tv The Faulkner Focus FOX News January 26, 2021 8:00am-9:00am PST
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>> dana: issa, i'm calling you after this. she might know. this is true. great show, great to be with you. i will be on "the five". harris faulkner up next, "the faulkner focus". >> harris: republicans are tearing into new legislation from democrats which would reshape our election system. i'm harris faulkner and you are in "the faulkner focus". house democrats set to revive hr1. a nearly 800-page bill called for the people act. they want to create a nationwide automatic voter registration, require paper ballots in all jurisdictions, expand vote by mail and even give non-binding support to statehood for washington, d.c. all wrapped up in this. the bill also bars ineligible
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voters from prosecution for being mistakenly registered. tucker carlson warns it's part of a massive power grab by democrats. for the people act is to control the federal government well into your grandchildren's middle age. if hr1 passes, all 50 states will be california. the entire country will have ballot harvesting and mail-in voting. hr1 would enshrine thought. a direct quote from that legislation. quote, a state may not require an individual to provide any form of identification as a condition of obtaining an absentee ballot. any form of identification. no identification whatsoever. >> harris: another high profile twitter ban. we'll talk with our power panel about that. and "new york post" columnist miranda devine is here to talk about trouble for portland's mayor after he got into two
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recent confrontations. plus we'll talk with a laid off keystone pipeline worker who says president biden's order is hurting a lot of americans. he cried when he had to tell his workers that they would lose their job. first chief congressional correspondent mike emanuel live in washington, d.c. with our top story. mike, good to see you. >> the bill takes on more significance now that democrats have a slim majority in the senate and president biden in the white house. hr1 is called for the people act. democrats rework voting, campaign finance. 800 pages and includes new rules on transition teams and inaugural committees capping donations at $50,000. pre-paid postage for absentee ballots. sign up voters at 16. use campaign money for healthcare and childcare calling it the first bill in the house is significant.
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>> hr1 is that it is an executive position. it is a priority for us. the senate has f6. this is very important and i thank you for asking about it. because this is really central to the integrity of our government. >> republican leaders note with all the unity talk it feels like a one-sided bill. mccarthy said the focus should be on reopening businesses and schools and distributing vaccine. another key republican blasted the bill this morning. >> right now people don't have integrity and faith in the integrity of their election process because of all the things we saw in states that allowed for non-voter i.d.s of absentee and mail-in ballots. it would enshrine it nationwide. a horrible thing for our country and people wouldn't know the votes were actually
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true and accurate. we don't know who would be sending in the mail-in ballots. >> bill: it has been tried before but always blocked by the republican-led senate. >> harris: i want to bring in the power panel tommy lahren, fox nation host and nunes. i want to get your point what the point is for the people's act and can you understand why some republicans are pushing against it? >> well look, it's important to know that the 67% of americans support this bill. people want to make sure -- americans want to make voting easier. they want to have more access to their democracy, more secure of course but it has to be easier. we have to make sure we get dirty money out of politics. if you donate money to a nonprofit we have to be able to
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know where that money is coming from. as you know, harris, people are donating money to nonprofits and they're donating to super pacs. that's another important part of this bill. >> harris: i want to step in tomi because i want to point this out. a new analysis found that joe biden benefited from a record breaking amount of so-called dark money donations, $145 million exceeding the 113 million for mitt romney and dwarfed the more than 28 million for president trump. respond to that and we'll take on the for the people act. >> similar to that democrats are okay when it benefits them. as soon as they feel like it won't they want to expose dark money. the double standard is the only standard of the left. i am most concerned about the changes in the voting process. folks like me have seen it
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coming as soon as the coronavirus vote by mail push began. i lived in california for three years. i know exactly what that state does. tucker carlson was right last night. if this passes, if this becomes the new business as usual for voting, the rest of the united states will be like california. in california not only is ballot harvesting legal, which blows my mind. the fact that you can have somebody come to your home, take your ballot and deliver it for you and not even have signature verification by the way. anyone can deliver your ballot in california. they have made that a process and plan and that's what will combination wide. the fact that democrats don't want voter i.d. the fact that democrats don't want to purge voter roles to make sure that those are that voting are actually legitimate voters if they're not dead, double or illegal voters. why are democrats so against that? that's the question we continue to ask. we know the word voter fraud has become such a dirty word and republicans, conservatives, those who care about the integrity of our elections were
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almost barred from discussing it. big tech doesn't want us to talk about it, either. >> harris: there are a lot of things big tech doesn't want us talking about as american people, even some of the democrats and republicans can get together on that point. they are out for themselves the social media giants. twitter speaking of which, permanently has suspended mike lundell's account citing repeated violations of civic integrity policy. it comes after twitter band the president himself earlier this month. >> first and foremost twitter is a private company and can ban whoever they want. if you don't like twitter get off twitter. twitter has banned over 70,000 accounts for misinformation. if that's the policy they want to carry they have the power to do so. there is nothing wrong with that. as you were saying lindell has been lying to the american people.
