tv Media Buzz FOX News January 31, 2021 8:00am-9:00am PST
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howie: this is media buzz many i'm howard kurtz. it doesn't take an army of investigative reporters to discover the vaccine rollout has been a fiasco. journalists have become more adverse share y'all about the -- --adversarial. that may be having an impact. >> governors are sounding the alarm that they're desperately low in what they need. >> why don't we know what's in the stockpile? what have been the biggest hurdles in getting the answer. >> when do you think any american who wants to get the
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shot will be able to get the shot? >> i think with the grace of god and the goodwill of the neighbor and creek not rising as the old of saying goes, i think we may be able to get that to 150 -- 1.5 million a day, rather than 1 million a day. but we have to meet that goal of a million a day. >> did the president misspeak when he said the new goal is 150 million shots in 100 days. >> the president didn't say the new goal is. the president said i hope we can do even more than that. and that is certainly of course his hope. >> i see the biden administration, the press secretary and joe biden down playing expectations a bit, trying to make sure that if it doesn't go as quickly as they said, that they having to fall back on. >> when it comes to what we heard from team biden and all the scientists today, there's not a lot of clarity when it comes to when we all can get vaccinated. >> i don't know what world he is living in, but he just told a lie and he's trying to get the press to cover for him. that vaccine program was not in the state of disarray.
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howie: joining us now to analyze the coverage, mollie hemingway, senior editor at the federalist, kristen soltis anderson, co-founder of echelon insights, and leslie marshall, the radio talk show host. all are fox news contributors. mollie, i think the sharper press questioning about the incredibly slow vaccine rollout prompted joe biden to boost his original goal of 100 million shots in 100 days, the washington post reports they didn't know he was going to do that, in response to that pressure. your thoughts? >> you say the press is being slightly more adversarial toward biden. i'm not sure if i pick that up. i think of a friend who once said that watching the press handle joe biden is like watching a family try to help a 3-year-old win candyland and that's what usually the press seems to be like with president biden or any member of his team. these gentle ways of pushing back about things are nothing compared to what we saw during the trump administration. and the media completely lost
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their credibility during the trump administration with how hostile they are. they have done nothing but help joe biden along, whether suppressing legitimate news stories or helping him aalong when -- him along when he claims he will have solved everything when it comes to the coronavirus when he's just continuing the trump administration plan. there's a disconnect whether he is upping his goal or not. the administration goes back and forth. unlike the trump administration when any change in what was being said between one member of the administration or of another, it was hysteria on the part of the media. we haven't seen anything close to that with the biden administration. i wouldn't expect to. the media and joe biden and other democrats are allies and that's how they present themselves. howie: kristin, the vaccine rollout has been botched in so many ways. people in state after state, everybody knows one with a story
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that faced long delays, navigating endless websites and unable to secure an appointment. do you think journalists perhaps helping parents get shots are channeling this frustration. >> i think americans of all stripes are running into frustration. the states that are doing well and the states that aren't doing well, there's not a pattern to them, except you have some like governor cuomo in new york who was praised by the media for a while, but there is more media coming out that some who were considered heroes of the coronavirus response, what that is more of a media concoction. it's widespread, being felt by everyone. i like to see an adversarial media. i hope they become more adversarial. it's not the same thing as petty. i think making sure we have a media that asks difficult questions of those in charge is
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the most important thing they can do and i'm hopeful that they will try to do this with the same level of aggression that they brought to the trump administration. howie: leslie, last week president biden snapped at an ap reporter who asked about the modest vaccine goal but now both biden and jen psaki seem to acknowledge these are legitimate questions from the press. do agree with mollie that the press is not pushing biden on the vaccine rollout. >> i disagree. the biggest surprise, this always a honeymoon with whatever president, whether democrat or republican with the press. i see the press pushing back. i totally acree with what kristin -- agree with what kristin just said. a lot of individuals are being affected. in los angeles, police had to shut down a vaccination site with thousands of people because
