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tv   The Faulkner Focus  FOX News  January 27, 2021 8:00am-9:00am PST

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cities. >> dana: we have to pay attention to it. >> bill: love the blue. >> dana: it was blue on wednesday. not turtleneck day. >> bill: i like it. maybe someday turtleneck day comes back. i think we have to burn it. >> dana: over to harris faulkner "the faulkner focus". >> harris: democrats push to convict former president trump in the senate impeachment trial but it's not looking too good right now. all but five senate republicans voted to dismiss the trump impeachment trial. that vote made it clear that a conviction is pretty unlikely. it also shows the sway trump still appears to have with the republican party despite being the first president to be impeached in the house twice and the first former president to be tried assuming that even
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happens at this point. senator rand paul, who raised the point of order declaring the trial unconstitutional didn't hold back on the senate floor. >> we had 45 people, 45 republican senators say the whole charade is unconstitutional. so what does that mean? it means that impeachment, the trial, is dead on arrival. there will be a show, there will be a parade of partisanship, but the democrats really will not be able to win. they will be able to play a partisan game that they wish to play. but it is all over. this shows that they don't have the votes to win. >> harris: also in focus this hour karl rove will weigh in on the political impact of all of this. republican congressman andy biggs on president biden's push to roll back trump's america first border policies. and radio host jason rantz on what it is really like on the
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ground during a violent antifa protest in tacoma, washington let's start with chad pergram. >> the vote yesterday that you talked about in the senate was really the first metric to gauge where senators are on this second impeachment trial of president trump. rand paul challenged that the trial was constitutional. you don't have chief justice john roberts presiding over the trial. president trump is no longer in office. and he says that there could be consequences. >> hyper partisan democrats are about to drag our great country down into the gutter of rancor and vitriol the likes of which have never been seen in our nation's history. >> chuck schumer moved to table or kill paul's point of order that the trial was unconstitutional. the vote was actually one step away from getting senators on the record if they agreed with paul. >> the theory that the
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impeachment of a former official is unconstitutional is flat out wrong by every frame of analysis. constitutional context, historical practice, precedent and basic common sense. >> the vote to kill paul's point of order was 55-45. that's notable as only 5 republicans went along with democrats. as we always say, harris, it is about the math on capitol hill. you need 2/3 of all senators to vote to convict former president trump. it was not a vote to convict but it is an early yardstick. a long way from 67. but they may be closer to 2/3 this time around than they were in the trial last year. something else that's notable here tim cain the democratic senator from virginia indicates because they might not be in the ballpark getting close to 2/3 he is considering prepping a censure resolution to the former president. there may be more interest in that. harris. >> harris: that's something i
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want to get into with my first guest. there are other things that can be done that won't so further divide the country and take up so much time every day at 1:00 for six days in a row unless they choose to change that. chad pergram, thank you very much. i want to bring in karl rove former dep uty white house chief of staff and fox news contributor. great to have you here. let's start with what else could be done besides impeachment and why it might be a good idea to look at some of those things. >> it's a good idea to look at those things if people object to the president's conduct because they won't impeach im. i think chad is right. 67 votes are required. let's assume all 50 democrats vote for it. you need 17 republicans vote to impeach the president. 5 yesterday indicated a willingness to do so saying we're willing to proceed with the impeachment. 45 said it's unconstitutional. you will have to have 12 of the 45 who said it is
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unconstitutional say it may be unconstitutional but i will go ahead and vote to convict the president of the charges raised by the house and what we've already voted as an unconstitutional hearing. so that ain't going to happen. is censure resolution may happen. we've had it done before to presidents. and president jackson had such a censure motion passed against him. but there will clearly be a simple majority. a simple majority is required for that and would simply be on the historical record the president was censured. his record would be -- copy book would be blotted as they say forever until someone gets together the votes to remove that censure, which is what actually happened with president jackson as well. >> harris: interesting. it couldn't stop him from running again, though. >> at this point that's the only thing that in a concrete fashion that impeachment will do is block the president from
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running in 2024. so think about this. the average american is not paying a lot of attention to this but they will pick up the house did this in a hurry, there was no due process, there are issues whether it is constitutional. they'll say really is it good for our country to do this now that he is out of office? the only reason you're doing this is in order to keep him from running in 2024 when we the voters get to make our opinion known whether or not we want him as our president at that time. so i just think the average american will look washington is wasting its time when we're trying to defeat the coronavirus and get our economy on our feet. you guys and gals are engaged in a political food fight. whatever the merits are on judging the president's conduct on january 6, this is not going to work. >> harris: when you talk about political food fight maxine waters said this about impeachment. >> we cannot afford to allow
