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tv   The Five  FOX News  January 26, 2021 2:00pm-3:00pm PST

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getting people -- getting the sites set up and even using some of the personnel to administer some of the vaccines. i think it's something democrats, republicans, governors alike have called for. we're also expanding testing, which will help schools and businesses reopen safely and protect the most vulnerable. we to ensure that equity is at the core of everything we do in urban and rural communities alike, the make sure those people who were significant only damaged have access. access. we have to change, we have to move in the direction for those communities that are hard to get to. but the brutal truth is it's going to take months before we get a majority of the americans vaccinated. the next few months, masks, not vaccines, are the best defense
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against covid-19. experts say that wearing masks until april will save 50,000 lives who otherwise would pass away if we don't wear these masks. that's why we are asking american people to mask up for the first hundred days. i've issued an executive order ordering mask on federal property, planes, trains, buses. he used a very colorful term to say wearing a mask, i tell him to kiss my rear, i'm not going to wear a mask. guess what? not very american. the fact is, you want to be patriotic, you'll want to protect people. new covid-19 variance, we variants, we are dealing with the individuals flying from other countries. you hold a second, y'all heard the strain, the british strain,
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brazilian strain, south african strain. seem to be more transmittable more easily. in addition to wearing masks, everybody wearing masks in united states and other countries, we need to test before they get on the plane and some quarantine when they arrived in america. i'm going to close with this. we now have a national strategy to beat covid-19. it's comprehensive. it's based on science, and the politics. it's based on truth, not denial. it is detailed. it's going to require congress to pass the american rescue plan, provide funding for the vaccines, ramp up testing, help schools and businesses reopen, and a muted deliver immediate relief toamero fault of their own the and our plan will take time. progress from our plan will take time to measure as people get
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infected today don't show up in case count for weeks and those who perish from those disease who die week after that exposure. despite our best intentions, we are going to face setbacks which i will always explain to you and acknowledge. and let me be clear: things are going to continue to get worse before they get better. the death toll experts tell us is likely to top 500,000 of this month of february and cases will continue to mount. we didn't get into this mess overnight. it's going to take months for us to turn things around. but let me be equally clear. we are going to get through this. we will defeat this pandemic. and to a nation waiting for action, let me be clearest on this point: help is on the way. we can do this if we come together, if we listen to the scientists. as i said, tomorrow i say to the
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press the entire team will be back into business, my covid team, of answering all your detailed questions. thank you very much for your patience. keep the faith. we are going to get this done. and i always will level with you about the state of affairs. thank you. >> dana: welcome to "the five." i think peter doocy trying to get a question in there. didn't get an answer. president biden calling it a wartime effort and announcing new steps to boost america's vaccine supply and double the number of doses by the summer. that comes as the new administration causing controversy after promising to keep the battle against covid-19 free of politics. president biden criticizing the program is in worse shape than his team expected. great team to talk about it. jesse, greg, dagan, juan.
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i've lost track of the new administration vaccine program and may be today was an attempt for the president to nail it down to hear where it is, but i hear it's been all over the map. >> dagan: the plan is to order more doses doses because supply is short in many states. order more doses than we have because of the previous administration, which he is trying to hammer. let me take you back to what he said at the beginning of this press conference. he essentially said, told a lie that the vaccine program was in a state of disarray and complemented the press corps in washington as the smartest group in d.c., surely you'll figure it out, he is trying to bribe them to live for them and cover up the live. here are the statistics about what's going on. the vaccinations have been a disaster in blue states but not in places like north dakota
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because they started working on their vaccine program last summer. but right now, it's last week, an average of one and a quarter million doses per day were being administered. that is well above the 1 million mark that joe biden and the administration would need to reach the 100 million doses in 100 days. they are already above that mark last week. also, new cases are falling. they peaked january 8th. in the last 17 days, they are down 34% because of what some doctors are calling "natural immunity." i do not know what world he's living in but he just told a lie and is trying to get the press to cover for him. the >> dana: there is some worry there won't be enough for the second dose. but dr. fauci said today he didn't think that was going to be a problem in the long run.
