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tv   FOX News Primetime  FOX News  January 26, 2021 4:00pm-5:00pm PST

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>> we are getting reaction from secretary pompeo to the confirmation of tony blinken, so we will talk about that. one of these days, i need to hear the alligator story for sure. >> good evening, everyone. welcome to fox news prime time. the biden administration today continuing its executive order spree getting ready to work on stuff that really matters like banning the use of the phrase china virus on government documents. but what will he do about blacklisting, censorship, and social medias dominance. joining in later tonight to discuss the left's quest to shut
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down anybody who does not get in line. big tech censorship obsession is making social media feel more and more like communist china every day and nobody knows china more like mike pompeo. joining us exclusively coming up to face the real threats america faces under a biden administration and whether he will be there for republicans in 2024. all of that, plus an informed opinion on the news of the day coming up. nothing to see over here, the democrats are using impeachment drama has a cover to keep your eyes off of an ambitious agenda designed and controlling everything you do. senator rand paul objecting to impeachment today calling and unconstitutional sham.
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it was the president, the chief justice shows up. would refuse to come they put this issue forward but the most important issue to take away is they don't have the votes to convict. 45 republican senators say that the whole charade is unconstitutional. so what does that mean? it means the trial is dead on arrival. they will be a show, they will be a parade of partisanship, but the democrats will not be able to win, they will be able to play a partisan game that they wish to play. it's all over. this shows they don't have the votes to win. they will just slog through this and try to punish republicans but that's all this has ever been about.
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they don't want the election to be over. eric swalwell said something like we must ensure the republican plan for health care debating obamacare is get sick and then you die. the same time, a sick child that they want your child to die? that sounds like incitement to violence. they came to the ball field,
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nearly killed steve scalise, wounded three or four others, and spewed 200 bullets and would've killed more. nobody talked about impeaching bernie sanders. become a mob, we want you to mob in restaurants and cause mayhem. that sounds like an incitement of violence but no one's talking about impeaching maxine waters, no one's talking about impeaching bernie sanders or cory booker for saying get up in their face, it's a significant hypocrisy and double standard they are putting forward and should be called out on it, should not be shy about calling them out about their hypocrisy. >> let's not forget the summer of love and 2020 we had molotov cocktails being thrown into faces of police where we couldn't get anywhere near the chop zone in seattle and all small businesses in big cities had to board up. i don't remember hearing a peep from any of your colleagues on
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the left in the summer of love. >> i'm reminded him of that as well but none of them are responding to this at all and we caught them flat-footed. i don't think they realized the vote we took today is essentially a member of the vote we will take at the very end so we've had a preliminary vote that shows that 45 republicans don't even think the procedure, don't even think the trial is constitutional so that shows you they are not going to win, this is a partisan thing they want to put forward but i don't think it's even good for them. biden says he wants to show unifying the country, and yet what he's putting forward as one of the most divisive partisan rancor risk, bitter things you could possibly do and if biden had been a statesman, he could have stepped up or a week or two ago, and i think we should not do the impeachment, biden's numbers would've shot up 20
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points if he would say oh, my goodness, for once somebody can rise against partisanship but biden didn't show the strength of character to do that. he went along with the left-wing radicals and he's going to go along with the impeachment, but it's a farce and is not constitutional and it shows the double standard because democrats have had much hateful speech, much more specifically by inciting violence and nobody has said a peep about it. >> and is he standing by and allowing this blacklisting to continue and allowing this crushing of free speech and these exes on trump associates backs, you've got democrat stephanie murphy right now pushing legislation to ban anybody who participated in stop the steal and anybody who pushed back on the irregularity from holding a security clearance. or joining the military. >> the last time we did this was the patriot act and they were
