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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  January 25, 2021 7:00pm-8:00pm PST

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culture and silencing and wokeness. these are rough times. let not your heart be troubled. laura ingraham is next. that's why your heart should be optimistic. >> laura: yeah, this is a great country. we have been through a lot worse. people get the government they voted for. if they are surprised about what biden is doing right now, they were not paying attention. they were not paying attention to your show and mine and tucker. >> sean: you make a great point. we have been through worse. however, there has never been a stated radical agenda ever by any major political party that is now being implemented. >> laura: they had a guy that
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said he would drain the swamp. he was not perfect, but they wanted to make sure nobody like him ever ran again. sean, fantastic show. thank you very much. i am laura ingraham and this is "the ingraham angle" from washington. we have a big show. former u.n. ambassador nikki haley on her plans and the impeachment report and biden's dog cast if ice cream. raymond arroyo has it all. first, using and abusing the trust. that's the focus of tonight's "angle." it seems like only yesterday when the democrats were worried about deploying the military against antifa and the blm mob
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who were rampaging across our cities last summer. >> misuse of our american military for his political campaign. unable to unite us. >> he is misusing military. it's not the role the u.s. military to go into cities and states and undermine local law enforcement. >> president trump has degraded the independence of the military and ignored some of the dangerous tendencies of political activity within the military. >> laura: those democrats have had a change of heart. the liberal d.c. mayor announced that 5,000 national guard will remain in d.c. through march. this is down from the number of 25,000 who were called up after the january 6th capitol riot.
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did they think that insane animal skin guy was returning to d.c.? i don't think so. this is political theater directed by democrat leadership. they are using the military to ratchet up the drama of their kangaroo impeachment trial of former president trump. it allows them to play the victim despite evidence of any serious on-going threat. it furnishes them with a back doorway to purge the military of any political opponents. according to the hill, democrats will accomplish this by inserting language into this year's national defense authorization act to address extremism at the pentagon and other federal agencies. we know some groups have to recount personnel into their
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cause or encourage members to join the military for skills and experience. of course, this is all kind of vague for a reason. the broader and more opaque the language, the easier it is to cancel military member and others who don't call in line politically or even culturally. most people would agree that generally dangerous extremists should not be allowed to serve and join the military. we won't members of isis in our ranks and obviously kkk, of course not. that's not who the democrats are talking about. >> when white extremist groups we are unable to address those groups. >> the fear that other americans, president trump's supporters will harm their fellow americans.
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some far right extremists. >> what is the definition of the republican party or are there several? >> there are several but the largest are trump loyalties and part of that faction is conspiracy kooks. >> laura: they want to feel the narrative not only is your conservative neighbor or family member supicious, but the military is full of right wing extremists ready to rise up. >> to rid our race of racists and extremists and create a climate where everyone fit and willing has the opportunity to serve this country with digny.
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-- dignity. we can't keep us safe -- >> laura: he said we can't provide for the national defense unless is purges undesirables within the military ranks. forget the fact that china is poised for global domination. >> the rise of domestic violence extremism is a national security threat. the biden administration will confront this threat. the first is a tasking from president biden requesting a threat assessment to draw on the analysis from across the
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government. >> laura: whoa, whoa, whoa. what non-governmental organizations is she talking about that will report on their fellow americans? the aclu, black lives matter, planned parenthood. >> anti-gun rights organizations? they think anyone who disagrees with their far left goals are extremists. from what we have already herd the biden administration say, it's chlor that they are going to use the power and surveillance of the u.s. government to keep tabs on a lot more people than we ever would have thought would have been embedded in government agencies as domestic terrorists. yes, law-abiding americans whom the party in power thinks they are getting out of the line. >> they will undertake a policy review effort to determine how the government can share
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information about this threat. support efforts to support radicalization. >> laura: some are supporting a broader purge. stephanie murphy proposed a bill to keep trump supporters from getting security clearances. she asked about their role in activities. attendance at an event to delegitimize the results of a presidential election raises serious questions about an applicant's suitable for a security clearance. wow. president pin would be proud.