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juan, michelle goldberg wrote today that she thinks that biden's plan is really unambitious. and urged him to be bigger and bolder. do you think that's what he was doing today or did it seem like it was just the same thing? >> juan: i think he's trying to go bigger obviously by increasing the order of the vaccine and i think that is an order to really meet human need. obviously there are lots of people who want the vaccine, find it at the moment difficult to get. there is lots of regulation or different strategies. he's trying to impose some order and give people reassurance that they will be able to get the vaccine soon. i say that's the period. i think over all this is not political. i'm a little surprised because to me when i look at this, i think to myself, gosh, don't we all want this to happen? it's pretty simple and he's trying to be pragmatic.
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yesterday there was an argument. he's saying that we could all get the shot by spraying the cup must be 19 saying by late summer or fall. here he is saying that i'm not going to increase by 15% the order by vaccine so i can assure people in short order they will be able to get it. he doesn't try to say it's going to a magical prayer he says yeah, we are going to have trouble. we may have distribution flaws and the like, things might fall through in someplace. but i think it's just good news to have somebody take the reins and say, oh, it's going to go away on its own. >> dana: jesse, you can comment on anything you'd like. i just wanted to make us one point, one of the things the president just talked about is the need to get schools reopened. yes. schools have been given amount of money, added air purifiers, but the teachers unions are saying that it's still not good enough even if they get vaccinated first, they want the kids to be vaccinated. do you think the biden administration is missing an opportunity early on to nip that in the bud with the union?
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>> jesse: i do, but i'm glad joe was starting to wake up. he wasn't hired to mess around with women's track and help criminal aliens avoid deportation to he was elected to tackle covid and it look like president trump in operation works being handed joe the ball at the goal line and look like he was mumbling it. thank god he's snapping out of that because as an american, i want him to get shots in arms. we've had operation warp speed give out in a matter of weeks 50 million doses to the state and only half of them have been administered. a lot of that is on the governors. my sources say that during these briefing with the governors in the fall, even in the summer, you guys were just looking around not even taking notes. they were caught flat-footed a because they bought the media lie that there was no way trump and warp speed was going to deliver on time. some of them are doing well and some of them are absolutely
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choking. it's a lie that there is no plan. the biden transition team had over 300 meetings with the trump administration. they knew what was going on. i'm glad that joe was starting to shake loose some supply. he better get on the phone with the ceos of pfizer and maternal because having them come this summer? that's too late. we need these tomorrow. we will pay more. we will outbid the europeans and chinese for it. i don't care, i'll pay. my parents are over 70, they are in new york, they can't get vaccinated. a lot of people can't get vaccinated. he said they had a plan. i don't know what it is but he said there will be federal sites to inject people. not one federal sight had been open per he said he was going to hire federal workers, not one federal workers are hired. i want this to work but he's got to take this seriously and cut the b.s. with these eos that no one cares about right now.
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>> dana: i wanted to bring up this issue, greg, talk about whatever you want. but in december alone, new york city lost 11,000 restaurant jobs. if it goes much longer, there will be no more restaurant industry which is one of the most important things that makes this city function. >> yeah. i know we've been down the road where the problem with joe is that joe can't stop being joe, right? he calls this a war effort and i think that's going to be picked up, that this is a wartime effort to fight this disease. who said that first in march 2020, who said that this is our big war? some guy named trump. there is an obvious difference between donald trump and joe biden. donald trump is a cheerleader. let's get this thing done from the primary reason we got the vaccine so fast is because he said we are going to do it and we can get it done and this is how we are going to do it, we are going to band together,
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this'll be great. you can criticize him being an optimist and being the power of persuasion wasn't enough. but then you look at biden, it's the angel of death, is the exact opposite. makes you realize that joe really did lie a lot during the campaign. he said a lot of big doozies, but he said if you voted for him he'd get the pandemic under control and though he saying that there's nothing we can do to change the pandemic in the coming months and in fact it's going to get a lot worse. and, you know it, just so you know, don't get mad at me because it's going to get really difficult and there's going to be a lot of things that can go wrong and just be patient. what he's asking for america is the kind of understanding that he refused to give to trump or his supporters. there is a big lie going on right now which claims that somehow all of the lies have stopped? no, the media stop hounding them because they're guy won.
