tv The Greg Gutfeld Show FOX News January 31, 2021 2:00pm-3:01pm PST
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♪ ♪ greg: you know, i really don't know what to talk about. i guess it's because we now have -- ♪ >> the trump-sized hole! greg: yes! with trump we had all these fresh ideas. talking magnetic energy, it was exciting and new like a sock full of nickels right in the face. but with biden he's just doing the same old thing, killing jobs, stoking racial division and pumping up a climate panic. worse, he's making us listen to this: >> the fastest growing job in
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the united states before covid was solar power technician. the same people can do those jobs. but the choice of doing the solar power one now is a better choice. i similarly, the second fastest growing job pre-covid was wind turbine technician. greg: yeah, because we didn't have enough old white men in the white house. now we bring back lurch, i mean, say a what you will about trump, it was nice not listening to that for the last four years. and youo want to talk white privilege, his silver spoon owns a silver spoon. and he owns a private jet. i bet they needed to lube a slip and slide to get that sack of wood down the plane stairs.he but with joe it's all about ringing in the new with the really old, blasts from the past
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not just incompetent idiots, but lousy ideas too. >> again, again we are preparing for the impeachment -- well, we have impeached the president, but we're preparing for the case. >> the president shall be removed from office on impeachment for and conviction of treason, bribery or other high crimes and misdemeanors. greg: he's not in the office, bozo. but finally, we get the sequel. even though the first one flopped. so now they're trying to remove someone from office who already left the office. think about it, it's like heckling the houston oilers. in case you noticed, they're gone and you look stupid. and they do this knowing that it's not going to happen, it hinders the government for tackling the pandemic just like it did before, and it's the opposite of unifying. the corporate media's even fighting to prevent a trump library. it's easier, i guessings or just to hide the books than to burn them. trump derangement syndrome is now on autopilot.
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trump's not even needed for it to work. who needs him when they've got you? yeah, they just aren't impeaching trump, they're impeaching youea too. of course, it's all about incendiary language, the kind they invented. because if we want to play this game, we could say any violence from the summer riots traces back to a democrat's mouth. maxine waters comments about harassing trump officials and applied it to governor cuomo's staffers. and democrats called it an inch citement to violence. they didn't say that when the exact same language targeted trumpers. meanwhile, who's starting to sound really extreme? as biden signs executive actions like they're high school yearbooks? it's funny how old joe biden is, yet he operates like an 18-year-old gender studies major. he'se missing wisdom. even "the new york times" is freaking out telling joe to calm down. apparently, their editors only like the stupid ideas when they
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aren't acted on. bottom line, biden lied about a lot of things, but mostly he lied about himself, and he got help with that. america was told they were electing a centrist, a middle of the road guy who will bring america back where we can all get along. it's funny, they create created theal division then sold us a remedy to heal it. biden's not a trojan horse, he's a holded-out vessel -- hollowed out vessel. what a contrast to trump. when he got elected, he told you what he was going to do. and the media helped saying joe speaks for the average joe. peen while, you know where -- meanwhile, you know trump would stand when itul comes to this gamestop story. it wouldn't be with wall street. it'd be the with the little guys. so where's joe on that? well, he calls for unity as he pushes marxist dogma disguised as racial justice, plagiarizes the green new deal, he talked
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about getting people back to work as he lays them off. so, yeah, today beautifully casted biden as mr. rogers, but now we're dealing with freddy krueger on geritol. >> period. greg: let's welcome tonight's guests. you don't want to see his head shot, former navy seal rob o'neill. he's an entertaining comic, and his laughter is his corny, writerer and comedian joe -- [inaudible] kat timpf and he's not in the nfl, but he's our new york giant, my massive sidekick tyrus! >> you're big. [laughter] greg: i didn't mean large. >> you been, kid? [laughter] greg: and you're sassy. and joe's a comedian with. [laughter] everyone follows that direct line for eternity because i
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blast the energy. >> it's awesome that you're all talked about for your skill set, and i'm about my size. greg: it's sizeism. >> i understand why. if i had to do this all the time -- i[laughter] greg: all right. enough of making fun of my -- me. rob, what do you think of biden so far? i haven't talked to you since the election. >> yeah. it's been a while. it reminds me of the closet i was locked in, because i have that picture up there. it is odd watching it because remember when president trump would sign an executive order, he'd hold it up. and those are so only pretty funny memes. i don't think there's even any writing. t [laughter] it's like class of '21. [laughter] it's almost like you can hear the puppetmasters behind him. i was joking, i'm wondering who's writing these executive orders. greg: oh, of course. and i don't even think it's
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kamala harris, i think it's somebody on her staff. about 25, 26 years old. >> well, the thing that i think bothers me is joe biden thinks kamala harris loves him because her head comes in the door every 30 minutes, are we done yet? [laughter] greg: every time she hears a loud noise, that's it! joe, what are your thoughts so far? we're already in our third week. is this our third week? i think so. no, second week. i lost track of time. >> yeah. i think most of the things he's signing are just kick me signs. [laughter] it's good to see john kerry back. greg: i know. >> flying in on his spaceship filled with panda blood. the rest of us, who knows what company could be the next solyndra. america's going to power itself with piles of burning taxpayer money. fantastic. the problem with these alternative energy sources isve they don't work. we should pursue them, but they're just not good enough yet. greg: yeah. >> oil's too cheap.
