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tv   FOX News Primetime  FOX News  January 27, 2021 4:00pm-5:00pm PST

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thank you for inviting us into your home, fair, balanced, and unafraid, "special report" fox news prime time by maria bartiromo starts right now. i could spend a lot more time talking about game stop but i'm not going to, maria. >> maria: thank you so much, bret, have a good night. good evening. welcome, welcome to "fox news primetime," i'm maria bartiromo, in the executive order sweeps the most aggressive order in presidential history continues today with a focus on climate and energy industry. joe biden continues to chip away at trump's economic legacy with three new executive orders designed to "tackle the climate crisis at home and abroad." the president addresses we can address existential threat of climate change while revitalizing the economy as
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well. >> when i think of climate change, i think of other answers to it, jobs. a key plank of build back better recovery plan is building a modern, resilient, climate infrastructure and clean energy future that will create millions of good paying union jobs. >> maria: went but why are so many energy executives expecting millions of high-paying jobs to go away with that stroke of pen? the president's commitment to the american worker might be more believable if not for last week when he killed the keystone pipeline and 11,000 jobs that came along with it. >> they said they wanted us to move to a cleaner future and cleaner type of energy, but the problem is people are losing their jobs right now. it is devastating to see this happen to american workers. it is like a kick in the stomach and knocks the wind out of you. you come look at them in the face. and told him with one stroke of
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the pen, killed 11,000 jobs. >> maria: but if any of those workers derek blamed joe biden for losing their livelihood, they better think again new climate czar said it is not their fault but it is the market forces. speak with the workers have a false narrative. no surprise, for the last few years, they have been fed the notion that somehow dealing with climate is coming at their expense. no, it's not. what is happening to them is happening because of other market forces are already taking place. >> maria: john kerry is betting on china changing its behavior and not being the biggest polluter in the world to move the needle on climate as beijing keeps any promises to anyone in its quest to overtake the united states as the number one superpower.
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right now to talk about all that this is senator ted cruz, home state of texas and employs 140,000 people in that gas and oil industry alone. senator, it is good to see you tonight. thank you for being here. give us your reaction to executive orders on energy today. >> maria, great to be with you. thank you for having me. you know, last week i sat outside the capital and listen to joe biden give his inauguration speech. i thought it was a good speech. i was glad to see him make an appeal towards unity and i think all of us would like to see greater national unity at this time with so much division, so much anger and hatred pulling this country apart, but then he left giving that speech and returned to the oval office and literally within minutes began signing these executive orders that were radical and extreme, as you noticed in order to cancel the keystone pipeline. 11,000 jobs with the stroke of a panic he made to go away. 8,000 of those are union jobs. at the same time, he rejoined
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the paris climate deal which threatens to destroy thousands of high-paying jobs across the country. and the answer, if answered multiple biden nominees what they would say to the union workers who just lost their jobs because joe biden decided they didn't deserve a job and essentially nominee after nominee have said, well, tough luck. john kerry in the same news conference you put up, he said, well, they need to learn to make better choices. what an arrogant, out of touch statement to a sent a millionaire to say, you little people. you know, i don't like the choices you are making so your jobs go away. as john kerry said right there, the democratic elites have decided that blue-collar workers, union members, men and women with calluses on their
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hands, they've made the wrong choices in john kerry's words. well that is not a unifying message and not doing the job we should be doing fighting for working men and women in this country. >> maria: i know when businesses faced with new expenses, new regulatory which involves higher cost, that cuts into earnings. the first thing they do is look to where to cut the fat. where mike going to cut back because i'm facing new fees, new regulatory hurdles? are you expecting businesses to look around the regulations of climate change and i will have to cut here, i will have to cut there. we know that we'll industry is not one segment. there is a lot of indirect exposure throughout the economy and business that gets touched by this. >> that is exactly right and the nobility of the elitist left is they show how noble they are men willing to give away your child but notice it's never their job
