tv The Ingraham Angle FOX News January 22, 2021 7:00pm-8:00pm PST
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we will always state true to our conservative values. thank you for being with us. have a great weekend. see back here monday. see you back here monday. >> laura: i'm laura ingraham. this is "the ingraham angle" on a busy friday night. an ugly feudal farce. that's the focus of tonight's angle. today democrats showed the country that they have zero clue about how to govern in a post-trump age. >> i have spoken to speaker pelosi who informed me that the articles will be delivered to the senate on monday. >> laura: obviously fearful of a primary challenge from aoc down the road, chuck schumer is pushing forward with a trial almost one year after the first impeachment farce that focused
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on ukraine. after initially suggesting a trial next week, the senate reached an agreement earlier to push it to february 9th. that doesn't change the facts. this is an egregious, vicious act of political violence against the u.s. constitution and our country. it's also an incredibly stupid mistake that's going to hurt joe biden. first i want to tell everyone they have to spare us the claim that democrats and a handful of republicans are trying to make that they truly care about punishing individuals who incite political violence. where was their sanctimony and demand for justice when minneapolis was smoldering? how about when businesses and innocent people in l.a. and new york were under attack? or how about when rioters and looters using the george floyd case as an excuse to rampage across cities across the nation.
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and don't forget how left-wingers in wisconsin occupy the state capital several years ago to protest actions that they didn't like. where were all the concerns then? second, the entire exercise is unconstitutional. as former federal appellate judge ken starr said last night. >> the president is gone. he is off to san clemente. it's done. it's over with. that's the relative president, not an obscure 1876 proceeding against the secretary of war. i find it painful that very, very able people, some of whom are my friends, are saying there is the key. it's not. >> laura: by the way, are democrats actually saying that it would have been constitutional for republicans to have demanded articles of impeachment against former vice president joe biden last year? over what he really knew about hunter biden's china payoff? i mean, long out of office but
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could they be impeachable crimes? what would they upset about that? third, this impeachment action is as pointless as it is vindictive. the human reporting that only five or six republican senators at the most seem likely to vote for impeachment. and a conviction will require at least 17 g.o.p. votes if every democrat votes to convict trump. so it's like watching a football game. you know what the scores going to be at the end. since we already know that impeachment will fail, democrats plus senator, i like to call them romkowski will put them on the right side of history. what's self-indulgent, self-righteous goofballs they are. don't have to believe president trump did everything right postelection, and i don't, to find the impeachment mob sickening. they are not trying to address the constitutional problem.
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they are trying to tag all trump supporters as dangerous white supremacists who want to overthrow the government. right now it's unclear who will even preside over this sham of an impeachment trial. if it's chief justice john roberts, if they want him, he should refuse on grounds that trump is no longer president. relying on him to do the right thing is like relying on a 13-year-old boy to remember to clean his room before going to bed. another point: going after trump makes the biden administration look weak. remember when obama pursued bush and cheney for war crimes? well, of course you don't because obama was much too smart for that. he had too much sense. if democrats really believe that donald trump is disgraced and washed up with no political future, man, they are acting really insecure about that concept. why are they so hell-bent on a
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second unconstitutional impeachment trial. don't they believe they beat him in his ideas it legitimately? finally a word about republicans think impeachments will help them score points with the democrat establishment may be convinced republicans to turn their backs on trump. you guys are suckers and your fools. most of the g.o.p. don't believe for a moment that trump actually want to be rioters to take over the capitol and carry out a coup. that idea is patently absurd. there was no malicious intent in trump trumps words to be "strong" and fight for him, this he said many time over the past five years. look what happened to poor liz cheney after her impeachment grandstanding. she has already chalked up a primary calendar. meanwhile mitt romney is a running joke even hit his home state of utah. does he really believes the democrats who savaged him as an
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out of touch thurston howell the third type of elite in 2012 are now clamoring to cooperate with him on policy? they despise them now as much as they did back then. republicans supporting impeachment believe a conviction would be worth it in order to get the trump cancer out of the republican party. that's the real reason they are doing it. yet no serious political observer could possibly think that the party that turned out in historic numbers for trump is about to boomerang back to the policies of the bush-cheney era. let's hope with his delay that republicans will have more time to grow a backbone. we hope they hear from you. many of their constituents to tell them that we want you to fight for conservative policies and against the ridiculous democrat champ that we are seeing in the biden administration tonight. they want to bury the america