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drive out all political opposition. force every day americans to live in fear. encourage neighbors to snitch on neighbors and families again families and american against american. the message is clear. if you are a conservative who has any questions about election irregularities, you better shut up if you want to keep your job. first amendment? for get it about it. it's ironic it's cheered on by the media. -->> it will take a while to remove those element from position of authorities. >> this screening needs to happen across the entire military and we should be removing people that are members even if they are not active members. >> you can't stand by and see
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people in uniform law enforcement or military have qanon patches on. >> laura: this is poisonous for the country. republicans have to stand up and stop democrats from targeting our active duty military personnel or our vets. these men and women have endured repeated tours of duty and risking life and limb and now they are targeted by election officials in at home. republicans need to demand that the biden administration clearly define what they think constitutes extremism. if a member of the military voted for trump does that make him an extremist? what if someone complains on facebook that the federal government wastes money or say
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roe v. wade should be overturned. or what if they are conservative baptists and believe sex outside of marriage is immoral? will they now be considered extremists or even terrorists? we deserve to know. you see where this is destined to lead. it is not to a freer and more united america. that's the "angle." joining us now lieutenant colonel danny davis. what about this? what they are doing? they are vetting members of the military for undesirable views that are branded in broad terms as threatening to the republic?
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>> yes, there is a lot of problems with this. right up front, the most important thing for americans to understand is context. there are allegedly 27 people who were accused of doing something illegal with the capitol rights a couple of weeks ago and 2.-something million americans on active or reserve duty. 18 million americans who are veterans. to suggest because a tiny handful is involved with the national defense apparatus that we need to check on each individual is a way big over-stretch and an insult to the troops we have. as you pointed out these are patriotic americans the vast majority who deserve our thanks and don't deserve to be checked into like they are doing
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something wrong. >> laura: they are doing this with a purpose. this is a plan. this is not some random of act, we have to be tidy about domestic terrorism not with 5,000 troops still in d.c. tonight with barbed wire around the capitol. >> yes, absolutely. one of the key element of our political system is the distinction between a political party and the state. that's a distinction in other countries that is over-rated. the ruling party becomes the state and takes over the police and the military and uses the military to hand out election flyers. the military becomes an extension of its own idealogy. we have immunized ourselves against this in america. the left is crossing a new boundary. why? i think because of this: they believe that if we and by
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we i don't mean radicals or terrorists. i am talking about you and me. the people they call extreme. they fabulous we had the same information they had, we would think like them. but we do have the same information. we hear their news reports and yet we don't agree. they are baffled. we must be members of a cult. we must be radicalized because if only we listened to jake tapper and msnbc, we would be on board with their views. so the trump supporters not going along with their nonsense convinces them that dangerous extremism is at work. >> laura: we saw what happened with the patriot act after 9-11.
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msnbc's frank wants more domestic spying now. >> there have been domestic terror bills. they get shot down and cited with the valid privacy occurrence. -- concerns. they jump from passing a law to we don't want people spying on americans. i say that's wrong. we can do this right. >> laura: do you trust the government to start another domestic spying apparatus? when everyone voted for the nice guy biden, he is like the grandfather figure, he will fix covid. this is what people voted for? really? >> yes. you hit the nail on the head early. this is a dangerous move in
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a direction you could criminalize and demonize members of the armed forces. what is the criteria? you voted for trump? it won't be drawn on something that gives people the benefit of the doubt. i think it's a bad move. >> laura: i saw online, you are an extremist if you questioned the wisdom of transgender americans in the military. that also will qualify as extremists. final thoughts? >> well, it shows you have a package of policy proposals that the left is trying to
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impose on the military. they want to terrify military members with the risk they will be under surveillance and called in for interviews and might be rooted out of the military. this is a case where the left is conducting its own internal purge of the military. this is not the way to treat any political opposition in a democratic society. >> laura: thank you very much. democrats are not just trying to abuse the military, but our constitution as well by moving forward with this farce of an impeachment against donald trump. "the ingraham angle" can report that gop senators will demand a vote for the trial to be dismissed at the out set and 45 members could join that effort. that would leave democrats a dozen short of what they need to convict.