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what we cannot allow is use the microphone of twitter facebook, whatever that is to hurt our democracy. when you have these people lying to the american people, violating a policy of a private company, they can ban whoever they want. >> harris: i want to step in. i want to follow up -- it's an american issue for certain. an everybody issue but i have to say this. they get protection from section 230. it is more than just a private company. they can't have their cupcake and the favorite icing. they have to give up that section 230. i don't know if you read this morning headlines coming that twitter wants to use its users. it wants to enlist its users to fact check for them and to decide what should be on the platform and what should not. i don't know that that's necessarily a great thing because they will be picking
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and choosing, won't they, the users that will be doing that. >> yeah. the fact we would trust anybody in big tech to be fair to independent voices and conservatives is laughable. twitter is a private company. if they want to operate like an arm of the democratic party and left big tech tool they shouldn't hide behind section 230. i love it when liberals and leftists tell us if you don't like twitter get off it. parler, what happened. big tech tried to drown that out, too. the fact that those on the left and jose said we can't allow for free speech. we can't allow for the public forum in the marketplace of ideas to run rampant. that's a very dangerous thought and that's the kind of -- >> lying to the american people with all due respect. that's not free speech. there is a difference between lying to the american people and having misinformation. >> the democrats lied for four years. they told us russia, russia russia. for your years i never saw a
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disclaimer on a single tweet from a liberal when they continued to claim even after investigations lasting four years no obstruction, no collusion. leftists running rampant on twitter with claims. they never accepted donald trump as their president. now twitter has become an arm of the democratic party. >> harris: last word on this jose. go ahead. >> twitter is a private company. they can ban any american, anybody, any user on their platform that is lying without evidence. that is hurting democracy one way or another. let me be clear. if democrats are doing it they should be banned, too american issue. private company. i think it's funny and laughable the republicans all of a sudden when it's a private company when it comes to other issues oh, it's a private company, they can do whatever they want. now it plays against them all of a sudden it's a big issue. >> harris: all right. we'll come back to you guys a little later in the program. i see tomi shaking her head. so much more to say. thank you for getting uts started in terms of the debate.
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horrifying example of new york' cities crime spike now. a brutal attack caught on video as a group of people beat and strip a victim in broad daylight. when is enough going to be enough on the streets of new york city? where is the mayor in all of this? what about the leadership? plus. >> every time you have -- [bleep] >> harris: after that encounter a few weeks ago the portland mayor ted wheeler once again confronted at a restaurant. only this time he whipped out the pepper spray. has the mayor lost control of his city?
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[shouting] >> the only problem we're having here is you are an incompetent mayor. you will be known for the scum you are. >> harris: an extremely tense confrontation from earlier this month when protestors got all up in portland mayor ted wheeler's face and it happened again. according to a police report wheeler pepper sprayed a man who confronted him sunday night while he was leaving a restaurant with the city's former mayor sam adams. he was accused of eating without a mask even though it's not required for outdoor dining. he said he feared for his own safety because the man confronting him was not wearing a mask himself.
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wheeler says he then asked the man to back off before spraying him in the eyes. >> you asked him to back away. >> i can't see. >> harris: miranda devine is with me now "new york post" columnist and fox news contributor. great to see you today. first of all, the details of this coming in your reaction to those and anything more you've been able to gather. >> good morning, harris. look, ted wheeler is culpable for the terrible violence in the city. he appeased the thugs and anarchists laying waste to that place and terrorizing citizens. he ought to resign.