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>> dana: good talk, everybody. jesse demo we had to blow a break so i'm going to turn it down to you. >> jesse: raining executive issuing new executive orders today to advance racial equity. so far he signed 17 as i could have orders which, as you can see, wipes the floor with his predecessors. wow. that number doesn't even include the 18 executive actions at biden has also signed. the hypocrisy doesn't end there though. checked out what biden said just last year. >> i've got to get the votes. i've got to get the votes. i have this strange notion that we are a democracy. some of my republican friends and democratic friends may say that if you can get the votes by executive order, you need to do something. things you can do by executive order unless you're a dictator, and we are a democracy. we need consensus.
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>> jesse: let's address this. shattered all presidential records for executive orders, ran on restoring institutional norms. go figure. why would he do this when he has the house and the senate? i mean, people in four years can just revoke all these eos. what's the deal? >> juan: i think he wants to act boldly and aggressively out of the box, take advantage of the fact that he has strong support, growing support among the american people at this moment to come in jesse. trump used executive order -- that's what we are seeing. obviously as a politician, you know elections have consequences, as they say. i want to pick up on the general theme here. the general theme to me here is can someone who is an experienced politician like joe biden, someone who's been vice president for eight years, in the u.s. senate for 30 plus years, can he use his power
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aggressively while at the same time unifying the country? to my mind, if you go and say aggressively i'm going to buy more vaccine, that should be unifying because that helps republicans and democrats. if you say i want to do a better job of expanding the insurance marketplace so people under the affordable care act can get in, i think that helps republicans and democrats in need of insurance coverage, limiting some of the barriers put up on medicare. again, this is good stuff for republicans and democrats. mask mandates good for republicans and democrats who care about dealing with covid. i could go on. it seems to me that if you talk about racial justice and doing a better job, easing racial tension in the country, it helps republicans and democrats. this is unifying use of his power. >> i would disagree. you mentioned racial equity.
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i tried to find that exactly what this executive order dated. i couldn't figure it out. i was wondering, if they didn't have racial equity in the federal government, why didn't barack obama sign in eo to fix it? >> dana: i'd love to have a longer discussion than we have time for. i don't mean to pass the buck to greg to answer this question for me, but something happened within the last -- i don't know, the last 18 months, may become a may be a shorter period then that where the word "equality" was replaced with "equity." equality means equal opportunity. equity meeting you get -- we are going to help you a little bit so you can get up to where these other people are. i find it, the language change, to be, you are right, confusing. it is going to infuse everything they do there. joe biden has a very moderate
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tone and people have known him for a long time. but if you thought he was going to govern as a moderate, the actions of the last seven days mike make you rethink that. >> jesse: i'm all for racial equality, you name it. try to look at what it means on the fact sheet, it means they want to restore racial equity in the government. i'm for that but i'm not sure why they don't disclaim what that is. >> greg: it is illegal, discrimination is illegal. i know sometimes people forget that. i think it was a typo. a media matters talking point memo that was sent out to all the media, they made a typo and it was equity, but the changes kind of, it's kind of significant because it has to do with outcomes and forcing everybody down to the same outcome. that's what it means. a couple of years ago, dana kept saying that trump's policies were straight down the middle, that he could do prison reform
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one day and reduce immigration the other. he could touch down that cut taxes but eliminate a deduction that would screw over the rich and he was right because his policies were actually pretty normal. his personality however wasn't. but i didn't mind it because i just assumed they were fewer body bags and i was right. i would take a pacifist jerk over and the adorable warmonger like biden. i need permission from, jesse, to make this disgusting and immature analogy that could actually get me into a lot of trouble but i'm going to do it. >> jesse: greg, going to take a hard pass on that one. >> greg: you can't! here is the comparison. between donald trump and joe biden. they are like different types of flatulence. trump is allowed in the order, joe is silent but deadly.