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molly hemmingway, they then is going to fail. they don't care. they are happy to grind him into the dirt even if they don't win on the trial. >> i think it's more than that too. the democrat impeachment effort is not about separating donald trump from his office. that already happened. it's about separating the republican party from its voters. they want to make republican elected officials who already disliked president trump support their effort to discourage the republican party voters and make the republican party less effective. the republican party already doesn't control the senate or the house. they need to be strong in the days to come for the half of the
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country that needs them to have their a -game on and understand where the true battles lay. >> laura: we had a senator today speaking out on impeachment. >> there is some going back on the outrage. [audio breaking up]. they will have a chance to decide whether incitement of insurrection [inaudible]. make sure this president can't hold elected offense again. >> laura: they are not confident about their ability to beat donald trump a second time. why are they so obsessed about trump running 4 years from now? >> there is a truth in what she
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said. "they calmed down now." they rushed into the impeachment. president trump was speaking when the capitol was breached miles away and this was planned in advance. the article of impeachment was based on what is known. in another country if you had the government trying the previous government while the military is occupying a city, you would say this is not a healthy situation for the republic. we have people acting like this is normal and okay and not thinking through how to be adults in this situation. >> laura: molly, thank you very
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much. what does america first look like as the gop moved forward. nikki haley has thoughts and is here next.
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>> i think the president will fade away a lot faster than he wants to. >> there is new future with trumpism. >> there were plenty of republicans that out-performed donald trump at the ballot box. we should look forward and not back. >> there are less and less people that would consider themselves trump republicans. the emotion wears off. i think in 6 months it won't be party of donald trump. >> laura: i think adam means fewer and fewer people. if you only watch cnn you might think those voice represent the gop post-trump. in the latest nbc news poll 87% of republicans approved of trump unchanged from right before the election. the same number opposed impeachment. it seems despite what you heard trump's america first has a future. one gop voters like.
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at least the policies. here is nikki haley former u.s. ambassador to the u.n. and founder of save america pact. where do you see the republican party going as the month and years move forward? do you see yourself having a part in it? >> well, i think the republican party should continue to be the party of solutions. that's what we have always been. when it comes to policys and anything that brings about economic freedom and opportunities for people, that's who we are. it's funny for everyone trying to determine where the party goes, we should not want to go back to the republican party before trump. we gained a lot of people that were unheard and unseen. many of whom, like i grew up in south carolina, had just been misunderstood want we want to keep them in the party. but we lost a lot of women and a
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lot of college educated. we want it bring them in and expand. we do that by going back to what made us the stronger party. we believe in freedom of speech and freedom of religion and that every person has an opportunity in they are given the tools to do it. what you are seeing the democratic party do, they are the party of censorship and government control. this is going to be a real opportunity for us to see what we have been dealt which is a tough hand. we don't have the white house, the senate nor the house. we can't be quiet. 2022 is right around the corner. we have to win the house back and the senate back and take governors' seats. >> laura: we did well in the state legislatures which is a great sign.