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spying on every american they were cataloguing every american's phone calls and i when they they say domestic terrorists to realize i've been willing to say there was fraud in the election. i don't know if it was enough fraud we should want to know, only to 40 state legislatures and trying to get them to fix their law. wanted by authorities or wanted by the domestic terrorism police because i might say on my goodness, i think somebody might've stole the election. i think there might've been fraud. so is it not okay to have an opinion in our country anymore? the start of the global warming extremists and now it's gone to election fraud, what is the next subject we are not allowed to have an opinion that contradicts the liberals? >> i can tell you right now president biden did another executive order today and in
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that order, he is banning the term china virus. have you ever heard anything so ridiculous and extraordinary? seriously, this is happening. >> i was joking earlier with somebody because katie couric has been talking about sending us all to a deprogramming camp and i said at least we will have katie couric's beautiful smile there before they shock you to try to get you to believe what they believe. these people don't realize what they're saying, that there has to be this one group think sort of position and if you are outside that position, you need to be deprogrammed. it is bizarre liberal is supposed to mean open minded. it's more close-minded than anything i could've ever imagined. >> they've been telling us they've been tolerant for years, if it weren't so extraordinary
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and scary, it would be funny, but it is so dangerous and scary. it's good to see you tonight, thank you very much. i'll keep following all of your moves. a quick break and then speaking exquisitely with former secretary of state mike pompeo, what he said now about the biden administration and a tense situation with china and iran straight ahead. called me. she said uncle's had a heart attack. i needed him to be here. your heart isn't just yours. protect it with bayer aspirin. be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen.
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>> welcome back, the senate confirming antony blinken as joe biden's new secretary of state today, some are questioning whether the biden administration is ready and willing to handle pressure from china. my next guest was one of the first trump official sanctions by the chinese communist regime, joining me now his former secretary of state mike pompeo.
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thank you very much for being here tonight. >> thank you so much for having me on the show, great to be with you. >> i know that you have spent time with the new team, the biden administration, do you believe that they understand the threats that america faces effectively enough? >> i do. i think they understand it and i wish them all the best, this is an adversary that as you know is determined to create of global hedge men to impact asia in ways that are detrimental to united states of america. they know that and see that. i hope they do well. the changes that changes course of action, facing resistance,
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capacity to impose costs on them, but they get that piece right, i'm confident the american people will be rewarded by the relationship that protects the american people. they just simply won't do. >> i just wonder if hunter biden's relationships and partnerships with chinese companies tied to the ccp's look at in the way, i wonder you were the first one to get sanctioned by beijing. listen to this, got to get your take. i was sanctioned last summer and i wanted to laugh it off.
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they apply to any company or institution that associates with them that was not designed to punish trump administration officials from taking a tough lien on china but to send a shot across the bow to biden's administration official. >> do you agree with that kind is this a message to the biden administration, what do you think of the sanctions? >> i think senator cotton largely has that right. this is something they want the current secretary of state, national security advisor, all the counterparts and i want them to be thinking about this i don't have any doubt that the chinese communist party was trying to send a message. but it's important to remember, this is part and parcel of the chinese communist party's behavior. this is the exact kind of thing they've done for an awfully long time for 50 years.
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administration after administration turning the other cheek, allow the chinese communist party to run over america and our administration didn't do that, we responded and i think the ccp is hoping it would be an anomaly. when administration for four years to challenge them and confront them and protect the american people and wanted to impose sanctions to execute our administration's policy and implemented it in a way that will cause anyone else. there is a cost if you challenge them, we need to prepare to walk through that fire, we need to be prepared to get it right, and we have a duty, a solid duty in this next administration to continue to tell the chinese communist party we are not going going to poke back to what we did. the impeachment policy of the last 40 or 50 years, engaging and want them to take advantage of the american people and destroy millions of jobs here in america. it is just unacceptable in the united states won't tolerate it.
