tv Tucker Carlson Tonight FOX News February 1, 2021 5:00pm-6:00pm PST
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night and i hope that you will join us. up next is tucker carlson. tucker, we hope you have a great show tonight. is a comusical ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> tucker: good evening and welcome to "tucker carlson tonight." happy monday. the news is moving with bewildering speed in case you haven't noticed. no one has ever changed so many basic institution facts of american life and done it so quickly. we bring you nightly updates for the week and a half in which biden has been president. it is overwhelming. there are so much to cover. we learned that the by the administration plans to make the tiny district of columbia are 51st state. a more corrupt english-speaking
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version of monaco. as if lobbyists didn't have enough control. but that is not even the biggest news. just a few hours ago, biden officials informed us that after almost 65 years of working to build a nuclear weapon, the nation of iran "just weeks away from getting a bomb." after 65 years of trying. you arty know how that story is going to end. trillions spent, many dead. the united states gaining nothing. we have seen that a lot and it's happening again. joe biden just sent american troops to syria. you didn't know that? yep. hours after he became president, american soldiers crossed into the nation of syria here and sending them to syria was one of the first things joe biden did. some in the media forgot to even mention that. in their defense, as noted, there's a lot going on in the news, including a lot of troop mobilization. syria is not the only place.
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washington, d.c., looks like occupied -- a small city overflowing with soldiers. tens of thousands of troops, we are told they are going to protect the capital for the inevitable white to right wing violence. joe biden was inaugurated and there wasn't any violence. trump voters didn't rush. the trump restoration never happened. and yet the troop stayed. no one in congress seemed to notice but in fact they are still arriving. thousands of them as of last thursday. that number seems to have risen over the past few days. we called the national guard to find out by how much but they couldn't give us an answer. we do know that more states have sent troops since last week. you may have seen the video of soldiers getting off buses downtown near the capital. one of the all doing their? again, national guard leadership when it tell us.
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"for operational security reasons we will not get into specific details of the ongoing mission." oh, soldiers in our capital but we don't have a right to know why. the governor of illinois was not so shy. he laid it out very clearly. in a press release announcing the deployment of more soldiers to washington to see, he explained that "we must root out the dark forces of racism, white supremacy, and disinformation that have created this moment. "the military has been deployed to washington, d.c., to fight disinformation. so, say something a democratic governor doesn't like and he will send troops. does that sound like the country that you grew up in? it probably doesn't. this is not the way things are done in america. it's not the way it has been done since the civil war. no one has ever seen anything like this. so, why is everyone, everyone pretending that it is totally normal to have thousands of
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troops in the capital to fight disinformation? because obviously they are in favor of it. they think it is fine to mobilize the army in order to put down domestic opinion. msnbc, let us remind you, and opinion channel, is clearly in favor of this. watch. >> and now 5,000 national guard troops will be deployed through march. extremism researchers say that there are concerns about possible violence surrounding the impeachment proceedings. >> the national guard will have to say there is a symbol to those people who think that the building is vulnerable. that includes the american citizens who went up there and performed insurrection. >> inside the pentagon's decision to kick thousands of national guard troops in the streets of washington, d.c. the greatest threat facing the american people, it is already among us. >> tucker: oh, extremism researchers. so, the southern poverty
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law center is now in charge of the pentagon. you should know that. the whole thing, got punched, by the way, they just told you. they have ordered up an unspecified number of soldiers for an unspecified period of time. that is not a gut punch. it is business as usual. gut punch is and the fact is, and it definitely is a fact. it is not rwanda level propaganda. the fact is that the greatest threat facing the emergent people is already among us. already among us. they are here. terrified yet? the woman you just saw on television, she went to harvard. it's not like she was reading from a press release issued by some creepy authoritarian. no, not at all. she knows who the enemy is and this week the enemy was a freshman congresswoman from 14th district of congress, florida. no woman is more dangerous than
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this freshman member of congress. the threat that she alone poses as they say on cable news is x essential. this single congresswoman may be just weeks away from developing nuclear weapons. if you watch television this weekend, you already know quite a bit about her. >> he has also been in touch with florida congresswoman and qanon's marjorie taylor greene. because she has spent the weekend scrubbing her social media account. the copeople are spreading conspiracy theories and doubling down on inciting violence. that of course is marjorie taylor greene. >> marjorie taylor greene, who has been in the news this entire weekend is a conspiracy theorist. >> tucker: oh. how dangerous is this three named congresswoman you have probably never heard of? in the name of democracy, she