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they are giving away. never they are silicon valley billionaire supporters. it's never wall street. it's never hollywood. if they are willing to give away someone else's job -- look among these orders one of the things joe biden did as he shut down new energy exploration on federal land, shut it down with the stroke of a pen. by the way, you know who that helps? that helps russia, iran, venezuela and that means america relies on middle east oil sending billions of dollars to nations that are not our friends and pollutes the environment worse. the irony is that there will be worse pollution. something that joe biden or john kerry addressed, what nation last year had the single greatest total carbon reduction of any nation on the face of the earth? the answer, of course, the united states. yes. what they are doing is slowing that down. they are saying let's not rely
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on lesser producing, more efficient job creating american energy but instead, let's go back to being energy dependent on foreign nations. this is hurting a lot of jobs and undermining the security of our country. >> maria: this is also requiring cooperation with china. look, we talk about trying a lot on this program and have all week, but john kerry said, cooperation with china is the key to progress on climate change and that claim is the number one issue between the u.s. and china as if china has not broken promise after promise across the world. >> maria, that is right. there is a hopeless naivety amongst the biden administration of and one of the disturbing patterns we have seen come out this week with biden nominee after iran nominee a warm embrace of china. you want to talk about the most dramatic shift the next four years will entail is the biden
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crawling into bed with china. i asked multiple biden nominees for example whether they would maintain wall weight on the entities list because a global espionage company masquerading as a telecom company but neither one of the single biden nominees to keep them on that list and today, the senate foreign relations committee, we had the confirmation hearing the ambassador of the united nations, she disclosed that just a little over a year ago october 2019, she gave a paid speech before confucius institute. confucius institute as you know paid for by the chinese communist party, paid for by the chinese government and engage in espionage and propaganda. i authored bipartisan legislation that shut down confucius institutes. well, biden the u.n. ambassador just over a year ago gave a
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praising of china and saying america needs to be more like china. this is dangerous that this administration is a policy decision embracing and getting into bed with china. >> maria: maximum awaiting for president biden to discuss china's role in the coronavirus. we haven't heard a peep about that. he has not acknowledged china's behavior in terms of allowing this virus to escape its borders and then using the virus as a way to make moves across the world, invade india and going to hong kong with new rules, and everything in the china sea. we haven't heard anything about china with the coronavirus. >> you look at the nominees joe biden is putting forward, they have a disturbing pattern of being an apologist for the chinese communist party. you look at the head of department of homeland security,
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when he was an ths before he personally spearheaded getting visas for big democratic donors with hillary clinton's brother, including senior executives in huawei. the chinese espionage company. these are the people they are putting forward our people who has a policy matter believe that america should embrace warmly communist china. joe biden one of the orders he signs that you cannot refer to the covid-19 virus as the china virus or the wuhan virus because god forbid we acknowledge where it came from in which country spent months silencing, pressing, imprisoning the doctors trying to stop the spread of this virus. the chinese communist government bears direct responsibility for the hundreds of thousands of lives that have been lost because of covid-19. and the biden administration
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virtually none of them are actually willing to say that out loud. >> maria: i want to ask about other policies, but while we are here come a lesson on this program mike pompeo joined me and had a word to say about that. listen to mike pompeo. >> i call it the wuhan virus since inception. it began in wuhan and is in fact a virus that came from that place. we know the chinese communist party cover that up. we know they disappeared doctors and journalist wanted to write about it and they were told they couldn't. and counting on the next administration what the people demanded and confront the chinese communist party. >> maria: as you say, we are no longer allowed to use the term "china virus" as the stomping of free speech continues by drip, senator. by the way google ceo eric schmidt, okay, you can't get worse than this. he warned today that china is
