tv Hannity FOX News January 27, 2021 6:00pm-7:00pm PST
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they are doing violence to this country. and this will not stand, tucker. this cannot stand. >> tucker: protecting the oligarchy. that's their job. peter, thank you for coming on tonight. >> thanks for the time, tucker. >> tucker: thanks for watching us tonight. the free speech channel, we are proud to be. sean hannity takes over now. >> sean: all right, tucker. thank you and welcome to "hannity." tonight, we were right all along. the impeachment show is dead in the water. the shift show, that will go on with a predetermined outcome, completely pointless. there will be no conviction. the outcome not there. now they are panicking. they have been exposed. why? they are petty. they are vindictive. they are self-serving. after four years of the charade, it has been laid bare for all to see. senators, they are looking for a way out. we'll explain all of this tonight but now we turn our
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attention to what we are calling what is the big liberal extremist socialist democratic party lies. this is a short list tonight. first, there is a completely false perception. democrats, the actually value freedom. nothing could be further from the truth. now, while the classic definition of liberalism is a willingness to respect new ideas and they support freedom of speech. they are pro-choice, freedom of inspection. while, teddy's radical democratic party is anything bu. they don't want any freedom of speech. they want to completely silence, cancel all opposition voices, stifle speech that they disagree with, and furthermore cancel anyone that dares offend them. nationally, they applaud the efforts of big tech to censor conservatives. not one prominent democrat has spoken out against this practice, not one.
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democrats, leftists, they are also leading the calls and they have for years against a few of us here on the fox news channel. they would like us all canceled and boycotted and shut down on conservative talk radio. me, rush limbaugh, the great one. we need to be ripped off the airways. and that's not all. the biden administration is already looking for ways to prevent any tough questions from the white house press corps. i'm not making this up. you have the press secretary telling politico we expect reporters covering the white house to operate in good faith and organizations or individuals in conspiracy theories, like cnn, abc, propaganda, "washington post," those that lie and spread disinformation will not be tolerated. they will all be thrown out tomorrow and we will work with the white house correspondent
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association to decide how to handle those instances moving forward. and who makes all of these decisions? that would be the same people that are perfectly okay with not reporting on the hunter biden laptop story and "the new york post," you know, the one that was true. in other words, if you report something they don't like or you don't buy into their lives, their hoaxes, there conspiracy theories, they will just cancel you, silence you, shut you down, and apparently kick you out and they will work with their allies and the media mob and their allies in big tech. and they will walk you out of the white house and completely cancel you. and the democrats perfect utopia, there is no difference. there are no disagreements, no alternative opinions whatsoever. their twisted psychotic view of the world, they hold the monopoly on truth. and as we have long discussed on this program. they also believe and they will tell you that they have a
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monopoly on compassion, which brings us to another big radical leftist sadist democratic lie. that is a lie and this is definitely not the party that has a monopoly on compassion that is looking out for hardworking men and women in this country. the person that set record low unemployment for african-americans, hispanic-americans, asian-americans, women in the workplace, youth unemployment, african-american on employment, those records were shattered by that would be president trump in exile. radical socialists based, in less than one week in office, the week, the frail joe biden has now been putting tens of thousands of our follow hardworking americans, law-abiding taxpaying citizens out of work. their work has been canceled all in the name of this radical new
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green deal socialist redistribution model that they now endorse. keep in mind, we are in the middle of a pandemic because of a lot of democratic governors and mayors emma we have had draconian shutdown measures and an unemployment and the jobs that are failing, well, extremely high. we have millions of americans out of work through no fault of their own and joe adding to misery has basically announced we are going to have competition for the jobs that are available by giving amnesty to 11 million illegal immigrants. by the stroke of a pen, twice this week joe has decided to stop construction of the border wall, cancel the pipeline causing yes, thousands more to be laid off. they already got their pink slips. we have interviewed them. and further restrictions on american fracking, natural grass, pulling back on hundreds
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of thousands of american jobs. keep in mind, these are high paying jobs with great benefits. most of them are union jobs. they fit a very specific skill set. a lot of them are making six figures. they are jobless. according to joe biden, his climate plan is about jobs. it's not like you say we are going to take this job and give you this job. that never occurred. they lost their current job with no hope or reality of getting a job that is going to pay them 100 grand a year. >> today is climate day at the white house which means that today is a job stay at the white house. when i think of climate change, i think about jobs. a key plank of our bills better recovery plan is building a modern resilient and clean energy future that will create
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millions of good paying union jobs, not seven, eight, ten, $12 an hour but a prevailing wage and benefits. >> sean: the guys in the energy sector are getting paid on average 100 grand a year. you just laid them off, joe. are you going to pay their mortgage? are you going to pay their rent? you just destroyed their careers, their dreams, their livelihoods. millions of jobs are going to be created, good jobs. how do you put food on the table next week? or pay their car payment next week? the competition right now for jobs has never been greater and because of amnesty and because of draconian shutdowns, it's going to drive down wages. you are taking away jobs and promising big government. the coldhearted comments of biden's cabinets are equally insane. you've got his special envoy.