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first populist movement, the democrats do. it's up to republicans to prevent them from doing it, resist all the way. but my friends, if democrats insist on going through with this unconstitutional impeachment, republicans have to ensure that they pay a heavy political price. if joe biden, by the way, thinking about all of this, if you were really smart, if he really had his wits about him, truly capable of seeing how this would be actually in his own interests to do this, he would call schumer and call off the impeachment dogs. but joe is not going to do that because he's too weak to steer his party away from its own self-destructive ways. that's the angle. joining me now as jonathan turley, george washington university law professor. constitutional law expert in fox news contributor. jonathan, is there anyway that john roberts could decide that he will not preside over this
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impeachment? can he just refuse? >> he can. he's not -- he doesn't pick up everyone he stops next to come he's not a bus. he has to determine whether this is a function given to him by the constitution. the problem is that the constitution states that the chief justice should preside over a trial of the president. i doubt the democrats want to remove joe biden. there is the threshold issue for roberts. he may not be asked but it will beg the question of who is being tried? it is clearly not "the president "and it's clearly not to remove him from office. it's a private citizen who the senate will vote on removing from an office that he's already left. that creates a serious threshold issue for the senate. they may have the most
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consequential vote in their entire tenure as senators. that is whether to go forward with this trial. the constitution states that the principal question for impeachment is whether to remove the president. that creates a rather curious vote. the problem is that constitutional novelties can easily become constitutional nuisances. we have already had a snap impeachment for the house didn't even hold a single hearing to consider the language or implications of the impeachment, give a formal opportunity for the president to respond. now we are going to hand a snap impeachment over to a retroactive trial. that is a very serious question for all these senators to weigh. i'll point out one other thing. there were only two cases in history where this type of retroactive measure was used.
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the first one was with william lund. when that happened, many of the signers of the constitution were in congress. most of them were still alive. blunt himself was a signer. he was a farmer, he was a senator who had been expelled from the senate. the senate refused to hold the trial. when the ink had just barely dried on the constitution, the senate have threshold vote inside were not going to do this. >> laura: you could understand the intent of the framers when the framers were right there. you didn't have to go much into the legislative history, even if you believe that because they were there. that's a fascinating point, jonathan. i want to point out something that a lot of legal scholars have said in response to your argument just now about the removal. you can't remove him from office because he's already gone from office. a group of these scholars penned
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an open letter. don't you love the open letter? it argues that the disqualification from holding future office is equal to the removal from the office in the constitution. now, i don't understand how that could be possibly writing to the constitution. but these are some, you know, well respected constitutional scholars arguing this. why are they wrong? >> like many of them i responded to that letter on my blog. i believe it's ultimately wrong. i have to stress things are good-faith arguments. this has been an open debate. i wrestled with this since 1999. i talked about the value of even retroactive trials. what i believe today is that those values are outweighed by the cost. i don't agree with what the letter says. disqualification is an optional penalty that the senate may impose.
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but it is only considered after the main task of impeachment is down. you have tried and removed a president. when they talk about future disqualification, it's in a sentence that is meant to limit the power of the senate to say you can't go beyond removal or disqualification. i don't think of these things are equal in that sense. >> laura: and by the way, richard blumenthal says we can do this trial in just a matter of days. but isn't that also up to the president's defense team? what if they want to put on a multi-day or a few weeks defense? are we going to have the presiding judge say no, you can only do x number of days? they want to have a snap impeachment have been really fast and they hope taken out at the knees. >> right, this is all improvisational. that's dangerous when it has to also be constitutional. i did the last judicial impeachment trial with
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colleagues that was held in the senate. it took us months to present that case. they are about to try a president in a blink without a hearing in the house, in a snap impeachment and now i retroactive trial. >> laura: no, no. jonathan turley, thank you so much for being here tonight. one of the destructive byproducts of post-presidency trial, will the house and senate chambers serve as prosecutorial cudgels instead of its intended purpose in writing loss? schumer seems okay with that. >> it makes no sense whatsoever that a president or any official could commit a heinous crime against our country and then be permitted to resign so as to avoid accountability and i vote to disbar them from future office. it makes no sense. >> laura: who gets to decide what's a heinous crime against