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this president to leave here without being impeached and absolutely convicted. he now knows he has a population he will expand that and he will be attempting to take over legislatures, little towns and cities and doesn't give a darn about the constitution and so our democracy is at stake. we must convict him and we must take away his power. >> harris: congresswoman, not senator. the house already impeached him. karl. >> well, she is one of my favorites. you know right now there is an effort by democrats to sanction senators cruz and hawley for attempting to not certify the results of the 2020 presidential election in the senate? they want them ousted from the united states senate. maxine waters was helping lead the effort to not certify the results of the election that
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put george w. bush in the white house. one of her co-leaders in the 2001 was rewarded by being made chairman of the house judiciary committee. i don't care if jesus came and was elected as a republican president she would find fault for them and not the certification of the election. she is a back bencher for a reason because she says crazy things like this. >> harris: crushing the pandemic. the signature effort of the biden administration. why some critics are saying the first week has not gone very well. not even a little. national guard troops are on capitol hill still even after the inauguration. why? >> i'm a pretty simple guy,
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tucker. i like breakfast food and straight answers. and i'm not accusing anybody of anything, but washington, d.c. being washington, d.c., a cynic might think there is a political angle here. at record low rates to save money every month plus you could get an average of $50,000 cash. that's money for security today and money for retirement tomorrow. refiplus, it's only for veterans and it's only from newday usa.
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>> harris: right now the president's covid-19 response team is headed by dr. fauci and the new cdc director is holding their very first briefing via a zoom call as you can see to the left of the screen. we're going to monitor this on "the faulkner focus" for highlights in the news. meanwhile, president biden already is facing some criticism for his administration's messaging. overall handling of one of his
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signature campaign issues. an op-ed titled biden's bumbling steps expose the feeble plan. the president and press secretary are having to correct a number of misstatements and contradictions. we put them together four, take a watch. >> i am not going to shut down the economy, period. i will shut down the virus. >> as this pandemic rages on. nothing we can do to change to trajectory of the pandemic in the next several months. i will shut down the virus. i said it too a long time to get here and a long time to beat it. >> do you think anyone who wants vaccine will be able to get it? >> president biden: i think it will be this spring. >> we want to give credit to everyone involved in the vaccine effort. the prior administration but also no secret we have recently
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discovered in the final days of the transition that it wasn't until the final dailies we got the kind of cooperation we needed once we arrived a vaccine program is in worse shape than we anticipated or expected. >> harris: it's always uncomfortable when the president of the united states is followed by his press secretary with these words, the fact is. former utah congressman jason chaffetz, leslie marshall, fox news contributors. jason, your top thoughts. >> i think it is stunning that joe biden actually said we cannot change the trajectory of the virus. because everything that was uttered prior to the election was exactly opposite of that. i do think the reason that there are literally tens of millions of people now that have been vaccinated is because of donald trump's operation warp speed, the leveraging of the private sector to develop
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multiple vaccines, and that we were on a trajectory to do about a million doses per day, something that joe biden said he wants to do. but i don't know the bumbling that's coming out of the biden administration gives anybody any confidence that they actually have a plan. for them to suggest trump had no plan when there are tens of millions of doses actually being administered makes no sense. >> harris: leslie. >> well, i didn't see a plan. what i saw was in the trump administration great job getting vaccines out there as far as contracts with moderna and pfizer and getting the vaccine quicker than 20 years as we've seen with smallpox or polio, for example. the problem with distribution. right now with the biden plan you will have federal, state and some in the private sector like cvs for example have a coordinate ed response.
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if you talk to the powers that be like johns hopkins and others working with the white house, they are exceeding currently the trajectory which is why the president has been able to say 1.5 perhaps million vaccines a day instead of a million vaccines a day. this is very fluid. for somebody to say spring, summer, fall. i'm saying all adults could be vaccinated by summer or fall. they still don't have the vaccine out there to give to children. this is changing constantly. i don't think it is a blunder. what he said is true, that he is going to kill this virus, not he personally but we collectively. we have to take into effect some people refuse to get the vaccine. >> harris: i caught what jen psaki said. what i caught her saying is not everybody will even be eligible. she wasn't talking about children. we have categories of people,
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we follow the rules and follow the line. when one pops up, 1a or b who gets the vaccine. she corrected him full stop on that. i think they will call you. get ready, girl. house republican lawmakers are requesting a briefing on why it is necessary for national guard troops to remain on capitol hill with their deployment being extended through march. republican senator john kennedy says he thinks he knows why. >> if you look around capitol hill, parts of it look like a scene from mad max. if you ask our democratic leadership, which is in charge, they'll tell you well, we have all this here to keep you safe. a cynical person might surmise the democratic leadership, with the news media, is trying to send a message to the american people. that message might be the republicans couldn't keep you safe but we the democrats can.
