurcate their time, so you do a little bit of impeachment
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and you sandwich it between getting some work done may be early next week after impeachment is over. i thought he was not getting involved? >> gillian: if i am the biden administration right now i am thinking this is the worst-case scenario for the agenda. for the first 100 days he has in office, because every hour that is given over to impeachment as an hour taken away from getting biden's confirmation through the process and getting his policy is enacted, from getting through this mammoth immigration bill that they dropped yesterday. it is a zero-sum game no matter what congress wants to tell you about how they can bifurcate their schedule, there is 24 hours in a day and they don't work more than 80 of them generally. certainly not going to be doing 16 months on end. a quick note on president trump, he departed under a cloud of impeachment, but he took with him and 87% approval rating among republicans according to the latest nbc poll, that is a powerful tool.
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he has a going into this trial, and i think the democrats need to take heed if they are serious about promoting the biden agenda. not saying that any at politician should be absolved or getting away for doing misdeeds if they have committed them. but the american voter going into the impeachment trial should be a factor here for the democrats. >> harris: bill bennett, before we scoot to commercial i want a final thought from you just on this. it is interesting, if, in fact, to this takes up a chunk of time in the first 100 days, what does that say to the american people about where we are? >> bill: what it tells you is where the democrats are, which is they have blood in their eyes and they are after trump, they are after donald trump. i don't think he is going to run again, but will he have influence? you bet he will. and the most will be the doctrine and you are not going to be able to kill that.
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of those policy that were so successful, they are not going to be able to destroy those. but they are showing who they are. they are showing their cards with all this baloney that we got at the inaugural about neighborliness and unity and friendship and so on has just been shown to be a big farce, a big lie. >> harris: all right, outrage from both sides of the political aisle after national guard troops deployed to the u.s. capital to protect president biden's inauguration had to sleep on a crowded garage floor. they have been booted out of the u.s. capital. who is exactly responsible for doing this? the panel debates. plus republicans ramping up pressure on president biden and democrats to condemn far left antifa and anarchists after a new round of violent protesting in portland. and seattle, and denver this week. why won't they denounce them? stay close. ♪ ♪
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>> kennedy: growing outrage of the capital guard members who had been called, thousands had to crowd into a parking garage to take their breaks. they were kept there in very close quarters with moving cars and exhaust fumes and with troops potentially exposed to an infected with coronavirus. one guardsman saying they were "on top of each other all day every day." they were told to wear a mask unless eating and drinking while packed together. two members telling "the washington post" that they slept on concrete. to the parking lot they were relocated to had a single power outlet, no internet, and just
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one bathroom with two stalls. some guardsman saying they felt incredibly betrayed given that they had spent more than a week guarding the u.s. capital. now the governors of texas, florida, and new hampshire ordering their troops home after the reported treatment. bill bennett, your reaction when you hear those reports and you see some of these photos which really appeared to back up what these are saying. >> bill: the escalation of language a little bit. i can't feel outraged yet. i mean, what happened, why it happened, should it have happened? i spoke to my son who was a marine and they said they were sleeping in a garage, he said, yep, what's the problem, i slept in a lot worse than that. and so have the national guardsmen. it sends like somebody sending them to the wrong place at the wrong time, i'm not sure it is an outrage. they should go home because there really was not any reason for all of them to be here in this time for them to go home. these are tough people.
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and you know, i have thought that night in a garage, they can survive. i'm sorry i'm not raising to the level of outrage that everybody else's, but taking it from a marine who says, you know, this is not the worst thing that ever happened. certainly not the worst in the capital in the last couple weeks. >> kennedy: i understand that, but was $700 billion plus defense budget, you would think that maybe they could spare a cot or two. but you do have governors who are outraged, because they send their national guard's members to the capital to help out. harris, they wanted to do something, they wanted to be of service when something went so horribly wrong and the nation has been wounded. and now they want them back considering the treatment, what are your thoughts? >> harris: you know, we all want to do something last night when we saw those pictures, lawmakers who were offering their law offices, however in disrepair, so you get that.