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these americans need to find work elsewhere. easy for him to say. he's a multi-multimillionaire in his own private jet. i don't remember him ever speaking out against the kennedys of nantucket when they were going to build windmills there. it would have obstructed the kennedy view. he never criticized that and many of these workers, add i tos i said have six figures. hey john kerry, where do they go for work on monday? can they go to take a jet to go interview? >> the president of the united states has expressed in every comment he has made about the climate, the need to grow the new jobs that pay better, that are cleaner. what president biden wants to do is make sure those folks have better choices, that they can be the people to go to work to make
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the solar panels. they were making them here at home. that is going to be a particular focus of the build back better agenda. >> sean: next week they've got no job to go to, john. i know you married into a lot of money. i know you fly around the world leaving your big fat carbon footprint pretty much everywhere you go. by the way, john kerry, may be a need to scrap your private jet. i think it's time to sell the plane. that makes you a lying hypocrite. and he is standing there with with a straight face as callously as climate envoy arguing that americans will not be working next week. they should lose their job because of his radical globally dominant global warming green new deal socialist agenda as he uses a private jet as a lf the cabinet members of joe biden, are they going to give up the government jets thau paid for, the american taxpayer? they've got fleets of them. are they going to agree to give them up?
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i doubt it. he isn't the only biden official with a cavalier attitude either. by the way, all against working americans. they are now devastated by yes, the pink slips that they got and no job to go to. high paying career jobs in the energy industry. they don't have a job on monday. where are they going to go monday? who's going to put food on the table? was going to pay their rent, their mortgage? anyway, take a look at other callousness? >> over there house workers, somebody else will get a job? >> they might be different one. >> sean: you just took their job and you didn't give them another job. they don't exactly have the wealth of experience or knowledge. and pete, you just got a new job. they had good paying union jobs. you put the insane socialist green new deal ahead of everyone of these hardworking american workers and their families.
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pete's colleague, jennifer was at least a bit more honest by saying and stating that of course jobs are going to be sacrificed, but tomei by the democrat's radical green new del agenda. >> i'm just curious how the long-term band consistent with the present's goal of putting people back to work and helping our economies grow, how is that all consistent? >> i think the president's plan of building that better, which would create more jobs in energy, clean energy than the jobs that might be sacrificed. but i will say this. we don't want to see any jobs sacrificed. >> sean: how does a welder and a pipe fitter, tell me, how do those skills, very specific learned over decades in some cases, how do they translate to windmills? you've got to help me out here.
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perhaps she's more honest but just as dumb in supporting this madness and adding insert to injury. guess what, you are also going to be facing higher taxes as well as higher energy tasks. in the joe biden genius on top of the predictable rising prices for your home, they are eyeing a brand-new gas tax. tax hikes on the middle class. yeah, probably going to be necessary to pay for joe's new green deal socialist agenda. windmills, solar panels. hate to tell you that it's not cheap. you might remember solyndra. high taxes on you, the american people, middle class people who truly make this country great every day when he was hiding in his basement bunker during the campaign protection program with
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the media mob and the big tech mob. i don't recall promising to raise taxes on the middle class. matter of fact if my memory serves me well it was quite the opposite. let's see if the videotape proves me right. >> this is about everybody paying their fair share. >> so $400,000. >> there is no need. >> will you be raising taxes on small businesses? >> you have 90% of the businesses out there who are mom-and-pop businesses. they are out there that employ less than 50 people. nobody making more than 500,000 bucks should have their taxes raise period. let's get people back to work. >> sean: okay, just took away their jobs and jennifer, you are on defense. going to raise taxes on the middle class. but i guess you consider anyone who has a job still middle-class. what joe biden did was lie
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directly to your face. i thought the media mob didn't like lying from politicians. by the way, we told you so. we predicted all of this. by the way, none of this will improve the climate. the world will still consume oil and gas, but now less of it will be sourced from america. instead, all of the oil and gas, the lifeblood of the world's economy, they are going to have to ship it on trains. we will be exporting oil to countries that hate our guts, china, a hostile regime, russia, hostile regime. other countries. venezuela. wow. no epa in these countries. the paris climate records. they don't charge china the same as they charge us.