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>> then why is joe biden banning the words china virus? and all of the things in terms of this cancel culture, now we are not allowed to say china virus even though it originated in wuhan. you also have the asia and was making money in china consulting tony blinken. is this going to get in the way? china just told me if i push back on that, they're going to take away my livelihood. these are real stories, hunter biden and these ties to a chinese company in the military, does it get in the way, the politics? >> these chinese threats are real stories, more importantly, real facts that i think the american people need to know about, come to understand and how it might impact american foreign policy as it relates to china. but make no mistake, i hadn't seen this banning of the term
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chinese virus. i've called it the wuhan virus since its inception. it began at wuhan, it is a virus that came from that place, we know that they disappeared doctors and journalists who want to write about and told that they couldn't, i think still to this day of the world health organization hasn't been able to see the most important elements of where this virus may have begun. these are things the state department was talking about, put out just in my last couple of weeks that a few key pieces of information about some doctors that contracted something that looked like were symptomatic of something that seems like this virus back in november of 2019. these are important things. the american people need to know them because they matter for health and safety and economic prosperity and for our security and i hope and i'm counting on his next administration to do with the american people demanded of them and continue to confront the chinese communist party. >> i'm glad you put that information now. you're right.
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we learned because of you and because of your administration that doctors, scientists were getting sick in october and november of 2019, shouldn't president biden acknowledge china's role in the coronavirus? have you heard him say anything about the communist party's role in the coronavirus and should the administration say something about the sanctions, should they come out and say you will not sanction a former secretary of state? >> i hope they will. i hope they will take sanctions against former officials as we took actions that other governments try to take against ours, i remember when he was attacked by the russians, came out and defended him, it's the right thing to do. more importantly with respect to the virus, this virus has now destroyed thousands and thousands of lives. the economic toll that is
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unequaled in an awfully long time and it began in a place of wuhan, china, and the chinese communist party did everything it could to give itself the time to respond to it on its own terms and didn't do what it was supposed to do, duty to the world to let us know that this had human to human transmission and that it has begun. that was enormously to the american people so i hope this administration and everyone in the world will acknowledge where it began and how the chinese communist party misbehaved and will make sure of two things, that there's a cost associated with that and that we put in place process, it was a failed political institution. to put in place processes to make sure something like this can never emanate from china again. >> joe biden just as getting the united states back into the world health organization. >> i think that's a mistake. president trump thought that was
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a mistake. we believed it was under formable formable and had become a corrupt and political and cow towed to the chinese communist party at the most critical moment, the global health challenge. we think it was fixable and working our best to make sure something that we could actually deliver a global health solution to actually help all around the world. we think the w.h.o. has no opportunity to do that, and i hope i'm wrong, i hope it turns out the w.h.o. can fix this but we couldn't see a path to making that happen. >> they obviously went along with the beijing body and would not allow the cdc in there to investigate the origins of the coronavirus back in march. you have called out china for crimes against humanity and, crimes against humanity obviously was used to prosecute the, so the question is will the biden administration do anything about it? tony blinken did agree with your assessment, did call out the.
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and what's happening with them right now. >> i was very pleased to see the statement that i'd made, the determination i've made about this was concurred with by secretary blinken. i think that's fantastic and true read these are real facts and real people being truly impacted by things that we haven't seen since the 1930s, the atrocities that have taken place there in the actions of sterilization, forced abortion continuing to take place there for a historic proportion and the world, not just the united states on the whole world needs to unite and put cost on the chinese communist party edges they change and stop these atrocities that are taking place there. >> i want to move on to the middle east and the great work you did in terms of the abraham accord and the normalization with israel but before i get there, taiwan. it feels like beijing is testing
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this administration. they are testing them with taiwan, obviously 12 aircraft's on saturday, 15 on sunday, fighters and bombers into taiwan's international zone, that's one thing, the sanctions we talked about and of course, a real message for american companies going over there. if these financial services that got licenses to do so. do you expect to beijing to try to take over taiwan the way it has moved into hong kong, the way it has been acquired today. i have every belief that they should challenge this
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administration to see if they can find the soft underbelly. they did in the way that was unique, but to make clear, the expectation that chinese communist party would live up to its commitments in the same way we would live up to our commitments that we made with respect to taiwan is the right thing for the american people, it's how you put america first and something that the chinese communist party will understand the most. >> do you think the rest of the world understands this? you lead the rest of the world and this in terms of communicating in understanding the threat, 12 countries at this point have pulled out of the china belt, nice work secretary by getting the allies in the corner with the united states let me move on to the middle east, the abraham accord in the normalization of relations with israel. is there another country boys to
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do that, how do you continue that knowing the lead negotiator on the iran nuclear deal is going to be the number two, jake sullivan all participating in the iran deal, it looks like joe biden wants to get the united states back into the iran deal, they say they want to have but will they push for those terms when iran balks at them? >> for the protection of the american people and stability in the middle east, i hope that they will. there were two things that set the conditions for the prosperity and stability we created in the middle east. the first was decisions with respect to israel, recognizing jerusalem as the capital of the jewish homeland in those things made clear that we weren't going to allow the conflict between israel and the palestinians to stand in the way of peace and prosperity.