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i love hearing bill bennett's perspective and having grown up in the military brett from a combat pilot who has seen conditions a lot worse than that garage floor, i had not thought of it that way. i will tell you this though, this is a lack of leadership. that's what it looks like. and i don't know whose job it was at the u.s. capital, does not want to touch it, it was not his and then they move the steaming pile of poo to the next person and it moves around. that's why you get snafu from the military when you cannot say what the acronym is on eric, this is a failure of leadership. what happen on january 6th also a failure of leadership. and for those law enforcement agencies to talk to each other. we saw it on air, people walking from president trump's speech over to the capital. you saw some of the splintering and you did not know where people were going. they were passing through law enforcement that had not been communicated with with whatever intelligence was coming in was saying there could be some problems today. so that's what it looks like.
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it's just around two. and i'm just so prayerfully thankful that nobody was injured and as bill points out, these are some tough people. they can take an overrun bathroom and a concrete floor. but what about the leaders? >> kennedy: i understand that, but just because they can take that does not mean that we should give it to them. >> gillian: what kennedy said is exactly right. >> kennedy: yes, they are tough and strong, but they do deserve a little bit of respect and it is pretty stark, but nobody is taking responsibility for it, the u.s. capitol police said, you know, we told them to take breaks and we had a good spot for them. who is responsible? >> bill: lets find out who is responsible. >> gillian: let's just say that they are here because capitol police leadership failed some miserably to fulfill their duty on january 6th and allow the capital to be invaded and overrun. at that not happen the city
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would not be in the dismal state that it is right now, locked down, you can't walk anywhere, you can't drive anywhere. it's like living under martial law. we are now going to be half a week out from the inauguration, why are these people here? they should be home with their families. it's not under imminent threat anymore, everybody has acknowledge that. they should not be here anyway. so i think that people like ron desantis are hitting the nail on the head when they say these people need to get home. that should be the priority. it does not matter where they are sleeping, they should not be sleeping in d.c. any longer. >> bill: it is a leadership question. let's find out who is responsible. >> leslie: the capital police have apologized. they have said that they could come back in. and spokesperson came up and spoke out about this and we have lawmakers in both the house and the senate on both sides outraged and as harris pointed out on both sides offering their
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office. as a matter of fact, kind of cute, joey jones on twitter said she is trying to win me over when she says this is an outrage, you can sleep in my office. and kudos to senator duckworth who lost both of her legs in iraq as a veteran, and said, this is an outrage, and she did not get off the phone until that changed within hours both democrats and republicans work together to get this done. but it does seem the capital cal police are doing the apology. so that would be the chain of command. >> harris: why are they apologizing if they did not do anything wrong? we just need to find out who did what, who is responsible for the big steaming pile of poo. show our military some respect. it does not seem like brain surgery. but to guess when you get closer to washington, maybe it is. >> bill: yes, the swamp. hold them responsible. find out who is responsible, hold them responsible, i hope
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this is the worst night they ever spend. i hope that's the case. >> kennedy: well said. deafening silence from democrats and several american cities again rocked by antifa violence. the top republican says it is past time for president biden to denounce the carnage. plus we discussed the new white house secretary's definition of transparency as she sidesteps questions on key issues. that's coming up. >> i don't think i heard an answer about whether or not the president supports keeping the filibuster. ♪ ♪ we made usaa insurance for members like martin. an air force veteran made of doing what's right, not what's easy. so when a hailstorm hit, usaa reached out before he could even inspect the damage. that's how you do it right. usaa insurance is made just the way martin's family needs it with hassle-free claims, he got paid before his neighbor even got started. because doing right by our members, that's what's right. usaa. what you're made of,
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predecessor and on killing the filibuster. watch. >> the senate is being held up by the dispute over the filibuster, where does president biden come down on that? >> we have seen him work with republicans and democrats and work towards a bipartisan approach to passing packages that will address the crises we are facing and that is his priority and his preference. >> i don't think i heard an answer about whether the president supports keeping the filibuster, where he sits on that? has he talked to senator schumer about that? >> he wants to work with members of both parties and find paths forward. i do not have any more conversations to read out. it's big unless i am not understanding. >> i do not have any more to add to my answer. >> harris: bill bennett, i will begin with you. >> bill: not particularly transparent, you can't really see through that one, can you?