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>> harris: jason. >> i think senator is on to something. if there is a clear and present danger and imminent threat and the local law enforcement needs backup of course the national guard should be there. but there isn't such a threat at this point. remember, it was the d.c. mayor herself the day before january 6th said she wants no federal involvement. she wants no federal help. democrats have a fundamental problem because they've been out advocating to cut police budgets at the same time and they did so in washington, d.c. you have kamala harris who was praising for instance los angeles for cutting police budgets. they wanted to defund the police. that makes no sense. it is totally contradictory to what they are doing to have these guardsmen there in washington, d.c. they need to be at home. >> harris: i want to get to this from senator tom cotton who wrote in a fox news op-ed today last summer as left wing mobs rioted in the streets i
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said send in the troops. the argument outraged many of the left. when a different mob chanting different slogans threatened the u.s. capitol many of my critics sang a different tune. the national guard answered the call at a critical time but its mission is complete and time to send home the troops. leslie, why are they still there? >> well, according to federal law enforcement reported in the past 24 hours to the associated press they have found numerous chatter online about threats and a potential second insurgency attempt the weeks of the impeachment trial in the senate, this is why both capitol police and federal law enforcement have requested that a certain number of national guard troops remain to protect our legislators both democrat and republican. this isn't political but about protection. capitol police have already talked to the both the left and right. republicans and democrats who had their jaws dropped at how
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unsafe they had been kept on january 6 and certainly law enforcement doesn't want to see it happen again when they do see rumblings of online of specifically physical harm to potential legislators. >> harris: reportedly they want that help now because they failed. they didn't communicate any of that. we know that because there are other entities that walked right by as some people were on their way to the u.s. capitol. the things that were going to be threatening were not communicated. of course the same leaders still in those positions, yeah, it is called cya. we'll move on. california taxpayers spend billions of dollars on fake unemployment claims. and now the state's labor secretary, who was in charge, might be getting a new job in the biden administration. and the white house press corps laughing at an exchange between joe biden and fox news white house correspondent peter doocy.
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would they do the same if what was said from biden had been said by president trump? and today marks 76 years since the liberation of auschwitz. a compound built to kill people as efficiently as possible. nazis and allies killed jews there and any other groups of people deemed a threat or just not valued. of the six million jews tortured and murdered in the holocaust one million died at auschwitz. it is international holocaust remembrance day and we say we'll never forget. in "the faulkner focus" we say more importantly for the sake of the human race we cannot afford to forget.
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claim your seventy-five-dollar credit when you post your first job at did you know you can go to to customizes your car insurance so you only pay for what you need? really? i didn't-- aah! ok. i'm on vibrate. aaah! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
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>> man: what's my safelite story? my my livelihood. so when my windshield cracked... the experts at safelite autoglass came right to me... with service i could trust. right, girl? >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ >> harris: as we promised, we're following the first biden covid response team briefing
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brought in by zoom. we have an eye on it. a highlight for you, the new cdc director is encouraging people right now to get the vaccine. she says the risk from the virus is so much higher than any mild risk from the vaccine. we'll continue to follow this and bring you anymore news from it. california taxpayers shelled out at least $11 billion in fraudulent unemployment claims since the beginning of the pandemic. auditors are now telling us inmates and cyber criminals are to blame. now the woman in charge might be getting a new job, a big job in the biden administration. william la jeunesse is live for us on the story from los angeles. william. >> i hate to tell you this but it is also federal taxpayers are paying about half the bill. so we're now talking about a fraud potentially reaching $30 billion. as you said, julie su could be
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headed to washington despite under her watch this fraud. higher than the entire budget of 25 states. now, this was a no-brainer for anybody wanting the make a buck. submit online, great. name, social, dob, real or fake, dead or alive, didn't matter. the state sent a debit card and every two weeks put more money in your account for up to $1,000 a week. one fraud began at a women's prison. inmate collected information from other inmates all claim they worked as a nail or hairstylist and then someone on the outside received her address to receive the credit cards. total loss $295,000. >> the fraud is honestly staggering and it is shocking, quite frankly.