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the second thing was to put an enormous pressure on the regime in iran. those two things allowed the countries that are impacted most by iran, saudi arabia, the united arab emirates, kuwait, all the nations in the middle east that live with iran as a neighbor appreciated the work that we did and so many of them have joined abraham accord and others have begun to ease restrictions and doing business with israel. i think this trend will continue but it will require those central underpinnings and understandings about who the real bad guy is in the middle east, the nation that is fomenting the terror and instability and that is central to permitting these countries to continue to expand their relationship with israel into expanding peace and prosperity all throughout that region. >> general jack keane said to me recently that we are outgunned. for example, china. china has more navy ships than we do, more long-range missiles,
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what are the plans in terms of making sure that our military readiness is at the right point and ready for these threats. do you think that they are winning in terms of its readiness and in terms of its military, what needs to be done now with regards to the military in the face of all of this? >> general keane's right to be concerned about and president trump put us right on the right trajectory. remember this for an awfully long time for the previous eight years before the trump administration that we had continued to deny the resources they were asking for to do precisely this. second, we also actually delivered in making sure everyone understood including the department of defense that the threat was from this great power in china of all he had to continue to perform our counterterrorism mission, we needed to make sure we reoriented our focus we started
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putting the building blocks in place so we would continue to be the most superior military and capable of defeating any military that was needed whether that was cyber threats or threats to satellites or more conventional threats that we have the capacity to do that. i'm confident we still can but make no mistake, the chinese communist party and its military is doing it utmost to be a rival the united states military. >> what about russia, g7 ministers concerned with the jailing of russian protesters, the biden administration says it wants a new arms control agreement with russia. we all know that russia cheats. is this about of vladimir putin? >> we worked hard to try to get an arms agreement with the russians and frankly got close. we got them to agree to freeze their nuclear weapon systems for the first time, ultimately couldn't get that done because we couldn't get them to permit us to verify that commitment in a way that would've been
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important. i hope the next administration will continue to push in this direction if we can reduce nuclear risk, that is certainly a good thing, but make no mistake, we are as tough on russia as any administration. dozens and dozens of officials, we worked hard to make sure that we could try to convince vladimir putin that he had to -- we always succeed at that but there was no point that the united states stood ready to protect the american people as well as a threat from the chinese communist party. >> final question here, what are your plans, a lot of trump supporter's feel very good about the way you handled yourself, you stuck with president trump until the end, will you run in 2024 >> greg: >> goodness, that's a long way off. i'm still trying to figure out how to get settled and move onto the next thing. the work that we did, the
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mission that we were on was important. i believe that with all my heart, hook a turn for the american people to protect them and create the conditions for their prosperity by putting america first. i hope to continue to be a part of that, but i'm committed to continuing that effort. >> i will take it. a secretary, it is good to see you tonight, thank you very much. >> thank you, maria. >> thank you. coming up next, missouri senator josh hawley is here. wait until you see what he has to say about the new efforts to blacklist him, then his reaction to some of the calls for him to be kicked out of the senate when we come back. they have customized solutions to help our family's special needs... giving us confidence in our future ...and in kevin's. voya. well planned. well invested. well protected.