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searching to overtake the united states in critical areas. this from the former head of the company that walked away from the pentagon and project, remember that to go set up ai office in beijing. real quick on that. i want to get to other issues before you go. >> well, look, china poses the single threat to the united states over the next century. and we need serious, clear focused policymakers. today when i was questioning biden nominee to be u.n. ambassador i asked a simple question whether china had committed as the u.s. state department targeted the uighurs. 1 million people in concentration camps and she refused to answer that straightforward question. and i don't know where the decision has been made if joe biden directly or simply everyone that surrounds him, but there is now a growing pattern of refusing to confront and apologizing for the oppression, the malign activities and the
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anti-american influence of the chinese communist party. >> maria: senator come assess the situation in terms of this incredible sweep of the executive orders, the most aggressive we have seen. today, they canceled contracts with prisons. what will that mean for the streets and for prisoners on the streets? and then there is something you predicted a long time ago. there is to make d.c. 51st state and the filibuster. tell us what this means to the american people, and what other policies you have seen so far that should worry the american people? >> well, sure, a big open question whether the democrats will have the votes in the filibuster. it will take all 50 democrats agreeing to break the rules and blow the senate rules up to end the filibuster. right now, there are two democrats who say they will oppose that. joe manchin and kyrsten sinema. if they actually hold the line,
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that will be a big benefit for the country. now i have to admit, if past is prologue, chuck schumer has been very good at putting the thumbscrews to democrats and i actually wonder if literal thumbscrews at times. because they have had a party discipline that is remarkable. so i hope joe and kyrsten sinema will hold the line but if they do the worst legislative excess that the democrats want to pass will not pass into law. if the democrats don't have the votes to end the filibuster d.c. will not become a state. why do democrats want d.c. to become a state? they want to more democratic senators. likewise if the democrats don't have the votes to end the filibuster they will not succeed with radical plan to pack the u.s. supreme court to add four new left-wing activist justices to the court to take it from nine justices to 13, which would profoundly undermine our fundamental rights of free speech, religious liberty and the second amendment. with that being said, even if they don't end the filibuster,
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we will see a lot of harmful policies the next two to four years, executive actions, regulatory actions, national security actions, and they will take up what is called budget reconciliation, which is a procedural mechanism to get around the filibuster. which means, we are headed for a massive tax increase. they can do that with just democratic votes. i don't think they will just repeal the 2017 tax cuts. they will raise the taxes on every working american peer that is coming. and i will tell you, i'm committed to do everything i can in the senate to lead the fight to stop policies that hurt jobs and take away our freedoms. >> maria: well, those taxes going that high, you can expect a recession on the way as well. clearly, money is mobile and people will take that money and take it to where it's treated best. i know you have thoughts on immigration. we are going to texas, next up, senator, great to see you tonight, sir.
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can paxton is here and just won a huge victory against the biden administration and attempt to halt deportations. we will talk to him and only come back. stay with us. ♪ ♪ are you ok? it's just a cold. if you have high blood pressure, a cold is not just a cold. most cold medicines may raise blood pressure. choose coricidin hbp. the brand with a heart. for powerful cold relief without raising your blood pressure.
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♪ ♪ >> maria: will come back. joe biden's open borders immigration policy takes a short-term hit in court this week. a texas judge blocking biden's attempt to stop deportations. the first 100 days in office, the court issuing a nationwide injunction for the next 14 days as both sides argue their case is pure the man who brought that lawsuit texas attorney general ken paxton joins us right now. good to see you tonight, thank you for being here. i was talking on the phone today about you and he said right now
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ken paxton is the most important republican in the country. this is the first time in a state has stepped up and said "you cannot erase federal prisoners." tell me why you brought the suit. >> first of all getting income taxes, thank you for having me on. we brought this lawsuit for a couple of reasons. one, we had an agreement texas and homeland security would not make major shifts in immigration policy without giving us sufficient notice to adjust. second, federal law specifically requires deportations take place that people are here illegally. this president has decided to ignore and passed by congress unilaterally making his own decisions not to follow federal law, which we then inc. is a violation of the u.s. constitution. it has numerous problems written all over this executive order. >> maria: clearly, the judge agreed. what happens now? take us through the next two weeks. >> so the next two weeks, we