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and, you know, they talk about these turbines. for them, it's great. it kills birds and it kills jobs at the same time, so they'related with that. but this stuff just doesn't work. greg: yeah. and it's all a based on they have to exaggerate these climate claims in order to justify all of this investment and all the money they're taking from taxpayers. the floods are caused by manmade climate change, not true. wildfires, no, that's forestty management and zoning. but they can't say that because then you can't -- >> i'm -- so watch what you say. greg: you know what? now i'm pro -- >> no, it actually was good for me. i think john kerry, look, you've got to understand why he can't fly commercial though, right? because it'd be very difficult for him going to an airport with all the fans. he'd be like justin bieber, he could never get through there. he's got to get rid of his own jet. we should just tell him, don't worry, john, you can learn to fly on solar panels just like
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everybody else. but with the technology, i just hnwanted to say i agree it's not there yet, but the only way that it will ever get there is innovation. and the way that we can have innovation is capitalism, right? not taxation, regulation. that's not the way to do these things. that's what hinders these things. if you truly care about the environment, you've got to be a capitalist. greg: that's so true. >> it's so much easier to tell the 55-year-old who's been doing nothing but working on pipelines, hey, by the way, forget your mortgage, you're building solar panels now. greg: and you're going to have to move. and i think most of them are made chiefly in china, so you're going to have to learn your mandarin as well. they're not even talking about how do you get rid of an old solar panel? it's, like, super hard, tyrus. >> yeah, i would imagine you'd need a big guy to pick it up. [laughter] i got that going for me if this doesn't work out. you know,w,ha i really was -- te whole time, i try to be center of the room, you know what i'm saying?
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i said that first hundred days i'd be super supportive. i lasted about six hours. [laughter] so if this is the executive office, it is the executive order. you say he doesn't know what he's signing, we don't even know what he's signing. there's no explanation. and i think he's ben stiller comes out in the scrubs and says we're going to increase arts and crafts by9 another four hours today. my arm -- that's the first movie reference i've gotten on this show. finally. >> yes. he's just signing away. and i guess congress doesn't matter. we don't need to talk -- can he's just going to do all this stuff. guess what's going to happen? they're going to mess this up, there'll be another one term, and then when the republican comes in or the independent comes through, they're just going to start executive ordering away. so the first hundred days they need to change it to executive order sweepstakes where they just, oh, you've got a hundred days, how many executive orders
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can you get in, because that's all he's c doing. greg: it's like that little game they play where they put somebody in a phone booth. >> oh, yeah. because -- and i get it because according to aoc, what was it, three years ago on this show we cotalked about we only had 12 years left? greg: on the planet, true. >> so we have eight years left. [laughter] >> oh, terrible joke! a terrible joke! >> i've been meaning to tell you, greg. greg: i apologize for that joke already. by thehe way, i know we have to go. i feel a weird silence going on. it's like those minutes before of the shark attacks on jaws. like, what is he doing? where is he? it's, like, i miss the sounds. it's just strange. >> it is awkward without twitter having him there because there's nothing to really talk about. the spotify thing was a little much. i don't think hiso playlist matters that much. but it hurt all of us.