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sfx: [sounds of everyday life events, seen and heard in reverse] ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ sfx: [sounds of fedex planes and vehicles engines] ♪♪ sfx: [sounds of children laughing and running, life moving forward] >> welcome back. senator josh hawley challenged the results of the presidential election and then had his book deal dropped, a fund-raiser
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canceled and i was being blamed for the tragic death of capitol police officers. watch this. >> has to be the dumbest guy in the united states senate. >> he led an insurrection, he is responsible for cops being murdered, he is responsible for everything that we saw. he was at the forefront of it. he goes to stanford and yale and he uses it for evil. he uses it to kill capital cops and run its additions against the united states of america. he's got the bone structure of a bird. he should be kicked out of the united states senate. >> this is what they are spewing on msnbc. joining right now to respond as josh hawley himself, republican senator from missouri, the author of the forthcoming book the tyranny of big tech. it's good to have you tonight, thank you so very much for being here. your reaction from joe scarborough? >> that's typical unfortunately of what we are seeing from the left-wing mob and the reason they are so hysterical and
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hysterical and unhinged and irrational and spewing lies, almost everything i heard there was an utter total live. the reason is i won't bow down to them. i won't do what they tell me to do. i'm not going to be silenced or canceled, i refused to bow down to the mob and they are literally losing their minds because i won't do as i'm told to do but i've got news for them, i answer to the people of missouri and his family had more people who said i'm not going to take directions from the mob. >> it's unbelievable really what is taking place. it does feel like communist china and the media is driving the bus on all of that. if your wife and your baby were threatened. democrats demanding your expulsion from the senate wanting to add you to the fbi's no-fly list. it just keeps coming on, lost owners, lost the book deal, what do you believe is at the root of all of this? >> is a desire by the left to try to silence all opposition.
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they don't want unity, they want control, they want total and complete control, want to eliminate all opposition, shut it down, silence everybody, any speech that they don't agree with and we just got to stay those of us who have voices have to be strong and stand up in the this is about the right of free speech and i'm not going to be intimidated, not going to be silenced and not going to back down. >> independent journalist and pulitzer prize winner glenn greenwald, going to get your take on this. >> it's really not being led by silicon valley, they would prefer not to have to exercise. it's really being foisted upon them by a public and a
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democratic party and a bunch of media outlets like "the new york times" and cnn censor them more and not less. >> so do you think it is coming from the democratic party? >> i think there definitely is an alliance between the left and the woke capitalists, between big business, big tech, and the left. so we have a bunch of corporate liberals who run the democratic party, they love big business because they can control big business, we've seen it right now in the last two or three weeks, big business kicking people off social media telling folks that they can't fly, telling folks they are not welcome to speak, this is becoming more and more common, this is why we've got to stand up and say i'm not going to bow down to the corporate mob, the woke mob, and we've got to challenge it. >> i had 1 million followers
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on twitter, now i have under 900,000. literally in a couple of weeks, i don't know what's going on there, but there's this whole other program now that twitter comes out with where this enables users to comment on people's posts. it's sort of like wikipedia and wikipedia could not be more false. you go on wikipedia, it's all users putting whatever they want on other users. they put parler out of business on that on top of all the bands for president trump. >> this bird watch thing is basically just giving a license to the local leftists who basically run twitter already running people off the platform because silicon valley here is totally complicit, let's be clear about this. they want to control speech in america, they 100% want to
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control speech in america and the democrat party wants them to control speech in america. the left and big corporations want to silence any kind of speech they disagree with. >> what do you do in terms of section 230, they can get sued if something is in the newspaper that is wrong and they can spew out hate and have all of this an accurate on this platform and they are not viable. >> we've got to repeal it, there's no doubt about it, section 230 right now, huge giveaway to these big tech corporations, the most powerful corporations in the history of the world, and the u.s. government and the democrats are all for it. you've got to repeal it, you've got to hold them accountable.