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picked up a number of seats in the house. you thought president trump would be judged harshly because of what happened at the capitol. i am not sure most republican voters think that. >> january 6th was a tough day. the actions the president since election day were not his finest. it troubles bee greatly because i am proud of the successes of the trump administration. those were the right policies. that's what our party cares about and looking to do. if you look at the foreign policy side, the strength we were able to show was really important. the actions of the president post-election day were not great. what happened on january 6th was not great. does he deserve to be impeached? absolutely not. >> laura: you would vote against
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impeachment? >> absolutely. >> laura: would part ways with mitt romney who will vote for impeachment, at least it sounds that way? >> i don't think there is a basis for impeachment. the idea that there -- they didn't even have a hearing in the house. they will bring about impeachment yet they say they are for unity. they beat him up before he got into office. they are beating him up after he leaves office. at some point, give the man a break! move on. impeachment is only dividing our country. >> laura: when will you make a decision about 2024? >> nobody wants to think about another presidential election. everybody wants to know about when we will do now. just the days since biden has started he is seeing how many
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executive orders he can sign. there is no vision. he will get into the world health organization again but not asking china about what they knew. and jump into the climate agreement but you are not asking india and china to slow their transmissions. you are jumping back into the iran deal without using sanctions as leverage? and god forbid you get back into the awful human rights council without holding them accountable. >> laura: yes, it's all going to happen. >> election visit consequences. he is about the number of transactions. he is showing us to have a very weak hand to the world. russia and china are very happy
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right now. if you end fracking, the one thing we had against russia is they hated that we were energy independent. if you ban fracking and thousands of families will lose jobs. that's not a president unifying. that's a president that wants to hurt the republican party and continue to kick us. >> laura: thanks for joining us. the media covers the big biden stories you need to know if you are a small child. raymond arroyo with seen and unseen next.
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over all things obama you called it the razzle dazzle. we are in the age of biden and the media defaulted to its old ways. we will chronicle the fawning filler in a new segment called marquee melarky. topping tonight's is a critical report from another network. >> just into cnn. 2 new it arrivals at the white house. champ and major. they are in residence. champ is enjoying the new dog bed. major is running on the south lawn. >> and press secretary jen psaki released these important tidbits over the weekend about the anticipated cat the bidens
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programs to bring to d.c. >> the cat is going to dominate the internet when the cat is announced. >> ♪ ♪ >> [inaudible]. >> chocolate chip. we are having fun with this. but there is a serious side. this is designed to distract people from the radical policies being advanced by the biden administration. biden killed 11,000 jobs by cancelling the pipeline and forced males into female sports competitions and will pay for abortions abroad. parent don't want peace, they want quiet. that's what the american voter wanted. but they are getting radicalism and a return to the obama media
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playbook. does any of this look familiar? >> back at the white house he exits the limo is two grease stained shopping bags for the staff. >> there he is. >> president obama on vacation with his family in maine. they all stop and get ice cream. >> [laughing]. there it is. >> laura: they have gone from the obama razzle dazzle to the biden marquee malarkey. >> that's it. can empire waits and broadway date nights be far away?
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>> laura: we have to apologize. we said the media was unwilling to cover hunter biden and they proved us wrong over the weekend. >> president biden and family go to catholic mass on saturday and sunday. on the way back hunter biden the president's son got out of the motorcade and picked up bagels at a jewish deli. a different approach to spending a sunday from when we saw over the trump years. >> the holy bagel run. you would never know he was under federal investigation for foreign dealings. >> laura: no chinese food? >> [laughing]. >> the biden mass attendance, your reaction to this it piece by elizabeth.
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writes that president biden speaks of how his catholic faith grounds his policy. >> he speaks about it, but it doesn't guide his policies. the u.s. bishops said your policies advance morale evils. that article trying to cut the pope away from catholic teaching. pope francis called abortion assassination and said gender idealogy is evil. this is the kind of faith play and people have to see through this for what it is. >> laura: the biden bagel run. hunter biden gets the press coverage we have been waiting
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for. from the biden administration's repeated lies about the vaccine roll out. the left shows they have utter disain for you and comments. victor davis hanson has it all next.
