tv Hannity FOX News February 3, 2021 10:00pm-11:00pm PST
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that could have big implications for the american news business, obviously. we'll find out more and you'll be the first to know. we'll be back tomorrow. 8:00 p.m. the show that's a sworn enemy of lying, pomposity, groupthink. >> sean:n: that's a conspiracy theory. who is the king? >> tucker: the dwarf king! the man at the top of cnn center who sends his minions down to crush free speech. >> sean: i've got to figure out a code. i will get there. thank you. good show. biden's climates are john kerry says he has no choice at all but the jet set all over o the world in his private jet and leave his massive carbon footprint.. meanwhile the always shifty adam schiff come up eyeing a promotion that should scare the uthell out of you, america's number one conspiracy theorist.
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and the great one mark live in, he'll be here. you'll have reaction. i want to first turn to a developing story on capitol hill. tomorrow, house democrats, they will force a vote to strip all committee assignments from a giorgio her name is marjorie taylor greene.wm i'm sure maybe until just last week, many of you have neverd heard her name as she has been on the job a whopping one month. she is elected from a district in north georgia with an impressive 74% of the vote. this despiteep the widespread reportr conspiracy theories, the voters haveap voted. it appears they knew about some of her beliefs and they still decided to put her in office. a very high percentage. democrats, they are trying to block representation in committees and the will of the voters because of these beliefs.
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we've done our own research. we've learned that taylor green previously said that a plane did not hit the pentagon on 9/11. we all know as a fact that a plane hit the pentagon and it is real. wefr lost a good friend of ours show that day. you might remember, barbara olson. she was on the plane where the terrorists crashed into the pentagon.r apparently said that california wildfires were started by a space laser. controlled by some kind of evil corporate cabal which my mind, not exactly true, i have no earthly clue whatsoever what would cause someone to believe such a thing. also recently disturbing, a video surfaced of greene chasing down and raiding a kid who survived the parkland school shooting machine he lost friends thatday, i'm so.
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i don't go there. kids are off the table. the poor kid had been through hell, lost loved ones, they are all watching this. adults, i don't care if you are a republican, democrat, liberal, conservative, i think we leave the kids alone and the people of this country are allowed to have different views and, frankly, surprise you, i've been encouraged by any young people to be in the political process. if you are 40 and that a conservative, you don't have a brain. so you hope there is an evolution, but the interest is key to have more representation. and a better, well informed from my perspective, there's not a single conservative i note that shares those conspiratorial beliefs or supports the action of confronting young people claiming that a school shooting that happened didn't happen. i don't know a single conservative or single republican frankly that even those what qanon is, let alone
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buys into whatever those beliefs are. but keep this in mind, marjorie taylor greene has little power in the house of its additives. but we now have to look at the other side of the aisle. that's the democratic party. yes, they have a lot of fringe conspiracy theorists and agitators except they are not little-known in their party, they are literally running the whole show for the democratic party.nd they set the agenda and they have all the power. so democrats want to purge taylor green from committees? this same standard must be applied to them. right? out of fundamental fairness. l for example, let's start with congresswoman omar. she floated that theory that evil jews hypnotized of the world? she said that the council on islamic relations was founded
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because some people killed del mike did something you mean kill 3,000 americans? and congresswoman omar used an anti-semitic trope, it's all about the benjamins baby, or a member that line again, there you go. sure the same standards be applied to both sides? both congresswoman omar, fellow squad congressman to leave, they pal around with that woman, the tories anti-semite and anti-jewish conspiracy theorist linda sarsour. a talked a lot about her. where are the congressman for her? congresswoman tlaib wrote for louis farrakhan's -- from the river to the cecum of palestine willal be freed, that was used y