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he doesn't deserve to keep his job but he also does not deserve this kind of harassment. he can't go to a restaurant without being attacked or harassed or hassled in some way. you can sort of understand why he felt he had to pepper spray another person who was getting in his face. it is not a good situation. i think it ought to teach him something that winston churchill talked about many years ago which was that an appeaseer is someone who feeds the crocodile hoping it will eat him last. it seems like he is empowering defunding the police and trying to appease and molly coddle these violent thugs has blown up in his face. it may be too late but he needs to try and allow the police to do their job and get law and order back on the streets. >> harris: miranda, is it possible that -- not just mayor
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ted wheeler but many in his political party and maybe others across the country have misjudged what they wanted in the streets when they were protesting. is this a misjudgment of just how insatiable the more fervent and often violent protestor might be? it wasn't going to take defunding police. they were all out there for different reasons. they didn't disappear when president trump was no longer president. they're there now and we have a new president. >> look, harris, i think that it's more of a really amoral political calculation on the part of democrats. they see the militant wing on the left as being useful to them in some way. they as i said they try to appease them. they think that they can, you know, somehow change policies,
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go along with the defund the police, abolish police, ridiculous threats and demands and sort of give them a little bit of what they want. shave a billion dollars off the police budget as the new york did to the nypd last year. but that's -- the more you give these people, these revolutionaries and anarchists, the more they want. their aim is not to reform the police or make life better but to destroy the system. they want us to be in anarchy and pain and misery because they feel that only burning down the system that they hate will work. but of course they don't really have a coherent of what comes next and that's where the opportunists come in. >> harris: they can mix up the country more when anarchy on
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the streets. you mentioned nypd. they released this horrifying video that shows a large group attacking a man in new york city's chinatown. he is 26 years old. had just gotten off a bus from atlanta when the group of about a dozen suspects beat him, robbed him, and stripped his clothes off, left him naked. crime in the big apple is up this year over last january with a 42% rise in murders and 14% more shooting victims. miranda. >> unfortunately as you know anyone who lives in new york that horrifying video is pretty much par for the course over the last few months. there have been so many horrifying videos, so many tragic assaults and murders. it breaks your heart. this city is going back to what it was in the 80s and 90s.
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you can just feel it in the air. anyone who was around during that period when it was something like gotham city, a dystopian horror show just can smell it in the air. >> harris: let me step in and forgive me in the interest of time, though. you are familiar with this one particular area, right? you talk about living in the city but this is not an area where you would ever expect to see a mob of 12 people on one guy to leave him naked. >> no, in the middle of the day. lawlessness. this is terrifying for everybody. you cannot walk down the street in new york without worrying that somebody is -- some zombie or gang will come out and attack you for no reason. they really are -- it is not just robbery. it is pure lust for violence that's going on. it's because the nypd have been
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forced to vacate the streets. they have been demoralized and defunded, they are resigning in droves. at this precise, precarious time is when the state attorney general has decided to declare war on the nypd. she actually launched a lawsuit last week accusing the police of excessive violence against peaceful protestors in that summer last year when 450 police were injured. >> harris: wow. i know that you were joking when you said zombies but your churchill quote the appeaseer hopes the crocodile will eat him last. it speaks so much to what we're seeing. miranda, come back any time. good to see you. >> thanks so much. >> harris: the biden administration is pushing to send $4 billion onin aid to central american nations. however, many americans are
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still waiting for covid-19 relief. whether central america is coming first in this whole thing. maybe we can do it all. the question is is central america coming before we can curb illegal immigration? that's the topic coming up. plus the president with a warning about the democrats' latest impeachment push against former president trump as debate is growing as to whether the upcoming senate trial is even constitutional. the power panel returns. stay put. >> impeachment power is designed to convict and remove office holders from office. the constitution explicitly says it applies to the president, vice president and civil officers. now, donald trump is none of those.