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anti-vaxxers were blocking the entrance. this is not democrat or republican. this is a human issue where we come together with our frustration. one of the frustrations, we have 50 states perhaps doing things 50 different ways. i would disagree with mollie in that p president biden is doing what president trump did. the trump administration was not going to have federal vaccination centers and using everything within their grasp to get out of ppp and other supplies to first responders and healthcare workers. howie: let me jump in with a question. mollie, you can respond if you want. it's true you that the tone was more hostile with donald trump particularly when he made optimistic statements about turning the corner against covid-19. when biden said that every american who wants a vaccine should be able to get one by the spring, the white house had to walk that back after anthony fauci and other medical experts and jen psaki said it won't be
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until summer or more likely the fall. your thoughts on both things? >> well, i'm thinking of what leslie said about every president has a honeymoon period and that used to be true. of course, four years ago we had the media putting forth daily dripping this russia collusion conspiracy theory. there was no honeymoon for president trump. everybody person that he nominated for a cabinet position was fought with the full power of our unatable political -- unaccountable political media. they're returning to the thing they do with democratic presidents, giving them a honeymoon. the vaccine rollout is a challenge. the media themselves might have some role to play here when they -- when the trump administration was saying that the vaccine would be ready to go by the end of the year, many major media said that was a lie. by saying that it was a lie, they might have contributed to states not having vaccine rollout plans in place as much as they should. there are differences in states in how things are going.
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with andrew cuomo and gavin newsom praised by gavin newsom facing a legitimate recall attempt and andrew cuomo we found out he was underplaying nursing home deaths caused by his own policies by as much as 50%. compare that to ron de santis, he kept the state open and has been criticized by the media, yet his state is doing better than others. howie: do the media have a tendency to praise the president, whoever is in the white house, as opposed to governors and county executives who share responsibility for even registering or securing appointments to get the vaccine. >> some of this is the hollowing out of maria bartiromo local media -- hollowing out of local media across the country. this is something you see in public opinion, people give presidents more blame and more credit for things like good economies, et cetera. i think the media nationalizing the story is a product of a
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number of different trends. i think the for most americans, the way they're thinking about this, is less about what is someone in washington doing, but how is my local offices doing. this is a disconnect between where people are processing the coronavirus where they are and the national media which has a more national focus. that's something that's been the case growing for at least a decade. howie: right. leslie, joe biden's been in office ten days. i don't think anybody expects him to work miracles. when jen psaki was asked by reporters how many dose% in the vaccine stockpile, she wasn't been able to provide an answer. they haven't completely gotten control of this by any means. >> no. there are a couple reasons for that. they've been very transparent about the quite frankly rocky transition between the former administration and this administration specifically with details and information regarding covid and vaccines.
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one. two, former and current administration, i will agree with what mollie said there, it's very difficult when -- you have three entities here. you have the federal government, state governments but then you have private organizations such as let's use as an example cvs working with nursing homes. there's another element nobody talks about, people who don't want to get it. people who refuse to get it. we saw what happened in los angeles. these are all problems that quite frankly whether it's the governor or president they can't control free will. howie: all right. well the good news there's in development a johnson & johnson vaccine with 72% effectiveness in the u.s. but on the other hand there are mutations of the virus that could complicate things. we had peter doocy on last week talking about in the past he was never called on by jon and then this happened. >> i know he always has me tough questions. he always hads an edge to them. i like him anyway. go ahead and ask the question.
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howie: and they had a good exchange on covid and i like peter too. when we come back, is the media's enthusiasm for an impeachment trial fading now that we basically know donald trump will be acquitted? want to sell the best burger in every zip code? add an employee. or ten... then easily and automatically pay your team and file payroll taxes. that means... world domination! or just the west side. run payroll in less than five minutes with intuit quickbooks. start the year smiling at aspen dental where new starts happen, every day. get exceptional care at every step, unparalleled safety at every visit, and flexible payment options for every budget. now, during the everyday smiles event new patients get a full exam & set of x-rays with no obligation.