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our country? a few power-hungry partisans? here's congressman lee zeldin. he was part of trump's defense last time. also former congressman bob barker congressman selden, would it be okay for a republican-controlled congress to impeach obama for droning an american citizen abroad? we could go back many years? >> of course not. that is the important double standard check that is here at play. after we witnessed over the course of the last four years thousands of democrats, they boycotted president trump's inauguration. they first had a vote on impeachment before they identified what the impeachment charge was going to be. that was early on in the presidency and then they actually impeached him and now they want to do it again. i was asked in 2020 about house democrats keeping the majority, with their priorities would be. i said the only thing if house democrats keep the majority if
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they know they want to accomplish for sure in 2021 is that they would want to make donald trump the first president to be impeached twice. the answer to your question, if the shoe was on the other foot, we know exactly what democrats would say. republicans would be consistent on it. absolutely not, of course not. >> laura: congressman barr, when you really think about this, really get your mind wrapped around what's about to happen, you think the democrats don't seem that confident in their ability to beat trump. that's a he runs again. i have no idea what he's going to do but let's say he runs again in 2024. you would think that after what they did to him over the years that they would feel like oh, god, we beat him in 2020. we are going to easily beat him. but they are afraid he's going to win. isn't that what this is all about? >> it's really hard to tell what this is all about because nothing about it makes any sense whatsoever. you don't have to be a student
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of history. you have to be a student of the law but you do have to be able to read what is actually in the constitution. the constitution says that a president, not a former president, not an ex-president, can be removed from office only upon conviction of high crimes and misdemeanors. impeachment for that. there is no jurisdiction here. what the president's lawyers ought to do if mcconnell proceeds in this idiotic call to trial, with the republicans ought to do is they ought to support a presidential motion to dismiss for lack of jurisdiction. the senate has no jurisdiction over donald trump, period, and of argument. >> laura: immediately. congressman zeldin, presumably that would go to the chief justice if he is presiding over this impeachment. we don't know if he's going to preside over it. as a law geek or former law
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geek, it's fascinating to debate these issues with these are real world consequences for not only president trump personally but precedent going forward. bernie sanders even chimed in all this. let's watch. >> i want to see this impeachment process move forward. i want to see them convicted as quickly as possible. we have got to show the american people we can walk and chew bubblegum at the same time. we don't have the time to spend weeks and months on impeachment. >> laura: and maybe i'll wear some mittens during the trial. congressman zeldin, they want to do it as soon as possible. that's also, any notion of due process which obviously doesn't necessarily apply here but in theory due process is out the window. you've got to get him, prevent them from running again and move moveon to destroying the countr. >> irony alert. it was senator sanders when he was asked about his position of allowing people to vote who are
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convicted, he was asked specifically about the boston marathon bomber and his position was that the boston marathon bomber should be able to vote in a u.s. election. so the extent that bernie sanders is willing to go to take positions, mass. prison release, to allow felons to have their vote again, even if it's a terrorist like the boston marathon bomber. you're looking at due process. he is supporting a house, impeaching the president for a second time within hours. talking about a few weeks. within hours. now he wants the senate to do it as quickly as possible. it's completely contradictory and hypocritical to everything senator sanders has stood for over the course of multiple presidential races in his entire career in public service. it shows the hypocrisy in the double standard and the hate they have for donald trump. >> laura: they despise him.
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speaking of personal animosity, congressman barr, very quickly here. what's mitch mcconnell up to? is he trying hold together the republican coalition with murkowski, romney, and the other stragglers? is it personal with him and trump? >> i think it's both personal and also he seems to be trying to out-john roberts john roberts by appearing so nice to chuck schumer that may be some crumbs will be thrown his way if, in fact, we proceed with a 50/50 split in the senate. it makes no sense whatsoever, and it makes him look like a complete fool. >> laura: especially after president trump went into help him win reelection. after trump went into help him and campaigned for him, i thought he went double digits in the polls. he really -- she reached out to president trump when he needed him and now for a lot of people shaving him in the back.
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gentlemen, thank you so much. great to see you. if there was any doubt that biden couldn't give a rip about this concept of unity, well, look at his divisive and destructive executive orders rolled out this week. were going to explain why the self-proclaimed champion of women just set them back decades. how his appeal to the working class men and women of the country were a crock. stay there.