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the plo and hamas for his israeo be wiped from the planet.sp and pelosi in name only, alexandria ocasio-cortez. she has endlessly pushed an endless stream of conspiracy theories. in 2019 telling a newspaper that iowa, nebraska, broad swaths of the midwest are now drowning right now under water? who ever forget theo predictionn that the world will end in 12 years because of climate change? if it ends, why try to fix it question might let's have a big party. the so-called squad is running the entire show for the democratic party. this green new deal madness, that is front and center. right there, that would be the speaker of the house, congresswoman ocasio-cortez's number one priority with the biden administration following
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suit and signing the dotted line. meanwhile, pelosi, speaker in name only, does whatever the squad tells her to do because she knows if they get mad at her, her speakership is over. and now the democratic party it rewards this kind of behavior. how do i know? we've got the videotape. >> the world is going to end in 12 years ifdr we do not address climate change. >> cair was speaker they recognize that some people did something and all ofs started losing our access to a civil liberties. >> there needs to be unrest in the streets, and there's plenty to go around. >> we need to occupy every airport, occupy every border, occupy every i.c.e. office. >> we are going to go in there and [bleep]! [cheers and applause] >> get rid of ice, get rid of the homeland security department. it's not just the squad, not just about conspiracy theories,
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what the standard here formb incitement, remember chuck schumer on the steps of the supreme court threatening two u.s. supreme court justices right there onth the steps of te court. should he be impeached for insurrection? oh joe biden fantasizing about taking president trump behind a gym and beating the hell out of him? insurrection talk?he days after a minneapolis precinct burned to the ground, violent riots, kamala harris, "they aren't going to stop and everyone aware, take note, they aren't going to stop, aren't going to let up, everyone take no on both levels that they are not going to let up, we should not." of course, congresswoman maxine waters,ha chairwoman of the houe financial services committee, powerful committee. she was rewarded with his leadership position after she called on supporters to harass and attack white house staffers
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after she threatened to take trump out tonight. just this week, waters claimed president trump should be charged with premeditated murder. first-degree murder, for incitement. what was she saying about your former crowd, they are not wanted anywhere anymore? take a look. >> they are following the president of the united states of america who has advanced planning about the invasion of our capital and even there is information that some of the planning came out of individuals working o on his campaign. as a matter of fact, he absolutely should be charged with premeditated murder because of the lies that lives that were lostwith this i, insurrection. >> tucker: democrats, republicans for that matter want toto play this game with committees, they are going to have big problems. the list is long. remember, eric swalwell had an intimate relationship with a chinese spy for years and he
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still sits on the house intelligence committee with access to all of our state secrets. adam schiff, he said he had clear evidence that trump stole the 2016 election. that donald trump colluded with russia, russia, russia. he chairs the intel committee. we know he had information to the contrary and he lied and perpetuated a hoax, conspiracyy theory, literally dragged this country down a hell hole for three years but when is he going to be taken out of that assignment, stripped of his committee? let me break this down simply, where i am, what i believe. i am a reagan, i am in america first, contract with america conservative. i am a registered conservative but what i believe is fairly simple to understand. i believe in liberty and freedom, limited government, low taxes, cutting up burdens from regulation and red tape. i believe in the safety of security, law and order in every town in every city in this
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country. a good education should be available in every school district and school choice for our kids. secure borders, energy independence, the peace through strength, constitutionalist judges, and election reform. yes, the america force agenda that i support. republicans, conservatives stick that policy and keep their promises, they will win future elections. we really do not have time, i have a lot of urgency about the direction this country is heading. i don't subscribe to radical conspiracy theories like fake news cnn, msdnc, the hoax they perpetrated on the country. i don't know people that do. but the people of georgia knew full well who they were voting for and it is not the democratic party's place or any party's place, for that matter, to limit their representation.