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must be expelled tonight. that is what they are saying. the member in question was elected at a 75 vote. that is roughly the same percentage of the vote that nancy pelosi got out. so there is no question that her voters very much wanted her to represent them. on the other hand, what to her voters have to do with democracy? that is not how democracy works. cnn gets a veto. the test is entirely ideological. this new member of congress has barely been voted. she just got there the other day. but cnn says she has bad opinions. therefore she is the greatest threat we face. our advice is keep it to yourself. anyone who suggests that this member of congress is not really
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america's greatest enemy is by definition one of the greatest when the people of cnn don't the program. they actually said that. they are children, obviously. but that does not mean they won't win in the end or it won't get worse. why? donald trump is gone now. that is very bad news for the many people who made his living yelling at donald trump. and it's especially dangerous for the political party. a party who is nonsensical and can only hang together like collectively throwing rocks, as you mentioned happens to be in the center of the hate circle today. there's no more donald trump, that means you get to be donald trump now. see how that feels. it's all pretty predictable. you could have written the script. the sad thing is they are missing a lot. this is the media after all. their job is to cover the news. there's tons of interesting things happening right now,
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things you tend to miss when you spend all day screaming about a single member of congress. for example, the popular revolt underway on wall street. that is not a small story. what began as an attack on a short seller will likely change our economy permanently and forever. so why are at the raddatz guys doing this in the first place? wouldn't it be nice if someone somewhere had asked that question. is it possible that the reddit guys have a point, no matter how destructive their tactics may be. it could be that covid accelerated the concentration of wealth in this country to a degree that is dangerous and completely unsustainable, that this was a reaction to it. but because corporations have made it impossible for anyone to say anything true out loud anymore, like hey, hedge funds aren't actually good for the country. or wow, why don't we have something in our tax code, things like that. because you can't say any of
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that in public now being called a racist by some goon from the hr department down the hall. the reddit guys may be didn't have anywhere else to express their frustration and instead took it out on the public market. could that have happened? totally possible. that segment was not on cable news this week. nor was any speculation about how long a market that is this disconnected from reality can continue. how long before the whole thing crashes, not just the stock market, but any society built online. how long before the flimsiest emblem ever created, and we returned to the real thing. physics, gravity, reason, god. how long? any time? those are all good questions. none have been addressed lately in the media. we simply saw "newsweek" fret about the "far right extremists using reddit to mok aren't noble funds."
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between what's happening on wall street right now and what happened in the 2016 presidential election. they were appalled when the hedge funds take a hit, it's mob rule. even the corporate comedians weighed in bowing before their masters in finance. watch this guy tell you that it must have been the russians doing this. no decent, loyal american would hurt a hedge fund. and for once, he's not joking. >> their stock price has grown by 8000%, because a bunch of amateur investors may be even some russian disruptors part of a reddit community decided to buy a bunch of game stop stock and drive the price up and screw over the hedge fund guys. >> tucker: yeah, you must be russian. because there's no underlying problems that american citizens may be reacting against. what is going on here, exactly. here to tell us, a man whose
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name has become a synonym for recklessness, but he was learned from his experiences and has some interesting things to say about the moment we are in right now. jordan belford, the original both of wall street. we are happy to have him on tonight. you have participated in this from every possible angle, you've watched it for decades, what do you think is going on here? >> welcome i think you had it right on the head. and that was my thesis for tonight. this was really a convergence of a few different things. number one, finally the little guy has the ability to fight back through a convergence of technology, the platforms for trading, the ability to communicate as a group. so in the past, you could've never done this before. so there are two types in this world. there is legitimate once that's a natural part of the market and another part that are the hedge funds that gang up and literally will short a stock almost down to zero. they tried to spread negative
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news, investigations, and that's what is seen with game stop. this, i think, connects to a far bigger thing than just trying to make a few bucks on a trade. this is about the end of the movie of the big short -- all the bad guys went to jail. just kidding. nobody went to jail. i think everybody knows there's something wrong in the pit of their stomach. you can silence people, you can do platform people and get away with it. everybody knows -- republican or democrat -- something is wrong. both sides of the isle united on this one thing, you noted that. both sides unite it because it was money sort of takes the politics out of it. so what happens here is these people -- if you actually dig into the boards, i think my first reaction was oh, there's a pump and dump. but that's really not what is going on. if you actually look at the messages, they are mad, they
