tv Watters World FOX News January 30, 2021 11:00pm-12:01am PST
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greg: go to g. that's 4:00 a.m.. thank you guys. a great show. i'm greg gutfeld. i love you america. [♪♪♪] jesse: welcome to "watters' world," i'm jesse watters. sleepy joe got woke. that's the subject of tonight's watters words. spay what you will about donald trump. he wasn't a phoney. he said what he was going to do and you knew what you were getting into. not joe biden. he ran as a guy from scranton but he's governing like a guy from san francisco. sleepy joe got woke and we are going to go broke. biden started off as the most
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progressive president ever. everything we warned you about, him being the puppet of the radical left was true. he insisted he wasn't going to ban fracking but he just did it on federal land. he insisted he wasn't down with court packing but he just set up a commission for it. he said he was pro union. buff he just killed 11,000 pipeline jobs. he said he was for safe streets but he stopped deporting killers and rapists. biden is killing women's sports. he will probably be sued. more on that later. joe proposed $4 trillion in spending. did you hear about that? probably not. the press won't tell you joe went left. they won't cover him. they cover up for him.
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$2 trillion for virus relief and $2 trillion for climate change. only one is a veal crisis. the other is weird science. he will blow up the bond market. life is about to get veal expense -- to get real expensive in rare today. if you slap a crisis label on everything, you can do what you want. that's what biden is doing. he shattered records for executive orders. 25. last fall biden said only dictators do that. >> some of my democrat i can and republican friends say if you can't get the votes you do by executive order. we are a democracy. we need consensus. jesse: joe just joined the squad. he can't even say what he's
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signing. he has to read from notes. >> the second order i'm going to be signing also changing what the president has done -- the president -- the former president has done, and a memorandum reversed my predecessor's attack on women's health access. as you continue to battle covid-19. jesse: they put it on a note card or prompter and he just reads it. he bores you to death while they stab you in the back. trump ran against a rigged system in 2016 and he won. now they are rigging it so he will never win again. play the race card then investigate you like a terrorist. adam schiff the collusion scammer working with the bind national security team. the same crew who set trump up. >> we have been urging for
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sometime that the fbi and department of homeland security raise the priority of domestic terrorism to white nationalism as it threatens the country. we'll continue to sound alarm to make sure they have devote the resource and atension. just as we did after 9/11 to international terrorism we'll give the same priority to domestic terrorism. jesse: the left has had a pretty loose definition of a racist. pretty much anyone who voted for trump. >> the most racist are in fact trump voters. >> the people who voted for trump had scene authoritarian fliend set that white men should be on top. >> we have to start calling his supporters as rice -- as racists as well it's the klan hood.
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>> if you are a person who doesn't identify as racist but a person being racist isn't a deal breaker for you in terms of voting, the racist hasn't come to terms with it yet. >> there are legitimate white supremacist sympathizers who sit at the heart and the core of the republican caucus in the house of representatives. jesse: waving a maga flag for adam schiff is the same thing as an isis flag. democrats station soldiers in perpetuity at the capitol. >> right now plans are being made to keep thousands of national guard troops in washington at least through the end of the month, possibly into march. that's partly due to concerns about the upcoming impeachment proceedings as well as other events that could attract violent fringe elements to the nation's capitol.