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>> if you miss president trump, go to cnn, they will not let him go. today will not let him go. greg: you need 50 stories to fill up one trump story. you know how they do the replacements, like how many ounces are in a h pound? it's like -- >> panel of 15 people saying i'm presidential. greg: up15 next, will a new covd swab do the job? wait until you see where they put it. ♪ is mealtime a struggle? introducing ore-ida potato pay.
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nursing homes may be as much is 60% higher than what has been reported and it's directed to send covid cases to nursing homes and early days the pandemic led to thousands of cases among the elderly patient in a couple of days before the report came out cuomo had the stones to say this. >> we were ambushed like no other state nicole and again it was from federal incompetence. they thought the virus was in china. it had gone to to europe in a came here for three months before they ever knew. incompetent government kills people. and competent government kills people. greg: was that a confession in? did he do much better after the report came out? >> whether a person died in the hospital or died in a nursing home, people died. greg: now that's leadership. at least he's not pointing fingers.
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>> if you think there was a mistake then talk to the federal government. it's not about pointing fingers of blame since this became a political football. greg: to recap that the federal government's fault but let's not lame people. trump didn't signed that order. who did? elsewhere china is testing for the coronavirus, swabs. recovering patients get negative for ratings from nasal and throat test that samples tested from the lower region resulted positive or that believe we have a picture of hagel's office. that's not it. that's not it either. okay, you win. a cheap shot joe but a great shot no matter what. i have the feeling you have a lot to say about swabs. >> you may have on the show the
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guy that shot bin laden but it would it comes to jokes it's my time to shine. if you thought the mask was a pain, i wonder are they using the swab the tacoma brother played like from the american gladiator. i wonder if the chinese communist party is trolling us. >> i would be doing that at a drive-thru testing site. >> it's a just a bunch of cars backing up. >> people hanging out the window. greg: everyone is mooning. >> he's their mask on. >> if you get the swab i want to make sure it's not the same swab is the no swab. please do the nose first. when you talk about cuomo he had some nerve to say the way to count these deaths as they went to the hospital after. that's like saying oh we have
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lower car crashes fatalities because we don't count anyone who died in the emergency room. greg: tried the gun control people using using that argument with gunshots. >> i watched it true crime show. a guy shot his girlfriend and she died in hospital. his defense was i didn't kill her, the hospital did and i was watching it like this is crazy. cuomo is watching it and he's like great idea. he's in prison so the logic doesn't follow but to make the comparison between the crime so which is one of the craziest things i saunter crime tv which controls every aspect of my life of the last few months. greg: is he finished? >> i'm sitting with my hands like this for a reason. it's only just begun. when all else fails lame trump. that's all you have to do.