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by the way, if they do they should hold every single member to the same standard. i do not care if it's the voters in new york, congressman or because you're cortes' district, whether it's minnesota, minneapolis, i do not care where it is. that'lls be up to the voters of those district who they to elect, they are district to represent them. i do not agree with maxine waters getting reelected every u year, but that's up to the people in her district. mark my words, they go through with this action tomorrow, it will be a slippery slope, it will not end while politically for some of the democrats' own radical members in full on conspiracy theorists. with a full report, our own chad pergram is there. chad, what's going on? >> good evening and, sean. members have been removed by their own parties but by their own leaders. he ousted steve king two years ago. john boehner when he was speaker in the house back in 2012, he
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removed three republicans fromfr communities, he didn't think they were being team players bear this is a little bit different, having the entire house brand-new. here is jim mcgovern, the chair of the house rules committee. >> a member of this house is calling for assassinations, that is a new president. if that's the standard, to remove people from committees, i'm fine with >> republicans try to return the favor. they introduce to remove committee member ilhan omar of her appointments. they will do out of order. >> like it says on the bottle, if you have a spec on your eye can we not criticize someone with a spec of your eye if you've got one in yours.
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>> steny hoyer try to get a deal about greene and put out a statement criticizing the house of representatives, they will vote tomorrow to bounce greene from her committee. takes a simple majority. from a republican conference leaving late this afternoon, some republicans applauded and gave greene a standing ovation. a bit of breaking news, the house republican conference has voted to keep liz cheney from wyoming on as a conference chairwoman, that's number three leadership position in the house republican congresss to vote 145-61. sean? >> sean: chad, thank you. with freedom s, also joining us, the author of the new book, "never let a crisis go to waste," fox news contributor jason chaffetz. also the best seller of firebrand," congressman matt gaetz offered to resign his
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place in congress to help the president fight impeachment if indeed needed. the people of pensacola and the panhandle need matt gaetz. i'm not loving this. the president has good lawyers. let me first go -- this to me, andy biggs, is simple. it's up to the voters in omar's district and because you're cortez's district and green's district, they should decide these things. apparently they knew a lot about all of these candidates prior to theth election. why isn't the same treatment, why doesn't that go to theor conspiracy theorists, the people that have nutty views on the left? >> you are right, sean. all this baked into the votes. if you're going to take marjorie taylor greene off her committee you need to be looking at all the conspiracy theorists, all the hard left rhetoric that has come out, all the violent rhetoric that has come out. what about "sleeping with theoa enemy, spreading false hoaxes
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and rumors? all of that basically should foreclose those people if that's the standard. this is a historic thing becausc they want the whole body to come in. they know they control it, to start removing republicans. i'll tell you, marjorie taylor greene, if this happens, will be the start. they will go after a couple of otherso people, they are going o need someone else, they'll always move the goalpost because they do not want opposition -- do not forget, marjorie taylor is a strong conservative voice for women. a they do not want that either. >> sean: matt gaetz, let's get your take on this bit i trust the people in your district if they want to elect you, they know they are getting a firebrand. end of sentence. people get to decide on maxine waters and nancy pelosi, and ocasio-cortez. how is this double standard, the whole impeachmently-conspiracy, his constituentss get to vote fr
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that pathological liar! >> that's right. marjorie greene said some crazy conspiracy things before she was elected to congress. adamam schiff, eric swalwell, mt of the democrats said crazy conspiracy theory things when they were in congress, impeaching president trump and attempting to delegitimize his timeto in office as a consequene of the russia hoax. marjorie taylor greene got 75% of the vote. >> sean: that's more than you. > that's more than almost evy member of congress. it is a dangerous precedent will re-disrespect the voters. that's what the left is trying do. they are saying that the people of america don't matter, it's the decision-making process inside, the beltway.ub tonight the republicans decided to keep liz cheney. tomorrow, the democrats will boot marjorie taylor greene from her committees. i think both decisions reinforce the power of washington and it only encourages me to try to go out in america and get people
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focused on the changes we need to make in both parties so the voters are respected. >> sean: i laid out the hannity less bureaucracy, controlled borders, i went to the hole. congressman, how do we define insurrection language? donald trump said, many of you will peacefully patriotically march to the capital so your voices will be heard. well, chuck schumer was threatening two supreme court justices, joe biden threaten the president, kamala harris was bailing out rioters saying they shouldn't stop doing what they are doing, maxine waters wants to take the president out and kill him tonight. "we are going to take him out tonight -- isn't that a direct threat? sounds like a threat to me. >> it was a direct threat and the democrats forget about alcee hastings, appointed to