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will likely be back in court. hopefully, we will be back in court with a permanent injunction. this gives us time to prepare for a permanent injunction. the reason we need these injunctions, it will take a while to get merit for the case to make this case, but this is a violation of federal and constitution. so we need time. we don't want injury occurring to the state that we cannot repair later during this time we are waiting to hear our case heard. >> maria: assess the situation for us. why do you want this stopped? >> so we have all kinds of issues. we are a border state. we had a president previously dealing with that issue effectively. we were starting to make progress with the law which shows great results. we didn't have mass migrations from central america pure those had been pretty much stopped. we were safe along the border and not having to deal with that, but now going forward we will have open borders. you will not get deported, an
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open invitation to come to our state and move across america. a great cost to texas, one, we have health risk now. we have covid issues and we don't know if these people have covid. we also have safety issues related to crime and human trafficking, drugs. the cost of education, health care, transportation, law enforcement all put on us with no help from the federal government. >> maria: do they not understand the risks? does the biden team not understand what will happen with this stopping of the deportation? >> you know, that is a good question. i'm hoping that the answer that they just don't understand, but there's been plenty of discussion about this over the years. we have been talking about this for years how we have the safety risks with people coming across the border, crime, people killed. we have a much higher rate of human trafficking. i would think that they would
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know. we are certainly willing to talk about it. used to do that with the trump administration if we had a disagreement, we could talk with him. we would be willing to talk about the risks and problems with the border in my state. >> maria: given the victory that you are having even 14 days stopping, it would encourage other attorney generals to look at this and say, wait a minute, this is what our state is feeling as well. >> absolutely. i'm very hopeful. this sends a signal these courts, judges are open to hear about the law and what is actually going on. so i would encourage my fellow attorney generals across the country to look at what is going on and whether these are executive orders or just eat it. no one is above the law, including the president. the president has decided more than anyone to issue executive orders that we are digesting and overtime i hope a lot of attorney general's across the country will say no, we cannot allow this to happen to our state.
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>> maria: basically look, president biden, you are violating the constitution. >> absolutely. congress has a role here, right? they are the ones that put together the law and responsible for drafting the laws to immigration. the president can't unilaterally from on high first day in office or any day in office i will not enforce federal law. that is illegal, wrong and unconstitutional and no one should be able to do that in this country. we are not a dictatorship governed by the rule of law. >> maria: yeah, good to come a good reminder there. ken paxton good to see you tonight, thank you very much. of course we will follow the developments mr. ag. up next breaking news from john solomon. he's been investigating the fbi's rushed effort to investigate president trump in 2017. the hoax, what newly revealed hand written notes will show us next. stay with us. ♪ ♪ inflammation in your eye might be to blame.
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♪ ♪ >> maria: welcome back. new developments tonight on the firing of jim comey. it turns out the fai knew the department of justice was planning on firing james comey before trump pulled the trigger. joining maine with the details of the breaking news, just the news founder john solomon investigative reporter. what do you got? >> listen, newly declassified documents that president trump made available his final day in office giving us an extraordinary window into that time may 2017 when the media was in a frenzy that trump might have to resign and there would be obstruction probe that russian collusion i was real. we know all those things were unfounded. but what we didn't know, the fbi was told the earliest days right after acting fbi director andrew mccabe took over for comey after fired. rod rosenstein told them, listen, guys, we didn't just do this firing.
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we began to plan for it in january. he and attorney general jeff sessions at the time were really the ones driving it and that the russia case had nothing to really do with it. in fact, the president went on to mention the russian case that comey come i don't want to put in there because that is not why we are firing them. the fact that the fbi did that and opened up obstruction case anyway suggesting that the president fired comey to protect himself from the russian case outrageous with the knowledge andrew mccabe, lisa page and other fbi officials had in real time. >> maria: we also know that they knew in january 2017 that the dossier was garbage. that there was actually no truth to anything in the dossier and they used it anyway to wiretap and spy on innocent americans like carter page who was never charged with anything after being wiretapped for a year. >> right.