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howie: the senate's impeachment trial next week will probably draw saturation media coverage of course like all things involving donald trump but after 45 of the 50 republican members voted to he throw it out on constitutional grounds, we now essentially the outcome will be acquittal. that set off the pundits. >> if you mount a violent attack on the u.s. government including your supporters seemingly being bent on trying to kill the vice president and
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members of house and the senate, depending on the timing it might be okay. >> not only are the democrats obsessed with donald trump and still obsessed with donald trump, they want to make sure they send a clear message to anybody who utters the word voter fraud or election integ i integrity, to shut up and supply. >> if you think republican senators reached their limit with donald trump after the president incited an attack on the u.s. capitol, which resulted in five deaths, i have bad news for you. they apparently you have not. >> donald trump will be acquitted and we will witness is a waste of time with a predetermined outcome with a show trial predicated on irrational psychotic rage of the radical left and you cowardly democrats. howie: mollie, the media are so heavily invested in the impeachment trial. now that we know that a handful of republicans will vote to
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consistent picture donald trump, did journalists -- convict donald trump, did journalists underestimate the bizarre nature of trying to convict somebody who is already out of office. >> the second impeachment of donald trump is led by the media in the same way that that first impeachment of donald trump was. they very much pushed for it n should have had a wake-up call when the house voted 197-10 against impeachment in terms of the republicans. the right half of the country just doesn't view the world the same way that the democratic media do. and that is something that doesn't get reflected in media coverage. i think finally when 45 republican senators question the constitutionality of an impeachment, much less even on the merits, whether of -- of the impeachment trial, much less the merits, that was a wakeup call for many people in need ya. we're not getting enough perspective from the vast majority of the right hand of the country. when they cover people on the right that, tend to have pundits on who that are on the right but support impeachment somehow and
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the voices of the tens of millions of americans who think it's ludicrous to do the impeachment on the merits or constitutionality, don't get covered very well. howie: leslie, i know the rand paul argument that this is all unconstitutional is up for debate. suddenly everyone is an expert on ulysses grant's secretary of war. do you think the media is leading the second impeachment as mollie suggests? >> no, i don't. and i have to say, howie, if you know the outcome of a trial, does that mean that an individual doesn't get a proper defense even if there is a smoking gun or in this case you know how it's going to come out. the house impeached. the senate has a responsibility to hold a trial even if we know the outcome of the trial, we don't say we don't have the votes, let's not go forward. the same with legislation. that's not how it works. i mean, quite frankly, even as
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parents, don't we sometimes say i know if i do a my child is us going to do b but that's how we learn. this is a process and this is the process that the constitution has been very clear on how it goes. howie: right. news broke last night that trump's five defense lawyers have left the case or pushed out. kristin, even though it's going to be grand political theater and probably lots and lots of media coverage, how much does the average american care now that trump's down in mar-a-lago and we have covid-19 to deal with. >> i think we have a great deal of trump fatigue out there. that doesn't necessarily mean for people who don't like trump. even those who like trump, the constant battle between trump and the democrats and the media, they would like for us to have a moment of calm, a moment where we're not constantly seeing the fighting. the impeachment trial is going to bring more of that conflict swirling around trump, that democrats are now sort of
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prolonging into the next administration. that's why i think it's fascinating to see -- biden came out and said he was supportive, fine, do a trial. this is stepping on the first 1days. i think there is -- first 100 days. i think there is a sense of fatigue. if i did a focus group and asked 10 random americans who was president trump on the phone with that sparked the first impeachment? no one could name names. i think right now another impeachment is not likely to be something that americans are extremely focused on. howie: mitch mcconnell is getting bad press for first saying publicly that president trump incited the violence at the capitol on january 6th, then delayed the trial and voted against having a trial because donald trump is now out of office. is that fair or unfair on the part of the press? >> the media should not be taking positions on this, even
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though they do. liz cheney is in the fight of her life, she was one of the 10 republicans who voted for impeachment. she faces a no confidence vote on wednesday. not just because of how she voted on impeachment but the way she handled her impeachment vote, lobbying against the house conference and she is supposed to chair the house conference. she has other troubles that she's not good with fund raising and candidate recruitment, tends to undermine members of her conference. a non-corrupt media would be covering this, instead of largely trying to protect their favored, liz cheney, because they share more her wing of political opinions. i think a lot of republican voters are frustrated that people aren't fighting against these double standards that we see in our media and in the political sphere. when a bernie sanders supporter nearly murdered steve scalise and tried to kill all these republicans, nobody held him up for impeachment.