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he was impeached and he was convicted in the united states senate. but you know what? the people in florida decided to send him back to congress. the guy was convicted of bribery and the democrats put him on the rule committee of all things and yet you've got somebody who said something that i totally disagree with, before an election. but they know who makes that decision? the good people of georgia. not the opposing party, not the democrats. not somebody froma utah, arizo, or anywhere else. the people off georgia. that's where the respect needs to lay. >> sean: i think that's true. biggs, where does this go tomorrow, and more importantly, at what point do we start applying the same standard? all i'm asking for is equal application of the standards. equal application of the laws, due process under the law. we don't seem to have any of that in this country today. >> that's right. tomorrow, if it goes like g i
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think it's going to go, the democrats have the votes, they'll probably remove marjorie taylor w greene. that's why i cosponsor the amendment where we substitute ilhan omar for marjorieil taylor greene because we are trying tof get 1 for 1. if you take out one of ours we are going to take out one of yours, but we are still in the minority appeared we've got to get the majority back in order to be able to apply this.e' we've got to -- we have to keep talking about this because it is -- this treatment here, what nancy pelosi has done to try to irrigate power to the center, a huge problem and this is one more step in that. >> sean: what's going to happen tomorrow? >> tucker: they are going to take the unprecedented action of substituting the will of washington for the will of people in this country and when we get the majority back, we better apply the same standards. so often i see the democrats actually fight to win and republicans are playing somes patty cake game. i hope that's not the case, that we point out the hypocrisy andse
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double standard because it's eating away at our voters and the v country. >> sean: you've said it publicly, told me privately, one of the reasons you got fed up with congress. >> i did. republicans, when they get into power, they go democratic light, go easy, they don't play offense. what the democrats are doing is beyond offense. this is just offensive and it's a dangerous, dangerous precedent. but republicans have got to remember is when they've got the power and they have the votes, that's when you have to make your move. stop being democratic light for goodness make the case, when make the argument on the floor. that's why matt gaetz, and others are so valuable. we've got to win the communication floor. >> sean: thank you all, appreciate it. john kerry being caught being a climate hypocrite. we'll show you the videotape or at senator kennedy's back and he has a lot to say peered the
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great one joins us, he's fired up on this busy edition of ar"hannity." thank you for being with us. no insurance? no worries, it's free. plus, now all patients can get 20% off their treatment plan. find every reason to smile. every day at aspen dental. call 1-800-aspendental or book today at
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♪ ♪ >> sean: failed >> sean: failed negotiator john kerry continues to deliver a cruel and job killing crushing message to america's oil, gas, and energy workers. despite all the major economic sacrifices you have to make to deliver on his green energy fantasies and his stupid paris accord agreement that china and india, developing nations. we pay all the money and we meet all the rigid standards, but not them. under no circumstances can he give up his private jet. he says he has no choice but to fly in his beautiful private jet to iceland.
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>> on the issue of pollution, i understand you came here with a private jet. is that an environmental way to travel? >> if you offset your carbon, it's the only choice for me for someone like me who is traveling the world to win this battle. >> sean: opened what i'm doing it for the world, sucking it up woall for the world." according to john kerry, you, american families, we the little people, you are going to have your lives destroyed because a biden and an aoc's apocalyptic diamond fantasies, buy and icehouse,se new house, whatever theyey want, live in nice neighborhoods, you are a going o lose all that. he is under no such obligation to give h up his cushy private plane. it's not for practical for someonelike me.
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oh. because he's saving the world. what arrogance, what condescension. are you totally cut off, are you missing the switch of what life is like for the people who do really make the country great every day, they work hard, play by the rules, they pay their taxes, raise their kids, and do pretty much all the hard work and living in the country? couldn't be more obvious. you might lose your job but he gets to keep his pollution emitting private plane the matter what. it's not the first time we caught a learjet liberal in an act of blatant hypocrisy. that's al gore, getting off his gulfstream that seats 12-14 only two people on the plane at symphysis go airport. at the same time, he was making dire predictions about the end of the planet. jumping into his chauffeur driven limousine. here for reaction, this could be priceless, louisiana senator john kennedy.