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a booty bomb with 100% hydrogen sulfide. the point is the dems in the media were startled by the sound and fury of trump, ignoring the largely benign policy underneath the bluster. meanwhile they look at joe as a kind old grandpa that could probably lead us into another war. silent but deadly. >> dana: as the analogy king of the show, i don't know what to say. i am blown away by that analogy. let's talk keystone pipeline. dagen, what i don't understand is this. help me out. he gets rid of the keystone pipeline, but we are still going to refine canadian oil here, they are just going to have to drive it down or railroad it down instead of sending it down the pipeline. that seems like that emits more carbon. does it not? >> dagen: it does and there are government studies about that. they killed a pipeline that destroys 10,000 jobs, it takes about a half billion dollars
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away from indigenous people. they were going to get indigenous suppliers and jobs, half a billion there. but we are going to create more pollution. or maybe the oil gets sent to china. busy building, coal-fired power plants over there. joe biden is for greta thunberg. he is destroying jobs, keystone pipeline. he promised to do this. remember, he said we are going to transition away from the oil industry? that was not a mistake, rejoining the paris climate accord, bending over for china. that's going to cost every american roughly $15,000. oh, and let's hammer the states like new mexico that rely on federal lands for oil and natural gas production. we are going to move away from that. we are going to make sure that that ends. they are essentially raising prices for every american in
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energy, regressive tax here we are also reducing our power on the world stage so we might have to buy more oil from nations that hate us. so great plan. i will quote greta thunberg, "how dare you." [curdle delma >> jesse: the newmccarthyism, hs using private business to crush all dissent. ♪ ♪ research shows people remember commercials with nostalgia. so to help you remember that liberty mutual customizes your home insurance, here's one that'll really take you back. wow! what'd you get, ryan? it's customized home insurance from liberty mutual! what does it do bud?
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it customizes our home insurance so we only pay for what we need! and what did you get, mike? i got a bike. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
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(phone ringing) - hey kaleb, what's up? how you doing? - hey, i'm good. guess what? i just had my 13th surgery. - [alec] really? - how are you doing? - i'm doing good. i'm encouraged by seeing how people are coming together to help each other during times like these. - kinda like how shriners hospitals for children is there for us. imagine if i couldn't get my surgery. who knows what would have happened? - same for me. i know my shriners hospitals family will continue to take care of kids like us who need them most. all because of caring people like you. - like me? (alec laughs) - no, the people watching us right now at home. we hope you'll call the special number on your screen right now. - you'll be making sure our amazing doctors and nurses can keep helping kids like us who need them now and in the days to come. - with your gift of $19 a month, we'll send you this adorable love to the rescue blanket as a thank you and a reminder of the kids you're helping
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with your monthly support. - so what are you waiting for? you can use your phone and call, or go to to give and join with thousands of other generous people who change lives with their gifts every day. - i think that's about it buddy. good job! - my pleasure captain! please, call now. if operators are busy with all the other caring people, please wait patiently. or you can go to to give right away. ♪ ♪ please wait patiently. ♪ ♪ (quiet piano music) ♪ ♪ comfort in the extreme. the lincoln family of luxury suvs.
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(judith) at fisher investments, we do things differently and other money managers don't understand why. (money manager) because our way works great for us! (judith) but not for your clients. that's why we're a fiduciary, obligated to put clients first. (money manager) so, what do you provide? cookie cutter portfolios? (judith) nope, we tailor portfolios to our client's needs. (money manager) but you do sell investments that earn you high commissions, right? (judith) we don't have those. (money manager) so what's in it for you? (judith) our fees are structured so we do better when our clients do better. at fisher investments we're clearly different. >> greg: what do some people do when they gain power over you? if it's the power of the new mccarthyism, they shut you up. it's why leftists tried to ban books, muzzle conservatives, and process the inclusion of nonliberal voices.
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silence businesses, and toss folks off social networks. the dems grow, oh, these are private companies but so are health care companies. if i were banned from hospitals, i guess i could freelance prostate exams. the claim that private companies can do whatever they want is based on the idea that they are private, free speech be damned. sorry, you can't build a twitter in your backyard. it's really about a new fascist mob out to silence all dissent using the private business as another excuse. and it's genius. the first amendment can't protect you when tech is in business with uncle sam, and that's the system that left now embraces because they can use it against you. never mind that those defending the tech titans would happily crush a baker who won't make a cake for religious reasons. funny how the left demands of so much from companies. more gender equity, do more for climate change, but protected speech?