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listen and august 2016 warned by the fbi, and in october, i just reported this early this week that informant meets with carter page, carter page doesn't know he's meeting with fbi informant. he knocked down all four allegations of the steele dossier to get a fisa warrant. the app in four days before and go to the court to get the warrant. the fbi doesn't tell the court anything about that exculpatory evidence of innocence. it is an outrage with the fbi did time and time again under james comey and aunt remicade appeared democratic, republican and democrat you should be outraged by what we are learnin. >> and when asked by reporters, james comey says everything was done above board, here is james comey in 2018. listen to this. >> i have total confidence the pfizer process was followed in the entire case and a thoughtful responsible way by the doj and
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the notion that pfizer was abused is none. nonsense. >> maria: nonsense john solomon and now we know in the entire effort to overturn the process because of the way it was abused. >> yeah, listen instead of thoughtful and responsible thoughtless and they are responsible. that is what the evidence shows, james comey got away and even as recently as december 19th, there was no spying in the next few days come i will put out all of the stuff and the documents. all of the occupational documents, the fbi instructed how to hide and pretend looking for a job. who the target, who do record, what questions to ask. if that is not spying, what is it the american people kept getting a bad story from james comey and it's fully debunked. thank to the declassification from donald trump. >> maria: let's not forget all of his activity wanting him the
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trump association happened way earlier than july 2016 when the fbi claimed that is when the investigation started. and you have running around all over the world, the trump associate. final question, john. will we ever see accountability? this is my million dollar question and i'm constantly asking, john durham is working on a criminal investigation. will therapy indictments? >> they are working towards that. all. all i see focusing on a handful of former top fbi officials and whether the biden department i don't know. we will have an answer by march. we went do you think jim comey and andrew mccabe are on the li? >> i think anyone who hasn't been interviewed at this point by john durham ought to be nervous. you don't normally interview your targets. a lot of people have been interviewed john brennan. i keep an eye on the people that were not interviewed so far. >> maria: john brennan
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directing help hurt? >> not what i can tell from these documents. he was clearly working for the fbi for quite some time going back to 2011. >> maria: john we will watch your reporting, john solomon in washington. coming up senator marco rubio on president biden's pick for ambassador to the united nations. yes, wait until you hear this. the fast praise of china that nobody wants to talk about. we will next. ♪ ♪ right, not what's easy. so when a hailstorm hit, usaa reached out before he could even inspect the damage. that's how you do it right. usaa insurance is made just the way martin's family needs it with hassle-free claims, he got paid before his neighbor even got started. because doing right by our members, that's what's right. usaa. what you're made of, we're made for. ♪ usaa ♪
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♪ ♪ >> maria: welcome back. joe biden's pick for ambassador to the united states coming under fire for being soft on china. critics pointing to 2019 speech in which linda thomas-greenfield praise the communist regime's growing influence in africa saying "i see no reason why china cannot share in those values like good governance and gender equity. in fact, train is in a unique position to spread these ideals given its strong footprint on the continent." greenfield walked back those
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comments and confirmation hearing today saying "china threatens our values." senator marco rubio had a chance to question her this afternoon and he joins us right now. senator, thank you for being here. your reaction to that testimony and your questioning of miss greenfield. >> yeah, i mean first of all, what it is she gave a speech in 2019 at havana state black college school and that is at that time confucius institute. she said she was not aware what the confucius institute was doing locally until she went there. she said at the hearing a spokesman for the biden transition said previously she regretted having done the speech and lamented very much. i'm glad she said that but here's the problem, she has over 35 year record of being foreign service in this country, having served to various posts. i don't know how it's possible you can accept a speech and go speak at a place on behalf with confucius institute and not who
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they were and concerns about them. the american association with the university of professors as early as 2014 was talking about a danger to academic freedom and sensor who can speak on campus and what professors could speak. 2014, director ray bill met chris wray in response to one of my question said we are looking at confucius because we are concerned about them. that is a problem. i don't understand how she could not have known that. that is what i asked her today and the second problem we didn't have time to get into but what she said in the speech a couple of things concerning, number one fee shouldn't turn the continent of africa in a battleground of great power competition which is absurd that is exactly what it is. china is bribing and stealing its weight trapping country after country. the other thing she said china can really be an actor for positive for good things like good governance and rule of law. and i'm not sure what she meant by good governance and rule of law and then the third thing