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china is considered a developing nation. we are the only suckers that pay the real freight. i guess we are going to make all of those hostile regimes against us rich again. we'll make them great again. and america once again will be dependent on foreign energy which compromises our security. not a good idea. pollution will probably get worse. we will be paying prices on the way and to sum it up, we are going to pay more to pay heat our homes, more at the pump. and they will all get rich and they will be prospering. they are doing back flips tonight. tens and thousands of americans are losing high-paying career jobs. russia, china, iran, other middle eastern countries doing backflips and going getting tonight. here's my prediction. mark my words, this will not end well. on top of this, biden has planned to keep democrats in power. i warned you about this too. it's happening. and that includes, by the way, a bill that would grant statehood to washington, d.c., therefore ensuring two democratic senators from d.c.
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maybe puerto rican statehood is next. they will have two more democratic senators in perpetuity. biden is now staffing a commission to analyze supreme court reform. okay. i was right again. let me translate that for you. talking about court packing, they want to figure out a way to control the u.s. supreme court and overthrow the branch of government. in other words, an unprecedented dangerous power grab. in other news, radical democrats are falsely accusing trump of inciting an insurrection. we already know the outcome. president trump will be acquitted and so they will now officially be wasting your money and your time. and enough. we get it. you hate president trump. it's actually amazing, isn't it, when you think about it. donald trump has this unique ability to live in these people's minds every second, minute, hour of every day he
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lives there for years and he is not an office and he still lives there. and now today, some in d.c. are figuring out that they lost in terms of a conviction. we will get him this way. now, republicans, we for once get a backbone. will you for once not capitulate, not get in? he is in office. enough. stop wasting our time and our money. and if they are going to do that, then do it to chuck and do it to joe. and do it to kamala harris and do it to maxine waters. i'm going to take trump out tonight and then you can do it to everybody else that has said insightful insurrection-like language. stop legitimizing you republicans, you weak ones, this psychotic rage. focus on your job. we are in the middle of a pandemic. there are millions of americans
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out of work. democrats once again proving my point. they don't have compassion. there is no awareness. there is no empathy and sadly hardworking americans, as we unfortunately predicted rightly, are now paying the price. jobs are lost. but the promises of jobs here and everywhere. they are nonexistent at this moment. here with reaction, fox news contributor, dan bongino. i'm tired of this false narrative. they have a monopoly on compassion. they have a monopoly for minorities. no, they don't. donald trump set those records. they never did. >> yeah, i mean, i'm really astonished how many people keep falling for this liberal scam. it's obviously a scam. it's been a scam forever. you know, i read an interesting book once and he talks about the history of the democrat party, how they have always aimed to screw over the middle class. that has always been their goal.