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ok everyone, our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy. whoo-hoo! great tasting ensure with 9 grams of protein, 27 vitamins and minerals, and nutrients to support immune health. >> harris: the biden administration wants to send $4 billion in aid to the central american countries of honduras,
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el salvador and -- keeping migrants from coming here. many americans are waiting for their covid relief here at home. william la jeunesse is live with the news from los angeles. william. >> the question is does this strategy work? does sending billions south mean fewer people come north? from 2013 to 2018 the u.s. spent 2.4 billion in central america. the gao examined that all and the programs. their conclusion because of corruption, poor record keeping, low attendance, there was little evidence the money produced less poverty or better government. yet at the same time illegal immigration here increased dramatically with tens of thousands arriving every month despite billions spent to keep them home. >> i don't think there is any way of stopping migration from
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central america in the short term. the reality is the lure of wages in the u.s. is too strong, the violence in some of the countries in the region is too great. we'll be dealing with people coming from central america for the foreseeable future. >> guatemala police stopped the latest caravan but stash houses in texas show plenty make it through. president biden encourages more. mexican police rescued 128 migrants thursday in a shipping truck. >> we thought joe biden was giving this opportunity for people to migrate and help families get ahead. that's what we were doing. >> they believe if the u.s. can increase legal migration, more visas, protect those who need it asylum and sending countries having to police their own borders it could provide for a
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manageable border here. >> harris: and a safer situation for those people who you saw that young man with his little beautiful child. a safer situation for those people who really do want to come here. good to see you. the media finally managed to ask congressman eric swalwell about his past ties to a suspected chinese spy. did they let him off the hook too easily? and then there is this. >> the last time i looked there were about a 7% unemployment rate. they are trying to tell me to find another job and we can't even provide jobs for the people that are in this country. >> harris: president biden's decision to halt construction of the keystone pipeline already is killing american jobs. i'll talk with the one man who lost his job and had to lay-off his team in the middle of a pandemic. neil crabtree joins me next.
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>> hours after being sworn in and speaking of unifying the country president biden canceled the permit for the keystone xl pipeline. with these unfortunate actions president biden is killing thousands of well-paying u.s. jobs and kicking the u.s. energy industry while it is still struggling with the pandemic. >> harris: republican senator john cornyn ripping president biden's executive order which ended construction of the keystone xl pipeline and would have brought oil from canada to refineries in texas. the president cited climate change. the move also killed 11,000 jobs including 8,000 union jobs. my next guest is a member of pipelineers union local 798 and among the first laid off after biden's keystone order and had to lay off his team. here is what he wrote on
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facebook. i got laid off for political reasons and stupidity and the future doesn't look so bright. i have a sickening feeling in my stomach. i went to my truck and literally cried. neil crabtree is with me now. neil, welcome to the program. thank you for being with me today. what are the realities for you and your team that your first reaction was to break down and cry? >> well, the president was able to put us out of work by signing a piece of paper. i'm the one that had to look these people in the eye and tell them they didn't have a job anymore. if i got a little emotional, i think it's only human. >> harris: how hard is it in your area to replace a job that you lose on the keystone pipeline? >> i come from a small town in
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arkansas. unless you farm there is not a whole lot of opportunity. i chose this career and we go all over the country and we depend on these projects to provide a living for our families. i don't know what i'm going to do right now. it's tough. i'm aggravated. for the president to sit up there and tell the american public he canceled this project because of climate reasons it simply isn't true. this oil is already coming into the country. this pipeline wasn't going to be the start of it. it is coming by rail cars every single day, hundreds, thousands of them. it only makes sense that a pipeline can do it safer. common sense tells you that and said we don't need to put american workers out of a job now. common sense says the pipeline needs to be built. common sense seems to be lacking in some of the early days of the decisions this new administration is making. >> harris: i want to bring this into the conversation.