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today, i asked that she consider what is happening to the leader of muslims and the province a because secretary pompeo defined it as such. by the way tony blinken and antony blinken said as much. she wouldn't answer. what she said is the state department is reviewing it and i know it's been called that but let's see what that review shows. i don't know why she couldn't say that so very interesting. very concerned the one did not make sense she did not know what confucius institute was and what they did and second any thought in her career china could be rule of governance and the third she refused to say what is happening to the weaker muslims is and she has to review it, to make code for no but i want to get it confirmed. >> maria: it is unbelievable watching the video of these people, the uighurs and all the ethnic minorities handcuffed,
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blindfolded. it is really disgusting. what we are seeing and it's clear all roads leading to china and the most important policy. real quick, i want to get into other things because i have to ask about schools, domestic injuries and the impact it has in the country, but what will you be looking at? the biden administration for indication whether or not they will be soft on china with train appeasers in the administration. >> so those are the coincidences and bipartisan for a very long time, don't worry about china, they are poor and when they get rich they will be like us. many people admitted that is wrong and it is a bipartisan consensus. so obviously people will say that. but when you have someone who actually refuses to say that even now, now concerns because we have this element in this country that for whatever reason believes that china someone we can work with or worse. the natural order of things
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china is a descendant and we are descendants and we need to somehow make room and space for them to be the dominant power. it sounds crazy to think about it but there are people in american public policy that believe this and feel this way that the world would be a better place if america was most powerful relative to china. spilling corporate america needs to get the memo on all of this. we had acting director of national intelligence ric grenell on earlier in the week. we were talking about the current administration and the cabinet. he thinks somebody else is really running things. listen to ric grenell and i want to get your take on biden's cabinet. >> susan rice is there inside the white house. she's been given a portfolio has to domestic policy. there is no question she is running domestic and foreign policy. we have a vice president who needs to spend most of her time in the senate because that is a 50/50 type. susan rice is extremely excited
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that vice president harris is preoccupied in the senate and the shadow presidency of susan rice's front and center. >> maria: do you agree with that, senator? of course, susan rice did not need to get confirmed by the senate. >> look i don't know who's running in the white house and obviously i'm not close to the biden white house because they've only been in office a week irrespective. the people running have good policies i would be fine with that. but i think that will be the problem. what we have seen the last week is literally a wish list. if we drew up a wish list and said this is what the radical left once, they have been going through the boxes and checking one by one a new announcement and leading 11,000 people without jobs with the stroke of a pen. the issue on immigration order and i asked for clarification and i read it it could be read
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to say you committed a horrific crime like murder, sexual abuse and you are out of jail by january 19th. you are not a party for deportation. i'm very concerned about the policies because they sound like a checklist of all the dreams of the radical left being put in place by executive order, unprecedented order 35 at last count in a week. >> maria: senator before you go i have to ask you about the schools. we saw $30.75 billion education stabilization fund that provides $13.5 billion elementary and secondary school emergency relief fund. you are approving this money for schools and the kids are not in schools. the teachers union pledging to return to the classroom only when it's "safe." your reaction. >> there shouldn't be taxpayer
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money of covert relief not going to schools that are not open. the purpose of the money is to open the schools and if the schools do not open, we should not send the money. >> maria: we believe it there. senator, we will leave it at that. families want their kids back in school. we know that. have a good night. >> thank you. >> maria: marco rubio and when we come back greg gutfeld is working overtime tonight, and he is thrilled to be here. don't go anywhere. we will check in with greg next. ♪ got my hair ♪ ♪ got my head ♪ ♪ got my brains ♪ ♪ got my ears ♪ ♪ got my heart ♪ ♪ got my soul ♪ ♪ got my mouth ♪ ♪ i got life ♪
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nicorette knows, quitting smoking is hard. you get advice like: like you, my hands have a lot more to do. just stop. get a hobby. you should meditate. eat crunchy foods. go for a run. go for 10 runs! run a marathon. are you kidding me?! instead, start small. with nicorette. which can lead to something big. start stopping with nicorette ♪ ♪ (quiet piano music) (loud music & noises) ♪ ♪ (quiet piano music) comfort in the extreme. the lincoln family of luxury suvs.