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howie: i talked about the tragedy at the time and the senate democrats are now saying maybe we'll wrap it up in a week because they're seeing it's not getting much traction. mollie hemingway, leslie marshall and kristen soltis anderson, thanks for coming by. media reports play up partisan acrimony. details ahead. what do we want for dinner? burger... i want a sugar cookie... wait... i want a bucket of chicken... i want... ♪♪ it's the easiest because it's the cheesiest. kraft. for the win win.
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concerned about in addition to what is happening outside. howie: the enemy is within. are media reports about this overblown or is this more of the usual partisan sniping. >> my sense is things are toxic between the two parties. there's not been a lot of forgiveness since the january 6 attack. there's been a lot of blame game which congress is famous for. and bottom line, it feels like it is more toxic than usual. my suggestion on the snowy day in washington was perhaps they should go outside, have a snow ball fight, scoop it up, pack it once, throw it and let's move on with things because i think as we've seen in our history, howie, there's concern that if you say too much, if the rhetoric is too toxic, we know there are people out there with issues in this country and they could take devastating action and so i think it would be wise for everybody involved to try to lower the temperature on capitol hill. howie: yeah. we've seen the results of the devastating action, just three or so weeks ago. somebody is not in the mood for
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snow ball fights, it's alexandria ocasio-cortez, after ted cruz offered to work with her on a stock market issue. she tweeted the following. i'm happy to work with republicans on this issue where there's common ground but you almost had me murdered three weeks ago so you can sit this one out. some in the gop demanding an apology from ao of c. the media pouncing on this part of the story. >> everybody loves a good food fight between a democrat and republican. they're off to the races there. on this issue, ted cruz and aoc tend to agree. but she want todd go back to -- wanted to go back to january 6. ted cruz argued the results of the electoral college along with josh hawley, republican senator from missouri. he didn't say to folks come up to capitol hill and trash the place and so i think she would be wise to be a little more careful with her language and, again, i think both parties could really do their best to lower the temperature as soon as possible. howie: and finally, mike, after
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can american congresswoman cory bush told msnbc that marjorie taylor green who in the past supported qanon philosophy is a white supremacist who could conspire against us, and is moving to move her office to get away from green. another sign how hot it is up there. >> cory bushies -- bush is the newest member of the progressive squad and she's taking aim at marjorie taylor green. she said a whacky things, jumped on a lot of conspiracy theories. steve king of iowa was for years the headache, now it's marjorie taylor green. she was elected by her constituents. that's a problem going forward. howie: marjorie taylor green under a white hot spotlight
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overher posts and later the crackdown on free speech targeting conservatives. art ♪ ♪ got my soul ♪ ♪ got my mouth ♪ ♪ i got life ♪ keeping your oysters business growing has you swamped. you need to hire. i need indeed indeed you do. the moment you sponsor a job on indeed you get a shortlist of quality candidates from a resume data base claim your seventy-five-dollar credit when you post your first job at
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howie: georgia congresswoman marjorie taylor green, a past supporter of qanon is in the midst of a media fire storm over facebook posts. in one post she liked a comment that said as a way to remove nancy pelosi, a bullet to the head would be quicker, also liked comments on executing fbi agents because they're part of the deep state. green said in a statement, over the years i've had teams of people manage my pages, many posts have been liked and shares, some did not represent my views. liberal commentators not surprisingly are filled with outrage. >> this is not a person who is pandering to the trump base when she is liking a facebook post that says put a bullet in nancy pelosi's head. no, no.