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jesse: they are rigging it so hard because they know what they are doing is wrong. all these crazy executive orders are popular. corporate warfare, open borders, chinese outsourcing, a war on energy. nancy and joe are locking in the mail-in ballots, no i.d. no signature verification. biden is playing one thing coast close to the vest. it's back door socialism. it could be back door reparations. too early to tell you about we'll track it for you. it revolves around the word equity. he used the word 30 types while signing the executive orders. >> i believe the nation and government need to change our approach to racial equality --
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equity. we need to make the issue of racial equity has to be in the whole of government, advancing equity has to be everyone's job. jesse: equity doesn't mean equality. he says because of slavery and injustice, the federal government has to impose equity. meaning a certain outcome, a fair outcome determined by him for certain groups. some get special treatment, more perks and money to make up for the past. if you disagree be you are discriminating and could be punished. what does that sounds like to you? bide be's new housing secretary breaks it down. >> equity means making the playing field level. sometimes it 7 -- sometimes it's
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not level. jesse: i want everybody treated fairly. who doesn't. but the way they say it, it sounds like reverse discrimination for undercover reparations. if it is tell us and we can debate it. be straight about it. but it's sow vague, we can't d it's so vague we can't figure it out. hopefully he put somebody honest in charge. bute close susan rice. >> every agency will put equity at the core of its resources to make sure they are reaching americans of color in all margin alized communities, rural, urban, disabled, lgbfq plus, religious be minorities and others. jesse: does it mean free stuff? >> homeownership is even
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essential tool to wealth creation and to be passed down to generations. i'm directing the department of house and urban affairs to reverse this historic racism in federal housing policies. jesse: housing is not a right. it's not in the constitution. are certain groups going to get free housing? biden wouldn't have been elected if he ran on free housing. he mentioned certain groups get business perks. certain businesses do. colleges, universal pre-k. healthcare guarantees. and what are we talking about here? susan rice is making the government pick winners and losers based on social justice. if that's the case we are talking loans, promotions, hiring and firing government
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contracts, college scholarships, admissions. if someone makes a wrong move do they get slapped with a federal lawsuit? i have to read between the lines because we don't know. we asked the biden administration to clear it up for us, but they won't tell us what they are doing. are you going to make race a factor in every situation? we don't know. sounds like it. politically it looks like payoffs, not policy. or racial redistribution. we don't know. they could be doing the right thing but going bra about it ing about it in the wrong way. but they brought black wages to record highs and you unemployment to record lows under trump. but maybe it's not about results for progressives. perhaps white guilt.
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i don't know. equity might feel good to them. but it will bankrupt and divide the country. if it doesn't happen, good. if it does, i warned you. joining us now for reaction, former secretary for housing and urban development, ben carson. what's your interpretation of this equity deal? >> we always engaged in treating people in an equitable fashion. that's one of the characteristics of america. when people were downtrodding and disadvantaged, we reached out to them. i would an opinion piece in the "wall street journal" some years ago called compassionate action versus affirmative action. compassionate action means we look at the circumstances of an individual and try to help those who need help. and that's always been the case
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in america. that's not anything new. i think to have the government define and take it over changes the equation. we are in a situation now where we have two groups of people. those who believe in america -- and when i say america, i mean the concept of america more than the place america. freedom to live the way we want to live as long as your rights don't infringe on someone else's rights. versus those who need help in society where you give the government control and they take care of you from cradle to grave. that's not the reason people came to this country in the first place. that was not the reason for the constitution, the declaration of independence and what it says. we are fighting a pretty big battle right now and we must remember that freedom is not free. you have to fight for it every
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single day. if you stop fighting for it, it disappears. this is not a democrat or republican thing. this is america we are talking about. jesse: you are going to kill the american hustle if you give everybody a free house that needs a free house or deserves a free house because of something that happened 150 years ago. that will kill entrepreneurship. joe biden sells himself as a scrappy guys scranton. scrappy guys pull themselves up from their bootstraps. i want to throw a sound bite at you. sharpton took a direct shot at you and the way you ran your department under the trump administration. i want your reaction. >> where we saw a lot of retreating on housing fairness
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and equity based on race under hud, even though it was dr. ben carson over hood. >> i would just say look at the facts. we were the ones who cleared out tens of thousands of cases, discrimination cases. interestingly enough, the majority of those cases had nothing to do with race. a majority of them had to do with disabilities, and a majority of those had to do with animals. so i would caution mr. sharp to be to go back and actually look at the facts. what we have been trying to do is solve the problem. you know, of wealth inequity. the principle mechanism for wealth accumulation is housing ownership. the arm house owner is worth