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the smelly walmart people. the democrats have always done that. and think about it, sean, there is no better example or worse example, i should say because of the ramifications of it and the keystone pipeline. they come into the office, like you said, running on this phony campaign saying hey, we are all about tolerance, the middle class and the little guy while they ram it up to every -- you've got 100,000 solid middle-class jobs wiped out because he wants to kiss the -- of the climate activists left. think about that. we say all the time washing of the government and people like joe biden, wash and it they take winners or losers? because they are too stupid to pick the winners. when have they ever pick the winners? the example of government subsidized companies that have gone up and under after the government got involved is like 6,000 pages long. if they were smart enough to build a private business
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themselves, they wouldn't be in government. they would be in private business. and yet these idiots are running their lives? i mean the government can't spend other people's money on other people because they suck. they are too stupid. one more thing. you know, talk about him, the activist who is a really smart guy. he said once in a lecture i heard, he said that it's not that the government is too big. it's that they are too stupid. they literally cannot figure these things out and we are letting them run our lives and when you do this, this is what happens. you have 11,000 hardworking americans whose jobs have been flushed on the toilet because we handed this over to joe biden. >> sean: you know, these coldhearted -- these people this week, hardworking americans. they lost career jobs. many of them paying six figures. these are great jobs. they have great benefits. they are gone. but no, we want you to get other good union jobs. okay, those good union jobs are nonexistent. it's the toughest job market we have faced because of the worst
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pandemic in 100 years. now, the other thing is how about they ground the private jet fleet with the taxpayers paid for too. >> yeah. well, sean, you made a great point in the monologue but i don't want the audience to miss. number one, you are right. oh, just get other jobs. and here again, they were too dumb to figure this out by themselves. oh, i got a six-figure job. maybe i should get another job. but you brought up two great points. number one, you are doing this for the environment customer that money is just going to come in via rail. what do you think, the oil is going to be shut down customer are you really that stupid? and secondly, the russians are laughing right now. this is great. so, let me get this straight, and america. you are self sabotaging your own economy so that we can sell you guys more oil? great job, fellows. putin thinks this is great right now. i'm glad you brought that point
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up. >> sean: yeah, and we should grant the fleet. john kerry, i have a message for you. scrap your plane. don't sell it or somebody else will be leaving a carbon footprint. i want you to take it and have it dismantled and show that you mean it. you are going to sacrifice like you are asking the american worker to sacrifice. don't hold your breath. >> pay your taxes on the phone. pay your taxes on that boat in rhode island. remember that story? pay the taxes on that too, buddy. >> sean: and put those windmills outside. all right, turning to a fascinating story on washington. i've been watching this all day. can't stop. so game stop, their shares are through the roof of what, like 300% after a group of independent small-time retail investors banded together to outsmart major hedge funds like capital. they were shorting in what is now being characterized as a full-fledged populist uprising against the wall street
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establishment. here to explain all of this, laura. i kind of love the story because they have the ability to make their own trades and they don't have to pay a broker for buying or selling. i love that independence. so these hedge funds. >> yeah. >> sean: they short stock. i want you to explain it. and they finally got nailed today by the little guy and i am enjoying every minute of it. >> [laughs] okay. and they are coordinating on social media. so, it's an uprising. that's a good way to describe it. and it's working and it's going to work until someone, institution, regulator steps in to stop it, which is very likely. so, we've been talking, everyone has been talking about gamestop in the past few weeks or so pure look at what you are looking at. this is a stock with $2.57. $2.57. it is up to about 350 bucks
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today. it is not just gamestop. we are talking about a group of about a dozen companies. blackberry. who uses one? express. they are in a mall. malls are struggling. so, these are these struggling companies by every day traders because of a pandemic using, as you mentioned the apps and the platforms like e-trade and robin hood. now, the popular reddit page, it's called wall street bats. it has grown to 3 million members. what they are doing is they are encouraging each other to buy's stock have been shorted by hedge funds. that encourages them to cover their short positions and it drives up the price of the stocks. it completely defies logic. the problem is a rational difference. we saw it with the financial
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crisis in huizinga, causing. in the 1990s, the bubble always bursts and who gets hurt in the end? >> sean: i think it was alan greenspan. lauren, great job. i love when the little guy wins. all right, the underdog. why the swirling controversy around hunter biden will likely be the front and center at an upcoming confirmation. we are not letting it go. the mob, the media, trying to attack senator ron johnson. we are supporting him, next. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ (quiet piano music) ♪ ♪ comfort in the extreme. the lincoln family of luxury suvs.