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senator, your take? >> well. sean, i tried to see grace everywhere i can. i'm going to say this firmly. i'm going to say it gently. i think the american people arer so tired, so tired, of being lectured by the managerial elite, the insurance politicians, the media, the academics, the corporate phonies. the tuna tartar crowd who live in the expensive condos with a highly ceiling who think they are better than the american people. who think they are smarter and more virtuous than the american people. and who think they are special. and that the rules do not apply topp them.
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i remember the late marilyn monroe said one time, she said if you are going to be two-faced, at least to make sure one of them is pretty. and george burns, a famous comedian years ago used to say, the key to success is sincerity. take that, and you've got it made. i'm not saying that secretary kerry isn't sincere and i'm not saying he doesn't care about the environment. i think he does. but you've got to walk the walk, man. respect has to be earned. it's not a participation trophy. and when the secretary says, look, i'm a busy, important guy, he is. so the rules don't apply to me... you don't earn respect that waye if i were the secretariat, i
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would successfully respectfully say he parkedthe p. >> sean: why won't we ground all the private jets that we the people pay for all these cabinet secretaries. you know thisnk truth, i don't think most people do pure we've got whole fleets of private jets that we the taxpayers pay for it, about walkingou the walk, ti are going to ram this climate change nonsense, the new green deal down our throat, why don't we ground the whole fleet. maybe we can sell them off. maybe if you don't want to sell them, maybe they can just, oh, recycle the parts. >> i think there are a w lot of private planes for the various agencies. i can tell you, for the reason we talked about, when i fly back and forth to my home, to my state, i always fly commercial.
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and i always ride in coach. r for that reason. because people see you and judge you by your actions. i don't mean to wax to philosophical here, but the famous and potential philosopher sartre said to be is to act, all we are is the sum of our actions. everything else is just conversation. you do, sean, lead by example. >> sean: senator, i don't believe -- we actually have a net reduction in co2 without the paris accords. i see china is admitting more of anybody.wi than same with india. we are bearing the brunt, the burden of the entire world? i'm not buying that. >> here is the irony of all of
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this. the three largest emitters in the world of co2 are china, number one, the united states, number two, and india, number three. and only one of those three countries is actually reduced over the past decade the greenhouse emissions. that's the united states of america. i think most americans believe in and all of the above energy policy. oil, gas, wind, solar, nuclear, hydrogen, geothermal. but they are also commonsensical enough my sean, to know that we cannot run the greatest economy in all of human history without oil andn gas. and i think president biden in that respect is livingha in la-a land. >> i agree. i think struggling cognitively, weak and frail.
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senator, good to see you. walk the walk, john kerry, andke the rest of your liberals. when we come back, disturbingar report out of california. corrupt liar adam schiff making governor newsom to fill in the revacant agc it? the great one mark levin reacts to that and more next. our bottles are made to be re-made. not all plastic is the same. we're carefully designing our bottles to be one hundred percent recyclable, including the caps. they're collected and separated from other plastics, so they can be turned back into material that we use to make new bottles. that completes the circle, and reduces plastic waste. please help us get every bottle back.