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want to prove something, it's not necessarily about money. but they are angry as. they have some nomination to get back. and badly for the stocks. i hope people don't lose money in the process. >> i wonder, now that this has happened, everybody knows it has happened, and the hedge funds and wall street stuff is more vulnerable than anybody imagined and the internet still exist. what is this going forward? we can't continue as we have, can we? >> sure. one thing wall street and the hedge funds are really good at is closing gaps and finding these inefficiencies and closing them up. so what these people on reddit -- hats off to them by the way. it's brilliant what they did. they found a real inefficiency in the market and a gap where something buying
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power. wall street now knows that. so i would be very shocked if hedge funds would create another situation so quickly where it was so overly shorted that it would be that easy for people to come in as a group and bring the stock back up. so that might -- but i believe this is a paradigm shift right now. the little guy finally is equipped, information travels instantly. it used to only be the big guys. you see all this stuff happen before the little guy, the big guys polluting and doing the stuff, so now the little guy finally has the ability to display that same game. at least somewhat. and there is going to be a radical change, it's not going to be the same. >> tucker: i know you've had a wild personal life. that was so much more interesting and insightful than anything i've heard on any other channel on what we are seeing beard i'm grateful you came on tonight. jordan belford, good to see you. >> my pleasure. >> tucker: at some point, someone will make the obvious
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observation which is it's making art don't make our country unstable, and the federals reserve. excluding most people from that payoff and hurting a lot of people like savers in the process. maybe we will have that conversation at some point. up next, thousands of our elected leaders have made a major push to add a new start to be flagged. it's unconstitutional, they are aware of it, they are doing it anyway paired who are these 38 members of the senate? we will name all of them, so you should know exactly who they are. we will name them, next. ♪ ♪ cter. learning begins in faith. it must move upwards toward the highest thing, unseen at the beginning - god. and freedom is essential to learning. its principles must be studied and defended. learning, character, faith, and freedom:
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>> tucker: let's eat, can washington, d.c., become a state? it's not a state, it's a pretty small city. the most dysfunctional city in america. but can we make it a state if we wanted to? let's check our constitution. article one section 8, washington, d.c., is not a state. it can't be. it is a federal jurisdiction. anyone who reddit would know. but members of congress either haven't read it or don't care. they're trying to make d.c. a state anyway. quite a new story. for that, rick leventhal joins us. >> it's delaware's senator who
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is leading the effort to pass a d.c. statehood bill along with more than three dozen others who we are showing you here. carper says it would rectify a historic injustice because the residence in dort taxation without representation. it has been proposed for years, but this would be the first time a bill could actually make it the 51st state. it's actually passed the house and move on to the senate where there are 38 cosponsors who are you are seeing on your screen. they say d.c. residents pay more per capita than citizens and any of the other 50 states. the residents have no say and how that money is spent. the mayor says the momentum in congress as "a promising sign that our country is finally ready to write this historic wrong." under the plan, d.c. would be renamed washington douglas commonwealth in honor of frederick douglass. the capital, the supreme court, the national mall would be a
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separate federal district controlled by congress and named the capital. but for all that to happen, senate democrats will need at least ten republicans to support the legislation which could be very difficult to accomplish. >> tucker: rick leventhal, great to see you. thank you. unless they get rid of the filibuster, which barack obama just told us is racist because it's a relic of another age. okay. that could happen very easily, you should be aware of it. and it's not about empowering anybody come obviously. they were in chicago and detroit, they are the seasoned power, it's about power for them. silencing dissent from you. speaking of chicago, they have the same goal. 21 people were shot in that city just this weekend, 21. mayor lightfoot doesn't seem not upset about it. she wants to spend all immigration and anyone who disagrees with her obviously is a bigot.
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>> being an immigrant or a refugee is not a crime. i just have to say, shame on you. spirited debates at the heart of our democracy is not the same as using racist tropes and xena xenophobic rhetoric. to promote on ourselves on back of others and demonize them. we dare not be silenced when that happens. particularly not when it is coming from the mouths of city council members. >> tucker: wise of the dumbest people are always the most self-righteous? we asked the mayor to come on and explain that, she wouldn't come. he joins us tonight his side of it. they do so much for coming on. she just called you a racist, somebody who uses racist tropes.