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it exists in every prison, it encompasses every type of inmate. >> another scam a woman filed 21 unemployment claims from her address, one in the name of u.s. senator dianne feinstein. the state loaded her debit card with $21,000 that the woman used at this atm. >> we have made it possible for californians to document what they have made. >> auditors say director su made two mistakes. giving out benefits before deciding eligibility and number two stop collecting biweekly certifications that people had to submit that they were still qualified for the benefits. the bottom line is, harris, su admitted, california did not have sufficient security measures in place to prevent the fraud. that's pretty obvious. >> harris: wow. that low tech atm camera helped
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solve it. william la jeunesse, thank you. a federal judge has dealt a blow to president biden as he is working to reshape immigration policy. how this could affect biden's border plan now. and this. >> there is a policy before you like the keystone pipeline does nothing for the environment. getting rid of that will do nothing for the environment but getting rid of it upset our canadian allies and put 11,000 families on the unemployment line. >> harris: the president coming under fire for canceling the keystone pipeline project in his effort to roll back the trump agenda. congressman andy biggs who is now headed to the border is about to join me moments from now before he heads out with his take. with mortgage rates at their lowest in history, it's time to refi. but if you're a veteran homeowner and need cash, here's big news. introducing refiplus from newday usa.
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kind to skin. protects like tena. if you printed out directions to get here today, you're in the right place. my seminars are a great tool to help young homeowners who are turning into their parents. now, remember, they're not programs. they're tv shows. you woke up early. no one cares. yes. so, i was using something called homequote explorer from progressive to easily compare home insurance rates. was i hashtagging? progressive can't help you from becoming your parents, but we can help you compare rates on home insurance with homequote explorer. guess what. the waiter doesn't need to know your name. >> harris: president biden is working to present verse the
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trump immigration agenda but he just had a bit of a roadblock. a federal judge ruled against biden's 100 day stay on deportations. here is mark meadows, former white house chief of staff to president trump. >> the judge got it right. it is not really well thought through. president trump put america first. what we're seeing is president biden is putting america last. whether it's our border policy or any of the other executive orders he is putting forth it will have a real chilling effect on jobs. >> harris: president biden has been using other executive orders to roll back trump's immigration policy which include halting wall construction, ending zero tolerance and remain in mexico policies for asylum seekers, repealing the travel ban, and reinstating protections for the so-called dreamers. joining me now congressman andy biggs, republican from arizona
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who serves on the house judiciary committee. arizona, a border state, you know these issues so well. what will people feel from what joe biden is doing right now? >> you are going to feel almost immediately an impact of people crossing the border because what he is doing is providing incentives for people to come and enter this country and stay in this country illegally. and i'll be down on the border tomorrow and the next day because what we're seeing and when i'm talking to my friends in the border patrol they're telling me what is happening is they are moving people in, they've been massing across the border. so what you will feel in this country immediately almost, almost immediately is an influx of people and you are in the -- don't be surprised if this spring looks a lot like the spring of 2019 when we had the massive surge. >> harris: title 42 kept it at
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bay because of the pandemic. will we notice that heats up, too? do we have the capability health-care wise to handle these people? >> no. title 42 right now we're turning away because of title 42 and the covid emergency we are turning away more people now than were coming in during the surge. so if title 42 goes away you will see a massive surge. there are reports last week of people coming up that were changing their covid test results from positive to negative. you are not going to see control there. when we had the surge we were bringing in all kinds of diseases we hadn't seen in this country and some we hadn't identified. it is a huge problem when we don't have the pandemic fully under control. >> harris: god bless those families, congressman biggs we've talked about this before. they are in an impossible situation and with the laws changing now it doesn't help them. all right. move on to this.