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it's moving day. and while her friends are doing the heavy lifting, jess is busy moving her xfinity internet and tv services. it only takes about a minute. wait, a minute? but what have you been doing for the last two hours? delegating? oh, good one. move your xfinity services without breaking a sweat. now that's simple, easy, awesome. xfinity makes moving easy. go online to transfer your services in about a minute. get started today. ♪ ♪ >> sean: democrats, the media mob: big tech, the corruption scandal, they want it to just do
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pretend that there is not real overwhelming evidence of corruption and real evidence of a conflict of interest when it comes to the biden family's foreign dealings. carline is going to need to answer key questions about the ongoing investigation into zero experience hunter, the questions about whether a special console probe is needed. let's see, russian oligarch, kazakhstan oligarchs, chinese nationals, ukrainian oligarchs and bree's mama the bank of china. get this, joe biden's brother frank is continuing to tout his family's standing for a law firm he joined as a senior advisor. he claimed he is not using his last name to get clients. the extremist mob is continuing
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to come from any and all republicans. they dare to ask tough questions. for example, recent editorials, two wisconsin newspapers are actually calling for the expulsion of senator ron johnson. why? he dared to question biden's cabinet picks and daring to ask the same questions about the biden agenda. the vapors, i can hardly believe it. here with reaction, wisconsin senator, ron johnson. senator, you emerged as one of the few brave souls in washington and i'm pretty sure the people in wisconsin are going to applaud you for your fierce independence, your fidelity to truth and equal justice. now, in your research with charles grassley, tell us what you learned about hunter biden. >> welcome a hundred biden obviously had all kinds of foreign entanglements. let's call it that. a vast web of connections in russia, ukraine, kazakhstan, but china.
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and china was the one who obviously is the most concerning because the businesses he was associated with, they had similar names. and again, we don't have all the proof on this. we just have some evidence of lots of money going back and forth including money laundering. $100 million worth of financial transactions. diamonds. they are used for money laundering. he was involved with individuals, actually represented someone who was convicted of money laundering of a chinese firm. so, entanglements are vast. obviously frank biden. the arrogance of these individuals is just unbelievable. but sean, let's face it. they know they've got the media in their back pocket and they can do almost anything with impunity. we are going to see a honeymoon for the last four years that will make us all ill.
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>> sean: any of the packer fans and your great state? by the way, i'm a big fan of aaron rodgers. great game. some of the best cornerbacks ever. any of the great people of wisconsin or sean hannity, little old talk show to me. if any of the people in wisconsin, if they ever had a deal with the former first lady of moscow or a russian oligarch or a wire transfer of three and half million dollars and a wire transfer to buy a new car and no experience in oil, energy, gas or ukraine, but they were making millions with the bank of china gave them a sweetheart $1.5 billion deal, but they had no real experience in private equity. do you think the great people of wisconsin, hardworking, salt of the earth, great americans, do you think they get a pass on that or i would get a pass on any of these things? i'm guessing probably not.
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>> the unequal application of the law. the unequal system of justice we have. this justice system for republicans, one for democrats. one for normally democrats and one for the well-connected. hunter biden's business associates were convicted that was back in 2018. there were parts of that transaction that hunter biden was potentially associated with. remember that email said they wanted to bring hunter on this thing because he's a little bit more likable and they would put some honey in hunter's pocket. i think there are some other transactions that they basically ignored but they had access to this since at least 2018. what is happening with them? i'm very concerned about the u.s. attorney in delaware was on the hunter biden case. i was hoping to hear something before they changed hands.