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we have every reason to think she believes that. >> that woman thinks putting bullets in nancy pelosi is something to play with. this is the person that you would promote? my republican brothers and sisters? the party of lincoln? hello. you're promoting someone who is more like john wilkes booth than lincoln. howie: joining us now, jason chaffetz, the former republican congressman. and radio show host richard fowler, both are fox news contributors. jason, as a former house member, you're used to serving with people with very different views but is there any way to defend these facebook posts by marjorie taylor green? >> the ones you highlighted, no, absolutely not. and everybody no matter which political party they're involved with should call it out. it's wrong. i think that happened, though, i would say, howie, before the election. the people of georgia make those
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decisions. and rightfully so. if she were to do those types of things i think in congress, in committee on the floor of the house, then i think you would see a little different action perhaps from kevin mccarthy and the republicans. they have a process with the steering committee, they would vote on committee assignments and whatnot. let's be crystal clear, if you're advocating violence on anybody it is fundamentally wrong and it should be called out. republicans i think have been very consistent on that for a long, long time. howie: richard, there was also a youtube video from two years ago that surfaced in which green questioned whether a plane hit the pentagon on 9/11, and called obama a secret muslim. fox has barely covered it. a handful of mentions. is it a big important story involving one member of congress? >> well, thanks for having he me, howie. and first let me say this.
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i think marjorie green represents and her comments that we just mentioned at the top of the segment represent the worst of america. we have to ask our of selfs, how did marjorie green get to congress? i think that has everything to do with the power of media. remember, when she first ran in her district in juror jacks she was -- georgia, she was not going to win that race. the entire republican establishment backed somebody, a neurologist to be precise and the media begins to cover marjorie green. they begin to cover her conspiracy theories, cover her and point to her as a problem with the republican party. when they started to cover her, they gave her a platform. that platform gave her followers. that followers gave her money. the money allowed her to win her race and have enough money to pay into the republican leadership caucus, which put her on the education committee which is why we're talking about her today. so there would be no marjorie green and there would be no blockbuster story about marjorie green if the media didn't begin covering her to begin with
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because she was a back bench candidate and she should be a back bench member of the united states congress but today she is all over the media because the media began to cover her initially because of her crazy conspiracy theories and her views. .>> well, i don't know. i got to tell you, the people of georgia, you're assuming a lot about them. they meet the candidates, they go through these issues. what i think she said about violence is absolutely, totally wrong. but the disrespect for the people of georgia or any congressional district that makes these decisions, i don't know about that. howie: jason, let me jump in. hold on. i want to finish a question to jason and you go next, richard. you said republicans are calling out some of this rhetoric. kevin mccarthy, the house minority lead e all he said was that he's going to talk to green next week. by the way, she said she had to
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call president trump. does that allow the media to make this story into a story about the whole republican party, not denouncing her rhetoric, as opposed to just the -- of a freshman from georgia. >> i think that it extends the story. i think unnecessarily. i think why should there be any hesitation from anybody calling out the idea that putting a bullet to the head of the speaker of the house is wrong of. i mean, i think republicans had the high ground because we have been calling out the violence in portland and the pacific northwest all the way through. we've always said prosecute people, we always say that everybody should be held to the high standards of the law. it's the democrat that's have been flip-flopping on this. they were silent about this other violence and they're still pretty quiet about what's going on with the violence in the pacific northwest. but this story is a distraction to that. i admit that. howie: richard, let me play for you a video unearthed cnn from
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last year, marjorie taylor green, not a member of congress then, when david hogg. , a survivor of a shooting, went to the capital to lobby for gun control. >> you're using your money and the reason behind it and the kids, you're trying to take away my second amend machined rights. he's -- amendment rights. he's a coward. he can't say one word he can't defend his stance. that's fueling a lot of outrage, richard. >> that should, where i agree with jason, absolutely we should condemn anybody who wants to do harm to the speaker of the house. where i bodies agree -- ken i ho the voters of georgia know about marjorie green? she was able to raise $2.8 million because the media gave her a platform. we have to ask ourselves the larger question here, how is it
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possible for somebody who believes that 9/11 didn't happen and believes that all of these other conspiracy theories, how does she raise $2.8 million if the media isn't giving her attention to begin with which is how we got to her story at all. howie: a lot of that attention was not exactly positive. meanwhile, she says this is all about the fake news media and radical democrats trying to take me out. very brief comment from you, jason. >> well, which be interested to see what this conversation with kevinmore car this -- kevin mccarthy goes to. i would say there's a difference between what you say before you get to congress and after you get to congress. that will be a telltale sign. howie: interesting discussion about the role of media in this controversy. thanks very much. coming up, more journalists up in arms over conservatives expressing their views at the media at the expense of free speech. jonah goldberg is next. ♪♪
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joining us now to talk about journalism and free speech, jonah goldberg, editor and fox news contributor. why are the politico staffers still upset two weeks later over ben shapiro, and liberals filling in as well. >> i think there are a lot of things going on here. one is -- i think there's a generational thing going on where younger liberals and i would say younger conservatives are intolerant of defending points of view. in places like the atlantic, where someone had a job for a day before the younger staff went into revolt, something similar happened at politico, a lot of people live in bubbles on both sides of the aisle these days and the last thing they want to do is have their bubble punctured from within so they have the tantrums.