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not so fast, buster. the left claims we are just silencing lies because, you know, they are the experts in truth. >> it would be my policy that a republican must assert the truth before they are allowed to share any other views. if we can protect against counterfeit dollar bills, you should be able to protect against fake news that we now know has the potential to kill people as it did two weeks ago. >> greg: you must assert the truth. thank god no none of nicole wallace's lies killed anyone. the media says calling you a liar should shut up you didn't work with rand. >> 75% of republicans agree with you because they were fed a big lie by president trump in the supporters that the election was stolen. there are two sides to every story. >> there are not two sides to this story. it's been looked at in every
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single state -- >> george, you're forgetting who you are eczema forgetting who you are as a journalist if you think there's only one side, inserting yourself in the story to say i'm a liar because i want to look at election fraud. >> greg: perfect. it's cute when bozos like george dismiss investigating our vulnerable election system when there is still 100% certain that russians took advantage of our vulnerable election system. for four years, that was their truth, along with the trump's hitler refrain, it meant destruction by any means necessary. yet no one cancels them. why is that? i guess when you sell the words that makes the lies come you get a lifetime membership. dagen -- did the democrats realize the dangerous path they are going through? when they are the people who invented the "people will die postal refrain when republicans
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do anything, when republicans cut taxes, people will die, they increase people on the police on thestreet, people wil. they invented and send in every language! it'll bite them in the butt. >> dagen: they forget because they frighten you and scare you into submission because that gives you control. and then control is power. power is their food, their water, the oxygen, their son, their moon, their son, the gruel to fill up their empty souls. these are left-wing bags in media, tech companies, and down in washington. what's particularly revolting though is that they are watching them to fake this morality, they act like they got into this racket because they are pure and true and know what is better than you and that's not what it's about. it's about power and at the end of the day they will
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figuratively steal your wallet, lift your car keys, and make sure you get fired from your job and still never lose a minute of sleep at night. i would rather spend a winter at the overlook hotel then eat lunch with any of these sociopaths. >> greg: juan, i do like the fact that the left are embracing private enterprise and the fact to do whatever they please. i remember them feeling differently about that bakery a few years ago. >> juan: you can violate people's rights, but what the opening is doing is not in violation of your first amend and speech rights because they are not the government. that's a whole different deal. i just want to congratulate you for finally coming out against cancel culture. as i recall for the last few years, somebody was saying, let's have a boycott of macy's. let's have a boycott of hbo. let's boycott goodyear!
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right? >> greg: me? >> juan: that was donald trump! >> dagen: that's not me. >> juan: i'm just saying -- donald trump, donald trump, "let's boycott apple!" >> greg: how pathetic... >> juan: here's the thing. that's cancel culture. it's not cancel culture when you stand up for american democracy, greg. it's not cancel culture when you say to the hundred 20 the 120 house republicanswho dir election to undermine american democracy, when you say to the seven republicans in the senate who did the same, you have damaged american democracy and you'll be held accountable? that's not cancel culture. >> greg: now do adam schiff who lied about having proof of
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russia collusion! i don't want to embarrass you two days in a row. >> juan: the whole intelligence community lied too? >> greg: clapper? yes? he obviously lied. go down the list and impeach everyone based on that. >> juan: you want to start with trump's lies? you want to compare trump's lies? i've got a big list, greg. greg called and i bet do. >> greg: greg >> greg: i bet you do>> jet mask and you want to shut them ? nancy said come party in chinatown and people died. you want to shut her up? how about joe biden saying there were wmds in iraq, people died. you want to shut him up? how about people who lied about police departments? 30 facilities before that. do you want him to get on air --
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a communist assassinated jfk! what did the democrats do? the next 30 years ap's communist. are you telling me they want to go to war now? what killed more people? capitalism or communists? >> juan: i think ted cruz's dad is the one who did it in his opinion. go ahead. >> jesse: you want to put the power of the federal government to tell you what a dangerous idea was? if that had happened you wouldn't have the civil rights movement, you wouldn't have the antiwar movement, you wouldn't have the pro-gay marriage movement. this pendulum, and swing the other way. do you want to put conservative in charge of what dangerous beaches? they can say abortion kills and they can shut down and cancel any pro-choice democrat. you don't want to go down that road did have a little integrity, my man.
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>> juan: i hope conservatives would always stand up for america. >> jesse: what does that even mean? >> dana: everybody, step back from the brink. do not try to cancel each other for the first amendment is first for a reason. let's try to protect it. that's it. >> greg: thank you, dana. all right. this is exciting. up next, maria bartiromo is up to tell us another big night ahead on fox news prime time. i'm still discovering what's next. and still going for my best. even though i live with a higher risk of stroke due to afib... not caused by a heart valve problem. so if there's a better treatment than warfarin, i'm reaching for that. eliquis. eliquis is proven to reduce stroke risk better than warfarin. plus has significantly less major bleeding than warfarin. eliquis is fda-approved and has both. what's next? i'm on board. don't stop taking eliquis unless your doctor tells you to,
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>> juan: is another big night for a fox news prime time at 7:00 p.m. senators josh hawley, rand paul, and former secretary of state mike pompeo will all be on tonight. don't miss it.