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so it takes two days. this would be a great thing for joe biden to do. let me just say that, for him to say, we have other business to do, let's stop what this impeachment. the guy is gone and we are changing the agenda, let's move on. i wonder if the press might actually wake up and in a way, bear with me, miss donald trump, because he was so generous with his time, answered questions directly, did not dodge them, awfully got in trouble for that. i wonder if they might find that is preferable to the notion of we are being transparent, not going to tell you anything else. >> harris: leslie, do you see any way where the current president would say, no impeachment at this point? as i pointed out earlier, he said he is not going to get involved, but now he needs the senators to do something for him and that is to make space for his agenda to be heard on the senate floor. can you see him saying, let's bake off of this?
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>> leslie: know, and the reason for that is joe biden just became president, this impeachment is not about him, his presidency, it is about his predecessor and even though he has said in the past that he did not think donald trump was fit for the office of the presidency, he did not embrace impeachment and has been very consistent with that is not his job in the executive branch to do or to comment on. and he has a lot on his plate and his primary main focus is covid getting kids back to school and getting people back to work and vaccinated. of those are the top four. he has made that very clear. so quite frankly, in jen's defense, i don't think she had an answer for that, because i think that president biden is going to remain silent. and quite frankly, i think you should. this is about a former president, his predecessor. it is not about him. this does not really involve him. >> harris: what about packing the courts? he did not want to answer questions on that either. >> gillian: i was saying can i
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just respond to leslie really quick on that point, that's okay, that it's hard when we are not altogether, that biden is staying out of the fray because he does not want to be involved in the political process targeting his former political rival, but leslie, don't you think at least part of the real reason here why he does not want to touch impeachment with a 10-foot pole is because impeaching president trump going through the circus of a trial right now hurts him politically it hurts him practically, and makes his first 100 days in office a steep, steep mountain climb in terms of getting congress' attention in the nation's attention. it puts all the focus back on president trump and makes it harder for him to get his appointees through and a whole lot of things harder for him and that's why he is staying out? don't you have to admit. >> leslie: to respond to that, i don't think that is the reason he is staying out. i would hope that if somebody
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says, this is going to be time-consuming or a distraction, that we would still fulfill our constitutional responsibilities, and that is what is being done. the house has impeached donald trump a second time, now the senate has. it's their job, and we will see what is going to happen, it will move quickly, i agree with kennedy, i don't think that the votes are there, and i think that joe biden was smart to stay out of it and to move ahead. yes, it is a distraction, but this is not concerning him and certainly i don't think that's the reason he is not responding. >> harris: i reflexively refer to people as kennedy in my own home. my children even. >> kennedy: i take it as a compliment. lead or be led. and he is not leading here. i'm sorry, he is the most powerful person in the world and the leader of the free world, he has to sprout an opinion on the very important and sometimes divisive issues. he absolutely has to. he cannot straddle this fence.
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he is going to hurt himself. >> harris: moving to this, "new york times" editor is out of a job. after tweets that spawn over president biden and tear into the trump administration. does the media need to do a better job keeping potential biases in check at work? plus after days of nt 4.0 rioting in portland and seattle and denver, more and more people are asking, why hasn't president biden talked about that? condemning that violence? ♪ ♪ if these beautiful idaho potato recipes are just side dishes, then i'm not a real idaho potato farmer. genuine idaho potatoes not just a side dish anymore.
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>> gillian: portland police arresting more than a dozen people in seattle protesters burn the american flag out of federal immigration court calling for the abolition of i.c.e.