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♪ ♪ >> sean: we now >> sean: we now know the corrupt l congenital liar adam schiff, the biggest conspiracy theories in congress is apparently behind-the-scenes begging california governor newsom to appoint him to the states attorney general vacancy. that raises two major questions. first, is governor newsom that dumb to give the job this
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corrupt, compromised congenital liar like , what new conspiracies will he come up with with the state's new ag, to send more peoplest packing out of the united states socialist utopia known as california. with more of these issuesau "freedom of the press" number one best seller, i call him the great one, host of "life, liberty, levin," the great one. how would you say how is this biden administration is going? >> first of all, adam schiff shouldn't be running for attorney general, he should be running from the attorney general. as i watch biden sign these executive orders like benito mussolini handing out declarations and i listen to chuck schumer, the democrats, and congress, we have two problems going on
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first of all, we have a monarch in the white house and we have a mobocracy,w neither of which wat to follow the constitution. i started to make a list. attacking the supreme court, schumer talked to rachel maddow on wanting to expand all the courtsts coming clearly in violation of separation of powers to have an ideological court system. that violates separation of powers. this is article one, article three. violations of federal election laws, that turns the states in thern california so they could never lose an election to democrats, that violates article two, section one. you cannot do that by statute. you need to amend the constitution. they talk about d.c. statehood. the district of columbia is graded by the constitution. national capital area, not to be put on the state. so they are not free to do that.
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this outrageous so-called impeachment trial, the senate has no authority, no jurisdiction or whatever, absolutely rogue, a complete clown show. the constitution is clear, article one, section three, the conviction of somebody who is in office, removal from office, and disqualification from future office. it's not like the democrats are literate when it comes to thees constitution but i guess we will hear them yammer on and on about it. article one, section nine -- what's that?hr congress is not free to past units of legislation to punish or penalize someone encroaching on the judicial function, especially without a real trial. that is what they are doing if they try to use the 14th amendment against president trump. what else? schumer wants to get rid of citizens united. allows advocacy during elections, free speech. so they want to attack the free
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first amendment of free speech, the second moment, they want to usend revelatory orders to desty the second amendment. violates separation of powers -- we do not have a president who dresses up legislation as an executive order and sits there like he's in a nursing home, i just signed this one. i just signed this one. then he doesn't take any questions. that is article two, the president attacking article one. by the democrats do not much mind because they like what he's doing. this executive order on the keystone xl pipeline. we have an amendment, the fifth amendment, as part of the bill of rights, it's the taking clause. you do not get to steal someone's property without a numeration spear that's the violation of the fifth amendment. the equal the 14th commitment that applie. the equal protection clause. he signed an executive orderse
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that promotes race-based discrimination throughout the federall departments andci agencies. clearly in violation of equal protection. he has signs and executive order destroying women's sports in this country for a biological females. again, violation of the equal protection clause in the 15th t and 14th amendment, the constitution for it is he dumb for this? biden and his party are bought and paid for by the teachers unions. that's why he opposes the number ones civil rights issue that president trump was pushing, school choice. these kids that cannot afford private parochial schools, they cannot get out. they are stuck. he's bought and paid for as democrat, party is by the teachers unions and they choose them over your kids, america. biden is using covid-19 to give hundreds and hundreds of billions of dollars to blue states, blue cities, special interests. their constituent groups having nothing to do with the pandemic.
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$1 trillion already that has not been spent and once another 2 trillion for starters. biden killed thousands of american jobs, hardworking middle-class american jobs while opening the borders to illegal aliens. god knows how many numbers of illegal aliens. bidende has royally screwed up e production and distribution of vaccines developed by president trump and his. administration. they don't know what to do. he has never known what to do. not a single one of the people in his inner circle that's ever worked in the private sector doing anything productive. they don't know what theyve are doing. biden's foreign policy and nationalnd security teams are laced with individuals who despise thee state of israel and slobber all over communist china and that genocidal regime in iran. while we are at it, he has enough time to make sure, who was appointed to the head of the
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criminal division, ex-colleague of hunter biden. but i want to talk quickly about chuck m you mentioned it. hene threatened two u.s. supreme court justices -- he s threatened the supreme court! he assembled a mob on the stairs of the supreme court! that tried to break into the supreme court! but for that 13-foot bronze door there. and he warned those justices that they are in fact in for a hell if they don't vote the way he wants. he threatened the supreme court. he used the kavanaugh hearings that mollie hemingway so brilliantly wrote, to convene a mob, disrupt hearings. who does's clown schumer think he is, stopping all over the cut at a fusion with a 50/50 vote in the senate trying to impose his will on the american people, on the whole country, and now going to have a rogue trial? he's the one who should be in trial and all the other
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reprobates that for decades had been threatening the american people and making outrageous comments to try and stir up and create frenzies among their owni base. that's how lousy the biden administration has been in 15 days. 15 damn days! that's it. >> sean: thank you. "life, liberty, levin." about his views on transgender student athletes. we will play it, get reaction. tammy bruce next.