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>> a glass ceiling has been shattered. this was the pivotal moment for america. >> multiple proverbial glass savings shattered. >> shattered some of glass ceilings. it's history. this is her-story. >> laura: okay, that's really nauseating. do you get it her story? not history. how many words were going to change. manhole cover, women, person. you heard a lot about this during the campaign that the biden administration was supposedly shattering the glass ceiling for women everywhere. but their actual policies tell a different story. in an inauguration day executive order that elated the transgender community, the biden administration pledged to combat discrimination based on sexual orientation and identity, gender identity, the children should be
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able to learn without worrying about whether they'll be denied access to the restroom or locker room or school sports. what does that mean? that means biological boys will be in the locker room with biological girls. there is speculation that public schools could end up having funding polled, federal funds, if they don't adhere to this. female athletes saying joe biden is erasing what it is to be a female athlete in the united states. author abigail schreier put it bluntly. "a new glass ceiling was just placed over girls." by the way, don't think any of this changes with hormone treatment or makes competition fair or among biological boys between boys and girls because a recent study discovered that hormone therapy does not suddenly remove the natural athletic benefits that
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biological men naturally have over women. it was published in the british journal of sports medicine. the study's lead author dr. timothy robert said in one year the trans women on average still have an advantage over the biological women. six women. is this why joe biden was elected? was this part of his mandate? so much for unity. from gender to good paying jobs, the biden administration seems intent on destroying it all. >> on joe biden's first day in office, he killed thousands of american jobs. joe biden killed hundreds of wisconsin jobs. >> talking about 10,000 jobs and in the 80,000, $90,000 range. >> laura: adjoining music and a black, president and ceo of the associative oil pipelines. i know that the canadians are up
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in arms. what are they going to do with that pipe they have already laid down? all the technology that's in place. how much in terms of job losses are we looking at here and then we are going to get to how much money is taken out of american pockets. >> before wednesday, president biden's first day, 1,000 people who had been working were told they won't have jobs anymore. another 10,000 american union jobs were expected, the expected good paying jobs they could support a family, provide health care, those won't happen now. >> laura: andy, we are showing the video of what the area around the pipeline looks like and some of this is in canada and other parts of the united states. what happens with all of that infrastructure that's in place? >> it's a symbol of a wasted opportunity. americans would benefit from
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that pipeline bringing western canadian crude oil down to america where it's turned into products that we use every day to get us where we need to go. now it turns out that money was wrongly spent. >> laura: joe biden i should say is bragging that he's going to create all these great union jobs. watch. >> i think of climate change, i think about jobs, good paying union jobs. union workers have been holding this country together during this crisis. the middle-class built this country and unions built the middle class. >> laura: andy, those were all in the past month. do you think union members who voted for biden feel like they have been just hosed here? >> this is a president who said he wanted to be the most pro-union president ever, yet on the first day 11,000 american union workers knew they weren't going to be able to build. build back better means build.
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>> laura: andy, the cost to the average american family -- these are hard numbers to always quantify. but in terms of energy costs and our desire to be energy independent which obviously this gave us an incredible boost in an already strong energy sector but what does it mean to the average family? is it a blip or is it significant dollars? >> americans don't want to pay more for energy and when the trick with a to the service station to fill up with gasoline or diesel they want to know that that fuel is there. now we have a question about whether we can expand pipeline capacity as we need for the fuel that we use in our daily lives. when we get this economy going again, people are going to be wanting to take trips to go see family in the car, take flights on vacation or see their relatives. we have to make sure our demand for energy grows we are able to
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have pipelines bring them the fuel they need. without enough pipeline capacity, you either have shortages higher prices. >> laura: maybe we are all looking forward to having rolling blackouts like in california. apparently that's the gold standard. the government gets to decide who has the energy and when. maybe we can do audit even days of the gas pump like we did in the late '70s under jimmy carter. andy, great to see you tonight and we hope we can turn it around but people have to know what they're getting into. was joe biden's polished delivery of his inaugural address and one off? who has the media taken to describing a super hero's question explains friday follies next. andpa. voya doesn't just help me get to retirement... ...they're with me all the way through it. voya. be confident to and through retirement.
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biden, he sounded a lot like candidate biden this week, didn't he? >> come on, man. joe biden's first remarks on his first full day in office were well, biden-esque. >> yesterday during my inaugural address i offered a salient prayer, silent prayer. the pandemic consists of my transition team task force, tony fauci and the team here today put this plan together. it is so detailed. it's over, 198 pages. complete detail what we are going to do. we will make sure that science and, scientists and public health experts will speak directly to you. wear a mask, no vaccines. the fact is it's the single best thing we can do.