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all questioning why democratic lawmakers who condemn the riot at the u.s. capitol january 6 have yet to do the same regarding this iteration of political violence. listen. >> not a lot of report reporting as to what they did in portland, and i have not heard him say going after a state party's headquarters. i just thought that we would all maybe be on the same page of condemning violence, but they have such a hard time doing this and i cannot figure out for the life of me why. >> gillian: top republicans are turning up the pressure on president biden directly. iowa senator chuck grassley tweeting "waiting for president biden to condemn violence, looting, and arson in the last two days in oregon and washington state." kennedy, i guess the first question before we really dig into this is is this a new argument? because it feels awfully like the same discussion we have been having over and over and over again since violence broke out across the nation during the
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summer and folks on the right were critiquing the left for not taking a stand. for not allowing law enforcement to do their job, the blm protest that actually then spurred a whole round of anti-police protests that turned into violence and looting. is it the same thing kind of? >> kennedy: it is political violence. it is political violence aimed to scare people and affect their behavior. and ultimately toppled estates. it is the same thing that happened, the same mind-set with the capital riots. they are communicating with each other in the same way. it is it is condemn the bowl in the same way. very much like these protesters who are hurting people, trying to kill cops, vandalizing and looting are not a part of peaceful protests. they are not a part of mainstream movements like the way that the capitol rioters are not typical trump supporters. they are all bad people, they
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all have a screw loose, and yes, if you are doing this and hurting people in vandalizing and breaking laws, then you should be punished and condemned uniformly. i don't think that is too much to ask. >> gillian: harris, you have been covering this over the past year, i guess if we want to tease out a difference of what we are now seeing this week is an attack on democratic party headquarters, would we be wrong to expect that this might spur democrats to condemn this round of violence more quickly? because they are really not. >> harris: i don't know if you can really get there. from this situation, i mean, if you are looking at what democratic lawmakers are doing right now. i had on senator ron johnson from wisconsin talk on "the faulkner focus" i tried to block previous administration getting pushed again to designate certain people as domestic terror groups. and the word libertarian came up
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as a possibility. i mean, and i'll come and now we are going to punish people for how they think. we have plenty of action on the screen right now. and i don't see democrats punishing anybody for this. i'm not saying that lawmakers or law enforcement is not doing their jobs, but you don't hear it. you did not hear it at the dnc. you do not hear the rhetoric from democratic leaders saying enough is enough of this stuff and calling these people out as such, who they really are. who they really are. anarchists, let's figure out who is in this group and let's call them domestic terrorists. because if you own a business and this is a place where you work in a federal building, that's exactly what this is. a member last summer when they were locking the doors and blocking the doors at a police precinct, there were people inside. and there were fire set. i mean, look, they are not quite sure they want to be specific about how they define domestic terror in this new legislation. so they don't want to be
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specific about that, why do you think they want to be specific about this? >> gillian: that was a great ron johnson interview, everybody should check it out online if they did not see it live. allegedly, tell us who these people are to harris' question, who are the people out attacking dnc headquarters in the left perpetrating the violence that i don't know, can we even say right now that it was spurred by the attacks on the capitol on january 6th, some outlets are billing it as such, but who do you think they are, leslie? >> leslie: the police are saying antifa, which stands for antifascist, what they are is antigovernment, anti-police, anti-joe biden and anti-democrat. so quite frankly, i don't know who they are. they are a fringe element that is angry with everyone it would seem. and i do want to say as a democrat, i do feel the president should speak out about this. he spoke out and condemned the
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violence, the looting, the riots that took place over the summer. he did it when he was campaigning to be the nominee. he did it when he was the nominee. he did it when he was president-elect, and he should do this and called us out and so should democrats called us out. as a democrat, i am a pacifist. i condemn any violence. and i don't care who is doing it or who it is being done to, it is wrong. it is illegal, they are been about a dozen people arrested, by the way based on their actions at this point. so law enforcement certainly is doing their job. the president definitely needs to come out against this, just like he did when he was not yet president about what took place illegally and violently over the front. >> gillian: you have been consistent when you condemn violence, you have been consistent across the board. so thank you for that. bill, we want to get your voice in here, what do you make of all of this? >> bill: we are waiting to hear from the president about
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this, apparently he does not see it, groucho marx, who are you going to believe, me or your own eyes? it is out there. and in addition to trashing the democratic national committee headquarters, they also trashed starbucks. so one liberal tabernacle after another. absolutely you may need to be condemned. we are waiting, president biden for you to do this. let's show the police there is some semblance of evenhandedness here, you might say a unity of a point of view to go back to your inaugural. >> gillian: let's be honest, starbucks is likely already trashed if not at least have trashed if we are going for the ones i've seen. we have to leave it there. the mainstream media facing criticism from some of their own "embarrassingly complementary coverage of president biden." this is "the new york times" editor tweeting she got chills after seeing him arrive in d.c. we will debate that next. ♪ ♪