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it's the exportation of temper tantrums into newsrooms. howie: this comes from the firing of an editorial page editor, some are cheering twitter and facebook for canceling donald trump's account. is there an emerging alliance between big tech and some of the more woke or younger liberals who are offended by having to hear or read conservative views, particularly at their own publication. >> in a sense, yeah. it's certainly true that big tech firms, the rank and file are going to be left-leaning, woke, whatever label we want to put on them. their i think stings are -- instincts are going to catch right wing talk that they hate more quickly than problematic left wing talk. this is an american problem. there is a vast and thriving right wing and left wing cancel
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culture. certain kinds of people at certain institutions have different kind of canceling. president trump was a huge fan of canceling people. he tried have me fired from fox and national review because he didn't like what i wrote. this is a problem we have in america of widespread intolerance for disagreement. howie: just to follow up, he personally tried have you fired from those two places in. >> on twitter. i can report that -- as president and as candidate, expressed a burning desire to not see me on fox anymore. and look, the other part of it is that -- he definitely tried to have me fired from national review which i left a while ago. howie: let me jump in. i want to broaden it. speaking of fox, there are liberals at major outlets who are saying cable operators should drop fox news or fox shouldn't be allowed to visit. we know they're not talking about the news division, talking about certain opinion people whose views rather than saying i think they're wrong and here's
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why they want off the air. >> yeah. look, i think the idea of bringing back the fairness doctrine is idiotic. i think a lot of these people don't really understand how the fairness doctrine worked and it doesn't apply to cable anyway. but it's absolutely true. there are people who want to see fox nuked from orbit and i think that's ridiculous. at the same time, it should not be surprising and you're right to single out the news division is different, but it should not be surprising when people from the opinion division perpetuate lies about the election being stolen, who are more concerned about canceling liz cheney than they are about canceling marjorie taylor green as you talked about a minute ago. this is a problem all over the place. and it's incumbent upon institutions on either side to police their own in responsible ways and turn things down a little bit and not push out misinformation and lies lest you
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push out the backlash which makes things worth. howie: a columnist writes the following we need to shut down the influencers. who decides who the awful people are and what gives them the power to shut them down? >> well, look, some of it is social stigma and culture stuff. i don't see eye to eye with max on a lot of things. i think we can draw reasonable disagreements and distinctions between people who say lower taxes, more taxes, you shouldn't get rid of abraham lincoln as the name of a school and people like marjorie taylor green who endorsed conspiracy theories who said hillary clinton cut off the faces of babies and wore them like masks, people who call for objective violence, people who support clear and provable lines and incite people to violence, i think you can condemn that kind of thing and not give it more air and more oxygen. that goes for both sides of the aisle. it goes certainly for a lot of the antifa stuff where cnn
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celebrated violence, where msnbc celebrated violence or gave permission structure for it in ways they're harshly condemning now. there are double standards all over the place. i think there's a real moral panic on the right right now about cancel culture and silencing only applying to conservatives when everybody is in the game and it's ruining the country and ruining our politics in short order. howie: yeah, well, what really troubles me for most of my career journalists were fierce defenders of free speech. now i think ideology, whatever view it is, right now i think we're seeing a lot aimed at the right, is in favor i think at times of suppressing free speech. good conversation, jonah goldberg. great to see you this sunday. >> thanks, howie. howie: after the break, former mlb star kurt schilling rips baseball writers for keeping him out of the hall of fame again for political reasons. that's next.