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i'm concerned we will have an investigation, email scandal, one that is meant more to cover up and exonerate as opposed to uncover the truth and prosecute. >> sean: i think of the people of wisconsin, i think about the. i think about aaron rodgers who is amazing. i think a lot of unions. i think a lot of, let's see, farmers. i think of dairy. hardworking salt of the earth americans. what you think they are thinking of pete buttigieg, joe biden taking away energy sector jobs, high paying career jobs? a lot of these jobs, six-figure paying jobs with great benefits, union jobs. what are they thinking tonight? >> i hope they are thinking buyer's remorse. the keystone pipeline really hurts wisconsin. we have one of the major contractors of wisconsin where we would use thousands of jobs and hundreds of millions of dollars of economic activity in the state of wisconsin because
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of what joe biden has done scratching every inch of the radical left from his party. so, this is a travesty what is happening and let's face it, sean, actions speak louder than words. talk is cheap. and for all of the words of healing and unifying this country, joe biden is doing the exact opposite. he is taking a hard left turn right off at the beginning of his administration. putting people out of work. this is incredibly concerning. i hope wisconsin, i hope americans are paying attention. >> sean: all right senator, i know the people of wisconsin are not going to be influenced by those who are attacking from outside the great state of wisconsin and a couple of liberal papers. thank you, sir. when we come back, speaking of senators, senator tom cotton calling for the national guard to be sent back to their respective states. this was so imperative to
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is a musical >> sean: now senator tom cotton tonight is calling for the national guard to be sent home. "i said on the intelligence committee meanwhile, medium malpractice is as prevalent as ever. "newsweek," they felt the necessity. they went back, they were caught with self editing a 2015 report about senator cotton's military service and an apparent
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desperate attempt to support a recent piece from salon against senator cotton. here to react to all of this is senator cotton. it's pretty protectable. first, there is not one single good american that didn't watch in a post 9/11 world what happened at the capital without saying how could this ever happen in this country? we can't let that happen. they knew hundreds of people were coming. they knew also apparently investigators discovering all of the signs that a lot of this was preplanned. that is according to "the washington post," cnn, and court documents, senator. how could this happen in a post 9/11 war? >> they have resigned and they should have. and there may need to be more accountability for senior leaders. they did a great job that day. they were underequipped. they didn't have enough manpower.
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there wasn't enough preparation. my point is that the force posture always needs to be geared towards an actual threat. there were specific threats. if there were not enough officers on duty with the proper type of equipment. they are not enough national guards with the proper equipment on standby. but now, after the inauguration is over, nancy pelosi still has more than 5,000 troops at the capital with laser wiring and fences up around the capitol. i am still not aware of any specific threat that warrants that posture, especially when we have hundreds of these national guard coming down with the coronavirus. they need to go home so that the air is a threat in the future, we can bring guards to prevent it. >> sean: there was a threat announced yesterday. is this connected with this. donna? >> not connected to that.
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it's kind of a generalized threat of some kind of domestic extremism and domestic violence but it's not to my knowledge geared specifically to the capital of united states. this is the people's house. it should not be a fortress. be. it has to be guarded at present, critical moments. that force posture has to be geared towards an actual threat. but we should not turn it into a compound like so many federal buildings in washington already are. >> sean: so, it's a foregone conclusion the impeachment trial is over. i mean, 45 senators think it's unconstitutional. now they have people saying we can't get it this way. let's censor the former president. if that is the case, do they get a sense of kamala harris, joe biden, i'm going to take trump out tonight maxine waters. chuck schumer who threatened brett kavanaugh on the steps of the u.s. supreme court, because republicans are going to go along with this, which they shun
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it. they need to apply the standards equally. republicans are going to do that or are they going to just say enough is enough? >> well, sean, you make a good point. i think most americans think it's pretty strange that the democrats want to proceed to remove him from office. by the time we are done with this, he had left office a month ago. you can point fingers and blame a lot of people by their words or actions but none of that is going to get a single american vaccinated or a kid sent back to school or a worker back to their job. that is what they should be focusing on right now. not an impeachment proceeding that is beyond our constitutional dolomite constitutional authority. >> sean: you want to censor donald trump? to it to them and i will give you the tapes you can see it for yourself. but this sounds like insurrection talk to me. all right, thank you. it continues. san francisco school board
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voting to rename schools, ones that honored washington, lincoln. dianne feinstein? yeah, it's the truth. we have a full report. ♪ ♪ keeps me moving forward... even after paying for this. love you, sweetheart. they guide me with achievable steps that give me confidence. this is my granddaughter...she's cute like her grandpa. voya doesn't just help me get to retirement... ...they're with me all the way through it. come on, grandpa! later. got grandpa things to do. aw, grandpas are the best! well planned. well invested. well protected. voya. be confident to and through retirement.
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♪ ♪ >> sean: so the left continues to push their counsel culture agenda. yesterday, san francisco's school board voted to rename schools. let's see, washington, lincoln, even senator dianne feinstein. our own rick leventhal is here he's got the very latest. >> and sean, the vote wasn't even close. 6-1 in favor of rebranding 44 san francisco schools as a "moral message." the city's mayor found it
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offensive saying the school board should be focused on reopening, not renaming but it wasn't even discussed at the meeting and critics say historians weren't consulted before the move was made canceling george washington, the nation's first president, thomas thomas jefferson, paul revere. even lincoln who ended slavery. 35 years ago, she allegedly replaced a damaged confederate flag outside the city hall. the price tag of all of us could spike to a million dollars or more when factoring in new uniforms and stuff like repainting gym floors even though the district faces a budget deficit. and sean, new names have not been chosen yet but i'm guessing you might have a couple. >> sean: oh, i've got a lot. i've got a lot of names. no need to stop canceling. i've got a few i would like to add to the list but unfortunately i'm not like them.