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president biden set to sign a host of executive orders on climate change including a temporary ban on new oil and gas drilling. as you know by now he has stopped the construction of the keystone pipeline on day one of his presidency. one of the workers displaced by that joined me yesterday. >> the president was able to put us out of work by signing a piece of paper, but i'm the one that had to look these people in the eye and tell them they didn't have a job anymore. if i got a little emotional, i think it's only human. the government don't create jobs, the private sector in this country creates the jobs. the government can, however, destroy jobs and kill jobs. we saw that thursday by killing my job and career. that's what the government is capable of. >> harris: the president's choice for commerce secretary says workers like bill crabtree will get new jobs. congressman, how can she
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promise that? is she personally going to run the job expo to make sure their families eat and have no problem? >> it is incredibly insensitive. we hope he gets a new job. i believe he probably will get a new job. what happens in the interim? how do you change your career? i don't know what age this gentleman was or any others, but you have to be able to get a new job and what goes on in that interim, that space between jobs? they aren't going to get out there and say okay, let's retrain you or anything like that. this guy and all of his workers they had a job, they thought that they liked and enjoy, it is important for their families. and now the government came in and said no you don't. not only does it have microeconomic issues to those people, as macroeconomics for this country. it will endanger our opportunity to be energy independent, which is so huge as a foundation for our
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economic revival. >> harris: real quickly, you know, neil crabtree told me the oil is already on the move. president biden put his pen to paper at a time will they turn around all the trucks? >> yeah, this is crazy, too. if you don't like the keystone pipeline for whatever reason, you will put all of this on rail or on trucks and it is far safer to have it in that pipeline than it is on the roads and on the rails. so that doesn't make sense, either. >> harris: congressman biggs, safe travel to the border tomorrow. we'll get you on the flip side for what you see and learn. >> thanks, harris. >> harris: she is not mincing words, a high profile democrat slammed big tech and some leaders of her own party. why former congresswoman tulsi gabbard says they are a bigger threat to the nation than the mob that stormed the u.s.
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capitol? >> big tech is culpable in this in that you're using their monopoly to pick and choose whose voices are heard and whose voices are squelched. based on who you voted for, who they agree with or whatever.
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>> harris: the senior advisor to the white house covid response team. they are holding their very first briefing today and just moments ago here is what he said. >> to vaccinate every american over the age of 16 we're looking at a total need of well over 500 million doses of vaccines. now, that assumes two shots for every american 16 and older. >> harris: wow. he also said that president biden's stated goal of 1 million vaccines per day is a floor, not a ceiling. you can see why. we'll need a lot more than that. as we have been doing this hour we'll bring you the highlights as they come in. president biden swiftly slapped
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down our own white house correspondent peter doocy during a press event yesterday. doocy asked a simple question. peter asked the president what did you and putin talk about? biden said you. the exchange got plenty of giggles as you heard but would they have felt the same way had this been president trump? joining me now is joe concha media and political columnist for the hill and fox news contributor. good to see you. this is not about playing a game would have, could have. this is looking at years of coverage of one president versus nine or 10 days of coverage of another. >> i believe they call it precedent and context, right, harris? this exchange we saw yesterday is two things.
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elusive and telling. elusive in the fact a little levity between the president and reporter is fine. but he still ultimately didn't answer what was a very legitimate question. he ran off that stage like he has in many other times where he has done executive order signings or an event. you see him and you don't and that's it. i wanted to hear from the president in terms of -- they put a read-out of the call. a summary. i wanted to hear what that conversation was about in terms of what he thought of it? how did it go? what will you do moving forward? you're shutting down the keystone pipeline and doesn't that benefit russia and china? i had questions, i'm sure peter doocy had several questions. but it is a preview, of the first week of the biden presidency is what we'll see for the next four years i think. a very packaged joe biden.
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you'll see somebody who is almost always like the ron burgundy of president. he will not stray from what's in the prompter. >> harris: youtube extending its suspension of former president trump's account now indefinitely. trump's associate rudy giuliani barred by youtube from profiting off his videos. meanwhile former democratic congresswoman tulsi gabbard says big tech and some top democrats are a bigger threat to the nation than the pro-trump crowd that launched the deadly storming of the u.s. capitol. here she is. >> those who stormed the capitol on january 6 trying to stop congress from fulfilling their constitutional responsibilities were acting as domestic terrorists undermining our constitution. those like john brennan, adam schiff and others are also acting as domestic terrorists because they are also undermining our constitution by trying to take away our civil liberties and rights that are
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guaranteed to us. >> harris: your reaction, joe. >> it's so refreshing. tulsi gabbard is one of the few honest politicians out that there that speaks from her convictions. she tells you how it is. here is the bottom line. harris. 70% of adults get their news from social media. it is like what radio and television was in the 20th century and how they get their news now. 1.82 billion daily users on facebook alone. big tech is more powerful than anybody ever could have imagined, more powerful than government in terms of speech. we're seeing it in terms of youtube owned by google is now basing their bans based on what president trump of the potential of him possibly putting a video out there as opposed to an outright violation. now you have the ex president of the united states with 89 million followers on twitter and facebook, youtube views, all that. he has been suppressed and shut down by big tech.