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howie: baseball writers denied kurt schilling a spot in the hall of fame, largely because of his sometimes incendiary conservative opinions. he took himself out of contention for the final year of eligibility, tweeting i won't allow a group of morally bankrupt frauds another year to lie about my life. joining us now is fox news correspondent griff jenkins. ism not defending many of the things that kurt schilling has said, he was fired by espn for anti-transgender comments, he promoted a t-shirt, advocating the lynching of journalists. this happened years after his baseball year. what's your take? >> look, he is no hank aaron who last week we were celebrating
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for his on-field play and his off-field character where he was fighting in the civil rights movement. really, this is an important story because i'm calling it the cooperstown catch because the writers are clearly influenced by the social justice movements of today. they are evaluateing the character of kurt schilling, the six time all-star, won three world titles and he has no shortage of flaws. but you have to really say about this where do they draw the line in putting people in there because if you go back to the inaugural hall of fame ballot, ty cobb, with more than 4,000 runs batted in, he got the most votes ever. do you kick him out now because his legacy is marred by allegations of racism and violence. this is opening a can of words, i think. howie: i get why barry bonds and roger clemmons were denied
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entry into cooperstown because they took steroids that affected the game. there is a clause about integrity, sportsmanship and character. for schilling, it seems his views are too toxic or too right wing. >> they include using performance enhancing drugs and other things. is free speech protections part of that? there's nothing to suggest that he did anything illegal or that he certainly engaged in any inappropriate on-field behavior. howie: yeah. or gambling like pete rose. a sports illustrated columnists writes that baseball beat writers shouldn't decide who gets in the hall of fame. do you agree with that? >> i think i do. schilling of course in the tweet you shared fighting back against the writers, schilling also said on facebook in a long letter that he thinks that the veterans committee, that former players
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should really be ones to vote on that and decide and he says, look, if the veterans believe i belong there, then i'll accept that with honor. he says he doesn't think he belongs there. i will say i do feel some similar tri for the baseball -- sympathy for the baseball writers association of america, because they have a tough job in the era of social justice movements. howie: maybe it shouldn't be in their hands. good at bat, griff jenkins. good to see you. still to come, a star new york times reporter uses a terrible racial slur but what exactly was the punishment? stay with us. if these beautiful idaho potato recipes are just side dishes, then i'm not a real idaho potato farmer. genuine idaho potatoes not just a side dish anymore. always look for the grown in idaho seal. (ringing) - hey kaleb, what's up? how you doing? - hey, i'm good, guess what,
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inappropriate language and apologized to the students. quote, we found he used bad judgment by repeating a race aist slur. the editor who won't disclaim the disciplinary action said he was outraged and expected to fire the reporter but concluded the intent was not hateful or malicious and said he should be given another chance. one participant on the trip said mcneil was a racist. he used the n word. said horrible things about black teenagers and said white supremacy doesn't exist. a pretty embarrassing episode all the way around. i'm howard curs. we hope you -- howard curs. kurtz.check out my podcast, the traffic has doubled during these times. we are going to stay on this question of the vaccine and the coverage given the magnitude of
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the pandemic. next week, we'll probably share some space with the trump impeachment trial. we will see you back here next sunday, 11:00 eastern, with the latest buzz. eric: well, president biden set to kick off another week marked by more executive action as he is aiming at one of the cornerstones of president trump's record. the white house says the president will on tuesday sign a series of executive orders meant to reverse much of the trump administration's policies on immigration. hello, everyone. welcome to a brand-new hours of america's news headquarters. i'm eric shawn. hi, arthel. arthel: hello, eric. hello, everyone. i'm arthel neville. so far, president biden has already signed a combined he total of 40 executive orders and actions ranging from climate change t
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