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every time you forget to do something at my house, why didn't you save trash out? trump story, you understand, sorry. i have to continue to work to see what his next move is going to be. it wasn't so much that, mistakes were made and i think across-the-board every reasonable adult in the room can understand that covid through a lot of things at us. the problem is when we recognize mistakes made the inability to own it which means you are not interested in fixing it. if i was responsible for my information even one person i would own that and if that meant the end of my career because i'm a bad call in the tough decision you have to accept that. clearly covering up there was so much effort covering up for the people who spoke out and were attacked and said why don't you focus on the weather in the
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forecast was straight corruption. >> is the nicest human. >> she's not there because she had a political edge. she's mourning the loss of her family and we saw who he really was. he got an emmy for caring about people. greg: that's the problem. nicely done. rob, this wouldn't be a problem if the press haven't fond over him. if you'd read a book while this is happening. >> he goes out and he sounds like a leader but is blaming the federal government when the state is shoving it all down and it becomes a left in the right thing. if you don't mind i want to touch on the thing. when i first saw that story that was 16 years of naval service. if i'm going to get the nasal
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swab or the swab i had better get old lollipop after it. >> two of them. >> even before. greg: up next brady plays another super bowl and we will debate who is the greatest. you won't want to miss it. sofi made it so easy to pay off my student loan debt. they were able to give me a personal loan so i could pay off all of my credit cards. i got my mortgage through sofi and the whole process was so easy. ♪ express yourself ♪ ♪ ♪ express yourself ♪ ♪
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>> live from america's news headquarters, i'm mike emmanuel. tens of millions of americans in the path of a slow moving nor'easter. the system is getting stronger as it moves east. forecasters say the snowfall in new england could top a foot and a half. new york city is bracing for all-out blizzard conditions with 50 mile-per-hour winds threatening to knock down power lines. the region could also see coastal flooding and flight drays. the storm bringing washington -- delays. the storm bringing washington, d.c. its first heavy snowfall in years. the nation's capital expecting as much as 10 inches. the system is also threatening parts of the southeast with sleet and ice that could make driving dangerous. i'm mike emmanuel. i'll be back in about a half hour or so with a live "fox report." now back to gutfe ebb e ld. we'll -- gutfeld. we'll see you then. . >> the big game look the same
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next week at tampa bay buccaneers football team face-off against the kansas city chiefs in super bowl lv. number of covid-related changes are expected starting with attendants which will be capped at 22,000 people. a third of those of the health care workers who get in free and a number of famous brands like budweiser pepsi and coke will buy at the zierdt due to the pandemic and finally buccaneers quarterback comp rate he is hoping to break his own record from a super bowl win. at age 43 he stands to set the record for oldest super bowl winning quarterback. people act like tom is the greatest of all time but when you look at the facts it just doesn't hold up. >> it's the tale of the tape greg gutfeld versus tom brady. who's the most successful in san mateo california? let's look at the numbers gutfeld bestseller brady three
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wildly successful tv shows brady none. gutfeld no super bowl losses brady three super bowl losses gutfeld 6 feet five muscular and handsome. brady is only 6 feet 4 inches doughy and ugly. gutfeld played eight seasons of soccer raiding no documented soccer experience. gutfeld chief of self magazine braiding 2000 drafted into the 199th pick what a loser and finally brady is known for not shaking hands after a loss. gutfeld shakes hands with all human beings regardless of political affiliation. this has been the tale of the tape gutfeld versus brady. greg: i think it's a clear conclusion there tyrus. where do you stand on this ongoing debate that has taken the nation by storm. it has taken the nation by storm comes tyrus. >> there are days you come in to
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work and you think you are prepared and you've seen everything and then you have this. as amazing as you are it comes down to just one thing. you are not the goat and this is why i have to hit you with some hard facts. greg: okay. >> a goat is a majestic animal, smart, tough, smart but small. you are more of like a weasel. you know what, non-outdoorsman one of the most majestic intelligent smart whoever little monsters on the planet are the only thing holding them back from dominating the entire animal kingdom is he a small. and they are fashionably cute. in the summer they are red and white and in the winter they are
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black with a white tail. he was all white and you see white privilege but greg is smart enough that everyone feels welcome. while your accomplishments are amazing, you're just small. greg: kat here's what gets me. they named the football field or a stadium or something like that at my high school after tom brady. i should at least -- i want a bathroom. >> look as i was watching that i was comparing myself to his wife giselle. so she is beautiful, one of the richest supermodels of all time and over 1000 magazine covers and also charitable work with dr. without borders but is she funny? how funny she did drink with because i am very fun to drink
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with. you can ask rock. was she the second loudest in her high school senior class? i don't think so. i like what you are doing. i agree. greg: rob do you have any feelings? >> i like watching tom brady what -- do what he is done done in their friends a barstool made a point. in his win last week he tied drew brees and aaron rodgers. it's really cool when you think about it. he has won the one third of all super bowls. i'm a little bit older than him. a third are fans and another third are in tom brady's retirement home. greg: e1 all these super bowls but you killed bin laden. >> i would trade spots with him though. >> i would be loving being and throwing the ball. >> tom brady is not.