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i don't have a cancel list. you know what? it's not my way. i believe in freedom. rick leventhal, thank you. here is more with reaction. mike huckabee. about to take a moment, rick, and say i fully completely endorse, support sarah before governor. >> [laughs] >> sean: she will be the best governor in the history of arkansas. i think you agree with me, right, rick that sarah how you will the best governor ever in arkansas history. >> [laughs] >> sean: they've got some good governors but no one will ever match sarah huckabee. congratulations. i fully support her. she's going to be a great governor. you should be proud. >> well, i'm very proud of her and they appreciate the kind things you said about her last night on the show. the show took note of that. i've got to respond to this idea of naming the schools. i've got the perfect solution. san francisco is not pleased with george washington,
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jefferson, and abraham lincoln. there is only one person who have has ever walked the schools perfect. that's. name every school after. >> sean: we are going to invite him back in? >> well yeah, but he is the only person good enough for san francisco. >> sean: good luck bringing that message out in san francisco. i will be there for that speed 25. you know, rick, i want you to talk about that. but you also gave the company insight giving president trump running in 2020. >> well, first of all what is happening in san francisco is exactly what nancy pelosi and gavin newsom want. this is their city. this is how he has laid out and how she has laid out the governing strategy for san francisco. this is outrageous to think that these great americans are not
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good enough to have a school named over them. and so they are going to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to strip the names but they are also going to spend millions of dollars on new uniforms come on repainting the schools basketball court. there's a whole bunch that goes into this. this is a school district that's running a deficit and yet 6-1, they have decided to rename the school. that is their priority. this is chaos. where is the governor? where is the mayor? we have to have leaders that step up. this is exactly why gavin newsom is going to be recalled. we are really close to those petition numbers. yeah, that's very real. and your other question, when it comes to president trump, all i can tell you is that he has told me multiple times that he wants to run again. and so, president trump is very clear when he says that. >> sean: you are joining me and you are endorsing sarah how b2b the best governor in
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arkansas in history. right, rick? >> she has my full support. i will do whatever i can to get her elected. >> sean: governor, current congratulations of two immunotherapies that works differently. it could mean a chance to live longer. opdivo plus yervoy is for adults newly diagnosed with non-small cell lung cancer that has spread and that tests positive for pd-l1 and does not have an abnormal egfr or alk gene. opdivo plus yervoy is the first and only fda-approved combination of two immunotherapies opdivo plus yervoy equals... a chance for more starry nights. more sparkly days. more big notes. more small treasures. more family dinners. more private desserts. opdivo and yervoy can cause your immune system to attack healthy parts of your body during and after treatment. these problems can be severe and lead to death.
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♪ ♪ >> sean: unfortunately, that's going to be all the time we have left. i don't know how you do it, i can give you the technical description, but set your dvr so you never missed an episode. one mission of this program, i've been on 25 years on the fox news channel, 33 years now in radio. my conservative principles aren't changing. our independence is not changing. we like to stand apart from the media mob, give you news information that you are going to not going to get elsewhere. every single day, law-abiding,
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family raising, good citizens losing career jobs, many of them six figures, and then the callousness of carrie and biden and booted judge, it makes my blood boil. we need your help day and night. a lawyer ingram takes it away. >> laura: you and i came from blue-collar working-class backgrounds, and so we never really forgot that. that's where we came from. not that you have to come from that to understand it, trumped agent, but he understood that. those people are the backbone of society. if they work hard, they deserve to be paid a decent wage, and they don't deserve to have their livelihoods ripped out from under them, which is happening right now. fantastic. >> sean: they need their jobs back, give them their jobs back. >> laura: we will have to fight for those jobs, we will do that. thanks sean, this is "the ingraham angle" from washington tonight. we have a big lineup for you.
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