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$200,000. the average renter is worth $5,000. we have been trying to remove the obstacle and make it easier for people. i would say to the new secretary and the biden administration to continue the work we were trying to do to get rid of some of the policies that keep people dependent. jesse: thank you very much, dr. ben carson. sleepy joe is woke and now he's job killing joe. biden signing executive orders and actions pushing a radical agenda that is laying off workers all over the place. climate czar john kerry says don't worry. >> workers have been fed a false narrative. the notion that somehow dealing with climate is coming at their expense. no, it's not. what president biden wants to do
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is make sure those folks have better choices and alternatives. they can be the people that go to work to make the solar panels. jesse: john kerry is an idiot. they are firing people and tell them to go make solar panels? did you know solar panel makers get paid half what the pipeline guys make? 11,000 jobs lost from canceling the keystone pipeline. 5,000 jobs killedilled because e stopped border construction. joe joined the squad and aoc loves it. >> i'm extraordinarily encouraged. i think the significance of president biden's executive orders communicate a lot. jesse: joining me, former acting dni and fox news contributor and
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ari fleischer. >> when she is brazen you, you better duck. you put your finger on the core issue. the media loves to cover words. the american people need to know results. the press covers joe biden's seemingly moderate words and gives him credit for it. but all this executive actions are far left from a policy point of view which kills jobs and kills opportunities as opposed to what they inherited. prepandemic we had the lowest poverty rate since 1959 for people without high school degrees. we need to go back to those days and not kill jobs and wages with these regulations. jesse: ric, what do you think? >> john kerry said now we are
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dealing with the effects of climate change. that's just not true. during the trump administration we lowered co consistently. we are actually the country that despite not being in the paris climate treaty took the political action and the political will to lower co2 consistently. we did that while also dramatically increasing the ability for the united states to become energy indiana. d energy independent. this affects foreign policy. we are able to export natural gas. that is dramatic. and by the way, we would not be able to have been so successful with job creation and exporting natural gas if we had listened to the radical democrats on fracking. they told us it was unsafe and they were science deniers.
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it took us many years of academic institutions looking at this to say fracking is saved. we can use it. so we have been dealing successfully with job creation and controlling the effects of climate change in the united states because we have been lowering co2, others have not. jesse: i don't understand what they are looking at. you kill the pipeline. how is the oil getting to re-fine are yous in america. they will have to drive the or put it on a railroad. that's stupid. are teachers unions stealing covid money? an investigation next.
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up with what's happening in our nation's schools. and he's not alone. the cdc is on his side. saying there is little evidence that schools contribute to the spread of the coronavirus. and kids can get back to school with precautions such as wearing makes, social distance and increasing ventilation. the unions are fighting it. and joe owes the unions for helping him get elected. >> i don't think unions are overruling. the schools haven't made the investment to keep the schools safe. president biden sent a plan to congress. jesse: biden is a asking for an additional $165 billion in addition to the $82 billion schools got in the last bill for a whopping total of almost a
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quarter trillion dollars. sow why is biden asking for so much and defending these guise? the two largest teachers unions in the country gave the democrats over $4 million during the election while giving the republicans just under $50,000. joining me is the former secretary of education under reagan and fox news contributor, bill bennett. i am going to read some numbers to you and you tell me if you have think graph is going on. let's take the chicago public school system. 350,000 students. 45,000 for thermometers. $2,000 for masks. those little decals where it says six feet away.
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6,000 purell stations. if you want to upgrade the air filtration system, that's about $24 million. i priced this out individually. that's just to make sure chicago's schools are covid friendly. this under $30 million. and they already goth billions of dollars. that's one of the biggest school systems in the country. so my question to you is where is the money going. >> graf, extortion, it's going to teachers and teachers aren't work. nobody has spoken more eloquently than that parent from virginia that began the segment. but books where going to be written, papers will be published about the cost to our children. they are not susceptible to covid, we flow that from the
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science. but, boy, are they up septemberible to academic and emotional damage. it will be a year or maybe more in our schools that this is going on. the teachers union have the power because they are major players in the democrat party. they already got $65 billion. here is the thing. that's a great investment. we want the vaccine. we are essential workers. but we are not so essential that we have to go back to work. that doesn't make any sense. they get the vaccine. they want the money, and they are still not going back to work. by the way, everybody is saying all the teachers want to go back. that's not true. if the teachers wanted to go back, they would go back.