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what was she talking about? >> she was talking about -- they made an amendment that came in a 1985 by the late washington in that ordinance -- a certain amount of stipulation set up or a chicago police officers had the ability to work with federal governments on behalf of illegal immigrants, especially those who are convicted felons, warrants or arrests, in the gang database. this ordinance completely removes that from the ordinance no and pretty much gives the key to the city to any criminal who wants to come here. so apparently that makes me racist now. >> tucker: she is undoing the misdeeds of that famous racist black mayor harold washington. what effects would this have on the city of chicago if she gets it through? >> the effect is going to be
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catastrophic. if you look at the last 13 months, we've had over 4300 people shot, over 800 homicides in this month alone in january loan we had over -- i'm sorry, over 200 carjackings. now you are inviting people who have amnesty from any type of criminal prosecution in the city of chicago to come to chicago and find a harbor, a safe haven i should put it. because our chicago police officers can't have -- this is wrong. and for me to be called a racist because i stood up against this for what is right, i've been out chicago police officer, chicago firefighter, and now for 21 years served proudly and i get called a racist that somebody who is for the city not even long enough to finish a cup of coffee. it's a disgrace, it's disgusting. >> tucker: people are fleeing the city, one of the best cities we have. they are running away. and this is her response.
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a saddest thing that i've seen. >> do the census a year from now and see what our numbers are. >> tucker: it's shocking and everyone should be upset about it regardless of party. thank you. >> thank you for having me. >> tucker: joe biden, in case things aren't out of out-of-control enough, just named a nba cheerleader to a top job in the state department, but somehow that's not the most amazing part of the story. what she set off the court when she was insured for the team as of the most amazing part. and we have it for you after the break. ♪ ♪
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>> tucker: as part of our new meet your joe biden administration series, we want to introduce you to delina porter. in that role, she is responsible for communicating american foreign policy to the rest of the world. you might not know much about her job history, but that's a pretty stunning promotion for her. before she joined the biden
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administration, she was best known as a part-time cheerleader for the oakland raiders. she also moonlit for a time as a staffer on capitol hill and took the occasional gig as a consultant pushing various strains of identity politics. of course, those are to real qualifications. her real credentials, like so many in the biden administration, is that she despises millions of americans. these are the very people she represents overseas. here is what delina porter wrote on facebook of september in 2016. the largest threat to u.s. national security are u.s. cops, not ices, not russian hackers, not anyone or anything else. if you don't wake up and rise up to this truth, the against blacks in america will continue until we are near extinction. those comments were first reported by "the washington free beacon." it's worth pausing for a moment to consider the implications here, because they matter. in the year 2016, when she wrote that on facebook, a total of 19
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unarmed african-americans have been shot and killed by police. twice as many people died by lightning strikes in the united states that year. in the last two years, 2019 and 2020, the number was even lower than that, lower than 19. but according to our new state department spokeswoman who now represents the united states government ideal, that is. yeah, that is. what's happening at the hands of american police officers. does the biden administration care? will anyone even respond? the answer of course is no, no chance. we know that because last month we told you about kristen clarke. she is joe biden's nominee. this should be clear, heading these civil rights division justice department is not like reps a day the state of georgia and the 14th congressional district. it's with actual power.
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kristen clarke is getting that job, and christine clark wrote that african-americans were superior to other races. the quotes are even worse than we are characterizing. we haven't heard a word from the white house about kristen clarke. the justice department will not tell us whether her theories of black supremacy have any rights in the civil rights division of the doj. equal rights among all americans. the truth is, none of this bothers the party in charge. they don't mind if you hate america, even if you call for violence as long as they are by defeating from it. one of the top democrats in congress back in 2018. >> do you see anybody from that cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gas station? you get out and you create a crowd. and you push back on them. and you tell them they are not welcome. spew on because they're still
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geniuses on the internet, this is such a great story, an anonymous user on twitter remembered that moment and decided to conduct a social science experiment. he took maxine waters own words, and's which the words. here's what he wrote "if you see anyone from the cuomo administration in a restaurant, and a department store, at a gasoline station, get out and you create a crowd, you push back at them and tell them they are welcome anymore." so how did that go over? of course, they are apoplectic. this is appalling and changes. encouraging violence must never be shame on behind this kind of garbage. senator said this. this is beyond outrageous. and within a few hours, virtually every democrat had condemned the synonymous tweet.