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>> you are a bunch of cowards hiding behind our children having an excuse for keeping schools closed. the garbage workers who pick up my trash risk their lives every day more than anyone in the school system! figure it out or get off the podium! because you know what? there are people like me and a lot of other people out there who will gladly take your seats and figure it out! >> a fed up father in virginia blasting his local school board for keeping kids out of class despite mounting evidence that in person learning is safe.
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it is one of the many schools across the country saying they won't even consider allowing kids back into the classroom for several more months. so what are teachers unions doing instead? join me right now is greg. he is the host of "the greg gutfeld show." greg, it's great to see you. what you make of this? >> great to see you. >> what you make of this? >> well, this is why i don't have kids. i know it's a pandemic. it's a rare occurrence. but for me, in my lifetime, it actually paid off. i look at the stress this guy is going through and i feel for him. he is stuck with his kids all the time and children are horrible creatures. people think they are like little humans. no, they are conduits for evil and they can ruin, ruin your day more that you are around them. so i feel bad for him during the lockdown. i am very. >> and you know what?
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it's even worse than that, greg, because one school system, the chicago teacher's union, instead of going back to work, they posted this. watch this. ♪ ♪ [laughter] >> that is amazing. okay. all right, they are heroes. you know, interpretive dance is very, very hard because it's immune from quality control because it's interpretive. it's built into its title. like right now, i'm not doing interpretive commentary because i would probably lose my job here you can't have an interpretive garbageman or an interpretive surgeon. so this is a challenge for them. i think they are doing something good. by the way, the little kid is adorable. very adorable little kid. but you notice that anything can be dance. if it's up for interpretation. can you get paid for that? are they getting paid? that's what i want to know.
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>> they are getting paid for it because we are seeing billions go to schools even though they are not going back to work. here's another piece of outrage. listen to new york governor, andrew cuomo. watch this. >> i'm very proud of what new yorkers have done because they have rallied. we were ambushed like no other state, nicole and again, it was from federal incompetence. incompetent government kills people. more people died van needed to die in covid. that's the truth. >> so -- >> no words. no words. >> oh, i have words. he is saying that incompetent government kills people. that's like jeffrey dahmer warning us about cannibals. he oversaw the death of thousands and then he writes a book about the pandemic. i don't believe that from the
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titanic they have wrote a book about how to avoid icebergs but that's kind of like this. >> there was a decision made to put covid patients in nursing homes, greg. >> yes. yes. i know. i know. we covered that story about 17 times on "the five." but what's interesting about the media, have you noticed he's never had to answer for it? he's never -- like that question rarely comes and if it does he dismisses it and does a comedy routine on cnn. >> yeah, i know. i've seen it. you are right. we've asked him to come on, greg. we really have. great to chat with you tonight. >> same here. >> [laughs] i'll see you on "the five." i will join you again one of these days. we will see you soon. greg gutfeld. thank you so much for watching tonight five news prime time. have a wonderful week come everybody. we've got another big show tomorrow night. i hope you'll join me.
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first though, tucker carlson is up next. here now is "tucker carlson tonight." ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> tucker: good evening and welcome to "tucker carlson tonight." happy wednesday. well, it looks like this is the part of the revolution where they start throwing their political opponents in jail. that was fast. it was just a week ago they were telling us about unity. remember that? well, we didn't know at the time that everyone with power should unite against the rest of the country. unity meant oligarchy. oh, doug mackey learned that the hard way this morning. he is a 31-year-old conservative journalist from florida. at 7:00 a.m., fbi agents showed up at his house come up through him in handcuffs and into a cell.


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