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but people need to take a look and think about this union and how it's extorting the american people and reneging on its responsibilities. are these the people you want teaching your kids? sphoo joe biden doesn't have the backbone to tell these teachers to teach. they have gotten boatloads of dough and they are still not open. i think prosecutors should be looking into the superintendent driving a range rover or whose cousin is getting the kickbacks. the iraq war it was $30,000 for a toilet. this stuff happens. and no one is looking into it because no one cares. >> people care. but the teachers unions are getting it. a lot of them are going to these videos we are seeing about the
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vacations some of these folks are taking. are these the people who belong to this organization you want teaching your children. learning pods, the catholic schools are working. home schooling is increasing. private schools are increasing. i wouldn't want the people who represent this point of view teaching my kids. a lot of parents are starting to feel this way. this may cause something of a revolution in education. i hope it does. jesse: i think you are absolutely right. there is a revolution in education. we are not denigrating teachers. it's the union bosses and administrators calling the shots and running an extortion game and it looks like they are getting away with it. thank you very much. >> a lot of the teachers are great. but some of them are behind this as well. i love the teachers. but a lot of them are all for
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chaos erupting after trading platforms like robinhood stopped trading to protect hedge funds. >> one of the most shocking robberies in plain sight. they have to go to prison. there has to be class action lawsuit against all of them. all of this whining by wall street is making me sick. i don't hear one person talk about wall street trying to crush gamestop. >> it's a way of attacking wealthy people. we are going to work together and pull together. >> you are not allowed to use the stock market the way they do. you are not allowed to make the kind of money they do. everything is rigged in favor of the elite. and this has come along and upset that rigging. jesse: amateur investors come
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together on -- reddit 0 boost gamestop stock. the stock skyrocketed and hedge funds lost billions. >> the landlord will evict you. pick up the phone and start dialing because your girlfriend will think you are a worthless loser. pick up the phone and start dialing. i want you to deal with your problems. jesse: joining me now, the wolf wall street. jordan bellfort.
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they got the trading platforms to crush the little guys. that has to be illegal. >> i think it goes beyond that. when i first saw it happened. i investigated what mapped. they broke a tremendous amount of laws. this will be so easy to prove. but i think robinhood is out of big because of the amount of lawsuits they are going to get from he single person on both sides. saying i couldn't buy what i wanted to buy, or i was forced to sell. someone needs to go to jail. at first i wasn't so upset. but last night i saw the shorts were still short. it's about time the little guy gave to it wall street. jesse: the wall street pros do this all the time.
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they pump and dump and they talking to the and go on cnbc and talk a stock up or down and their buddies get in and make a killing. if the regular joe does that, they can't do that, they are not allowed to do that. they get crushed the way they crushed the populist president like they crush you on social media. biden is watching this game get rigged in broad daylight and he's not doing anything about it. what's he going to do about it? >> they shut down the platforms for the little guy like parler. google eliminated 100,000 negative reviews off robinhood. i can't believe the things that are being allowed to happen right now. it's almost like big tech has
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impunity. wall street has had impunity. please be careful. at a certain point in time the party is going to end for these stocks and they are going to drop. jesse: they know the risk. it's a risky game. but they should be able to speculate just like the pros speculate. they just had that fbi lawyer who cooked the books on the wiretap on carter page. he got probation. >> it's shock. >> the ruling class is conspiring together to cloak out the little guy. >> until someone goes to jail for this, it will happen again and again. it's like the end of the movie the big short. no one went to jail. and look what happened.
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it's about how the little guy got his day in the sun. jesse: jordan, thanks so much, we appreciate you joining "watters' world." governor cuomo caught playing games with body count in new york. senator rand paul reacts. ♪ ♪ the chevy silverado trail boss. when you have a two-inch lift. when you have goodyear duratrac tires. when you have rancho shocks and an integrated dual exhaust. when you have all that, the last thing you'll need... is a road. the chevy silverado trail boss. ready to off-road, right from the factory.