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but the best response came from a congressman name to richie torres who sits with maxine waters only services committee in the house pretty said this "as a congressman who lived through the insurrection against the u.s. congress, i am appalled by the tweet below which is an invitation to violence against public officials. we much all denounce any attempt at inciting violence." except in tabs attempted by maxine waters. [laughs] so according to maxine waters' own logic, heavy air quotes along that term, maxine waters herself is a dangerous insurrectionist white supremacist. i just want to set the record straight on that. well, the chinese company bgi group is one of the largest biotech firms in the world. now bgi group is offering to set up testing labs in the united states. that's a like a nice thing. oh wait, it's part of what until
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officials call a plan to steal americans bio data. >> this shows the nefarious mind-set of a communist party of china, to take advantage of a worldwide crisis like covid. >> he suspects these are modern day trojan horses. bgi comes to the u.s. bearing gifts, but harboring other motives. it's a way to establish a foothold, to bring their equipment here, start mining your data and set up shop. >> you will see has as china has purchased actual companies come access to our data. the question is, where is our data going. all roads lead to china. >> they understand their future success hinges on accumulating large amounts of human dna. >> tucker: dr. marc siegel here to assess this troubling story. great to see you come a doctor. would you get tested at one of these laps?
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>> absolutely not, tucker. here's the secret. the future of medicine has to do with individualized dna, massive amounts of bio data that will predict our diseases before we even get them. i do know, whoever has that information is going to control health care in a world and china knows that. so bgi group is the biggest of these companies that works directly with the chinese government. it took a $1.5 billion amount from the government just in 2010 alone. and last march while we were focusing on washingon state and their poor testing of the new disease, covid-19, so was bgi group, tucker. they went over there, they offered to build a huge lab, do all the testing that was needed. they offered it to new york, california, to five states. i do know what happened? our own intelligence community said there is no free lunch. but that didn't stop bgi group. they are involved in 50 countries across the world, involved in investing heavily in
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our health care sector. you know what they are doing? they are mining. my dna, your dna, they're going to combine it with lifestyle data and they are going to control health care. we have to stop it, tucker. >> tucker: you are making me very paranoid, and for good reason. i guess i appreciate it. dr. siegel, thank you very much. >> thinks, tucker. >> tucker: joe biden has been in office for less than two weeks. but already he has eliminated thousands of jobs. where are they? we will tell you exactly where they are. straight ahead. ♪ ♪ to veteran spouses everywhere we salute you. we salute how you balanced work, family and home life. we salute your courage. and your service. by offering you our service. newday usa specializes in helping you make the most of your va benefits. from home purchase to refinance.
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♪ ♪ >> tucker: the keystone xl pipeline was slated to create 11,000 good paying jobs. now it will create precisely zero. joe biden killed it in this first week in office. but there is some good news. he flies around on the private jet to better understand the enemy. his message was simple, all of the people are out of work who actually have an alternative. they can go build solar panels in china.
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>> what president biden wants to do is make sure those folks have better choices, that they have alternatives, that they can be the people who go to work to make the solar panels. they were making them here at home. >> tucker: a reporter at the "washington examiner," we are happy to have her on. thanks so much for coming on. there's something about that clip that really is infuriating. the high handedness with which he dismisses adults, americans jobs. what you make of that? >> it's incredibly insulting to tell someone they are going to have a better job. what is the description of better? better paying in, i don't think so. solar panel technician jobs are notoriously -- sometimes, three, four times less than you would make on the keystone pipeline. johnson will uproot them from their communities and their families. these are aspects that are very
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important to the workers that they are very -- they are very connected to their community. >> i noticed there's a built-in bias among our leaders against traditionally masculine jobs and in favor of kind of neutered, sad davos types of jobs. you see that in this at all? >> the problem i see is a problem that people that make these decisions are people that more likely than not haven't worked with their hands. and they don't quite understand the satisfaction of doing that. and they don't understand why you would even want to do that. i would argue if you are going to impact someone's life, why don't you look them in the eye or do what they do. i understand why it's important to them. and why it's part of their identity. >> tucker: right. to cover the news for a while. how many times have we heard this? did they say that nafta, china joined the w-2 a. we will retrain you for
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something better. how did that work? >> what this really reminds me of is what happened in my area in western pennsylvania. it was known as black monday. thousands of persons lost their jobs all in one day and one industry. but what they didn't take account for was that the barbershops, the hotels come at the, the school districts. president carter at that time refused to meet with those union workers who went up to have him listen to them. >> tucker: so sad peer discussion. i do appreciate you coming on tonight. thank you. >> thanks for having me. >> tucker: so mike rowe has a brand-new show, it's called 6 degrees with mike rowe. we will be watches of it. it's sponsored by the energy industry and it's nothing to be mad about. tell us about that. might come great to see you. >> it's been a really exciting week here at micro works
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headquarters where we are embarking on a new series of work, epic scholarships to help people get the training they need to do the kinds of jobs that selena was just discussing, which i don't, for the record, believe are dead and gone. how to show on facebook, got canceled a couple days ago. started up an incredible rumor mill that i i'm trying to do with. and my new show, "6 degrees" is sponsored by ipa, dca, and all aspects of the energy industry brit i'm now dealing with rumors suggesting that because of that association, the show on facebook was canceled and so forth, and so on. a very exciting week for me. >> tucker: is any of that -- what is the truth about it? >> regarding the facebook show, it was a hit show. it won an emmy award. people loved it. it was canceled after 100 episodes and i do not believe it was the result of anything other than a show simply running its course.