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>> laura: in an effort to tamp down expectations of the vaccine roll out the biden white house is trotting out the lie about the previous administration. >> the confusion under this issue speaks to a larger problem which is what we inherited from the prior administration. much worse than we could have imagined. eyes wide open including the president with the knowledge we were not walking into a circumstance where there was going to be a concrete assessment or plan presented to us when we walked in. >> laura: oh, my gosh. they think we are complete morons. the trump administration and operation warp speed were responsible for getting two vaccines to market in less than 12 months. this as dr. fauci said it would take years. and on trump's last day in it
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office, 1.6 million doses were administrated across the country. since then 1.3 million every day. when biden says he wants a million vaccines a day he is telling the american people he wants to slow down the pace of what it was during the trump administration. what the media and biden team are doing is a slap in the face to the people who worked tirelessly to develop and develop more than 40 million vaccine doses to the american people. shame on them. speaking of lying about covid, governor gavin newsom of california is refusing to share crucial data on the virus with his own citizens. newsom won't share information to determine when his latest stay at home offer is lifted.
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state officials say they rely on complex measurements that will confuse the public. joining me now is victor davis hanson. this goes in the category that the american people are too stupid for us to explain stuff so we will conceal stuff that that will make us look back. >> everybody wants to know why we went into a total lockdown and now we are opening up the entire state. is this a connection between how many people are infected and how many freedom we have? he is saying shut up. we the people are not educated enough so we have the elite who make the decisions and do it for our own good. like platonic guardians.
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we saw that with dr. fauci. herd immunity 90%, maybe 60%. wuhan virus nothing it do with the lab. and herd immunity get the vaccination but would not social distancing. we are in the year zero, the 20th of january we set the calendar back to zero and joe biden said trump killed 400,000 people. guess what? i don't have a plan either and 600,000 will end up dieing and we can't stop the trajectory. if he said that on november 2nd, he would not be elected. everything starts over again.
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that's where we are now. we are open for business. illinois will open up and new york because the biden economy, as cuomo said we need to get people back to month. a month ago if you put people back to work you were killing them. had you blood on your hands. it's scary. it's like china where truth gets redefined. we have artificial year zero january 20th, 2021. >> laura: all of the stuff you and i said last may and june was heracy. the virus has a natural trajectory and lockdowns don't help. social distancing might but you can't do that forever. 1, mask, 2,3, 4. how many are good enough? that keeps changing. biden today showed he is a complete pawn of the teachers union which it comes to school
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openings. watch. >> do you believe, sir, that teachers should return to school now? >> i believe we should make school classrooms safe and secure for the students, for the teachers. we need ventilation systems in those schools and testing for people coming in and out of the classes. >> laura: all kids will get tested several times a week. and then in the next 3 or 4 years, schools will open again. talk about child abuse. this is a scandal. >> yes. they destroyed the reputation, tried to of my colleague who said you have to social distancing and wear masks.
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we don't want to kill people through lockdowns through substance abuse and missed surgeries. he was crazy. he was absolutely correct. it's tragic the way they treat people. take their ideas and defame them. >> laura: i am glad are somewhat opening in approximately. jen psaki in the last bite.
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>> one president trump was imposing travel restrictions in march specifically on china, candidate biden called it the fearmongering. now president biden is putting travel restrictions on people coming from other countries. >> i don't think that's quite a fair articulation. the president has been clear that he felt the muslim ban was the no phobic. >> laura: two lies in less
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than 30 seconds, let's correct the record. you see one of his tweets right there. number two, trump never enacted a muslim ban. but don't take our word for it. up the order does not specifically bar muslims, it applies only to citizens of iraq, syria, sudan, syria and yemen. funny how cnn's army a fact-checker seem to miss those lies. that's all the time we have tonight but we will be fact-checkers. shannon bream and the "fox news @ night" team take it all from here. shannon? >> shannon: it we have more on that coming up and how they were covered and handled differently and so we will pick up where he lunged off >> laura: excellent, i'm watching. have a great show. >> shannon: breaking tonight from minnesota health of 47 is a found a resilient variant of covid-19. the patient in minneapolis had recently traveled to the south american nation and is now in isolation. the resulting end of the chinese coronavirus is 1 of 3 mutations


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