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>> everyone wonders how bad is going to be when he leaves home. dad is in florida doing great and i can't wait to go visit dad in florida. that's what belichick says right now. >> what is the secret sauce, is it belichick or brady? greg: i don't even know what that transition was meant to be. >> anything you want great greg: care to talk about the super bowl or the matchup between brady and myself? >> it was pretty impressive to have so much talent come out of one school like that. the two most impressive to come out of the high school are me and my sister. the two performing flying devito kids. my sister was a broadway actress. >> so it's your sister. >> don't forget not you and your sister.
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>> here's what i love about tom brady. people try to talk trash about him and the past 20 super bowls he was than half of them. maybe we should all wear, have a diet where you have no walnut on almandale we need to put you in a hyperbaric chamber. even on his workday he comes home to a supermodel. he's doing much better than all of us. >> which means he is constantly ignored. greg: you once dated leonardo dicaprio. that's all i'm saying. up next new demands and he >> man: what's my safelite story? i spend a lot of time in my truck. it's my livelihood. ♪ rock music ♪ >> man: so i'm not taking any chances when something happens to it. so when my windshield cracked... my friend recommended safelite autoglass. they came right to me, with expert service where i needed it. ♪ rock music ♪
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and do something— that was eye opening. bring your family history to life like never before. get started for free at greg: does your pheasant mock your words unpleasant? the people for the ethical treatment of animals tweeted names we should stop putting to prevent beastieism specifically
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an insult like calling someone a chicken chicken are rapid chicken are brad pitt according to peta quote calling someone an animal as an insult. forces the myth that it's the myth that humans are superior to other animals and justify its violating them but not to worry peter provided a list of approved alternatives instead of chicken just a coward or instead of calling someone a say you are bloated piece of tyrus and i want my sweatshirt back. the tweet was widely mocked on social media but i wonder how the kids will react. >> what is this? fish. [bleep] fish. read fish. greg: what a filthy mouth. my goodness. i heard it right at the starting
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and it was absolutely disgusting kat. you could argue kat that tina is just take content supply company for a show like ours. >> absolutely, god bless them. they could do something that made a difference but i'm glad they don't. this is so much fun. i do think that i am superior to a chicken by the way. on the whole i'm just as annoying but i also sometimes can add something to the world, conversation wise. you are right they can't possibly think they are changing hearts and minds with a tweet like this. they are the best tools ever actually. none of them are even vegan. greg: i was wondered what would happen if the right to lifers adopted the peta style of protest. how long that would last because peta gets a free ride because it's animals so they can throw paint on your do whatever but the right to life wouldn't go as
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well. >> i'm starting to think peta is a plate to give people the mac meet. no offense to chickens or rats, both delicious in their own right. i think animals are getting embarrassed. if they had thumbs they'd be tweeting this stuff out. we learned this impression that we are superior. come on have you ever thought about how smart dolphins are? >> lowe that's not fair. >> i wish i could say the same. greg: i will say this you gave me an incredible idea animal twitter. now that is a great idea, animal twitter. >> it's already called tweets. the birds are at it.
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greg: what i don't like rob is when people give stupid names to animals like carl. >> i still can't get over the chickens and the rats on the list. a big bucket of kf far. >> is hard to take them seriously because they are trolls and the last time anybody got in trouble for what they tweeted? away with week kill animals is pretty humane. if you don't believe me go on one of those nature web sites. >> they you when you just die to death. they chew on you for about a month. greg: i just think about a spider that crawls into an animal and let the animal live so it feeds off of the animal while the animal dies. >> they call it marriage.
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greg: you've only been married for three years. you can't take that quote yet. >> we can edit the spider greg. it's a wasp and not the spider. it's a big deal in the insect world. that way your meat stays fresh. greg: the whole thing is about consciousness. an animal has consciousness and you are depriving it and that's a problem. i understand that. >> we are missing one huge point here. last time i checked animals don't speak english or any of our dialect so i can call it, i don't know [bleep]. >> you are sounding like a baby. >> i thought it i was a child for a minute. that's patent for olive my kids. it's usually their first word but it's ridiculous. you know that hey come here boy.