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i am very concerned, as you know, about canceled culture. i'm very concerned about safe spaces. i don't think anything good comes from those things. but in this case, facebook was very kind to me. they support my foundation and they let us do a feel-good show and a time where at the country needed to see it. i'm grateful for that. the business with the energy industry sponsoring my new show is a different matter altogether. i read selena's article earlier today, and she says in there something we hear a lot. she says elections have consequences. but what they really have our unintended consequences. and policies like this drip with unintended consequences. it's not just those 11,000 jobs that went up in smoke. it's people who run hotels and car washes and so much local business. it's all tight and connected together in a way that is so
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easy to forget until you start pulling on the string and you see the whole quilt buckle up and turn into something kind of ugly and worthless. >> tucker: this is a much longer conversation, but in a minute, you've spent your life covering work. you've also seen what it looks like when people don't have work. how crushing is that? particularly men? >> it's not just vocational. it's your identity. i heard somebody say the other day that kind of dismissed all this -- well, they work full-time jobs. are you kidding me. there's no such thing as a full-time job in construction. secondly, i know a lot of these guys. they are making six figures. these are union jobs for the most part. these are the kinds of jobs that people aspire to. and they are the kinds of jobs that my foundation has been helping train people for in the last 13 years. and it is hard to sit here and watch it come
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you know i'm not a political guy. the flick of a pen -- i guess it just comes down to if you really believe the world is going to end in 12 years, you do just about anything to keep that from happening bit i would. but if you don't believe that, and deep belief that we are all connected through energy, as i do, then i believe you have to step back and take a deep breath. >> tucker: if you really believe that, you wouldn't be flying private and buying a big place in martha's vineyard. i'm just saying. i don't think anybody really believes that. but maybe they do. i'm so glad you have a new show. i love how fast you've been coming out with it. ask ravenous. >> appreciate it. >> tucker: we learned this weekend but the detainees at guantanamo bay deserve the coronavirus vaccine more than you do. they made that decision.
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>> tucker: a lot of news out of the pentagon that is concerning if you are an american. most recently, they just got caught with a plan to distribute the coronavirus vaccine to "all of the detainees and prisoners at guantanamo bay, cuba." he would get the vaccine before millions of americans get. the pentagon was caught doing this. he said this. "we are pausing the plan to move forward as we review force protection protocols." almost beyond belief. he is a retired staff sergeant. he joins us. thanks so much for coming on tonight. would you make of the story? >> [laughs] yeah, it's infuriating. i'll tell you what, you give me 5 minutes with him and i will make sure he never gets the coronavirus another day and i will sleep well at night knowing
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that. these are people that really don't deserve to walk this earth anymore. that is just the truth of it. the fact that they are even breathing air is more great than they deserve and the idea that in 2020 you can enlist in the military and get blown to pieces doing it and your government will honor that sacrifice by first and second amendment and prioritizing the terrorists that tried to kill you over you when it comes to getting a vaccine for this virus that we are all dealing with. i am old enough to remember when representative was calling them insider threats because they voted for trump. that is what democrats are. that unifying message of support for troops. god forbid that it really takes something like 9/11 for half the country to support our military. this is ridiculous. >> tucker: it's a betrayal. you are exactly right. you must feel it, especially acutely.
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joey john, i appreciate you coming on tonight. thank you. >> thanks, tucker. >> tucker: that's it for us tonight. again, happy monday. the show that is the sworn enemy of lying, pomposity, smugness, and groupthink. in the meantime, sean hannity takes a look from new york from new york. >> sean: vaccines and terrorists first. america last. tucker, thank you. pretty sick here will cover that tonight. welcome to "hannity." once again tonight we are tracking multiple developing stories this hour including a big update where the biden administration website to give this covid-19 vaccine to terrorists pushing them to the front of the line. america last ahead of you, the millions of law-abiding americans. and i guess this is the new informed policy, they get along joke mentality. and away also tonight we have bombshell new undercover video project exposing even more big
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