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question the secretary of educating nominee mcgough cordoba on his views on transgender student athletes. >> what do you think of boys running in girl's track meet like they've been in connecticut? >> i think it's critically important to education systems and educators respect the rights of all students including students who are transgender. i understand this is a challenge but i look forward to working with you and others -- >> do you think it's fair for boys to be running with the girls and track meet? >> i think the legal responsibility of schools to provide opportunities for students to participate in activities and this includes students who are transgender. >> sean: here with reaction, fox news trend fox news contributor tammy bruce. it's been interesting to watch the wholea issue and a lot of people who are feeling -- for example, we have title ix, but to women's sports, your
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reaction? >> that's true. that's why i think he was hesitant at giving a direct answer. because he knows thatr, it is i think inherently unfair, and i know a number of transgendered individuals, part of the audience may not know, but i am a gay woman. in all this seems like a political wedge issue, whether it's about bathrooms or now this issue, it seems like an issue with which to pay people against each other. the fact is most americans want fairness. right? we understand that. that's why parents are concerned about their daughters on a girls team, for title title ix 50 years from now was making sure girls could have equal opportunity and be defended in their ability to play sports fairly and have an come a fair playingg field. what president biden's executive order has done, as mark within the stink report, is that it allows biological males to
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compete on women's teams. this is the opposite of fairness, it's the opposite of title ix, and if you are a transgendered individual which takes a great deal of gumption and commitment to yourself, there must be an understanding about the issue of fairness and playing within this framework is inherently unfair to women and girls. that's what this fight is about. the biden brand by saying that they are going to defend title ix opportunities for women and girls, and then he signs this order. the fact is calling someone a bigot or a trans phobe because they are defending theirre daughter is not a way to persuade people on these issues. there are many allies out there that we want everyone to win,t but the fact is women are being deconstructed, femaleness is being deconstructed, the argument that there is no
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biological, but we are told through covid and everywhereie else to trust the science. the scientific fact is there are biological differences.fe that's reality. nobody loses by admitting that. as a gay woman, we do not need to erase heterosexuals in order to beni recognized or to succee. right? we acknowledge we are different. some of us like being different. but this evening, sean, i have to argue, that you talk about as many on the left do, that there is really no biological differences even in the womb or whatn you have been assigned, strikes at the heart ofde identities as women and gay women and gay men. they are s deconstructing women and lesbians, we have to embrace the fact that science tells us thatll biologically
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biology exist, sexdifferences e. we live in a remarkable world if you want to change that framework, it's possible, you have supported to do so. but if your premise relies on disappearing and making, creating an on unfair framework for women, you are doing it wrong. it's unnecessary. and the people you are saying need to do it are setting up a political wedge that has nothing to do with any of us winning at anything. atin iwv and my website, onit twitter, we have a petition to support women in sports and it is something that's important for all of us. >> sean: the only thing you have to say is, that's it, i'm done.
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9:00 eastern, the show always independent. we'll never be like the media mob. spread lies come conspiracy theories, massive hypocrisy and double standards. that's 99% of the mob. let not your heart be troubled. mine is not because laura ingraham takes it from here. laura? >> laura: sean, fantastic show. a new sideshow in washington, as borders being overrun, economy, thee preeminence of the dollar will be in question, let's focus on the sideshows. that's what washington does best. >> sean: you know what? i'm about to be on the edge of my seat. eai'm just feeling the percolatg monologue about to come your way. good glass ofa cabernet and sit back. >> sean: tito's and wine. >> laura: sounds good! i'll be join
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