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maria bartiromo joins us now for a preview and much more. i know you get up at an insane hour to get on the air for your fox business network show. now you are joining us in prime time at night on fox news channel. are there two marias? >> i sleep in my closet upside down. you know that, one! it's hard getting up at all different times. last night was a lot of fun and tonight should be a really good show. you know what? i think it's the reverse for me, i'm joining "the five." i >> juan: you are either up early or a plate. your parents ran a restaurant and you were a waitressed in that restaurant -- >> i was not, one. i was the coat check girl. i was not the waitress, but definitely my brother was a waiter and my whole family was
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involved because as dagen knows, when you have a small business, the whole family pitches in and that was the case with the but the>> greg: i want to talk to maria about the song, the song that we came in on on the segment. >> dana: me too. >> dagen: think about >> greg: joey ramon thought about and created a song about with your name for probably one of the top five greatest bands of all time. that's bigger than a nobel prize! when you first heard that song, what did you think? >> it is joey ramone after all. my husband's always telling me, you are so not cool.
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i say, no, i'm really cool, joey raome wrote a song about me. he was big in the dot-com era and that's obviously what the lyrics to that song are pure he started emailing me and i did not know it was the joey of r joey raomne he says, i want you to come and watch me play it. that's when i said, my god, it's that joey ramon. he asked me to go at that time, i was on squawk box at cnbc. i said to him, there is no way i could be at midnight, i'm on the air at seven. i'll send my camera crew, but i'll come on a friday night or something. and i still regret that. i want to say to all our
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viewers, something that's so crazy, something you never imagined, you pulled the all-nighter, you stay up all night and you go on air the next morning. i will regret that my whole life. i have it on video. i was shocked when the guy came back from my crew. >> dagen: i know maria so well. maria owns the lyrics, the actual handwritten lyrics that she bought them so she has the lyrics sheet enjoy in joey ramone's handwriting. that speaks to maria's work ethic. you wrote a song about me, but i've got to go to work in the morning. >> juan: dagen, you are a running partner on the fox news business network show. what are you thinking about
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maria in prime time? >> dagen: i think it's amazing and i'm going to -- like i did last night, got home just to watch it. can't wait to see what she's got coming up. spend the whole morning with her too. >> all morning, dagen, 6:00 to 9:00, watching the show, taking a nap, and getting ready. >> dana: it's a pleasure to get to know you over the years and coming with a reputation that is quite something. i wonder about -- you know, your thoughts on this moment that we are in. are you excited for it, nervous for it, anxious for it? is there one word to describe it? >> it's extraordinary. this obsession with power. joe, look over here, we've got this happening over here, there is all of that going on and the fact that we've got this getting books canceled and you can't join the military, and all this
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stuff, it's just disgusting. i'm really shocked that the mainstream media is not outraged by this crushing of free speech. it's a major problem and that's why we've got senator hawley on tonight talking about that as well. but secretary pompeo should be really interesting to talk about the threats and sort of assess the biden administration and the secretary of state, the new secretary of state and the entire foreign affairs division in government now. it's incredibly extraordinary. >> juan: maria, good luck. jesse, did you have anything? i don't think so. >> jesse: i am just going to say "jessie's girl" was written by me, by rick springfield. i didn't have "maria" by the ramon ramones, but i guess that special.
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>> juan: coming up next, the pandemic is making a song much more self-conscious. we will tell you coming up right after the break on "the five." what were the odds you would even be you? with your uniquely-you sneeze. and, your uniquely-you health needs? 1 in 400 trillion. roughly. that's why walgreens created something new.
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with personalized, real-time health alerts. cash rewards on...everything. and pickup in as little as 30 minutes. introducing mywalgreens. a whole new way to wellness.
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♪ ♪ >> dagen: another downside to the pandemic, it's making us more self-conscious. the countless hours spent on zoom and video calls causing more americans to be insecure about their parents. doctors have coined the phrase "zoom dysmorphia" to describe this. women -- this is my opinion, women have always suffered on this especially if you grew up one of those con air lighted magnifying mirrors, you are looking at your pores up close? >> dana: we are not meant as humans to be looking at ourselves this much. that's why if you are in charge of a zoom call, tell everyone they can turn their video off, you'll make everybody happy, the call will go better, you'll make more money, everyone will be better. at your office, tell them they can turn the video off. >> dagen: jesse, you are a student of self obsession, so...