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♪ if i could be you and you could be me ♪ ♪ for just one hour ♪ ♪ if we could find a way to get inside each other's mind ♪ ♪ if you could see you through my eyes instead of your ego ♪ ♪ i believe you'd be surprised to see that you've been blind ♪ ♪ walk a mile in my shoes ♪ ♪ walk a mile in my shoes ♪ ♪ yeah before you abuse, criticize and accuse ♪ ♪ walk a mile in my shoes ♪ ♪ walk a mile in my shoes ♪ ♪ well before you abuse, criticize and accuse ♪ ♪ walk a mile in my shoes ♪
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a stunning discovery given how cuomo has patted himself on the back for months or his handling of the pandemic. >> if you look at how many people died in nursing homes in new york compared to other states, we have a lower percent and of people who died in nursing homes. i put my head on the pillow at night saying i saved lives. that's how i sleep at night. and i know we have. incompetent government kills people. more people died than needed to die in covid. that's the truth. jesse: kentucky senator rand paul. the governor got caught moving the body count around. what should happen. >> maybe he should give a refund for the first book extolling how great he was. or the sequel, how i lied to you
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about how great i was. from the very beginning i have been not a fan of what's going on in new york. he's dictated he behavior you could do. but he has the worst death rate in the world. even above and beyond the nursing home death rate. there is no state in the union with a higher death rate. yet somehow he thinks he has done a great job. jesse: you are in the medical profession. could you ever as a hospital administrator or anybody in that field, could you move body counts around to shake things up to make you look better. if you were a commander-in-chief could you move body counts from one war zone to another war zone so your war doesn't look as deadly? i haven't heard of anything that bad. >> it shows a level of
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dishonesty that comes from every level of government. we have seen the same shifting of truth from fauci and others. people are finally catching on. i have been saying the masks don't work except the n95. it will cause your face to be bruised, but it works. but fauci is saying please don't buy them, you don't know how to use them properly. the reason they are saying that is because they are afraid they will run out. so they are telling you the truth, they think you are able to hear, but they are making up the truth and giving you basically disinformation to try to guide your behavior because you are not smart enough, you american, you are not smart enough to make these decisions. i'm not surprised cuomo lied about this and others in the government continue to tell us lies, thinking they know better than we do. it goes with elitism.
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[♪♪♪] >> this is probably first time a journalist in the national news has heard this. >> we found the cartels more aggressive by the day. what jaeson jones and others call an escalating national security nightmare. a war chest in the bills and unconstrained by the rules of war. they are not stopping at the border. jesse: lara logan is at the border justed a president biden ends border wall construction. a new connection between mexican cartels and chinese communists. joining me now, lara logan. what is the connection between
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the comeys and the cartels, lara? >> the bottom line is is the mexican cartels can't make fentanyl. it's 50 times for more powerful than heroin and killing more americans than anything else. what they are doing it mixing it into all these other drugs. you might think you are taking cocaine or using heroin. but actually these kays what you are use is fentanyl. and the other part of this is that the chinese are doing most of the manly laundering for the mexican cartels. the two of them together have become indispensable at least for this moment. the chinese are able to send these chemicals in massive quantities. they have a manufacturing capability that nobody else in
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the world can match. they put huge amounts into shipping containers and send them with pill presses and counterfeit goods. they send that to the mexican cartels, and with that they are able to make quantities of these narcotics in amounts that country has never dealt with before. people might think, they are making a fuss about drugs. we have known about this for a long time. we know what drugs are and we have this under control. it's not true. they are mixing it into pills. jesse: you are saying the chinese communists are sending fentanyl to the members cab cartels and washing the profits. i think the biden administration has to phoning us like a laser on that. you can catch lara lowe ganls
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[♪♪♪] jesse: that's all for tonight. follow me on facebook, instagram and twitter. "justice with judge jeanine" is next. remember watters and this is my world. [♪♪♪] judge jeanine: hello and welcome to "justice." i'm judge jeanine pirro. thanks for being with us tonight. let's get right to my open. the reason americans don't trust politicians is because they lie. new york governor andrew cuomo is a case in point. the attorney general from his own party tells us he underreported nursing home deaths by 50%. this wasn't an accounting error, administrator. it was a cover-up. by an
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