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more important than the vaccines. >> bear in mind this is with a teleprompter. he is just as unsteady on his feet and incapable of retaining basic facts as he ever was. this was a covid event so as you might expect masks came up. >> yesterday i signed an executive action requires masks and social distancing on federal property. >> only one problem, laura, he wasn't wearing a mask there and then the night before at the lincoln memorial, biden appeared confused on federal property without a mask. very sad. >> laura: it's okay, raymond. biden's press secretary had a fabulous explanation. >> why weren't president biden and all members of the biden family masked at all times on federal land last night? >> he was celebrating an evening of a historic day in our country and i think we have bigger
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issues to worry about at this moment in time. >> laura: oh, oh. >> there you go. if covid is allergic to celebrating hopefully we can have mardi gras. the good news is things are getting back to normal. biden is confused again. the elites are making their own rules again. you can just shut up again. eight normal grand? speak of the fact they went off without a hitch so perfectly produced and so perfectly normal and beautiful and american, that was what was so moving. >> after four years we had almost forgotten what normal sounded like. >> it wasn't a boring normal. he was an amazing return to normalcy. an amazing normal, laura. welcome to the old normal, laura ingraham, where the media funds, heavily edits the candidate of their choice and missed serves and disturbs the public they are here to give information to and to challenge
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the people we elect. they are integral to this republic and they have fallen down on their responsibility. >> laura: okay, raymond, your being very harsh. i'm feeling the harshness coming across the teleprompter. i would just say i look forward to the day when joe biden emerges from the surf, let's say in rehobeth delaware with his glistening pectoralis muscles as they described obama. remember? was obama in hawaii or was it after the oil spill when he came out of the surf, i can't remember. it was like his glistening packs. that might not be written about by the press but who knows. he is a fit senior. you never know. >> he has got to the aviators. what's really normal is the medias default to gratuitous worshipful over-the-top rates for the establishment or should i say the justice league? >> the fight of the clintons and
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the bushes in the obamas. the avengers. the marvel superheroes back up there together all in one place. with their friend joe biden. >> felt like the avengers. it felt like we are being rescued from this craziness that we live through in the last four years and now here are the superheroes to come and save us all. >> a glorious moment of fashion perfection side-by-side with the former president just like they just come straight from wakanda. >> laura: wait a second, weren't most of those same people calling bush a warmonger and a dumb frat boy 12 years ago? wait a second. oh, yeah, marvel comics. michelle obama even came to the inauguration dressed kind of like a superhero. look at that belt. that was quite a statement. >> kind of a doctor strange, scarlet witch mashup. i understand the obsequious
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superhero reference but it's good to know they are extending it to bush. who knows, there is hope for donald trump. >> laura: why not? i can say melania trump was, they never discussed her fashion. she's obviously very beautiful objectively speaking. but michelle obama, is that a maroon or purple combo? it was a beautiful outfit. that was the talk for 36 hours. you couldn't get past that pantsuit for 36 hours. melania. >> i don't know if i would call them the avengers. you might call them the revenger's. they are looking for blood but we'll see what happens. >> laura: raymond, that's a lot of negativity. a lot of negativity. much of this week's coverage about the biden administration focused on emotions and feelings but this one took the cake. >> we need a catharsis. i think joe biden is a human
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catharsis. >> laura, i'm glad the country wasn't constipated. we didn't need relief from that. the thing here, the thing you have to give everybody credit for on the biden side, they kept their messaging tight from the young poet laureate to the performance of benton inaugural concert, it was that light is back. the darkness is being scattered. it was reflected in speeches, performances, music, every way possible. the republicans could learn a lot from that group. >> laura: raymond, it's going to be a dark winter going into a dark fall and maybe the rose parade in 20205. >> the morning has broken, laura. >> laura: of course. raymond, thanks so much. have a great weekend. the biden administration rejoins the w.h.o. justice is finally admits something that will likely drive covid case numbers down. what a coincidence. a few days after the inauguration. former u.k. parliament member richard tice has been sounding the alarm for months.