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a "washington examiner" op-ed calls the keystone order proof of biden's lack of leadership. this is not leadership on president biden's part. it is demagoguery, a piece of red meat for his base. there is no scientific basis for choking off the oil supplies, the lifeblood of the u.s. economy. the idea the u.s. can reduce global emissions with a few small tweaks even as china is putting new coal-fired electrical plants online deserves to be dismissed with laughter. neil, your response to that. >> harris: i totally agree with it. it's hypocritical. biden literally set his son up overseas in energy company developing their infrastructure and he is killing the same thing here in america. it's totally political and has nothing to do with climate change. i think there is something
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bigger going on. and maybe it has something to do with contributions, campaign contributions from the railroad. i don't know. >> harris: "the faulkner focus" will look at all of this. you are still feeling with every fiber of your being. what happens next, neil, for you and for the thembers of your team? >> i can't tell you right now, i really don't know. but for this new administration -- i always laugh when the government says they will create thousands of jobs. the government don't create jobs, the private sector in this country creates the jobs. the government can, however, destroy jobs and kill jobs. they did that thursday by killing my job, killing my career. that's what the government is capable of. >> harris: neil crabtree you have given us a dose of reality and i'm grateful for that. i'm sorry that you have lost your immediate livelihood and i
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know that through your hard work you and your team will generate more in the future. it is just hard right now. >> i'm not giving up. we'll keep fighting. we're not giving up. thank you. >> that's exactly right. thank you, sir. >> thank you. >> harris: well, he finally gets the question after so many friendly media interviews. congressman eric swalwell and what he says to say about his ties to a suspected chinese spy. the big question, well, he was not asked. and be careful what you wish for. the new warning that a second impeachment trial of donald trump could backfire on democrats. the power panel returns.
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>> i am going to vote to dismiss the proceedings and i predict that there will not be anywhere near the votes needed to impeach the president. we're being asked to impeach a president who isn't president. why being asked to proceed when we don't know if this is constitutional. >> harris: senator john kennedy after house members delivered a single article of impeachment against former president trump to the senate last night.
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it is not just republicans issuing that warning. president biden's dealing democrats a blow as well by telling cnn it doesn't look like they'll have the votes. meanwhile the "wall street journal" editorial board is warning the impeachment trial could launch president trump back into the political arena. democrats want to punish the ex president but may revive him. back with the power panel now. tomi lahren. unintended consequences, take it away. >> they don't need to revive president trump. president trump is very much alive, well and the leader of the american first movement. i'll say that first and foremost. the democrats and the rhinos, republicans in name only are terrified of president trump running in 2024. he has a very good chance. that's why they are proceeding with another witch hunt. they don't care about the american people but taking out vengeance and obsession with the former president and they
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aren't going to stop until they get it. the obsession continues to which i say get well soon. >> harris: jose, why wouldn't democrats have the votes among themselves for a senate impeachment trial? >> let me just quickly answer what your guest was saying. president trump lost the election. he is a loser, lost the election. his political time is over. we see people like mitch mcconnell and lindsey graham going back to the tent. republicans know trump did enough damage to the republican party they will go back to the party they used to be before and compromise to biden with president biden to move this country forward. whatever happens, harris, in the senate trial is up to the senators to make their decision. what i can tell you is they got to hold the former president accountable. if we want unity we have to hold president trump accountable for what he did that day in the capitol. he called for violence and people to go fight like hell.
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he told people -- >> harris: tomi lahren and you went in a different way. i want an answer to my question, though. i think the american people are probably wondering why even go forth with something like this if you think you don't even have the votes among democrats? why would that be the case? >> i can tell you why. it's a silencing mechanism. >> harris: jose, go ahead. >> the house voted on the trial. presenting >> harris: that's the house. we focused on the senate. >> they presented the case to the senate. they will start the trial february 8th around a week and make a decision. >> harris: all right. tomi, go ahead. not going to answer my question. >> this is the silencing mechanism and a message to all the trump supporters out there. sit down and shut up and comply. this is again another witch hunt. another obsession. they're terrified of president trump in 2024. you would think the democrats
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with their new president would have bigger things to tackle outside of crushing jobs and killing dreams. >> harris: let me move to this. one anchor finally asked congressman eric swalwell how much contact he actually had with the suspected chinese spy christine fang. watch this. >> the f.b.i. has said that i did nothing wrong. don't take it from me. there was no wrongdoing. i've learned nothing new. speaker pelosi has said she is keeping me on the committee and jake, republicans were briefed on this conduct. that individual was trying to do with me and many other members of congress back in 2015. i think this is retaliation more than anything else. >> harris: tapper did not press him on whether he and fang were romantically involved. the congressman's office has not responded to several inquiries by fox news.