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if you get discriminated against, he won't have your day in court against these big tech companies right now protected and they've got to change that. >> what else do you see about the by an administration, tony blinken. a very cold corporate endless wars, the globalism is right back to the failed agenda of the obama years before we saw millions of people leave for china, working-class wages go flat, america loses its strength, that's what we're seeing now, it's right back to that, back to the globalist agenda selling out american workers and i'm not going to go along with it. i refuse to vote for these
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nominees who i think are bad choices for these cabinet posts and i'm going to continue and they're not going to stand up for america to oppose their policies in the u.s. senate. >> i think constituents want you in the senate. have you decided to run for president in 2024? >> i've always said i'm not running for president, it's a privilege to represent the state of missouri in the united states senate. i look forward to continue to fight for missouri every day i can. coming up, why president biden will not acknowledge china's role in the covid-19 pandemic. will he ever say anything about this? next step, revolution host
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steven hilton digging in on this one.
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>> i've called at the wuhan virus since its inception. it began in wuhan, it is in fact the virus that came from that place, the chinese communist party cover that up, they disappeared doctors and journalists who want to write about it, the world health organization hasn't been able to see the most important elements of where this virus may have begun. this are things the state department was talking about while at secretary of state. >> former secretary of state mike pompeo with me earlier in the program stating the obvious that the evidence strongly suggests covid-19 originated in a wuhan lab, so what does the fight in the administration want to talk about this? the host of the next revolution. good to see you. you've been investigating this yourself. >> the frightening thing in the truth i think we need to confront is the very strong
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possibility here is that the reason the u.s. government, the biden administration doesn't want to really delve into the details of this it has been widely reported, secretary pompeo, the most likely source of the leak from the lab that resulted in the pandemic on the question is who commissioned the work, who started the work in the lab and the answer as i was reporting this sunday on my show comes back right here to our country to dr. fauci, the leading world proponent of a type of virus research called a gain of function, the ideas to manipulate genetic information in the lab to make viruses as contagious as possible so we can learn how to fight them. it's a noble intention but accidents happen. in 2014, dr. fauci commissioned the work that led to that kind of manipulation in the lab that is so close to what we saw with
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this pandemic, that's what needs to be investigated and no one who wants to ask on that risky research being opposed by the obama administration and the second big question, are we still finding this kind of research and risking another pandemic? >> i'm really glad you started with that question, who funded the research to begin with? whose idea was it to begin with? this is so smart in terms of your very specific investigation because we know that in september, october, and earlier in the show, pompeo said november, people were getting sick in wuhan in the lab and they were leaving and the started creeping out as we tried to contain it, but they couldn't contain all of it. >> all evidence points piling up
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that it came from that lab, the idea that was naturally occurring requires us to believe it almost impossible set of coincidences and yet the w.h.o., our government are not even investigating the most likely source, that has to change. >> we will be watching your investigation, thank you so much. we will see you tonight, thank you so much. we will be right back.
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but now with keytruda, we have hope. it's tru. keytruda from merck. ask your doctor about keytruda. >> thank you so much for joining us tonight, talking with congressman devin nunes, senator marco rubio. an investigative journalist john solomon. stay with fox news. i maria bartiromo, back tomorrow night at 7:00 p.m. eastern and right now, tucker carlson is up next for "tucker carlson tonight."
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♪ ♪ >> tucker: good evening and welcome to "tucker carlson tonight." you are watching a free-speech channel. for the next hour, we will say exactly what we believe is true, period. it still america. the first point to make, and obvious point that has now been banned as a thought crime is that the united states government should never under any circumstances favor one race of people over any other race of people, period. that is immoral. we are all citizens, all human beings and all created by god and all equal. everyone of us has


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