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>> jesse: [laughs] i do not want anybody touching their face. i don't want any injections or surgeries. i want everybody to stay the same. the better looking everybody else get, the less handsome i look in comparison. see what i'm saying here? if america in general goes from a six 287, my 8 doesn't look that great anymore. i have to think, do i have to botox to a 9th? i will, but i don't want to have to. >> dagen: speaking from personal experience, you stay from a five to 86, you have large cheekbones or something. you look like, well, like you are permanently squinting. >> juan: i'm not getting that one. dagen, an old mark twain quote that goes wrinkles have been more smiles have been.
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there has nothing going to hide your wrinkles and creases for my high definition camera. to my mind, let it be. for example, jesse is just a beautiful guy. let him be jesse. i don't have any problem with it. >> jesse: i love you, or juan. you are beautiful, bro. >> greg: i would allow 15 seconds for everybody to insert their own jeffrey toobin joked. then i felt maybe if everybody submitted their own toobin joke like this was a zoom call, it'd be a little bit better. >> dana: i don't know if i can come up with one. >> greg: he did. >> jesse: not for tv. >> dagen: i just got nauseated
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thinking about it. one more thing coming up next. >> greg: you're welcome. ♪ ♪
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cell phone repair. did you know liberty mutual customizes your car insurance so you only pay for what you need? just get a quote at really? i'll check that out. oh yeah. i think i might get a quote. not again!
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aah, come on rice. do your thing. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
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>> dana: it's time now for one more thing. juan, kick it off. >> juan: can a college gymnast and inspire a national dance party? watch the routine pop-up the popmusic. [cheers and applause] perform songs by beyonce, kendrick lamar, missy elliott, and tupac. got a 9.5 score from the judges, near perfection. it's been viewed over 9 million
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times on social media and won applause from olympian simone biles. tweeted, "so much fun to watch! a performance to keep us all moving on the dance floor. congratulations to mia dennis. >> dana: incredible. can't wait to see her on the olympics when we have those again. jesse? >> jesse: let's get back to what i do best. you want to see a little baby ninja? check this kid out. >> dana: is that real? >> jesse: the ultimate fruit ninja. a little karate chop on the pineapple. >> dagen: i get it... >> jesse: you called me out on fake news?
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>> dana: it's been a long day! greg, go ahead. greg, it's going to be a long day forever because you got to show show on 9:00 a.m. let's see this. greg, our pandas hideous monsters pretend to be adorable playthings quiz? let's look at this video. our panda my if you can play this, our pandas hideous or are they adorable playthings? my theory is they are pretend to be a fun loving until they can get close enough to rip your face off. it does appear to be very, very adorable. doesn't want him to leave. isn't that cute? i think we have other tape of pandas. but he wants to eat him. here are some other pandas playing. they are rolling around but they are actually thinking about eating human flesh. that is all they think about is eating human flesh.
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they are evil. he's just flossing after eating one of the zookeepers. anyway. they are not even wearing masks. they are not wearing masks. >> dagen: i think you just bamboozled us. >> jesse: i think they think the election was stolen. >> dagen: he's written this novel, i read it six months ago. i'm telling you, this book is excellent. it's such a great story. takes place in the '80s in dallas. it's funny. it's also sad. laugh, cry, laugh. that's how i like to read a book. highly recommend it. dagen? >> dagen: i am reading a book about brothels in chicago, "sin in the second city." take a look at the viewing of the hippo in cincinnati zoo
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celebrate in her fourth birthday. she was born just 29 pounds, six weeks premature. she celebrated with her mom. that's a fruitcake. >> dana: is that real? that's it for us. "special report" is up next. take it away, bret. >> bret: i think the ninja kid cut the fruit for the hippo. good evening, welcome to washington bit i'm bret baier. breaking tonight, president biden says the fight against the coronavirus is now a wartime effort. the government is buying an additional 2 million doses the vaccine. president biden saying that the program he inherited from his hs is or was in worse shape than he expected. laid out several new goals for his speech 26 program and several harsh warnings a short time ago. gillian turner garrett


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