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tomi, i come to you first. >> this is also coming from a man who screamed russia, russia, russia for four years. but again we know the media won't press him on it. when they ask him a question it's a softball question if that. we all know that if he were a republican especially a high-ranking republican this would be breaking news. the mainstream media would cover it at length. we know the democrats have a history of having ties to those in the chinese communist party and also dianne feinstein. they're never pressed or asked about it. eric swalwell is being protected by his den mother nancy pelosi as expected. >> i trust the f.b.i. the f.b.i. said he did nothing wrong, he did nothing wrong. if ms. pelosi wants to put him as one of the managers, that's it. let it run its course. >> harris: jose and tomi. thank you. president biden says he will get kids back to school as we
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battle the pandemic. big pushback from teachers who might make that promise very hard to keep. i'll talk with the president of one of the largest teachers unions coming up and "outnumbered" begins at the top of the hour. stick with us with all the conversation on the virtual couch. good debate. veteran homeowners: during uncertain times, money in the bank can bring you and your family real piece of mind. refiplus from newday usa can make it happen. refiplus lets you refinance at the lowest mortgage rates in history plus get an average of $50,000 cash for the financial security you and your family deserve. refiplus, only from newday usa.
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>> teachers that i know want to work. they just want to work in a safe environment. we can do that. we should be able to open up every school, kindergarten through 8th grade if, in fact, we administer these tests. >> harris: major obstacles could stand in the way of president biden's plan to reopen schools especially after chicago teachers just voted to defy the school district's order to
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return to their classrooms for the resumption of the school year. >> if you're trying to force us back into the building, give us a real plan, a schedule, a link to get tested. right? we need an actual real plan, not something vague that says we'll start getting vaccinated in mid february when you expect us in the building tomorrow. >> harris: joining me now randy winegarten american federation of teachers president. randy, thanks for being with me. you and i are looking at the situation both as parents, people talking about it, getting ready to debate the issues. bottom line did president biden just promise something he can't
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keep? >> i think president biden's goal is really important. i think that unless we have a variant like what happened in great britain or germany, that created those kind of lockdowns because of the transmissability, i think we can actually make president biden's goal real. i think what you just heard right before i started speaking is fear. what we're fighting is we're fighting a pandemic and now we're fighting fear. and what we're trying to do as a union is get the safety measures in place. i'm constantly on the phone with chug. try to have that actual plan so that we can address both the pandemic and the fear. and thank god, just like if you go into a box studio, you take a rapid test. when i went into the white house
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thursday, i took a rapid test. the point about the testing that the president said, and also the point about the vaccine has to be a piece of this. >> harris: you've met with the president in person on this issue, yes or no? >> well, i have met with the president's staff. >> harris: you were at the white house. okay. randi, look, i'm going to say the facts here. rapid testing is not the end all be all. you want people to take the really uncomfortable pcr. that's what you get when you go into surgery. probably not going to get that. you mention the word fear. false evidence of fear and real is what a pastor used to tell me. there's a lot of evidence that he may have overpromised. major obstacle standing in the way. some of the things the chicago teachers cited were the fact not that they hadn't been promised a vaccine in a timely fashion on a calendar date, but they've been promised new ventilation systems
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for their schools when some don't even have the basic hvac needs. the hvac for an upcoming warmer month season like air conditioning. this is going to be tough. >> no, i agree with you. this is going to be really tough. part of what's going on here is the reason that we are trying so hard, and i believe the president is trying so hard is because we know that in-school learning is really important. >> harris: of course. >> i know i'm going to get in real trouble by saying this. the same thing we told this administration we told the last one. last april we put a plan out that was very similar to the cdc's about the guidance that we needed. we begged the last president not to just do tweets, but to actually get us that guidance and those resources. the first piece of those resources came together in december. what i'm saying to you is they
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are negotiating 24/7 now in chicago to try to get -- >> harris: we are running up against the top of the hour, randi, with the american federation of teachers president. i want to bring you back. all parents want their kids in school. they learn better that way, but we have to be realistic about it. thank you for watching. let's bring on "outnumbered." fox news alert now. house democrats pushing for sweeping new legislation they say would strengthen our elections, but that republicans are calling it a power grab and the antithesis of unity, hr1 as it' known, the for the people act, would establish automatic voter registration nationwide. would allow same day voter registration on election day, would require paper ballots in all jurisdictions, expand vote by mail
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