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that's how powerful they've become, harris. >> harris: i would say this, people died at the u.s. capitol as we well know. >> they did. >> harris: that police officer. this is something the country has to get right and we need to have facts where they live. twitter saying it will enlist some of its users to help them fact check this week. is also concerning. we need to get to that. who is going to decide who can stay on a platform? it's an excellent question. >> i agree. >> harris: tell us what the rules are. joe concha on the program today. thank you very much. violent left wing protests rocking northwest cities even after joe biden's inauguration. radio host jason rantz was on the ground in the middle of one of those protests and he joins us next to tell us what it was like and who was among them that he could see. don't forget "outnumbered" is next. on the virtual couch today i'll
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>> oh, my god! oh, my god! oh, my god! >> harris: the scene outside of seattle on saturday night, a mob swarms a police car after officers were called to the scene of an illegal drag race. the check, police say the officer in the squad car sped off to escape the mob and hit at least one protester. two people were treated at the hospital. violent protesting, and it seems
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to be a pattern, losing control. portland and seattle including. he is a radio host and seattle. he was actually inside that violent anarchist protest on sunday night. the second night of it all in tacoma. thanks for being with me. i've been on your radio program. i know the kind of connection you have with your viewers because your listeners -- you go and report on these things. what did you see? what did you learn? >> i saw what we've been seeing for the past eight months, which is a group of mostly seattle-based folks and some portland-based folks from antifa showing up to tacoma to sort of take control of the neighborhood, despite lots of locals and tacoma saying we don't want you here. they set fires throughout their riot. they marched and committed many acts of vandalism, including targeting various businesses. going into want to grab an
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american flag that i spoke to the owner of this business yesterday on my show, who got that flight from his grandfather, who served in world war ii. they burned it in front of cops while taunting them. they tried to break prisoners out of the local jail by trying to pull down the fencing. it was as bad as you might expect. and of course, the city basically allows it to happen until it peters out, and that's when police are able to go in. what is especially problematic in this is folks talk about donald trump and how he had this war on the media. while, the thing is if you are a member of the media and you cover these things, it is not se for you. for someone like me who has to go into the actual mob to get a better sense of what is going on, i am aware of that threat, so you have to some some of what we've got in a way that is not obvious. online, we've got twitters who are hashtag and certain posts on
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the ground, and they spotted me pretty quickly, knowing i was there. so it was kind of tense for about an hour and a half. >> harris: i can only imagine that. so i know sometimes reporters will get pushback. how did you know it was antifa? i did some digging, and i want to ask you that question. our own "new york post" was reporting that people were carrying and scene toting an antifascist action flag. you know, you don't want to label entire groups of people. you need to know the criminals and who they are. that is law enforcement stop, but who did you see actually with your own eyes and ears that were out there? >> yeah, these are people who self identify as antifa. not only were they flying and aunt eva flag, they chanted "antifa." they make it very, very easy to identify themselves. they justify their violence and their action because they believe that they are literally
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fighting fascism, so they don't hide the fact that they are part of this movement, but it is also an idea. it is not purely an idea. they dressed all in black. the reason why they do that, dressed head to toe in black is they want to make it difficult for police to be able to spot them when they are breaking the law. they carry umbrellas for the exact same reason, so they can buy cameras from seeing them spray-painted or vandalizing businesses. they engage in the exact same kind of behavior when they march. this is not the same as some of the protests associated with the black lives matter movement, and so the other movements that are critical of police. this is a very specific type of protest that turns very quickly into criminal actions. >> harris: yeah, it's fascinating because anybody watching this unfold months ago might have thought it was about the previous president. anybody watching it unfold now might think it's about the
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current president. it's about anarchy. make no mistake. they are changing people's livelihoods and the landscape of some of the downtown areas of our most beautiful cities, they are destroying them. jason, thank you for joining me all the way from the other coast in the state of washington. thank you for watching "the faulkner focus." i'm here weekdays at 11:00. and now noon eastern, it's "outnumbered." we begin with fox news alert. democrat second impeachment trial of former president trump now being called "dead on arrival" is 45 republican senators effectively signal mr. trump will be acquitted after moving to dismiss, many call unconstitutional. g.o.p. senator rand paul's calling out democrats for inciting violence, pointing out that several democrats called for their supporters to target republicans without review. >> they want to say that he incited violence because he said he'll fight for


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