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>> national guard troops told to leave the capitol building and camp out in a parking garage. it is this how we should be treating our men and women in uniform? new hampshire governor christie
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governor christie -- nancy pelosi sending articles of impeachment over to the senate monday, but when will it begin in earnest? alabama restaurant owner's up for emails despite covid's economic impact. and a teenager who saved her family from a burning home. because of covid, she was the only one who could smell smoke. we will have all of that for you plus today's headlines, joined sandra smith to me coming up at the top of the hour. we will see you there. >> kennedy: thanks, john. critics calling out the medias of love fest over president biden after years hating on president trump. this is "the new york times" reportedly canceling one of its own editors contracts after lauren wolf sparked a mockery for her coverage of biden arriving in washington ahead of his swearing-in. tweeting "biden landing at joint base andrews now, i have chills." the pettiness of the trump not sending a military plane to bring them to d.c. as is
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tradition is mortifying, childish." "washington post" showing "embarrassing coverage, urging the press to tone down the biden adulation. they are very adulatory, i will tell you that, bill bennett, how long will this last? >> bill: i don't know, there are some signs. you handed in a couple, even chris cuomo on cnn said that cnn was wrong to say that biden was starting from scratch on covid. starting from scratch, hell, we have this vaccine out there, maybe we will get some honest reporting. look to be glimmers of honest reporting, we can hope for more. i would love to renew my subscription to "the washington post." but they it there yet. >> kennedy: harris, chills, thrills, adulation, but don't
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they realize that it was their hatred that was so profitable? it was their contempt of former president trump that was really, really helpful to the bottom line for "the new york times" and msnbc in particular. >> harris: oh, my goodness, everybody, just do the job. to just do the job. you don't have to yell breaking news. i have been doing it for a quarter-century. if the building is on fire, if the building is being built, whatever it is, just say what it is. in the breaking news will sell its self. i will say this, just in terms of the media wanting to have a narrative, the facts to conflict with that sometimes. chris cuomo as you said rightly pointed out that they did not start from nothing on covid. and by the way, the nation was already seeing north of half a million shots a day. biden wants 1 million a day. he has been asked about it. the press secretary was asked about it yesterday, why did you not set your goals higher than a million? why don't you get to two or
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something? i'm paraphrasing that reporter, but you did not start at ground zero, you started north of half a million shots a day. >> bill: 900,000 now. >> kennedy: they are getting there, they are inching up to it. president biden has only been president for two days and already the greatest president ever. shouldn't he have more adulation on and being less challenging with this already great administration? >> leslie: no, quite frankly, look. i understand why some of the presidents are relieved they are not being personally attacked or neither the freedom of the press or the equipment in the nation's capital, but that all being said, journalism 101 coming you report the facts. very quickly when i first started in talk radio when dinosaurs roamed the earth, i have to say during the week was a newscaster on other talk show programs, and when i hosted talk
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radio, my boss sat me down and said pickett. he said you can't be reporting the facts monday through friday and then giving your opinion on saturday and sunday. clearly i chose opine in. i enjoyed it more. if you are a true journalist, you should be reporting the facts and i am actually glad to see that the journalists have been reprimanded, because they have to know what their role is. are they going to report the facts or give their opinion about those facts. >> kennedy: gillian, sometimes feelings feel like facts, to be fair. >> gillian: strip the politics out of this for a second, i don't like when journalists sort of inject, infuse what they are covering with a lot of emotion. i think it is distasteful especially when it comes to politics on both sides of the aisle. maga folks did it with president trump, now we see liberals with president biden. a kind of has no place here. >> kennedy: well said. and you know what, we will have
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more in just a moment. it is so good, it's going to get even better. stay with us.
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♪ >> harris: we want to take a special moment to remember an american icon. baseball hall-of-famer and home run king hank aaron died. he had 755 home runs with milwaukee and the atlanta braves. he played through death threats as he approached babe ruth's record. he was an all-star for 21 straight seasons from 1955 to 1975. he was award the presidential medal of freedom by president
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george bush. this was tweeted: that from the governor. hank aaron was 86. the panel with a couple of seconds. thank everybody and "america reports" starts now. >> sandra: this is an fox news alert. outrage gross over immigrationages of national guard troops sleeping on a garage floor in frigid temperatures. the same troops that protected our nation's capitol. >> john: those guard members are back inside when republicans and


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