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finding photos on his phone up what she thought were pictures of him having with another woman. turns out the pictures were actually of her younger self taken years earlier when they were dating. apparently she didn't recognize herself because she was thinner and had makeup on. she attacked him without first asking about the photos before he wrestled the knife from her. he is expected to recover. you know who may not recover? this guy. [bleep] [bleep] greg: that's an oldie but a goodie. i think i would use that number times. okay kat this is technically a woman's story. what, go ahead.
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>> i just want to point out that this never would have happened if they didn't have before they were married. fornicating may seem fun at the next thing you know you are getting stabbed by your wife. i'm going to go out on a limb here. i don't know these people but i'm going to venture to guess that they were probably other additional problems in this relationship. beyond this discovery. it probably wasn't the most stable foundation if you're going to stab -- dad thing is never the first step. greg: you are like the new dr. joyce brothers. >> i don't know who that is. greg: dr. joyce brothers was like the old kat timpf. greg: i think this guy might he a genius and that he cleverly tricked his wife by saying the younger woman is actually her if indeed that was true. >> what a great way to find out
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you are no longer attractive. the reason it was on his phone is because he found the images and transfer them what seems like an odd way to spend your time, to let your phone now and think remember when we are both [bleep] so yeah i think kat is right that the occasional stabbing is the least difficult part. greg: i don't know, man. >> i'm losing my mind here. she stabbed him. this is so sexist. >> she should not have done this. >> we laughed in the hospital. i'm going to jail for attempted murder? why? no guy would get away with that. she has getting sympathy. who cares what it was and here's the other thing ladies put
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filters on the social media and do the ankle selfie. when you see an old picture of yourself and you don't recognize yourself any more because the vet person on social media of who you think you really look like and when you are married for a long time the old photos, the funny thing about marriage. takes away everything a man has ever going to happen everything he ever going to be. greg: that's not funny. a lot to look forward to. lee early finish this off if you have a gun. >> i'm concerned with the joke i made about marriage previously. woman stabs man and it's justified but the joke where the woman is up stairs and honey do have a pain in your chest like
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someone stabbing a voodoo doll? how about now? >> what place do you get your material? greg: i'm pretty sure it's his job application. >> absolutely horrible. greg: we are going to take a break heard motion -- more show after this, i hope. at philadelphia, we know what makes the perfect schmear of cream cheese. you need only the freshest milk and cream. that one! and the world's best, and possibly only, schmelier. philadelphia. schmear perfection.
2:57 pm
you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. the moment you sponsor a job on indeed you get a short list of quality candidates from our resume database. claim your seventy five dollar credit, when you post your first job at >> rob how is the pandemic trading you? >> it's decent. i spend a little time inside.
2:58 pm
the joke writing is not improved, working on that. i'm when i was overseas all we have to look forward to what is skype and meals. ias sent out the limited edition but we will sell more for donation. rob o' and hopefully the person that rights might jokes will give out this web site. greg: that's an easy web site. no one is going to miss that one. any gigs coming up in the comic world? >> getting the cobwebs out the web site into an update next saturday in connecticut and coming up in their glory bananas in new jersey and my special facebook and youtube with over 4 million views. everybody who watches it really appreciated. check it out.
2:59 pm
greg: i watched it myself and the pandemic because i will watch anything. tyra sunny final thoughts? >> my movie comedies doing pretty good. you can check it out on and john snyder check it out it's a lot of fun. you don't have to think. greg: i don't like thinking either. kat any thoughts? >> had been wearing glasses for seven years and i went to the eye doctor and i am nearsighted in my right eye. i will be getting real classes very soon. greg: that's exciting. >> it is actually. i totally deserve it. greg: you've been just like rachel doll is all. you were at the rachel doll is all of the ocular world. >> i was getting ready for this moment. seven years of preparation.
3:00 pm
greg: go to g. that's 4:00 a.m.. thank you guys. a great show. i'm greg gutfeld. i love you america. mike: president biden closes in on undoing trump-era policies with a new round of executive orders. good evening, i'm mike emmanuel in for jon scott, and this is "the fox report." ♪ mike: the white house saying president biden's new orders that he will sign tomorrow will decrease refugee and revoke restrictions on asylum. he also plans to remove a ban on certain work visas. meantime, the president is under growing scrutiny for his flurry of executive actions. the president signing more than three dozen directives during his first full week in office
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