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experience the wonders of the mexican caribbean at nizuc resort & spa, where paradise is personal. nizuc is a world to discover unto itself, day or night, indoors or out. something wonderful awaits. >> laura: among president biden's first actions was, big shot, rejoining the world health organization. despite its shilling for the chinese communist party. guess who biden put in charge of our delegation to that nest of
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commie sycophants? speak i enjoy my fellow representatives in flanking the world health organization for its role in leading the global health response. to this pandemic. i am honored to announce that the united states will remain a member of the world health organization. >> laura: okay. that looked like a hostage tape. i don't know what was going on there. this comes as a w.h.o. finally admitted but we "the angle" have been saying for five months. the exclusion of positive covid results could be riddled with false positives, something my next guest has also been predicting for months. joining me now is richard tice, businessman, former e.u. parliament member and chair of the u.k. reform party. richard, thanks for staying up for us tonight.
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>> no problem, great to be with you. >> laura: do you put any stock of the timing of the u.s. rejoining the w.h.o. and the new news about the vaunted pcr test? >> this is extraordinary. the world health organization, what many of us have known for months, there is an unnamed but potentially huge quantity of what they call false positives test results. using this opposing gold standard pcr test. here in the united kingdom for example, our own government, despite doing some half a million tests every single day is also admitting in the house of parliament it doesn't know what its operational false-positive rate is. here we've got to the world health organization finally say actually you need to review every result in any need to look at the symptoms of the potential patient, the potential person carrying the disease. and you need to look at the
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strength of the test for the weakness of the test and see whether actually you need to do a second confirmation test if it's a weak one to see whether or not it's a true result or actually visit a false what i term an irrelevant positive where it's something but it's so small and it's taken so many magnifications to find it that it's actually irrelevant and you don't need to worry about it. >> laura: are you as concerned as i am about the politicization of medicine globally frankly or the sheer ignorance. i don't know what it is. i'm not a doctor but we know, knew the thing about the cycling of the pcr test back in june and they are just getting around to admitting this now? they are still calling it the gold standard? >> let's be very clear. if it's done, if the pcr test is done the way it's supposed to be done which is in a specialized
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laboratory, by a specialized technician, then yes, it is gold standard. if it's done on an industrial scale in temporary laboratories using unqualified people, than the risk of contamination is huge. that's the problem that we've got in the united kingdom. that's the problem i feel may be taking place around the rest of the world. on that basis, it then becomes not gold standard. it becomes i think a rather dirty standard unless it is double checked. interestingly, in norway for example, whoever they get a positive result from someone who doesn't have any symptoms, they always double-check with the second test. guess what. they have a much, much lower overall positive case rate than we have here in the united kingdom. >> laura: richard, the u.k. elections could be put off because of the case numbers even though when you look at the chart from the covid, the plateau seems to be a surety.
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it looks like the peak in the u.k. was two weeks ago. but it looks like you guys could be putting off elections because of it? >> it's absolutely appalling. they have taken away our liberties. we are locked up, locked down. they've taken away our right to free speech in many cases. youtube takes down things if it doesn't accord with government information. now they're going to take away our democracy it seems by taking noy the ballot box. it's absolutely ridiculous. one senior politician suggested he was a bit worried about covid on the pencils. i said listen for heaven's sake if you're short pencils i will sort it out. it's ridiculous. you've had a big election, over 150 million people voted. two days, three days, it will be warm. we can have it outside. >> laura: richard, thank you for speaking out on this. we need more honest voices like yours out there. come back soon. thanks so much.
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[crunch] >> we have showed we can control the beast. we have the beast on the run, no doubt about it. >> we are going to celebrate. we deserve to celebrate. i was good. i am on santa's good list. >> this was the actual swab that was being used to fit up that double barrel shotgun that you've mounted on the front of your pretty face. >> laura: governor cuomo was fairly deadly, was he not, to his constituents throughout the entirety of the pandemic but he sounded a lot like you just heard. he even wrote a book saying how well he responded. now governor cuomo is singing a different tune. >> never get cocky with covid.
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truer words were never spoken. i will take credit for that quote. never get cocky with covid. >> laura: oh, my god. new york, you have to deserve better than that. that's all the time we have tonight. shannon bream and the "fox news @ night" team take it off from here. have a great weekend. ♪ ♪ >> shannon: hello and welcome to "fox news @ night." i am shannon bream in washington. breaking tonight, day three of the biden administration where monitoring developing double medic dustup with our closest allies already. president biden actually accused by foreign officials of siding with tyrants over friends to appease his radical base. almost overlooked today's new backlash against the president tonight on this, the 40th anniversary of america's seminal abortion ruling. the white house putting out a statement declaring the biden-harris administration is
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